PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MAY 30, 2939 TH1M . NalAT TUESDAY. MAY 30. 1939 Parade Today 1s Final Event For R.U.T.1 Commissions Will Be Given To Seniors; Outstanding Students To Be Honored Members of the Reserve Officers Training Corps will stage a Memor- ial Day Parade at 10 a.m. today, marching from Waterman Gymna- sium to Palmer Field where commis- sions will be presented to the seniors. Outstanding students in military science will receive medals and other prizes. This parade concludes the R.O.T.C. program for the school year. During the summer more than 100 students will serve at one of four Army camps to fulfill the requirements for re- ceiving a commission. Parker Will Review Reviewing offcers at the Memorial Day ceremony will be Col. Ralph M. Parker, commanding officer of the Michigan military area, and the commanding officer and adjutantof the Essex Scottish regiment of Wind- sor, Ont. The public is cordially invited to attend the exercises which will be held in Waterman Gymnasium in case of rain. At the conclusion of the semester, approximately 60 students in the in- fantry, Signal Corps and Engineer- ing divisions will go to Camp Custer for six weeks; 20 will be at Aber- deen to study ordnance; twenty men, entering the Medical Corps, are to attend thtrCarlisle Barracks. Three students are going to the Edsford Arsenal to study chemical warfare. 30 In Summer Course Here at the University, about 30 reserve officers will make use of the gauge laboratory in a two week ses- sion, from July 30 to Aug. 13. Major Ira A. Crump will have charge of the summer training. D.r. Forsythe Would ebunk Superstitions By ALBERT BLAUSTEIN Many of our old traditions con- cerning medical science need "de- bunking" based on scientific facts, Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, of the Health Service, said in an interview yester- day. For example, he said, many believe that athletes develop bad heart con- ditions from their exercise and this, of course, is entirely unfounded. It is also believed that pregnant women will impart many characteris- tics to their children by looking at pictures and listening to music, etc. Medical science definitely denies this. For many years, Dr. Forsythe stat- ed, people have been taking "deep breathing exercises" in order to aid their health while dizziness or actual fainting may be the result. Eating between meals is another common thing which people think is harmful when there is no reason for this belief. Another idea, he added, that marriage of close relatives will result in diseased conditions of their children, is no more true than in mar- riages of non-relatives. The more or less common belief that salt peter, or sodium nitrate, is given to soldiers and other groups as a means of controlling sex desires, he remarked, is without justification. It is never given by responsible and in- formed persons and has no such known effect.- R.O.T.C. Officers To Change Posts Lieut.-Col. Tattnall D. Simkins and Capt. Merton G. Wallington will end their services at the University of Michigan when this semester closes. Colonel Simkins is to be transferred to Florida where he will do river and harbor work with the U.S. Army En- gineers. He will be replaced by Har- rie D. Riley, '11E, who has been an instructor for the Illinois National Guard. Captain Wallington will go on duty with the Signal Corps at Ft. Mon-+ mouth. Maj. Robert N. Kinz, now on duty at Hawaii, will serve here in Wallington's place. Pendergast Associate Follows Chief 1 fi , R. Memmet O'Malley (right) is shown in federal court in Kansas City after he was sentenced to a year and a day in prison and fined $5,000 on a plea of guilty to income tax evasion. O'Malley, an associate of T. J. Pendergast, Kansas City political czar, was formerly Missouri superintendent of insurance. Cataloging And Feeding Fish Provide Job For Mrs. Hubbs By ELIZABETH M. SHAW 'when some collectors sent back a "Cataloguer for the fish division school of fish containing no males. in the University Museums" is the These same fish have now been raised official title held by Mrs. Carl Hubbs, for 10 generations without produc- but according to her own story, she ing a male. They are "born alive," really does perform a good many instead of being hatched from eggs. other tasks. Mrs. Hubbs graduated from Stan- Her husband, Prof. Carl Hubbs of ford with an M.A. in mathematics, the zoology department, is doing some but "I married a biologist," she said, experimenting with the hybridization explaining her present position in or cross-breeding of fishes. And men the museums. Now she has three chil- must have a woman around to raise dren and they all want to be biolo- the fish, Mrs. Hubbs said. Although gists, she added. It may be our own he directs the experiments, men are fault, however, she went on, because apt to forget tofeed the fish or per -'we always take them with us when mit something equally disastrous, so we go collecting in this country." she willingly takes care of the aquar- i Collect In West ium. Room Serves As Aquarium Last summer, the Hubbs spent their. vacation collecting in the western A large room on the first floor of 'states. In several states around the museums serves as an aquarium Nevada, the water is isolated in where 225 tanks contain about 15 pngshhatsconnectedin species and sub-species of fish. The, any way. Specimens of fish are largest group being used in the ex- gathered from these springs to find periment are the Mollienisia, a group how they differ as a result of their which thrives chiefly in the waters being isolated for so many years. along the Gulf. Other fish in the aquarium include some tiny Siamese TIer mathematics training, is not fighting fish. These fighters are very "lfiirely unusued, however, for Mrs. hostile not only to other species, but Hubbs also does most of the statistical also to members of their own. The wo.k around the office. Her chief in- male of the species will kill his mate er wor though is if left in the same tank after tne ;rowing flowers. "The flower garden. brood has been hatched, and will s mine." she announced empha- eventually devour the young. t ily, but added that her husband The work in cross-breeding started -ner competes for garden spacefor some time ago when collectors had Ivcetables. "He just isn't a gardener," reported the appearance of severalsh aid. 63 Engineers Assured Of Jobs By Department Thirty-six per cent of the men to be graduated in the largest mechani- cal engineering class in the Univer- sity's history have been already placed in jobs. The class, which numbers 175, is far larger than last year's, which set the all-time record by graduating 118 engineers. The mechanical en- gineering department, which spends much time and effort in placing its graduates, has this year found po- sitions for 63 -ien, and is optimistic of placing half the remainder within the next few weeks. According to Miss Louise E. Coon, secretary, one of the biggest draw- backs to more successful placement is the lack of aggressiveness on the part of the students themselves in following up openings brought to their attention by the department. DAILY OFFICIL BULLETIN TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1939 VOL. XLIX. No. 175 Notices Seniors. Interesting and instructive bulletins are published by the Univer- sity of Michigan several times a year. These bulletins are mailed to all grad- uates and former students. In order that you may receive these ,please see that your correct address is on file at all times at the Alumni Catalog Of- fice, University of Michigan. Lunette Hadley, Director. To Members of the Faculty Staff, and Student Body: Attention of everyone is called to the Lost and Found department of the Business of- fice, Room 1, University Hall. In- quiry concerning lost articles should be made promptly at the above men- tioned office. Articles found on the campus and in University buildings 'should be turned over immediately. Those articles not called for within 60 days will be surrendered to the finder. Shirley W. Smith. Student Accounts: Yor attention is called to the following ruk.s passed by the Regents at their meeting of February 28, 1936: "Students shah pay all accounts due the University not later than the last day of classes of each semes- ter or Summer Session. Student loans which fall due during any semester or Summer Session which are not paid or renewed are subject to this regu- lation; however, student loans not yet due are exempt. Any unpaid accounts due at the close of business on the last day of classes will be reported to the Cashier of the University, and "(a) All academic credits will be withheld, the grades for the semes- ter or SummerSession just complet- ed will not be released, and no tran- script of credits will be issued. "(b) All students owing such ac- counts will not be allowed to regis- ter in any subsequent semester or Summer Session until payment has been made.'' S. W. Smith, Vice-President and Secretary. First Mortgage Loans: The Univer- sity has a limited amount of funds to loan on modern well-located Ann Arbor residential property. Interest at currcmit rates. F.H.A. terms avail- able. Apply Investment Office, Room 100; South Wing, University Hall. Commencement Tickets: rickets for Commencement may be obtained on request after June 2 at the Busi- ness office, Room 1, University Hall. Inasmuch as only two Yost Field House tickets arenavailable for each senior, please present identification card when applying for tickets. H1erbert G. Watkins. To All Members of the Faculty and Administrative Staff: If it seems cer- tain that any telephones will riot be used during the summer months, please notify the Business Office, Mr. Bergman. A saving can be effected if instruments are disconnected for a period of a minimum of three months. Herbert G. Watkins. Retirement Incomes: A suggestion has been made that questions con- cerning various phases of retire- ment incomes as they affect members of the Faculties be submitted to the Business Office, with the understand- ing that the questions are to be an- swered in the University Record. This arrangement might serve to clear up any misunderstandings or problems on this subject. Will you please, therefore, send to me any such prob- lems and I will try to answer them or will refer them to the Carnegie Foun- dation for the Advancement of Teaching or The Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association for solution. Herbert G. Watkins. The Senate Committee on Univer- sity Affairs will hold a meeting on Wednesday afternoon, May 31, at 4:10 p.m. Members of the. Univer- sity having topics which they wish discussed will please send them to the Chairman, Dr. C. W. Edmunds. The George Davis Bivin Founda- (Continued on Page 4) H. W. CLARK English Boot and Shoe Maker * Our new repair department, the best in the city. Prices are right. 438 South State and Factory on South Forest Avenue. FOR RENT FOR RENT-Professors: four cot- tages ideally located on Lake Michi- gan near Manistee, for rent, quiet, rest, charm. Rates particularly reasonable. Take a weekend before July 1 and investigate this offer. For arrangements call John R. Stiles, 2-3171. 692 FOR JhENT-One double, 1 sIngle room for three graduate students next fall. $3 week. 1209 Cambiidge Court. 2-1359. 694 WVANTEb - IYPING TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen, 408 S. 5th Avenue. Phone 2-2935 or 2-1416. 79 TYPING-Reasonable rates. Miss L. M. Heywood, 414 Maynard St., phone 5689. 271 EXPERIENCED typing; stenographic, mimeographing service. Phone 7181 or evening 9609. ' 678 WANTED WANTED-Any Old Clothing. Pay $5 to $500. Suits, overcoats, mink, Per- sian lambs, diamonds, watches, rifles, typewriters and old gold. Phone and we will call. Ann Arbor 6304. 388 OUR REPRESENTATIVE wil be in the Michigan Union on Wednesday, May 31st for the pu pose of inter- viewing men for summer employ- ment in the Pickle Districts. Em- ployrAent will be limited to men who have had-farm experience and who are acquainted with farm life. H. J. Heintz Co. 696 , WANTED-Passengers to New York, returning for Summer School.' Round trip $10. Call Jampel, 4570, evenings. 699 Classified Directory RIDE-Sbmebne to share expenses and driving to New York..Leaving Wed. or Thurs., 30th or 1st. Phone 5930. 700 LADY DRIVING to Denver wants woman passenger to share expenses. Miss G. E. Richards; 512 Mack. 2-3307. 701 LAUNDRIES A TRIAL WILL PROVE-Shirts 14c. Ace Laundry, 1114 S. University. 669 LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at lcw prices. 9 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Regulation tennis ox- fords 98c. Whites and blues with smooth rubber .soles. R and S Shoe Store, 108 S. Main Street. 622 FOR SALE-Business opportunity, profitably established business for sale in Windsor; Ontario, $40,000, half cash, balance terms, to respon- sible party. Re*ington Estates, Ltd., cor. Howard and Hildegard, Windsor, Ontario. 696 MISCELLANEOUS WASHED SAND and Grgvel, Drive- way gravel, washed pebbles..Killins Gravel Coipany,.Phone .7112._.17 CASH PAID for your discarded clothing. Claude Brown, 512 S. Main. 311 HOME DECORATORS-Decorating, painting. Budget plan if desired. Dial 7209. 161 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT-A Mass- achusetts Corporation offers en- ployment during July and August to" a few college students. Appli- cant must be capable of lecturing to small groups of ladies. Car help- ful but not necessary. Write stat- ing qualifications. Stanley, Inc., 43 Arnold St., Westfield, Mass. At- tention P. 'S. Beveridge, Pres. 6b.2 let Wthe world's good news daily throug THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR .. hdby An International Daily Newspaper Publshed by THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PUBLISHING SOCIETY One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Regular reading of THE CHRISTIAN SciENcE .MIMonToa. is considered by many a liberal education. Its clean, unbiased news and well-rounded editorial features, including the Weekly Magazine Sytion, make the MONITOk the ideal newspaper fqr the hoie. The prices are: 1 year' $12.00 6. nontha $6,90 3 months $3.00 1. month $1.00 Saturday issue, including Magazine Section: 1 year $2.80, 6 issues 2 o and the paper is obtainable at the following location: CHRIST IAN SCIENCE READING ROOM 206 East Liberty St., Ann Arbor, Mich. F ........ _.. . ...® " r"'r' r" I THE MICHIGAN GRADUATE Seeking Professional and Social Contacts in His New Home Joins a University of Michigan Club Following are the Secretaries of these clubs. Contact them when you arrive at your new home:. new species near Ann Arbor. Through their experiments, however, Professor and Mrs. Hubbs proved that these; were only hybrids of the well known i species. Maleless Species Unusual interest was created in the experiments a few years ago Fountain Pens RIDER'S 302 S. State St. Typewriters - ~ / J I a Opening Tongght at 8: The 1939 Dramatic Season Presents r r Paul Vincent Carroll's Prize Play wi/h JOANNA ROOS and PHILIP TONGE ... 1939's firs! si-)ash hi!" - Walter Winchell Evenings at 8:30 Matinees Thursday and Saturday at 3:15 Prices: Evenings 75c - $1.10 - $1.50 Matinee 50c - 75t LYDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE Box Office Phone 6300 I I New York, N.Y. - S. Beach Conger, '32,-'33, New York Herald Tribune, 230 West 41st St. Niles, Mich. - Leland R. Funk, '15, e'10-'11, Funk Brothers, Newman Bldg. North Dakota - Hon. John Knauf, '921, Fourth Ave. and Main St., Jamestown, N. D. Northeastern Wisconsin - Edwin N. West, '35 1, c/o Benton, Bosser, Becker & Parnell, Appleton, Wisc. Northern New Jersey - Lodge D. Staubach, '24, 383 Hillsdale Ave., Nutley, N. J. Oklahoma City, Okla. - Miss Mary Francis, '26, '29 1, 312 Fidelity Bldg. Omaha, Nebr. - Dr. Olin James Cameron, '28m, M.S.- '32, '22-24, 1520 Medical Arts Bldg. Owosso, Mich. - James S. Miner, '38 1, 202-3 New Miner Bldg. Pasadena. Calif.-Lyle Stainfield, '20-'22, 385 Green St. Peoria, Ill. - Walter Guy Jameson, e'10-'12, '13-'15, 1014-1018 Alliance Life Bldg. Philadelphia, Penn. - Thomas R. Mathias, '27e, 260 Broad St. Phoenix, Ariz. - Everett M. Ross, J.D.'37, R. No. 6, Box 617. Pittsburgh, Penn. - Harold R. Schmidt, '34, 1017 Park Bldg. Pontiac, Mich. - Herbert J. Wettlaufer, '22-'24, '25-'26, l'24-'25, Mgr., Michigan Bell Telephone Co., 54 E. Huron St. Port Huron, Mich. - George Wm. Hathaway, '32, 519 Twelfth St. Portland, Ore. - Harold F. Wendel, '10-'13, c/o Lip- man, Wolfe & Co., Department Store. Portsmouth, O.-Edmund J. Kricker, '16-'18, Kricker Bldg. Puerto Rico (San Juan) - Paul Benedicto, '021, Box 205, San Juan, P. R. Ridge Country, Fla.-Mrs. H. H. Markley, Auburndale, Fla. Rochester, N.Y. - George E. Bailey, '37 1, 915 Genesee Valley Trust Bldg. Saginaw, Mich. - Donald R. Williams, '31, '31 1, 1004 Second National Bank Bldg. Saint Louis, Mo.-Thomas L. Croft, J.D.'37, 705 Olive St. Saint Paul, Minn. - Peter M. Scott, '28, '31 1, 1153 Hague Avenue San Diego, Calif. - Milton J. Barber, '19-'20, 502 Bank of America Bldg. Sandusky, O. - David J. Winkworth, '32-'35, 114 E. Osborn St. l San Francisco East Bay Section- Woodbridge Metcalf, '11, M.S. For, '12, 1992 Yosemite Ave., Berkeley, Cal. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. - Miss Ruth Clarke, '33, 305 Armory Place Schenectady, N.Y.--Rudolph C. Rieder, '37e, 2151 Plaza Seattle, Wash. - Richard Fleming, Jr., '23e, 1415 Northern Life Tower Shanghai, China - Benjamin King, '281, National Commercial Bank Shreveport, La.-W. T. Leeper, '19-'20, Retail Depart- ment, Crystall Oil Refining Corp., Box 711. Sioux City, Ia. - D. C. Browning, '05 1, '01-'02, 430 Insurance Exchange Bldg. South Bend, Ind. - Harold Maurer, '26Arch, 107 Lin- colnway East Southwestern Connecticut - Ira T. Hook, '13e, 494 Norton Parkway, New Haven, .Conn. Spokane, Wash. - Alfred H. Syverson, '01, g'01-'02, 608 Mohawk Bldg. Springfield, Ill. - Lee W. Ensel, '26, '28 1, 1011 S. Grand Ave., West Springfield, Mass. - Dr. Herbert R. Wilson, '12, '16d, 1570 Main St. Canton, 0.-Richard McCuskey, '371, 1200 George D. Harter Bank Bldg. State College, Penn. - Prof. F. Raymond Smith, A.M.'21, Ph.D.'27, 217 E. Beaver Ave. Steubenville, O. - A. Jack Berkman, '26, 207 Sinclair Bldg. Sturgis, Mich. - Nelson S. Holt, '17-'19, "21-22, 107 Pleasant St. Syracuse, N.Y. - Dr. Ernest Reed, '17, M.S.'20, Ph.D.'22, Director of Sumn1er Sessions, Syracuse U. Tacoma, Wash. - Charles W. Johnson, '141, 706 Washington Bldg. Toledo, O. - William P. Sanzenbacher, '32e, 2829 Winsted Drive Traverse City, Mich. - Julius L. Beers, '13, '17 1, c/o Traverse City State Bank Tri Cities - Merle F. Wells, '13 1, 503 Putnam Bldg., Davenport, Ia. Tucson, Ariz. - Dr. Robert E. Hastings, '27m, '21-'23, 408 Valley Bank Bldg. Tulsa, Okla. - Miss Constance Eirich, '11, A.M. '13, Box 661 Uniontown, Penn. - Linn V. Phillips, '081, 56 E. Main Utah-R. Lloyd Snedaker, '28E, 702 South 11th East St., Salt Lake City Utica, N.Y. - Dempster C. Lewis, '16e, 32 Hartford Terrace. New Hartford .NV I p I y4 3 V 3 3ff Fred and Ginger in a DRAMA as great as their dancing-the true- life story of the world's greatest dancers. j 1 ! ! u--- -~ -'~..> - - - s.~ p - -, - P a. a IO !' MEMORIAL DAY CONTINUOUS 1-3-5-7-9 P.M. ADULTS- 35c CHILDREN 10c DON'T MISS IT ! LAST TIMES TODAY! " 1 IAJEJTIC 'I 11111 * . .rn [ouee ° 1 A m 1 i 1111 if I I "II