* TII~iWI~fla-, MR Y__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r - 1Th,' 19 CHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. pubilshed every morning except Monday during the Oiversity year and SUmrin s Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited In this rnewspaper. All rights of republication of all other metters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as fecond class mall matter. subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, #404~;" by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTEDF OR NATIONAL" ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College'Pubushers Represeutative 420 MA019O AVI. NEWYoRK, N. Y. CHICAGO 'DOSTOR ' Los ANGZJ.8g- SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press; 1938.39 Editorial, Staff Managing Editor Oity Editor"° . . Editorial Director, . As'tbciate ,Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor . . Associate Editor , Sports Editor. - Women's ditor . . Business Staff Business Manager . Credits Manager. . Women's Business Manager . Wonen's Advertising. Manager. Publication Manager . . Carl -Petersen Stan MX Swinton Elliott Maranlss SJgck Canavah Dennis Flanagan Morton Linder Norman Schorr . Etbel Norberg . Mel Flneberg . Ann -icary . Paul R. Park Ganson Taggart Zen ovia Skoratkco Jane Movers . Harriet Levy NIGHT EDITOR: MILTON ORSHEFSKY The editorials published in The Michigan Daily ae written by inebers of the DUty staff and represent the views of the wites A Defntion Of Terms.. IFTY Michigan athletes this week 'si ned a lettr asking for an open investigation of the conditions surrounding the life of -athletes in the University. They also ex- pressed 'a hope that the University administra- tion ,would consider extending the programn of a training table and of. offering schola'ships, to themt With that to start on, the press of Detroit and other parts of the country have painted an un- lovely-pcture of "Michigan Athletes Demanding Pay." Today those fifty athletes are being accused of high crimes and misdemeanors ranging any- where from "radicalism" to "treason to the University." Athletic coaches down at the Field ious are exerting strong pressure to discover the names of the "rebels."- Grapevine communication has be- gun to whisper the identity of certain men who signed the petition. Campus sentiment is still puzzled trying to decide whether it should en- dorse this attempt to "pay" the boys who do their.daly chores down erry Field way. And it is all profoundly unfair to these men who made an attempt to bring a touchy problem into focus before the campus eye. The fifty athletes had these Motives when they signed 'the letter 1. To make the help of athletes an "honest" problem-one that is not shrouded by any super-' ficial 'cloak. 2. To bring the question of aid for athletes be- fore the campus so that it could be examined. Any action was to come only after study. 3. To suggest, and only suggest, that athletes may be deserving of a training table and of scholarships like those offered to students who work on publications. Loose use of the word "subsidization"; loose Writing by some newspaper men; and other. fac- tors have led to a far-too-prevalent belief that these athletes want salaries, free meals, and a general good-time for playing' football. Actually ninety-nine per cent of Michigan's athletes violently oppose anything' that would make college athletics like the professional leagues. At no time have they ever asked for "pay'"-or anything of the kind. Today a group of these athletes is publishing a letter defining their position. It demands care- ful reading by anyone who desires a real under- standing of a still delicate istuation. The fact still remains that athletes deserve some assistance, and that today many of them are helped in a manner which is anything but open and honest. --Paul Chandler Robert Frost at Harvard The announcement that Robert Frost is to be the first occupant of the newly established Ralph Waldo 'Emerson Fellowship at Harvard Univer- sity seems to record an inevitable choice. ,kr. Frost's renown as a poet is world wide. There are those who consider him equally great as a teacher. His method of instruction is not formal. His teaching usually consists of apparently cs- ual remarks about the methods of writing a poem. Many of these pronouncements are widely quoted. One that we remember is: "It (a poem) The Editor Gets Told The Athletes Comp ain To the Editor: Tuesday a Letter To The Editor appeared in The Michigan Daily signed by fifty Michigan athletes. The letterwas in support of an editorial which advocated precisely this: 1. Open-mindedness by Big Ten officials on the question 'of subsidization. 2. A regular football training table. This same group of athletes was consternated the next morning to learn that certain scandal- starved newspapers from the Metropolitan area carried a distorted and grossly exaggerated ac- count of the item. One of this group actually printed in the lead paragraph that these athletes had gone on record' as "calling for some financial help-and also predicting that the desired aid will be gained before long'." Obviously these equivocations are harmful both to the University and the athletes. Consequently we are asking that The Daily print an explana- tion of the 'story; giving the : absolute facts so that outlandish' reports, such as the one quoted above, will be abnegated. --Committee Representing The Fifty Athletes War In Harlan The first day of the Harlan County soft coal conflict passed with little violence, and with signs 'that some of the operators preferred conferences around the table to bitter industrial strife which would inevitably harm both the employers and the United Mine Workers. But it will be difficult for the other operators in "Bloody Harlan" to justify their position if they continue to risk battle and turmoil instead of bargaining collectively on terms similar t' those accepted by the vast majority of mine oper. ators of the Appalachian area. It will be even more difficult for Governor Chandler to defend his use of the militia to help a half 'dozen com- panies crush the union. Harlan County's history has been infamous for violence and terrorism -used to resist collectiye bargaining. The company town, the company store, the company police gave the area a sick- ening notoriety as a last stronghold of nineteenth century labor practices in the-soft coal industry Less than a year ago the operators surrendered and recognized the United Mine Workers. Now a minority is risking a reversion to the bitter con- flict which their anti-union activities provoked prevously. The claim of the operators that they are defending the right of their miners not to join a union .has no merit whatsoever. The union is not asking a closed shop; it has not been granted a closed shop in its contracts in other sections. It is asking' a "union shop"-a contract which leaves present non-member workers perfectly free to stay, outs of the organization, though it requires new employes hired in the future to join. Governor Chandler was denied the Iupport of union labor in his campaign for the senate last year. His~couduct in sending the National Guard into Harlan County to block the roads and set up machine :guns to menace the union miners, to4 harass pickets and comfort the anti-union em- ployers, helps explain the distrust labor felt for hi.. .There have been few comparable spectacles since the Colorado militia fought the battles of the Colorado Iron and Fuel Co. a generation ago, before the Rockefeller interests learned that aol- lective bargaining was better than industrial war. --St. Louis Star-Times Why The New Deal' failed In Rome""... WASHINGTON.-Until a few years ago democ- racy, or self-government, seemed to be the goal toward which the world was moving with the firm inevitability of destiny. When the Romans were at the height of their power, they- must have thought their civilization was permanent. They lasted 400 years in' Eng- land-a span longer than that from the landing of =the pilgrims to now. But our belief that democracy was the chosen child of destiny has been roughly shaken in recent years. We have seen a number of countries abandon self-government and go back to dictatorship until now millions of people in Europe 'believe that democracy is an outmoded and ineffective way of life. They point scornfully to the United States, a country of vast riches, struggling in the tenth year of its great depression. We now know that democracy must justify itself, not alone by faith' but by works. What kind of works? Most of the things we have tried during the Roosevelt Administration were tried by the Ro- mans, as H. J. Haskell discovers when he applies modern labels to history in his. new book, "The New Deal, in Old Rome." Among -economic experiments tried in Rome, he lists these: Resettlement Administration;' Public Works Administration; ever normal gran' ary; two-price. system for. wheat; devaluation; AAA; Farm Credit Administration; direct relief or dole; and HOW. Historians don't agree as to what caused the fall of Rome and Mr. Haskell is skeptical: of the parallel drawn from Roman experiments. One might ask, was it the experiments that destroyed Rome or were the experiments simply means at- tempted that proved ineffective .i checking the processes of disintegratior which wero ,atw n9o THEATRE By PROF. KENNETI-! ROWE 'No War lit Troy! Drama has important contributions to make which can be realized only through the develop- ment of community centers of theatre activity. A group of people in Ann Arbor has had the imagination to see the possibilities-for our com- rnunity and to devote time and energy and money for such a development here. The annual spring Drama Season which reulted is now open. Last week in The Daily T gave carefully con- sidered high praise to the selection of plays for this year. Last night I witnessed one of the most regrettable theatre-events in the history of Ann Arbor. There is no degree of merit in a play which cannot be obliterated by bad enough pro- duction. What is being offered to Ann Arbor this week, on the opening play when there is most leisure and freedom for preparation, is a slovenly production indifferently' conceived and under- rehearsed, a glaring example of what will cer- tainly defeat the best community endeavor. From a professional and commercial enter- prise we have the right to expect a moderate ap- proximation to New York professional standards. Aside from the familiarity of the Ann Arbor audience with those standards, they are accus- tomed to better things in local student produc- tions. "No War in Troy" last night was a lacka- daisical and savourless performance. We were given heavy, unimaginative, ugly setting, and costuming which suggested Salvation Army or Thrift Shop origin.Philip Merivale was so badly supported it was impossible to tell what pleasure he might be able to give in the part. There is no interest in detailed analysis on such a produc- tion. The casting was bad, the acting was bad, the stage-business bad, the directing bad throughout.T I looked forward to. No War in Troy with the special interest of seeing a new play from an assuredly skilled and gifted playwright. By the utmost of professional effort, I was able to dis- cern underneath the rendering, not another superlative play like "Amphitryon 38," but a play which should, with routine cutting on Ulysses' speech, have given a thoroughly good evening in the theatre, entertaining and mentally stimulat- ing.' A good Drama Season is one of the things I most want to see in Ann Arbor. We should have a season enlivened with new plays and independ- ence of selection from current Broadway plays and classics, good production, and imaginative whether or not expensive staging. We have the plays this year. Last year the present manage- ment showed us better production; perhaps they still know how. Coming out of the theatre last night, I overheard someone say, "Maybe we will. have a good play next week." I hope so. 1'Duce's Pleca Thoughtful world opinion must applaud, as did the women in the crowd at Turin, the declara- tion of Premier Mussolini that, "There are not at present in Europe problems big enough or acute enough t justify a war" that could involve all nations. In fact, such is the instinctive prayer of the peoples for peace that millions upon millions both in democratic and in authoritarian countries would go farther than Il Duce and say that with the facilities men now have for con- sultation and conciliation there is never a set of circumstances that can serve as a justification for precipitating bloodshed or that cannot and should not be ameliorated by peaceful and reas- onable means. The Mussolini speech cannot but be hailed as very hopeful for the peace of Europe and hence, probably, that of the world. In view of the situa- tion, it seems, notwithstanding the usual sar- casm toward the democracies, to be addressed more to Germany than to Britain or France. The Italian leader surely recognizes that there is nothing for Italy to gain in being dragged into a war over Danzig or the Polish Corridor and that even victory for the Axis powers could only, result in Italy's becoming a German satellite. If his assertion that he speaks "not only the thought of Italy.but also of Germany and thus- of the Axis" applies to the statement that re- course to the sword is not necessary to cut the knots in European politics, then it is doubly en- couraging. If, however, it applies rather to the demand, "There is need that these knots be un- tied once and for all," the unity of the Rome- Berlin Axis still need not imply war, for there are many in Britain, France and America who agree that justice must be done in the redress of condi- tions which make living hard for Germans and Italians. These conditions are the more severe just now because of the "'white war" or economic war which Premier Mussolini charges is being waged on Germany and Italy by the so-called demo- cratic powers. But this economic pressure is a mechanism of defense to which the democracies have resorted as against heavy rearmaments and in hope of averting worse conflict. Signor Mus- solini must realize-indeed, he seems to realize- that the "white war" of commercial isolation is one from which Italy or Germany can extricate itself at any time by displaying a willingness to confer with other nations over a relaxing of trade barriers and by giving earnest in acts of their disposition to preserve peace. For the very mention of this trade situation calls up the many 'discussions over access to raw materials and markets and the recent proposal of President Roosevelt to hold a conference at which these questions would be examined with a view to making commerce and living conditions freer for all concerned. In this respect, is it too much to look upon Premier Mussolini's Turin speech as a second and milder reply to the Roose- ...a -~ a - . TODAY i WASHiNGTON --by David awrece - DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Fnbitration in the B iistln i; conw.tnitive notice to alle nbet s of the iUnersity. Copy receied at the office of the Assistant to the President unti'3:30 P.M.; 11:00 A.M. on Saturday. WASHINGTON, May 17.-History repeats itself every now and then i American politics, and this time th issue is tax revision and the split in one of the major parties comes on the eve of a presidential election. Back in 1911, the Republican par- ty in Congress split on the tariff and cost of living issues, and the insur- gent point of view of the Republican was a factor in giving the election to the opposite party in 1912. Today, the Democratic party is either going to be split on tax revision and the issue carried into the presidential cam- paign, with a Probability that the op- posite party will win, or else the Democrats are going to be astute enough to avoid the mistakes of in- surgency and keep their party recon- ciled. But it does look more like a split than a harmonious relationship. The reason is that the New Dealers, after a remarkable period of understand- ing of the public pulse, now disbe- lieve that the 1938 congressional elec- tions really meant anything national and want to let the 1940 election con- test decide. Tax revision is not what the New Deal folks think it is as a political issue. They assume that it is merely the cry of a few rich men or pluto- cratic interests for a reduction in taxes. If this were so, it would be an easy matter to turn on the streams of denunciation and invective and trust to the electorate to echo their charges. But tax revision has be- come identified with economic re- covery. Little business, big business, workers in the middle class, farmers and others in the electorate who can read have been told again and again these last three years that business recovery cannot be achieved until the tax load on general business is reduced. Tax Revision Sought By every available evidence, in- cluding the recent showings of the Gallup poll, the American electorate has begun to take seriously the de- mand for a revision of taxes. The administration's only answer, name- ly that taxes cannot be cut unless revenues from other sources increase or else unless the budget itself is cut, would be very persuasive if offered on a background of retrenchment by the administration itself or if recognition had been continuously given to the ills of business in some sort of com- prehensive program. But, rightly or wrongly, the ad- ministration is being pictured before the country as the sadistic enemy of business and the New Deal's inner circle is being represented as truly anxious to bring on a state of affairs in which more rather than less gov- ernmental regulation will become necessary. One does not need for a moment to accept as valid the imputations of destructiveness or of the punitive spirit said by their critics to be char- acteristic of New Dealers to see that there is inside Congress a definite cleavage as between independent Democrats and administration Demo- crats. The differences between them are neither accidental nor casual. They are deeply rooted in a point of view. Most of the administration Democrats are following without complaint the leadership of the Pres- ident, while the independents are in- sisting that the President's leadership is not in conformity with public opin- ion today or in the best interests of the party. Good Judge Of Opinion Mr."Roosevelt feels that, in the pastrhe has been a pretty good judge of public opinion and that he has not been wrong about the liberal impulses of the American people, and that they will not want him to change his course if to do so means to give up the reforms he has been putting into effect.. On fiscal policy, however, and especially on taxation, it is not easy to draw a liberal-conservative issue, for nobody likes taxes; and, when the public debt rises to forbidden heights, it is no longer possible from a po-, litical point of view to offer a con- vincing defense. Sentiment Change The pendulum has always swung the other way in the past when de- pression has prevailed during an elec- tion year. In 1936, a relative amount of recovery had been achieved and the country had an optimistic mood about the future. Today, disappoint- ment over the failure of the unem- ployed to find jobs, the increaseeach year. of more young men who join the ranks of the unemployed, the con- stant outcries of business men against the taxes they are paying and which they say are deterring economic re- covery-all contribute to a negative mood on the part of voters. This is why Sen. Pat Harrison, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, feels that, in differing with the President, he is making a desperate attempt to save the Democratic party from de- feat. - The insur-eane nf the wstern Re- n i FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1939 e VOL. XLIX. No. 16G Si:Notices Seniors:The firm which furnishes diplomas for the University has sent l the following caution: Please warn graduates not to store diplomas in s cedar chests. There is enough of the moth-killing aromatic oil in the average cedar chest to soften inks of any kind that might be stored inside them, resulting in seriously damaging the diplomas. Shirley W. Smith. Student Accounts: Your attention is called to the following rules passed by the Regents at their meeting of1 February 28, 1936: "Students shall pay all accounts due the University' not later than 'the last day of classes of each semes- ter or Summer Session. Student loans which fall due during any semester or Summer Session which are not paid or renewed are subject to this regu- lation; however, student loans not yet due are exempt. Any unpaid accounts due at the close of business on the last day of classes will be reported to the Cashier of the University, and "(a) All academic credits will be withheld, the grades for the semes- ter or Summer Session just complet- ed will not be released, and no tran- script of credits will be issued. "(b) All students owing such ac- counts will not be allowed to regis- ter in any subsequent semester or Summer Session until payment has been made" S. W. Smith, Vice-President and Secretary. Commencement Tickets: Tickets for Commencement may be obtained on request after June 2 at the Busi- ness office, Room 1, University Hall. . Inasmuch as only two Yost Field House tickets are available for each senior, please present identification card when applying for tickets. Herbert G. Watkins. May we call to the attention of al those concerned that any complaints on telephone service should come to Mr. Bergman or the undersgined in the Business Office. Please do not place your compaints with the Tele- phone Company. Very often service can be improved by suggestions from, this office without assistance from a technical expert. Herbert G. Watkins. - First Mortgage Loans: The Univer- sity has a limited amount of funds to loan on modern well-located Ann Arbor residential property. Interest at, currnt rates. F.H.A. terms avail- able. Apply Investment Office, Room 100; South Wing, University Hall. Faculty, College of Engineering: There will be a meeting of the Facul- ty on Monday, May 22, at 4:15 p.m.,-in Room 348, West Engineering Build- ing. The agenda will include: Nom- ination of Panel for Executive Com- mittee; Election of University Coun- cil Member; a Progress Report from the Committee on Coordination in Teaching; Report of Committee on a Standard for English Composition; and Routine Business. Marsh and Mandelbaum Scholar- ships in the College of Literature,' Science, and the Arts: Upon the recommendation of the special schol- arship committee of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts the following awards for the academic session 1939-1940 have been made.' Simon Mandelbaurn Scholarships, with a stipend of approximately $400 each- Emery Allen Cook, Jr., Tulsa, Okla. William Gordon Jackson, Mar- quette, Mich. Michael Massa, Collingdale, Pa. Fanny Fansom Scholarships, with stipends as indicated- Florence Mae Krenzler, Cleveland, Oho $100 ; Mary-Jean Sanford, Kansas City, Mo., $75. John Pitt Marsh Scholarships, with stipends as indicated- Stanford Sobel, Detroit, Mich., $70. Harry Edward Goodman, Lebanon, N.Y., $60. Gerald Martin Waters, Rome, New York, $60. ' The special committee of award of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts consists of Professors J. E.1 Dunlap, N. E. Nelson, and A. B. Peck, chairman. Degree Program for Honors in Lib-+ eral Arts: The students named below' have been accepted for admission to. the Degree Program for Honors in the fall of 1939: Helen A. Breed Ralph G. Conger Jean E. Fairfax Barbara J. Fisher Howard A. Goldman Maya D. Gruhzit Jane E. Higbee John A. Huston William G. Jackson Harriet Jawitz Helen E. Jimerson Ka.rl f m~ Kaca Joan Outhwaite Ellen F. Rhea Neal Seegert L. William Sessions Samuel H. Sheplow Yvonne Westrate Notice of a reading list for the sum- Smer will be included in the Daily Official Bulletin in the near future. Choral Union Members. Refund on deposit for Choral Union music books will be nade from 9 to 12, and from 1 to 4 o'clock daily, up to noon Friday, May 19, at the general office of the School of Music. Members are cau tioned that no refunds will be made after that date. Charles A. Sink. The official senior booklets and an- nouncemfents can no longer be se- cured through the several senior class committees but they may be ordered for a limited time from the Burr, Patterson and Auld Co., 603 SChurch Street. Senior Engineers who failed to get fitted with Caps and Gowns on Mon- day and Tuesday will be able to be fitted at the Michigan League on SSaturday morning, May 20, between 10 and 12. 50 new Caps and Gowns have been purchased. All Seniors who have not made arrangements for their caps and gowns may purchase their certificates and get fitted Saturday morning between 10 and 12 at the Michigan League. Senior Engineers: The composite picture for the Engineering Class of 1939 is now being made up. In order that your picture be included, wheth- er or not you are graduating in June, .your class dues must be paid in full on or before May 20, and you must have had a picture taken for the 1939 'Ensian. The picture will be hung in the West Engineering Building, and addi- tional prints may be had at $2.25 each. Senior Engineering Picture Commitee. Academic Notices Sophomore, Junior, Senior 'and Graduate Students in Aeronautical Engineering: Announcement is made of a Civil Service' Examination for Engineering Draftsman. Applications must be filed with the Civil Service Commission by June 12, 1939. Those interested may examine the an- nouncement concerning this 'position which is posted on the Aeronautical Engineering Bulletin Board. Exhibitions Tenth Annual Exhibition of Sculp- ture, in the concourse of the Michi- gan League Building. Invents T oday Ann Arbor Independents: Lantern Night rehearsal, today, in the game room of the League from 4 to 5. Attention, Finnish students: The Suomi Club's annual spring picnic is scheduled for tonight The group will leave Lane hall at 7 p.m. In case of rain, the picnic will be held in the Upper Room of Lane Hall. International Center: Tonight, Fri- day, May 19, the last Recreation Night for this year will bring 'the series to a close. The duplicate bridge tournament, which has been running for the past few weeks, will be played to a finish. Mr. Magee will be in charge. Stalker Hall: Tonight, 5:30 p.m., Freshman Squad supper and dis- cussion at the church. 7:30 p.m. Class in "Through the New Testa- ment"-e b r Brashaes8:4 p.m. Hayride party leaving Stalker Hall. Call 6881 for reservations- cost 30 cents. Orthodox services will be held at the Hillel Foundation tonigh't at'7:15 p.m. Coming Events School of Education Luncheon at the Michigan Union on Saturday, May 20, at 1 o'clock. There will be an all School of Education luncheon for Staff Members, Graduates and Un- dergraduates. Following the luncheon there will be an appropriate enter- tainment. Tickets are now 'on sale at the office of the School of Edu- cation. The Graduate Record Club mem- bers have arranged the following rec- ord concert for Saturday, May 20: Bach, Brandenburg 'Concerto Num- ber Two; Mozart, Symphony Num- ber Thirty-one; Tschaikowsky, Ro- meo and Juliet Overture; Debussy, Afternoon of a Faun; Wagner, Fire Music from Die Valkyrie. Both gradu- ates and undergraduates are wel- come to these concerts which will en..