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May 28, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-28

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SUNDAY, MAY 28, 1939

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
UIniversity year and Surmna r Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
04.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39
Editorial Staff

Managing Editor .
City Editor.
Editorial Director .
Associate Editor .
Associate Editor . .
Associate Editor
Associate Editor . . . .
Associate Editor .
Sports Editor . .
Women's Editor . .
Business Staff
Business Manager .
Credits Manager .
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager.
Publication Manager . . .

. Carl Petersen
Stan M. Swinton
Elliott Maraniss
. Jack Canavan
Dennis Flanagan
Morton Linder
Norman Schorr
. Ethel Norberg
. Mel Fineberg
. Ann Vicary
. Paul R. Park
Ganison Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
Jane Mowers
. Harriet Levy

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
In Memoriam
Ernst Toller . .
N ARTIST is a man who receives the
shocks of the world at his nerves'
edge. He is an especially sensitive individual, en-
gaged in the communication of the human
values of beauty, dignity, justice, and truth. He
may, like Swift or Hardy, be an unhappy man,
writing out of a bitter heart; or he may, like
Whitman, lyrically affirm the optimism of the
multitude, and write out of a singing and ex-
panding heart. But this all artists have in com-
inon, whether they express negative or positive
values: to help create a world in which the
human spirit can rise to its fullest stature.
Ernst Toler was a genuine artist, one of the
most expressive voices of the young German
republic that emerged from the War. He shared
in the brilliant intellectual life of post-war
Germany, contributing many plays and poems
to the cultural renaissance that characterized the
short-lived republican rule. All his creative work
was marked by hi overwhelming love of human-
ity, his deep concn for the welfare and brother-
hood of man. He was one of those rare artists
who consciously attempted to relate his art
with the other factors and personalities of his
experience, hoping in that way to escape the im-
poverished "self-expression" that blighted the
careers of many of his post-war contemporaries.
When the Nazi Revolution steam-rollered over
Germany, bringing with it its glorification of
barbarism, its anti-intellectualism, its cruelty,
bloodshed, and its positive hatred for the arts,
Ernest Toller was one of the first to leave his
Fatherland. Fascism, both by its proclamations
and actions, represented the negation of all the
values that Toller had fought for as a citizen,
and expressed as an artist. He was thus forced
to join the long and heroic line of exiles that
was transporting the flower of German civiliza-
tion to all parts of the civilized world. The story
of the German exiled artists, as Malcolm Cowley
tells it, is one of the most tragic episodes of the
decade, and after reading Cowley's article, Toll-
er's suicide becomes more understandable.
As a matter of fact the surprising thing in
Toller's case is the intensity and long duration
of his resistance to death. He fought the forces
of death, the forces that became epitomized in
German fascism, unrelentingly. In recent years
he was most active in rallying aid and funds for
the Spanish Republic. The day before his death
he spoke over a New York radio station in an
appeal for funds for refugee children. The last
entry in his check book was the donation of 100
British pounds for refugees in Palestine.
Ernst Toller had dedicated the last years of
his life to the battle against the dehumanizing
forces confronting the world. He was, as a
friend described him, "always afire with the
conviction that human justice could triumph,
and with a will to make it triumph." Responsibil-
ity for his death mdst be placed on the years
of persecution and outright terror to which he
had been subjected by the Nazis. Yet Toller would
have been the first to insist that the fight for
the preservation of the values of civilization and
democracy must go on unabated--a paradoxical
request, in the light of his own suicide, only to
those who did not know of his love for Germany,
and his acute sensitivity to human suffering.
-Elliott Mraniss
The other day Mussolini mounted a bal-
cony, stuck out his iron jaw and went into an
eruption, and the world press almost unanimous-
ly interpreted his speech as being "conciliatory."
The hsiness of being the wrd's Nn 9 hno2 m,

Why China Fights
(Editor's Note: This is the second and final in-
stallment of an article received by The Daily from
China. It appeared originally in the Far Eastern
Mirror, a lithographed paper published in Hongkong
by American residents in China. David J. Martin, the
author of the article, is an American journalist with
many years experience in the Far East.)
After the events of 1931 and 1932, Chinese
leaders realized that a further clash with the
Japanese would be unavoidable. Generalissimo
Chiang and his associates fully appreciated the
unreadiness of the nation for a frontal clash with
the Island Empire and began playing for time,
seeking in every way possible, except that of an
abject surrender, to postpone the inevitable day
of reckoning. This was no easy task for not only
the Japanese made it difficult by their continual
policy of aggression even in minor matters but
also because the growing spirit of nationalism
in China itself made it difficult to curb and
hold in restraint ill-advised Chinese patriots who
shouted vociferously at every compromise meas-
ure made to stave off hostilities with the Japan-
ese. Incidents between 1932 and 1937 accumulat-
ed one after another, mostly of a minor nature
except those that involved armed invasion of
Chahar and Suiyuan in Inner Mongolia and the
attempt of Japan by intrigues and threats t
set up a puppet regime in the five provinces of
North China. The invasion of Suiyuan was re-
pulsed by Chinese arms; the political machina-
tions of the Japanese in North China were out-
matched by the maneuvers of the Nanking Gov-
ernment, which succeeded in narrowly limiting
the harm done by the Japanese while at the
same time frantic preparations were made by
the Chinese for the final showdown. The latter
came too soon. Unification in China, though far
advanced, was incomplete. But the National
Government was not caught unprepared when
the initial clash took place at Marco Polo Bridge
in one of those pe-arranged incidents at which
the Japanese excel.
One of the outstanding elements in the clash
of opposing interests in the Far East is the atti-
tude of Japanese toward Chinese cultural inter-
ests. The new. schools, colleges and universities
in China, modelled largely after We/ern insti-
tutions, have, it is true, been focal points in th
developing of Chinese national consciousness
and national spirit. The Japanese, recognizing
this situation, conceived an intense hatred for
Chinese cultural and educational institutions that
resulted in a barbaric destruction of such insti-
tutions as came in their path during the First
Shanghai War in 1932. This was a serious mis-
take on the part of Japan. They should have
known the strength of the Scholastic Tradition
in Old China, and they should have known that
the new schools of New China were the heirs to
the old tradition. The Scholastic Tradition of
China is by no means dead; it has merely received
a new direction in the modern cultural institu-
tions of China. Educational enterprises rank in
first place in the Chinese scheme of things and
the senseless destruction of Chinese institutions
by the Japanese was the one thing most calculat-
ed to make the Chinese detest the Japanese.
Having made their initial blunder in wrecking
Chinese cultural institutions in 1932, the Japanese
should have known better than to repeat their
error in 1937 but alas it is hard to teach the
Japanese military any new truth except by verzf
forcible means.
It would take a large volume to list even brief-
ly all the outrages inflicted upon the Chinese by
the Japanese. The record does not consist in
a succession of isolated instances involving
individuals, for the Japanese have dealt with the
Chinese in a wholesale fashion. There have been
massacres of civilians, arsons on a gigantic
scale as at Nantao, organized looting and pill-
age with shiploads of plunder sent back to Japan,
rapings of tens of thousands of Chinese women.
The Japanese, it is thought, deliberately at one
time sought to emulate Ghenghis Khan witl
the thought that they could terrorize the Chinese
into submission. The Japanese certainly have
given the Chinese plenty of reasons for fighting
but perhaps the thing that puzzles the Western
world is why have the Chinese suddenly dis-
played such capacity for warfare and resistance
for they do not have a military machine of the
first rank, The answer might well be: "We
learned it from you." Nationalism, even in the

West, is of comparatively recent growth. It is a.
product largely of universal literacy plus the
modern system of communications. In China
nationalism is a growth of almost yesterday; it
has been fostered in American and other mis-
sion schools; it has been spread by Chinese stu-
dents who have studied in foreign countries, par-
ticularly in the United States of America. Above
all other nations, America has been China's
The George Washington of China is Dr. Sun
Yat-sen, American educated and trained. His
Three Principles are merely a Chinese version of
Abraham Lincoln's famous phrase, "the govern~
ment of the people, by the people and for the
pepple." The present leader of the Chinese na-
tion is also westernized though without ever hav-
ing been to the West, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-
shek got his Americanization through his leader,
Dr. Sun Yat-sen and through the Americanized
Soong family, including his wife, a graduate of
an American college. It is not too much to say
the character of the present leadership of China
is another potent reason of why the Chinese
people are willing to stand up to the Japanese in
a knockdown fight. The Generalissimo and
Madame Chiang, one of the most remarkable
collaborations between husband and wife for
the good of their nation in the history of the
world, have collected around themselves like-.
minded spirits, consisting to a notable degree
of the product of American mission schools in
China and of returned students from America
itself. Particularly has the personality of the
Generalissimo caught the imagination of the
Chinese people, who are now fully conscious of
the fact that they have a great leader and a
great cause and who are fully determined that
they themselves shall achieve great things in
order that China may align herself beside the
free nations of the earth in behalf of democracy,
liberty and progress.

-by David Lawrence-

WASHINGTON, May 27.-Again public opinion.
has won a substantial victory for itself in awak-
ening Congress to the necessity of doing some-
thing at this session about the revision of the
tax laws.
The start of public hearings means that tax
revision has been taken out of the realm of un-
certainty and placed definitely before the Con-
gress as a task for completion before adjourn-
ment. Rarely has such an important subject been
tackled so late in the session, which is, of course,
the best indication of how opinions here and
outside of Washington have differed as to the
urgency of tax relief.
The impression of complete revision of the
tax laws should not be derived from the fact
that hearings are under way. The principal pur-
pose is to remove what have been called "deter-
rents" to business and perhaps to provide some
incentives. It is not, therefore, a matter of what
rates shall be applied, but of what methods shall
be used to raise taxes and doubtless also what
particular classes of rates may be discouraging
business progress or investment of funds.
The whole subject is a technical one and there
are dozens of different provisions of the exist-
ing law which are matters of dispute as to their
equity and fairness. But Secretary Morgen-
thau and Undersecretary John Hanes have been
studying the whole problem of tax revision as
it relates to business for many months. They
have been getting the viewpoint of business men
and tax experts and have drafted several new
provisions which are designed to make the tax
laws less burdensome.
Many of the suggested changes do not affect
revenue at all, but would merely revise those
provisions which keep corporations from reor-
ganizing because taxes are prohibitive. Many a
company is allowed to stagnate with assets froz-
en and with no new employment created just
because of technical difficulties of meeting tax
Take, for instance, railroads, which just now
need to have removed every possible impediment
to their return to the market for purchases of
heavy equipment. If a railroad endeavors to buy
in its securities on some reorganization plan and
if the securities are selling at, say 20, when the
par value is 100, the present law makes it neces-
sary for a company to turn in as taxable income
the difference between the present sale price and
the original par value. Complications of this sort
face other businesses, too.
Take the matter of frozen debt. The small
business man who is not quite breaking even aid
wants to be able to continue in business by cut-
ting down his debt and interest may reach an
agreement on past debt with the wholesaler or
some supply house which wants to see him sty
in business. But the forgiving of a debt becomes
taxable income to the debtor, and hence a profit
on which the business man has to pay a tax. So,
in order to get rid of debt, there must be a tax
paid, and this in itself acts as a deterrent to the
clearing of the slate clean, also, if debts are not
cleared up, the opportunity to get short term
credit may be curtailed. Banks do not like to
tend short term money to companies with over-
hanging long term debt that is past due.
'The White Steed'
The Drama Critics' Circle laid an egg when
they met last month to vote for what they felt
to be the best play of the season written by an'
American, for they could not agree on any one
"best." But when it came to selecting the best
play written by a foreigner, they were unanimous
in their choice of "The White Steed," the work
of the Irish playwright, Paul Vincent Carroll.
This is the second successive time that Play-
wright Carroll has been so honored, for the New
York critics awarded him the laurel wreath last
year for his "Shadow and Substance." This was
the play that starred Sir Cecil Hardwicke and
brought lovely Julie Haydon back to the lime-
light. The last time we had seen Miss Haydon was

in the Hecht-MacArthur film, "The Scoundrel,"
in which she played opposite Noel Coward and in
which she gave a startling fresh interpretation
to a difficult role.
In "Shadow and Substance," Mr. Carroll was
setting off an arrogant classicism in religious ad-
ministration against workaday democracy but it
is difficult to say which side the author was pull-
ing for. But in "The White Steed," there is no.
trouble in this respect, for Mr. Carroll is decisive
enough in his story of an infirm canon who can
shepherd his flock with the benevolent authority
of one who has lived among them.
The Ann Arbor Dramatic Season is bringing
"The White Steed" .to the 2ydia Mendelssohn
Theatre this Tuesday evening as its third pre-
sentation of the season. And from here on, ap-
parently, we are going to have an "Irish" season.
"The White Steed," of course, takes place in
Ireland and deals only with the Irish, universal
though they are. "Here Come The Clowns," which
follows the week after, has a mystical Irishman
for its protagonist, and "Captain Brassbound's
Conversion," the final play of the season, was
written by that octogenarian Irishman, George
Bernard Shaw.
Whitford Kane will be seen in the role of the
canon, a part he created when the show first
opened in Philadelphia. Mr. Kane is a familiar
and always welcome person to Ann Arbor audi-
ences. For several years past, he has been guest
director and star of the Michigan Repertory
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Junior class; Saturday, June 10, at
12 noon.
Senior class; Saturday, June 3, at
12 noon.
Graduate School: All classes,
Tuesday, June 13, at 12 noon.
Candidates for Masters' Degree;
Tuesday, June 13, at 12 noon.
Candidates for Doctors' Degree;
Friday, June 2, at 5 p.m.
Office of the Dean of Students.
Library Hours on Memorial Day:
On Tuesday, May 30, the Service De-
partments of the General Library will
be open the usual hours, 7:45 a.m. to
10 p.m. The Study Halls outside of
the building and the Departmental
Libraries will be closed, with the ex-
ception of Angell Hall Study Hall
nd the Economics Library, which
will be open from 8 to 12 a.m. and 1
to 5:30 p.m.
Seniors. Interesting and instructive
bulletins are published by the Univer-
sity of Michigan several times a year.
These bulletins are mailed to all grad-
uates and former students. In order
that you may receive these ,please see
that your correct address is on file at
all tines at the Alumni Catalog Of-
fice, University of Michigan.
Lunette Hadley, Director.
Men's Judiciary Council Petitions.
All undergraduates of second se-
mester Junior standing, wishing to
petition for a position on the Men's
Judiciary Council, should turn in pe-
titions setting forth their qualifica-
tions for membership on the Council
to the Union Student Offices in care
of Hadley Smith. Deadline Wedes-
day, May 31.
Senior Engineers: A limited num-
ber of the mimeographed lists of
seniors which were not used at the
Annual Senior Engineers' Banquet
can be obtained in the Secretary's
Office. These lists include the name,
department, home address, and plans
for next year of each senior.
Michigan Socialist House applica-
tions for this summer and next fall
are available in the Dean of Stu-
dents' office. Applicants will be in-
terviewed at the Socialist House, 335
East Ann Street, between 7 and 8
p.m. today.
ROTC Members are reminded of the
Memorial Day formation, regardless
of the weather, 10 a.m. Tuesday, May
30, at Waterman Gymnasium.
Academic Notices
Conflicts in Final Examinations,
Engineering College, must be report-
Confessions Of A Nazi Spy
"Confessions of a Nazi Spy" rep-
resents the most encouraging step
Hollywood has taken in recent years.
Here is a movie that does not pull
its punches in telling the American
people the facts of a problem that is
vital to them-facts that came to
light when the Federal Bureau of In-
vestigation cracked the network of'
espionage agents operating under the
direct supervision of Nazi officials in
Moving forward from the side-step-
ping of "social problem" pictures like
"Dead End" to explain something
about the Civil War in Spain, "Con-
fessions of a Nazi Spy" is far from a
blurred reflection of the activities of
the German-American Bund and of
the stealing of army and navy secrets
by Nazi agents. It calls the Bund
just that. The swastikas are real.
And the narrative talks plainly of
the fascist plans to crush democracy.
Through newsreel shots Austrian and

Czechoslovakian "incidents" a r e
shown as the invasions really were.
Hollywood is at last dealing with
political reality. It is not intelligent
to hurl the curse of "propaganda" at
the picture "Confessions" presents
facts brought out in court proceed-
ings, The American people-the mil-
lions who go to the movies and don't
read newspapers-should know how
fascism is trying to slip into this
country under the name of "patriot-
ism" and "Americanism."
The acting, the directing and the
photography are fine examples of the
American screen technique, which
has too often been devoted to mean-
ingless drivel. Edward G. Robinson
is even better than when he plays an
anti-social role. He does some good
psychological scenes with Frances Le-
derer, who makes a perfect victim of
ego-mania and fanaticism. The sup-
porting cast of Gestapo officials and
Bundists gives the audience a glimpse
of the bestiality of the fascist type
and of the mistrust and terror thatd
pervades all their relationships.
It was good to hear the audiences
hiss and boo when Hitler appeared
on the screen and better to hear the
applause when a few Germans and
German-Americans spoke up at a
Bund meeting for culture and de-

(Continued from Page 2)

ed by 5 p.m., May 30. See bulletin
board at Room 3209 East Engineer-
ing Building for instructions.
English II: Final Examination
Schedule, Tuesday, June 6, 2-5 p.m.
Bader 6 A.H.
Baum 103 R.L:
Bertram 103 R.L.
Cassidy 1020 A.H.
Chang 201 U.H.
Dean 205 M.H.
Eisinger, 205 M.H.
Ford 1209 A.H.
Green 229 A.H.
Greenhut 35 A.H.
Haines 302 M.H.
Hart 183A.H.
Helm 16 A.H.
Helmers 35 A.H.
Knode W.Phys.Lect.
Martin 203 U.H.
McCormick 103 R.L.
Ogden 3209 A.H.
O'Neill 202 W. Phys.
Robertson, W.Phys.Lect.
Schroder W.Phys.Lect.
Walker 2054 N.S.
Weimer 202 W.Phys.
Weisinger .Phys.Lect.
Wells 3231 A.H.
Williams 1018 A.H.
English 1:
Arthos 215 A.H.
Hathaway E HZH.
Fine Arts 192. Wednesday, May 31.
Special meeting at Museums Building
front door, 5 p.m. (Bring your own
equipment); followed by Special Re-
view 7 to 9 p.m., in Architectural
School Auditorium.
Registration Material: Colleges of
L.S.&A., and Architecture, Schools
of Education, Forestry and Music:
Summer Session registration ma-
terial may be obtained in Room 4 U.H.
Please see your adviser and secure all
necessary signatures before June 24.
Architect classifiers will post a not-
ice when they are ready to confer,
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
All Students, Colleges of L.S.&A.,
Architecture; Schools of Education,
Forestry and Music: File change of
address card in Room 4 U.H. before
June 1. Blue prints of records and
other information will be sent im-
mediately after examinations to you
at the address given in February un-
less change of address is filed. Failure
to receive your blue printcbecause of
faulty address will necessitate a
charge of $1 for the second copy.
R. L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar.
Final Examination, German 1, 2,
31, 32. June 7, 2-5 p.m.
German 1.-
25 Angell Hall. All sections.
German 2.-
1025 A.H. Schachtsiek, Sudermann,
West Lecture Physics. Willey, Ry-
der, Diamond, Gaiss.
101 Economics. Philippson, Eaton.
B Haven Hall. Striedieck, Graf.
C Haven Hall. All sections.
German 32.-
301 University Hall. Scholl.
West Lecture Physics. Diamond.
201 U.H. Wahr.
C Haven Hall. Van Duren.
101 Economics. Eaton.
101 Economics. Philippson.
306 U.H. Reichart
West Lecture Physics. Gaiss.
B Haven Hall. Graf.


"Foreign News." The public is cor-
dially invited.
Events Today
International Center: The closing
event on the Center program for this
year will be a picnic this afternoon.
Students will meet promptly at 4
o'clock at the Center, and will hike
together to the picnic place, where
the usual 20-cent supper will be
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet at 4:30 p.m. this afternoon
and will go for a hike. A picnic sup-
per will be served at Lookout point,
and the group will return by 7:30.
All graduate students are welcome.
Coming Events
All University Women: There will
be a steak roast on Monday evening,
May 29. The group will meet at the
Women's Athlet ic Building at 5:15.
The cost will )e approximately 35
cents. Please sign up at W.A.B. or
call Jane Brichan at 6944.
Physical Education, Women Stu-
dents: Individual Skill Tests will be
given as follows: Golf, tennis and
archery, M.W.F., 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.,
Palmer Field.
Swimming, Thursday, 7:30 to 8:30
p.m., Union Pool.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Sun-
day: 8 a.m. Holy Communion; 9:30
a.m. Junior Church; 11 a.m. Kinder-
garten; 11 a.m. Morning Prayer and
Sermon by The Rev. Henry Lewis;
4 p.m. Students' and Young People'
Picnic at Camp Newkirk. Cars leave
Harris Hall at 4 p.m.
First Baptist Church, Sunday, 10:45
a.m. Dr. John Mason Wells will preach
on "America Faces the Future." The
music will be in harmony with Mem-
orial Day. The Church Schools meets
at 9:30 a.m.
The Roger Williams Guild, stu-
dent organization, will hold its cus-
tomary Arboretum meeting on the
hill at the east side of the Arboretum.
The group will leave the Guild House
at 5:30 p.m. A picnic supper will be
served and a devotional meeting will
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division St.
Sunday morning service at 10:30
a.m. Subject: "Ancient and Modern
Necromancy, alias Mesmerism and
Hypnotism, Denounced." Golden
Text: Ezekiel 13:9.
Sunday School at 11:45.
Unitarian Church, State and Hu-
ron Sts. 11 a.m. Last of forum series,
on the topic "Relief and the Public
Good," discussed by Mr Howard
Preston, county relief administra-
tor, and others. Cello solo by Miss
Gratia Harrington.
First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Washtenaw Ave. 10:45 a.m., Morn-
ing Service. "The New Past" is the
subject of Dr. W. P. Lemon's sermon.
Palmer Christian at the organ and
directing the choir.
6 p.m., The Westminster Guild,
student group, supper and fellowship
hour. This will be the last meeting
for this school year. Weather per-
mitting, the service will be held in the
out-of-door theatre. A discussion on
"Our Ideas of God" will be led by Dr.
Disciples Guild (Church of Christ)
10:15 a.m., Morning worship, Rev.
Frederick Cowin, Minister.
4:45 p.m., The Guild will meet at
the Guild House, 438 Maynard Street,
to go for a picnic and vesper service.
If weather conditions are unfavorable,
the meeting will be at the Guild

House at 6:30 p.m. This is the last
meeting of the school year.
Reformed and Christian Reformed
Church services will be held Sunday
in the Michigan League Chapel at
10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Rev. J.
Weidenaar of Dennis Ave. Christian
Reformed Church will conduct both
The Ann Arbor Friends will hold a
meeting for worship at 5 p.m. Sun-
day, May 28, at the Michigan League.
Visitors are cordially welcomed.
First Methodist Church. Morning
worship at 10:40 o'clock. Bishop
Ralph A. Ward of China will preach
on "New Spiritual Tides in China."
Stalker Hall. Tea for Chinese and
American students at the First
Methodist Church from 3-5 p.m. to-
day. Bishop Ralph A. Ward of China
will speak at 3:30 p.m. and Mr.
Chia-ren Yang will sing.
Wesleyan Guild Meeting. We will.
leave the church at 5:30 p.m. to go
to the Earhart Estate for the Senior
Meeting. Dean James Edmonson
will speak on "The Student's Respon-
sibility to His Community." Supper
will follow the meeting.
First Congregational Church.'State
and William Streets. Minister, Rev.
Leonard A. Parr.


Zoology I Final Examination:

Sat- ~

urday, June 10, 9-12 a.m. Alpha-
betical group A to L, Room B, Haven
Hall. Alphabetical group M to Z,
Room C, Haven Hall.
English 182 will meet Monday, Wed-
nesday and Friday afternoons at 5
o'clock for the extra series of lectures
in 2225 Angell Hall. Mentor L.
Graduation Recital. Robert Camp-
bell, organist, will give a graduation
recital this afternoon, at 4:15
o'clock, in Hill Auditorium. The
general public is invited.
Carillon Recital. On account of the
graduation recital of Robert Camp-
bell on the Frieze Memorial Organ,
this afternoon at 4:15 o'clock, the
regular Sunday -carillon recital will
be given immediately after the or-
gan recital at 5:15.
Graduation Recital: Louis Nicholas,
tenor, will give a recital in partial
fulfillment for the degree Master of
Music, Wednesday, May 31, at 8:15
p.m., at the School of Music Audi-
torium on Maynard Street. The pub-
lic is invited.
Museum of Classical Archaeology:
A special exhibit of antiquities from
he Nile Valley, the Province of Fay-
oum, and the Delta of Egypt, from
early Dynastic times to the Late Cop-
tic and Arabic Periods.
Tenth Annual Exhibition of Sculp-
ture, in the concourse of the Michi-
gan League Building.

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