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May 20, 1939 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-20

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s9tTU*DrAY, MAY '0, 1939


Cooley's Old Tence-Slat' Cane
Has Shared Ex-Dean's Travel-s

Stick Is Awarded Annually
To Excelling Junior
Of SigmaRho Tau
Few tropies on campus have so rich
a background of history and tradi-
tion as the rare old cane which Dean-
Emeritus Mortimer E. Cooley pre-
sented to the stump speaker's so-
ciety of Sigma Rho Tau and which is
given each year to the junior who ex-
cels in the work of the society.
The stick dates back from the very
early °days of the college when a
picket fence with a cow-proof gate-
way of staggered posts guarded the
sacred grounds of learning from wan-
dering cattle. Tradition has it that
this fence was the battle ground for
many a class rush with the sopho-
mores on the inside trying to keep
the freshmen from getting onto the
In 1887 or thereabouts the old
fence was taken down and carried

presented the cane to the society.
Every spring at the Tung Oil Banquet
the cane is presented to the outstand-
ing junior to be carried by him
throughout his senior year. This
member of senior standing must have
accomplished the most noteworthy
achievement in the work of stump
speaker's society.
The winner of the cane must excell
in story telling, speeches in engineer-
ing projects, writing briefs and argu-
ments on subjects of interest to en-
gineers and architects, and prepare
and deliver eulogistic speeches on
great architects and engineers or
great achievements in their fields.
Patriotic Duty
Attracts Few
In ROTC Poll
Less than 20 per cent of the men
in the ROTC joined because they'
favored military training or felt "pa-
triotic," according to a recent Daily
survey in which 100 ROTC men were
Nineteen per cent revealed that
they took military science because
they desired a commission, which in
case of war would enable them to get
better and safer posts than they
might get otherwise.
Twenty-two men are in the ROTC
bekcause of academic reasons; 10
merely to escape gym and 12 because'
of its credits toward graduation.
The prospect of receiving the $200
given to all advanced corps students
was the motivating factor fot 11 who'
joined. Approximately 30 per cent
of the boys asked gave this as a sec-,

Graduate Club
To Hold Annual
1 ing O1ting
Weekend Trip To Climax
Traditional C a m p i n g
Affair At Clear Lake
A year's program of Graduate Out-
ing Club activities will be brought to
a climax this weekend when the group
1ill rndetake its traditional "An-
nual Spring Overnight."
The affair was described by Henry
Wallace, Grad., president of the club,
as "half-way between a camping trip
and a house party." The group will
leave Ann Arbor and proceed directly
to Camp Tacoma at Clear Lake. The
camp provides facilities for baseball,
canoeing, boating, swimming, hiking
and cooking and it is these activities
which are expected to feature the
group's trip.
The "Annual Spring Overrfight" is
in line with the whole season's ac.Avi-
tics of the club. Along this sare pat-
tern of outdoor recreation the group
has conducted hikes to many of the
farms along the Saline Valley, canoe
trips on the Huron, and open boating
on Portage Lake.
A "bird and breakfast" hike to
take place May 28 and a long
canoe trip immediately after final
examinations will round out the sea-
son's activities for the group.
Membership in the Graduate Out-
ing Club is open to any graduate
student or faculty member.
(Continued from Page 4)

Films Important
For Education,
Fisher Declares
Use of educational motion pictures
as an effective medium of puolic in-
struction is now an important part of
the diversified activities of the Uni-
versity Extension Service.
The importance of such films with ,
their "poterit influence upon public
opinion' was K ressed recently in a
statement by Dr. Charles A. Fisher,
director of the Extension Service.
He asserted that "we are now on the'
eve of an unprecedented development
of the educational motion picture."
"It is vital to the best interests of
education that such films be pro-
duced as will best lend themselves to
classroom use. and that they be in-
telligently interpreted once they are
made available," Dr. Fisher said.
Valuable material at the University
can be made available through the
medium of visual education to the
people of the state and country, he
On May 6, with the idea of popu-
larizing educational films on the cam-
pus, the Extension Service sponsored
an all-day showing of new instruc-
tional pictures in the Rackham Audi-
These films ranged from the popu-
lar movie "short," the March of Time,
to technical films dealing with docu-
ments in the Clements Library and
the archeological collection in the
University Museums.
open air theatre, Dr. Lemon will lead,
a discussion on "The God of the Open
Air" with brief reference 'to the re-
cent campus lectures on the being
of God.
8 p.m., he Sunday Evening Club
will meet in the Lewis parlor.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Sunday, 8 a.m. Holy Communion;
9:30 a.m. Junior Church; 11 a.m.
Kindergarten; 11 a.m. Morning Pray-
er and sermon by the Rev. Henry
Lewis; 4 p.m. Student and Young
People's Picnic at Dr. Walter Koelz's
farm in Waterloo. Speaker: Mr.
Thakur Rupchand of Tibet. Cars
leave Harris Hall at 4 p.m.
Unitarian Church: State and Hur-
on Streets. 11 a.m. Youth Forum-
discussion of local problems con-
fronting Ann Arbor young people, by
John Huston, '41, Frances Orr, '40,
Tom Lovering and Robert Cummins.
Recorded symphony music and ques-
tion period.
8 p.m. Moving Pictures shown by
Dr. Norman Maier on Rat Behavior-

Goodwill Missionary

Good Will mission as "Made-
moiselle France" brings Ginette
Catrians, 21, Paris singer-dancer,
to the United States for visit.
Open Two-Day
Annual Meeting
(Continued from Page 1)
business. Prof. Merwin H. Water-
man, '26BAd., declared that the
national economy is faced with the
anomaly of an excess of capital on
one hand, and a demand for capital
on the other that isn't being satis-
fied. Giving the views of the invest-
ment banker, T. K. Haven, '29BAd.,
of Watling, Lerchen and Co., De-
troit, stressed the need for supplying
sufficient short-term loans to small
business. To achieve this, he sug-
gested the establishment of some new
type of investment institution.
The problem was also approached
from the angles of the factor, the
banker and the investor, with H. R.
Sluyter, Gerald Dewhirst, '39BAd.,
and Sanford B. Taylor, '27, speaking.
Today's sessions which conclude
the conference will be featured by a
discussion of the monopoly problem
and the monopoly committee, fol-
lowing a talk on the subject by W. H.
S. Stevens, economist of the ICC, at
9:30 a.m. in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre. Prof. Shorey Peterson of the
economics department will lead the
discussion at 11 a.m. in the Assembly
ism. Only public showing in Ann
Arbor. Benefit for Unitarian Relief
fund in Czecho-Slovakia.
9 p.m. Dancing and social program
-music by Carey Dance Orchestra.

Prof. Hopkins
Receives Post
Ciae ical Scholar Honored
By Athenian School
Prof. Clark Hopkins of the classi-
cal language department has been
appointed a member of the managing
committee of the American School
of Classical Studies of Athens, Greece,
it was announced here this week.
Professor Hopkins is the third Uni-
versity faculty member to be so
honored. Prof. Campbell Bonner and
Prof. John G. Winter of the classical
language department are also mem-
bers of the managing committee.
Professor Hopkins studied as an
undergraduate student in the Athen-
ian university, which specialized in
historical and archeological work.
His appointment was made at a
meeting of the managing committee
held at Columbia University last
Glider Club Elects
liedman President
Robert Tiedeman, '40E, was elected
president of the University of Michi-
gan Glider Club at a meeting Thurs-
day night. He succeeds R. Scott
Royce, '39E.
Others who were elected are Glenn
Sanderson, '40E, secretary-treasurer;
Hans Wiechsel, '41E, 'Engineering
Council Representative; Rhodes Cop-
ithorn, '41E, custodian of equipment,
and Edward King, '41E, publicity
At the meeting, plans for attend-
ing the National Gliding Contest to
be held next month at Elmira, N.Y.,
were discussed.
Grace Wilson, Singer,
'To Give Public Recital
Miss Grace Wilson, mezzo-soprano,
of Detroit, will give a graduation re-
cital, 8:15 p.m., Monday, May 22, at
the School of Music Auditorium. The
general public is invited to attend.
Miss Wilson, a student of Prof.
Arthur Hackett, has made a brilliant
record in the University and has ap-
peared in many Detroit rectials.
The program for Monday evening
will include classics and semi-classics
by contemporary and past composers.
English Boot and Shoe Maker
* Our new repair department, the
best in the city. Prices are right.
438 South State and Factory pn
Mouth Forest Avenue.


away to some "limbo of the lost" by
the building and grounds depart-
ment. At this time Dean Cooley was
a professors in mechanical engineer-
ing. 4Someone in his department with
an eye for values procured a few,
choice bits of the fence and turned
them out into canes, one of which
was presented to Dean Cooley.
This cane became his favorite and
trusty companion on his walks and
shared his closest confidences. It
accompanied him on all his speaking
tours throughout the United States.
Dean Cooley made over 800 speeches
in one campaign, and who knows
what secrets of grave political im-
portance, of naval warfare, and of
student life this old cane may share?
When Dean Cooley became a mem-
ber of Sigma Rho Tau in 1930, he

ondary reason.
Of those who joined the ROTC for
less practical reasons, there were 12
who did so because they favored
military training and five because of
"patriotic" reasons. Those favoring
military training are in two groups:
one which believes that the training
will do them good personally and the
other which believes, as a general
principle, that all men should have
such training.
Five joined in order to help get a
better position in life. Three of them
want to go into the army after gradu-
ation, and one hoped that the train-
ing he would receive in chemical war-
fare would help him in his field.
One ROTC man, formerly a Nation-
al Guard member, had to keep up his
training, another took military sci-
ence because he merely felt that
there were "many advantages" which
were offered in it and another took
it because "he wasn't allowed to do
as he wanted in gym."

Berman, violin; William Goltz, cello;
Frieda Halpert, piano.
First Methodist Church. Dr. C. W.
Brashares will preach at the Morning
Service on "God Saves This World."
Stalker Hall. Wesleyan Guild meet-
ing at 6 p.m. at the Church. Harold
Gray will speak on "War and the Con-
scientious Objector." Fellowship hour
and supper following the meeting.
First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Washtenaw Ave.
10:45 a.m., Morning Worship Serv-
ice. "Blessed Frustrations!" will be
the subject of Dr. W. P. Lemon's ser-
mon. Palmer Christian at the orga4
and directing the choir.
6 p.m., The Westminster Guild,
student group, will meet at the coun-
cil circle for a picnic supper. At the
meeting which will follow in the


Lne prctica neueissary peria iod E ducal
order 'to shorten the necessary period Educational Organizations
of apprenticeship. Faculty and guest To Hold Luncheon Today
leoturers are outstanding fashion ex-
ecutives, who give students the bene- All undergraduates and faculty of
fit of years of experience. the School of Education are invited to
Fashion merchandising, advertis- attend the first of a series of lun-
ing, styling, display and reporting cheons given by the Graduate Educa-
with trips to factories and show- tion Club, Phi Delta Kappa, men's
rooms is included in the curriculum education fraternity, Pi Lambda The-,
in addition to two periods of actual ta, women's education sorority, and
department store selling. he Snior Class at 1 p.m. today at
the Union.
McMurray To Attend Meet A program without speeches will
feature a skit, "A Conference to End
Prof. K. C. McMurray of the geo- All Conferences" presented by the
graphy department will attend a graduates student under the direction
meeting of the board of directors of of Harry M. Offenbach, Grad' Tickets
the Michigan Rural Rehabilitation may be obtained at the School of
Corporation Monday at Vanderbilt. Education offices.
Abbot Sees Year As Success
For Bureau Of Broadcasting
By ROY BUEHLER E. Maddy, of the School of Music, was
More than 400 radio programs, ap- carried throughout the year .over the
proximately 120 hours of broadcast- Columbia Broadcasting System. Fea-
ing, and the installation of better i tured on this program were talks by
amplifying equipment made the 1938-
39 season a great year for the Bureau President Ruthven, songs by the Glee
of Broadcasting, according to a re- Club and recitals of the Carillon bells.
port issued by Prof. Waldo M. Abbot, During the year Station WJR pre-
director of broadcasting. sented the University with control
The Marital Relations Series of 16 boards and equipment valued at $7,-
faculty talks proved to be very popu- 000. Jerome Wiesner, Grad., and
lar, the report indicated. One lecture Charles E. Moore, '39E, rebuilt this
brought in more than 900 requests equipment and adapted it to use in
for copies of the talks. Morris Hall. In addition to this con-
Prof. G. E. Densmore, of the speech tribution WJR loaned *the Broad-
department, conducted a series of casting Service an NAB library of
"classroom" programs in which stage musical recordings.
and radio diction, and pronunciation Plans for the future of University
and usage were taught. Over 1,000 broadcasting are still in the process
listeners responded to this program of formulation, but may include a
with requests for the assignment sheet network of Midwestern university
used. stations and a greater number of
Student programs during the year programs than in any past year.
included a series of skits on Ameri-
can history written and presented by
Mariam Brous, Grad.,,as well as the
traditional dramatized versions of Summer Prices!
foreign literature, childrens' pro- Effective May 22, '39

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