Sororities, Dormitories
Senior Women
To LeadGroup
From Library
Underclassmen To Wear
Ribbon Signifying Class;
Judges To Be Announced
Sorority houses and dormitories, 22
in number, have thus far signified
their intention of taking part in the
all-campus women's sing to be held
Thursday, May 25.
The Ann Arbor Independents will
sing "To the University of Michi-
gan; Alpha Chi Omega will sing
"Song of the Lyre Bird" and Alpha.
Delta Pi will sing "Sweetheart Song."
The members of Alpha Epsilon Phi
will present "Parting Song" and Al-
nhanmirmrPi illrinf A n Pi
Heads Lantern Night
Extra Tickets
To Senior Ball
To Go On Sale
Bob Crosby's Orchestra,
Bars, Booths, Lend Zest
To 'Symphony In Blue'
A few of the 150 extra Senior Ball
tickets which were printed due to
popular demand still remain to be
sold, William Grier, '39, general chair-
man of the ball, announced yester-
day. These tickets will go on sale for
the last timne from noon to 2 p.m.
Wednesday at the Union. It will be
unnecessary to bring identification
cards to buy tickets, said Grier.
Booths for the dance, which will be
held from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. Friday,
June 16, are under the direction of
Fredric Olds, '39E. "Fraternities
which have not yet made arrange-
ments for their booths and desire to
do so should contact me immediate-
ly," said Olds. Roberta Chissus, '39,
chairman of decorations, is acting as
his assistant.
Bob Crosby's orchestra has been
engaged to play for the ball. The
theme for the decorations is a "Sym-
phony in Blue." There are to be
four bars on all sides of the floor with
booths located between them. Coca
cola and ginger ale will be served.
Souvenirs of the dance will be handed
out to the guests which will include
the commencement program and a
list of the outstanding seniors.
Girls' Cooperative Is Selecting
Applicants For Next Semester
By HELEN CORMAN groups discussing buying furniture
WANTED-Girls of any size, shape, and renting houses. Next year the
color, race or creed who are interest- "co-oppers" are moving to 1152
ed in living economically and cooper- Washtenaw Ave.
atively and in participating in a prac- House To Be Larger
itcal domestic science course - the 1 The new house is much larger and
chance of a college life-time is of- more advantageously located, Miss
fered. Have you ever deplored your Otis said, and will enable them to
lack of culinary or housekeeping skill house three more girls. The task of
and wanted to do something about completely furnishing a home for 22
it? Well, the old adage, "The way girls is a big one, she added, "but we
to a man's heart is through his stom- are enjoying it and are deriving a
ach," has been instrumental in land- wealth of experience which should
ing more than one good man! prove invaluable later in life."
Launched Amid Doubts Only a limited number of new mem-
The Girls' Cooperative House, 517 bers can be admitted so applicants
E. Ann St., established in 1937, pro- should either call 2-2218 or fill an
vides financial, social and educa- application blank at the office of the
tional advantages for its members for Dean of Women as soon as possible,
a very reasonable price. Launched said Miss Otis.
amid a sea of doubts, trials and tribu-
lations, it hs proved itself without a
doubt to be a success, Hilda Otis,
'40, president of the house, said.
At present 19 girls are eating, j
sleeping, buying, planning and work-
ing together under this plan. Each
member works six or seven hours a
week doing a variety of tasks includ-
ing dishwashing, cooking and house-
cleaning. The jobs of housekeeper,
purchaser, menu planner and accoun-
tant are changed four times a year to
enable more girls to enjoy the privil-
ege of the practical expreience, Miss
Otis continued.
Educational Plans Included
Not only social, but educational
activities are provided members of
the Girls' Cooperative. The educa-
LINENS for the Bride
The perfect gift that has both beauty and service.
Let us help you select a gift worthy
of the occasion.
Always Reasonably Priced
Be Satisfied With A Michigan
Daily Classified
pna .micron P wll sing, . '. ri
Alpha Phis Entered
"I Think of Alpha Phi" will be sungk
by the Alpha Phis and Alpha Xi Delta
will present "Your Consolation." Chia
Omega's song will be "Sweetheart of
Chi Omega" ; "When College Days Engagements
Are O'er Forever" will be sung by
Collegiate Sorosis and the members
of Delta Delta Delta will present, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Rogers, of De-
"Under the Moon." troit, announce the engagement of
"D.G. Pal" will be sung by Delta their daughter, Florence, '39 , to
Gamma and Gamma Phi Beta will Stephen G. Luther, Jr., son of Mr.
sing "Goodnight Little Sister." "Theta' and Mrs. S. G. Luther of St. Louis, Mo.
Lips" will be sung by Kappa Alpha
Theta; Kappa Kappa Gamma will 'Miss Rogers is affilliated with Kappa
present "Kappa Gamma Led Us On Delta sorority. Mr. Luther is a mem-
Our Way" and Pi Beta Phi will sing ber of Theta Xi at Purdue University.
"Follow the Arrow." The marriage of Barbara Lewis
Zeta Tau Alpha will sing "Castle" Bichowsky, daughter of F. Russell
and Adelia Cheever will sing "I'll Bichowsky, of Granger Ave., to James
Ne'er Forget My College Days." Al- Wesly Rice, Grad., son of Mr. and
umnae House will present "Wishing" Mrs. James J. Rice of East Sparta,
and Betsy Barbour will sing "Betsy O., took place yesterday at the Michi-
Barbour." Martha Cook will sing gan League chapel. Mr. Rice is now
"Martha Cook"; Jordan Hall will a graduate student at the University.
sing "Friar Song" and Couzens Hall He received his bachelor's degree at
will offer "Goddess of The Inland Tri-State College, Angola, Ind.
Sea." The marraige of Eunice- Eleanor
Seniors Lead March Fetterly, '26, daughter of Mrs. Amos
The sing will be held immediately R. Fetterly, to Anthony F. Haven,
following the annual Lantern Night '26E, son of Mrs. James Haven, of
procession. Starting in front of the Grand Rapids, occured yesterday at
General Library at 7:30 p.m., the line the First Congregational Church.
of march will proceed to Palmer Field. Mr. Haven received his master's de-
The march will be led by the Univer- gree here in 1934. They will make
sity Band and five senior women. their home in Grand Rapids where
The five women who will lead the Haven is an engineer.
procession this year are Jean Holland,
'39, former president of the League;
Sybil Swartout, '39, former Judiciary
Council head; Norma Curtis, '39,
former president of the Women's Ath-
letic Association; Stephanie Parfet,
'39 former head of Panhellenic Asso-
ciation and Betty Jane Mansfield, '39,
former president of Assembly.
Chairmen Listed
Senior women will wear caps and
gowns and will carry lighted lanterns.
All freshmen will wear green hair rib-
bons, sophomores will wear red and
juniors will wear yellow.
Harriet Sharkey, '40, is general
chairman of Lantern Night; Janet
Homer, '41, is assistant general chair-
man, and Jane Krause, '41 is in charge
of the sing. Maxine Baribeau, '40,
i6 in charge of the field; Florence
Brotherton, '40, of the line of march;
Jane Jewitt, '40, of the lanterns and
Norma Kaphan, '41, of publicity.
Social organizations on campus
continue activities today with din-
ners, teas and open-houses.
A dinner will be given at the.Acacia
house in celebration of the chapter's
annual Parents' Day.
Alumnae House
Mrs. Ellory Preston will pour for
the open-house and tea being given,
this afternoon by Alumnae house in
honor of its alumnae.
Alpha Xi Delta
Alpha Xi Delta will honor its sen-
ior members tonight with a Senior
Gamma Phi Beta
Gifts for graduating seniors and
scholarship and sorority awards will
be presented at the Honors Day Ban-
quet being given today by Gamma
Phi Beta.
Psi Upsilon
Dean Alice Lloyd, Mrs. Alexander
G. Ruthven, Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley,
Mrs. Finlay Riggs, Mrs. E. D. Mitch-
ell, Mrs. G. W. Patterson, Mrs. E. L.
Adams and Mrs. P. J. Keller will pour
for the faculty tea being given by
Psi Upsilon from 2:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
this afternoon.
Alpha Omicron
Past and present officers of Alpha
Omicron Pi will attend a dinner given
by their corporation at 6:30 p.m. to-
day in Detroit.
tion committee, headed by Adrienne
Rauchwerger, '41, meets regularly to
plan Sunday night supper meetings
which include talks by prominent
faculty members.
In addition to the usual teas and
parties on the social calendar, the
Girls' Cooperative boasts of an un-
usual, newly formed organiaztion,
"The Girls' Cooperative Boys' Club."
Males become eligible atfer waiting
patiently 59 minutes for their dates.
The midnight oil is burning far in-
to the night at the house with little
Women To Choose
Fall Project Heads
Officers of Assembly, league house
presidents, Ann Arbor Independents
and the Dormitory Board will meet
at 4 p.m., Tuesday, in the Leag,
Mary Frances Reek, '40, President of
Assembly announced yesterday. They
will consider the chairman appoint-
ments for the three Assembly activi-
ties planned for next fall. The proj-
ects planned are Independent Fort-
night, Assembly Tea and an Informa-
tion Booth.
Orientation Committee
Will Meet Tomorrow
An important meeting of the orien-
tation committee will be held at 4
p.m., tomorrow in the League, Mary
Margaret Meloche, '40, secretary of
the orientation committee announced.
All advisers and assistant advisers
must be present, she said. If absent
without. being excused by Patricia
Matthews, '40, orientation chairman,
they will be automatically dropped
from the committee, Miss Meloche
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