- FE DAY M4Y O. 19
Eited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
SPublished every morning except Monday during the
University year and Sumni r Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
40,; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39
Uanaging Editor
City Editor
Editorial Director,
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor,
Associate Editor
Associate Editor,
Sports Editor.
Women's Editor
Editorial Staff
. Carl Petersen
Stan -M. Swinton
Elliott Maraniss
. Jack Canavan
Dennis Flanagan
Morton Linder
Norman Schorr
SEthel Norberg
*Mel Fineberg
. Ann Vicary
R aul R. Park
Ganson Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
Jane Mowers
. Harriet Levy
Business Stafff
business Manager,
Credits Manager . . .
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager.
Publication Manager .
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
And Cooperatives
brought with it decreasing numbers
of students able to attend college wihout some
sort of help from the University, from the gov-
ernment, or from their own employment.
The University has only a small number of
scholarships available, and can do little to aid
the hundreds of students who require help to
stay in school. NYA funds from the government
also can cover only a small part of the expenses
of a college year. The number of jobs open to
students are too limited to be a true remedy for
the situation. The best means of helping these
students is by cutting down living expenses, and
by enabling them to earn part of these ex-
penses themselves. Student Cooperatives have
been the most successful organizations both
for cutting expenses and developing initiative
and independence among the students.
Authorities at the University of Texas recent-
ly announced that since cooperatives were
established there .in 1936 the students have
saved $25,000 a year, which means an average
saving of $15 to $20 a month per student. The
occupants of the house handle their own deposits
and elect their own officers, running the place
on a completely independent, democratic basis.
Cooperatives on this campus save from $10 to
$20 for men, while women's living costs are cut
more than half of dormitory fees. Working hours
are shorter than in any other form of student
employment, and with a greater return. Each
student puts in from four to seven hours a week,
which leaves time for studies and for extra-cur-
ricular activities, in which students with outside
employment are often not able to participate.
Since the houses are run by the students,
democratically, with each member having one
vote, the cooperators gain practical experience
in managing their homes, as well as the experi-
ence of living with fellow students. The coopera-
tives can be started with comparatively little
initial outlay, and soon become self-supporting.
If a few scholarships were devoted to establish-
ing cooperative houses, the results would be
lasting benefits, both economically and in ex-
perience, to more students than the usual single
recipient of a scholarship.
-Jean Shapero
Summer Session
In Ann Arbor .. .
T HE 46th annual Summer Session will
open here June 26, and to it will
come students from all parts of the United
States and the world.
The Summer Session will offer much more
than just an opportunity to make up credits.
Many special programs not available during the
regular school year have been planned. Chief
among these are the Institutes-the Institute of
Far-Eastern Studies, which will offer a wide
variety of subjects pertaining to Far-Eastern
civiliations and languages and will include on
its staff a number of prominent visiting lectur-
ers; the Institute of Latin-American Studies,
bringing with it scholars from other American
universities andf from Latinr.American countries;
the Linguistic Institute, the Graduate Confer-
ence on Renaissance Studies, the Physics Sym-
posiim, the Institute for Teachers of Latin and
the Institute for Journalism Teachers.
however Special lectures, plays, excursions and
entertainments will be open to all students. Popu-
lar lectures given by faculty members and pro-
minent vsiting lecturers daily in the Rackham
Building ecture Hall will be open to -both stu-
dents and the public. The Repertory Theatre will
again present weekly plays. Excursions wil be
conducted to Put-in-Bay in Lake Erie, Niagara
Falls, Greenfield Village, the Ford Motor Plant
at Dearborn, the General Motors proving ground
at Milford and the Cranbrook Schools near
Bloomfield Hills.
These features, in addition to the regul4
schedule, promise to make the Summer Session
the best in the University's history.
-Ethel Norberg
f A Collegian addicted to living a schedule-
less existence, the New York World's Fair
1939 remains a constant miracle. Take the an-
nouncement which came from the publicity
office only the other day. In it was condensed all
the spontaniety of joy, of exultation, of that won-
derful feeling which makes one do out of the
ordinary things. It read:
"10:30 p.m.: meeting of Eook Dealers
"11:00 Beginning of French Food Celebra-
11:07-Dancing in the streets!"
N COMMENT on the passing scene, let us re-
mark that it is with great pleasure that we
noted the departure of the late and unlamented
"Campus Flashes." Besides possessing a remark-
able store of misinformation, the magazine-
have it your own way, cheap gossip sheet-de-
scended to new lows in typography and content.
It has been our lot to see almost a dozen of that
type of publication come and go-the first
"What's Doing" which The Count published on
appropriately yellow paper; the abortive "Cen-
sored;" the second "What's Doing," produced
and edited by the inimitable Jimmy Boozer, and
so on far into the night.
But "Campus Flashes" had them all. It mis-
spelled more names than a Student Directory.
It printed more that either was libelous or
verged on libel than any similar publication on
history. It would blacken a name (pardon the
melodramatic phrasing) as a whim. But now
"Campus Flashes" has died, died while still im-
mature. Perhaps it was the croup. Maybe it was
measles. Personally we think it was suffocation
under the dirt it ladled out as news.
INIMITABLE Max Hodge, who has blazed an
impressive if eccentric path in campus affairs
during the past four years, has sent his last copy
of "Gargoyle" to the printer and therein lays a
story. For Hodge, gifted, versatile, gave more of
his collegiate career to Garg than any editor in
recent years. When a freshman he was already
doing outstanding work on it. As a sophomore
he edited a minor organ known, colorfully, as
"The Parrot Squawks." As a junior he was the
outstanding man among a group of outstanding
juniors who worked under able George Quick.
Hodge, always good copy, saw his name in
print as many times as any other student. He
could write a saleable short story; knock out a
good play and draw cartoons which were good
enough to win him $50 prizes. But Hodge didn't
let that bother him. And doesn't. Take a typical
Hodgeian trick:
At five p.m. the day before Hopwoods were
due he came into the office, put paper in the
typewriter complete with carbons and wrote
through until 5 a.m. Then, a three act play com-
pleted, he handed it in-and the critics say it
almost won a prize!!!
* * *
Afraid that his final exam might be snubbed
3r passed over by any of his more enlightened
students of Constitutional History, Prof. Vander
Velde turned promoter when he solicited aid from
the non-slumbering members of class to arouse
some of the more notorious sleepers. Although it
was difficult to fathom the gcd professor's
motives, it was suspected that he was attempting
to organize a "Wake-me-up" service so popular
on other campuses.
This story attributed to Dick Humphries,
has been denied more often than it has been
The wily contributor to Gargoyle asked a
member of the political science department,
"Do you have any gravy in your pocket?"
"Do you have any crackers in your pocket?"
"No, but what is all . . . "y
"Qh, nothing but I like crackers with my
Mike Scammon, of Falstaff fame, the man
who kept sports editors in inches, was in town
yesterday. Mike, who got his master's here last
June, is now program director of the Chicago
radio Round Tables held every Sunday morn-
ing. He explained that he was rather tired run-
ning the Minnesota political scene, and he's re-
tired to the ivory tower of the Chicago intellec-
tuals for the present.
* * *
One of the more bitter members of the campus
gave vent to an admirable bit of metaphoric wit,
recently, during a discussion of the passing
A ri.n z n ,,n v rr~i l ,.,...«
-by David Lawrence-
munications Commission has just
Federal Com-
made a blun-
der which, if uncorrected, can mean the begin-
ning of a fascist censorship of the press as well
as the radio in America. The action taken, name-
ly the ordering of radio stations to broadcast only
international programs of "good will," is a form
of regulation by the Government of what shall
or shall not be said over the radio.
This restriction is contrary to what President
Roosevelt himself promised on May 9 in a public
statement in which he limited the function of
government as to radio merely "to such controls
of operation as are necessary to prevent com-
plete confusion on the air." He then added signi-
ficantly: +
"In all other respects the radio is as free as
the press."
Repeats What Court Said
Mr. Roosevelt, in his brief comment, repeated
what the Supreme Court of the United States
has said. When the scope of federal regulation
of radio came before it, Chief Justice Hughes
made it clear in a unanimous decision that the
Government's power over radio related to the
allocation of facilities. Congress, moreover, does
not recognize the right of the Federal Communi-
cations Commission to deal with the content of
radio programs, unless, of course, they run
counter to the customary laws of libel or the
dissemination of obscene or fraudulent matter.
If now, however, a governmental commission
may say what is or is not international good will,
censorship in fact exists. For there are differences
of opinion as to what constitutes good will. Dur-
ing the recent civil war in Spain, had the same
rule been operative, one faction in America
might have insisted that radio broadcasts from
New York designed to reach the Spanish people
were not "good will" and another might have
insisted that the broadcasts were a splendid moral
The power of the Federal Government to limit
the freedom of speech or of the press has a back-
ground of established precedents, but it is quite
possible that ,if radio opens up now a new
avenue of governmental regulation, the Presi-
dent's public comment on May 9 may come to
mean that in all respects the press is just as
free as radio.
Could Regulate Newspapers
For it is a short step for the Federal Govern-
ment to contend that, because newspapers carry
second class mail, they can be regulated as to
their content. The Supreme Court has always
rejected such an interpretation, but suppose the
Post Office Department, acting on a request
from some other government department, should,
say that all editorials or printed articles which'
do not tend to promote "good will" should be'
prohibited from publication in newspapers or
magazines exported to foreign countries. Would
that not be on all fours, so far as governmental
power is concerned, with the latest action of the
Federal Communications Commission?
The Commission has made it clear in its public
announcement that radio stations which do not
obey the order will possibly lose their licenses.
So also an arbitrary government could say that
all newspapers which do not conform to the gov-
ernment's ideas of what constitutes good will in
published article shall lose second class mail
Whatever concerns the regulation of the con-
tents of radio programs concerns equally the
contents of newspapers. It can hardly be said
that radio is a different art. For, today, broad-
casting stations are used to transmit by radio
the copies of what are known as facsimile news-
papers. Likewise, television comes through radio
aroadcasting stations, and, if the Federal Com-
munications Commission obtains the right to
censor what is said in international programs by
threatening to discontinue a license, it can do
so with respect to television, too. This means that
speakers can be kept from public appearances in
any form of radio facilities if their ideas of
"good will" do not correspond to those of the
Government censors in Washington.
F.C.C. Might Have Helped
It would have been a simple matter for the
Communications Commission to have transmit-
ted as a matter of patriotism any request from
the Department of State to radio stations broad-
casting international programs. In the period of
the World War, the entire American press oper-
ated on that very kind of informal voluntary
basis. The same end would have been obtained
by asking and not ordering radio stations or
threatening them with loss of licenses.
As it is, the case is one which dodbtless will
attract the attention of the American Civil
Liberties Committee, which has done yeoman
work in preventing reactionary influences from
cutting down the opportunities of liberal expres-
sion identified with freedom of speech in Ameri-
ca. An injunction suit against the commission,
asking the courts to restrain the Commission
from applying any such order to a radio station,
might be one way of getting the issue decided,
for it is one of the most important things that
have happened since radio began to be regulated.
It is hardly an accidental move, because, for the.
last three years, various members of the Com-
mission here have in public speeches indicated
their belief that the Commission has a legal
right to censor programs, or that Congress can
order censorship just because wave lengths are
licensed by the Federal Government. So, also, are
second class mail facilities a Government privi-
lege, but it has never been abused with the con-
sent of the courts.
A story now current in Hearst newspaper
offices concerns "Cotton Ed" Smith. who is dis-
The Editor
Gets Told ...
California, Here We Come
To the Editor:
Since I have been residing in
Berkeley, Calif., I have wanted to
write a letter to the students, faculty
members and townsfolk of Ann Arbor
to give my ideas how, not only the
University of Michigan compares
with the University of California,i
but also how Ann Arbor compares
with Berkeley.
About a year and a half ago, a
Michigan alumnus who had been in
Berkeley, wrote a letter to the
Michigan Daily-a letter in which
he described how much more beauti-
ful and natural the girls at the Uni-
versity of California were when com-
pared to the coeds at Michigan. You
know-"Four out of five girls are
beautiful and the fifth one goes to
Michigan." I, too, was impressed by
the pulchritude of California girls.
But then one must remember that
the ratio of boys to girls on the Berke-
ley Campus is three to two, whereas
at Michigan it is three to one. This
situation allows more decent-looking
girls to be more accessible at the U.
of C. Because the Greek Letter Socie-
ties in Berkeley do not have such a
dominating position in social affairs
as do the societies in Ann Arbor, the
independents have a better opportun-
ity to meet more girls. If there is any
higher grade of feminine beauty at
the U of C, it is slight.
When I was in Ann Arbor I was
amused at the feebletattempt at stu-
dent self-government. Even thoughs
the Student Senate was a step (a very
very, very small step) towards more
student control of student affairs,
the U of M has practically no stu-
dent government. An enterprising
political science graduate studentt
should make a study of the studenta
government at the U of C. Such a
study would not only be good material
for a master's thesis, but it would also
help the student body in Ann Arbor
to establish an efficient student gov-
Berkeley has had student coopera-
tives for a long time, yet the true
principles of the Rochdale plan aret
not kept as an aim..The cooperatives
in Ann Arbor (particularly Mr. Pick-
erill's groups) are more dynamic and
educational-educational in the sense
that there is a definite program for
educating the student body to theE
promises of the cooperative plan as a
means of solving the student housing°
problem. (High class dormitories doY
not solve the housing problem for at
least forty per cent of the students5
at the U of M).
The rents in Berkeley are slightly
lower than those in Ann Arbor. Like-1
wise the food is not so heavy on ther
pocketbook. Yet the student wagex
scale is 45 cents per hour! The stu-
dents just get treated better. Why?
You got me. Unless it be that thet
U of C has more concern of its work-1
ing students than the U of M. t
I can't help but mention the lus-
cious super-thick milkshakes they
serve in Berkeley. A milkshake costsI
from ten to fifteen cents. Spoons not
straws (straws would be useless) are
served with the shakes. Then I think
of the watery shakes I used to get in
Ann Arbor. Ann Arborites, hang your1
head in shame.I
Throughout the second semester
the U of C publication, "The Daily
Californian" has consistently given
advertising space to the Alumni Asso-
ciation. I would like to see The Michi-
gan Daily help the Alumni Associa-
tion more. Every Michigan Man owesI
it to our school to belong to the Asso-
ciation. The Michigan Daily is the
best way to drive home that jolt. t
-One of '38 I
Soil Conservation
As the Senate moves to increase the
farm subsidies by nearly $400,000,000
more than the figure set in the bud-
get, it is in point to inquire how this
money will be spent. The acreage re-z
duction and farm benefit payments
are incorporated in what Congress
terms a "Soil Conservation Act.' To1
what extent is the money actually be-
ing spent to encourage conservation
of the soil?
Dr. John D. Black, agricultural
economist at Harvard qnd co-author
of an exhaustive study of the AAA
for the Brookings Institution, has this
to say:
Only a minor fraction of addi-
tional land conservation is actually
being obtained from these conser-
vation payments at present. The
major portion of the payments are
being made to the better farmers
for doing what they were already
Dr. Black thinks less of the money
should be paid in outright subsidies
and more of it turned over to the Soil
Conservation Districts and County
Land Use Planning Committees to be
expended in encouraging the upbuild-
ing of the soil. He also advises the
diversion of a considerable portion of
the subsidies to the work of rehabili-
tating tenant farmers and those
whom benefit payments based on
mere land ownership have helped to
drive from the land.
This advice can be concurred in by
(Continued from Page 2)
able'. Apply Investment Office, Room
100; South Wing, University Hall.
To All Members of the Faculty and
Administrative Staff: If it seems cer-
tain that any telephones will not be
used during the summer months,
please notify the Business Office, Mr.
Bergman. A saving can be effected
if instruments are disconnected for
a period of a minimum of three
Herbert G. Watkins.
LaVerne Noyes Scholarships. Hold-
ers of LaVerne Noyes Scholarships
now in the University are reminded
that if they desire to be considered
for scholarship assignments next
year, they must file an application.
Blanks for this purpose will not be
sent out, but may be obtained from
Dr. Frank E. Robbins, Assistant to the
President, 1021 Angell Hall, and
should be returned to him after they
have been filled out.
University Club. Annual meeting
and election of officers will be held
this evening.
The George Davis Bivin Founda-
tion prizes in the Mental Hygiene of
The University of Michigan an-
nounces, through a gift of the George
Davis Bivin Foundation, Inc., the
availability for the year 1938-39 of
several prizes for graduate and un-
dergraduate students for the en-
couragement of research and study
on problems concerned with the men-]
tal hygiene of childhood. Similar
awards were made for the year 1936-
37 and 1937-38.
Awards of $35, $20 and $10 are
offered to graduate students for a
Master's thesis or special studies.
Awards of $20, $10 and $5 are offered
for papers submitted by advanced
undergraduate students.
The following conditions govern
the awards:
1. Papers may be submitted by stu-
dents in any division of the Univer-
2. Doctoral dissertations are ex-
cluded from consideration for the
3. In order to be considered for an
award for the current year, papers
must reach the chairman of the com-
mittee, 2509 University Elementary
School, not later than 4 p.m., June
5, 1939.
4. Copies of all prize winning pa-
pers are to be sent to the Secretary
of the Foundation. The Foundation
reserves the right to publish such
papers if it so desires.
5. Awards may be withheld if, in
the judgment of the committee, no
papers of suffici nt merit are con-
tributed. The committee also re-
serves the right to adjust the amounts
when papers of equal merit are sub-
mitted, or if such division will better
serve the purposes of the grant.
6. The following committee has
been designated by the Graduate
School to administer the award:
Professor Martha Guernsey Colby,
Professor Howard Yale McClusky,
and Professor Willard C. Olson
C. S. Yoakum,
Library Hours on Memorial Day:
On Tuesday, May 30, the Service De-
partments of the General Library will
be open the usual hours, 7:45 a.m. to
10 p.m. The Study' Halls outside of
the building and the Departmental
Libraries will be closed, with the ex-
ception of Angell Hall Study Hall
and the Economics Library, which
will be open from 8 to 12 a.m. and 1
to 5:30 p.m.
The Angell HallbObservatory will
be open to the public from 8 to 10
on Saturday evening, May 27. The
moon and some of the interesting
stars will be shown through the tele-
scopes. Children must be accom-
panied by adults.
Independent Senior Ball Booths: All
independent students wishing to ob-
tain accommodation in the Congress
booth at the Senior Ball may register
in the Congress office, 306 Michigan
Union, from 4 to 5 p.m. upon pre-
sentation of their ticket number and
payment of the 60 cents registration
fee which covers the cost of furnish-
Literary Seniors: Important that
you order caps and gowns now from
Moe's Sport Shop. No deposit re-
Cap and Gown Committee.
Academic Notices
Final Doctoral Examination of Mr.
James William Moffet will be held
on Friday, May 26, at 2 p.m. in 3089
N.S. Bldg. Mr. Moffett's field of
specialization is Zoology. The title of
his thesis is "A Limnological Investi-
gation of the Dynamics of a Barren,
Sandy, Wave-Swept Shoal in Douglas
Lake, Michigan."
Professor P. S. Welch, as chair-
man of the committe will cnndiuct
examination in foreign language will
be given at 7 p.m. in Room 2225 A.H.
and the examination in English at
8 p.m. in Room 2225 A.H.
Earl L. Griggs.
Psychology Master's Comprehen-
sive Examination will be held Satur-
day, May 27 at 2 p.m. in Room 3126
English 102, Make-up for second ex-
amination will be held Saturday, May
27, at 11 a.m. in Room 1025 Angell
Hall. J. L. Davis.
Geology 11 and 12 make-up blue-
books. A mistake was made in time
announced. Geology 11 will be at 11
today and Geology 12 at 3-both in
Biological Chemistry Semirar: Sat-
urday, May 27, 10-12 a.m., Room 319
West Medical Bldg. "Nucleic Acids
and Nucleotides-The Alloxazine-
Adenine-Dinucleotide" will be dis-
cussed. All interested are invited.
Fine Arts 192. Wednesday, May 31.
Special meeting at Museums Building
front door, 5 p.m. (Bring your own
equipment); followed by Special Re-
view 7 to 9 p.m., in Architectural
School Auditorium.
College of Architecture: One hun-
dred original etchings of Colonial
and Historic Homes of Maryland, by
Don Swann. Shown through the
courtesy of Etchcrafters Art Guild of
Baltimore. Corridor cases, ground
floor, Architecture Building. Open
daily May 22 through 27, 9 to 5. The
public is invited.
Tenth Annual Exhibition of Sculp-
ture, in the concourse of the Michi-
gan League Building.
Events Today
Stalker Hall: The Annual Senior
Banquet will be held this evening
at 6:30 o'clock at the First Methodist
Church. Dr. Harold Carr of Flint
will speak on "Walking with the
Great." All Methodist students and
their friends are invited. Please make
reservations by calling 6881 before
Friday noon.
Orthodox services will be held at the
Hillel Foundation tonight at 7:20
Coming Events
The Graduate Record Club will hold
its regular meeting Saturday at 3 p.m.
in the West Conference Room of the
Rackham Building. The following
concert will be played: Beethoven;
Symphony No. 5 in C minor: Tschai-
kowsky; 1st Piano Concerto: Ravel;
Daphnis and Chloe. All students are
invited to enjoy these concerts, which
may be heard from the terrace as well
as in the Conference Room itself.
All University Women: There will
be a steak roast on Monday evening,
May 29. The group will meet at the
Women's Athletic Building at 5:15.
The cost will be approximately 35
cents. Please sign up at W.A.B. or
call Jane Brichan at 6944.
International Center: The closing
event on the Center program for this
year will be a picnic on Sunday af-
ternoon. Stude is will meet prompt-
ly at 4 o'clock a the Center, and will
hike together to the picnic place,
where the usual 20-cent supper will
be served.
The Congregational Student Fellow-
ship will meet at Pilgrim Hall at 4
p.m. Sunday to go to the Island for
the fourth and final picnic of the
season. A basketball game and plenty
of food should make this our biggest
gathering. To be sure of your share
of the food, make a reservation by
Friday, either by signing up in Pil-
grim Hall or calling 21679 and leaving
your name.
Bethelehem Student Guild outing
to Pleasant Lake's Club on Bass Lake.
Cars will leave the church at 3 o'clock
Sunday afternoon. Please make res-
ervations by calling 7840 before Sat-
urday noon.
The Lutheran Student Club will go
to Clear Lake this weekend. The
group will leave Saturday at noon
from Zion Parish Hall, and Will re-
turn Monday morning in time for
classes. All those wishing to attend
should make reservations with Carl
Guldberg, 9445.
The.Michigan Christian Fellowship
will hold its regular Sunday after-
noon meeting in the Fireplace Room,
Lane Hall at 4:15 p.m. Visitors are
The Michigan Christian Fellowspip
is sponsoring an open lecture on "The
Bible-To Believe It-Or Not," to be
given in the North Lounge of the
Michigan Union on Saturday night at
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all mebers of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3.30 P.M.
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.