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May 18, 1939 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-18

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THUSRDAY, MAr 18, 1939


Glee Club Boys Will Serenade
Dorm Girls When Night Falls

Dean, Edison
Official, Talk



'Tis spring, and the Glee Club boys
are clearing their throats and looking
for their best ties in preparation for
tonight's revival of the ancient annual
ustom of -erenading campus coeds.
For this old Glee Club tradition the
'boys wait until the evening curfew
aas rung, when the girls are home,
nd then sally forth en masse to give
tongue before various dormitories and
But there is more in this after
ours business than meets the eye, for
t is the proud boast of Glee Club
men that they, and they alone of all
men on the Michigan campus are
officially allowed within women's
esidences after hours. The girls usu-
ally invite them in for refreshments
after each individual serenade.
This -honor, however, carries some
disadvantages, as some of the Glee
Club men themselves will testify.
Among these difficulties is that of
singing comfortably after the fifth or
sixth house since the girls are apt to
be overly bountiful in their refresh-
nents. Trouble also was encountered
last year when a Mosher-Jordan cus-
todian, uninitiated in this particular-
tradition, ordered the group to stop
disturbing the peace and leave.
Begins At Barbour
The yearly serenade schedule cus-
tomarily starts at Betsy.Barbour
and Helen Newberry dorms, and con-
tinues to about ten other residences.

I To keep matters strictly formal, (and
probably to insure the refreshment
angle,) the girls are sent written in-
vitations to allow the club to sing.
Though frowned on, favoritism in
the selection of houses does creep in
according to one of the members.
The .spring serenade is but one of
many Glee Club activities, their sing-
ing carrying them to many cities in
the vicinity of. Ann Arbor, and once
a year, to some more distant point,
This spring the club toured to New
York City, where they presented con-
certs before Michigan alumni and
other groups. Concerts are also given
in Flint, Saginaw, Detroit, Dearborn
and other nearby towns. Trips are
made on an average of once or twice
a month and are usually financed by
club profits.
Presents Formal Concert
Once a year, a formal concert is
presented on campus. Previously the'
program has been divided into two
parts, one serious and the other de-
voted to stunts and special songs. In
this year's concert, however, Gilbert
and Sullivan's famous musical, "Trial
By Jury" was presented during the
second half.
The Glee Club, with a membership
of 65, boasts of being one of the
oldest of campus organizations. The
group was first organized in 1859.
Present officers are Hugh Roberts,
'39, president; Carl Viehe, '39, busi-
ness manager; and Hatley Spencer,
'39, secretary.

Here May


painful period of spring training.
Worley Advocates More Even
Distribution Of Highway Costs
By KARL KESSLER committee states, only in cases when
More equalized distribution of high- the cost of the construction was fi-
way costs is advocated by Prof. John nanced by a bond issue. On high-
S Worleyofthetra rtatiways built from motor-vehicle tax
. W ey of transportion en- assessments, users of the roads, who
gineering department and a member furnish the capital outlay, should not
of a committee investigating the re- be charged an additional interest rate.
lation between -highway costs and Depreciation, it is emphasized,
motor vehicle taxes. should be included in the annual
Professor Worley's conclusion is highway costs, and not in the com-
based upon the findings of an impar- putation of motor-vehicle tax as-
tial committee of two economists and sessments.

S. M. Dean, chief assistant super-
intendent of the electrical system of
the Detroit Edison Company, will ad-
1 dress senior engineers at the Annual
Senior Engineer's banquet on "En-
gineering-A Way of Living" Thurs-
day, May 25 in the. Union.
Urbane Hird, senior class president,
will preside as toastmaster. Speakers
included in the program are Dean
Henry C-. Anderson of the engineering
college, T. Hawley Tapping, alumni
secretary, and Dean C. T. Olmstead,
secretary of the Michigan State Board
for the Registration of Professional
The banquet will constitute a fare-
well dinner for the senior engineer-
ing class, and each senior will receive
a list of all graduating engineers,
their departments, home addresses,
and plans for the coming year.
Mr. Dean was in Ann Arbor last
year as guest speaker of Sigma Rho
Tau, engineering speech society. The
banquet committee is: Don Van Loon,,
chairman, Tim Hird and Can Loon,
programs, Allen Andrews and Jack
Stevens, tickets, Richard Roemer, Jo-
seph Anton, and Max Sokol, publicity,
Charles Weinaug and Fred Low, din-
ner, and Fredrick Osberg, Stewart
Peck, Herbert Blumberg, and Joseph
Demma, senior lists.
Ann Arbor Pastor
To Speak Abroad
Rev. William P. Lemon, pastor of
the First Presbyterian Church, is
one of the ten ministers in the United
States who have been chosen to
preach abroad this summer under the
sponsorship of the Committee of
[nterchange of Preachers and Speak-
ers in America and Great Britain.
Doctor and Mrs. Lemon will sail
June 8 on the hamburg-American.
Line, and will arrive in Hamburg,
Germany, June 15. On Sunday, June
18, Dr. Lemon will preach his first
sermon in Berlin, and from there he
will go to the American Church in
Paris where he will talk one week

(Continued from Page 4)
spring overnite will be held at Camp
Takoma, Clear Lake, from 3 p.m.,
Saturday, May 20 to 3 p.m., Sunday,
May 21. There will be canoeing, hik-
ing, swimming, baseball, etc. All
graduate students and faculty are in-
vited. Call 8995 by Saturday noon
for reservations.
The Outdoor Club will go for a
short canoe ride on Saturday, May.20.
The, group will meet at Lane Hall at
1:45, then go to Saunders .to rent
canoes. Come and bring your friends.
Everyone is welcome.
Transportation to Horse Show: A
special bus will be provided to the
Fair Grounds if enough people indi-
cate their intention to use it. The
bus will leave at 1:30 on Saturday
from North University and State
Streets and a round-trip fee of 18
cents will be charged. Reservations
on this bus must be made before Fri-
day noon by calling the Women's
Athletic Building.
All University Women: There will
be a biking party on Monday after-
noon, May 22, leaving the Women's
Athletic Building at 4:15. Please
sign up in Barbour Gymnasium or at
the Women's Athletic Building, or
call Jane Brichan at 6944.
Any Steamer r tnAdau
ExPert Advice. Licensed Since 1917. Re emnce-Any LoalHank

Alpha SigsWin.Fraternity Sing

(Continued from Page 1)
event were led by Jack Secrist, Grad,
in a rendition of "Varsity" dedicated
to the track team participating in
the Big Tens this weekend.
Fraternities Listed
The fraternities, -in the order in
which they sang, together with their
selections and sororitysponsors were:
Alpha Kappa Lambda, "Sweetheart
Song," sponsored by Alpha Chi.Ome-
ga; Alpha Sigma Phi, "Within the
Mystic Circle," Alpha Phi; Chi Psi,
"Friars' Sorbg," Chi Omega; Psi Up-
silon, "Swift as an Arrow," Pi, Beta
Phi; Sigma Chi, "Fellowship Song,"
Delta Delta Delta.
Sigma Phi Epsilon, 'Sweetheart
Song;" Gamma Phi Beta; Theta Delta
Chi, "Laudes Atque Carmina," Alpha
Xi Delta and Alpha Delta Pi; Beta
Theta Pi" "Loving Cup," Delta Gam-
ma; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, "Hail to
the Purple," Zeta Tau- Alpha; Phi
Gamma Delta, "Fiji Honeymoon,"
Kappa Kappa Gamma and Phi Sigma
Theta Xi, "Theta Xi Medley," Kap-
pa Delta: Acacia, "Here's to Acacia,"
Alpha Gamma Delta; Delta Tau Del-
ta, "Delta Girl of Mine," Kappa
Alpha Theta; Phi Delta Theta, "Phi
Delta Theta We Love You," Sorosis;
Theta -Chi, "Sweetheart of Theta
Chi," Alpha Omicron Pi; and Sigma
Phi, "Qoodnight Song," Alpha Epsi-
lon Phi.
Alpha Sigma Phi, in virtue of their
winning of the event, received both
the rotary cup, indicative of fratern-
ity singing championship for this
year, and one smaller cup for their
permanent possession. Theta Xi and
Phi Delta Theta each received exact
replicas of the smaller cup, indicat-
ing that their singing was good, but
not quite good enough.
Prof. Arthur Hackett of the 'School
of Music, William D. Revelli, direc-
tor of the University Band; - and
Prof. Hardin A. VanDeursen of the

School of Music served as judges of
the event.
William Davidson, '40, was general
chairman of the committee in charge
of the Sing. Others on the commit-
tee were: Robert Golden, '40, direc-
tor of publicity; Robert Goodyear,
'40, in charge of building and grounds,
Howard E. Egert, '40E, fraternity en-
tries, and Richard Livingston, '40,
parade to campus.
The great number of original en-
tries in this year's Sing, .33, necessi-
tated eliminations held last Monday
night. At that time 17 of the fraterni-
ties were eliminated from the con-
test, leaving the 16 that participated
in last night's event, as the best of
the fraternity singing crop.

. ...._

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