Sir 43Uf
A Chance For
Self-Government .
Fair and cooler tomorrow;
Possibly frost.
VOL. XLIX. No. 165
I- U -
U.S. Warshi
Lands Patr
On Kulang
U. S., Britain And Fr
Rush 'Warships T
After Japanese Inva
International Cit
Is Japan's Obj
SHANGEAW, May 17.--()P)
United States Navy landed a
today on Kulangsu, internx
settlement at Amoy on the
China Coast, where British
French warships also concen
amid tension arising from J
occupation of Kulangsu.
Forty-three sailors were l
from the U.S. Cruiser Marbleh
protect United States interests
small island settlement.
Domei, Japanese news agenc
the British Navy had taken s
action. Vice-Admiral Sir
Noble, commander of the B
China squadron, was at Amoy, w
ing the situation from aboar
crusier Birmingham. Three
British warships were in port.
Hongkong dispatches said a F
destroyer also was steaming fo
Kulangsu, in which the 1
States and Britain are the chie
eign powers concerned, is th
international settlement to be
ed in the Japanese-Chinese wa
nearly two years old.
'Tension developed imme
with the Japanese occupation
Friday, which. was carried ou
the explanation that the life
Japanese Naval Commander ha
endangered by an incident in
a Chinese was killed. The t
increased with subsequent Jap
demands for control of the settl
and Japanese rejection yesterda
demand by the settlement's mu
council that the occupying m
The Marblehead had rushed b
langsu from Tsingtao and join
U.S. Destroyer Bulmer there.
are seven Americans living in t
The Marblehead's report to A
Harry E. Yarnell, command
chief of the U.S. Asiatic fleet,
,details, but it was presumed he
patrol party would remain
until the crisis is liquidated.
Alu mni Gathe
For Businew
L School M(
Former Students To I
Roundtable Discuss
On Business Prob
More than 150 alumni and h
of the School of Business Admi
tion are expected to attend it
annual two-day conference op
here tomorrow.
Features of the meeting wi
several roundtable discussions
ing with current business cond
.tlandled entirely by former stu
these roundtables will consider
Responsibility of the Accounts
Management and to the P
"Finding Capital for Busines
Business for Capital," "The M
oly Problem and the Monopoly
mittee," "The Reorganizatic
Businesses," "The Responsibil
Management to the Stockho
and "How Market Research Ai
At the opening session at 9:3
tomorrow in the Rackham A
theatre, speeches will be given b
L. Kohler, comptroller of the Te
see Valley Authority, and by G
D. Bailey, resident partner of
and Ernst, Detroit. Mr. Kohler
merly Professor of Accounti
Northwestern University and
dent of the American Accou
Association, will speak on "The
tion of Management and G
ment." Mr. Bailey, one of the 1
nesses called by the SEC on thi
Kesson-Robbins' case, will discu
problem of the accountant's r
sibility to management and t
Highlighting the banquet a
p.m. tomorrow in the Union x
the presentation of Beta G
Sigma scholarship keys by Prof.
ard U. Ratcliffe, '34BAd., to
students in the School of B.
Alpha Sigs Win Fraternity Sing
Before 3,000 At Library Steps
-Daily Photo by Bates
Alpha Sigma Phi's lusty tonsils led
y, said them to victory before more than;
imilar 3,000 at the traditional Fraternitya
Percy Sing held last night at the Main,
ritish- Library steps.
watch- Close on the throats of the Alpha]
d the Sigs were Theta Xi, which placed
other second, and Phi Delta Theta, whica
attained the show position.1
French The winners, sponsored by Alpha
or the Phi sorority, were forced to exert
their full vocal powers to attain thei
f for- Druids Summons
e first
invad- 21'Uninformed'
r, now
diately To Its Ceremony
n last
t with DRUIDS, sons of magic,
of the Foretellers of the future,
d been Judges-very knowing, wise-
which The fires in the stonehenge
ension Are set alight,
panese With flames to heaven raised;
emnent Look upon thy awenyds,
y of a Called from out thy mighty
nicipal court-
arines the uninformed who would seek
thy light.
to Ku- Hence to thy oak grove-
ed the There to test their worthiness.
There With eyes to heaven raised,
he set- Invoke a blessing from the skies-
Perpetuate thy heroic deeds,
dmiral Keep ever bright the burning
er-in- torch-
lacked The glory and wisdom of knights
re the of old,
ashore Stalwart DRUIDS, true and
To the rock of Druids have been
summoned: Ralph Schwarzkopf, Bill
r Canfield, Jim Grace, Don Nichols,
John Nicholson, Ellis Wunsch, Gus
Dannemiller, Jack Gelder, Dye Ho-
gan, Morris Miller, Bill Bavinger,
Dan Shaw,. Ed Hutchins, Jim Halli-
e t gan, Bill Smith, Dennis Flanagan,
Charlie Pink, Lynn Reiss, Bob Pal-
mer, Russ Dobson, Phil Balyeat, Walt
Lead Neilson, Dick Waterman, Howard
Parker, Bob Johnson, Larry Vanden-
ions burg and Ted Spangler.
rndsy Canada Greets
s1 g ritish Royalty
nil be
deal- Prime ,Miniter Pledges,
i-tions. Loyalty To Throne
dents, _
The QUEBEC, May 17.-(/)-Canada
ant to acclaimed King George and Queen
ublic," Elizabeth today upon their arrival
s and for an unprecedented royal tour and
onop- then pledged a new loyalty and hom-
Coof age to the British throne and its
ity of occupants.
ity ders" Hour after hour, from early morn-
ds" heing until nearly midnight, the King
ids theand Queen went through the ritual of
state functions, presentations, audi-
0 a.m. ences, addresses and drives through
nphi- the city. They slept tonight behind
y Eric the thick walls of the old citadel on
ernes- "the rock" which is now the summer
George home of Canada's Governor-Gen-
Ernst eral, Lord Tweedsmuir.
r, for- Through it all was the informality
ng at of the Western World, evident, de-.
presi- spite the military and official char-
unting acter of the events. This appeared
Rela- to be enhanced by the charm and
overn- the manner of Queen Elizabeth, who
2 wit- won feminine favor, by the modest
e Mc- demeanor of the King and by what
iss the Canadian Prime Minister W. L. Mac-
espon- Kenzie King called the "qualities of
to the heart and character" possessed by
the visitors.
t 6:30-
iamm Lindbergh Asserts
Rich- U.S. AviationLas
WASHINGTON, May 17. -()-
Col. Charles A. Lindbergh told a
House commmitte tday th TUnitdA
'victory. This was indicated by the
judges' request before rendering!
final decision that the Alpha Sigs
repeat their selection. After the com-
mand performance, however, it was
quite evident that Alpha Sigma Phi
had clearly won the Sing. The judges'
opinion was unanimous.
Charming Joanna Roos, one of
the drama festival's outstanding
actresses appearing in the "White
Steed" here, presented the awards to
the three winners, and Robert Reid,
'39, presiding over the event, pre-
sented flowers to all the members of
Alpha Phi, the sorority whose femi-
nine intuition prompted them to back
the Alpha Sigs.
The audience, too, had their chance
to display their vocal talents. During
the time in which the judges were
making up their mind as to the three
winners, the 3,000 present at the
(Continued on Page 6)
Smiek To Hurl
Opener Against
Minnesota Nin e
British Give
Arabs Power
InHoly Land
Moslems To Be Limiited
To One-Third Population
In Future Of Palestine
Paper Sets Forth
Britain's Final Plan
LONDON, May 17.-R)-The Brit-
ish Government in a historic pro-
nouncement of policy tonight out-
lined plans for turning strife-torn
Palestine over to its Arab majority,
stinging Jewish leaders into bitter
declarations of opposition.
A White Paper setting forth Brit-
ain's "final plan" indicated Britain
was disclaiming five years hence any
development of the Jewish national
"obligation to facilitate the further
home (in Palestine) by immigration."
Unable to obtain agreement be-
tween Arabs and Jews, Britain an-
nounced its own solution for the po-
litical future of the Holy Land,
wracked by virtual civil war for three
Jews To Be Limited
Jews will be limited to one-third of
the population of the country which
Britain wrested from Turkey during
the World War and now controls
under League of Nations mandate.
The proposal for establishment of
an independent Arab state, the White
Paper said, "would involve consulta-
tion with the Council of the League
of Nations with a view to the termina-
tion of the mandate."
An official statement by the Jewish
National Agency for Palestine said
the plan "sets up a territorial ghetto
for the Jews in their own homeland."
The plan must obtain approval of
both Parliament and the League of
Nations. Jews planned strenuous ef-
forts to defeat 'it, but the Govern-
ment, with an overwhelming major-
ity in the House of Commons and
through its influence at Geneva, was
confident of pushing the program
Main Points Of Plan
Main points of the British plan are:
1. Establishment within 10 years of
an independent Palestine state dom-
inated by Arabs and bound commer-
cially and strategically with Britain.
2. Permission for 75,000 Jews to
immigrate to Palestine within the
next five years-but thereafter Arab
permission will be necessary for Jews
to enter.
3. Granting to the British High
Commissioner power jto restrict or
control the sale of land, a blow to
Jewish immigrants.
Japanese Demand
Refused By U..
WASHINGTON, May 17.-(')-The
United States refused today to grant,
for the time being, Japan's demand
for increased Japanese representa-
tion in the International-Settlement
at Shanghai.
On instructions from the State
Department, the American Ambassa-
dor at Tokyo, Joseph C. Grew, de-
livered a memorandum to this effect
at the Japanese Foreign Office at
about the time American naval forces
were landing at another Internation-
al Settlement-at Amroy.
Britain's Efforts To Align
Soviets With Bloc Futile,
History Professor Adds
Russia suspects that the group in
control of England's foreign policy,
although professing a conciliatory
attitude toward Russia, would wel-
come a Soviet defeat by Germany.
That is the explanation Prof. John
W. Stanton of the history depart-
ment gives in analyzing England's
and France's lack of success in draw-
ing the Soviets into their "Stop-Hit-
ler" bloc.
Recent moves of the democracies,
he observed, have indicated to Russia
that the anti-Hitler front may have
as one of its aims the extinction not
of fascism, but of Communism. Eager
to draw Russia into an agreement to
aid Poland and Rumania, England
and France have yet been reluctant to
guarantee similar assistance to the
Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia and
Baltic States Important
The security of these states, Profes-
sor Stanton explained, means fully
as much to Russia as protection of
Poland or Rumania, since these are
Russia's "Heel of Achilles." Germany
would have to cross the vast stretches
of Poland or Rumania to get at
Russia in the Southeast. Attack
through the Baltic states, however,
leads directly to Leningrad and Mos-
By diverting the Reich's steam-
roller away from Poland or Rumania,
and by leaving an open path along
the Baltic, the democracies, accord-
ing to Professor Stanton, are suspect-
ed by the Soviets of channelizing
Germany's Drang Noch Osten direct-
ly toward the heart of Russia.
Russia's suspicions were increased
by the democracies' stoic acceptance
of the Nazi seizure of Memel, looked
upon by Soviet leaders as a good
jumping-off place for a drive toward
Moscow. It is significant, Professor
Stanton believes, that the Nazis are
at present building a powerful naval
and air base at the Baltic port.
As long as Maxim Litvinov was in
control of the Kremlin's foreign
policy, Professor Stanton said, Russia
was committed to the policy of collec-
tive security backed by the Western
powers. Litvinov believed strongly
Sphinx Chooses
New Members;
Harmon Is Head
The land of Sphinxes had a new
Pharoah and 24 new members today.
Tom Harmon was elected to head
the junior men's honor society at
the annual initiation which followed
yesterday afternoon's "ride" through
the streets of Ann Arbor.
New faculty members taken into
the organization were Prof. Clark
Hopkins of the archeology depart-
ment and Prof. Mentor Williams of
the English department.
Men taken into the society, which
honors only juniors in the literary
college, were: Bill Loud, Jim Tobin,
Jim Welsh, Warren Breidenbach,
Jeff Hall, Tom Harmon, Forest Eva-
shevski, Blake Thaxter and Bob Hook.
Jimmy Neilson, Ed Tripp, Louis
Quall, Paul Chandler, Bob Ulrich,
Bill Combes, Ralph Fritz, Doug
Gould, Pal Kromer, Ed Barret, Bert
Stodden, Bill Steppon, Hervie Hauf-
ler, Volney Morin and Port Brown.
To Stay
Russia Suspects England To Be
Pro-Fascist, Stanton Declares
Need Victory
In Flag Race;
Have Power
Faced with the necessity of win-
ning every game remaining on its Big
Ten schedule in order to win or share
the '39 Conference championship, the
Michigan baseball team will open a
crucial two-game series with Minne-
sota at Ferry Field today at 4:00 p.m.
In spite of a bad spill in the Michi-
;an Normal game at Ypsilanti earlier
this week, the veteran Danny Smick
is expected to take the mound to
keep the Wolverines' pennant chances
alive this afternoon. Should Smick
still be suffering from the effects of
the fall, Coach Ray Fisher will call
on Jack Barry, his other ace hurler,
to turn back the Gophers.
Smick's uncertain condition is not
Coach Fisher's only problem as he
makes up his lineup to face Minne-
sota. Mike Sofiak, peppery shortstop
who has been out of the last two
games because of a sore throwing arm,
will again be a doubtful starter and
will remain so until game time,
If "little Mike" is in shape today,
he will be back at his accustoined
shortstop post. If not, Bill Steppon
will continue to take his place, while
Forest Evashevski or George Ruehle
fills in at right field.
The Minnesota team doesn't appear
to be going anywhere in the Confer-
ence race this year, but with a lineup
studded with five .300 hitters and
backed by two veteran pitchers; the
Gophers are capable of making
trouble for the Fishermen.
Stan Sowa, southpaw knuckle-ball
(Continued on Page 3)
that England would be the spearhead
in maintaining the status quo in
Europe because she had least to gain,
and most to lose by any change.
The recent dismissal of Litvinov
and the appointment of Vyacheslav
Molotov, a confirmed isolationist,
were viewed by Professor Stanton as
evidences that mistrust of Great Bri-
tain has crystallized.
Moscow Is Suspicious
Early this wee when the English
again pressed Russia to join the bloc
to protect Rumania and Poland,
Russia refused and politely called at-
tention to the Baltic "Heel of
Achilles," still lacking a guarantee of
independence. Moscow intimated
rather broadly that Russia would
make no further move until this gap
in her defenses was closed.
Recent press attacks in Moscow
against what the newspapers called'
London's "cunning prompting" of a
German attack on Russia and rumors
)f an impending Russo-German rap-'
prochement indicated that the Soviet'
regime is making up its mind to drop
the policy of collective security and
revert to bilateral treaty agreements.'
House Passes
School Grant
Espie Consents To Divert
University Cut To New
Appropriations Of State1
LANSING, May 17. -(1)- The'
House of Representatives voted to-1
day to grant the public school system
$36,826,000 a year, with provision for
the schools to receive an additional°
share of 37% per cent of any state
revenues in excess of present esti-
A three-hour floor fight preceded
the vote of 63 to 30 by which the
measure was advanced to the Senate,
still bearing the formula for distribu-'
tion of the funds to which metropoli-
tan areas objected.
Successive attempts to set the ap-
propriation at $45,000,000, $43,000,000
and $40,000,000 were defeated after
Rep. John P. Espie, Republican,
Eagle, chairman of the Ways and
Means Committee, demanded that he
be shown first "where the money is
coming from."
He consented to giving the schools
$576,000 a year that was cut from the
University of Michigan's proposed
appropriation in the House last night,
and also agreed to the provision de-
claring the schools, should receive
37% per cent of any funds in excess
of $102,000,000, the present estimate
of the state's annual income. The
Ways and Means Committee original-
ly had voted to limit the schools to
$36,250,000 a year, pointing out that
the legislature already had granted
them a $2,500,000 emergency appro-
priation against the funds they would
receive in the coming biennium.
Progress Lost
To Emotions,
Brumm, Says
Primitive impulses and undisci-
plined emotions prevent us from living
at the level of intelligence of which
we are capable, Prof. John L. Brumm
of the journalism school said in an
address before the Coal Utilization
institute last night. This conflict
exists in business as well as in social
life, he declared, and threatens the
progress of social and cultural devel-
opment and prohibits intelligent
group progress.
This condition in the business
world, Professor Brumm stated, has
grown out of a general disregard for
the fact that business is an integral
part of a great society.
The American people, once a sym-
bol of unity, Professor Brumm em-
phasized, are being ridiculed for their
aimless strugglings by such men as
Hitler. He pointed out that the only
* unity which remains is based on "a
primitive aggressive instinct of
hatred which only a common danger
could arouse."
Professor Brumm chided society for
its suppression of "radical" social
scientists. Society accepts all the ad-
vances of modern science whether
they be beneficial or undesirable, but
it is making little effort to adjust
modern society to accept them.
"We are creatures of habit," Pro-
fessor Brumm said, and we act with
the impartial emotion of the savage
"only on occasions of distress." How-
ever, he added, there is gradually
growing un a new atmosphere of in-
Nine Officers
To Be Chosen
In All-Campus
Poll Tomorrow
Positions Open For Union
Vice -Presidencies An d
Board Of Publications
Seven Boxes Listed
For Casting Votes
Three student members of the
Board in Control of Student Publica-
tions and six vice-presidents of the
Union will be chosen tomorrow in a
campus-wide election.
George S. Quick, Grad., candidate
in the Board election, today with-
drew from the race, leaving a slate
of eleven candidates competing for
the three student nositions on the
Board. Quick declared he was .with-
drawing his candidacy because of the
number of people in the race, and
in view of the fact that he has already
served as a member of the Board.
Candidates for the Board are: Philip
Buchen, '41L, Almon Conrath, '40E,
Augustus Dannemiller, '40, Raymond
Fredericks, '40, John Gelder, '40, John
Hulbert, '40, Albert P. Maylo, '39,
Robert D. Mitchell, '40BAd., Law-
rence Vanden Berg, '40 and Philip
Westbrook, '40.
Union Officers Included
Six Union vice-presidents from 11
schools and colleges will be chosen in
the same election. The list of candi-
dates and the schools and- colleges
they will represent follows: Ted
Spangler, '40, and Robert Harrington
'40, literary college and graduate
school; Harry Howell, '40E, Douglas
Tracy, '40E, and Jim Wills, '40E, en-
gineering college and architecture
college; Robert Elliott, '40L, and
James Ritchie, '40L, Law School;
William Yetzer, '40M, and Ward
Johnson, '40M, Medical School;
James Halligan, '40F&C, James Mc-
Leod, '40BAd., John Hart, '4BAd.,
business administration school, Music
School, pharmacy college and edu-
cation school; and William Mann,
'40D, and Raymond Frutiger, '40D,
dental college.
Polling Places Named
Polling pates located in seven
schools and colleges will be open from
3 to 5 p.m. except in the literary col-
lege and the engineering college,
where they will be open from 1 to 5
p.m., Peter Brown, '41, in charge of
elections said last night. The polling
places will be located as follows: lit-
erary college, 231 Angell Hall; en-
gineering college, 347 W. Engineer-
ing; architecture college, first floor
lobby; Medical School, front hall of
West Medical Building; Law School,
Hutchins Hall; business administra-
tion school, music school, pharmacy
college and education school, 110
Tappan Hall; and forestry school,
2042 Natural Science Building.
All persons voting must have their
own identification cards and must
vote in person, Brown said. In the
Board in Control election the ballot
may be cast at any one of the polling
places, but in voting for the vice-
presidents of the Union, the voter
must cast his ballot at the polling
place of the school in which he is reg-
istered. Those incorrectly listed in
the student directory may obtain a
correction from the Office of the
Dean of Students. Absolutely no elec-
tioneering will be allowed within the
rooms in which voting is taking place,
Brown emphasized.
Former Daily Man
To Discuss Press
Joseph Gies, '39, former associate
editor of The Daily, will address the
year's last meeting of the University
chapter of the AmericanStudent
Union 8 p.m. today in the Union.
Gies, who will discuss the function
of the press in a democracy, recently
wrote a series of articles for The
Daily on "Propaganda and the Press."
He has done considerable research in
this field. A question period will fol-
low his speech.
A summary of the year's activities
will be presented by Mimi Sper, '39,
Hugo Reichard, '39, will give a re-
port on the ASU constitution before
its ratification is considered. The se-
lection of the student who will at-
tend the summer training camp of
the ASU will be made. Persons wish-
ing to attend the camp should hnd
in a petition signed by five names to
the executive committee before the
meeting, Reichard announced.
To Review Honor System
Vatican Modernizes Procession
Of Ancient Lateran Ceremony
Trial Of Clerk
To Open Today
Gibb Accused Of TIaking
City Welfare Funds
Hearing of the case of County
Clerk Emmett Gibb, accused of ap-
propriating public welfare funds for
his private use, will open at-9 a.m. to-
day in the court room of the County
Court House.
The hearing will concern an order,
signed by Circuit Judge George W.
Sample May 9, which required Gibb
to show cause why he should not be
removed from office. The order was
issued after Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp
filr P. nptifan n elping that +hprp
Today, after almost a century the
Vatican will revive an ancient cus-
tom. Pope Pius XIL, 262nd Bishop
of Rome, will formally take posses-
sion of Saint John Lateran symboliz-
ing His Holiness' acceptance of the
Bishopric of Rome.
According to the tradition the Pope
rides up to the basilica on a white
mule led by one of the prince assis-
tants, usually of the Colonna or Or-
sini family. However, tomorrow Pius
XII. will ride up to the Lateran in a
high powered automobile followed by
a fleet of cars carrying the highdig-
nitaries and prelates of the church.
The ancient custom will not take
place along the dusty streets of Rome,
but inside the basilica proper.
The traditional acceptance of the
Lateran Church was halted when the
Italian troops captured Rome in 1870;
and the last Pontiff to receive the
church was Pius IX., who became
Pope in 1846. The late Pius XI. visit-
ed the Lateran after the signing of the
gestatoriad chair and impa't his
blessing, "Urbi et Orbi," to the city
and to the world.
In the ancient days the procession
was headed by the papal trumpeteers
and drummers followed by the cross-
bearer who rode on a brown mule.
Following these men came a platoon
of Swiss Guards and then the Pope
riding on a white mule. The proces-
sion crossed the Roman forum and
marched through the triumphal
arches of Constantine and Titus. At
the Arch of Titus the Chief Rabbi
and the Jewish congregation would
kneel before the Pope and present an
old copy of the Ancient Testament.
After presenting the book to the Pope
the Rabbi would ask if the book was
accepted. The Pope would reply
"The Scripture is holy, but your in-
terpretation is most exercable," and
lifting his right foot from the stirrup
would gently kick the Rabbi on the
In the new and revived ceremony
the Jewish population will not have