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May 23, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-23

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TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1939


It Seems To Me

The Editor
Gets Told

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.;
11:00 AM. on Saturday.

WASHINGTON, May 20.-I dropped down
here to discuss'with newspapermen the dangers
of foreign propaganda. The answer was, "Don't

\ ,
I' s

worry. All of them do a ter-
rible job, and the British are
probably the worst of all." In
all fairness this is not a
complete answer. The Eng-
lish are a curious people.
Without any dissent what-
soever, there is agreement
that the British Embassy
could not have done worse
on the royal tour if it had

Edited and uanaged by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
PublisUed every miorning except Monday during the
Oniversity year and Summ r Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan. as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4,06; by mail. $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Ic.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938.39
Editorial Staff

been corrupted by Nazi agents. But the postscript
to that is the prevailing opinion that all the
official German diplomats do their home nation
much more harm than good in their press rela-
tions. In the judgment of the working press
diplomatic -efficiency is a camera finish between
the Chinese and the French, with Latvia and
Finland, who have nothing much to sell, crowd-
ing in closely for show.
The ineptitude of the British is conspicuously
marked by the fact that a resident Englishman
in the District of Columbia is superbly equipped
to handle the press relations for the present tour
of the King and Queen. If there were a little more
imagination in government back home he would
make the ideal Ambassador. I refer to Sir Wilmot
Lewis, correspondent of the London Times, wh6
is known to all Washington reporters as "Bill."b

Sir Wilmot is not likely to thank me for taking
his name in vain, but I stress the point becautc-
governments the world over grossly underesti-
mate the value which the reporter san bring to
international relations. In this I am stressing no
personal ambition. I do not want to be Ambassa-
dor to the Court of St. James's or a Consul in
Costa Rica. But I must insist that there is more
understanding and fraternity between the press
of various countries than in any other craft.
Although nobody in Washington has a high
respect for the present astuteness of Japanese
diplomacy, all correspondents whom I have met
had a high personal regard for Saito.
Moreover, it is said that the Japanese did dis-
tinctly influence the press in the Disarmament
Conference held during the administration of
Harding. That symposium occurred during the
piping times of prohibition, and the Japs were
smart enough to present the most generous supply
of good.Scotch to be found anywhere in Wash-
ington. Along about 3 in the morning few Ameri-
can correspondents could distinguish two ships
from one. Indeed, a destroyer might take on the
aspect of a fleet of battleships if moral or im-.
moral suasion is employed by foreign powers.
I must admit that only on one occasion did I
feel the pressure, and then I yielded enthusias-
tically. I sold out to Prince Bibesbco when he
was validated by his home land, the Kingdom of
Rumania. I believe that now he has gone to
more obscure assignments.

Managing Editor . . .
City Editor .t ..
Editorial Director ..
Associate Editor .
Associate Editor . .
Associate Editor .
Associate Editor . . . .
Associate Editor.
Sports Ecjitor. . .
Women's Editor . .
Business Staff
Business Manager .
Credits Manager . .
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advrtising Manager..
Publication Manager..

. Carl Petersen
Stan M. Swinton
Elliott Maraniss
Jack Canavan
Dennis Flanagan
Morton Linder
Norman Schorr
Ethel Norberg
Mel Fineberg
Ann Vicary
Paul R. Park
Qanson Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
Jane Mowers
Harriet Levy

Labor's Stake In Tariff Reform


The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Victory For
United Action A .
DURING THE COURSE of proceedings
in a heavy State Senate calendar
last week, the Baldwin"Little Dies' Bill was de-
feated by an overwhelming vote. It was a measure
that struck at the very fundamental bases of
American freedom and democracy, yet its defeat
received little publicity, surprisingly enough.
Ti1 ndasure, passed by the House, proposed a
commission to be voted with a mandatory respon-
sibility,of probing anyorganization or individual
accused by anyone of being subversive or sedi-
tious. This bill was sponsored by the same forces
which sought the passage of the Dunkel-Bald-
win Bill in the Michigan legislature four years
A public hearing was conducted by the Judici-
ary Committee April 25 which was attended by
more than 5Q0 persons, including several mem-
bers of the University facultyand student body.
There were representatives of the Michigan
Council of Churches, the Detroit Chapter of the
National Lawyers Build, the CIO, and the Michi-
gan Civil Rights Federation, all of whom opposed
the Baldwin Bill as "undemocratic and dangerous
to, the best interests of the people of the State
of Michigan."
A vigorous campaign of church, labor, farm,
legal, professional and fraternal groups, led by
the Civil Rights Federation was responsible for
the defeat of this bill which would legalize
fascist-like investigations. This defeat should be
hailed throughout the State as a great victory
for united intelligent action.
Norman A. Sehorr
Dear Adolf$
From Benito . .
Eone l1 y 23.
Dear Adolf,
You will never'know how happy I was to read
in the papers yesterday that we had joined in a
10-year military alliance. I was a little perturbed,
of course, that you had not informed me of the
nove, but realized how busy you have been plan-
ning our campaign.
I was glad to see that at last we got a little
action in Danzig. Now we can march in and then
continue on our glorious campaign. But, Dear
Adolf, if I may be so bold as to venture an opinion.
things have been a little too quiet lately. Even
the people in the square have stopped shquting
about Corsica and Tunisia; it cost me a lot of
" noney last week to hire some men to do the
shouting. And, Adolf, I am so anxious to wear my
new uniformn again-the one you liked when you
were here. Soon we shall march, My General,
and we shall conquer. We nordic peoples are a
determined race and -are destined to rule the
(As you suggested, I have traced my ancestry
and am pleased to report that Aryan blood
courses ferociously through my veins. I have dis-
covered that a cousin on my grandfather's side,
at the time of the Hun invasion in the 5th cen-
tury, shined the boots of one of the invading gen-
erals. This, in addition to the fact that it has
been definitely proven my family name originally
was Moesellein, definitely establishes myself as
worthy of your generous council and fit to aid

For more than half a century, organized labor
in the United States has been debating whether
high tariffs raise the standard of living of Ameri-
can workmen and whether the tariff is a politi-
cal question which has no place in the discus-
sion and action taken by a trade union. The Hull
trade agreements program raises these questions
Is it not possible that far from hurting the
workers or being at best a matter of no concern
to them, as some contend, healthy international
trade helps American workmen? Those in charge
of trade agreement negotiations say that foreign
trade increases the worker's standard of living,
that it is a source of much direct employment
and a factor in maintaining wages and employ-
ment in many industries not directly involved
in the trade.
It can be shown that the value of excessively
high tariffs has been much exaggerated and that
the great majority of our workers derive no bene-
fit therefrom.
Even those supposedly "protected" often work
for wages below those prevailing in non-protected
industries, while workers who are engaged in
rendering services or in manufacturing goods for
export are actually hurt when export markets
disappear and general purchasing power declines
as a result of high tariffs.
How does a tariff help a carpenter, a lineman,
a coal miner, a machinist, a mechanic, an auto-
mobile worker, a wheat farmer, a cotton farmer,
a railroad conductor or a postal clerk? Obviously,
not at all. Out of the 50,000,000 men and women
classified by the census as gainfully employed,
nine-tenths are engaged in one of the following
three types of industry which are not benefited
by tariffs.
Service Trades
First, there are the service trades-occupa-
tions which must be performed in the locality in
which the consumer lives. Linemen and power-
house employes, repairmen and mechanics are all
good examples of this type of worker. For them,
there is no possibility that imported goods will
compete or affect wage-levels, since they are
primarily engaged in doing something rather
than in making something.
Beside those already mentioned, linotypers,
domestic workers, retail clerks, stenographers,
truck drivers, railroad employes, hotel and res-
taurant employes are important groups of per-
sons whom the tariff cannot possibly help. Alto-
gether, service workers are a group of about
23,000,000, or half of all those gainfully employed.
The second group of workers beyond the reach
of the tariff is composed of those producing
goods, but goods of a kind which cannot be
moved at all or which can move short distances
at best.
Before the days of refrigeration, almost all
goods except grains would also have fallen into
this class-and even with refrigerated trans-
port available, the bulk of our fresh vegetables,
bakery goods and dairy produce still originates
not far from the place of consumption. Regard-
less of whether imports do or do not affect prices
of some of these products on the seaboard and
near boundary lines, the standard of living of
most of such producers has nothing whatever,
to do with the tariff. Coal miners are in much
the same position for a different reason.

This group of workers numbers about 13,000,-
000, or about one-fourth the total. It likewise in-
cludes some of the best-organized industries in
the entire country, as well as some with the high-
est earnings.
The third group of persons whose wages and
working conditions are untouched by the tariff
is that made up of workers producing goods
which the United States exports in large quantity.
By this test, a great many American agricul-
tural products and manufactured goods are un-
protected; among those which come to mind are
automobiles, cotton, wheat, apples, lard, bacon,
hams, agricultural machinery, radios, most elec-
trical apparatus, office machinery (typewriters.
calculating machines, cash registers, etc.), rubber
tires, refined petroleum and some lumbere.
In the manufacture of goods of these and a
great number of other types, the tariff is power-
less to affect the wages of working conditions of.
labor. Taking manufacture and agriculture to-
gether, this group accounts for another 7,000,000
out of the total of 50,000,000 gainfully employed.
We have now accounted for some 43,000,000
workers in all, surely a large enough proportion
to have more effect upon the American standard
of living than the remaining five or seven million,
whatever the effect of tariffs upon their wages.
Why Thank The Tariff?
Some of the 43,000,000 need foreign trade to
boost production in their industries or, in the
case of agriculture, to maintain prices. Others
of the 43,000,000, in fact, the whole group, have
a consumer interest and a certain producer -
terest in the stability or gradual increase of buy-
ing power and consumption. But none have the
slightest reason to thank the tariff for their jobs,
their wages or terms of employment.
Among the members of the organized workers
of this country, it has been conservatively esti-
mated that more than 4,500,000 out of a total of
6,000,000-odd fall into one of these groups which,
are in no way benefited by high tariffs. As con-
sumers their interests are injured by excessive,
tariffs which raise the cost of living.
What of the remaining 5,000,000 workers, em-
ployed for the most part in the so-called "pro-
tected" industries? If high tariffs raise wage
rates, as claimed by high tariff advocates, the
wages of this 5,000,000 should be above the aver-
age for other industries. In addition, we should
expect to find labor as well organized, working
as steady hours and finding as steadily increasing
opportunities for work there as elsewhere.
These characteristics are,. however, almost
wholly lacking. Instead of finding highly desir-
able types of employment being fostered by our
tariffs, we find some of the very worst industries,
from the point of view of labor, as well as some
which benefit small groups of workers at great
cost to the nation as a whole.
Under these circumstances, it is a grave ques-
tion whether labor benefits at all from the en-
couragement of these industries as compared
with the benefits which would result from a
policy that would encourage other industries
better able to give large numbers of workmerr
high rates of pay and steady jobs.
-From the Journal of the Electrical
Workers and Operators.

About Radio Fees . .
To the Editor:
As the semester draws to a close
and landladies begin to collect their
$4 per semester radio fee, one is re-
minded of the fact that unless this
matter is brought iito open discus-
,on, the same clause is very likely to
be included in the rooming contracts
for next year.
The $8 annual radio charge is
obviously an attempt by the Univer-
sity to reduce the number of radios
(supposedly a distracting influence
upon studies) in approved rooming
houses. While it is theoretically en-
tirely within the University's right
to regulate such matters, in practice
the fee is a discriminatory tax.
Students with large incomes never
miss the eight dollars. But those stu-
dents in the low allowance group,
who can afford few or no other forms
of entertainment, are paradoxically
the ones hardest hit by this fee. Eight
dollars may sound like an awfully
small sum, yet I am sure to the stu-
dents who find it necessary to room
in attics, basements, and rooms at
the edge of town (and there are
many such students) eight dollars is
a lot more than they can afford to
pay for the privilege of using a radio,
--one of the few entertainments he
can have.
Certainly no pretensions are made
by the University about the cost of
running a radio being equal to the fee
charged. You could probably run a
radio eight hours a day all year, for
eight dollars.
It's time this matter was brought
into the open. In fact it's time the
University abolished this ruling, and
does not substitute a nebulous state-
ment for it, with which landladies
(sometimes charged with being'
slightly predatory) could charge the
same or higher amounts.
-Morton Jampelr
Spring Song
(With apologies to G.& S.)
Of courses philosophical
I fear I'm growing scoffical,
The air's so thick with theories I
can't see.
And the scientific view point
Obliterates my mental dew point,
And education's still a mystery.
Though I should be daily "grow-
There's a limit to my knowing,
And I'm sure I've reached the
zenith of absorption.
Sociological perorations
Give me mental aberrations,
And my brain's a mass of cerebral
All my ideals are corroded,
And my faith has been exploded,
'Til I'm practically an ambulant
My emotions are abysmal,
And my dreams are cataclysmal,
And my personality is cyanotic.
I feel sure I'm growing manic,
Or at least I'm schizophrenic
For I don't have one coherent
thought a day.
I think the Fates are in collusion,
And I suffer the delusion
That it's love that's made me
what I am today.
Press Freedom At N.U.
The new editors of the Daily North-
western may well be thankful for the
free press which they will inherit in
a few weeks. Undoubtedly they will
learn, as have this year's editors, that
the opportunity to work under this
freedom means considerably more
than any immediate gain in pay-
checks and prestige.
With a growing protest being reg-
istered against the press of the na-
tion for its alleged subservience to
commercial interest, its flagrant dis-

regard of minority groups, its blatant
sensationalism, the training of pros-
pective journalists in the ethics of
their profession has become more im-
portant than mechanical skill in writ-
ing style or vocabulary-building. De-
velopment of sound ethical principles
is as much a matter of experience
and practice as it is of text book work
and lecture attendance. Thus the col-
lege newspaper may be an important
force in the ethical training of stu-
dent journalists.
To serve this function, however,
the college press must be free. Its edi-
tors must feel responsible in their
own right. They must be free to print
whatever they please as long as they
are willing to stand the consequences.
All these conditions exist under the
present setup of the wily North-
Under these conditions the Daily
Northwestern is a significant train-
ing ground; it provides every oppor-
tunity for the editors to practice
honest and independent journalism.
This function of the Daily, and other
free college -newspapers, is exceed-
ingly important, for if the commer-
cial press of the nation is ever to be
really free, it will be made that way
by reporters who are honest and in-

(Continued from Page 2)
Vitina Scotti)
Mary McNeil
Jerome Baron
Carolyn Priehs
Olga Erickson
Loren Packera
Robert Barber
Max Warshaw
Pauline Kalb
Library Committee Meeting: There)
will be a meeting of the Library)
Committee on May 25. Members of)
the Faculties wishing to lay requests
before the Committee are asked to.
have them in the Librarian's office by
noon of Wednesday, May 24.
Senior Lit Class Dues will be collect-
ed for the last time on Thursday, May
25, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Li-
brary and Angell Hall. It is important
that dues be payed before diplomas;
are received.
Independent Senior Ball Booths: All
independent students wishing to ob-
tain accommodation in the Congress)
booth at the Senior Ball may register
in the Congress office, 306 Michigan
Union, from 4 to 5 p.m. upon pre-1
sentation of their ticket number and
payment of the 50 cents registration
fee which covers the cost of furnish-
Glee Club: Today is the last day for
making reservations for the Installa-
tion Banquet to be held Thursday
in the Union at 6:15. Tickets may1
be secured from the manager. t
Varsity Glee Club: All members in-f
terested in the position of Business
Manager for the ensuing year please
submit a short letter of petition to
any of the officers before this evening.
Waukegan Residents: Will the resi-
dent of Waukegan who recently lost
a pair of glasses in a car traveling
from Coldwater to South Bend please
communicate with the Office of the
Dean of Students.
The University Bureau of Appoint-D
ments and Occupational Information
has received a call for a couple, the*1
wife to work as cook for 50 children
at camp; the husband to be assistant7
cook and handy man. Salary: $30a
per month for each. Period of em-
ployment: June 5 to Sept. 3. Inter-
views will be held in the office, 201
Mason Hall, Thursday, May 25. To1
arrange for an appointment, -pleaset
call at office during 9-12 and 2-4.
University Bureau of Appointments.
and Occupational Information. r
Summer Vacation Employment:t
Griscor Industries, 4628-30 Calhoun,
Fort Wayne, Ind., offer Summer em-
ployment to students desiring higher
than ordinary earnings during the
vacation period. It is that of selling1
a product that makes a string ap-
peal to all who prepare food.f
No selling experience required-
just a pleasing personality, the will to1
work and the willingness to follow in-
The earnings of many Griscor sales-
men exceed $100. Only one sale a day
yields an income of $22.20 a week. Full
time salesmen are averaging two sales
a day.
Suggest that interested students
write firm at once for complete de-
tails of their employment offer. For
additional information call at 201
Mason Hall.)
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information.
Academic Notices
Final Doctoral Examination of Miss
Theodora Nelson will be held on
Tuesday, May 23 at 1:30 p.m. in 3024
Museums Bldg. Miss Nelson's field
of specialization is Zoology. The title
of her thesis is "The Biology of the
Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis Macularia,
I Limn.)

Professor J. Van Tyne,, as chair-
man of the committee} will conduct
the examination. By direction of the
Executive Board, the chairman has
the privilege of inviting members of
the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and to grant permission to others who
might wish to be present.
Final Doctoral Examination of Mr.
Frederick R. Matson, Jr., will be heldk

man of the committee, will conduct
the examination. By 4irection of the
Executive Board, the chairman has
the privilege of inviting members of
the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and to grant permission to other's who
might wish to be present.
Final Doctoral Examination of Carl
Fredrick Kossack will be held on
Tuesday, May 23 at 2:30 p.m. in the
East Council Room, Rackham Bldg.
Mr. Kossack's field of specialization
is Mathematics. The title of his thesis
is "The Existence of Collectives in Ab-
stract Space."
Professor Copeland, as chair-
man of the committee, will conduct
the examination. By direction of the
Executive Board, the chairman has
the privilege of inviting members of
the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and to grant permission to others
who might wish to be present,
Final Doctoral Examination of Lloyd
Warner Olds will be held on Tuesday,
May 23 at 3:30 p.m. in Room 2, Wa-
terman Gymnasium. Mr. Olds' field
of specialization is Hygiene and Pub-
lic Health and the title of his thesis
is "Study of the Effects of Competi-
tive Basketball upon the Physical Fit-
ness of High School Boys as Deter-
mined by McCurdy-Larson Organic
Efficiency Tests."
Professor J. Sundwall, as chair-
man of the committee, will conduct
the examination. By direction of the
Executive Board, the chairman has
the privilege of inviting members of
the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and to grant permission to others
who might wish to be present.
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet in Room 122,Chemistry Bulid-
ing at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, May
24. Mr. A. S. Newton will speak on
Band Concert: The University of
Michigan Band, William D. Revelli,
Conductor, will give a concert in Hill
Auditorium tonight at 8:30 o'clock,
complimentary to the general public
David Bennett, Jr., pianist, will be the
Graduation Recital. Betty Walker,
harpist, will give a recital in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
he degree Bachelor of Music,: Wed-
nesday, May 24, at 8:15 o'clock, in
the School of Music Auditorium, on
Maynard Street. The public is in-
vited to attend.
Ben East, outdoor editor for the
Booth Newspapers, will give the 12th
lecture in the Journalism Supple-
mentary Lecture Series on Wednes-
day at 3 o'clock, in Rom E, Haven
Hall, speaking on "Outdoor Pages."
The public is invited.
Events Today
Mathematics Club will meet this
evening in the East Conference
Room of the Rackham Building. Pro-
gram: Mr. P. L. Dressel 'will speak
on "Seminvariants in Statistics"; Mr.
L. F. Ollmann, on "Simple Closed
Curves in Finite Graphs"; Mr. R. S.
Phillips, on "Integration in a Convex
Linear Topological Space"; and Mr.
E. P. Vance, on "Generalizations of
Non-Alternating and Non-Separating
Botanical Journal Club will meet to-
night at 7:30 p.m. in Room N.., 1139.
Reports by-
Alice Kornat, "Observations of the
Vegetation of Chihuahua."
M. Lois Jotter, "Ethnobiological
Studies in the American Southwest."
Jose Santos, "Historical Sketch of

Philippine Botany from 1601 to 1939."
- Charles Griffitts, "Recent Papers
on Ecology in Agriculture."
"A Study of Tolerance of Trees to
Ice Accumulation."
B e t ty Robertson, "Poisonous
Plants." A Book Review.
Chairman : Dr.' Elzada U. Clover.
Student Senate. The last meeting
of the current school year will be
held at the Union today. Con-
tinuation plans for next year must
be prepared. Retiring Senators are
expected to have their successors'
names ready.
Omega Upsilon meeting today at
4:15 p.m. in Morris Hall. All mem-
bers. please attend.
Archery Club: There will be a meet-
ing of the archery club this afternoon
an Palmer Field at 4:15. A meet with
the men's club is scheduled.
Taw Sigma Delta: Luncheon meet-
ing for the election of officers at the
Michigan Union today at 12:15.

New Food, Drug And Cosmetic Act Discussed

The new Food. Drug and Cosmetic Act is
scheduled to go into full operation on June 25, a
year after its passage. What are the forces that
are seeking to delay its enforcement? Who is it
that has succeeded in getting the House to vote
for postponenien, of the effective date until, Next
Jan. 1 and the Senate to vote for a delay until
July 1, 1940?
Secretary Wallace has the answers. The per-
sons responsible, he says, are "the small but voci-
ferous minority who opposed enactment of the
law, who are unreconciled to compliance with its
requirements and who are resorting to every de-

ing them: the Food and Drug Administration has
assured these concerns of modifications and
equitable treatment. But the third group, the
obstructionists, wants to block enforcement, in
the hope, Mr. Wallace charges, that delay will
serve as an entering wedge for repeal of the
If both houses approve the conference report
now under consideration, the Secretary indicates
he will recommend that Mr. Roosevelt veto the
bill, as the Post-Dispatch urged in an editorial
last Saturday.
Here is a law designed to protect consumers
against injury and fraud. To delay its enforce-

on Tuesday, May 23 at
4011 Museum Building.

3:30 p.m in
Mr. Matson's

field of specialization is Ceramic
Archaeology. The title of his thesis
is "A Technological Study of the Un-
glazed Pottery and Figurines from
Seleucia on the Tigris."
Professor C. E. Guthe, as chair-
man of the committee, will conduct
the examination. By direction of
the Executive Board, the chairman
has the privilege of inviting ,mem-
bers of the faculty-and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend the ex-
amination and to grant permission to
others who might wish to be present.

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