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May 14, 1939 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-14

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Great Britain
And The Dictators

Cloudy and warm today,
cooler tomorrow



Militia Is Mobilized
A s Harlan Coalmen
Defy CIOContract
______ 4a

Majority Of Mine Owners
In Appalachian Group
Agree To Union Shop
300,000 Coal Miners
To Return To Work1

Swingout Day
Fetes Seniors
At Convocation

Seniors will don their traditional
FRANKFORT, Ky., May 13.-( )-- graduation attire-flowing robes and
National Guardsmen were mobilized tassled hats-for their annual Swing-
today for duty in the "Bloody Har- out Day next Sunday, May 21, begm-
lan" soft coal fields as operators in ning a round of activities that will
the area refused to sign the New ultimately lead to graduation and

York agreement with the United
Mine Workers of America for a union
Gov. A. B. Chandler, carrying out
his word of several days ago that the
troops would be on hand Monday to
giv6 any miner a chance to work if
he desired, signed the mobilization
>rder for 557 troops, and warned: '
"No one can tell our people to
work or not to work and no one can
come into this state and cause
;rouble. This is not a political mission,
but a peaceful mission."
This statement was issued when
the Governor learned John L. Lewis,
head of the UMWA (CIO), had de-
clared in New York: "Public policy
requires that they keep those mines
closed," adding: "Soldiers will not
operate those mines." Lewis said he
would handle the Harlan situation
Lewis Signs Contract
NEW YORK, May 13.-(JP)-Three
hundred thousand soft .coal miners,
idle for six weeks, will return to work
Monday under the first union-shop
contract ever signed by John L.
Lewis' United Mine Workers of
America (CIO) and a majority of
mae operators of the Appalachian
Fifteen of the 21 coal associations
in the conference signed the two-
year contract today, concluding nego-
tiations which began two months ago
and were marked by unyielding re-
sistance to the union shop until Presi-
dent Roosevelt personally intervened.
The six dissenting associations were
all southern groups, employing about
45,000 men and producing 45,000,000
tons a year, but five individual south-
ern companies followed the majority
and signed separate agreements.
There were indications that perhaps
two entire associations would break
from the southern bloc and follow,
tYellows Win
football Match
'Blues' Defeated, 31-26
In Intra-S quad Game
The Yellows turned the tables on
the Bues and made them swallow
their pre-game boast of victory as
they scored a 31 to 26 triumph in the
annual spring intra-squad football
classic yesterday afternoon at the
stadium before approximately 3,000,
While the entire squad demon-
strated a smooth functioning attack
and steam-rollered its way to nine
touchdowns, it looked poor on de-
fense, according to Coach Fritz
Crisler. This, however, was attribut-
ed to the fact that offense was
stressed during spring drills and de-
fense neglected.
Three major problems will con-
front the Wolverine coaching staff
next fall, stated Crisler: a question-
mark line, the problem of reserves,
and the ever present "ifs and in-
juries." Included in the latter prob-
lem is the question of how will the leg
injuries of fullback Howard Me-
haffey, quarterback Jack Meyer., and
tackle Roland Savilla effect their
play, and how many men will the
(Continued on Page 3)
TYPING: Experienced. Miss;
White, 000 S. Fourth. Phonet
1111. 12
You too can profit from a Mich-1
igan Daily Want Ad. Perhaps

the close of their college careers.
Swingout Day, a traditional Senior
event through more than a quarter
of century of University history, was
only restored two years ago after be-
ing banned for eight years because
of disorderly conduct by the gradu-
ates during the ceremonies.
The festivities this year will in-
clude a march through the campus
by the costumed near-graduates, and
by the University Band. Swingout will
climax in a convocation in Hill Audi-
torium with an address by Prof. Rich-
ard Fuller of the Sociology depart-
College Group
To Hear Benes
At Dinner Here
Ex-Czech President Talks
Tomorrow At Meeting
Of University Officials
Dr., Eduard Benes, ex-Czech presi-
dent, will make his first Ann Arbor
appearance at a dinner of the Asso-
ciation of University and. College
Business Officers at 6:30 p.m. tomor-
row at the Union.
Benes, who is now visiting lecturer
on democracy atkthe University of
Chicago, will talk on "Politics as
Science or Art." Reservations for
the dinner, open to the public, must
be made before noon tomorrow at
the University busiress office, Room
1, University Hall.
It is this dinner which will for-
mally inaugurate the Association
meeting here, although the group will
hold a symposium on social security,
retiring allowances and pension plans
tomorrow morning.
Speakers who will address the
three-day meeting of the Association
include: Prof. William Haber of the
economics department; Dr. Rainard
B. Robbins, vice-president and secre-
tary of the Teachers' Insurance and
Annuity Association of America and
Dr. Merrill G. Murray of the analysis
division of the U.S. Bureau of Old
Age Assistance.
Cline To Describe Hostels
The regular after-supper meeting
of the International Center will hear
a talk by Justine Cline, district direc-
tor of youth hostels in the Mid-West,
on "Youth Hosteling at Home and
Abroad" tomorrow.

Britain May
Offer Russia
Soviet Cooperation Sought
In Completing Coalition
Against Fascist Nations
Political Quarters
Predict Agreement
LONDON, May 13. -(A')- Great
Britain was believed today to be ready
to offer important concessions to
Soviet Russia in an effort to add her
to the British-French line-up.
The Front's gain yesterday of stra-
tegic Turkey left Russia as the most
vital link still missing.
It was taken for granted i virtually
all British political quarters that an
agreement would be reached with
Russia even in the face of caustic
Russian criticism of Britain's coun-
terproposals to the Soviet proposal
of a mutual assistance pact among
Britain, France, the Soviet Union
and possibly Poland.
Chamberlain Prepared
As the British Governmeit awaited'
an official reply to its counter-pro-
posals, political demands that noth-
ing be spared to get an agreement
gained such strength that Prime
Minister Chamberlain was reported
ready to offer further concessions.
So vital was Russia regarded in
the efforts to extend the British-
French front that most informed ob-
servers believed failure to gain her,
cooperation would jeopardize Cham-
berlain's political position seriously. .
Because of Turkey's close relations
with Russia, yesterday's announce-
ment of a British-Turkish mutual de-
fense agreement was taken generally
as a sign that Russia's ultimate co-
operation definitely was counted on.
What price Britain eventually
might have to pay was uncertain, but
some of the most outspoken advocates
of a British-Russian arrangement
said they were in favor of meeting
the highest terms thus far indicated
by Russia.
Japan And Italy Quiet
In the present tension between Ger-
many and Poland over Reichsfuehrer
Hitler's demands for return of the
Free City of Danzig to Germany, both
Japan and Italy have indicated they
were on the side of moderation.
At the same' time the belief was
growing in diplomatic quarters here
that Nationalist Spain would make
an effort to stay neutral in event of
any clash between the great powers.
Hitler Plans Tour
Of Western Forts
BERLIN, May 13.-?)-Reichs-
fuehrer Hitler made plans today at
Obersalzberg; his Bavarian mountain'
retreat, for "a demonstrative" tour I
of Germany's formidable western
frontier fortifications by Nazi leaders.
He also received a lengthy report
from Col.-Gen. Walther von Brauch-
itsch, his chief of army staff, on his
talks with Italian military chiefs.
The demonstrative character of the
tour of fortifications, in which Hitler
himself may participate, was shown
by the fact that all "Reichs-Leiter,"
meaning top Nazis in charge of one of
the main subdivisions of the Nazi
movement, and all "Gau," or district,
leaders, will accompany Colonel-Gen-
eral von Brauchitsch.

Fraternity Sing's
Eliminations ield
Tomorrow Night
Many a fraternity man's heart will
be broken and prestige traimpelled in
the dust tomorrow evening. It is at
that time that eliminations in the
Interfraternity Sing will be held.
The eliminations were necessitated
by the large number of entries in this
year's traditional event. In order to
provide complete impartiality in the
judging of the event, moreover, only
independent members of the Glee
Club will serve as judges.
The presentation of the cup signi-
fying, supreme fraternity singing
championship by lovely Joanna Roos,
one of the cast in the drama festi-
val's "White Steed" will do much,
however, to raise the spirits of all
those fraternities whose vocal abilities
are found to be unequal to their en-


French Order


Fleet To Tunis
To Warn Italy
Mussolini's Scheduled Talk
Forces French To Act
PromptlyIn New Crisis
PARIS, Sunday, May 14.-(P )-
France sent a strong squadron of her
Mediterranean fleet to Tunisian wa-
ters last night upon receipt of re-
ports that Premier Mussolini in a
speech today would engage in an ex-
tremely bitter anti-French outburst.
This turn of events placed the
French - Italian dispute alongside
these weekend developments in the
intense rivalry between Europe's Ger-
man-Italian and British-French bloc.
France found comfort in reports
from Tokyo of new evidences of Ja-
panese reluctance to cast her lot in a
close military line-up with Germany
and Italy.
A further stiffening of. Poland to-
ward Germany was indicated by a
strong protest to the Nazified Danzig
Senate against denying Poles in the
free city.
Editor To Tal
On Advertising
Weil To Be Lecturer Here
In Journalism Series
Advertising in connection with the
newspaper will be discussed by Louis
E. Weil, editor and publisher of the
Port Huron Times-Herald, at 3 p.m.
tomorrow in Room E Haven Hall.
This talk is one in the series spon-
sored by the journalism department.
The next lecture will be given
Wednesday by Ellison Young of the
Border Cities Star, Windsor, Ont., on
"The Canadian Press."
Ben East, Grand Rapids, and Phil-
ip Adler of the Detroit News will be
the final speakers in the series. East
will speak Wednesday, May 24, on
"Outdoor Pages;" Adler will talk
Wednesday, May 31, on Foreign News.
Jepson And Bonelli
Thrown Out Of Hall
Helen Jepson and Richard Bonelli,
who made such a good impression yes-
terday in Verdi's "Otello," didn't do so
well the night preceding.
Returning from a movie, they de-
cided to stop in at Hill Auditorium
and listen to the last few of Marian
Anderson's numbers. Stopped at the
door, they explained who they were,
and asked if it would not be all right
if they were to stand in the back of
the hall until the end of the program.
They were admitted.
It was easier, however, to get in
than stay in. A member of the Uni-
versity police force patrolling the rear
of the auditorium spotted them and
found they had no seats. "You can't
get awaywith this,"hhe asserted,
guilding them toward the door.
There was nothing else to do-they
Last night, to make sure, they en-
tered by the stage door.
Hillel Committee
Heads Announced
Hillel Council Committee chair-
manships for the year 1939-40 were
announced yesterday by Betty Stein-
hart. '40. president of the Council.


Wolverines' 13-Hit Drive
Brings Walk-Away Win;
Beebe And Gedeon Star
Barry Hurls Steady
Game For Victors
Michigan's frustrated Wolverines,
faced with complete elimination from
the Big Ten title race, laid down a
barrage of extra base blows and bunts
yesterday at Ferry Field to over-
whelm Indiana, 11-1 and thus re-
tained an outside chance for Confer-
ence honors as Purdue lost to Ohio
Elmer Gedeon and Leo Beebe led
the 13 hit attack with home runs
while the Wolverine infield extri-
cated Jack Barry from what little
trouble he did get into by executing
three snappy double plays.
Beebe Homers
The avalanche started in the sec-
ond after Bill Steppon, playing short-
;top, struck out and Danny Smick,
playing right feld, grounded to short.
Pete Lisagor singled sharply to left
field and Leo Beebe gave an indica-
tion of things to come with a long
drive to left center that rolled all
the way to the tennis courts. It was
the first homer of the year at Ferry
Field and Beebe was rounding third
by the time the ball was retrieved.
Wolverine prosperity continued un-
abated in the third inning. Charley
Pink beat out a bunt and when Ernie
Andres fell down in attempting to
field Fred Trosko's bunt, Pink raced
around to third and Trosko stopped
at first. Pink scored, and Trosko
went to second when Boz Stoshitz
let a pitch get by him. Walt Peckin-
paugh then walked and Gedeon scored
them both ahead of him with a line
homer down the first base line. Step-
pon grounded out to the pitcher but
Smick got a life on Mike Kosman's
momentary bobble, advanced to sec-
ond on Don Hundley's wild pitch and
scored the fifth run of the inning on'
Beebe's single.
Gedeon Sacrifices
Pink and Trosko started the fourth
by beating out successive bunts.
Peckinpaugh advanced them both
with his sacrifice and Pink came home
on Gedeon's sacrifice fly to left field.
Trosko went to third on Andres' low
throw to first of Steppon's slow roller
and scored on Smick's single to center
The Wolverines were at it again in
;he sixth when Beebe walked and
stole second and third. Pink got on
base for the fourth consecutive time
by walking and he went to second
and Beebe scored on a passed ball.
Trosko walked and both advanced on
Peck's infield out. Pink then scored
the last Michigan run when Gedeon
beat out a hit to deep short.
Barry had the situation well in
hand all along as he scattered seven
hits. The lone Hoosier run came in
the ninth on Earl Smith's bobble, Hal
(Continued on Page 3)
Senior Dues Payable
Senior literary class dues will be
collected Wednesday in the League
and Union in conjunction with the
sale of Senior Ball tickets, Leon Ku-
peck, '39, class treasurer, announced
It is important that dues be paid
before commencement invitations are
received, Kupeck warned.

Overwhelms Ohio State;
Nine Beats Indians, 11-1


Breaks Lash's Record

Ken Doherty's
Post Is Taken
New Yearling Track Coach
Has Trained Former
MichiganCinder Men
The long deferred announcement
of the successor to Ken Doherty as
freshman track coach of the Univer-
sity of Michigan was made and persis-
tent rumors of the past month were
substantiated yesterday with the
naming of Chester R. Stackhouse,1
Saginaw High School coach, to the
The announcement was made by
Athletic Director Fielding H. Yost
following a meeting of the Board in,
Control of .Physical Education.
Stackhouse, who has sent such
track luminaries as Capt. Bill Wat-
son, Ralph Schwarzkopf, Jack Leut-
ritz and Sherm Olmsted to Michigan,
will join Doherty, who succeeds
Charles B. Hoyt as head coach, in the
Doherty last night expressed ex-
treme satisfaction at the Board's
choice. "The Board considered appli-
cations from all over the country," he
said, "and I feel that they chose the
best man for the job. He is a keen
student of track technique and I am
sure that he will fill the bill to per-
fection. Throughout his high school
coaching experience he has shown a
remarkable ability to get men out for
track and keep them out and that is
the kind of man we want for this
Stackhouse comes to Michigan
with a fine record as a developer of
trackmen. In his seven years as track
coach at Saginaw, his teams have
never lost a dual meet to a Class A
(Continued on Page 3)

Relay Team, Breidenbach,
Schwartzkopf, Watson
Pace Thin-Clad's Victory
Hook And Lawton
Handle Shot-Put
An almost total eclipse of the sons
of Ohio State occurred on Ferry
Field yesterday afternoon as the
Buckeye track team moved into the
shadow of the Wolverine powerhouse,
and was nearly obliterated behind a
1021/2 to 28%/ shellacking.
However, even the score was out-
shone as the relay team, Warren
Breidenbach, Capt. Watson, and
Ralph Schwartzkopf turned in record-
shattering performances.
Breidenbach Sets Record
Breidenbach set the fans raving
as he blazed around the track in
the 440 to a 47.2 record. The sopho-
more wasin front all the way, while
Ross Faulkner ran at his shoulder to
finish second ahead of Ohio's Jack
Sulzman. The Wolverine pair ap-
parently boxed Sulzman going around
the turn. The time unofficially bet-
ters the Conference record of 47.4,
and set new Ferry Field and meet
In the final event of the day, the
same duo combined with Jack Leu-
tritz and Phil Balyeat to set a new
record of 3:13.9, the fastest ever run
east of the Pacific coast. Leutritz
and Sulzman led off, and the two
passed the batons together. Faulk-
ier opened up a six-yard lead over
Durwood Cooperrider, and added 48.2
seconds to Leutritz's 49 flat. Phil Bal-
yeat lengthened the margin to twelve
yards over Harley Howells, before
giving the baton to Breidenbach.
Though he didn't really open up,
Warren electricfied the crowd by run-
ning ,away from Bob Lewis to finish
some thirty yards in front with a
48.8 quarter.
Schwartzkopf Breaks Jinx
Ralph Schwartzkopf broke his
Buckeye jinx, the meet mark, and
Don Lash's Ferry Field record for
the two mile, leading Whittaker by
100 yards. Brad Heyl was third.
Schwartzkopf's new mark was 9:17.3.
Captain Watson didn't enter the
shot put. However, he kept busy by
effacing the Ferry Field and meet
recor'ds in the discus with a prodig-
ious heave of 161 feet, one and three-
quarters inches, which is six feet bet-
(Continued on Page 3)
Newman Club
'to Meet Today
Ruthven To Address Group
At Union Breakfast
President Ruthven and Rt. Rev.
Msgr. Allen J. Babcock, vice-rector
of the North American College of
Rome, Italy, will address a breakfast
meeting of the Newman Club, Catho-
lic student organization, at 9 a.m.
today in the Union.
Members of the club and their
friends will meet at the chapel to
take Communion in a body at 8 a.m.
and will then attend the breakfast.
New officers of the club will be in-
stalled at the meeting which is the
last of the season.
Msgr. Babcock, a chaplain to Uni-
versity students before accepting the
post in Rome two years ago, is re-
turning to Ann Arbor for the first
time. Robert Aulenback, '40L, is gen-
eral chairman of the breakfast.
Weather Slows

Britain's King And Queen
Delayed By Dense Fog
QUEBEC, Que., May 13. -(A')--
Precautions for the safety of King
George VI and Queen Elizabeth on
the Empress of Australia as the liner
crawled through drifting ice and
heavy fog 250 miles off Cape Race
today delayed the royal arrival at

British-Turkish Pact Declared
Wedge In Axis' Balkan Line-Up

England, by her recent mutual aid
pact with Turkey, has driven a wedge
in the axis powers' line of diplomatic
and commercial agreements in the
Balkans, declared Prof. Benjamin W.
Wheeler of the history department in
an interview yesterday.
Germany's advance into Czecho-
slovakia and her close relationships
,ith Hungary, together with Italy's
se'izure of Albania, had seemed, to
place the axis powers in a much
stronger position than the Anglo-
French entente in regard to the Bal-
kans, Professor Wheeler added. How-
ever, the Anglo-Turkish pact, he
said, will tend to restore the balance
of power in that area.
Professor Wheeler emphasized,
moreover, that this agreement can
have little military significance un-
til it is proved in time of actual

Turkey than had England. The pact,
he added, will certainly tend to keep
Turkey out of the Rome-Berlin axis.
As the agreement is a victory for
England, so is it a diplomatic de-
feat for Franz von Papen, German
emissary recently sent to Ankara sup-
posedly to forestall that very pact,
Professor Wheeler declared. However,
von Papen's status in. Nazi official-
dom is still a mystery and it is still a
question whether his Turkish mis-
sion was really meant to be impor-
England's bargaining power in the
diplomatic field is greatly streng-
thened by the pact, he declared, be-
cause it gives her free access to the
Dardanells, a privilege which Rus-
sia has been seeking for centuries. He
indicated that England can now of-
fer to use her good offices to secure
for Russia the privileges which Eng-

Student Senate Poll Will Afford
Opportunity To Criticize Courses
Discussion of the Student Senate's is intended to offer an opportunity to
plan to get the student body's evalua- students who couldn't attend the
tion of the University and the formal Parley or who failed to express their
induction of Robert V. Rosa, '39, re- opinions at that time.
tiring Senate speaker and of eight These questions, along with others
honorary faculty members, featured on various phases o'f University edu-
a luncheon given by the Senate yes- cational methods, make up a list con-
terday in the Union. stituting what the Senate's education
William Grier, '39, president of the committee believes to be an all-in-
body, outlined the policy of the Sen- clusive list of complaints, represent-
ate, indicating that it had a two-fold ing views of students, educational
objective; the continuance of the psychologists and teachers the nation
Spring Parley, and the hope for -bet- wide.
ter student-faculty relations through The results of the week's poll will
an improved form of student gov- be published next weekend, and it is
ernment. hoped that it will contain construc-

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