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May 26, 1939 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-26

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FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1938

-_DYM Y 6_13

Officers Installed By Glee Club
As Climax To Year Of Activities.

Influence Of Fairs
On.uilding Trends
Big, Hammet Says
The New York World's Fair, accord-
ing to Prof. Ralph W. Hammet of the
College of Architecture, will probably
complete the popularization of mod-
ern architecture which was begun in
1933 by the Chicago World's Fair.
Great expositions, he continued, are
often followed by periods of building.
similar to that of the exposition. The
Chicago fair of 1898, he recalled,
started a wave of building in classic
forms which lasted through a num-
ber of succeeding fairs.
The New York fair buildings, he
declared, are not architecture of the
suture but architecture of the pres-
ent, and dramatically demonstrate
the unlimited forms which are made
possible by modern materials. Mod-
ern architecture, he explained, is
building scientifically and efficiently
de in~i d and fn b ir t d tr-fiv in

Classified Direetory

-Daily Photo by Bogle

* * *

The Glee Club last night climaxed
a year of activities on campus and on
special singing tours in a banquet
celebrating its eightieth year of exis-
tence and the installation of its new
officers at the Union.
Among the activities sponsored by
the club, are out city sings for alum-
ni groups, and concerts at confer-
ences and banquets of organizations
meeting in Ann Arbor. Trips taken
during the first semester of the year,
took the Glee Club to Monroe where
they sang for -members of the Ex-
change Club and to Mt. Clemens for
church services.
The Republican Party Banquet, a
state Kiwanis meeting and a ban-
quet at the State Highway Confer-
ence heard the club. Glee Club mem-
bers also sing at banquets of the!
"M" Club.
During the year, three sings over
the University-WJR hookup were
given, programs which were broad-
cast from the campus studios in Mor-
ris Hall. The Club was featured on
the world wide broadcast of the Uni-
versity Birthday Party in which num-
erous school organizations partici-
In the second semester's activities,
the club was featured in Saginaw in
a concert given in conjunction with
the Saginaw Civic Orchestra. Later
members of the North Central Music
Educator's Conference were enter-
tained in Detroit at a meeting there.
High point in the activities of the
group in connection with their work
in accommodating various Michigan
alumni groups is the annual spring
trip, made this year to New York
City. Among the places at which con-
certs were given was at Lewistown,
N.Y., where an alumni-sponsored
community affair was entertained,
Buffalo, N.Y., for an advertising
group and Rochester, N.Y. where in
competition 'with the Fordham Glee
Club which was in town at the same
time, they sang for another alumni
group. Climax of this trip was a
large Michigan alumni party at the
Commodore in New York City.
Another annual custom with the
Paderewski Has Stroke
NEW YORK, May 25.--(I)-Ignace
Jan Paderewski, 78, the famous pian-
ist and former Premier of Poland,
suffered a heart attack tonight


s* igi-e- d
contrast w
Glee Club is the annual spring con- efficiency
cert given for the University itself.
Presented in Hill Auditorium, the $100
concert this year featured the well
known Gilbert and Sullivan skit, a For
musical "Trial By Jury." The pro-
gram differed from those of the past A rewa
in that the rest of the program con- for inform
sisted of light classics to a greater abouts of
extent than the usual college songs. disappears
The Glee Club itself is composed than a ye
of about 60 men, led by Prof. David Police a
E. Mattern of the music school who
acts as director and conductor. The doubled e
group annually elects officers, those tinger, be
for the coming term being: Colvin of his mo
Gibson, '40, president, Ken Hein- may have
inger, '40, vice-president, Charles sell severa
Brown, 41E, secretary, James Fromm,h
'41E, treasurer and Hugh Roberts, he had in
'39, past president, business mana- Ettinger
ger. troit, isf
Plans for the coming year include a height, w
swing concert to be given in connec- ually wea
tion with the Women's Athletic Asso- Any use
ciation; and trips to Cleveland, Tole- sent to t
do, besides the usual state trips. tinger, 875

1a i.prcabea suruc uresm n
with the older forms in which
was given little notice.
Reward Offered
Missing Student
rd of $100 has been offered
nation regarding the where-
Robert Ettinger, '40, who
ed from Ann Arbor more
ar ago.
and the youth's parents re-
fforts this week to find Et-
cause ofthe serious illness
ther.. It is believed that he
gone East in an attempt to
al chemical processes which
avented here.
r, whose home was in De-
five feet eleven inches in
eighs about 160 pounds, us-
rs horn-rimmed glasses.
eful information should be
he boy's father, Alfred Et-1
55 Grand River, Detroit.

FOR RENT-Professors: four cot-
tages ideally located on Lake Michi-
gan near Manistee, for rent, quiet,
rest, charm. Rates particularly
reasonable. Take a weekend before
July 1 and investigate this offer.
For arrangements call John R.
Stiles, 2-3171. 692
FOR RENT-Southeast 5 room un-
furnished upper duplex. Most desir-
able. Available after June 20.
Adults only. Year lease required.
For appointment phone 5929. 690
FOR RENT-To sublet for summer
school or entire summer, modern
3 room apt. furnished. Next to
campus. Phone 4373. 693
FOR RENT-One double, 1 single
room for three graduate students
next fall. $3 week. 1209 Cambridge
Court. 2-1359. 694
Ace Laundry, 1114 S. University.
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at lcw prices. 9
FOR SALE-Regulation tennis ox-
fords 98c. Whites and blues with
smooth rubber soles. R and S Shoe3
Store, 108 S. Main Street. 622
Hutchens Is Elected
President Of Druids
Edward Hutchens, '40, was elected
Arch Druid for the coming year, at
the initiation banquet of Druids, sen-
ior literary society, in the Union
Tuesday night.
Other officers are Phil Balyeat,
'39E, Vice-Arch Druid; Bill Canfield,
'40, Seneca; and Dennis Fiannegan,
'40, Hoarder-of the Funds.
Speakers at the banquet were Prof.I
Arthur L. Cross and Coach Walter J.

FOR SALE-Economical transporta-
tion, 1928 Model A, $50, in excellent
running condition. Mr. Wisdom,
432 Maynard. 2-2112. 697
EXPERIENCED typing, stenographic,
mimeographing service. Phone 7181
or evening 9609. 678
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
.408 S. 5th Avenue. Phone 2-2935
or 2-1416. 79
TYPING-Reasonable rates. Miss L.
M. Heywood, 414 Maynard St.,
phone 5689. 271
WANTED-Any Old Clothing. Pay $5
to $500. Suits, overcoats, mink, Per-
sian lambs, diamonds, watches,
rifles, typewriters and old gold.
Phone and we will call. Ann Arbor
6304. 388
the Michigan Union on Wednesday,
Mays3lst for the purpose of inter-
viewing men for summer employ-
ment in the Pickle Districts. Em-
ployment will be limited to men who
have had farm experience and who
are acquainted with farm life. H.
J. Heintz Co. 696
LOST - Brown gabardine raincoat,
belt attached. Left in 1035 A.H.
Monday between 9-10. Call Mulhol-
land 4295. 691
LOST-Beige colored camel's hair,
N length woman's coat at Washte-
naw Country Club. Reward. Call
Young, 2-2543. 695
WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive-
way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins
Gravel Company. Phone. 7112. 17
CASH PAID for your discarded
clothing. Claude Brown, 512 S.
Main. 311
painting. Budget plan if desired.
Dial 7209 181

_ _F_


Archaeological Museum Shows
Collection From Ancient Egypt
In 1935, a University expedition by the city, he said, filled with the
which had been in Egypt for 10 years sands of the desert, and the people,
excavating the 2,000 year old city of unable to get water, were forced to
Karanis, returned to the United move.
States, under the directorship of Prof. There were five levels of occupa-
Enoch Peterson, with an extensive tion found in the excavation, Profes-
collection of articles removed from sor Peterson said, dating from the
the excavations. third century B.C. to the fourth cen-
Pieces from the collection brought tury A.D. These levels of occupation,
to the United States are included in he explained, were formed because it
an exhibit in the archaeologcal mu- was the custom of the ancient Egyp-
seum of which Professor Peterson is tians to build over their refuse rather
director. The potteries and glasswares than to remove it from the city.
are still intact and compare favorably It is interesting to notice that the
with modern work. The papyrus life of the modern Egyptian has
collection which % housed in the main changed but little in 2,000 years, Pro-
library is the largest in the country, fessor Peterson said. Articles in
Professor Peterson said. everyday use now, he remarked, bear
Among the oldest pieces on display a close resemblance to those used
are two wooden lions which date before the time of Christ.
from 3000 B.C. They were taken from
an Egyptian government excavation
beneath the step pyramid at Saggara.
Karanis was deserted early in the
fourth century, explained Professor
Peterson, when economic dificiencies
of the area made a subsistence diffi-
cult to obtain. The canal which ran







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