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May 17, 1939 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-17

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Cloudy and cooler.


Sir igan


The Police
And The Public ,




Men's Council Out;
Replaced By Union,
New Judiciary Body
Student Government Group Votes To Abolish Itself
In Drastic Reorganization Move; Petitions
Will Be Asked Soon By Committee
Men's Council was abolished yesterday on its own motion in the second
drastic shake-up of student government this year.
At the same time a committee of the now-defunct Council, acting with
the approval of the University Committee on Student Affairs, announced
that functions of the Council would be divided between the student staff
of he Union and a projected Men's Judiciary Council.
In the allocation of the Men's Council's duties, it was decided that the
Union staff will conduct the mass meetings during football seasons, direct
the freshman-sophomore class games and conduct elections for the class
offices. The Men's Judiciary Council -

will direct and consider petitioning
of candidates "seeking political posts,".
and will take over the judiciary func-
tion of Men's Council in dealing with
student offenders.
To Aid Student Government
The Judiciary Council was em-
powered to consider any plan that
might be proposed to rejuvenate stu-
dent government at the University.
Such a plan would go into effect as
soon as it was passed by the Council
and approved by the University Com-
mittee on Student Affairs.
Membership of the new Judiciary
Council will be selected each spring
by a special appointing committee
which will include the outgoing heads
of the Union, Men's Congress, Daily,
Interfraternity Council and the Dean
of Students.
A spokesman for this group, to be
composed this year of Paul Brickley,
'39E, Robert, Hartwell, '39E, Robert
Mitchell, '40BAd, Robert Reid,.'39E,
and Dean of Students Joseph A.
Bursley, said that a call for petitions
to the new Council would be issued
in the near futurm.
Petitioners must be of second se-
mester junior standing and will hold
office for one year.
Membership To Be Limited
According to the resolution, the
membership of the Judiciary Coun-
cil will be set "within therlimits-of
five to seven members of which the
maximum number from the literary
college shall be three men, and from
the engineering college two men." The
remaining number will be chosen
from the campus at large.
In case there is a vacancy in the
personnel of the Men's Judiciary
Council, it was provided that it should
be filled by choosing the top man on
the ;list of alternates who shall be
chosen by the selection committee at
the time of making the original ap-
pointments to the Judiciary Council.
Several dance committees were
abolished by the Men's Council in the
fall. The new Judiciary Council will
receive petitions for these posts and
the Union student staff will adminis-
ter the elections.
Brown Wins
Walker Medal
Gets Prize For Chemical
Engineering Literature
In recognition of his outstanding
contribution to chemical engineering
literature, Prof. George Granger
Brown of the chemical engineering
department was awarded the 1939
William H. Walker medal yesterday
by the American Institute of Chemi-
cal Engineers at its 31st semi-annual
meeting in Akron.
The medal is given annually for im-
portant articles published in the In-
stitute's "Transactions" during a
three-year period prior to the award.
In making the presentation, Webster
N. Jones, president of the Institute,
cited Professor Brown's papers on
thermodynamics and distillation.
A well-known authority on ther-
modynamics as related to chemical
engineering operations, Professor
Brown has done extensive research
on motor fuel and the properties of
natural gas and petroleum. He has
been connected with the engineering
school since 1920.
University Approved
By Students In Poll
All but five of Michigan's literary
School students yesterday revealed

Quebec Prepared j
For Huge Welcome
Of King And Queen
QUEBEC, Que., May 16.-(A)-,
Jammed with crowds in holiday mood,
this old French-Canadian city was!
all ready tonight to extend tomorrow '
morning its long-planned official wel-
come to King George and Queen
Elizabeth, who will be the first reign-
ing British monarch and consort ever
to set foot on Canadian soil.
The King and Queen were prepared
to sleep tonight in the sheltered wa-
ters below the Isle of Orleans, three
miles from Quebec harbor and, with,
their liner Empress of Australia at
anchor, rest for the first time since
their departure from Portsmouth 10
days ago without the throbbing of
the giant turbines.
As the liner came up the St. Law-;
rence River today great bonfires were
lighted by loyal French Canadians on
the shore in greeting to the King and
Coal Problerris
Are "Discussed
At Convention
Prof. Brumm To Address
150 Retail Merchants
At Third Annual Parley
Problems of coal merchandising
formed the chief topics of discussion
at the third annual Coal Utilization
Institute, which opened yesterday in
the Union and will continue today
and tomorrow.
Sponsored by the University Exten-
sion Service, the, College of Engineer-.
ing and the Michigan Retail Coal
Merchants Association, the Institute
will hold discussion sessions today on
such technical subjects as "Heat Bal-
ance," "Combustion Principles" and
the various types of coal stokers.
More than 150 dealers registered
yesterday for the convention, Prof.
Ransom S. Hawley of the engineer-
ing college said. Some have been de--
layed by the national coal miners'
strike, he added.
Speakers at yesterday's luncheon
were Dr. Elzada U. Clover of the
zotany department, who told of her
recent expedition down the Colo-'
rado River and Dr. Charles A. Fish-
er of the Extension Service.

Allen, Swados
Will Co-Edit
Haufler, Spengler, Green,
Brinnin And Pardell Also
Named To « e Staff
Previous Advisory
Board Reelected
Appointment of James Allen, '40,
of Birmingham, Mich., and Harvey
Swados, '40, of Buffalo, as new co-
editors of Perspectives, student liter-
ary publication, was approved by the
Board in Control of Publications yes-
Approval of Hervie Haufler, '41, of
Covington, Ky., as fiction editor,
David Spengler, '40, of Altoona, Pa.,1
as essay editor, James Green, '40, oft
Ann Arbor as poetry editor, 'John'
Brinnin, '41, of Ann Arbor as review
editor and Seymour Pardell, '41, of
Passaic, N. J., as publications man-1
ager was also announced by the
Board at that time.:
The Advisory Board reelected Prof.
Arno L. Bader and Giovanni Gio-1
vannini, both of the English depart-
ment for terms of two years. John
Stiles, '39, was elected for a term ofF
one year, and Wallace A. Bacon,
Grad., Herbert Weisinger, of the Eng-
lish department and James H. Robert-
son, Grad., are the remaining Board
members whose terms expire June,
Served As Essay Editor ,
Allen served last year as essay edi-
tor of Perspectives and was on the
editorial board of Panorama, defunct
picture magazine. He is a member of
Beta Theta Pi, and Sphin, junior
men's honorary society.
Swados, in his freshman year had
a short story published in O'Brien's
"Best Short Stories of 1937" He
worked as book editor on this year's
Perspectives, and has been moving
picture critic for The Daily.
All of the newly elected editors
have previously been on the staff of
Perspectives, Haufler now continuing
his position as, fiction editor, Allen
leaving to the present incumbents
the head essay position, Swados the
review editorship and Stiles, new
Board member, the publication man-
ager's job. R. Randall Jones is the
outgoing editor.
Fifth Edition Planned
In accordance with a plan set up
by the Board in Control of Student
Publications,'a proposal was made
that a fifth edition of the magazine
be published under the charge of the
new editors. Allen said last night that
this edition would be published in
about two weeks.
Perspectives, a student contributed
literary magazine was founded two
years ago, after the failure of Con-
temporary, individually published stu-
dent magazine. The English Journal
Club, consisting of members of the
English department, with the help of
Charles .L. Peake, also of the English
department, Swados and Allen were
instrumental in its founding.
NYA Committee Urges
Application For Fall Jobs
Students wishing to apply for NYA
jobs for the fall semester should leave
their names and home addresses with
Elizabeth Smith in the Dean of Stu-
dents office, 2 University Hall, Harold
Anderson of the University's NYA
committee said yesterday.

Buchen, Mayio,
Hartwell Win
RightTo Run
Student Publications Board
Approves Nominations;
Election Is Friday
Petitions of Philip Buchen, '41L,
Robert Hartwell, '39 and Albert P.
Mtayio, '39, for inclusion on the slate
of candidates in the Board in Control
"f Student Publications election to be
held Friday were approved yesterday
by the Board, bringing to 12 the total
number of candidates for the three
student positions.
Other candidates in the election,
nominated May 9 by the Board, are:
Almon Conrath, '40E, Augustus
Dannemiller, '40, Raymond Freder-
mcks, '40, John Gelder, 40, John Hul-
bert, '40, Robert D. Mitchell, '40BAd,
George Quick, Grad., Lawrence Van
den Berg, '40, and Philip Westbrook,
Balloting will take place from 3 to
5 p.m. Friday with one ballot box
placed in each of the following schools
and colleges: literary, engineering,
architecture, medical law, forestry
and conservation, business adminis-
ration, dental, pharmacy and educa-
ion. Specific locations of the polling
places will be announced tomorrow,
according to Peter Brown, '41, in
charge of the election.
The Board in Control of Student
Publications, composed of four faculty
and three student members, is the
body charged with supervision of stu-
dent publications on the campus,
making the chief appointments each
year to The Daily, Michiganensian
and Gargoyle. The three student
members of the Board are elected for
yearly terms at an annual spring elec-
tion. The retiring student members
of the Board are: Charles Jacobson,
39, Robert Kahn, '39 and Quick.
Coal Operators
Sign Contract
For Workers
Kentucky Miners' Union
Asks That Roosevelt Aid
Harlan County Dispute
HARLAN, Ky., May 16.-(P)-Na-
tional guard "protection" of miners
returning to the pits was extended in-
to an adjoining southeastern Ken-
tucky county today as operators along.
the Kentucky-West Virginia line
signed a union contract affecting 14,-
000 men.
William Turnblazer, president of
the Harlan district of the United
Mine Workers' Union, in a telegram
to President Roosevelt asked him to
take steps "to relieve the situation in
Harlan County and that protection
of coal miners and their families be
accorded, the rights and civil liberties
of these people be preserved."
Turnblazer protested, in the mes-
sage, against Gov. A. B. Chandler
sending troops, saying:
"The situation brought about by
Governor Chandler of Kentucky
sending Harlan 800 state militia to
be used as a strike-breaking agency
is hourly creating a most tense situa-
tion among citizens and miners of
this county."
Governor Chandler from the state
capitol at Frankfort said his order
calling out the guardsmen covered
Harlan "and environs" and that the
soldiers at one mine in Bell County
were a part of the troops sent here.

George S. Ward, secretary of the
Harlan County coal Operators' As-
sociation, said 21 mines were operat-
ing today with 2,100 men back on
their jobs. Six mines were opened
yesterday, the first time since the old
contract expired March 31.
Pharmacists Close
Annual Conference
The program of the annual confer-
ence of the Michigan Branch of the
American Pharmaceutical Associa-
tion was concluded last night with
an address by Prof. Carl V. Weller,
of the medical school. Dr. Weller's
topic was "The Pathology of Syphilis
as a Public Health Problem."
This year the College of Pharmacy
and the American Pharmaceutica]
Association met in a joint confer-
ence. A series of three meetings were
held at which some present pharma-
ceutical problems were discussed.
A dinner was held last night at
the Union for members who attended

From University's Grant;
Scores Faculty, Policies

Fraternity Men
To Join Tonight
In Annual Sing
In keeping with the old Michigan
tradition in the spring 16 fraternities
will meet at 7 p.m. today on the Li-
brary steps to give forth their all in
song for the annual Interfraternity
Feelinag that sororities should not
be ignored in this all-fraternity event,;
the Interfraternity Council decided to
have each fraternity backed by a
Fraternities Listed
The fraternities and their respec-
tive rooters are: Alpha Kappa Lamb-
da-Alpha Chi Omega; Alpha Sigma
Phi-Alpha Phi; Chi Psi-Chi Omega;
Psi Upsilon-Pi Beta Phi; Sigma Chi-
Delta Delta Delta; Sigma Phi Epsi-
lon-Gamma Phi Beta.
Theta Delta Chi-Alpha Xi Delta
and Alpha Delta Pi; Sigma Alpha Ep-
silon-Zeta Tau Alpha; Phi Gamma
Delta-Kappa Kappa Gamma and
Phi Sigma Sigma; Theta Xi-Kappa
Delta; Acacia-Alpha Gamma Delta.
Delta Tau Delta-Kappa Alpha The-
ta; Phi Delta Theta-Sorosis; Theta
Chi- Alpha Omicron Pi; Sigma Phi-
Alpha Epsilon Phi; and Beta Theta
Pi-Gamma Delta.
At 6:45 p.m., all of the various sing-t
ing groups will leave their houses, and
march en masse to the Library. Fra-
ternities eliminated in the initial1
trial will occupy a special section. Thef
Council emphasized that seating ar-1
rangements have been made to taket
care of a large crowd, and that the
public is invited.
Cups To Be Awarded
Three cups, donated by local mer-
chants, will be presented to the first,t
second and third place winners, and
the traditional Balfour cup, now held.
by the Betas, will be awarded the'
first place winner. Joanna Roos,
actress appearing in "The White.
Steed," of the Drama Festival reper-
tory, will do the actual presenting of'
the cups.
As part of the program, a pickedI
quartet from the Varsity Glee Club
will sing "The Carillon Bells," writ-
ten especially for this year's seniors
by Charlie Zwick, '39.
'Annie Oakley' Seeker
Makes All-Night Stand
Lured on by the promise of a free
ducat to the Senior Ball for the first
man in line when the general ticket
sale opens at 7:30 a.m. today, Bill
Caruthers, '42, last night camped in
front of the ticket office at the Union.
Arriving at 10 p.m. Caruthers, who
said he was "really going to win that
free ticket," studied for a while and
then prepared to guard against any-
one else usurping his place. At 12
p.m. he was still awake and ready
t war off cometition.

Mill Tax Measure Abandoned;
MSC Appropriation Left Intact
Representatives Rap Multiple Posts Of Professors;
Republicans Lead Fight To Reduce Amount;
Introduce Bill In Senate Today
LANSING, May 16.--(P-The House of Representatives tonight ap-
proved a bill stripping $576,797 from proposed appropriations for the Uni-
versity of Michigan after some members had criticized the faculty and
policies of the institution. The bill now goes to the Senate.
Along with the University measure, which limits the institution-to a flat
$4,000,000 a year, the House adopted an omnibus bill appropriating more
than $114,000,000 for the operation and maintenance of state departments
and institutions in the coming biennium.
A third bill appropriating $2,467,712 a year to support Michigan State
College also was adopted.
The University appropriations bill abolishes the old mill tax provision
which has been the so-called "yard stick" by which the institution's grants
Ohave been measured in the past. The


Chops $576,797

Palestine Plan
To Be Made
British Troops Will Patrol
Holy Land To Prevent
Threatening Disorderst
JERUSALEM, May 16.-()-Bri-t
tish troops patrolled strategic points
throughout the Holy Land tonight as,
part of extensive precautions toi
avert threatened disorders over the
British Government's Palestine plan,
to be published tomorrow.
With the local press already print-
ing reports of what the plan is be-4
lieved to provide, both Jews and ex-
tremist Arabs expressed bitter oppo-
sition and planned demonstrations
which included a 24-hour Jewish
strike scheduled for Thursday.
(The British plan, drawn up afterl
futile round table conferences to
settle a 20-year quarrel between the
Arabs and Jews of Palestine, is re-s
ported to provide for gradual crea-
tion of a Palestine state 60 per cent
Arab and 40 per cent Jewish.)
(Britain was reported to have de-
cided to free herself in 1944 from
any obligation to facilitate a Jewish
national home in Palestine by further
Jewish immigration.)
Standby orders were telegraphed
to all police posts in the country and
volunteer fire brigades in Jerusalem,
Haifa, Tel Aviv, and Jaffa were
drafted into service for the first time
to use fire-fighting equipment to
break up demonstrations.
Indications of the intense feelings
of Jews were seen in an attempt by
revisionists to lower British flags
from government buildings at Tel
Aviv and in signs smeared on Jeru-
salem shop windows saying, "We are
bringing illegal immigrants into the
country, if necessary, under Jewish
armed guards."

Provision, which produces no revenue,
dates back to the time of state-wide
property taxes.
Both the Michigan State College
and omnibus bills still require Senate
action. The House rejected a demand
that it cut $267,000 from the college
appropriation. Sponsors said the cut
would be "consistent" with the reduc-
;ion in the University's grant.
Boost State Grant
The House boosted to $25,000 an-
nually the state's contribution via
the omnibus bill to the Teachers' Re-
tirement Fund, an increase of $125,000
a year. Rep. Sherman L. Loupee, Re-
publican, Dowagiac, said the $325,000
was a pledged obligation and that a
reduction would endanger the fund.
Attempts td double the proposed
$9,000,000 a year appropriation for
direct relief failed along with a
Democratic-inspired plan to raise the
Old Age Assistance Fund from $7,-
650,000 to $9,000,000.
Reps. Alpheus P. Decker, Republi-
can, Deckerville, and John B. Smith,
Republican, Alma, led the fight in
which the appropriation was reduced
by steps, first to $4,276,000 on Deck-
er's motion, then to the $4,000,000
level on the insistence of Smith.
Two Kent County legislators, Reps.
Maurice E. Post of Rockford, and
Charles R. Feenstra of Grand Rapids,
ERepublicans, suggested that a full
$1,000,000 be cut from the Universi-
ty's allowance.
Post'argued that under the original
fo'rm of the bill the University would
have received 2 per cent more than
it received a year ago, while millions
of dollars have been cut from the pro-
posed appropriation for support of
the public schools. Feenstra asserted
the legislators had "a chance to clip
their (University faculty members')
'Might As Well Cut'
"How many of those professors still
are on a half dozen payrolls?" Feen-
stra demanded. "We might as well cut
off a million dollars."
He added that he concurred in the
remarks made by Rep. Stanton
Welsh, Republican, from Saint Clair
Shores, who asserted, that the legis-
lature should "do something about
those parasites at the University of
Welsh charged that "Communistic
ideas they are throwing out should
be chiselled down-let's cut off their
necks right now!"
Rep. AQthur Royce, Republican
from Mecosta county, questioned
whether the state should increase the
' University's appropriations to meet
rising enrollments as the University
had requested, because, he alleged, a
large part of the additional enroll-
ment represented students from other
states. Instate enrollment, he in-
ferred, had not risen appreciably.
Credner Notes
Rise O Cities
e Cultural Landscape Change
DevelopedIn Germany
Gradual movement of Germany's
a peasant population into the cities has
a necessitated the development of a new
a cultural landscape, Dr. Wilhelm Cred-
- ner, formerly professor of geography
0 in the Technical High School, Mu-


Arabian Student Engineer Calls
Palestine Partition Impractical

"Chamberlain's plan to divide
Palestine into three sections is but
another example of the English pol-
icy of muddling-through-a policy
that was created by the British du-
plicity of the World War era."
In that statement given in an in-
terview yesterday, Abdullbasset Kha-
tib, '40E, of Semakh, Palestine, sum-
marized his opinion of Great Britain's
Palestinian attitude.
Khatib, though a junior here, is
spending his first semester at Michi-
gan and is a major in civil engineer-
ing; he was born in Palestine and has
spent most of his life there. Though
an Arab, he has been in contact with
all three factions within the coun-
try, and therefore, believes that he
can understand the "feeling of the
Jews, and grasp the motives of the
English, as well as the ideals of the

see in Palestine their home," he stat-
ed, "the Jews a refuge from barbarian
persecution, the English a highly stra-
tegic land on the life-line to India."
The plan to divide Palestine into
three sections, a narrow strip of land
along the north-east coast for the
Jews, a section in the north-west in-
terior and south-east coast extend-
ing into the interior for the Arabs,
and a strip of territory including
Jaffa and Jerusalem to remain under
English mandate, Khatib termed "ri-
diculous," and "entirely impractic-
Division Impractical
"The land given to the Jews," he
said" will never be able to support
the population epected to live there."
The land given to the Arabs is large-
ly wasteland and unproductive, eith-
er now or in the future, and is furth-
ermore, dividen by the strip to be
maintained under English rule."
. Oik---4---1,_-----, 4, -

Girls Object To Plan Housing
Only Freshmen In Jordan Hall
By ELEANOR WILLIAMS hadn't been impressed upon me by
Considerable objection to the pro- the juniors and seniors on the cor-
posed plan to house only freshmen ridor. Putting the freshmen all to-
women in Jordan Hall next year was gether like this might lower their
voiced by a cross-section group of grades."
dormitory residents in a survey con- Independent women claimed also
ducted by The Daily. that although sorority women would
Dean Lloyd stated yesterday that meet upperclassmen through rushing
the complete details of the plan had independents would know only wo-
not as yet been worked out. However, men in their own class.
she pointed out, the scheme has been Participation Discussed
tried in schools all over the country .The women were divided on the
and has been very successful. The question of how the proposal would
freshmen will not be put altogether affect participation in activities. One
on their own, she said, but a system faction declared that freshmen know.
of guidance, perhaps with the girls in ing more people of their own ag
Mosher as advisers, will be arranged. would be more interested; while the
She intimated that the new plan other asserted that it was only
might also offer an opportunity to through influence of the older girl
conduct a better job of orientation, that freshmen entered activities.
Older Advice Lost Reflecting the view presented by a
Principal argument against the majority of the group questioned, a
plan expressed by those questioned sophomore declared, "I can seea
was that the absence of the upper- good reason for putting all the fresh
..nr~- 1y"1Aa -- the,.PAhmPan man t+gahmm. no awfullyhardtc

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