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May 27, 1939 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-27

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A1ThDAmy, may 27~, 19



Mortar Board
Names Heads
For Next Year
Patty Haislip, Ellen Redner
Appointed To Hold Top
Honor Society Offices

Cotton Is Popular For Beach Wear

Beirut, Syria Will Be Campus
Of Constance Bryant Next Fall

Pattie Haislip, affiliated with Col-
legiate Sorosis, and past member oi
Wyvern, was elected president of
Mortar Board, senior women's hon-
orary society, at a meeting of that
group yesterday.
Miss Haislip was assistant chair-
man of the 1939 Junior Girls Play,
and is also a member of Alpha Kappa
Delta, sociological society.
List Continues
Vice-president of Mortar Board
for the coming year will be Ellen
Redner, a past member of Alpha
Lambda Delta, freshman women's
honorary society. Miss Redner has
been active in Assembly, was a mem-
ber of the merit system, theatre arts,
and social committees of the League,
and has acted as an orientation ad-
Dorothy Nichols was elected secre-
tary. Miss Nichols was accounts man-
ager of the Gargoyle last year, and
was an orientation adviser.
An Alpha Gamma Delta and past
member of Wyvern, Frances Kahrs
was elected to the position of treas-
urer. Miss Kahrs is secretary of
Panhellenic Association, and was
costume chairman of Freshman
Historian Is Chosen
Florence Brotherton, affiliated with
Kappa Kappa Gamma, and a form-
er member of Wyvern, was elected
historian. Miss Brotherton served
as orientation adviser, and worked
on the committees for Lantern Night
and Michigras.
Jenny Petersen, out-going presi-
dent, presided over the meeting and
explained the Mortar Board projects
to the new members.
Sprng Dances
Climax Week
Be fore Finals
Another night of the weekend rolls
around and with it come more parties
planned by the chapter houses, 10 to
be exact, including both formals and
Alpha Gamma Delta will hold its
spring formal tonight with Harvey
Judson and his orchestra furnishing
the music. Mrs. Sarah B. Tenhant,
Mr. and Mrs. George Ross and Dr.
and Mrs. F. K. Sparrow will chaperon.
A full day is planned.by members
of Acacia. A picnic, which will be
held at the Island, will begin at 4:30
p.m. At 9:30 p.m. members and
guests will proceed to the chapter
house for an informal radio-dance.
The chaperons will be Dr. and Mrs.
William Steere and Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Pryce.
Red Goodman To Play
Red Goodman and his orchestra
will play for Beta Theta Pi's spring
formal. Mr. and Mrs. Fran Arm-
strong, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs.
Shelby Schurtz, of Grand Rapids,
will chaperon the dance. Barton
Hills Country Club will be the scene
of the Alpha Chi Omega spring for-
mal. Bobby Scherger and his orches-
tra will play. Prof. and Mrs. William
Trow and Prof. and Mrs. Howard Mc-
Clusky will be the chaperons.
Martha Cook will give a formal
dinner dance at which Earl Stevens
and his orchestra will play. Flowers
and lanterns will decorate the ter-
race of the dormitory. The chaper-
ons will be Miss Mary E. Gleason and
Miss Sarah Rowe.
Spring Formals Prevalent
Another formal will be given by Phi
Sigma Kappa. Spring again will be
the theme with decorations to carry
it out. Bill Stetyler and his orchestra
will play. Dr. and Mrs. William W.
Gilbert and Mr. Cecil Creal will be
the chaperons.
Collegiate Sorosis will hold its
spring formal at the Huron Hills

Country Club. Bill Gail and his or-
chestra will furnish the music. The
chaperons will be Mr. and Mrs. M. W.
Wheeler and Mr. and Mrs. C. 0.
Sigma Nu will hold an informal
radio-dance at which Mrs. H. B.
Phelps and Mrs. Hazel Mall will
Kappa Nu To Hold Picnic
A picnic will be held at 5 p.m. to-
day at the Island by Kappa Nu. Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Kessel and Dr. and Mrs.
Sam Goudsmit will chaperon. In
case of rain, an informal radio-dance
will be given at the house.
Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineering
fraternity, will hold a house party
today and tomorrow at Lakeland.
The social activities will include an
informal radio-dance. Chaperons will
be Prof. and Mrs. Glenn L. Alt and
Prof. and Mrs. Edward L. Erikson.


A campus over-looking the Medi-
terranean, a faculty composed of edu-
cators from all over Europe, a stu-
dent body of 32 nationalities with an
American contingent numbering less
than 20-these are a few of the pros-
pects facing Constance Bryant, '40,
who is one of two exchange stu-
dents to study next year at the
American University of Beirut at
Beirut, Syria.
Miss Bryant, who has never trav-
eled more than 200 miles alone, looks
forward to the 5,000 mile trip with
great anticipation, and although the
common reaction of her friends is
"I'll bet you get put in a harem,"
she is not worried at the prospect of
being the only American woman in
r%-, and . -
&igag emen ts I
Prof. and Mrs. Anthony Jobin of
White St. have announced the mar-
riage of their neice; Ada May Mc-4
Bride, to James Handy, jr., '40E. Mr.
Handy is the son of Mrs. Mae C.
Handy of Division St., and James C.
Handy of Indianapolis, Ind. The
date of the wedding was Sept. 25, 1938.
The marriage of Margaret Griffeth,
daughter of Mrs. Lillie I. Griffeth of
Portland, Ore., to Edwin Van Cleaf,
jr., '31, of Toledo, O., son of Mrs.
E. E. Van Cleaf, of Lincoln Ave., took
place Thursday at St. Andrew's Epis-
copal Church. Mr. Van Cleaf was a
member of Theta Kappa Nu fra-

a strange university on the other
side of the globe. Twenty ex-Wyvernites will gather
"I think it is the opportunity of a at noon today in the office of Dean
life-time," she said. "The experience Byrl Bacl- r. A party's afoot, you
of getting to know intimately people see, and its the last time these
of other nationalities through living juniors will be together as members
and working with them will probably i of the group which was their first
be the greatest thing I will gain out introduction to B.W.O.C.-dom.
of my year's study abroad." Headed by ex-prexy, Alberta Wood,
To Live With Natives they will leave for the traditional
Miss Bryant expects to liveswith the house party, made possible by Dean
native women students the first se- Bacher who offers her cottage for
mester and to live in a non-American these annual treks into the wilder-
nome her second semester. In order ness of Cavanaugh Lake. Heavily
to make the very most of her oppor- burdened with things to eat (always
tunity, she plans to make as many the prime requirement), and with a
side-trips into neighboring countries minimum of luggage they plan to
as possible. She hopes to spend her bid farewell to pre-examinations wor-
Christmas vacation in Damascus and ries for two days devoted to fun.
her spring holiday in Egypt. Only rules of the game are: 1. no
The American University of Beirut
is the outstanding educationial insti-
tute of the Near East, according to
the January issue of Reader's Digest.
Mr. Bayard Dodge, its president, who
was the guest of the International
Center here last February, taught as
youngsters the men who are -now the
administrators, the educators, the
physicians, nurses and merchants" of
Syria, Persia, Egypt, Iraq, Armenia
and other Near Eastern countries, the
Digest stated.
Co-education Not Accepted
Although that section of the world ere cones
is rapidly becoming westernized, co-
education is not yet an old and fa-
miliarly accepted idea, and it wasn't
so long ago that the Moslem womenY 4
students were wearing veils. ESK W AR g
"I believe that the American
University of Beirut is doing wonder-
ful work in teaching its students to
live together. in peace, tolerant of all the cover of t
races and creeds," Miss Bryant stat-
ed. "Although it is a slow method,
friendship among the youth of all
nations, as developed at universities
of this kind, is a sure path to world Wednesday I'

One of the most popular costumes for beach wear this season will
be a cotton swim-suit. With a V-neckline this smart suit is of a quilted
and brightly flowered material. Younger sister can imitate older sister
since the outfit comes in varied sizes. Into the material is woven a
rubber thread which makes it fit perfectly. This, like many of the newest
models is skirtless. It has two bright buttons on each shoulder.
Seniors Find Campus Activities
Integral Part Of College Career'

Double commencemer- will take
place June 18 for most of the bally-
hooed, parlez-vooed "activities" sen-
iors-graduation from their classes,
and graduation from the campus, the
League, the W.A.A., the Publicationsj
Building, the limelight.
Unsecreted is the fact that the
women who have pursued four well-
laden years of forwarding their class
endeavors: cooperating, leading, aid-
ing, DOING, regard this part of their
college career as an integral part of
their education.
Activities Are Important
"The more you have to do, the
more you can do," asserts Marcia
Connell, who believes that the only
thing that extra interests retarded
was the wasting of time! Miss Connell
has found that potential employers
are interested in her spare time
activities at least as much as in her
Phi Beta 'Kappa grades.
The position which afforded her
the most fun was Chairman of the
League Orientation Committee, whose
duties extend over a summer of con-
tacting freshmen, and a fall of ac-
quainting them with Michigan and
with each other. The University's
top-ranking beauty believes, how-
ever, that nothing can be gained from
campus experience 'by an unenthus-
iastic participator.
Training Is Valuable
Sybil Swarthout gleaned more pure.
enjoyment from membership in Wy-
vern, junior honorary society, than
from her highest position, president
of the League Judiciary Council. In-
tending to work into the personnel
line, Miss, Swarthout is sure that her
four years of training in responsi-
bility, initiative, working with and

for other people will aid her greatly
in her plans for the future.
Miss Swarthout is a firm believer in
the time budget, in fact, she holds
that it is essential to anybody who
desires the most out of college life:
One can regulate that "most," too,
dividends will be in proportion to
the initial outlay!
JGP Was Fun
Although Jean Holland didn't
deny that being president of the
League is a terrific job, for unadul-
terated pleasure she will reminisce
about JGP, of which she was assist-
ant chairman. "Quote-shy," Miss Hol-
land did advance the opinion that
learning to get along with other
people, and to make them feel at
ease will help her in an immediate
future of teaching.
Margaret Van Ess Wins
Women's Archery Meet
Margaret Van Ess, '41, won the all-
campus women's archery meet held
Thursday afternoon under the aus-
pices of the Women's Athletic Associ-
Helen Pielemeier, '41, came in sec-
ond at the meet. Miss Van Ess won
with a score of 345 points, while Miss
Pielemeier's total was 285.
The meet was of the "Columbia
Round" type. Twenty four arrows
were shot off at 30, 40, and 50 feet.
Closing hours for women over
the holiday will be 1:30 a.m. Mon-
day and 11 p.m. Tuesday, Betty
Slee, '40, chairman of judiciary
council, has announced.


More chapter houses announce
elections, pledgings, initiations and
convention delegates.
Acacia announces the pledging of
Robert B. Boswell, '42E, of Utica,
N.Y.; Ray Deremeyer, '42, of Chicago,
Ill.; Leonard E. Ruby, '42SM, of
Jackson; Walter J. Roberts, '41, of
Ann Arbor; and Ralph Seyfried, "42E,
of Ann Arbor.
Alpha Gamma Sigma
Alpha Gamma Sigma will pledge
Antonietta P. Ferretti, '42A, at an in-
formal tea today at the home of Mrs.
Ledru Davis. The tea will be held in
honor of Mrs. Ruth Miller Cook of
Battle Creek, a former member of
the organization.
Chi Phi
Chi Phi annuounces the election of
the following officers: Harold Spur-
way, '40, president; Harry Mulhol-
land, '40, vice-president; Edward D.
North, '40, secretary; 'Robert Ellis,
'40, treasurer, and Robert Berhalter,
'40, houses manager.
John Goodell, '40, and Robert
Campbell, '41E, will be the junior and
senior representatives from Chi Phi
at the national convention from Aug.
28 to Sept. 5 at Philadelphia.
Phi Chi
Phi Chi, medical fraternity, has
elected the following officers: James
De Weerd, '40M, president; Robert
Medlar, '41M, vice-president; Clay
Tellman, '41M, secretary; William
Yetzer, '40M, house manager; George
Weick, '41M, rushing chairman; and
John Bricker, '40M, judge advocate.

I j~


_ ___ ___


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