THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1919 THE MICHIGAN DAILY -.1 I 3-' , ., _-- i9. ___ [ray v N I ev+..a . Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Sumni -r Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated. Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.; Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions duringeregular school year by carrier. 4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTISINGe qY National Advertising Service, Inc. Col ege Publishers Representative 420? MADidoN AvF. New YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO BOSTON LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Editorial Staff Literature. In The High School: Value Of Classic, Modern Readings Debat ,'By JOSEPH GIES however much of stylistic merit they may Professor Howard Mumford Jones, in an essay tain, cannot be read as living literature by written for The English Leaflet last June and school students. For a few examples culled reprinted in Dean Walter's Essay Annual, dis- my own memory I may cite Chaucer, Golds cusses a question which has been knocked around Cowper, Bacon, Hazlitt, Carlyle, Newman, A a great deal in academic circles in recent years. Dryden, and above -all Milton and Spenser. Professor Jones entitles his remarks "TUe Place I submit that the writings of these men of the Humanities in American Education." What most of the others which furnish the ma it comes down to mainly is a discussion of what for high school English courses are merely b we should teach in high school English courses. to boys and girls of 14 to 17, and when ad Professor Jones defends the classical con- istered in standard doses of one to three cept of English-teaching: instruction in the periods and study hours are of little benef great masterpieces of English literature. He does deed in developing a love and a taste for l1 this largely in a negative way, by being sarcastic ture. at the expense of "progressive" educators who The fundamental function of literatur wish to teach contemporary literature in high schools, to my mind, should be the same as school. He quotes from The English Journal: anywhere else, namely, the interpretation o "Today there are a score of progressive This is where the moderns come in; for schools where wide freedom to read where if we grant that Faulkner is a bit violent for and when they wish from the literature of school children, I think even he is preferab today is the program of all classes. The the zero represented by most of the cla ghosts of the older classics still move among Modern writers (don't anyone bring up us, but the sturdy push of the contemporary Joyce) speak an idiom American school chi reduces their pale ranks in every anthology can understand. But more important than and course of study that issues from the they discuss the problems, personal and s presses. Soon only those ancients 'stuck fast which modern school children are going to in yesterday' and the ever-present Philis- to face. tines will prescribe forced reading in a Professor Jones replies to this line of a dead culture." on the part of the "progressives" by ass Comments Professor Jones: "The spectacle of first, that we can only comprehend the prob the pale ghost of Hamlet, stuck fast in the yes- of today in the light of the knowledge o terday of a dead culture, escorted off the literary past, and second, that an education strict stage by a chorus of Philistines, in order that terms of contemporaneous questions is c high school pupils may devote themselves to the to be out-of-date in a few years. "There is a novels of Mr. Faulkner, is one of those things difference," he says, "between giving the sci that make the angels weep." It seems to me that and social studies an important part in the Professor Jones is reading between the lines a cational process, and turning our schools little freely to interpret "dead culture" as mean- ideational training camps for the suppos ing Shakespeare. Indeed, I doubt if one could society of the future." find a single English teacher, however progres- This, I think, fails to meet the issue squ sive, who would wish to remove Shakespeare What we must do with our whole from the curriculum at a blow, much less one system is obviously train students to I who would like to substitute Faulkner. Every educator will subscribe to this. The What progressive educators are opposed to is question then, is whether we best stimulate t not the teaching of Shakespeare, or for that ing by offering stanzas from The Faerie Q matter, any of the classics, in the public schools; and portions of Samson Agonistes or by l it is the concept of literary education as a com- students select their own reading, in accord posite of a multitude of selections from an army with the "progressive" fokmula, largely frog of writers which are necessarily too brief and best of conemporary literature. Professor J too- various to offer a great deal of value. This incidentally, is guilty in his essay*of a r concept derives from the belief that in order to shady trick of writing; he says, of the tea be educated, one must know the names, titles of of the humanities; that "because the job is( works and perhaps one or two central ideas or cult, we are not justified in avoiding it. I bits of biographical data of all the great writers vocabulary of Shakespeare is hard to under of the past, or as many as can be crammed into we are not therefore permitted to take refu a semester's reading. the Saturday Evening Post. I have yett As for "ghosts," I think the English Journal shown why, because he is living in the twen simply referred to those, writers whose works, century, Mr. Dale Carnegie is a more stimul ed con- high from mith, rnold, and terial oring dmin- class' it in- itera-. e in s it is f life. even high ble to assics. Mr. ldrenr this,w social, have attack erting blems f the' tly ini ertain vast ences edu- into itious arely. tional think. sole hink- Queen etting dance m the Jones, ather ching diffi- f the stand, uge in to be ntieth lating Managing Editor . . City Editor . . . Editorial Director . . Associate Editor , Associate Editor . . . Associate Editor . . Associate Editor. . Associate Editor . . Sports Editor. . . Women's Editor . . Business Staff Business Manager . Credits Manager . Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager. Publication Manager . . Carl Petersen Stan M. Swinton Elliott Maraniss Jack Canavan Dennis Flanagan Morton Linder Norman Schorr Ethel Norberg Mel Fineberg Ann Vicary Paul R. Park Ganson Taggart Zenovia Skoratko Jane Mowers Harriet Levy NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT W. BOGLE The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daiy staff and represent the views of the writera only. Good Neighborliness An dForeign Trade .. RESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S Goo P Neighbor Policy. toward Latin America is meeting rebuffs fromt a dozen sources. There is a growing mass of evidence that our Southern neighbors will be frindly only for a price, and that some Americans are not too sure they want to pay for neighborliness. The corned beef controversy is the latest threat to the good-natured smile we are turning southward. Our trade with Argentina dropped from $115,000,000 to $25,000,000 during the first eight months of 1938, and, as a stimulant, Presi- dent Roosevelt ordered for the Navy 48,000 pounds of Argentina canned meat-about one day's supply for the- sailors. The measure so riled Western cattlemen and Congressmen that they may stymie the naval supply bill until the affront to the American cow is stricken out. The President based his argument on cold figures. It would cost $11,040 to buy American- packed corned beef. Argentine packers will sell it here for a net of $4,320 to the Government. He also explained that only the lower grades of American beef is canned, while Argentine pack- ers, lacking markets for all their choice beef, can some of it. , Perhaps the stormiest waters good-neighbor- liness has met has been the Mexican seizure of the properties of 17 American oil companies last year. An America that once would have sent a. Pershing to the rescue this time chose to limit itself to business-like appeals for negotiation; and the Government's attempts to foster American solidarity were given a great boost. The Mexican question may yet endanger our friendly attitude, althouh a fair settlement ap- pears in the offing. The negotiations have reached the point where the American companies are willing to enter a long-term contract of approx- imately 50 years under which they would operate the properties and make investments for develop- ment At the end of the period the title to the properties would go to the Mexican government. The horde of Latin-American dignitaries who are treking to Washington day-by-day has been likened to a swarm'of bees around a jar of nectar. Nicaragua's President Anastasio Somoza was feitbd'at the capital last week and secured $5,000,- 000 for building Nicaraguan roads. A pro-United States policy has already won Brazil large credits, and the Brazilian Chief of Staff, Goes Monteiro, will arrive soon. The Chilean Finance Minister will follow him. If they have shown nothing else, these diffi- culties in our attempt to create American solidar- ity reveal the magnitude of our task. The prob- lems facing us were pointed out in a recent series of articles by John T. Whitaker in the Chicago Daily News. Whitaker stressed that our good neighbor program must have a basis of practical economics instead of the gush of brotherly love. "Brazil is as friendly toward the United States," he said, "as any South American coun- try and this a realistic, permanent friendship based upon Brazil's favorable trade balance and her fear that she and the United States may bear the brunt when Hitler and the unholy alliance aftack." Argentina's susceptibility to fascist wooings, on the other hand, springs directly from the beliefs of the cattle and grain industrialists, whose products the United States does not need, that they can drive a better bargain in Europe. mm TTmnifA -Vtatac nnAn Rnth Anarinom n THEPoATRE 1 By NORMAN KIELL No Runs, No Hits, Two Errors Elmer Rice's "American Landscape," which. the Ann Arbor Dramatic Season presented last night at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre as the second of its five productions, is more full of good intentions than it is of good drama. Certainly Mr. Rice is sincere and earnestly patriotic in his contemplation of the American Way and his concern for its current tribulations. But in his zeal to get into the thick of things, he has forgotten to write a good drama. He loses himself, as well as the audience, because his drama is too diffuse and sprawling, too full of hortatory and unwieldy speeches. Mr. Rice's landscape -shows us the estate of an old Connecticut family, proud, patriotic, and democratic. The bewildered head of the family, Captain Frank Dale, has tried to admin- ister the ancestral farm, and shoe factory wisely, but at seventy-five, unsuccessful and tired, he wants to sell the estate to a Nazi organization and the factory to a corporation. But the "echoes of the past," as seen in Captain Dale's militant ancestors, Moll Flanders, Harriet Beech- er Stowe, and three veterans of our wars, and the flesh and blood of the future as represented, by his children, factory workers, and towns- people, rise up in protest. Selling the farm for the purposes of a Nazi summer camp would be contrary to all their democratic principles; sell- ing the factory would terminate all chances for the residents of Dalesford to make a living. Mr. Rice averts the impending tragedy.- Both farm and factory are saved, more through a desire to end the play than for credible reasons. In the telling of his tale, Mr. Rice has gutted "American Landscape" with many half-drawn characters. They come in and out so frequently without getting down to the real business at hand that we lose interest in them too quickly when, we would like to know them, better. And it is likewise the case with what Mr. Rice is en- deavouring to say; he circles his interesting problems. Further, "American Landscape" is so talky that it becomes static, except when the ancestral hosts make their unexpected but natural entrances. And Mr. Rice makes us ac- cept these. ghosts, for although they are unreal we can believe them. Bad Rice makes poor theatrical fare. But the Ann Arbor Dramatic Season has given Mr. Rice's disappointing play a set by Emiline Roche that catches the atmosphere of an,. old New England household and a cast, which on the whole, does ample justice to the play. Wesley Addy, Dennis Hoey, Con Mac Sunday, Ethel Morrison, and Mary Morris, who speak "for the past," all do splendidly and intelligently their difficult assign- ments. James Bell, Philip Tonge, Ellis Baker, and Hathaway Kale play their scenes with authen- ticity and fluidity. Although Harry Irvine does not give the part of Captain Dale sufficient strength, he probes deeply into his role and comes off with an excellent characterization. Joanna thinker than Aristotle." The deliberate juxtaposing of the best of the classics with what is commercialized and fleet- ing in today's literature, is an attempt to screen the true alternative to the old-fashioned educa- tion, that is, the teaching of a mixture of the best of today's literature with what can be under- stood of yesterday's. The fact is, it is precisely this insistence upon the classics and nothing but the classics, dry and unreadable though they may be, in the public schools, that drives people to find their literary recreation in the Post and their education in Mr. Carnegie. As for practical suggestions for a curricu- lum, I have not given the matter enough thought to be able to offer a ready-made outline of study. Among the English classics which I should deem comprehensible and useful to high school stu- dents, however, I might mention in addition to Shakespeare, Byron, Dickens, Swift, Tennyson, Shelley, Burns, Housman, and Browning. At any rate there are enough to provide sufficient reading to supplement the works of modern authors, among which I might suggest as suit- able for high school students: Shaw, Heming- way, Dreiser, Wolfe, Lewis, Caldwell, Sherwood Anderson, Carl Sandburg and many pthers. In addition, the standard American classics, even The Editor Gets Told. . To The Editor: Not to be outdone by the Gallup Polls, Congress, the U. of M. Senate, or even the late Literary Digest, I have conducted my own one-man survey on campus. The results are amazing. With the aid of a Westonr "Sight Meter," belonging to the De-3 troit Edison Co., I was able to gathert specific scientific evidence regardinga the lighting conditions in a numberv of our study halls, classrooms, and li- braries. Confidentially .... The first half of my survey wasP conducted shortly after noon on the sunny sixteenth of May. Here are the illuminating facts: (Any grade below 10 indicates conditions too poor for readinge without excessive strain on the eyes.1 Grades from 11-20 indicate conditions satisfactory for or- dinary reading but not for pro- longed periods. Grades from 21-30 indicate sufficient light for reading fine print.1 Grades above 30 indicate ant abundance of light, enough forI severe visual work for prolonged periods). Center section of main reading room of library.-15-35. Call desk in main library.-2. Dictionary tables along south side of same room-7.I Card catalogue. (away from windows -8.c Periodical reading room. (away from windows) -6. Medical reading room. (away from windows)-8. First floor study hall of li- brary. (away from windows)-6 Basement Study Hall-5. { Angell Hall study hall, (away from windows)--5-10. Angell Hall, classroom 2003. (away from windows with lightsr off)-1.r Same only lights on-9.1 Room 2203 showed the same< result except that the lights do not work!, AngellkHall's instructors' of-t fice, 2200-3. In almost all of these cases the rating was considerably higher, us-I ually above 30, at the places right near windows.' But the students utilizing all of these rooms were, fairly well distributed, so that more than half were subject to the poor lighting indicated above. Note that1 not a single room had all around sat- isfactory light conditions.t The second half of the survey, showing the effect of our artificialI lighting at night, was even worse asI it was almost equally dark through- out each room at that time. Main reading room of library (at lighted desks)-9.- (In the center, at the periodi- cal index desks, were 14 stu- dents working in light so poor that the meter failed to register). Periodical reading room-3. - Medical reading room-10. First floor study hall-4. Basement study hall-12. Angell Hall- study hall-9. Pendleton Library in Union- *4-9. For at least 10 years, according to one of my instructors, the University has been taking a "stay home if you don't like it" attitude. Far be it from me to ask them to change their policy. All I ask is that they start teaching a course in Braille. Pro- gressive schools like Michigan need to teach this subject ... , Sincerely yours, Fred Hirsehinan, '42. citizens to share in the decent way of life. I believe these two objectives are in no sense contradictory." They are, of course, not contradic- tory, but, if Mr. Hopkins will brush off the dust from the shelves of some of the desks or files of the Depart- ment of Commerce, he will find many, hundreds of thousands of pages of written data submitted by the so- called Roper business and advisory council, in which it was sought to pre- serve both objectives, and yet the recommendations of the business men, particularly on taxation, have been ignored. What Mr. Hopkins might have said, and he would have been applaud- ed as being entirely frank and out- spoken, was that there is no way of reconciling these various objectives and the demands of party and group politics, especially pressure politics. The Secretary of Commerce cer- tainly would not say that the Ameri- can Federation of Labor is interested in "exploiting" labor, yet its amend- ments *proposed for adoption at this Session to improve the Wagner Labor Act have not received either his en- dorsement or the approval of the Labor Board or of the Administra- tion. Yet in those amendments are the key to interferences with and stoppages of production due to juris- .dictional disputes in which the em- ployer has no part at all. Take the tax laws. Inside the; Ad- ministration, men have labored, hard (Continued from Page 2) work and the willingness to follow in- structions. The earnings of many Griscor sales- men exceed $100. Only one sale a day yields an income of $22.20 a week. Full time salesmen are averaging two sales a day. Suggest that interested students write firm at once for complete de- tails of their employment offer. For additional information call at 201 Mason Hall. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. Senior Lit Class Dues will be collect- ed for the last time on Thursday, May 25, from 9 5 p.m. at the Li- brary and Angell Hall. It is important that dues be payed before diplomas are received. Waukegan Residents: Will the resi- dent of Waukegan who recently lost a pair of glasses in a car traveling from Coldwater to South Bend please communicate with the Office of the Dean of Students. Academic Notices All Speech Concentrates and Grad- uate Students in Speech please call at 3211 A.H. at one of the following hours this week to complete con- centration records: 3-4 Wednesday 2-4 Thursday. William P. Halstead. Psychology Master's Comprehen- sive Examination will be held Satur- day, May 27, at 2 p.m. in Room 3126 N.S.f Seminar in Physical Chemistry will! meet in Room 122 Chemistry Build-' ing at 4:15 p.m. today. Mr. A. S. Newton will speak on "Chemilumines- cence." Economics 157. The class will not meet on either Wednesday or Friday this week. The outside reading in Hamilton's "Price and Price Policies" will be covered by the final examina- tion Saturday, June 3. Final Doctoral Examination of Mr. A. Alfred Erickson will be held on Wednesday, May 24 at- 1:30 p.m. in the East Council Room, Rackham Bldg. Mr. Erickson's field of speciali- zation is Physics. The title of his thesis is "The Quantitative Spectro- graphic Determination of the Normal Lead Content of Certain Biological Materials and Some Related Factors." Professor R. A. Sawyer, as chair- man of the committee, will conduct the examination. By direction of the Executive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examination and to grant permission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum. Final Doctoral Examination of Mr. Clarence H. Danhof will be held on Wednesday, May 24 at 2 p.m. in the West Council Room, Rackham Bldg. Mr. Danhof's field of specialization is Economics. The title of his thesis is "The Agricultural System of Pro- duction in the United States, 1850- 1860." Prof. M. S. Handman, as chair- man of the committee, will conduct the examination. By direction of the Executive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting mem- bers of the faculty and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend the ex- amination and to grant permission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum. Final Doctoral Examination of Mr. Carleton Raymond Treadwell will be held on Wednesday, May 24 at 2 p.m. in 313 West Medical Bldg. Mr. Treadwell's field of specialization is Biological Chemistry. The title of his thesis is "A Study of the Effect of High and Low Fat Diets on the Cho- lesterol Metabolism of Four Genera- tions of White Rats." Prof. H. C. Eckstein, as chair- man of the committee, will conduct the examination. By direction of the Executive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examination and to grant permission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum. Concerts Graduation Recital. Betty Walker harpist, will give a recital in, partia fulfillment of the requirements fo: the degree Bachelor of Music today at 8:15 o'clock, in the School of Music - Auditorium, . on .Maynard .Street. The public is invited to attend. e Graduation Recital: Virginia Hunt ' pianist, will' give a graduation recita Thursday, May 25, at 8:15 o'clock, it the School of Music 'Auditorium or Maynard Street. The public is in vited. CI daily May 22 through 27, 9 to 5. The public is invited. Tenth Annual Exhibitionof Sculp- lure,.in the concourse of the Michi- gan League Building. Lectures Ben East, outdoor editor for the Booth Newspapers, will give the 12th lecture in the Journalism Supple- mentary Lecture Series this after- noon at 3 p.m., in Room E, Haven Hall, speaking on "Outdoor Pages" The public is invited. Events Today Anatomy .Research Club Meeting The regular May meeting of the Ana- tomy Research Club will be held in Room 2501 East Medical Building 'at 4:30 p m. today. Speakers and Titles: Dr. J. T. Bradbury: "Experimental Intersevulaity in Infantile Rats." Dr. W. T. Dempster: "Some His- torical Aspects of Anatomical Tech- niques." Tea will be served at 4 pim. In Room 3502. All interested are cordially in- vited, Graduate Luncheon: There will be a graduate luncheon today at 12 noon in the Russian Tea Room of the League, cafeteria style. Lieutenant Colonel P. K. Kelly will discuss "A Professional Soldier's Views on the Status of National Defense." All graduate students are cordially invited. This will be the last luncheon of the year. Chemical Engineers: The A.I.Ch.E. banquet, terminating the year's ac- tivities with the installation of of- ficers, will be held in the Union, to- day at 6:15 p.m. Mr. McCarroll of the Ford Motor Co. will be guest speaker. All chemical and metallur- gical engineers are invited. Cercle Francais: The banquet will be tonight at 6:15 at the Michigan Union, Members who have not made reservations please call the secretary at 2-3791 before 1 p.m. A.S.H.E. Members: The final meet- ing of the year will be held at the Michigan Union today at 7 p.m. The officers for the coming year are to be elected at this meeting. Phi Tau Alpha: The annual Phi Tau Alpha banquet will be held today at 6:15 p.m. in the League. Tickets may be procured from Gordon or Packer. rof. Pal- mer A. Throop of the History De- partment will speak. Mimes: There will be a very im portant meeting today at 7:30 p.m. at the Union. It is imperative that every member be there. American Student Union: All mem- bers interested in helping form plans for a continuations group are invited to attend an enlarged Executive Committee meeting at 4 p.m. today in the League. Petitions will be ac- cepted for the Summer School. Assembly Executive Council: There will be a meeting of the executive council of Assembly today at 4:15. Coming Events Annual Senior Engineers' Banquet will be held in the Michigan Union, Thursday, May 25. at 6:15. Principal speaker will be Mr. S. M Dean, Assistant Chief Superinten- dent, The Electrical System of the Detroit Edison Company. His topic will be "Engineering-A Way of Liv- ing," Other speakers will include Dean H. C. Anderson, and T. Hawley Tapping, Alumni Secretary. Lists of class members will be distributed, and songs will be sung. A final farewell party for the Class 'of '39. Tickets for $1 may be bought at either the West or East Engineering Building Main Entrances, at any time. Senior Architects: The Detroit Chapter of the American Institute of Architects .will hold its May dinner meeting in Ann Arbor, Saturday, May 27, at the Michigan Union at 6:30 p.m. William Stanley Parker of Bos- ton will be the speaker. Senior archi- tects are particularly invited, and the Chapter is arranging a special din- ner rate for them. Seniors should make reservations immediately at Room 207 Architecture Building. I Spring Initiation and Banquet of r Phi Epsilon Kappa is to be held y Thursday, May 25, at 7 p.m., at the c Michigan Union. This is the final e meeting of Kappa Chapter for the year. Banquet tickets are available for 75 cents from George Thompson, , George Reuhle, Michael Megregrian, .l and President Clinton Mahlke. n n Michigan Dames: The Book Group - will meet in the Rackham Building Thursday at 8:15 p.m. DAI LY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.; 11:00 A.M. on Saturday. 40 00 as they are taught at present, are TODAY in WASHI11.NGTON. --by David Lawrence- of great value. ^ r. WASHINGTON, May 23.Secretary Hopkins, in his latest public pronouncement, has endeav- ored to put the Roosevelt Administration on record as favoring business when it is honest and opposing it when it is dishonest. He doesn't use those very words, but he sums up in four points the basis of the Administration's opposition to "business profits" wrongfully made, and leaves it to to be understood that, eliminating these wrong practices, business profits are sanctioned. The four points could be epitomized in a single word, "dishonesty," and, generally speaking, nine out of ten business men are as condemnatory of fraud and misrepresentation as is Mr. Hopkins and the Administration. The Secretary of Com- merce says that "misrepresentation" in selling goods is wrong, that "exploitation of labor" is wrong, that "wanton destruction" of natural re- sources is wrong and that "abuse of monopoly position" is wrong. For years, business men have recognized in their general comments on business practices that every one of the four things mentioned were indefensible. To infer that this is all that the present Administration has objected to about the profit system is, however, to give an erron- eous impression, just as it would be an error to say that business men have tried to defend the aforesaid practices. What business men say and what the Adminis- tration thus far has refused to accept is that the problems of management and risk of capital cannot be overcome by a multitude of regulatory steps of ambiguous nature or by the piling up of Adinnf sn inrirnn+ d't snc. in1 1erh %fnchkinn e