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May 16, 1939 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-16

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Typically Ann Arbor. Cloudy in
the morning. Showers in the

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Harlan Becomes
Restless Again .

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Civil Service
Law Approved
By Dickinson
After 'Probe'
Comstock Given New Post
On Commission After
Drastic Revision Of Bill
Opponents Charge
Crude Politics'
LANSING, May 15.-(P)-Governor
Dickinson signed a bill drastically
revising the state's new civil service
system today. Personnel officials
have estimated the measure would
remove 10,000 of the state's 17,500
employes from their jurisdiction,
opening the way for spoils raids.
At the same time, the Governor
announced the appointment of form-
er Gov. William A. Comstock of Ann
Arbor as a fourth member of the
Civil Service Commission. The bill,
which wll receive immediate effect,
increases the bi-partisan commission
from three to four members..
Comstok's Term'
Comstock's term would expire on
July 1, 1945. Other members of the
commission, who are all appointees
of Dickinson or of the late Gov. Frank
D. Fitzgerald, will continue in office
for the duration of their unexpired
Dickinson said, in announcing that
he would sign the bill, that his de-
cision was reached only after nu-
merous hearings and an examination
of every feature of the proposed legis-
lation. His investigation convinced
him, he said, that the "present set-
up does not seriously consider cam-
paign pledges and the demands of
voters for administrative changes
pledged in such campaigns."
Murphy's Law
Opponents of the civil service sys-
tem as inaugurated under former
Gov. Frank Murphy, a Democrat,
charged the set-up "was largely in the
interest of political purposes at the
outset and, like new movements, was
crude and built more on theories and
not on experience," the Governor said.
Legislators who investigated its
workings told him It was expensive,
and "blanketekl in" 8 per cent of the
state's employes.
Opponents of the proposed amend-
ments, on the other hand, said the
bill went to the other extreme, pro-
tecting only 25 or 30 per cent of the
employes from spoils raids and pre-
senting a "temptation" whenever po-
litical administrations change.
Coal institute 4
Gathers Today
For Conclave
250 Dealers Will Survey
State Fuel Problems At
Third Annual Session
More than 250 coal dealers will at-
tend the third annual Coal Utiliza-
tion Institute, to be held today,
Wednesday and Thursday in the
Sponsored by the University Ex-
tension Service, the College of. En-
gineering and the Michigan Retail
Coal Merchants Association, the In-
stitute will discuss problems facing
state fuel merchandisers.

Dr. Charles A. Fisher, director of
the Extension Service, and Dr. Elza-
da U. Clover of the botany depart-
ment will be the chief speakers at
today's Institute luncheon. Prof.
Ranson S. Hawley of the engineering
college will wecome the visitors.
Congress T Offer
Block Ticket Plan
Applications for Senior Ball tickets
under the block purchase plan for
unaffiliated men students will be re-
ceived from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. today in
the Congress office, Room 306 of the
At the same time reservations will
be taken for tue Congress booth.
General registration for the booth
by those not taking advantage of the
ticket plan will begin tomorrow.
A senior identification card and
$3.75 must accompany each applica-
Radio Rights For Year's
Grid Games Go To WJR

Fascists Will Fall, Benes Tells Group;
Poland is Prophesied As Next Victim

Ex-Czech President Says
Hitler Offers No Threat
To ParalyzedYugoslavia
Predicts Russian
Alliance With Britain
A small, vital man whose spirit re-
mains unbroken by the wave of ruth-
less Nazi power which smashed the
nation to which he had dedicated his
life, last night prophecied that Po-
land would be the next small country
to feel the booted feet of German
Graying Eduard, Benes, who won
the respect of the world when he
dared Hitler to fight and then was
forced to give in when Britain and
France welched on their sworn obli-
gations to Czechoslovakia, is boldly
eloquent when he tells a story of a
Europe gone mad but which someday,
perhaps after chaos and revolution,
but someday, will return to the demo-
cratic principles which characterized
it in the last decade.
Benes feels that there is no threat
to Yugoslavia in the Nazi machine
because "it is already dominated-
paralyzed. It could go neither to the
right nor left without German per-
Rumors of an impending Russo-
German treaty supposedly presaged
by the dismissal of Litvinov, the fa-
(Continued on Page 6)
Flat Rate Tax
On Corporation
Income Is Seen
Further Meetings Planned
To Effect Agreement
On Profits Tax Levy
WASHINGTON, May 15.-()-A
plan. for killing the much-criticized
tax on undistributed profits and sub-1
stituting a flat rate on higher-bracket1
corporation incomes was discussed at
length today at a general White
House tax conference.I
Many differences of opinion arose
on this and other questions, Chair-
man Doughton (Dem., N.C.) of the,
House Ways and Means Committee
told reporters, no agreement was
reached and further conferences will
be held. But, he added:
"We have some kind of a tax bill,t
of course. What changes will be,
made I am unable to say."
In addition to Doughton, the con-~
ference was attended by Chairman
Harrison of the Senate Finance Com-j
mittee, Rep. Cooper (Dem., Tenn.),
Chairman of the Ways and Means.
Sub-Committee on Taxes, Secretary
Morgenthau, a n d Undersecretary
John W. Haines of the Treasury.
The meeting was the result of much
clamor in and out of Congress for a
revision of the revenue schedules
which would remove taxes which
some consider to be retarding busi-
ness recovery.t
Gargoyle Meeting Today;
There will be a meeting of the
entire Gargoyle Editorial staff at
4 p.m. today in the Gargoyle of-P
fice. Editorial staff tryouts and1
those interested in trying-out are
especially urged to attend.z

Full Approval
Given Budget
By Aldermen
$522,762.47 Is Allowed
For Expenses Of City
During Coning Year
Unanimous approval was given by
the city council last night on the
1939-40 budget of the city of Ann Ar-
bor, by which $522,762.47 is allowed
for operation expenses, debt service
and special purposes.
This total exceeds last year's by
$29481.37. Only $351,162.47 of the
entire amount, however, will be raised
by taxation, making, the total tax
levy $6,979.63 less than that of last
year. A good part of the difference
can be accounted for by the reduc-
tion of about $6,200 in the debt serv-
ice cost under last year.
Although the total tax levy is less
than previously, it will be offset by a
three-tenths of a mill added assess-
ment on real estate only to raise
monies for the firemen's and police-
men's pension fund.
The tax rate for Ann Arbor will not
be announced for some time. The rate
will be known when the board of re-
view has approved the valuation set
on assessable property.
Among the factors accounting for
the higher cost of operation for the
coming year are the increase of some
salaries and wages in the lower brack-
ets, the addition of four policemen
and two firemen to the city's forces,
provision for the r tirement of the
fire chief and assist nt fire chief, in-
crease in the cost of garbage disposal
and snow removal and the cost of
additional playground equipment.
11 Coeducational Hearts
Quicken As Wyvern Taps
Eleven feminine sophomore hearts
were made happy last night when
they were invited to join the chorus-
ing, yellow attired marching line of
Wyvern, women's junior honorary
society, in their annual tapping cere-
The eleven women selected were:
Maya Gruhzit, Elinor Sevison, Helen
Barnett, Doris Merker, Jane Krause,
Jane Grove, Ann Vedder, Virginia
Lee Hardy, Margaret Walsh, Betty
Clement, and Margary Allison, '41.

Noted European Statesman
Sees New Order Rising
Out Of Present Chaos
University Officers
ImpressedBy Talk
"Totalitarian regimes in Europe
are now at their culminating point,
and will inevitably come down," Dr.
Eduard Benes, former president of
Czechoslovakia, told a rising, ap-
plauding capacity audience in an ad-
dress last night in the main ballroom
of the Union.
Dr. Benes spoke at a dinner given
by the Association of University and
College Business Officers, now hold-
ing its 29th annual convention, with
headquarters at the Union.
Gives Interpretation
Admittedly speaking as an "uncom-
promising defender of democracy,"
the 55-year old statesman gave his
interpretation of "The Moral Crisis in
Europe and the Struggle for a Euro-
pean Democracy."
Dr. Benes declared that, despite the
sad events during the past year, he is
not blind to the difficult situation in
Europe today. He warned, however,
that difficult times are before us, and
that many existing problems are al-
most unsolvable. Although attempt-
ing to avoid prophecy, he did venture
the prediction that Europe will soon
see a period of even more bitter
struggle, strife and upheavals than
now exists.
New Morality Seen
This. struggle will result, he as-
serted, in a new and better Euro-
pean democracy, new world-wide
morality and a revival of optimistic
Dr. Benes warned that, in order to
effect the new democracy, the state
must find a more satisfactory rela-
tionship to humanity, and economic
self-sufficiency must make way for
international cooperation and free
Speaking of the nation which he
headed until six months ago, Dr.
Benes said that Czechoslovakia, while
outwardly accepting the ruin which
the compromise with Germany in-
evitably forced upon it, was through
underground channels still fighting
for its freedom and national life.
Summing up his country's status, the
democratic leader dramatically de-
(Continued on Page 2)
Varsity Nine
Ties With Ypsi
12-Inning Game Is Called
Because Of Darkness
Coach Ray Fisher and his Varsity
baseball team took a jaunt to Ypsilan-
ti for a "breather" with Michigan
Normal, yesterday afternoon, and be-
fore the day was over the Wolverine
mentor had to use five pitchers, in-
cluding his ace, Jack Barry, and was;
forced to employ some canny baseball
strategy in order to gain an humble;
5-5 tie with the stubborn Hurons.
The game was called at the end of
the twelfth inning because of dark-
Coach Fisher's original plans called
for rookies "Bud" Bittenger, Lyle
Bond and "Chuck" O'Brien to dividei
the afternoon's mound chores. For
seven innings everything went along
smoothly as Bittenger and Bond
breezed along behind a 5-2 lead that
the Michigan batsmen had built up
at the expense of starting pitcher Ray
Dennis of the teachers.
But when Normal tied the score and

drove O'Brien to cover in the eighth,
Fisher pressed "M'fickey" Stoddard in-
to service to stop the bellicose Ypsi
nine. Stoddard turned in an excel-
lent relief job, but the Wolverines
could do nothing with the slants of
George Everett, second Huron pitcher,
(Continued on Page 3)
British Students Get
Fellowships Here
Two British students have been
awarded fellowships in the University
for 1939-40 by the Commonwealth
Fund of London.
The two Britons are John P. Keane,7
of the University College of Wales
and London University, who will study

Report Claims
Russia Scorns
Britain's Pact
Duce Inspects New Airport;
Reiterates Peace Desire
After Reviewing Troops
London Confident
Of Winning Support
LONDON, May 15.-(A')-Soviet
Russia was reported reliably tonight
to have refused in a note to London
to join the British-French front on
Britain's terms, but British official
quarters still were confident of win-
ning Russia's support eventually.
Viscount Halifax, British foreign
secretary, plans to try to iron out the
differences between London and Mos-
cow in conversations next week with
French Foreign Minister Georges
Bonnet and Vladimir P. Potemkin,
Russia's first assistant 'foreign com-
All three will be in Geneva to rep-
resent their governments at the
League of Nations Council meeting
starting there next Monday, May 22.
The Soviet reply to the British
proposal was received at the foreign
office and was passed on to the
French government.
It Duce Inaugurates
New Fascist Airport
TURIN, Italy, May 15.-(AL)-Pre-
mier Mussolini inaugurated a new
military airport today at Caselle,
within a short striking distance of
France, and returned to Turin to-
night to review a parade of black-
shirted Fascist militiamen.
The airport inaugural followed a
speech here in which Il Duce reiterat-
ed his statement made yesterday at
the beginning of a week's swing
through the Piedmont region that
Italy wanted peace, but that Euro,
pean problems "which constitute dan-
ger for all" must be solved.
16 Are Chosen
For Finals In
Fraternity Sing
Independents Will ServeI
As Judges Of Contest;
To Give Four Awards1
Sixteen fraternities were chosen to
sing in the Interfraternity Sing at1
7:15 p.m. Wednesday on the Library
steps by an independent group of
judges from the Varsity Gee Clube
after the Sing eliminations held lastt
night in the Union and League.
The 16 fraternities, each of whom3
will have a sorority backer rooting for
them, are: Alpha Kappa Lambda,
Alpha Sigma Phi, Chi Psi, Psi Upsi-
lon, Sigma Chi, Sigma Phi Epsilon,r
Theta Delta Chi, Beta Theta Pi, Sig-
ma Alpha Epsilon, Phi Gamma Delta,;
Theta Xi, Acacia, Delta Tau Delta,
Phi Delta Theta, Theta Chi, and1
Sigma Phi.-
Wednesday night four cups will be
awarded; three to the first, second
and third place winners, and in addi-
tion, the traditional Balfour cup, now]
held by the Betas, will be presented(
the first place winner. A large bou-
quet of flowers will be the award given
the sorority luck enough to back
the winner. Miss Joanna Roos, actress
of the Drama Festival troupe, will

present the cups.
The judges at the Sing Wednesday
night will be: Prof. Arthur Hackett
and Prof. Hardin VanDeursen of the
School of Music, and Prof. William+
D. Revelli, University Band director.;

Letter Supporting
Subsidization Plan




The Letter
To The Editor:
As members of the various ath-
letic teams, and as students of the
University of Michigan, we wish
to give our fullest support and ap-
proval to the editorial which ap-
peared in Friday's Daily advocat-
ing aid for athletes.
We believe that it will not be
long before a bad situation will be
brought to light, and a fair solu-
tion found.
We realize that a large majority
of the campus is still unaware of
the conditions under which mem-
bers of the University teams are
forced to live; the difficulties they
face in financing their education;
and the sacrifices they make for
It is only through editorials like
that which appeared Friday that
the campus will ever become in-
formed. We endorse it whole-
Fifty Michigan Athletes.
Theatre Filled
As Dramatie
Season Opens
'No War In Troy' To Run
One Week; Merivale,
Atwater And Dalton Star
Homer's Troy formed the back-
ground of play of modern signifi-
cance last night when the American
premiere of "No War in Troy!" opened
the 1939 Dramatic Season at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
No "S.R.O." signs are permitted at
the Lydia Mendel'ssohn, but every
available seat was taken. For the
first time in the history of the'thea-
tre, according to Mrs. Lucille Walz,
promotion thanager, tickets were sold
for seats in the orchestra pit.
Philip Merivale headed the cast as
Hector; Dennis Hoey played Ulysses,
Edith Atwater was Hector's wife
Andromache, Doris Dalton played
Helen, and Wesley Addy enacted
Tickets for "No War in Troy!" are
still available at the Lydia Mendels-
sohn boxi office. Season tickets will
not be sold after this week.
Special guests invited to the opening
night included Dr. Eduard Benes, ex-
Czech president, and Gordon Mendel-
ssohn, who presented the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre to the University in
memory of his mother.
"No War In Troy!" will run through
Saturday. It will be followed by
"American Landscape," May 23
through May 27, "The White Steed,"
with Whitford Kane, May 30 through
June 3, "Here Comes the Clown,"
with James Bell, June 6 through June
10. The final presentation will be G.
B. Shaw's "Captain Brassbound's
Conversion," with Gladys Cooper,
June 13 through June 17.
Zog 'Reserves' Post
GENEVA, May 15.-(IP)-Fugitive
King Zog of Albania protested to the
League of Nations today against
Italy's invasion of his country and
declared he "reserved" his rights as

Varsity Members Endorse
Daily Editorial Asking
For Program Of Help
Represent .Every

Branch Of Sport
Representatives from every Univer-
sity inter-collegiate athletic team last
night placed themselves on record in
favor of a moderate program of fi-
nancial help to athletes, as described
in an editorial which appeared in
last Friday's Daily.
The athletes sounded their ap-
prdval of a plan of subsidization in
a letter to the Editor of The Daily.
Fifty men, from every branch of
University siprt, signed the docu-
The letter endorsed the Daily edi-
torial and stated "we realize that a
large majority of the campus is still
unaware of the conditions under
which members of the University
teams are forced to live; the difficul-
ties they face in financing their edu-
cation; and the sacrifices they make'
for college."
Better Solution Seen
"We believe that it will not be long
before this bad situation will be
brought tolight, and a fair solution
found," the letter continued.
All of the signers requested that
their names not be published. The
letter was circulated by a varsity
football player, who said that he
found almost unanimous approval for
the measure. "There is almost no op-
position by Michigan athletes to an
intelligent program of subsidization,"
he declared.
He made it clear, however, that
they do not advocate any measure
that would tend to make college foot-
ball like the professional brand.
"What we want, more than anything
else, is a three-meal a day training
table during the season of our sport,
and some financial help in paying
The editorial which the letter en-


dorsed proposed no concrete plan
for subsidization, but maintained
that the principal is a "sane and wise
Issue Raised By Senate
The subsidization issue was raised
on the campus again last Tuesday,
when the Student Senate unanimous-
ly passed a proposal that would
establish a regular football training
table for three meals a day during
the season; create athletic scholar-
ships, much like the publication
scholarships that exists today; have
the Big Ten conference standardize
subsidization rules for all schools.
The Daily editorial also said that
University coaches and other men of
the athletic department have al-
ready recognized that athletes are de-
serving of help, and that they are
accomplishing this aid "through a
multitude of round-about-schemes."
Athletes today are assisted in find-
ing jobs during the summer and in
Ann Arbor; receive personal help
from coaches, alumni and friends;
and are provided with tutors paid
by the National Youth Administra-
tion, the editorial charged.
Assistance Needed
"The time has come for an honest,
above-board, program of assistance-
call it 'subsidization' or anything
else," it concluded.
In the same edition of The Daily a
statement was published from Prof.
Ralph Aigler, chairman of the Board
in Control of Physical Education
which quoted him as saying that
"there is no subsidization at Michi-
"You can't give athletic scholar-
ships without aspiring to the stigma
of professionalism," he stated.
"You can't go half way in the mat-
ter," he continued, "it's a question
of black or white. Either you're pro-
fessional or you're amateur, and we
intend to remain amateur. I don't
know of any athlete that is being
paid at Michigan."
At that time Football Coach Fritz
Crisler would make no statement.
Credner Will Give
University Lecture
Dr. Wilhelm Credner, formerly pro-

Edit h4 twater l*terv-es Self
On Ann A rbor dAndIts Tunes

(Editor's Note: This article was writ-
ten by Edith Atwater of the Dramatic
Festival Players group. Miss Atwater
plays the part of Andromache, Hector's
wife, in the play "No War In Troy.")
I really never thought that I would
get a chance to write for a real news-
paper. I never even played the part
of a newspaper womdn, so this is
something quite new to me. But when
Bud Cox, a Daily reporter, came over
for an interview and suggested that
I ask him anything about the campus
that I wanted to, I thought it was
time that the interviewed had a
chance to interview. So here I am
writing my interview of the Michi-
gan Campus.
Where do all the people stay? Some
one told me that there are twelve

Student Senate Poll Evaluating
literary Courses To Open Today

An opportunity for literary students
to unleash their suppressed desire to
express an opinion on the courses
they are taking will be afforded to-
day by means of ballot boxes placed
at several places on campus by the
Student Senate.
Polling stations, which will be lo-
cated in Angell Hall Lobby, Main Li-
brary, Romance Languages Building.
Haven Hall and University Hall, will
be open every day until Friday.
This poll is part of the Senate
education commitee's program to de-

er submit a careful analysis based
on a mature consideration of the
courses thye are taking or have taken.
The list of questions, which the
student body is invited to avail itself
of, but to which it is not restricted
includes: Should more time be devot-
ed to lecture or class discussion?
Could you suggest improvements for
your courses? Did you have a chance
to talk over your last semester grades?
Are there matters that you feel should
be left out of a course as outdated?
Should there be more individual re-
search and more independence taken

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