AY, MAY 18, 1939
Hat In The
Ring *..
Our gauntlet has been picked up by
Phil Diamond. He has accepted our
challenge to match forecasts for the
Big Ten track meet to be held here
Friday and Saturday. So This Cor-
ner will lead with its chin and go to
bat first with the defending cham
pion's selections. appearing in this
column tomorrow. With this bit of
prognostication, we have contem-
plated changing the column's name
to "On The Limb." But be that as
it may, we submit our choices, with
times and distances guaranteed to
be correct.
100-Yard Dash: 1. "'mith (M),.
2. Lewis (OSU), 3. Kauffman
(Wis.), 4. C. Culver (Mich.), 5.
5. Davenport (Chi.). Time: 09.8.
220-Yard Dash: L Lewis
(OSU), 2. Smith (Mich.), 3. F.
Teufel (Iowa), 4. Elliott (Ind.),
5. Franck (Minn.). Time: 21.4.
220-Yard Low Hurdles: 1.
Cochran (Ind.), 2. Kelley (Mich.),
3. Gutting (Pur.), 4. F. Teufel
(Ia.), 5. Hall (Mich.). Time:
120-Yard High Hurdles: 1.
Gedeon (Mich.), 2. Gutting (Pur.)
3. Smith (Wis.), 4. Kelley (Mich.),
5. Collinge (Ia.). Time: 14.2.
440-Yard Dash: 1. Breiden-
bach (Mich.), 2. Sulzman (OSU),1
3. Howells (OSU), 4. Faulkner
(Mich.), 5. Balyeat (Mich).
Time: 47.3.
880-Yard Run: 1. Bodeau (Fur.)
( a spike *vound may keep him
out), 2. Trutt (Ind.), 3. Jester
(Mich.), 4. Eisenhart (OSU), 5.
Holderman (Fur.). Time: 1:54.2.
Mile: Won by Trutt (Ind.), 2.
Holderman (Pur.) 3. Mehl
(Wis.), 4. Knapp (Pur.), 5. Bar-
rett (Mich.). Time: 4:11.2.
Two-mile: 1. Schwarzkopf
(Mich.), 2. Mehl (Wis. 3. Whit-
$1.65 to $7.00
$1.00. $1.39 $1.50
Cooper's Sox ......4 pair- $1.00
Cooper's Shorts.....3 for $1.00
Sweaters.. ...$1.25 Ato.$4.00
Swim Trunks .. . $1.95 - $2.95
Walk-a-Few Steps
and Save Dollars, t
taker (OSU), 4. Heyl (Mich.),-
5. Liljigren (Minn.). Time: 9.14.8.
High Jump: 1. Diefenthaler
(Ill.), 2. Best (Wis.), 3. Burnett
(Ind.), tied for fourth Canham
(Mich.), Smith (N.W.) and Har-
rer (Wis.). Height: 6 ft., 6z in.
Pole Vault: 1. Padway (Wis.),
tied for second Cassels (Chi.)
and Thistlewaite (N.W.), tied for
fourth Gardner (Wis.) and Da-
vidson (Chi.). Height: 14 ft., 2 in.
Broad Jump: 1. Watson
(Mich),.2., Hodgson (Mnn.), 3.
Best (Wis.), 4. Davenport (Chi) ,
5. C. Culver (Mich.). Distance:
25 ft., 1 in.
Discus: 1. Watson (Mich.), 2.
Harris (Ind.), 3. Haviland (1l.),
4. Gragg (Ill.), 5. Harkness (Ia.).
Distance: 161 ft., 3s in.
Shot Put: 1. Watson (Mich.),
2. Harris (Ind.), 3. Weber (Fur.),
4. Hook (Mich.), 5. Malisch
(Wis.). Distance 52 ft., 4 in.
Javelin: Poorman (Ind.), Sei-
fert (Wis.), 3. Ell (OSU), 4. Carl-
son (Wis.), 5. Finazzo (Ia.). Dis-
tance: 196 ft., 8% in.
Mile Relay: 1. Michigan, 2.
OSU, 3. Iowa, 4. Purdue, 5. Ill.
Time: 3:12.9.
Michigan. .......66
Wisconsin .....:.34 /
Indiana .........32
Ohio ............28
Purdue.... ...24
Iowa ...........13
Illinois .........11
Chicago ......... 8
Minnesota ....... 6
Northwestern ... 4%/
Elmer, Gedeon will not enter the
low hurdles this weekend. He'll con-
centrate on the highs and leave the
small sticks in the capable hands and
feet of Stan Kelley and Jeff Hall,
Ray .Fisher's baseball team almost
had' an exhibition game with the St.
Louis .Browns in Grand Rapids for
the 27th of thisemonth but there'was
a regular Conference game already
scheduled with Purdue on that date.
Even with a' team as versatile as the
Wolverines, it would have been a
little difficult to play the Browns
in Grand Rapids and the Boilermak-
ers at Lafayette, Ind., on the same
day, so Ray reluctantly had to pass
up the chance.
Fountain Pens
Smick To Hurl
Opener Against
Minesota Nine
Fishermen Need Victory
To Stay In Flag Race;
Gophers Have Power
(Continued from Page 1)
artist who chalked up a four-hit vic-
tory over the Varsity last year, and
Howie Schultz, whom the Wolverines
defeated 6-4 in 1938, will be the
Starting pitchers for Coach Frank
McCormick's charges.
Another familiar figure in the
Minnesota lineup will be Johnny
Kundla, Gopher basketball star who
made life miserable for the Wolverine
hoop team last winter. Kundla plays
first base on the Minnesota baseball
Following the games with the
Gophers, which will be the Varsity's
last home appearances for the sea-
son, the Fishermen leave for a long
road trip. Michigan will play a return
game with Notre Dame, Saturday,
engage in a two-game series with Wis-
consin, Monday and Tuesday, and
wind up their jaunt with twin-bill
against the league-leading Purdue
team, Friday and Saturday.,
Psi U's Lead .
In I-M Point
Award Race
After having played second fiddle
to Phi Delta Theta for the fraternity
nigh point award for three consecu-
tive years, Psi Upsilon toppled the
Phi Delts this year with the highest
point total ever recorded in fraternity
Firmly entrenched in first place
with 1,413 points, Psi U still has an
opportunity to add to their collection
by winning their playoff games in
Phi Delta Theta, now in second
place with 1,329, is for the first time
in three years in a lower slot than
the coveted championship position.
Theta Xi has a narrow margin over
fourth place Sigma Chi as the totals
stand 1,162 to 1,136 respectively. Phi
Gamma Delta holds fifth in the
standings with 1,038 points, and Phi
Kappa Sigma rests in sixth with 1,019.
Competition in the Independent
league is closer, for first place hinges
on the result of the next Phys Ed
softball game. If the Phys Eds win
their next contest, they will cop the
Independent championship by the
narrow mairgin of two points over the
The Senators will take the title,
however, if the Phys Eds should be
upset. The Senators now have 950
points to 922 for the athletes, and the
Wolverines follow in third place with
Alpha Omega annexed the profes-
sional fraternity crown by outscoring
Phi Delta Phi 551 to 475, with a
chance to gain more ground in the
horseshoe tournament.
Pink, cf
Sofiak, s:
Trosko, I
Beebe, c
Smick or
Barry, p
Probable Lineups
Knox, 2b
s Grono, cf
ugh, 3b Kundla, lb
lb Sirany, If
f Masologites, 3
rf Roy, rf
2b Sweeney, ss
Fust, c
Sowa or
Schultz, p
Michigan Track Squad Favored
In Final Seven Events Saturday
Tennis Squad
Wins 7-2 Over
Western Statet
Teachers Take First Twot
Matches, But Weirmen
Come Back To Triumphl
Dropping but one singles and oneI
doubles match, the Wolverine varsity
netmen swept to an easy 7-2 triumph
over Western State Teachers College
yesterday afternoon at Ferry Field.1
The victory was the fifth in succes-
sion for the Weirmen, and the elev-
enth of the year.
Milton "Ike" Ruehl, Western State's
number one man, garnered half of
his team's points when he defeated
Jim Tobin in straight sets, 6-4, 7-5.
Tobin put up a brilliant battle, but
couldn't match his opponent's ac-
curately placed drives. Ruehl, a
senior, has been Wisconsin's singles
champion for the past two years.
The other point for the visitors
came as a result of their doubles win
over Capt. Don Percival and Ed Mor-
ris. Ruehl teamed with sophomore
Nill Taylor to score an easy victory,
winning 6-1, 6-3. Percival's and Mor-
ris's play was erratic, and they were
easy prey for their opponents.
With these matches out of the way,
the Michigan netmen swept the re-
mainder of the meet. Captain Per-
cival taking his first set, 6-0, eased
up and found himself on the short
end of a 6-4 score. He was able to
pull himself together, however, to
win the third and deciding set, 7-5.
The rest of the Wolverines took
heart, and the remainder of singles
players captured their matches, with
John Kidwell, Sam Durst, Jim Por-
ter and Bob Jeffers turning in victor-
ies. Kidwell was the least pressed
of the four, downing his man, 6-2,
For the first time in six matches,
Sam Durst dropped a set to an oppon-
ent when John Vander Meiden took
the first set, 8-6. This loss was only
momentary, however, as Durst rallied
to take the second and third sets to
win the match.-
This afternoon at 3:10 p.m. the
Wolverines will play their third match
in three days when they meet Purdue
at the Ferry Field courts.
Singles: Ruehl (W) defeated To-
bin (M) 6-4, 7-5. Percival (M) de-
feated Judd (W) 6-0, 4-6, 7-5. Kid-
well (M) defeated Linder (W) 6-2,
6-3. Durst (M) defeated Vander Mei-
den (W) 6-8, 6-3, 6-3. Porter (M) de-
feated Simms (M) 8-6, 9-7. Jeffers
(M) defeated Taylor (W) 0-6, 6-3,
Doubles: Ruehl, Taylor (W) de-
feated Percival, Morris (M) 6-1, 6-3.
Tobin, Kidwell (M) defeated Linder,
Vander Meiden (W) 7-5, 6-1. Durst,
Woolsey (M) defeated Judd, Sims
(W) 6-2, 6-3.
Freshman Track
Teanm Wins Meet
Michigan's freshman track team
maintained its unbeaten outdoor rec-
ord Saturday, when it took first place
in a triangular telegraphic meet with
Wisconsin and Ohio State. The year-
lings emerged victorious with a score
of 62, Wisconsin taking second with
57'/2, and Ohio State third with 37/2.
Outstanding among- the perform-
ances of the freshmen were: George
Ostroot's 44 foot shot put and his
144 foot 11 inch discus throw, both of
which were good for first places;
Charley Decker's pole-vault of 12 feet
6 inches; John Kautz's :50.8 quarter
mile; Bill Ackerman's 4:27 mile and
9:56 two-mile, also good for firsts;
and Bud Piel's :1.7 220-.
Wisconsin's McMillion showed
promise of future greatness as he won
the javelin, broad jump, and low
hurdles and tied for second in the
high hurdles.
English Boot and Shoe Maker
p Our new repair department, the
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0outh Forest Avenue.
Phi Delt Nine Wins
Fraternity Crown
Former All-AmericAn football star
Whitey Wistert pitched Phi Delta Phi
to the first place championship of
the Professional fraternity league{
yesterday with a decisive 5-2 victory I
over the Phys Ed Grads.
Bob Smith hit a home run besides
playing a bang-up game around third
base for the winners, and his team
mate, Pete Courtright, added a double
and a single to the onslaught on John
Munn, Phys Ed pitcher. Left fielder
Peiro sparkled in the outfield for the
In the only other game played yes-
terday, Theta Chi walloped Delta
Kappa Epsilon 7-0, behind the effec-
In The Majors
American League
Washington 4, Detroit 1.
New York 4, St. Louis 3.
Chicago 6, Boston 3.
National League
Brooklyn 9, Chicago 9..
(19 innings)
Philadelphia 7, Pittsburgh 3.
Cincinnati 6, Boston 1.
New York 9, St. Louis 5.
tive four hit hurling of Dick Shroth.
While Shroth was holding the Deke
sluggers, Colvin Gibson collected a
single, double, and a triple in four
trips to the plate to lead the Theta
Chi batters.
(Editor's Note: This is the second of
two articles previewing the Big Ten
Track Championships to be held here
Friday and Saturday. The events are in
the order in which they will be run.)
Michigan's defending champions
should continue their winning ways
in the final seven events of Satur-
day's program in the 39th annual
Western Conference track and field
Discus Throw: Bill Watson's 161-
foot toss last week indicates the win-
her, and the probable new record-
holder in this event. Archie Harris,
of Indiana, who bettered the world
record while in highschool, will be
runner-up, with Bill Haviland of I1-
linois next. The other potential point
winners are Hugh Rendleman of
205 E. Liberty Phone 8020
302 S. State St.
Style bGeams with Comfort
Chicago, George Gragg of Illinois,
John Rabb of Ohio, and Morrill Hark-
ness of Iowa.
880 Yard Run: Purdue's Art Bo-
deau, the indoor winner, will have
plenty of trouble beating Michigan's
Tommy Jester and Indiana's Mel
Trutt, though the latter will be doub-
ling in the mile. Bodeau was spiked
last week and may not be in top
shape. Bob Hoke of Indiana should
lead Ohio's Les Eisenhart to the fin-
ish, with Hawkeye John Graves and
Michigan's Hod Davidson and Dye
Hogan trailing.
Broad Jump: Watson's third title
will complete three years in which he
won the shot, discus, and broad jump.
Riley Best of Wisconsin and Minne-
sota's Wells Hodgson will go the next
furthest, with Chicago's John Da-
venport tagging along. The fifth
place is a wide open scramble.
220 Yard Dash: Defending cham-
pion Bob Lewis from Ohio is num-
ber one man here with a best mark
this season of 21.1. Fred Teufel of
Iowa, Fred Elliot of Indiana, if he is
ready, Michigan's Al Smith, and Illi-
nois' Bob Ashley will battle for the
other places..
Two Mile Run: If Walter Mehl can
come back after running the mile,
there will be a fine race between the
Badger and Ralph Schwartzkopf, who
will have things his own way other-
wise. Buckeye Jim Whittaker, in-
door champ, is next, and;the other
two places will be distributed among
Michigan's Bray Heyl, Minnesota's
Ervin Liljegren, Badger Brad Towle,
and Purdue's Aldon Knapp.
Low Hurdles: A wide open race is in
prospect in this event. Michigan has
Stan Kelley, fourth last year. and
Jeff Hall, with Iowa's Fred Teufel,
Steve Gutting of Purdue, Roy Coch-
ran of Indiana, and Dick Reising of
Mile Relay: A fitting climax to the
meet with the great Michigan four-
some expected to crack the Confer-
ence mark by at least a second. Ohio's
brilliant relay team will give the
Wolverines plenty of competition,
however, and might possibly pull an
upset. Iowa, Indiana and Illinois will
also run.
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