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May 16, 1939 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-16

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--T-H R-Ml C H I G A N D A-U-Y

aTH e. .aICHIa ., N Dzw tT 4. H

Tarty Line
By the Neighbor
Flash!! THREE MORE WEEKS UNTIL . . . exams . . . Did some-
BODY mention SOME thing? We didn't HEAR a THING, not A thing. OH,
yes, THERE were loads and LOADS of PICNICS and CONCERTS . . . a
FEW dances, YES, people were out DOING Things this WEEK (nothing
WEAK ABOUT this one) end.
Lambda Chis AtBarton Iills . .
The LAMBDA chi ALPHA's traveled out To Barton HILLS COUNTRY
club for a diNNer and daNCe . . . we SAW DICK knowe and lou CARPEN-
TER who were two who arrived Amidst FESTIVITIES.
Jack McCloud and Patsy Matthews were being sufficiently
AWED about the PROGRAMS . . . Fred LinScheid and
Jean Tibbetts were seen DODGING the PHOTOgrapher
and ZIPPING down the DRIVE back to TOWN and
the SAE and ACACIA formals we BUMPED into LARRY
Hendron and mary mcgregor, Harold nelson and ginny
THE sae's had dined BEFORE they HAD danced, TOO.
And first OFF, there was SALLY MUSTARD, ART student
you KNOW, describing a SMOOTH jobby she was GOING
to wear to the COMING whirl TOmorrOW next WEEK to
bruce BEYER. Ruth Liebold and Ann Vedder weren't say-
ing a thing ABOUT theirs. Joan Irion, OF grosse pointe,
and BILL armstrong WHIZZED by.
Going DOWN EAST u. we saw CABS and CABS of
people bound FOR ACACIA and the PHI beta DELT
parties. Leona gallow, Ernie Selwyn, Sylvia Schwab, and
Mary Neilbert, rode in ONE for Phi Bete Delt's. FRANK
macdonald and marie WUNDERLICH of detroit . . . Vernon Toest ana
BOBBY jnerich and ben VINE and Helen Westey rode OFF in another TO
And Others Went To The Concert.. .
AND just ABOUT NOW, intermission HAPPENED over at hill AUD.
People came with their MOTHERS and people JUST came . . . in fact 5000
of them . . . there was MARIAN ANDERSON down on the stage . . . Bill
Comstock and AGGIE Crow and MRS.
CROW in the lobby . . . Jim Hynes and
MRS. HYNES going UP the ASLE . . .
John Koch and VEICH Purdon PUFFING up
three or FOUR flights . . . DICK arbuckle
. . and MILLER'S full of PEOPLE drink-
ing cokes afterwards.
We had it FROM RELIABLE sources
that the celloists and BASS violists from
local BEER emPORium one of the MOST
INJOYABLE . . . mild adjective . . . in
STATES. They were STILL there when the
BELL was tolling its LAST for the.NIGHT . . . fine thing.
AND PICNICS. . . almost MISSED those . . . SUNDAY some BRAVE
souls who DARED the HURON river for a SWIM were JERRY belsky, SALLY
1ev, MORT Halpin and EDITH musicker. . . ORCHIDS and a HOT MUS-
TA.RD bath to THEM ...
AND then CAME the WYVERN WOMEN . . . MONDAY night . . .
THRU TRAIN and ALL Else they BANGED, rather, TAPPED eleven UN-l
SUSPECTING sophoMORES . . . WYOMING sevison got her yellow BOWj
over at the DAILY amidst the CHANT of "Damn-DAMN . . ." Janee
KRAUSE held the PROCesSion out in the RAIN until she got back from
the TELEPHONE . . . BETTY CLEMENT made the old and MOST of the
NEW-WYVerns hike up .to DEAD ENDl. . . jordan HALL to OTHERS . . .
and ON and ON until they WERE ELEVEN . . .

Architects' Ball
Sale Of Tickets
Still Contintes
Theme Of Costume Party
To Be Held Friday Is
,Whirl Of Tomorrow'
Tickets are still available for the
Architects' Ball, annual costume
party given by the College of Archi-
tecture to be held from 9 p.m. to
1 a.m. Friday in the Architectural
Building, Ann Vedder, '41A, ticket
chairman, announced yesterday.
"A recent check of ticket sale to
date shows that over half the tickets
sold have gone to students not in
the College of Architecture," Miss
Vedder stated. "This fact encourages
the committee to think that they
are successful in their efforts to make
arrangements for a dance that will
appeal to the campus at large."
Decorations To Be Modernistic
"Whirl of Tomorrow," the theme
of the dance, will be carried out in
thbe modernistic decorations and fu-
turistic lighting effects. Caricatures
of the faculty and students as they
will appear several decades hence will
be featured in the decorations.
Prizes will be awarded to the man
and woman wearing the most original
Tickets Are $2
Tickets, which are priced at $2,
are on sale at the main desk of the
Union, thedmain desk of the League,
and at the Office of the College of
J. Edward Luders, '39A, and Rich-
ard Black, '39A, are co-chairmen of
the ball. Other comittee heads are
Miss Vedder, tickets; Florence Broth-
erton, '40A, patrons; Bruce Elliot,
'40A, publicity; and FredWigen, 39A,
chairman of the music committee.
Packed I ouse Sees
First Performance
Of Merivale Play
A large crowd of faculty members,
townspeople and students attended
the opening performance of "No War
In Troy," starring Phillip Merivale,
last night.
Chatting in the lobby before the
play started were Mrs. Ruthven and
Mrs. Martin ten Horr, of New Orleans.
Mrs. Ruthven wore a green crepe
evening dress with a slightly flared
skirt. Her massive gold necklace
added a charming note to the cos-
Dean Alice C. Lloyd attended the
performance with Dean Jeannette
Perry and Miss Rosetta Hilmer. Dean
Lloyd's dress was of pink crepe
trimmed in silver filigree, while Dean
Perry wore a delicate shaded, rose
with a deeper colored flower at the
neck. Miss Himler's pink crepe gown
had a row of tiny buttons running
down the front of the dress.
Dean and Mrs. Peter Okkelberg and
Prof. and Mrs. Carl Litzenberg were
also present in last night's audience.
,qrs. Okkelberg wore a black beaded
evening gown, while Mrs. Litzenberg
chose a white crepe formal with a
wide white sash dotted with gold
Other first nighters included Prof.
and Mrs. I. L. Sharfman and Mr. and.
Mrs. Gerald Hoag.
Founders' Day Celebrated
Alpha Delta Pi celebrated Found-
ers' Day over Saturday and Sunday.
A tea for all campus house mothers,
both of sororities and dormitories,

was held, and a banquet was held at
the League Sunday for active mem-
bers of the local Alpha Delta Pi chap-
ter and alumni. Mrs. James G. Mur-
ray, national officer, spoke at the

.Cool for Summer
Summer sheers are not only cool
apjtearing but are frilly and dressy
for afternoon, or informal evening
wear. Voile and chiffon in prints
are especially summery looking And
are adorned with flowers and but-
tons. Pique collars and cuffs in
white add a neat touch.
ckets Co Or Sale
For Graduate Ball
Tickets for the Graduate Spring
Formal to be held Saturday, May 20
in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham
building can be obtained at the infor-
mation desk in the Rackham build-
ing or from members of the dance
Members are Robert Cleveland,
general chairman; Eleanore Bale,
tickets; Wilma Weil, music; Cather-
ine Kerr, publicity; Janet McCloud,
patrons; Margaret Hayes, refresh-
ments; Alfred Bourner, finance; and
Henry Lyons, president of Graduate
Student Council. .
Tickets for the dance are priced at
$1.50. The affair will be limited to
125 couples.

Senior Dance Of 1873 Held
In Room 'A' Universit
By MARGARET WALSH In 1878 and for som
Probably one of the oldest tradi- that, a pavilion for ti
tions on campus is the annual Senior dancers was erected clo
Ball. Begun in 1873, when hoop skirts entrance to University]
were the accepted style instead of versity Hall itself wa
merely a whimsical reflection of "old- guests. Finally, in. 1882
fashioned times, and co-eds Were an rescinded their decree
incidental phenomenon in the Uni- ing in Room A.
versity, it was held on May 27, the Seniors Dance I
night before Class Day. The class of 1884, L
Invitations were very formal, be- decided not to hold ar
ing engraved from a steel plate with r dancing and as this wa
a monogram of the letters U and of the majority of the cl
M with class numerals in the center, Angell refused the pe
The committee was appointed by the few members who want
class president and consisted of seven the halls and grounds of
mnembers, one from each of the five ty for dancing. Con
secret societies and two neutral mem- Senior Reception that
bers of the class. The affair was held only by ,those seniors
in University Hall, and Room A was dancing, in the Skatin
set aside for dancing, while the whole then up to 1898 the Se
lower floor was thrown open to the held in the Gymnasium
guests. day evening before Con
Regents Protest --
Imagine the confusion when, in
1877, the Methodist Conference adop- Ella Stowe Anne
ted a resolution protesting against the Meeting Of Day
use of college buildings for dancing
and the Board of Regents deemed it All women who are
Guise to forbid such use! So the class working on committees
of '77 put up a pavilion on the north ing classes which are
side of campus, near the present the League are request
homeopathic college, in which the a meeting at 4 p.m. ton
Senior Reception and also the after- Kalamazoo Room, Ell
noon exercises of Class Day were held, vice-presidentof the

y Hall
ne years after
he use of the
ose to the east
Hall, and Uni-
as opened to
2 the Regents
against danc-
n Rink
however, then
reception with
s the decision
lass, President
etition of the
ted the use of
f the Universi-
sequently the
year was held
who wanted
g Rink. From
nior Ball was
on the Tues-
nce Group
interested in
for the danc-
sponsored by
ted to attend
morrow in the
is Stowe, '40,
League, an-
he announce-
d place of a
1 be the first
1On Sale

The engagement of Beatrice Hop-
kins, '38, of Detroit, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. William Hopkins of North-
port, to Joseph Fisher, '36, son of Dr.
and Mrs. Charles A. Fisher, Arling-
ton Road was announced Sunday.
Mr. Fisher was a member of Delta
Kappa Epsilon fraternity. He is now
a junior in the School of Medicine,
and is a member of Nu Sigma Nu.
The wedding of Nancy Jane Hul-
wick to Robert Lynn Shipman took
place Saturday. Miss, Hulwick,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles'
Hulwick of Goshen, Ind., attended
the University and was a member of
Alpha Chi Omega. Mr. Shipman is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. R4 Ship-
man of Geddes Ave.
Mrs. Amos R. Fetterly has an-
nounced the engagement of her
daughter, Eunice Eleanor, '26, to an-
thony F. Haven, 126E, son of Mrs.
James Haven of Grand Rapids. The
wedding will take place May 20.

nounced yetserday.
Due to a mistake in t
ment of the time and
former meeting this wil
meeting of the group.
Tickets For Ball

V- =j --- ribbnis arouiuqtnem.
Tickets for this year's Senior Ball
will go on sale tomorrow, and may Fountain Pens
be obtained from Betty Shaffer, '39,
in the League from 10 a.m. till 5 p.m.,
and from Waldo Abbot, '39, in theR D ES
Union from 7:30 a.m. till 6 p.m. Bob 302 S. State St.
Crosby's orchestra is to play for the Typewriters
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campus Songsters All Yearn
ToSing Like The Birdies Sing

Interfraternity Sing And
Lantern Night To Hold
SpotlightOf The Week
The arias and part harmonies which
have echoed and reechoed through
Ann Arbor the past few weeks have
not been limited to May Festival per-
formers as would-be male and female
songsters swing into form for the
Interfraternity and Lantern Night
Time-out from college life for the
"me-may mis" and the do-si-dos" of
vocalizing is the rule of the day at
fraternities, sororities, and dormi-
tories where visions of another silver
cup to grace the home mantle spur
each individual on to greater effort.
Trials Face Song Leader
Many are the trials and tribula-
tions which face the song leader at
this critical time of year. First, there
is the problem of getting the group
together because it has been found in
the past that the song is much better
on final presentation if therorganiza-
tion" has sung it together at least
Then, as one harassed conductor
put it, there are three fundamental
points to remember: "Expression, ah,
expression is very important, and the
words-they are practically the most
important thing of all, but the notes
-remember the notes, if you don't
remember anything else!" At this
point the instructions have reached
a frenzied tone, and the leader is pre-
pared to begin with renewed energy.
Different Methods Used
* Different houses use different
methods of learning the songs. There
are those who begin early, learn each
part separately and then put the
mastered parts together as a finished
masterpiece. Then there are those
who swing into action a little late and
are forced to start out immediately
with everyone singing together on
different parts. "Of course," says
one follower of this school," the re-
There will be an important meet-
ing of the Social Committee at 4
p.m. today. It is imperative for
all members to be present.
Student transfer advisers will
meet at 4:30 p.m. today in the un-
dergraduate office of the League.

suit at first is a bit julnbled, but
after a couple of days, we begin to
see the light, and if we don't we
abandon patt singing and everyone
carries the melody."
Eliminations Are Held
Finally there is the delicate job
which falls to the leader of telling
those who are not to sing with the
group. Perhaps the quality of their
voices outshines those of their fol-
lowers-or then again perhaps it
doesn't, but anyway they must be
delegated as "listeners" if the fin-
ished product is "to bring home the
As song practices roll on, we anxi-





)usly await the
ent which will
covered in the
Swarthouts or
this individual
coming we can
to the choral
developed after

wealth of hidden taN-
undoubtedly be dis-
way of future .Gladys
Ezio Pinzas. And if
talent is not forth-
at least look forward
work whicIi will be
these weeks of prac-

eggy Sage ighspots Your ands

I II /

,. ,



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Enjoy the luxury of an expert pro-
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Springtime, Summertime,
Anytime... bows and pleats
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