Weather Fair and windy. Sir6Igrn Iait r..r rirrrrrrrr~rr .r~rrr 1 Editorial Poland, Pawn Of Power . Mr. Ghost Goes To Town « VOL. XLIX. No. 171 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MVIAY 25, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS Votin Begins For Engineer Council Posts Field Of ,23 Candidates Compete For Six Post~ In Election Held Today Is First Contest Under New System Election of Engineering Council Representatives for six posts will be held from 1 to 5:30 p.m. today in the Engineering Arch. Two candidates each from the freshman, sophomore and junior classes will be elected. The candidate receiving the highest vote in both the freshman and sophomore class will serve a two-year term. The two high- est junior candidates and the second highest freshman and sophomore will serve one year terms. Junior candidates are: Herbert G. Blumberg, Claude O. Broders, Ed- mund A. Guzewicz, M. Robert Her- man, Philip E. Newman, Harry W. Reed, Jr., and Robert F. Watt. Sophomores seeking election are: Harold E. Britton, Gordon K. Hood, Jr., Charles W. Lapworth, John P. Lord, Jerome W. Mecklenberger, Rob- ert J. Morrison, and R. Harry Smith. Freshman on the ballot are: James Bourquin, Richard B. Errets, Jr., Richard C. Higgins, Ray B. Powell, Leonard P. Shelly, Robert L. Summer- hays, Richard L. Shuey, Robert T. Wallace and Alex C. Wilkie. Next year's Engineering Council will have more influence on campus activities than any other organiza- tions or previous council, Wesley Warren, retiring president of the Council said.. Plans for the coming year formu- lated by the Council include a diver- sity of social and outside activities, including a revival of the Engineer- ing Open House and the sponsorship of a series of All-Engineering Smok- ers. New Judiciary Body Accepts- PetitionsToday Duties Of Former Council Will Be Taken Over By Student Group Petitioning for positions on the newly-formed Men's Judiciary Coun- cil will open today and continue un- til May 31, it was announced yester- day by Hadley Smith, '40, secretary of the Union Eligibility for the Council, which recently assumed the judiciary fea- tures of the former Men's Council, is open to undergraduates of second se- mester junior standing who are in- terested in student government on campus. Petitions are to contain informa- tion concerning the candidate's quali- fications, and should be turned in atn the Student Office of the Union, Smith said. The duties of the Judiciary Coun- cil, whose members will serve for one year, consist of: passing on petitions of candidates for political posts on campus, control of Honor Society in- itiations and general student judici- ary functions. These duties will, however, be extended after the new organization is fully adjusted to its work, Smith said. Members will be chosen from the petitioners by a committee composed of the following outgoing senior of- ficers: the president of the Union, the managing editor of The Daily, the president of Congress, the president of the Interfraternity Council and the dean of students. Ensian- Staff Named For '40 Jane Elpass Is Appointed New Women's Editor Appointments of junior staff and woman's editor for the 1940 Michi- ganensian editorial staff were an- nounced last night by Lenton G. Sculthorp, '40, managing editor. A new plan for editing of the Stu- dent Directory was also announced. Under the new system, the work will be directed by a board of junior En- sian editors under the supervision of the managing editor. The Day In Washington President Roosevelt discussed Federal taxes in two White House conferences with congressional leaders. aMThe Senate Military Committee was informed that. Grover Cleve- land Bergdoll would arrive in New York from Germany tomorrow to surrender to mlitary authorities. Government officials differed on whether the draft dodger should be permitted to reenter the coun- try. . - * George Deatherage, head of the Knights of the White Camellia, told the House Committee on Un- American Activities that an or- ganization in Germany supplies material for anti-Jewish and anti- communist publications in the United States. The House Ways and Means Committee reported without rec- oommendation a bill embodying the Townsend old age pension plan. A vote on the bill may be taken next week. Starrett Edits Annual Issue Of Forester' Forestry School Dedicates Magazine To Matthews; Includes Many Pictures Dedicated to Prof. Donald M. Matthews, of the forestry depart- ment, and edited by Lillian Starrett, '39F&C, the 1939 edition of the Michigan Forester, year-book of the School of Forestry and Conservation, was published this week. "The Utilization of Wood," an im- portant economic aspect of forestry, is the theme of the book which con- tains an article on "The Paper In- dustry," by Otto Kress, technical di- rector of the Institute of Paper Chem- istry. other Articles Other articles include "Plywood and Veneer" by N. S. Perkins, of the Douglas Fir Plywood Association, and "Good Plastics," by E. C. Sherrard, of Forestry Products Laboratory. The cover of the book will contain a drawing of Michigan logs and log- ging wheels. Printed on heavy wood- grained paper, the Michigan Foresters will have individual pictures of the Class of '39, together with lists of the candidates for the degree of Mas- ter of Forestry. Has Continued Work Professor Matthews, who has been professor of forest management since 1927, received the degree of Master of Science in Forestry from the Uni- versity 30 years ago. Since he joined the faculty here he has continued his active work in forestry. In 1929, he was adviser to the Brazilian govern- ment on the organization of its forest service, and for the last two years, he has been chairman of the Division of Education in the Society of American Foresters. He has also written a text- book on forest management. Gargoyle's 'Esquire' Appears Tomorrow? Gargoyle's much touted "Esquire" issue will follow a usual custom by not appearing today as announced, according to Max Hodge, perpetrator. Tomorrow, he says, is now the prob- able date of sale. The issue will continue Garg's cus- tom, started last semester with the "Sexy Terror" issue, of imitating noted magazines. Close approxima- tions to the well known drawings of Petty, Hoff, Bundy will appear. Mimes Selects Hod ge's Script For Fall Opera Society To Give All-Male Production; Humphries Elected To Presidency After an absence of three years, Mimes will revive the old all-male Union operas with a production this fall, it was announced at the honor- ary dramatic society's meeting last night in the Union. The script was submitted by Max Hodge, '39, retir- ing editor of the Gargoyle. Petitions for chairmanship of the opera, which is open to all male stu- dents on campus, are due the first week of next semester. In elections held last night, Rich- ard Humphreys, '40, was chosen president. Other new officers are Oscar Feferman, '40, vice-president; Milton Peterman, '40, treasurer, and Henry Clauser, '40, secretary. Tapped for membership in the society last night were Stan Swinton, '40, Bud Vedder, Charles Holton, Ross Monroe, '42E, Robert Prasil, '41, Thomas Goodkind, '42, Richard Strain, '42, Charles Heinan, '41E, Don Treadwell, '40, William Miller, Carl Petersen, '40, Ellis Wunsch, '40, Daniel Shaw, '40, James Halligan, '40F&C, Hadley Smith, '40E, Theo- dore Winter, '41, Thomas Adams, '40, Aleck Block, '40, and Vincent Dunn, '40. It was decided to make a special award every year to the best ama- teur male dramatic performance on campus. The society, which num- bers among its members many promi- nent University faculty men, will holds its annual banquet in the Union tonight. Kay Kyser, honorary mem- ber of Mimes, will address the mem- bers next Wednesday. T wenty Enter Mfichigamua' s Warrior Band Listen to this tale of romance, U.S. Navy Briigs 33 Trapped Men To Surface After Thrilling Rescue; 26 Others Lie Dead In Submarine ----. Survivor Of Submarine Catastrophe Tells StoryOf Wild Plunge Into Sea Into this decompression tank were rushed the 33 rescued men who were brought to the surface yesterday from the Squalus, U.S. Navy submarine glued to the ocean floor under 240 feet of water in Atlantic Ocean near Portsmouth, N.H. * 'e' * Tale of Indian warrior bold, In the early moon of greenleaves, Came they forth the stoic valiant; Forth they romped to paleface wig- wam, Wigwam one of friend great chief, Paleface mighty among his kind, Came he forth to take their token, Of the warpath they would tread, Then to the mighty oak of Tappan, Dashed the screaming yelling red- men; To the tree of Indian legend, When the whitemen pale and trem- bling, Stood around the mighty oak; Warriors choice of paleface nation, Choice of tribe to run the gauntlet, Down the warriors, painted demons, Swooped and caught their prey like eagles, Loud the warcry stirred the stillness, As they seized their hapless captives, Forth they bore them to their wig- wam,. There to torture at their pleasure, There around the glowing bonfires, Heard the words of mighty wisdom, Smoked the pipe of peace and friend- ship, Thus there came to Michigamua: Archie Kodros, John Nicholson, Carl Wheeler, Butch Jordan, Jim Rae, Charlie Pink, Hal Benham, Dye Ho- gan, Ralph Schwarzkopf, Carl Peter- sen, Stan Swinton, Mel Fineberg, Elliott Maraniss, Paul Park, Stew Robson, Don Treadwell, Had Smith, Tom Adams, Bill Davidson, Phil Westbrook. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Judson Thomas Bland, 30, of Norfolk, Va., an electrician's mate on the submarine Squalus, in better condition than some of his fellow survivors, gave the follow ing interview Wednesday night. He was clad in hospital pajamas, bath robe and sandals.) PORTSMOUTH, N.H., May 24-(P'-."Tm very happy to be here to say I was with a very fine bunch of ship- mates. I never saw a crew handle so well a situation that really needed good handling. "We made a perfectly normal fast dive. It was a test dive and the test superintendent was timing it and clock- it as we went down. "Then something happened. It just couldn't be helped. It was one of those things that might go wrong with any complicated mechanical thing. King P raises U.S., Canada' ~Joint Faith' 4 "We started taking in water through the ventilation valve. We knew something had gone wrong aft. The captain came below. He was in complete charge at all times. All of his orders were carried out immediately. "The men worked to shut off the water. Then the diving officer came below and gave orders to blow- the tanks. We took a terrific angle. It was v about 45 degrees, I think, with the bow New Diving Bell Descends To Ocean Floor To Bring Survivors To Surface Struggle For Nine Hours On Atlantic PORTSMOUTH, N.H., May 25.- (iP)-The United States Navy com- pleted early today a major epic of the sea-the perilous rescue of 33 men trapped since Tuesday on the ocean floor aboard the submarine Squalus -and the sunken craft was left peopled only by its 26 dead. Under the giant searchlights of a fleet of mercy vessels, a rescue cham- ber bearing the last eight men finally was brought to the surface at 12:30 a.m. (EDT), but only after an escape from a second near-tragedy. For nearly four hours, the un- wieldy, nine-ton diving bell hung sus- pended 150 feet below the surface when a hoisting cable jammed. Imprisoned 36 Hours Men who already had been im- prisoned for more than 36 hours in the stale, gas-ridden but icy-cold air of the crippled Squalus were jammed like sardines in the cramped rescue chamber. Only the fact that a hose reaching to the surface was attached to the bell, so that fresh air could be pumped down, prevented acute danger to the trapped men. A second hose, also- was connected through which stale air could be drawn off. As the bell finally broke the surface on its last tortuous trip, this message was flashed from the rescue ship Falcon : "Eight men up on fourth trip. All in good shape and all survivors now out." Thus was completed the roll of the living. More than 40 fathoms below rested the dead, two of them civilian observ- ers and one an officer-Ensign Joseph W. Patterson of Oklahoma City. Even as the final eight were brought out alive, however, the Navy's high command gave the order to make the sea give up its dead, and divers prepared to work on into the night in an effort to bring up the bodies of the lost so that the sub- marine itself might be blown out and raised. Commander Leaves Last Lieut. O. F. Naquin, of Alexandria, La., commander of the Squalus, was the last to leave his ill-fated ship, glued to the bottom 15 miles off Ports- mouth since 8:40 a.m. yesterday, when water, pouring through an open air induction valve, flooded the after com- partments during a practice dive. Almost simultaneous with the "final" rescue, an indication came from Rear Admiral C. W. Cole, coi- mandant of the Portsmouth Navy Yard, who directed the fight to save the Squalus' crew, that the nine men brought up in the third trip of the diving bell were in poor physical con- dition. Behind them, however, were the bodies of 26 shipmates-held under forty fathoms of cold ocean water in the flooded compartments of the crippled submersible. Cheer upon cheer rose from the decks of the Falcon as the first seven survivors stepped into the free air. Each, as he was rushed quickly to a decompression chamber, made his- tory. First Rescue By Bell Not only was this the first time that the diving bell had been used for a wholesale rescue of men actually trapped aboard a sunken craft, but also it marked the first saving of men from a submarine crippled at su a depth as 240 feet. Still ahead of the rescuers lay a grim task. High navy officials re- iterated tonight that divers would search each flooded compartment for the bodies of the dead, bringing them to the surface before the Squalus it- self was pumped out and raised. The first man to breathe free air again after 29 hours of confinement in the cold, dark of the half flooded Squalus was Lieut. J. C. Nichols. Hillel Commemorates Festival, Of Shavuoth Orthodox services, sponsored by the _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 Lecture Method Of Instruction Condemned By Students In Poll WINNIPEG, May 24.-(R)-King George' VI. observed British Empire day in this heart of the Canadian prairies today with a world-wide ra- dio address which extolled "the faith in reason and fair play" which he said was shared by Britain, the Unit- ed States and his Dominion of Canada. This joint faith, he said, was "onek of the chief ideals that guides the1 British empire in all its ways today.". "Canada and the United StatesI have had to dispose of searching dif- ferences of aim and interest during the past hundred years; but never1 has one of these differences been re-) solved by force or by threat," the king said. - "No man, thank God, will ever again conceive of such arbitrament between the peoples of my empire and the people of the United States." The King paused in his tour of Canada with Queen Elizabeth to makerthe address, the longest he ever has broadcast. He gave the 800-word speech in a rich, resonant voice, slow- ly as always. His words were carried throughout the far-flung empire, across the principal radio networks in the United States, and to France and other countries. He began at 1 p.m. (2 p.m., EST). The King and Queen arrived in this metropolis of Manitoba, at 10:30 a.m. (11:30 a.m., EST) American flags waved with British flags on some buildings and in many hands along the streets where it was estimated 50,000 visitors from below the international border braved bad weather to join the 250,000 people of Winnipeg in rousing street cheering. for the royal couple. Payment Of Senior Dues To End Today Varsity Band' To Broadcast' Will Give Concert Over NBC Chain Today, Popular classics and m o d e r n American compositions will be pre- sented by the University Band on a broadcast over the blue network of NBC this afternoon from 3:30 to 4 p.m., Don Chown, maniger, an- nounced yesterday. This will be the third annual pro- gram which has been broadcast over NBC by the band. The previous two have been broadcast during National Music Week, but this program is be- ing given two weeks late because of a conflicting schedule with the May Festival. Tickets for the broadcast are free and may be had at the Union, the League, Wahrs Bookstore, Morris Hall or the School of Music. Every- one must be in his seat by 3:15 p.m. Broadcast time is 3:30 p.m. Ti -Natilon Pact Plans Near End Britain, France And Russia NearingAgreement LONDON, May 24.-(JP)-Negotia- tions on a three-power mutual assist- ance pact among Britain, France and, Soviet Russia had advanced so far today that Prime Minister Chamber- lain expressed confidence of full agreement within two weeks. In a two-hour meeting the British cabinet accepted a plan which Foreign Secretary Viscount Halifax discussed with Ivan Maisky, Russian delegate to the League of Nations, at Geneva. The nlan wns said hb informed annr- up. One of the men closed the door to the after part of the ship. It took super strength to do it and I don't see1 how he did it. "All the men possible got out of the after compartments. I don't knowI if all the, after compartments were flooded and I hope they were not. "We lost all power and had no com- munications astern. No one was ex- cited at any time. Everyone was liv- ing in the hope we'd be found. We fired smoke bombs at regular inter-I vals. We heard the Sculpin's engines' around 3 o'clock and knew she was there. "We knew it was the Sculpin be- cause her engines are just like ours. We were greatly relieved. We knew we had been found and had nothing to worry about. "Every word from every man was a cheerful one. Beating on the hull was our only means of communica- tion. Two men forward and two in the after part of the bow kept beating signals all the time we were down in spite of the great cold and darkness. "We got very good results. We were told the Falcon would arrive at 4:30 this morning. We knew she had ex- cellent equipment and wonderful divers. I'm not afraid to say that not one man ever thought he would not be rescued. "The air got a little bad just before we came up betause we were trying to conserve the oxygen. When the first rescue party came down you can imagine how happy we were. We sent up the weakest men first. I was in the second rescue party. "I hope all the rest will be found." May Obtain Ensians The first volumes of the 1939 Ensian have arrived and are ready for distribution, it was announced today by Charles L. Kettler, busi- ness manager. The yearbooks will be distribut- ed at the Student Publications building today and Friday from 9 - + - C fn ln rnnc tx rhnma 1 By WILLIAM ELMER University students are almost unanimously opposed to an "outmod- ed" system of classroom lecture in- struction, it is revealed by the re- sults of the four-day poll conducted by the Student Senate last week. The students want a system that will provide more "personalized" in- struction, instead of large lecture sec- tions, the Senate survey indicated. Hit Young Teachers They also sounded protest against large, burdensome courses which are being taught by young and relatively inexperienced instructors, Harold Os- terweil, '41, member of the Student Senate, declared. "Students apparently think that lectures are a waste of time and cou1d who has no opportunity to contribute at all or to ask questions. Students listen and take notes without really thinking about what is being said be- cause'what they think does not seem to be important." Exam System Scored The present exam system was also severely scored. Many students re- quested that the cessation of courses and the beginning of exams be given. The advisory system was also critical, because of the inefficiency of pro- .fessors who work part-time at a job. All advocated full-time ien who would be fully-informed on the situa- tion, One person pointed out that wrong advice on such a serious propo- sition as education might mean years of effort in the wron field. ..:'