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May 17, 1939 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-17

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- ~ ~ ____________-~ -

Aviation Dinner
Will Be Held
Here Saturday
-Hrne cy To Be Principle
Speaker; Duncan Moore
To Act As Toastmaster
Duncan 'Moore, radio commentator
for radio station WJR, will be toast-
master at the annual banquet of the
Institute of Aeronautical Sciences
to be held Saturday in conjunction
with the Aviation on Parade air car-
Robert W. Hinckley, chairman of
the Civil Aeronautics Authority, will
be the principle speaker at the, ban-
quet. The aviation carnival, which is
being jointly sponsored by the Insti-
tute of Aeronautical Sciences, the
University of Michigan Glider Club,
the University Flying Club, and the
Washtenaw chapter of the National
Aeronautics Association, has been
planned to acquaint the average man
with the practicality of private fly-
An exhibition of various types of
smaller aircraft and preparations for
the CAA flight demonstration will
highlight events at the Ann Arbor
Airport Saturday afternoon. Air-
planes, aircraft motors and acces-
sories, and flying instruments will
be on display. An explanation of the
progress and purpose of CAA flight
training will be given.
Demonstrations of various planes
in- flight and a complete ground ex-
hibition of the workings of a para-
chute by a novel method will begin
at 2 p.m. Sunday. Maneuvers of the
ships, relative merits and costs of the
various planes shown will be explained
over a. public address system. The
CAA flight demonstration will also
be announced over the public address
Objections Voiced
To Dormitory Plan.
(Continued from Page 1)
they claimed would be hard to attain'
when classes are mixed.
Still another/objection voiced to
the plan was the necessity of -chang-
ing the entire personnel of the house
every year. Thus, it was contended, no
upperclassmen would remain to form
a nucleus, for, effectively initiating
student government in the dormitory
each year.
One junior didn't give regimented
freshmen women much chance of sur-
vival alone. She said, "A bunch of
freshmen! Homesickness is catching
-they'll all get unhappy and con-
fused and they'll have no chance to
come in contact with any mature

Royalty Keeps Youngster Waiting

With King George VI and Queen Elizabeth delayed at sea by fog and
ice, little Georger Edaid, age one and a half, looked pretty depressed as
he sat on the doorstep of his home in Quebec holding a Union Jack and
wearing a special hat, all ready to join the welcoming throng.
Extension Of Student-Faculty
Relations Marks Union Policy

Institute Gives
Annual Exhibit Preented
At l'4 heianTeage
Figures modeled by University of
Michigan students can now be seen
n the tenth annual exhibition of
sculpture in the concourse of the
Michigan League. The exhibit is spon-
sored by the University Institute of
Fine Arts.
The statues, plaques, and other
wo ks were done under the direction
of Prof. Avard T. Fairbanks of the
fnstitut.e. Aiucng the exhbited pieces
are several done by Professor Fair-
banks, who has shown pieces in va-
rious cities and has some on display
at the New York World's Fair. Ann
Arbor has a rare opportunity to see
a fine bronze, the portrait sculpture
of the two young Campbell children
of South Bend. The fountain piece,
the work of Professor Fairbanks, will
be erected in the garden of the Camp-
bells' home after the close of the ex-
The Metropolitan Museum of Art in
.4ew York City and the Kansas City
Art Museum have sent messages of
congratulation to Professor Fair-
banks. The exhibition, which repre-
sents the work of 16 students, will
continue until commencement.
Young Musicians
In Orchestra Play
At Concert Series
Like Horatio Alger success stories
set to music are the careers of Ma-
son Jones, 19, and Samuel Mayes,
20, youngest members of the Phila-
delphia Symphony Orchestra, and
among the world's youngest mem-
bers of a leading symphony orchestra.
Jones, who began to play the French
horn in his high school orchestra
five years ago, is now in his first sea-
son with the orchestra. However,
this is his second May Festival; he
filled in for a sick member last year.
Following graduation from high
school, he entered the Curtis Insti-
tute of Music in Philadelphia and
studied there two years following
which he signed a contract with the
orchestra. Son of a French professor
at Colgate University, his ambition is
"to get a degree from the University
of Pennsylvania and to become a good
horn player in the Philadelphia Or-
Mayes spent six years at Curtis fol-
lowing his completion of the sixth
grade. He continues his formal ed-
cation there, along with his studies on
the 'cello. Twenty-five hours a week
of practice plus 10 to 12 hours of
literature, German, French, algebra,
Latin, trigonometry and the cus-
tomary, subjects for six years gradu-
ated Mayes who then became a mem-
ber of one of the world's best sym-
phony orchestras.
His aim, Mayes says, is to be a solo-
ist like Piatigorsky the famous 'cellist
who is so well known to Ann Arbor

German. House
Planned Here
For Summer
tRealia2inI the need for Continuous
practice in learning a foreign.tongue,
he German department has madel
a rangements for a German house
for the coming Summer Session.
With the support and cooperation
of the Director of the Summer Ses-
sion, Prof. Louis A. Hopkins, the de-
partment has taken over the Alpha
-v1uma Phi fraternity house, 1315 Hill
w treet. Thirouii arangements made
with Deani Joseph Bursey and Dean
of Women Alice Lloyd, room acco-
modations will be available for men,
and dining facilities will be available
for both men and women.
Supplements Classwork
This "Deutsches Haus" will be the
center of extra-curricular activities
which will supplement classwork in
German. It offers to men and women
students, and to graduates and facul-
ty members of other departments,
facilities to review their German and
to perfect themselves in understand-
ing and speaking the language.
That specialized training and prac-
tlce are essential in gaining familiar-
ity with German, is a foregone con-
clusion, Dr. Otto G. Graf of the Ger-
man department said. Unfortunately,
the advent of the World War inter-
rupted a program here that had al-
ready progressed beyond the elemen-
tary stages. In the case of German,
extracurricular plans recovered very
Cite Other Groups
Some schools, Dr. Graf indicated,
particularly metropolitan colleges, es-
tablished modern foreign-language
houses as social centers supplement-
ing the class work. In recent years
the unsettled conditions abroad have
made it more difficult than ever for
students and faculty to develop and
to keep alive their contacts with the
German language and its literature,
Dr. Graf explained. Thus an ade-
quate substitute for foreign travel,
usually beyond the financial means
of most, has been made a necessity
to language education.
The "Deutsches Haus" is expected
to fulfill all of these requisites and
it is hoped that all students taking
German courses will make use of the
advantages the "Haus" has to offer,
Dr. Graf said.
Students now on campus, intending
to take German in summer school, are
urged to communicate with the Ger-
man department office.
Senior Class Treasurer
Urges Payment Of Dues
Early payment of senior class dues
was urged by Jean A. Kupeck, class
treasurer, who pointed out the neces-
sity for continuing a strong alumni
organization after graduation.
Collection desks will be placed in
the League and Union tomorrow, and
members of the finance committee
will be on hand.

(Continued from Page 4)y
and beginning at 10:30 will be the
annual Spring serenade.
During the business meeting, reser-
vations will be taken for the installa-
tion dinner which is to be held on
Thursday, May 25.
School of Education Luncheon at
the Michigan Union on Saturday, May
20, at 1 o'clock. There will be an all
School of Education luncheon for
Staff Members, Graduates and Un-
dergraduates. Following the luncheon
there will be an appropriate enter-
tainment. Tickets are now on sale
at the office of the School of Edu-
Scandinavian Journal Club: Will
meet Thursday, May 18, in Room 302
Michigan Union at 4 p.m.
The Class of 1940 of the Engineering,
College will meet Thursday, May 18,
at 4 p.m. in Room 348.
Notice of Union Elections: On Fri-
day, May 19. will be elected in con-
junction with the all-campus elec-
tions six vice-presidents of the Michi-
gan Union, one each for (a) the Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the
Arts and the Graduate School, (b)
for the Colleges of Engineering and
Architecture, (c) for the Medical
school, (d) for the Law School, (e)
for the College of Dental Surgery,
and (f) for the remaining colleges'
and schools, from the nominees as
filed with the Recording Secretary
by the Nominating Committee of the
Michigan Union. .
Fraternity Presidents: The Execu-
tive Committee of the Interfraternity
Council will hold its final meeting on
Thursday, May 18. All house presi-
dents are asked to submit any busi-
ness by 3 p.m. on that date. The
meeting for the election of officers
will be held on Thursday, May 18 at
7:15 in the Council Office. All presi-
dents are urged to attend.
Telegraphic Bowling Meet. Women
students: There will be a telegraphic
bowling meet with the University of
Illinois for women students on Thur3-
day, May 18. Those interested in
participating, please get in touch with
Florence Corkum, telephone 2-3225.
Both advanced and novices are need-
Eastern Engineering Trip Banquet:
All members of the trip who have
Tickets Today
The Senior Ball

not been notified of the bannuet to
be held Friday, May 19, at 6 p.m. in
the Union, please get in touch with
Bill Tibbetts or Kenneth Mudie im-
The Men's Physical Education Club
will meet on Thursday, May 18, 1939,
at 9 p.m. in the Michigan Union,
New officers will be elected and club
delegates will report on the recent
Physical Education convention.
Zeta Phi Eta; Important: W,rd has
come from the New York Alumnae of
a scholarship offer to members of
Lambda chapter' It is important that
all actives and pledges be present at
the regular meeting, Thursday, May
18, at 7:15 in the Portia Room, to dis-
cuss the scholarship, convention dele-
gates, and plans for the initiation
and reception on Sunday. Those who
have not taken the pledge exam
should be prepared to do so then. If
you cannot be there, please, call your
president at 6765.
American Student Union: The
final meeting of the year will be held
at 8 p.m. on Thursday, May 18, in the
Michigan Union. Joseph Gies, for-
mer book editor of the Michigan
Daily and author of a series of ar-
ticles on "Newspaper Propaganda'
Analysis" will speak onthe subject,
"For a Democratic Press." Discus-
sion will follow the talk.
Tickets for the Graduate Spring
Formal being held Saturday, May 20,
are on sale at the Information Desk
of the Rackham Bldg. Price: $1.50
per couple.
University of Michigan Flying Club.
There will be a meeting of the Univer-
sity of Michigan Flying Club in the
Union on Thursday evening at 8 p.m.
Results of the Kenyon Meet and plans
for the coming U. of D. Meet will be
discussed. Refreshments will be

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all themnbers of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.;
11-:0 AM. on Saturday,

The Union's continued service to
;he student body, extension and im-
provement of relations with faculty
and alumni, and a greater 2xploita-
tion of its facilities as a social club
keynoted an administrative statement
of policy by Don Treadwell, new
Union president.
"The Union in the coming year
will point towards increased serviceto
students, not only in recreational ac-
tivities but in vocational and other
extra educational types of work,"
Treadwell said. He continued by
pointing out that the increased popu-
lation of Union dormitories would
lend considerable support to the pro-
posed, program of recreational and
social activities.
Vocational Guidance Cited
A further schedule of vocational
guidance work was also cited for
Union activities in the coming ad-
ministration, continuing the work of
this year. Mimes, traditional the-
atrical group which once produced
Union operas, will be encouraged in
its work.
Stress will be laid on relations be-
tween faculty members and students,
Treadwell continued. This has been
lacking in the past,. and should be
fostered, he said; 'members of the
executive council will develop this
iea in their projects. Further, a more
informal atmosphere will be sought
at such social events as dances.
The usual Union managerial ac-
tivities will be carried on, serving the
campus in such activities as student
ballots, the recently originated ice
carnival, the annual Michigras,
University.days, entertaining visiting

high school students and guide serv-
Debating Stressed
Intercollegiate debates will be
handled by the Union staff, and in-
tramural debating, a little developed
activity will be sponsored. As many
club and group activities, including
hobbies, bridge checkers and chess
matches, as possible will be carried
A minor reorganization of the in-
terval structure of the Union staff was
also announced, a practice which is
aimed at strengthening of the organi-
zation, and a better program of train-
ing for freshman and sophomore try-
out staffs.
Rev. Thomas J. Everett
Dies Following Operation
Rev. Thomas Jefferson Everett,
father of Prof. Edward S. Everett of
the English department, died Mon-
day following an operation. The
funeral will be held at 3 p.m. today
at the Methodist Church, with Rev.
Charles W. Brashares officiating. He
will be buried at Forest Hills.
Rev. Everett, who would have been
85 this month, was formerly the
pastor of the Methodist Church in
Ann Arbor. He was a graduate of
Simpson College and the Boston Uni-
versity Theological Seminary.

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