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May 14, 1939 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-14

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SU!NDIAY.MAY 14, 1839


p WLTYLal l[al as L 11 _ + ..

By Mel Fineberg
In The RingĀ®.-.
Don Siegel makes his second pro-
fessional appearance at the boxing
plate next Friday on the Bob Pas-
tor-Roscoe Toles card at Arena Gar-
dens. The rangy Michigan tackle
will go to bat against a 240-pound
Saginaw. slugger surnamed Slachta,
Christian name unknown and second
name probably misspelled by the
linotyper. , It is claimed (by Slachta)
that he is the proud possessor of a
left hook but this remanis to be seen.
In spite of the deprecatory re-
marks passed by some of the met-
ropolitan newspapermen about
Siegel's inexperience Vern Lar-
son has high hopes for the pro-
fessional future of his protege.
According to Larson, "Siegiel is
not yet a finished fighter; he's
still awkward and inexperienced.
But he's got the stuff. I believe
that he'll go places fast. With-
in one year he's going to be
fighting for $1,000 a match."
It sounds possible. With the pau-
city of material in the heavyweight
ranks today, a man with Siegel's
natural abilities could go far. When
Two-Ton Tony Galento, who is bet-
ter able to mangle the English lan-
guage than any boxing opponent of
calibre, is named the outstanding
challenger in the ranks they certain-
ly make no mistake when they call
it "ranks."
* * *
Word comes over the wire that the
"greatest horse in years," Johnstown,
was beaten in the Preakness. Now we
don't claim to know too much about
the inside of horse racing but This
Corner wants to state right now that
we were probably the only ones in
the country with courage to come
right out in the open and pick Chal-
ledon who won today. We were so
good that we called the winner over
a week ago.
Of course, modesty compels us
to admit that we had Challedon
picked for the Kentucky Derby
which was run a week ago. Chal-
ledon ran second to Johnstown
at Churchill Downs, but it does
show that we had the right idea,
and it was a week early at that.
We sent our Derby betting tick-
ets to the Preakness by air mail
in hopes they'll pay us for our
faith. It seems only fair that they
should reward such foresight.
True Loyalty.. ..
We have just received concrete evi-
dence that there is still some faith in
what Sec Terry terms "a world gone
barbaric." It was just after the De-
troit Tigers had lost their tenth game
in eleven starts. One of The Daily
cronies turned to a rabid Tiger rooter
and crowed triumphantly, "Well,
what do you think of your Detroit
team now? I think they smell."
The fugitive from a box score
mournfully, yet loyally, replied,
"Aw, they ain't so bad. They're
just misunderstood."
The combination of the two leads
us to think of the situation at Pitts-
burgh and the resignation of Dr. Jock
Sutherland who turned out the na-
tion's top teams while coaching there.
And while we're at this point, we
might as well make a prediction as
to the fate of the good Dr. Suther-
land. He will stay out of football for
a year. He will confine himself to
writing for magazines and broad-
casting. He will do this because there
is no coaching opening at a large

school. Then, after a year of inactiv-
ity, he will become head coach at The
University of Southern California
where the opposition to Howard
Jones will demand the change.
The anti-Jones faction has
been quieted by the Trojan vic-
tory over Notre Dame last year,
but it may pop up with a poor
season next year and the change
might come.
* * *

Hoytmen Score
One-Sided Win
Over Buckeyes
Powerhouse Track Team
Shatters Four Records
In 1021/2-28 /2 Victory
(Continued from Page 1)


Stackhouse Is
New Yearling
Track Coach
(Continued from Page 1)

Michigan Nine
Trims Indiana
By 11-1 Score




t "_


Newsom Joins Tigers
In Trade With Browns

Yellows Trounce Blues, 31-26,
In Intra-Squad Gridiron Battle

ter than the existing Conference
mark. Watson also won the broad
jump with 24, feet nine and one-fourth
Ohio's Bob Lewis nipped Al Smith
in the 220 to atone for his defeat by
Smith in the 100 earlier in the after-
Sophomore Ed Barrett led the first
of four Michigan sweeps, as he, Karl
Wisner, and Jack Dobson staged a
surprise defeat of the Buck ace. Jim
Whittaker in the first event of the
day, the mile.
Elmer Gedeon, Stan Kelley, and
John Kutsche gave another sweep in
the high hurdles with Gedeon win-
ning in 14.3 to tie the meet record.
Kelley, Jeff Hall, and Bob Barnard
finished one-two-three in the low
hurdles, as Kelley won with 23.7.
Howard Ell and Durwood Cooper-
rider outflung Michigan's Perry Kim-
erer in the javelin and Buckeye
Buchanan tied in the pole vault with
Dave Cushing and August Fabyan.
Bob Hook and Tom Lawton proved
capable substitutes for Watson, fin-
ishing one-two in the shot put, while
the crippled high jumpers, Wes Allen
and Don Canham, tied for first in
their event. Tommy Jester outran
Ohio's Les Eisenhart to cop the 880
for Michigan, with Dye Hogan com-
ing in third.
One mile run; Won by Barrett (M);
second, Wisner (M); third, Dobson
(M). Time-4:22.7 seconds.
440-yard run: Won by Breiden-
bach (M) ; second, Faulkner (M) ;
third, Sulzman (O). Time-47.2.
(New Ferry Field and meet record).
100-yard dash: Won by Smith
(M) ; second, Lewis (O); third, Carl
Culver (M). Time-9.8.
Shot put: Won by Hook (M); sec-
ond, Lawton (M) ; third, Simmons
(O). Distance-47 ft., 5% in.
120-yard high hurdles: Won by
Gedeon (M) ; second, Kelley (M) ;
third, Kutsche (M). Time-14.3 sec-
onds. (Equals dual meet record).
880-yard run: Won by Jester (M) ;
second, Eisenhart (0); third, Hogan
(M). Time-1:54.7.
220-yard dash: Won by Lewis (O);
second, Smith (M); third, C. Culver
(M). Time-:21.4.
Two-mile run: Won by Schwartz-
kopf (M); second, Whittaker (0);
third, Heyl (M). Time-9:17.3 (New
Ferry Field and meet record).
220-yard low hurdles: Won by
Kelley (M); second, hall (M); third
Barnard (M). Time-23.7.
Pole vault: Won by Buchanan (0)
Cushing (M) and Fabyan (M) tied
for first. Height-12 ft., 6 in.
High jump: Won by Allen (M) and
Canham (M) tied for first; Todd (O)
and King (M) tied for third. Height:
5 ft. 9 1/8 in.
Javelin throw: Won by Ell (0);
second, Cooperrider (0); third, Kim
erer (M). Distance-180 ft. 8 /14 in
Discus throw: Won by Watson (M);
second, Hook (M); third, Rebb (O)
Distance 161 ft., 1 3/4 in. (New Ferr3
Field and meet record).
Broad Jump: Won by Watson (M);
second C. Culver M) ; third, F
Culver (1M). Distance: 24 ft., 9 1/4
Mile relay: Won by Michigan (Leut-
ritz,= Faulkner, Dalyeat, Breiden-
bach). Time-3:13.9. (New Ferr3
Field and meet record).

high school, and have won the Valley
regional meet for six straight years.
His teams have also annexed the state
Class A high school title two years,.
in 1935 and in 1938.-
His successes at Saginaw have not
been confined to track, for his foot-;
ball team won the Saginaw Valley
title in 1937 and twice finished sec-
ond, while his 1938 basketball team
tied for the Valley title and reached
the semi-final round of the state
Class A tournament.
Stackhouse, who is 33 years old, is
a graduate of Central State Teachers
College and coached at three high
schools before coming to Saginaw.
His previous coaching experience was
gained at Cadillac, Sharon, O., and
Smithtown High, Long Island, N.Y.
The best known of the new coach's
products is Bill Watson, who only
yesterday erased another all-time
Michigan record in the discus with a
161 ft. 1 in. effort, and won the
broad jump. Ralph Schwarzkopf
created a new Ferry Field record in
the two-mile run; Jack Leutritz con-
tributed a fast first leg to the one-
mile relay team's great, 3:13.9 record;
and Sherm Olmsted, the fourth of the
Stackhouse products, ran in the high
hurdles rack.
Psi 1U Retains
I Glf Title
Law Club And Wolverines
Cop Division Crowns
Psi Upsilon, Law Club, and the
Wolverines won championships in
their respective divisions yesterday in
the third annual All-Campus Intra-
mural golf tournament in which a
field of 200 linksmen participated.
Psi U's big four of Palmer (78),
Keller (80), McElfrish (82), and
Evans (86) gave their team a low
score of 326 to retain the fraternity
championship which they won last
year. Beta Theta Pi; with 339, took
second place, one stroke ahead of
the third-place Phi Delta Theta
The championship in the profes-
sional fraternity division was won by
Law Club for the second year in suc-
cession. A pair of 79's by Dardas and
Munson, an 89 by Wills and a 94
by Meachum netted the Lawyers an
aggregate low of 341. Nu Sigma Nu
and Phi Chi, two medical fraternities,
captured second and third places,
,In the Independent division, the
Wolverine quartet recorded a low
total of 341 to walk off with the title.
Their individual cards were: Loud,
80; Klonoski and Walbridge, 86; and
i Thorner, 89. The Phys Eds nosed out
the Beeler Boys for the runnerup
spot with a 350 over the latter's 351.
John Kleene of Alpha Delta Phi
turned in a card of 77 for the lowest
card of the tourney.

Barry Keeps Seven Hits
Scattered As Gedeon,
Beebe Hit Home Runsz
(Continued from Page 1)c
Cromer's single and an infield out
after Fisher had inserted the second
string infield.
Charley Pink, the Michigan lead-3
off man, was up five times in the
first six innings, beat out two bunts,1
begged two passes and finally ground-,
ed out to the pitcher.
Ernie Andres fell asleep in the fifth
inning and let Beebe steal third base.
Andres was playing in on the grass for
an expected Pink bunt and forgot to
cover when the Michigan catcher saw
the opening and came down un-
The game opened in front of empty
stands since the track meet was still
in progress, played four innings as a
full house watched and then finished
in semi-privacy as the spectators em-
barked en masse for the spring foot-
ball game.
Turning The Tables
Michigan-11 AB R H 0 A
Pink, cf.............332 1 0
Trosko, If ...........3 2 2 3 0
Peckinpaugh 3b ......4 1 1 3 3
Gedeon, 1b ...........4 1 2 4 1
Greenberg, lb.......0 0 0 0 0
Steppon, ss ..........5 0 0 5 2
Smick, rf ............4 1 1 2 0
Ruehle, rf ............1 0 0 0 0
Lisagor, 2b ...........4 1 1 2 3
Smith, 2b ...........1 0 0 1 1
Beebe, c .............3 2 3 5 0
Evashevski, c ........1 0 0 0 0
Barry, p ..............4 0 1 1 1
Totals ...........36 11 13 27 11

ST. LOUIS, May 13.---(A One of
the biggest baseball trades of recent
years, was completed here tonight be-
tween the Detroit Tigers and the St.
Louis Browns.
The deal, announced by General
Manager Jack Zeller of the Tigers,
centered around Louis (Buck) New-
som, big right-handed St. Louis pit-
cher whom the Bengals have been
after for some time.
In addition to Newsom, Detroit also
gets outfielder Roy Bell, infielder
Ralph Kress and pitcher James
Walkup. In exchange the Tigers gave
the following players: pitchers Ver-
non Kennedy, Roxie Lawson, George
Gill and Bob Harris; outfielder Ches-
ter Laabs and infielder Mark Christ-
Michig'an Golf
Squad Victors
Over Wildcats
Perpich Of Northwestern
Turns In Lowest Score;
Palmer Second In Field
EVANSTON, Ill., May 13.-(Special
to The Daily)-Balance and ability to
come through in the pinches gave
Michigan's high-riding golf team a
13%/2 to 10%/2 victory over Northwes-
tern today.
Led by Capt. Bob Palmer, who
carded 35-37 for 72, second best total
of the day, the Wolverines had little
difficulty in handing the Wildcats
their second defeat of the .season.
Northwestern's Frank Perpich blasted
out a sub-par 36-35-71 total for the
best showing of the day, but even that
wasn't enough to keep his team from
losing its second in six matches.
Michigan's Jack Emery had the
third best total of the day with 38-
The Summaries:
Doubles: Emery and Loar, (M) de-
feated Richardson and Bedrosian,
I (N) 22 to '/2; Perpich and Bland,
(N) defeated Tusing and Palmer, (M)
3 to 0.
Singles: Reiss, (M), defeated San-
non, (N), 2 to 1; Emory, (M), de-
feated Richardson, (N), 2/2 to 1/2;
- Perpich, Northwestern, defeated Loar
(M), 2 to 1; Bland, (N), defeated Tu-
* sing, (M), 2 to 1; Palmer, (M), de-
feated Sannon, (N), 3 to 0; and Bed-
, rosian, Northwestern, tied Reiss, (M)
i. 11% t0 1%.2

Squad Displays Powerfull
Offense, Weak Defense
In Free Scoring Game
(Continued from Page 1)
"black plague" ineligibility take
Bob Westfall smashed over from
the one yard line to start the scoring
in the first 'period after Norm Call
had carried it there on a 10-yard
pass from David Strong. A few min-
utes later Call again scored for the
Yellows when he ran 40 yards for a
touchdown after intercepting a Blue
pass. Strong made the score 13-0
when he kicked the extra point.
Opening the second stanza the
Blues scored twice and made the trys
for the extra points to take a 14-13
lead at half time. A pass from Kromer
to Czak scored the third straight
touchdown for the Blues in the third,
and they ended their scoring for the
afternoon when Strong's punt was
blocked by Czak and recovered by
freshman tackle George Oostroot in
the end zone.
Repeating Czak's performance,
Frutig blocked Luther's attempted
punt on his goal line and Harlin
Fraumann, freshman end of the Yel-
lows, recovered to close the third
period scoring.
The Yellows picked up' where they
left off starting the final frame, and
after an exchange of punts steam-
rollered 40 yards to score again when
Westf all plunged over from the one
yard line. Strong ended an 80-yard
parade by plunging over from the

one yard line to close the scoring and
put his team in the lead.
Blues Pos. Yellows
Rogers LE Frutig
Bill Smith LT Kelto
Fritz (Capt.) LG Melzo
Ingalls C Kodros (Capt.)
Laine RG Butler
Oostroot RT Wistert
Czak RE Fraumann
Megregian Q Kohl
Kromer LH Strong
Dave Nelson RH Call
Christy F Westfall
Substitutions, Blues, Ends: Nielsen,
Purcell. Tackles, Smith, Labadie,
Zielinjski. Center, Ford. Guards,
Morrow, Galles, Thomas. Backs,
Luther, Zimmerman, Banoski, Selt-
zer, Schmeling, Funk, Weber.
Substitutions, Yellows: Ends, Bos-
za, Hamaker, Owens. Tackles, Se-
merad, Flora, Vollmer. Guards, Cun-
ningham, Denise, Paddy. Center,
Wilson. Backs, P. Nelson, Gannatele,
Grissen, Wickter, Roberts, Neumann.
Caps, Gowns & Hoods
Complete Rental and Sales Service
Call and inspect the nation-
ally advertised line of The
C. E. Ward Company, New
London, Ohio.
All rental items thoroughly
sterilized before each time
used, complete satisfaction
guaranteed. Get our Rental~
Rates and Selling Prices.
Phone 8911 Nickels Arcade


Distinction + Beauty


Indiana-1 AB
Corriden, rf ..........4
Kosman ss.........4
Gwin, cf............3
Cromer, lb, p .........4
Andres, 3b..........4
Danielson, 2b .........4
Dro, If, lb..........4
Stoshitz, c ...........3
Hundley, p .........1
Cox, p............... l
Francis, lf ...........1







I j

i i

.. ..



It's the
thing !

Totals ..........33 1 7 24 13
Michigan ........025 220 00x-11
Indiana ..........000 000 001- 1
Errors: Greenberg, Smith, Andres,
Kosman. Two base hit: Danielson
Home runs: Beebe, Gedeon. Stolen
bases: Beebe 2, Peckinpaugh, Lisagor
Sacrifices: Trosko, Peckinpaugh.
Double plays: Peckinpaugh to Lisa-
gor to Gedeon 2; Lisagor to Gedeon tc
Left on bases: Michigan 9, Indiana
7. Bases on balls: off Barry 1; off
Hundley 3; off Cox 1. Hits: off Hund-
ley 6 in 3 innings; off Cox 4 in 2
iiiings; off Cromer 3 in 3 innings.
Hit by pitcher: by Barry (Stoshitch)
Passed balls: Stoshitz 2. Wild pitch:
Hundley. Balk: Cox. Losing pitcher:
Hundley. Umpires: Knode and




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Eddie Tolan, double sprint cham-
pion in the 1932 Olympics, came back
to the old stamping grounds to watch
the track meet yesterday. The Michi-
gan graduate, who is state director
of the Negro NYA, may leave soon
for a trip to the other half of the
* * *
Fielding H. Yost, who is recovered
from his recent illness, claimes he
"never enjoyed a race as much as he
did the relay race yesterday." "Those
boys (Leutritz, Faulkner, Balyeat and
Briednenbach) were poetry in mo-
tion," he asserts.


.I _


Editorial Director of The Daily

Get your

ELLIOTT MARANISS, Editorial Director of The
Daily, will contribute a series of articles,
beginning Tuesday, dealing with the work of
-ba pderl Arts Proicts. in the Nation and





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