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May 23, 1939 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-23

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Traffie Safety
Institute To Give
Training Here
Teachers To Be Instructed
At Meeting Will Conduct
Schools This Summer
Training teachers to conduct sum-
mer courses for high school teachers
is the object of the six-day traffic
safety training institute conducted
by officials of the American Auto-
mobile Association which opened yes-
terday at the Union.
One of four such institutes for
various sections of the country at
which outlines for summer courses
are being planned, the conference
here is being attend by teachers from
Western State Teachers College,
Kalamazoo; Wheaton (Ill.) College;
Wilmington (O.) College; Glenville
(W.Va.) State Teachers College; and
Eastern Illinois State Teachers Col-
In charge of the conference is Dr.
F. R. Noffsinger, educational con-
sultant for the A.A.A., Prof. Amos E.
Neyhart, road training consultant for
the Association will conduct driving
demonstrations in a dual control
Teachers participating in the con-
ference will instruct high school
teachers in summer courses who, in
turn, will instruct their students next
year. More than 400 of the country's
high schools now offer traffic safety
courses including behind-the-wheel
Similar institutes have been held qr
Durham,' N.C., and Stillwater, Okla
After leaving here, Dr. Noffsinger and
Prof. Neyhart will go to Berkley,
Calif., for the fourth institute. In
the four institutes, 28 college teach-
ers are being trained this year.

Leads Band

Wolverine Co-Op To Consolidate
Rather Than Expand Next Year

Prof. William D. Revelli will lead
the University Concert Band in its
last concert this year today in Hill
Auditorium. He will present a pro-
gram which includes popular tunes.
State Mailmen
'Will Meet Here
Annual Two-Day Session
Will Convene Friday
More than 250 of the State's letter
carriers and their wives will tramp
Ann Arbor's streets sans mail bags
Friday when the 40th annual conven-
tion of the Michigan State Associa-
tion of Letter Carriers opens its two-
day session with a parade.
A tour of the campus and a "Dutch"
supper at Moose Hall will complete
Friday's program, with business ses-
sions, election of officers, selection of
next year's convention city and a
banquet in the ballroom of the Union
on Saturday's'schedule. The conven-
tion is the first of its kind to be held
in Ann Arbor in 16 years.
Three officers of the National
Association of Letter Carriers will
attend the convention, Clarence F.
Stinson, assistant national secretary;
Luther E. Swartz, chief collector of
the M.B.A.; and D. F. Murray, chair-
man of the national executive board.

Next year will be a period of con-
solidation, rather than expansion, for
the Michigan Wolverine Student Co-
operative, Inc., according to John
Scheibe, '42M, newly elected president
of the organization.
No more additions to services orl
equipment will be made out of the
present cash structure, he explained,
although the Board of Directors will
recognize votes by the membership
requestion particular expansions. A
barber shop and a cleaning and press-
ing establishment may be installed
if enough financial support is avail-
Both because of certain contractual
obligations due next year and because
of the need of consolidating gains
already made, this policy will be fol-
lowed, he asserted. The plan will
make possible reduction of member-
ship fees and board bills in the near
future, he predicted.
To Attempt Price Reduction
Next year, however, Scheibe an-
nounced, the Wolverine will attempt
to cooperate more closely in buying
power with the Ann Arbor Coopera-
tive Association and with the various
student cooperative associations, with
a view to further decreasing food
Scheibe explained the competition
plan of promotion, initiated this year,
and providing job advancement on
as strictly'a merit basis as possible.
According to this plan an impartial
three-man committee selects the men
for freshman jobs, and then con-
trols their promotions in future years
on the basis of accurate records kept
on every phase of their work.
Although the Wolverine will begin
its eighth year in business next fall,
this summer will be the second during
which it has operated. Plans for this
summer include redecoration and fur-
nishing the lobby and the installation
of more air-conditioning fans.
Last summer the organization did a
$10,000 business and operated at one-
third to one-half of its seating capa-
city of 750.
Kurashi Is Founder
The Wolverine was organized in
1932 by Sher Kurashi, University stu-
dent and Hindu lecturer. With small
membership and still smaller capital,
the basement of Lane Hall was se-
cured as a place of business. Guid-
ing principles of the organization

were to be popular ownership and sale
of meals at cost.
A period of rapid expansion fol-
lowed; assets soon increased from $3,-
500 to $46,000; finally, in 1937 the or-
ganization moved to its present more
spacious quarters across the street
from Lane Hall on State Street.
Present special services extended'
to its approximately 800 members in-
clude 20 per, cent reduction on stu-
dent laundry and on dry cleaning
and pressing; Sunday night social
hours, which include an inexpensive
lunch, an hour of classical music, and
two hours of dancing; fortnightly
publication of "Wolverine Notes"; and
the supply of ordinary student needs
at the lobby store.
Board Elected Ta May
The Wolverine membership elects
its Board of Directors at an annual
meeting in May. The Board in turn
hires a treasurer, personnel manager
and purchasing agent, who take
charge of their respective jobs, at a
stipulated salary.
Officers elected for the coming year
at a recent meeting are: Scheibe; Cal-
vin Chamberlain, '41L, vice-presi-
dent and secretary; James Gribble,
'40BAD, treasurer; Alfred Hafke, '38,
who is also purchasing agent; Charles
Mitrovich, '40L, who is also personnel
manager; Arthur Kepke, '41L; and
Jack Hoover, '40. Faculty members of
the board, elected by the 35 faculty
associate members, are Prof. Paul
Muesc ke of the English department
and Robert R. Horner of the econom-
ics department. Board members are
elected on a two-year stagger plan.
Student Scripts Wanted
For Junior Girls Play
Scripts for the 1940 Junior Girls
Play will be due the second week of
the fall semester, Margary Allison,
'41. general chairman, announced
A script, in order to be considered,
must provide for a cast including a
large number of women and must be
adaptable for presentation in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Miss
Allison said. Collegiate themes and
Ann Arbor atmosphere do not prove
good material for the play, Miss Alli-
son warned, and musical numbers
and story must have continuity.

Tentative Tax Rates
For City Approved
Overruling the objection of County
Auditor H. Donald Reed, the Wa sh-
tenaw County Tax Allocation Corn-
mission yesterday tentatively ap-
proved two different tax rates for the
Ann Arbor school district.
The rates chosen are 11.2 mills for
that part of the district within the
city and 9.8 mills for that part in Ann
Arbor township. Reed's objection was
based on the question of the legality
of allowing a different tax rate in two
parts of the same school district.
(Continued from Page 4)
1939-40. Also, the coming invitation
regatta at Toledo will be discussed
and plans made for the club to send
two boats.
Comning Events
Graduate Luncheon: There will be a
graduate luncheon Wednesday, May
24, at 12. noon in the Russian Tea
Room of the League, cafeteria style.
Lieutenant Colonel P. K. Kelly will
discuss "A Professional Soldier's Views
on the Status of National Defense."
All graduate students are cordially
This will be the last luncheon of
the year.
Michigan Dames: All members of
the Michigan Dames are urged to at-
tend the final meeting of the year, at
8 p.m. tonight in the Rackham Bldg.
Anatomy Research Club Meeting:
The regular May meeting of the Ana-
tomy Research Club will be held in
Room 2501 East Medical Building at
4:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 24.
Speakers and Titles:
Dr. J. T. Bradbury : "Experimental
Intersevulaity in Infantile Rats."
Dr. W. T. Dempster: "Some His-
torical Aspects of Anatomical Tech-
Tea will be served at 4 p.m. in Room
3502. All interested are cordially in-
A.S.H.E. Members: The final meet-
ing of the year will be held at the

Effective as of February 14, 1939
12cperareading line (on basis of
five average words to line) for one
or two insertions.
10c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
Minimum of 3 lines per inser-
These low rates are on the basis
of cash payment before the ad is
inserted. If it is inconvenient for
you to call at our offices to make
payment, a messenger will be sent
to pick up your ad at a slight extra'
charge of 10c.
For further information call
23-24-1, or stop in at 420 Maynard
FOR RENT - Southeast section-
first floor, five room duplex. Gar-v
age, very desirable location. Newly
decorated $45. Oril Ferguson. Allyn
Ferguson, 928 Forest, 2-2839. 680

LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices. 9
EXPERIENCED typing, stenographic,
mimeographing service. Phone 7181
or evening 9609. Q78
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. 5th Avenue. Phone 2-2935
or 2-1416. 79
TYPING-Reasonable rates. Miss L.
M. Heywood, 414 Maynard St.,
phone 5689. 271
FOR SALE-Regulation tennis ox-
fords 98c. Whites and blues with
smooth rubber soles. R and S Shoe
Store, 108 S. Main Street. 622
FOR SALE-House with dental office
in small town. No dentist within
60 miles. Call 7716. 688
FOR SALE-Dental equipment -
chair, cabinet, cuspidor, light,
some instruments. Also travelling
chair. Call 7716. 687
LOST-Woman's wrist watch in
downtown district or in Allene
Hotel Saturday night. Reward 8378.
WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive-
way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins
Gravel Company. Phone 7112. 17
CASH PAID for your discarded
clothing. Claude Brown, 512 S.
Main. 311
painting. Budget plan if desired.
Dial 7209. 181
AnyS..amr or Advocjis.4
Expert Advice. Licensed Since 1917. RefeKnece y Laal Bank

Michigan Union on Wednesday, May Tau Alpha banquet will be held Wed-
24, at 7 p.m. The officers for the nesday, May 24, at 6:15 p.m. in the
coming year are to be elected at this League. Tickets may be procured
meeting. from Gordon or Packer. Prof. Pal-
mer A. Throop of the History De-
PMi Tai Alpha: The uiil Phi pdrtment will speak.
flii~ifled Df ectory



Group Selects New Officers
Election of officers for the coming
year was held Sunday by Eta Kappa
,Nu, honorary electrical engineering
society. New dfficers are: Herbert
Blumberg, '40E, president; Claude
Wadsworth, '40E, vice - president;
George Renholt, '40E, treasurer; Wes-
ley Powers, '40E; recording secretary
and John Weller, '40E, corresponding

WANTED-Any Old Clothing. Pay $5
to $500. Suits, overcoats, mink, Per-
sian lambs, diamonds, watches,
rifles, typewriters and old gold.
Phone and we will call. Ann Arbor
6304. 388
MOTHER with child age 4 wanted
for summer for care of child age 4.
Location lake cottage 100 miles
from Ann Arbor. Box 2. 681
Ace Laundry, 1114 S. University.


1 ._____. ._





fussy ...


am one of those fellows that likes

things to be right. Take for instance my laundry. There's nothing


the little
get a big-

ger kick out of than putting on a freshly laundered shirt. I happen to be one of

those fellows that appreciates a perfectly laundered collar, and

I know it's

going to be that way if it comes from the laundry. The Laundry picks my soiled
clothes up and delivers them. That saves me the trouble of taking my laundry -
to the post office and saves mother trouble too. That's another thing I enjoy.
Well, perhaps I am fussy but I like my clothes laundered the LAUNDRY way.

Price per lb.

. . . . . loc

Minimum Student Bundle 50c

Shirts Extra

. . . . . 12c

Sample Student Bundle

(Full Dress Shirts are not included in this Special Price)

Sox Extra, per pair

0 ..4c

3 Shirts
6 Handkerchiefs
3 Pairs of Socks

Rough Dry


Handkerchiefs, Extra... 2c

Suits of Underwear
Bath Towels
.Pair Pajamas

Approximate Cost.. $1.10




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