THE ICHIGAN DAILY TMAY 6ZDA9'. __________________ I I THE MICHIGAN DAILY W.RA.: A New American Culture Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan, under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the Ouiverkity year anXI SuMn r Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Midbigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, ;4.00; by mail, $4.50. REP RESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Rebresentatiwe 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHiCAGO ' SoSTON * Los ANGELES SAR FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938.39 Editorial Staff Managing Editor , City Editor . . Editorial Director . . Associate Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor . Associate .Editor. . Associate Editor. . Sports Editor. . . Women's Editor . Business Staff Business Manager . Credits Manager . . Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager. . Publications Manage.' . . Carl Petersen Stan M. Swinton Elliott Maraniss *:Jack Canavan Dennis Flanagan Morton Linder Norman Schorr *Ethel Norberg . Mel Pineberg . Ann Vicary Paul R. Park Ganson Taggart Zenovia Skoratkio Jane Mowers . Harriet Levy NIGHT EDITOR: LAURENCE MASCOTT The editorials published In The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Harlan Becomes Restless Again E.GHT YEARS AGO this month Har- lan County, Kentucky, was dead- locked in another of its periodic strikes. Workers were asking the right to organize; mine owners were just as determined to operate without a union. The strike had dragged on for weeks; mountain families were starving; the atmos- phere was tense. On May 5, 1931, three carloads of "deputies," in actuality the political hendhmen of the operators, moved from the town of Evarts toward Harlan. A group of miners met the, fired on them from ambush, and in zne ensuing Battle of Evarts, Harlan's bloodiest, five men were killed and many wounded. Time moves slowly in Harlan. It is still 'the nucleus .of labor violence. The month-and-a-half-old coal strike has ended for all the coalfields except those center- ing around Harlan County. Eighty per cent of the coal industry signed a two-year agreement Saturday permitting John L. Lewis the guaranty of a "union shop." Six southern associations, led by the Harlan faction, refused to sign. Lewis' provision, designed to check the en- croachment of the AFL's Progressive Miners of America, has been the battleground during most of the negotiations for peace, and the CIO victory is a bitter dose to the coal industry. There is a tenuous argument of legitimacy, then, to support the Harlan operator's defection. It was evident long before negotiations even. began, however, that Harlan owners would not sign an agreement with any union. They entered the negotiations with no intention of settling the controversy. For them the 45 days of bickering constituted a shallow rite that meant nothing. For twenty-odd years the Harlan owners have nourished a golden goose. By preventing union- ization they have kept the miners' wages at coolie levels, far below the earnings of Northern miners. In this way they have been able to undersell Northern mines, to steal Northern markets. It has proved a lucrative game, and they know standardization-unionization-writes finis to their exploitation. For twenty years the Harlan County operators fought clear of .unionization. But last summer the Federal Government entered the struggle on the miners' side, tried to convict 69 Harlan companies and officials of restricting civil liberties. Tle trial resulted in a hung jury. The jubilation of the operators was cut short, however, when the Department of Justice announced its plans for a second, and more thorough, trial Forced to acknowledge that the jig was up, the operators signed an agree- ment and the United Mine Workers moved in. The CIO victory was short-lived. Effective only until March 31 of this year., when the general agreement covering the entire Appalachian coal- fields expired, the contract was not renewed. Nor was there ever any thought of renewing it. Harlan operators had endured unionization once; they did not propose to return to it volun- tarily. Under the protection of militiamen sent into Harlan by Gov. A. B. Chandler, the mines are reopening. Many Harlan miners are going back to work, no longer union men. They are going back at the terms of the operators, back Federal A rs Projects Are Valuable Impetus For Real DemOcracy By ELLIOTT MARANISS By one of those strange paradoxes of history, the great industrial catastrophe called the De- pression has set in motion the first genuine and vital national cultural movement in history. The WPA arts projects have tapped a vein of artistic ability, the existence of which no critic in Ameri- ca had even suspected. A cultural renaissance is taking place in the country; an honest attempt is being made, for the first time, to give the arts their place within the democratic process, and the entire movement should be of special interest to students here at the University. In the summer of 1935 Harry Hopkins arrived at a momentous conclusion: he decided that un- employed artists, writers, musicians, actors and historians get just as hungry as unemployed laborers and engineers. He further decided that their skills were just as worthy of conservation, and the result was the establishment of tle Federal Arts Projects, embracing all branches of, fine and applied art, and intended to "maintain the morale and skills of the professions and artists." Democracy In Action The evolutionary process leading to the estab~- lishment of the arts projects is one of the most heartening examples of efficient democracy in action. Trace the pattern step by step and the arts projects emerge as the inevitable culmina- tion of a well-planned work-relief program. Be- fore 1932 nothing was done by the federal gov- ernment about relief. Those were the dark days of long breadlines and shanty towns and the vagrant armies of unemployed men and women. In 1932 the first governmental venture in relief was undertaken. $300,000,000 was advanced to the various states against their federal-aid road appropriations, the money to be used for relief. It was at this point that a change of far-reach- Ing implications was introduced into the Ameri- can scene. Critical observers of the American cultural pattern began to feeV uneasy about the psychological effects likely to be engendered by a dole-relief system. The Roosevelt Administration here passed its first test as a responsive, demo- cratic regime, concerned with the well-being of the people as responsible and feeling individuals: by 1935 the government was not only keeping the unemployed alive, but was also giving them, an opportunity to work. The next step com- pleted the pattern. Work relief, to be really effective, ought to be diversified in such a way as to provide the various occupational groups on relief with jobs fitted to their training and experience. Acting upon this principle the New Deal established the Works Progress Adminis- tration to provide useful jobs for the "employ- able unemployed." Humane and social in origin and conception, it was interested primarily in the kind of work which had humane and social consequences, and in this respect the Federal ArtS Projects have been among its most fruitful and socially useful undertakings. *x * * Projects Are Necessary At this very moment there is a vociferous movement in Congress and in some of the states Heywood Broun There are industrial isolationists in America. Happy Chandler, the Governor of Kentucky, seems to be one of them. After long negotiations peace is promised in the coal industry. Eighty per cent of those engaged in the business are already signed up on a basis which appears to be mutually satis- factory to both operators and employees. Indeed, it is now revealed that for many weeks a large number of the employers were not only willing but even eager to work in concert with the United Mine Workers of America. The history of coal in this country contains many chapters of bloodshed and violence. Better and more comprehensive organization of the workers has made not for strife but for increasing stability. Many leading operators have admitted as much. It is true that two of the operators, who would not permit their names to be used, were shocked at the fact that the President pressed for a peaceful settlement. I read in one news account that, "according to the amazing story told by the two operators," they were that "the time of riot and evictions was over in this country." It seems to me that amazement should come from quite a different quarter. Are there really intelligent people who still feel that the best way to settle a labor dispute is to fight it out with gas and guns and clubs? Are there many, or even any, who would now back up the blasphemy of Baer, who faced an earlier President with the smug assertion that God in His infinite wisdom has empowered the operators to rule as they saw fit? One might think that such queries were wholly rhetorical, and that every sane man would promptly say, "Why, of course, not." But that leaves Happy Chandler, Governor of Kentucky, out of -the reckoning. Happy has mobilized the iilitia in protest against the agreement reached by more than three-quarters of those involved among both the employees and employers. "Nobody can come into this State and cause trouble," declared the Govenor. He seems to for- to abolish the arts projects. The book-burners on this side of the ocean, motivated by narrow political considerations, are engaged in acrimon- ious battles, digging up all the stereotyped argu- ments of their trade in order to liquidate all work-relief and get back to the dole. There are, no doubt, legitimate criticisms to be made of the projects: the efficiency can be increased, the standards and work improved, partisanship eliminated completely. But so long as we have unemployed men in this country, and so long as we exercise the democratic methods of keeping them alive by putting them to work at useful jobs, so long will there be a necessity for work- relief in general, and the arts projects in par- ticular. Criticism and evaluation of the projects, then, must arise from other than political considera- tions. At this stage of our national development it is irrelevant to argue the question of whether or not we should send the unemployed back to the dole: we have progressed beyond that stage and to revert to it now would be a long step back- ward. The only test which can justifiably be applied to the arts projects at this point is this: how well does the government do the work which its work-relief projects undertake, and what is its significance to the national cultural scheme. Results Are Impressive The record of accomplishment of the Federal Arts Projects is difficult to appraise. It cannot be stated glibly in numbers of concerts given or books printed. But the figures do signify the dissolution of those barriers which have previ- ously caused American artists to stagnate in poverty and despair. There is something electri- fying in the realization that there have been more than 100,000,000 admissions to concerts given by the music project since 1935; that 9,000 federal theatre workers employed in 20 states have played within four years to audiences total- ling twenty-five millions; that the writers' pro- ject has published more than 200 volumes, book- lets, and pamphlets totalling nearly 15,000,000 words. There is something uniquely warming and human in the reports of federal actors presenting* Gilbert and Sullivan in Florida swamps, Shake- speare on a hill-side, circuses in city parks; of a vaudeville exhibition in an Oklahoma hospital for the deaf; of the Michigan Music Project pre- senting Beethoven for the patients at Eloise; of a hundred thousand school children in the gar- ment-district of New York, the factory towns of New England and the South, the Pennsylvania mining districts, and the remote plains of the West, all seeing a live actor for the first time. The WPA people-even the admin strators- are interested in artistic experiment and are concerned with art as a living thing, and not as a museum record. American artists and Ameri- can audiences have been brought face-to-face for the first time. Previously the American audi- ence was conceived to be a small group of people who ostentatiously patronized the arts in order to be considered "cultured." One of the greatest contributions of the Federal Arts Projects has been the removal of the impediments which have stood between the people and the arts. Millions of Americans are learning the value of music, painting and the drama as intimate, daily realities, and not as isolated things beyond their understanding. The WPA has set in motion a, great surge toward a free, democratic art, evolv- ing from relatedness. "Art in America," said Ford Madox Ford about the projects, "is being given a chance, and there has been nothing like it since the Reformation." (The next article in this series will deal with the work Of the specific projects in the Nation and in Michigan.) 7o4M. ONE COULDN'T guess the old_ gentleman's station in life as he 1 ambled into the crowded inn. His 1 high, stiff collar, black, tortoise- shelled spectacles and unpressed suit struck a decided professorial note. But when he walked directly over to our table and announced, throughI flabby lips, "Gentlemen," one sensed that his niche was less impressive than a pedant's. We were reasonably1 certain when he smiled, baring aF toothless gap save for two misshapen incisors on one side of his mouh. Even professors can afford occasional dental attention. "Gentlemen," he repeated, "II have produced a pill which willI prolong life, remove wrinklesj from 'the aged and make you grow as tall as the Bunker Hill monument - -" "Sit down," interrupted big Ed Frutig. already visualizing the ad- vantage such height would give an1 end ontan autumn Saturday. "Tell us about it," he urged. The old gent removed his hat with a flourish, drew up a chair, extracted two packages of cigarettes and in- vited the foursome about the table to "have a smoke!" At close range his glasses looked remotely suspicious of a Woolworth counter, and his1 sleeves were slightly frayed. When he finally resumed his speech, it had1 little connection with pills for the promotion of health and height. "The winds blew, the rain fell, and then all was quiet," he said reverently, and then added, laughing, ". . . andt there stood the schneider." Denny Kuhmn and Ernie JohnsonF looked up from their plate of chicken livers long enough to exchange at puzzled glance. A waiter passed byt with a tray of beer, and the oldj gent's eyes looked longinglyhafter [iim. Aware now that response to hisI unrelated conversation was a nega- I tive one, the uninvited guest startedI on a new tack. "I was only kidding, fellows. I'm no doctor. Just a schneider-a tailorj -out for a little relaxation." He smiled again, as though wishing to impress his two lonesome teeth upon the unimpressed quartet. Something1 about the man's peculiar sort of hap- piness caught on, and the boys bc- gan to egg him on. The waiter passed with more beer, and old fellow immed- iately launched a eulogy of Mil- waukee. "There's a great town," he glowed. "You can get a huge glass of beer there for a nickel, mind you, five cents." He pursed his lips suggestively and cast a covet- ous look toward the bar in the rear. "Say," he said, "to look at me you wouldn't think that I went to school with the Lafollette boys, now would you? Yes sir, Bob, Jr., and Phil, I knew the old man, too. There was a man for you, a real man, honest as they come. Why, he was governor of Wisconsin three times and died a poor man. That proves he was honest, doesn't it, with all that graft floating around? Not like them kids. They get in office and what happens? Boom, taxes go up! But you can get some mighty fine beer in Milwaukee." We had finished our meals and had started to excuse ourselves when the old gent, an expression of mingled disgust and resignation on his face, dug into his pockets, muttering "Well, I guess I'll have to buy myself a beer." He was for the moment with- out a smile. O FF THE CUFF: A large number of Michigan athletes have expressed their approval of The Daily editorial last Friday which asked that Big Ten authorities remain open-minded on the question of subsidization and aid to athletes . . . Little more than two weeks remain to get in your outside reading reports, theses, and the date with the arrogant senior you have wanted to "tell off" privately This week might aptly *be titled, The Honor Society Wrangle," or "what- if-he-is-a -fraternity-brother" week ...Now that the May Festival is over, the dramatic season gives us .another good reason for postponing the concentrated assault on the books, which has been in the conceptual stage since Spring Vacation - - - Uave you heard of the man who' walked into a book store and asked for "All This and Rebecca, Too.".. . (Continued from Page 2) r has the privilege of inviting mem-t bers of the faculty and advanced doc-a toral candidates to attend the ex- - amination and to grant permission toI others who might wish to be present. Final Doctoral Examination of Mr. Elbridge Putnam Vance will be held on Tuesday, May 16 at 2:15 p.m. in the West Council Room, Rackham : Bldg. The title of his thesis is "Gen-2 eralizations of Non-Alternating and Non - Separating Transformations." Professors W. L. Ayres, as chair- o man of the committee, will conduct c the examination. By direction of theC Executive Board, the chairman hast the privilege of inviting members of 1 the faculty and advanced doctoralv candidates to attend the examinationt and to grant permission to others C who might wish to be present. c Final Doctoral Examination of Mr. Kenneth Gray Brill, Jr., will be held on Tuesday, May 16 at 2:30 p.m. in Room 4065 N. S. Bldg. Mr. Brill'ss field of specialization is Geology. The v title of his thesis is "Pennsylvanian Rocks of the Gore Area, Colorado." Professor G. M. Ehlers, as chair-s man of the committee, will conuct the examination. By direction of the2 Executive Board, the chairman hasI the privilege of inviting members ofa the faculty and advanced doctoralI candidates to attend the examination and to grant permission to others whoI might wish to be present. Examiner in Languages for the Doc- torate: Mr. Vernam E. Hull will be available for consultation with gradu- ate students wishing information on i he adequacy of their knowledge of the languages required for -the doc- torate. He will also be in charge, for the Graduate School, of examina-e tions in these languages. His office isc Room 120, ground floor, in the east t wing of the Rackham Building. Mr. r Hull's office hours are 1:30 p.m. tof 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Fri-i day. Telephone Ext. 2128 during of-t fice hours; other periods, Ext. 331. The usual procedures as previously announced by the Departments of German and French will be con- tinued for the present year and thel Summer Session of 1939. Yk C. 'S. Yoakum. June Candidates for the Teacher'sr Certificate: The Comprehensive Ex- amination in Education will be given on Saturday, May 20, from 9 to 12t o'clock (and also from 2 to 5 o'clock) in the auditorium of the University High School. Students having Sat-t urday morning classes may take the examination in the afternoon. Print- ed information regarding the exam- ination may be secured in the School of Education office. Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex- amination: All students expecting to do directed teaching next semester are required to pass a qualifying ex- amination in the subject which they expect to teach. This examination will be held on Saturday, May 20, at 1 o'clock. Students will meet in the auditorium of the University High School. The examination will con- sume about four hours' time; prompt- ness is therefore essential. Professor Mickle's M.E. Class will have a blue book on Wednesday nMorning, May 17, in Room 336 West Engineering Building at 9 o'clock. Section 5 of Mechnical Engineer- ing 5 will not meet at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, May 17. Charles W. Spooner, Jr. ecent trip in the Balkan countries, n the University High School Audi- ,orium, Wednesday night, May 17, t 8 o'clock. Visitors are invited. The rogram is sponsored by Pi Lambda theta. 'Events Today Senior class presidents will have a neeting tonight to discuss Com- nencement plans at 7 p.m. in Room 27, West Engineering Buiding. Pharmaceutical Conference, College >f Pharmacy: The Annual Pharma- ,eutical Conference sponsored by the aollege of Pharmacy will be held at ;he Michigan Union on Tuesday, May 6, at 2:30 p.m. The guest speaker vill be Dr. Wortley F. Rudd, Dean of he School of Pharmacy, Medical ollege of Virginia, who will speak n "Some Present Pharmaceutical roblems, Socialized Pharmacy, and forking Conditions in Retail Phar- nacy." Other speakers will include r. Frederick F. Blicke, -who will ,peak on "The Introduction and De- elopment of Antiseptics," and Dr. 1Ialcolm H. Soule, who will speak on Methods'for the Evaluation of Anti- eptics." The Evening Meeting will be held t 7:45 in the Amphitheatre of the {orace H. Rackham School of Gradu- te Studies and will be addressed by Dr. Carl V. Weller who will speak n "The Pathology of Syphilis as a Public Health Problem." All those Nho are interested are cordially in- ited to be present at the Conference. F-4 Scabbard and Blade. There will )e a regular meeting tonight at 7:30, n the Union. Full attendance is re- uested. No uniforms required. Independent Men, Senior Bail Tick- Ats: Independents who desire to se- :ure their senior ball tickets through the Congress by block purchase may nake reservations this afternoon from 3-5 p.m. at the Congress office n 306 Michigan Union. Senior iden- ification cards and $3.75 must ac- :ompany the application. Archery Club: There will be a meet- ing today at 4:15 p.m. on Palmer Field. The club will leave at 5:30 for a picnic supper on the Island. The National Telegraphic meet is being held this week and all members are requested to turn in score cards. Deutscher Verein: A picnic for all members and friends of the Deutscher Verein will take place today. The party will meet at 5:30 p.m. in front of the Rackham building and will then hike to the picnic grounds. In case of rain, the picnic will be post- poned one day. Last Tea Dance sponsored by the Graduate Council will be held this afternoon from 4-6 in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Bldg. Christian Science Organization: 8:15 p.m. League Chapel. Students, alumni and faculty are invited to at- end the services. Coming Events Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students on Wednesday, May 17, from 4 to 6 p.m. Forestry Assembly: There will be an assembly of the School of Forestry and Conservation at 11 a.m. Wednes- day, May 17, 1939 in the amphithe- atre of the Rackham Building, at which Mr. E. L. Demmon, Director of the Southern Forest Experiment Sta- tion, U.S. Forest Service, will speak and show some colored motion pic- tures on "Forestry in Puerto Rico." All students in the School of Forestry and Conservation are expected to at- tend and others interested are cor- dially invited to do so. Transportation Club: There will be an important meeting of the Trans- portation Club on Wednesday, May 17, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 1213, East Engineering Building. The election of next year's officers will be held, and various other important matters Will come up for discussion. It is abso- lutely indispensible for a quorum to attend this meeting, and therefore all members are urgently requested to come. Refershments will be served. A Graduate luncheon will be held on Wednesday, May 17, at 12 o'clock noon in the Russian Tea Room of the League, cafeteria style. Prof. Arthur Aiton of the History Department will speak on "Archival Experiences, Past and Present." All graduate students are cordially in- vited. Hiawatha Club: Members of the Hiawatha Club will meet for the last time this year Wednesday, May 17, at 8 p.m. in the Michigan Union. Re- freshments will be served. Notice of Union Elections: On Fri- day, May 19, will be elected in con- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 PM.; i:0O A.M. on Saturday. TN EAR By NORMAN KIELL 'No War In Troy!' When your reporter suggested in a column several weeks ago that "No War In Troy," which had its American premiere last night at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, might be-who knows-next year's Drama Critics' Circle Prize Award for the best foreign play, it was simply wishful thinking. After witnessing the produc- tion, it is too bad that we can't give our vote to it, for it is marred by clumsy craftsmanship, in- choate philosophies, and generally bad acting. The action of "No War In Troy" takes place before Cassandra is ravished, Hecuba widowed, and Andromache dead; in short, before the Tro- jan War takes place. Hector has just returned to Troy to find that his brother Paris has abduct- ed the fair Helen. It means war, and Hector who has had his fill of it, will not tolerate the idea. In the face of universal opposition, he closes the gates of the city, but welcomes the Greek ambassador, Ulysses, in an attempt to negotiate peace. For the Trojan people, it is a matter of national honor when Ulysses taunting- ly calls Paris impotent in his relations with Helen; thus they want war to preserve their honor. But Hector wins the day and Ulysses departs with sincere promise of peace. It is -only when the Greek Ajax is murdered by an infuriat- ed Trojan mob that the war actually begins. This is the mere outline of Giraudoux' long- winded drama. Although "No War In Troy" is replete with the modern idiom, all the way from international law," to "Iris dropping her girdle," Giraudoux has added nothing novel, ingenious, or inventive to our theatre. He seems to have attempted a satire in the vein of Anatole France, Bernard Shaw, or our own sardonic John Er- skine, with little of the red-hot pen point that belong to them. Such cartoons of classical fables as M. Girau- doux has attempted to create for us are priceless when they are highly skilled and when they Students please see Board for ment. In Naval Architecture 6, Drawing Room Bulletin an important announce-I Algebra Seminar will meet today at 4 p.m. Professor Rainich will speak on "Quasi-Associative Algebras." Physics Colloquium: Professor Ger- hard Herzberg of the University of Saskatchewan will speak on "For- bidden Transitions i Molecular Spec- tra" at the Physics Colloquium at 4:15 on Wednesday, May 17, in Room, 1041 E. Physics. Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet in Room 122 Chemistry Build- ini at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, May 17. Mr. A. S. Newton will speak on "Chemiluminescence." Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Wilhelm Credner, Professor of Geography in the Techinsche Hochschule, Munich, and Carl Schurz, Professor of Geog- raphy at the University of Wiscon- sin, will give an illustrated lecture on "The Evolution of the Cultural Land- scape in Germany" at 4:15 p.m. to- day in the Rackham Amphi- theatre under the auspices of the De- partment of Geography. The public is cordially invited. philosophies, a mess of attitudes, and a mess of ideas. In its acting, "No War In Troy" has much to be thankful for Philip Meri- vale who engagingly and quietly plays a hero who has learned the joy of peace, and to Dennis Hoey, whose commanding portrayal of Ulysses furnishes an excellent foil to Mr. Merivale's Hector. Doris Dalton acts Helen with a frowzy reddish-blonde wig and an apparent awareness of her own attractions, giving the role all the subtle, sensuous inuendo at her command. As the other naughty