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May 24, 1939 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-24

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WE7DNF9SD;*V, MAY M4, 1939



Railroads Are
Debate Subject
For Next Fall
Government ownership and opera-
tion of the railroads will be discussed
by the men's varsity debate squad in
next fall's contests.
Three of this year's squad which
traveled to the Big Ten meet in Chi-
cago in April have participated in
their last contest for Michigan.
Robert Rosa, '39, will take up his
studies in England as an Oxford
scholar, Louis Poplinger, '39, is enter-
ing Harvard Law School, and Jack
Shuler, '40E, plans to enter Law
School here. Of the five varsity men,
only William Muehl, '41, and Sidney
Davidson, '40, will return.
- Team Wins Twice
After holding the Big Ten cham-
pionship title for the last five years,
the Michigan team came out of the
conference this spring with only two
wins out of eight contests. Michigan
squads also competed in more than
eight local contests this semester, in-
cluding a radio meet with Wayne
University. Rosa and Shuler met a
team at the University of Western
Ontario March' 27 on the semester's
topic "Resolved, That the United
States Should Cease To Use Govern-
ment Funds, Including Credit, For the
Stimulation of Business."
Argue On Great Britain
On the first semesters schedule,
Rosa and Shuler took the only de-
cision contest of the semester from
Purdue Nov. 17 on the question "Re-
solved,iThat theAUnited States Should
Establish An Alliance With Great
Britain." That pair also met the Uni-
versity of Western Ontario here Oct.
28 and Michigan State Oct. 22. Rosa
and Oliver Crager, '39, argued at the
University of Indiana Nov. 18. Jack
Zuideveld, '40, and Poplinger debated
Ohio State here Nov. 16 and Muehl
and Davidson met Indiana Dec. 1.
Hopwood Winner's Book
Will Be Translated Soon
"Dr. Norton's Wife," the third
novel by Mildred Walker Schemm,
'33, will be translated into Danish,
Mrs. Schemm's book was the Liter-
ary Guild selection for January and
is the first story by a Hopwood win-
ner ever to be translated into a
foreign langtaage. Her first novel,
"Fireweed", received a major Hop-
wood fiction award in 1933.

Rev. H. R. Chapman Will Retire
After 20 Years As Baptist Pastor

Places In Contest

Rev. Howard R. Chapman, who is
completing 20 years as director of the
Baptist student guild in Ann Arbor,
announced that he will retire from
that position next month and will go
to Northville, Mich., where he has
accepted the pastorate of the Baptist
Widely known as a religious educa-
tor, Dr. Chapman has been a leader
in local and state religious move-
ments and has been a leader in co-
operative efforts in Ann Arbor
churches. As Baptist guild director
he has been in charge of activities of
Baptist students who attend the Uni-
Dr. Chapman's student work dates
back to 1904 when he served on a
state commission to adjust problems
in administering the student pro-
gram. He came to Ann Arbor when
Mr. Thomas S. Evans, secretary of,
the Student Christian Association,
was trying to reorganize the church
programs being offered to students.
Mr. Lewis Reiman, '16, and Dr. Chap-
man served as heads of departments
under Mr. Evans, Mr. Reimann hav-
ing charge of deputation work and
Dr. Chapman of world service activi-
Dr. Chapman's work has not been
limited to students, however. For
several years he has served as the
chairman of the local inter-church
committee in religious education and
furthered teacher training course.
Dr. Chapman has also been taking
an active part in affairs in Washte-
naw County. In 1938 he directed the
perfecting of the Washtenaw Council
of Churches and Religious Education,
a conference of youth which brought
250 into discusison groups, and" an
adult conference at Ypsilanti.
He has represented the Northern
Baptist board of education on the
states promotion committee, for the
past -15 years as a teacher and speak-
Academy, Herbarium
Publications Announced
Two new University publications'
were returned from publishers today.
One of ,them is an account of the
reports and papers of. the 1938 con-
clave of the Michigan Academy of
Arts and Letters which met in Ann
Arbor last year.
The other publication is the first
in series of pamphlets which will be
published by Alexander H. Smith, of,
the University Herbarium. It dis-
cusses Mayan botanical growths.'

er in summer religious schools in
many of the mid-western states and
on the Pacific coast. Dr. Chapman
taught for four summers in the New
England "school of methods" at
Ocean Park, Me., and is ranked as one
of the progressive educators in his
Dr. Chapman received his A.B..
M.A., and Doctor of Divinity degrees
from Shurtleff College, and is also a
graduate of the Colgate-Rochester
divinity school in Rochester, N.Y.
Dean To Talky


To Engineers

'A Way Of Living' Topic
At Senior Banquet
S. M. Dean, chief assistant super-
intendent of the electrical system of
the Detroit Edison Company, will be
the principal speaker at the annual
Senior Engineering Banquet to be
held tomorrow at 6:15 p.m. in the
main ballroom of the Michigan
Mr. Dean's topic will be "Engineer-
ing, A Way of Living." Tim Hurd,
'39E, will preside as toastmaster, and
other speakers include Dean H. C.j
Anderson of the engineering college
and T. Hawley Tapping, general
secretary of the Alumni Association.
A complete list of the addresses
and jobs of every member of the
Class of 1939 will be handed out at
the banquet. Songs and varied enter-
tainment will supplement the pro-
gram.Tickets may be purchased at
both East and West Engineering
ASCE Will Hear
Consulting Engineer
Clarence Hubbell, junior partner
of a Detroit firm of consulting engi-
neers, will address the American
Society of Civil Engineers tonight on
the subject of "The Engineering Popu-
lation Problem." The meeting, the last
of the year, will'be held at 7:30 p.m.
in the> East Lecture Room of the
,Rackhamr Building.
The ASCE yesterday went to De-
troit' on a field trip, where the group
was conducted on a visit to the
SpringWell filtration plant, the un-
finished sewage disposal plant, and
the Mahone steel fabrication shop.,

I Miss Gwendolyn Lemon, '39, above,
received honorable mention from
the Tobe-Coburn School of Fashion
Careers. Miss Lemon was one of the
15 girls who received honorable
mention in ,the contest in which
eight girls were awarded fellowships
to the fashion school.
University Club Has
Meeting At Adrian
A meeting of the University of
Michigan Club of Adrian was at-
tended last night by Prof. James P.
Cissel of the engineering college, T.
Hawley Tapping, general secretary
of the Alumni Association, and Robert
0. Morgan, assistant secretary.
Many potential freshmen of the
University were present for the dis-
cussion of alumni undergraduate
scholarships. Doris E. Reed, '41, and
Helen L. Foster, '41, holders of alum-
ni scholarships, were presented to
the interested high school students.
Dow To Spend Summer
In Bell Telephone Labs
Prof. W. G. Dow of the electrical
engineering department recently an-
nounced his plans to spend the sum-
mer with the Bell Telephone Research
Laboratories in New York City.
He will work on various phases of
electronics as related to electrical
communication. The Bell Telephone
Laboratories is the research organiza-
tion of the Bell system.

Ma-Made Quakes
A ssistig Scientists
in OiEporto
Miniature, man-made earthquakes
are helping scientists map the inside
of the earth's crust in an oil explora-
tion on the north island of New Zea-
land, according to details of this mod-
ern method of geological exploration
received recently from Prof. Lewis B.
Kellum of the Department of Geology,
now on leave of absence.
Earth tremors created by exploding
dynamite are the essential ingredi-
ents of the new mapping process as
it is followed by Professor Kallum
and his staff. The process involves
setting off of charges of dynamite
and the reco'ding the tremors re-
flected back to the earth's surface
from the various deep lying rock for-
nations. The reflected shocks are
recorded by seismographs, similar to
those used in recording natural earth-
quakes. Extremely accurate measure-
ments of the time taken for the re-
flected shocks to return to the surface
allow the worker to calculate the
depths of various levels of rock, Pro-
fessor Kellum declared.
The seismic method, he added, is
based on the fact that rock materials
vary in intensity. Hard, dense, com-
pact rocks transmit shock waves with
greater speed than softer, less firmly
consolidated rocks. Transformed in-
to electrical impulses and greatly am-
plified, the shocks are recorded with
a time scale by photography. Com-
parison of shock records with the
time scale gives the scientist the
necessary information to calculate
the depth of each rock formation.
Professor Kellum who has been on
eave for a year, emphasizes the fact
that this exploration does not claim
to determine the presence or absence
of petroleum. The object of the ex-
pedition, he says, is to determine
whether the geological conditions are
favorable for the formation and ac-
cumulation of petroleum, and to
find the location of structural traps
which would cause the oil to accu-
mulate, if present.
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Hillel Council Committee
Chairmanships Published
Additional Hillel Cunl Commi-
tee chairmanshipi for ieT year wee
annoued riucntly'on ty -tei -
hart. '40, president of the c utici].
Sidney Steinhart, '41, R u t h
Schwartz, '40. and Phyllis Melnick,
'40, were named as heads of the mem-
bership, education, and social com-
mittees respectively.
Ted Leibovitz, '40, was made chair-
man of the religious committee,
Jerome Dick, '40L. was made Hillel
Librarian, and Maurice Reizen. '40,
was put in charge of all Hillel Sports.
The new representatives to the Stu-
dent Religious Association are Sam
Grant, '40, and Selma Chibnik, '40.

lose 4 0 ounces

Betty Walker Gives
Herp Recital Today
Betty Walker, '39SM, will give a
harp recital at 8:15 p.m. today in
the School of Music Auditorium in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Bachelor of
Miss Walker's program will in-
clude among other selections "Varia-
tions sur un Theme dans le style an-
cien" by Salzedo; "Le Jardin Mouille"
by de la Presle; "Introduction and
Allegro" by Ravel; "La Fille aux Che-
veux de Lin" by Debussy, and "Ga-
votte de la Temple de Glorie" by Ra-


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