THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, FEB. THE MICHIGANDAILY 3; - The Editor Gets Told TODAY 'i WASHINGTON -by David Lawrence--- WASHINGTON, Feb. 18-At last the Con- r Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the {Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Sumn r Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not 'otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, In-. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO SOSTON LOS ANGELES . SAN FRANCISCO' Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 At The Left Hand Of The Lord The Lord was not the Creator of Russell, His mighty nose and mental muscle. Haphazard happenstance events Create the world for modern gents; Events do not proceed from cause- Is and Are complete our Laws. Bertrand has Reason, a Logical Mind; He has looked on Creation before and behind For a God or a Devil to father the mess But finding it orphaned, casts off his distress. Mankind, though so plainly a cancerous blight On the merciful space of the intellect's night, Unfathered, unsponsored, mistaken, erratic Infinitesimal, cosmical static, In this empty creation without a kingpin Where nothing need stop, for did it begin?- Though Man isn't the center, the axis or core, Man has got to be somewhere, behind or before; Or if Time keeps him firmly held in his place He has got to be somewhere, leastwise in Space. If he isn't the center, he can go to the Right (That unfathered, unsponsored cancerous blight) But better, far better, with reasoning deft To perceive that ALL THINGS can be done on the LEFT! With God and his party logically Out Reason, Awake! call this off-center clout To seize on the aimless, Godless Creation And bring on a left-wing, millennial inflation! -Esther S. Rettger Board of Managing Editor . . Editorial Director . City Editor . Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor. . Associate Editor, Book Editor - Women'sdEditor . . Sports Editor .. Editors Robert D. Mitchell . . Albert P. May1o Horace W. Gilmore' Robert I. Fitzhenry S. R. Kleiman Robert Perlman . . .Earl Gilman . . William Elvin . . Joseph Freedman . . . Joseph Gies . . Dorothea Staebler S . Bud BenJamin Business Department Business Manager. . . Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager . . . Leonard P. Siegelman Advertising Manager. . , William L. Newnan Women's BusinessgManager ,.Helen Jean Dean Women's Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: JACK CANAVAN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Education Must Fight Venereal Disease . WE WERE GRATIFIED to see the success of the marriage relations course of last semester manifest itself in another series of lectures to be given this semester. Reports from students who took the course in- dicate that it contained a great deal of useful and important information that is ordinarily not available. But meanwhile a far more important matter is being neglected: education concerning vener- eal diseases. For years the mention of the word syphilis brought a look of horror to the faces of "genteel" men and women. Only six years ago the New York State Board of Regents banned a motion picture designed to educate high school students about venereal diseases. It was not until very recently that the word was even mentioned in newspapers and on the radio. It is this prudishness and the ignorance that stems from it that allow syphilis to yearly dis- able 500,000 Americans. It is this policy of forc- ing discusson of the disease underground that allowss it to remain one of the four most fatal diseases in the country. A more insidious aspect of this dogmatic atti- tude is the rationalization that syphilis is a more or less just punishment for evil-doers. The revela- tion made by Dr. Thomas Parran, Surgeon Gen- eral of the United States Public Health Service, that commercialized prostitution causes only 25 per cent of syphilis should dispel this fallacious notion. In Scandinavia the fatal disease is being fought with great success chiefly because it is not con- sidered a social disgrace, and because it is dealt with openly, for example, by prominently listing free syphilis clinics in public places. The first step in eradicating the scourge in this country is elimination of the prudishness and moral condemnation by frank and open discus- .sion of the disease, its symptoms, results and cures., In such a program newspapers, universities and schools must play a vital role in the crusade. Michigan as a large educational institution can no longer fail to provide adequate education about venereal diseases. The perfunctory dis- cussion of these matters in the freshman hygiene lectures is far from sufficient. It probably is not even known by the majority of students that Kahn tests (an improvement on the Wasser- mans) are available free of charge at all times at the Health Service. What might be done is to include a thorough discussion of venereal diseases in all its aspects in the new marriage relations program and the enlarging of the course to include all students, not merely seniors and graduates. -Morton Jampel Scientists of Cornell and Colgate Universities are making a special study of the aurora borealis. The University of California has a special course on-the legal rights of women. Protest Change Of Prof. To the Editor: While we realize that the matter of student discussion and criticism of college administrative policies is -an open and delicate question, it seems imperative that the viewpoint of the students in the College of Architecture to be given on a matter which greatly concerns them, and sin which they have no voice. Approximately fifteen students this semester enrolled in the Architectural Design course under the impression that it was to have been instructed by the professor who for several years had con- ducted the class, an impression shared with them by the professor himself. On mid-morning of Monday, the first day of the class meeting, the information informally reached the ears of the class and the professor himself that another instructor, under whose able guidance p majority of the studuents had just completed a six-hour course in Design, would conduct classes in the advanced Design course, and the post vacated by him was to be filled by the original advanced Design professor. The contention was that thus the students would be permitted to have the same teacher for a full year, so that the closer understanding which would develop between the professor and the student would be conducive to better formu- late their ideas. Advantageous as this may seem to the heads of the College of Architecture ad- ministration, the contention seems wrong to the students concerned, who realize that in architecture, as in any profession, constantly new perspectives are necessary to their development. Certainly no reflection was intended against the new instructor; rather, an interest in the first. The students realize, too, that the plan was tried once before, and failed, and cannot help but wonder why it should be repeated. The afternoon of the first meeting of the class a petition was signed by every member of the class asking reinstatement of the original professor as their new instructor. A faculty meet- ing was called, but apparently nothing was done, and no announcement has been forthcom- ing, with the result that a majority of the stu- dents have already signed drop slips, and more await doing so pending official announcement. We realize that this is no place for criticism of the administrative policies of the heads of the department. The teaching facilities are there in the school, and faculty is composed of men of fine ability and training but in spite of this, in no department of the school are these facilities and these abilities functioning as well or as smoothly as they can or should. The students cannot fail to notice and wonder and regret these matters, inasmuch as all are proud of the College, and eager to see it retain its fine stand- ing; they hesitate to criticize lest their criti- cisms be deemed personal or disgruntled, but they do want their viewpoints presented, and in this one instance especially, a unanimous group wish reconsideration of the matter with no per- sonalities involved. . (Signed) Architecture Students gress of the United States is beginning to give consideration to the establishment of an inter- mediate credit system for business comparable to that which has been furnished the farmer. Senator Mead of New York and Representative Allen of Pennsylvania, both Democrats, have in- troduced into the Senate and House, respectively, identical measures looking toward the insuring of private loans to be made by the banks of the country when such loans would enable busi- ness "to increase its production, extend its opera- tions, or modernize its plant and equipment." Every now and then this subject has been dis- cussed in Congress, but usually it has related to the use of government funds. Actually, the power to make loans to industry has been given the RFC and the Federal Reserve System, but such loans are restricted to what is known as temporary accommodations. There has been no way by which 16ng term loans of from seven to ten years could be obtained at moderate inter- est rates from the banks. The principal reason, of course, is that com- mercial banks do not feel that they should be asked to make long term commitments, and, while they are permitted now under bank exam- iner regulations to give credit up to ten years, they rarely do so and prefer also to make the loans on a relatively short term basis. The merit of the Mead-Allen Bill is that it does not use Government money, but makes active the private funds now lying idle in the banks. It gives private banks a chance to make loans and earn a fair interest rate and to do so with a minimum of risk. As it is today, a citizen can borrow $10,000 for ten years to build a new house and he is given anywhere from ten to twenty years in which to pay off the debt. Yet a business earn- ing $20,000 a year, which may wish to borrow $10,'000 and pay it off in seven or eight annual installments, will find itself rarely able to get such a deferred commitment. The loan might be made, but always with the proviso that it must be for a short period and that renewal can be a matter of decision by the bank every time the short maturity comes up. Businesses which seek to try out new products or new activi- ties, and may stand to lose their investment, but can pay it out of profits, are usually told these are speculative loans. But employment has al- ways arisen out of such "speculation" by enter- prising individuals, and production is increased when there is capital for such purposes avail- able. To get permanent capital nowadays, the small business man must depend on a rich man's economy-the owner of considerable wealth in a small community-and the rich man even in the small town sees no incentive for risk- ing his funds when the tax rates are so high and his rate of return is necessarily low. There is no machinery at present for the flotac tion of capital loans as between $10,000 and $1,000,000. Investment bankers usually want to handle loans only ab3ove $1,000,000 because they rightly say the distribution' is too expensive for smaller amounts. So, with the commercial. banks ready to lend only nine-month or two- year money, and the investment bankers inter- ested only in loans of $1,000,000 and up, there is need for an intermediate credit system in Ameri- ca, and Congress is beginning to study ways and means of establishing it as a recovery measure and as one means of bringing the national in- come up to the desired goal. 1-d #015 Atof 01 w' < (Note: Sec Terry is at present in the Health Service, trying to ward off those Mystery Germs that are ganging up on him. In order not to be accused of partiality to Heath. his deadly enemy, I agreed to pinch hit for him. -H. Swados.) I suspect that everybody except Bertrand Russell was surprised at the 2,000 people who turned out to hear him speak. The answer may well be that most of the people came not to hear him, but to see him. Lord Russell is certainly worth taking a gander at, especially when it's free. He has a head of hair that is comparable to Einstein's, and his brain is nothing to sneeze at. Nevertheless, I stand ready to give 3 to 1 odds that Ein- stein could outdraw him without even mussing his hair. However, it is regrettable that Rus- sell took such an advantage of the mob that came to gape at the genius. College students, novels to the con- trary notwithstanding, are a terrific- ally wide-eyed bunch. They are usu- ally willing to swallow any sort of stuff that a speaker hands out, as long as he has a big name (and it doesn't make any difference to them if he is a chemist explaining his views on anthropology). I don't mean by this that Russell was passing off the old soap; it's just that I don't like his attitude.. Everything went along fine until near the end, when the Earl let fly with this whopper: It doesn't make any difference to me what conclu- sions a man comes to, as long as he arrives at them rationally. Immediate- ly following this, seven of my friends were seen to swoon. They were re- vived on the gorgeous steps of the Rackham Building, and one of them was reported to have groaned, Sic. transit gloria Russell. It is really astounding that one of the most brilliant minds of the twentieth century could say in all seriousness that two men, considering; the same subject, could come to diametrically opposite conclusions, and that it would make no difference, since they had both considered the subject rationally: The explanation for this may be that Russell is trying to alibi his way out of his latest pot-~ boiler, Power, which was a real lemon, and even more his article in last week's issue of The Nation, in which he supported the policy of Chamber-j lain, The Umbrella Man, for no good , reason at all. Russell knows that his, opinion carries tremendous weight, and when he, as a man who has sup- ported socialism, comes out in support of the gent who has been busy throw- ing the Czechs and the Spaniards to the wolves, it is just too dan nbad. The Student Religious Association has a better bet in Reinhold Niebuhr, who knows his stuff. I only hope that is many people go to hear him as went to see Lord Russell.] ITHE SCREEN ( By HARVEY SWADOS The Art Cinema League presented Program 6 of Series 4 of the Museum of Modern Art Film Library last Sunday. It consisted of three come- dies, Dream of a Rarebit Fiend (1906), Harold Lloyd's High and Dizzy (1920),' and Buster Keaton's The Navigator (1924), and it was a lot of fun. These old comedies were of course very different from the latter-day Hollywood products which derive their humor from having men and women dressed in evening clothes batter each other around, or dash in and out of various bedrooms. They relied upon slapstick and incongruities. I am not one of those who think that laughing it slapstick is a sign of degeneracy; it is no doubt on a lower level than say Chaplin, but it certainly has its place. The best of this group was The Navigator. Deadpan Keaton was a very funny man, and it is a delight to see him again gravely entering his sunken bathtub with his pajamas and bathrobe on, soaping and scrubbing his bathrobe. Or to see him in a diver's uniform at the bottom of the sea, washing his hands with a bucket of water and wiping them off with a handkerchief. Or to see him trying to boil four eggs in a kettle four feet deep. But I must admit that what I enjoyed the most was the reaction of a couple of kids who were sitting directly in front of me. The boy was about eight and the girl was about eight, and it was a pleasure to hear them shrieking with delight at Keaton trying to tow a steamship by rowing a leaky boat, or shouting unabashedly "Look out!" when Harold Lloyd was teetering at the top of a ten story building. The next historical film is the musi- cal talkie (The Love Parade) on March 12, and of course The Child- hood of Gorky on March 2, 3, 4. S . 0 n (Continued from Page 2) nesdays, 4-6 p.m.; but this week, due to the holiday, it will meet Thursday in this room at the same hour. Speech Class for Stutterers: A class in speech for stutterers is available at the Speech Clinic of the Institute for Human Adjustment, 1007 East Huron, meeting Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 3 to 4 p.m. and Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 7:30 to 8:30 under the direction of Mr. John Clancy. Students interested in taking part may inquire at the Speech Clinic for further details. L.S.&A. Juniors now eligible for Concentration should get Admission to Concentration blanks at Room 4, U.H. immediately. These blanks must be properly signed by the adviser and the white slip returned to Room 4, U.H. at once. Red Cross Senior Life saving course for men students starts Thursday, Feb. 23, at Intramural Building, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., Maurice Reizen in charge. Concerts Student Recital: Students of Wil- liam Stubbins, Instructor of Band In- struments at the School of Music will give a recital in the School of Music2Auditorium, Tuesday evening, Feb. 21 at 8:15, The general public' is invited. .Exhibitions Exhibition of Water Colors by Ar- thur B. Davies and Drawings by Boardman Robinson, shown under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association. North and South Gal- leries of Alumni Memorial Hall; daily from 2 to 5 p.m.; Feb. 15 through March 1. Events Today Deutscher Verein: Meeting this evening at 8:15 p.m.' in the Michigan League. Prof. Benjamin W. Wheeler will give an illustrated talk on "Bayrische Schloesser und Bur- gen." This is the third lecture in the series sponsored by the Verein. Students of German and others who are interested are invited to attend. Mathematics Club: Will meet this evening at 8 p.m., in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Professor G. Y. Rainich will speak on "Conditional Invari- ants." The Graduate Education Club will hold its first meeting of the se- mester this afternoon at 4 p.m. in the Graduate Education Library, University Elementary School. Dr. Curtis and Dr. Fries will give their impressions of European Educational Developments. All graduate students taking work in Education are cor- dially' invited to attend. Refresh- ments will be served. Economics Club: Speaker: Dr. H. S. Patton, Michigan State College. Sub- ject: Financing of Recovery and Ar- mament in Nazi German, tonight at 7:45 p.m., Assembly Hall, Rackham Bldg. Biological Chemistry Seminar, this evening at 7:30 p.m., Room 319 West Medical Building. "Keto- genesis" will be discussed. All in- terested are invited to attend. Anatomy Research Club Meeting. The February meeting of the Ana- tomy Research Club will be held in Room 2501 East Medical Bldg. at 4:30 p.m. today. There will be two papers. Dr. Wayne L. Whitaker will report on "Some Effects of Artificial Illumina- tion on Reproduction in the White- footed Mouse, Peromyscous leucopus noveboracensis" and Dr. Alexander Barry will speak on "The Ontogeny of the Heart .Rate of the Embryonic Chick Heart." Tea will be served at 4:10 p.m. in Room 3502. All interested are cor- dially invited. A.I.E.E. The Student Branch wil meet with the Michigan Section to- night at 8 p.m. in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. Professor Louis A. Baier will speak on "Modern Ship Design." If you are plaxining on eating dinner with the Section at the Michigan Union, make your, reservation with Professor Stout. The price will be $1.00, and dinner will be served at 6 p.m. Aliibra Seminar. Will meet Tues- day at 4 o'clock in 3201 A.H., Dr. Mar- Igarete Wolf will continue her talk- in 11P ,A ii _Tny ra, a. nrn Hnnc 17, Union has been postponed to a later date. Christian Science Organization: 8:15 p.m. League Chapel. Students, alumni and faculty are invited to at- tend the services. Avukah, the National Student Zion- ist Organization will meet at Hillel Foundation this evening at 7:30. There will be a general discussion on the Cooperatives in Palestine. All welcome. Open Forum: The second of the Open Forums dealing with the lec- tures on The Existence and Nature of God will be held at Lane Hall, 8 o'clock, tonight. Professor Paul Henle of the Department of Phi- losophy will discuss "Questions Raised by Lord Russell." Moving pictures of the Quaker Work Camps will be shown at the Michigan Union, 4:15 p.m. today. These camps provide an opportunity for students to participate actively in social experiments. Sponsored by the Student Religious Association. French Play: Tryouts for the French Play will take place today and Thurs- day from 3 to 5 o'clock p.m. in Room 408 of the Romance Language Bldg. All students interested may apply. The Bookshelf and Stage Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet today at 2:45 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Edwin B. Mains, 1911 Lorraine Place. Mrs. James M. Cork is assist- ing hostess. Elementary Hebrew Class will meet at Hillel Foundation today at 3 p.m Coming Events International Center Program: Tuesday, Feb. 21: 7 o'clock, Speech Clinic. (All students who wish to im- prove their spoken English are urged to avail themselves of this oppor- tunity). Thursday, Feb. 23, 4 o'clock, tea. Students accustomed to dropping in to tea at this time are urged to bring with them any new foreign students whom they may chance to meet. This week the people of the St. Andrews Guild are to be our guests. Seven o'clock, Speech Clinic. Friday, Feb. 24: President Bayard Doedge of the American University, Beirut is to be our guest for two days. He will be housed in our dormitory and will be in the Center as much as possible through these days. He rep- resents the Near Eastern College As- sociation. All students of the Near East will be interested to meet him. 12:15 o'clock, luncheon for Presi- dent Dodge in the Michigan Union. Faculty and students are weome. Reservations,' at 75 cents, must be made in the office at the Center by Thursday at 5. 4:15 o'clock, President Dodge will speak on the American University in the ballroom of the Union illustrat- ing his talk with moving pictures in technicolor. Eight to eleven. Recreation Night. This is the special monthly game night., Saturday, Feb. 25, 3 to 5 o'clock, music hour; in the Lounge Metropoli- tan Opera over the Radio. Phi Sigma Lecture Series. The sec- ond in a series of lectures sponsored by the Phi Sigma Society will be given, by Dr. H. B. Lewis, Professor of io- logical Chemistry, Thursday evening, Feb. 23, 1939, at 8 p.m. in the Natural Science Auditorium. Dr. Lewis will speak on the subject, "The Relationship of Chemistry to the Biological Sciences." This lecture will be of interest to students, especially to those in the Biological Sciences. The public -is invited to attend. La Sociedad Hispanica: The third lecture in the series/ sponsored by La Sociedad Hispanica will be pre- sented on Thursday, Feb. 23, at 4:15 p.m., in 103 R.L. Professor Jose E. Espinosa of the University of Detroit will talk on "El Realismo Literario Espanol." Tickets for the series may be obtained at 312 R.L. German Journal Club: Will meet Thursday, Feb. 23 at 4:15 p.m. in Room 304 Michigan Union. Professor Walter A. Reichart will present a paper on "Washington Irving in Ger- many." Cercle Francais: There will be a meeting on Thursday, Feb. 23 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 408 R.L. Geological Journal Club. Will meet in 2054 N.S. at 7:15 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 23. Dr. T. S. Lovering will speak on "Dilatency." Life Saving: A class in Senior Red ,Cross Life Saving will be given at DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.; 11:00 A.M. on Saturday. THEATRE By NORMAN KIELL Robert Henderson, associated with the pro- duction of Wilde's "The Importance of Being Earnest," has plans for presenting it on the road. And if he can get permission, he will revive Noel Coward's cycle, "Tonight at 8:30," which Ann Arbor saw several seasons back . . . Arthur Miller may soon see a Broadway presentation of his "They Too Arise," which the Hillel Players did here two years ago . . . As another shot in the dark, it is our guess that the second play of the Ann Arbor Spring Dramatic Season will be "Missouri Legend." . . . The Federal Theatre of Detroit opened last week with Shakeslpeare's "The Merry Wives of Windsor." James Doll, for- mer drama editor of the Daily, has designed and built the sets . . . The National Broadcasting System is continu- ing its presentations of Great Plays every Sun- day at 1 p.m. "Redemption" and "The Doll's House" will be given on the remaining two Sun- days in February. On March 5, Gilbert & Sulli- van's "Patience" will be broadcast, followed, chronologically, by "Camille," "Cyrano de Ber- gerac," and "Peter Pan." On April 2, Maeter- linck's "The Blue Bird" will be presented, with "Justice," "Back to Methusalah," "Oliver Crom- well," and "The White Headed Boy" complet- ing the bill for April. The last play will be "Elizabeth the Queen," by Maxwell Anderson, on May 7. A study manual of these plays, giving plot, setting, and sketch of the authors' lives, pay be obtained by writing to NBC at Radio City, New York, enclosing ten cents in postage to cover costs and mailing. The Hillel Players are well on work with their annual play to be given the second week in March a +n Tla 1 A r-rla -nh rr - ,. T- . ...... Abstract Green flashes of monotony in sound Of chromium waves beat On purple velvet beaches. A red stain blurs the black silence Resting on crinkled white. Glass reflects laughter in light And violet-red bars sweep the air; Of wood splintered on time. Spheres of fire twirl to meet, And mass is dissolved into sleep. W. A. CAUDILL, II -The Daily Maroon