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May 13, 1939 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-13

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Generally fair and somewhat
warmer today and tomorrow.




Open Season
On Candidates

r i

P1| 1 111 I i 1 l - -


Adds Turkey
To Anti-Fascist
Assistance Bloc
London And Ankara Make
Simultaneous Pledges
PromisingMutual Aid
Warsaw Rumors
Danzig Invasion
LONDON, May 12.-() -Great
Britain today brought strategically
placed Turkey into her European se-
curity front; increasing its member-
ship to six nations.
The bitter enemies of the World
War, in statements made simul-
taneously in London and Ankara,
pledged to go to each other's aid "in
event of an act of aggression leading
to war in the Mediterranean area."
Prime mister Chamberlain, who
made the British Government's dec-
laration in the House. of Commons,
said that Great Britain and Turkey
"declare that, in the event of an act
of aggression leading to war in the
Mediterranean area, they will be pre-
pared to cooperate effectively and to
lend each other all aid and assistance
in their power."
"This declaration, like the pro-
posed agreement, is not directed
against any country, but is designed
to assure Britain and Turkey of mu-
tual aid and assistance should neces-
sity arise," he said.
Chamberlain added that "the two
governments recognize that it is also
necessary to insure establishment of
security in the Balkans and they are
consulting together with the object
of achieving this purpose as speedily
as possible."
Warsaw Hits Nazis
WARSAW, May 12.-(A)-Wieczor
Warszawski, nationalist newspaper,
charged today that some 30,000 Ger-
mans had been added to the popula-
tion of the Free City of Danzig in
"an. invasion of armed squads" and
denounced any effort by Germany
to resort to a plebiscite there.
Poland meanwhile solemnly ob-
served the fourth anniversary of the
death of Joseph Pilsudski, who be-
came her president after the nation's
restoration following the World War.
France Backs Daladier
PARIS, May 12.-(/P)-Premier Ed-
ouard Daladier's national defense
government won a strong Parliamen-
tary vote of confidence today in its
declared policy of resistance to any
effort to dominate Europe by force.
Daladier declared France would
continue building alliances and in-
creasing her armed forces as long as
her neighbors maintained "massive
Ruthven Lauds
City Policemen
Says Vice And Corruption
Will Never Exist Here,
President Ruthven last night said
that Ann Arbor would never suffer
from vice and corruption like that of
Champaign, Illinois as long as the
city maintained a responsible and
efficient police force.
"We don't want anything in this

town like that which was discovered
near the University of Illinois last
spring," Dr. Ruthven declared at a
banquet in the Union honoring the
Ann Arbor police department.
In a jesting mood, he admitted that
pick-pocketing was discovered at the
May Festival for the first time this
year, but gave assurance that it would
soon disappear.
"The vandals worked on a couple of
University professors and gleaned 49
cents from one and 89 cents from
the other. I don't think they' will be
Malcolm W. Bingay, of the Detroit
Free Press, and Heinrich Pickert,
Detroit police commissioner also ad-
dressed the banquet.
Reorganization Bill
Passed By Senate
WASHINGTON, May 12.-(P)-
With only five minutes discussion
and without a dissenting vote, the

SigmaRho Tau
To Hear Boyd
At Convention

Alumni Name


University Will
Of State High


* * *
"The Evolution of the Automobile"
will be the subject of an address by
T. A. Boyd, director of fuel research
for General Motors, before 'the tenth
annual convention of Sigma Rho
Tau, honorary engineering society, at
6 p.m. today in the Union.
Boyd, co-discoverer with Charles
Kettering and . Thomas Midgly of
tetraethyl lead to improve gasoline
consumption, spoke here recently at
the University's Guidance and Occu-
pational Information Conference.
More than 200 members of Sigma
Rho Tau are expected to attend the
convention. The most outstanding of
the society's five chapters will re-
ceive a trophy at tonight's dinner. A
barbecue and impromptu speaking
contest will be held this afternoon
on the Island.
To Elimnation
Of Profits Tax!
P'resident Stipulates Other
Guards Against Evasion
Must Be Undertaken
White House conference, involving a
possible showdown on whether 'tax
revision should be undertaken at this
session of Congress and the nature
of the changes to be made, was called
today for Monday afternoon.
President Roosevelt, after saying
he was willing to repeal the remnants
of the undistributed profits tax if
other safeguards against legal tax
evasion. are enacted simultaneously,
summoned both Treasury and Con-
gressional tax authorities to the meet-
Many who have followed the con-
fused tax situation expressed the
opinion that the conference would
find the Congressional group urging
the elimination from the tax sched-
ules of' certain levies which have
been called a handicap to business
and recovery.
The President's view, expressed to-
day, is that if such taxes are repealed,
the resulting loss of revenue must be
offset by new taxes. Those who have
been advocating repeal, he told a
press conference, have failed to point
out how the government would raise
the revenue thus lost.

President Ruthven
Informs Reeipients'
Ninety-seven Michigan high school
seniors today were rewarded for out-
standing scholastic records with
University alumni undergraduate
scholarships for the 1939-1940 school
Announcement of the winners was
made by Dr. Clarence S. Yoakum,
vice-president of the University.
President A. G. Ruthven has in-
formed the recipients of the awards
by letter.
For the first time in the history of
the scholarships, they were awarded
in communities in which there is no
organized University of Michigan
club. The total of 97 is 22 more
than were distributed in 1938.
The scholarships are self-renewing
if the student maintains a satisfac-
tory scholastic average in the Univer-
sity. At the present time there are
190 University students who hold the
scholarships, which cover tuition for
a year.
Selection of scholarship students
is made by Dr. Yoakum from the
nomination of local alumni and al-
umnae clubs. They are chosen on the
basis of scholastic attainments, char-
acter, and financial need.
Six- Ann Arbor students received
the award: Edward D. Deake, Rob-
ert L_..Holand, Elizabeth D. Ivanoff,
Judy Kierpiec, Ruth E. Stitt and
James R. Terrell.
Other winners:
Adrian: Margery R. Mellott and E.
Floy Standish.
Battle Creek: Raymond S. Davis
and Bevery R. Hagelshaw. Bay City:
Clifford E. Roth and Elaine L. Spang-
Benton Harbor-St. Joseph: Walde-
mar F. Firehammer and Donald J.
Birmingham: John S. Gellatly and
Eleanor C. Kelly. Dearborn: George
A. Rebh and Margaret Vickory.
Detroit: Aaron E. Whitehorn, Rob-
ert L. Chapman, LeRoy E. Hutchings,
Max Parris, Richard K. Meinke,
Thomas H. Malim, Roy K. Bradley,
Lawrence J. Healy, Robert P. Bauer,
Daniel J. Kulte, Andrew F. Caughey,
Bruce J. Renaud, Otto E. Chady,
Ferne E. Wheeler, Mildred J. Janusch,
Dorothy A. Johnson, Charlotte L.
Robbins, Jane Thoms, Mary S. Piilo,
Margaret M. Garritson.
Dowagiac: William Suits. Escan-
aba: Frank A. Bender and Aileen B.
Olsen. Ferndale-Pleasant Ridge:
Gertru'de M. Inwood. Flint: Duane
A. Pagel and Janice P. Plumb.
Grand Haven: G. Stewart Johnson.
Grand Rapids: Dorothy L. Arthur,
Quentin R. Verdier. Hastings: Dan-
iel C. Clark. Hillsdale: Lois M. Engle
Mary E. Pate and Walter M. Wil-
Ionia: Edith N. Brown and Donald
(Continued on age 6)
Second semester freshmen in-
terested in trying out for the busi-
ness staff of next year's Gargoyle
will meet 5 p.m. Tuesday in the
Student Publications Building.

To Conclude
Concert Tonight Features
Martinelli In Title Role;
Bonelli WillSing 'Iago'
Prof. Earl V. Moore
To Direet Program
Four days of vocal and symphonic
music in the forty-sixth annual May
Festival reaches its culmination with
a performance of Verdi's May Fes-
a performance of Verdi's "Otello" in
concert form at 8:30 p.m. tonight
in Hill Auditorium.
Singing in the opera will be: Gio-
vanni Martinelli, tenor, as Otello;
Richard Bonelli, baritone, as Iago;
Guiseppe Cavadore, tenor, as Cassio;
Norman Cordon, baritone, playing
both Montano and Lodovico; Helen
Jepson, soprano, as Desdemona;
Elizabeth Wysor, contralto, as Emi-
lia; and Prof. Arthur M. Hackett
of the School of Music, tenor, as
Palmer Christian, organist, the
Philadelphia Orchestra and the Uni-
versity Choral Union, under the
direction of Prof. Earl V. Moore of
the School of Music, will also take
part in the performance.
In the fifth concert of the Festi-
val at 2:30 p.m. today, Georges Enes-
co, violinistcomposer and conductor
will demonstrate all three aspects of
his musical career. Accompanied by
the Philadelphia Orchestra under the,
baton of Saul Caston, he will play'
Beethoven's Violin Concerto in D
major, Op. 61, and then direct the
orchestra in the playing of two of
his own compositions, the "Sym-
phony No. 1 in E flat major, Op. 13"
and the "Rumanian Rhapsody, No. 1."
Smoie,-k Pounded
As Nine Loses,
To Indiana, 9-5
Barry To Face Hoosies
In Crucial Conference

Miss Anderson Receives
Huge Ovation At Festival



Usually staid May-Festival-goers
forgot their dignity last night, and
called Marian Anderson back 18 times
for curtain calls. Applauding loud
and long, the 5,500 who jammed Hill
Auditorium to hear the Negro con-
tralto, subsided only when Miss An-
derson explained that she "would
love to do some spirituals, but they
wouldn't fit in with the program."
Thd' program was all-Brahms.
Visiblyaffected by her reception,
Miss Anderson said: "I thank you all
very, very much," and promised to
sing the spirituals when she came
to Ann Arbor again.
Miss Anderson's program last night
consisted of "Rhapsodie for Alto So-
lo," in which she was accompanied by
the Men's Chorus of the Choral Union,
"Dein blaues Auge," "Imemr leiser7
wird m e i n Schlummer," "D e r
Schmied," and "Von ewiger Liebe."
Hoytmen Face
Ohio In Year's
Last Dual Meet'
Mile Relay Teams Primed
For Race; Capt. Watson
May Not Enter Shot Put
This afternoon Michigan's mighty
track machine will put on it" concep-
tion of "As You Like It," as they
'ace Ohio State in the final dual
meet of the season. The meet will'
start at 1:30 p.m. and students will
be admitted free on presentation of
identification cards.
The cast will include the mile relay
teams which are expected to put on
the finest race of the year thus far.
Larry Snyder has indicated that he
will not run Jack Sulzman in the low
hurdles in order to keep him especial-
ly fresh for the relay, the winning
of which would provide the Bucks
with most of the glory they can ex-
Capt. Bill Watson may forego the
shot put as a result of a slight in-
jury to his hand. Charlie Hoyt is
taking no chances and, though the
hurt is slight, he will not enter him
in that event if there is any danger
it all. However, Bill will compete in
the discus and broad jump and is
favored to win both. Sophomore Bob
Hook will be Michigan's main threat
if Watson doesn't enter the shot, and
looks good enough to take care of
whomever the Bucks enter in the
The duel in the quarter mile will
be overshadowed only by the relay
as the Ohioans will enter three of.
their foursome in the 440. Hoyt will
not announce his selections until the
time comes for the race to start.
As usual, Elmer Gedeon will warm
up for the ball game by running
through the high hurdles in his cus-
tomary speedy fashion. Stan Kelley
(Continued on Page 3)
Dickinson Ponders
Civil Service Bill
LANSING, May 12. -(P)-- Gov-
ernor Dickinson conferred again to-
day with legislators in an attempt to
iron out kinks in the Civil Service
Revision Bill that is before him for
his signature or veto.
The Executive said he would not
decide the fate of the measure until
Monday, when the legislature will
reconvene after a weekend recess.

Council Urges
Program Study
Itn Prof essions
The University Council recently
recommended the establishment of a

Takes No Definite
Action On Dispute

new committee on professional edu- full Appalachian coal conference took
cation in the University, it was an- no action in a two-hour discussion to-
nounced yesterday by Louis A. Hop- night on an agreement reached today
kins, secretary of the council, by its negotiators to grant the "un-
The new committee is to be ap- ion shop" to John L. Lewis' union
pointed by President Ruthven and miners, and thus a final settlement
will study educational conditions in of the controversy that has tied up
the schools offering professional the bituminous mines of 26 states was
training in the University. postponed until tomorrow at the
It will consist of representatives earliest.
of the Schools of Medicine, Law, Den- The conference-made up of 150
tistry, Education, Business Adminis- representatives of operators and an
tration, Forestry and Conservation, equal number of representatives of
Nursing and Music; and of the Col- the union-ended without public ex-
leges of Engineering, Architecture, pression from either side as to the
and Pharmacy; and of the Division orospects for tomorrow, but a high
of Hygiene and Public Health. operators' spokesman said privately
Because of the rapid growth of that it almost unquestionably would
professional training, offered by vari- see the signing of a contract.
ous units of the University, and be- Mines To Open Soon
cause of the probability of further A union spokesman of, equal auth-
development along these lines, the ority put forward a similar view, with
new committee will be formed, the the statement that a general reopen-
Council declared. ing of the mines by Monday seemed
Deans of the College of Literature, certain.
Science and the Arts, and the Dean Both described tonight's discussion
of the Graduate School will serve as as having cleared up questions as to
ex officio members. the effect of the union shop 'upon
This new University Committee on management, and an operators' source
Continuing Professional. Education is commented further that it had been
to replace the University Committee instrumental in dispelling at least
on Postgraduate Education. some of the southern hostility to.
Functions of the Committee, as re- granting that extension of power to
ported by the committee, will be:
"1. to keep itself informed of the There remained however, the pos-
experience of the various units, with: sibility that some Southern operators
a view to harmonizing and improv- would hold out to the end and might
ing established activities for continu- withdraw from the conference rather
ing professional education. than agree to the union shop--which
bs2. to advise the President, onthe was interpreted by James F. Dewey, a
basis of this knowledge, concerning Federal mediator,asaa meaning that all
the desirability and character of new miners affected who were not mem-
projects for continuing professional bers of the United Mine Workers
education." would be required to join after a stip-
ulated period.
Nazs Rs Te Appalachians Affected
Nq a Zis Release The conference, asix-year old or-
ganization which is the largest two-
Austrian Baron sided collective bargaining agency in
4 the country, votes under the unit
rule. That means its contract de-
Rothschild Flies To Zurich; cisions must have a unanimous vote
-but only of those voting. In the
Held Since Anschluss past irreconcilable opponents to some
contract provisions sometimes have
VIENNA, May 12. -(/P)- Baron refrained from voting.
Louis Rothschild. head of the Vienna Specifically, the conference acts
branch of the noted banking family, only for the 8-state Appalachian area,
was released today after having been but since that section produces 70
held prisoner by the Gestapo (secret per cent of the country's bituminous,
police) since shortly after German its labor decisions usually substan-
annexation of Austria. tially control in the rest of the belt.
The Baron, whose freedom had This time, contrary to usual prac-
been delayed by complicated negotia- tice, individual settlements had been
tions involving his property in Aus- under way since yesterday in bitumi-
tria, left immediately by airplane for nous areas outlying the Appalachian,
Zurich, Switzerland. under Lewis' authority and at what
His 13 months imprisonment were almost amounted to the command of
spent on the top floor of the Metro- Federal mediators.

Settlement Expected Soon
With Granting Of UAW's
'Union Shop' Demand
Opening Of Mines
Seen By Monday
NEW YORK, May 12.-V()--The

Contest At Ferry
Michigan's hopes for the
ence baseball title received
setback yesterday afternoonF
Field when a determined

a sharp
at Ferry

Actress' Personality Is Dimmed
.By The Popularity Of Golliwog

team launched a 13 hit attack on
big Danny Smick to take a 9-5 victory{
over the Wolverines in the opener of
the all-important twin bill between
the two schools.
Today Coach Ray Fisher will stake
his chances on Jack Barry's ability
to stem the Hoosiers and put his team
back in the pennant fight. A defeat
today would probably prove fatal tof
either team for each now has two
losses charged against themr. A
Michigan victory would return the
Wolverines to second place with a
crucial fight against the league lead-
ing Purdue nine looming two weeks
Smick, who turned in brilliant per-
formances in pitching two Big Ten
victories, was far below his usual
form yesterday, as he yielded 13 solid
hits and got himself in trouble in
each inning before yielding to Lyle
Bond in the eighth.
The Wolverines encountered con-
stderable difficulty in solving the
offerings of the Indiana curve ball
artist, Dale Gentil, and although
they were able to accumulate nine
bingles during' the course of the
afternoon, they were helpless in the
pinches and only in the fourth were
they able to bunch their blows to do
any real damage.
Michigan started out in typical op-
(Continued on Page 3)
nazis To approve
Cat olic Officials
VIENNA, May i2.-(VP)-Catholic
Church authorities here were noti-
fied by the Nazi Party today that
henceforth personnel changes in the
clergy must be sanctioned by the
Church officials interpreted the
order to mean that Party approval
must be obtained for appointment of
new vicars, pastors and high digni-
taries. ,n informed quarters, it was
believed that Catholic leaders would
seek the advice of the Vatican.
The Party also insisted on examin-
ing lists of candidates for theologi-
cal schools and religious orders, re-
serving the right tn deide whn is n

pole Hotel in two rooms adjoining
those occupied by former Austrian
Chalcellor Kurt Schuschnigg, who
appahrently still was held in the large
grey stone building on the Danube.
It was.understood relatives in Lon-
don and Paris intervened in the
Baron's behalf. Officials were silent,
however, on the nature of the settle-
ment finally reached.

Doris Dalton fears that she is be-
ing typed as The Girl with the Big
Black Dog.
The Black Dog is Golliwog, an un-
clipped French poodle, roughly three
feet by seven. "He has a better pedi-
gree than I have," Miss Dalton ad-
mits. "His stock has known seven
champions in the last three genera-
tions." He has not yet made his stage
debut, but there's plenty of time for
that, she believes, since he is less
than two years old.
Miss Dalton, who will play Helen
of Troy in "No War In Troy!", the
initial presentation of the 1939 Dra-
matic Season opening Monday, finds
hat Golliwog is such a problem that
she has to plan her life around him.
Her reservation for rooms wherever
she stops specifically states "Doris
Dalton and Golliwog." And since
many rooming establishments have
rules which forbid dogs, the actress
often faces the possibility of sleeping
on a nair hnch with A11iino- han-


Students Will Criticize Courses
And Professors In Senate Plan
By NORMAN A. SCHORR answers and criticisms will be sum-
With final examinations only three marized by the education committee
weeks off and before a cry of "sour before publication, and the names of
grapes" can be raised, literary col- the professors involved will not be re-
lege students will have four days this leased. The material will also be sent
week beginning Tuesday to criticize to the several departments.
their professors and courses in the The list of questions prepared by
Student Senate Poll. the Student Senate education com-
Setting up these criticism boxes at mittee, to be used as bases for criti-
strategic points on campus is the cism follows:
first move of the Senate education 1. Should more time be devoted
committee's program to devise an in- to lecture or class discussion?
telligent, critical and constructive 2. Could you suggest improvements
evaluation of the University curricu- for your course?
lum from the student standpoint. The 3. Should there be more frequent
program has received the approval of examinations?
authorities of the literary college. 4. Are your present courses ful-
Specific questions around which filling your expectations; would you
students should build their appraisal repeat them if you were to start over
have been prepared by the education again?
committee. All literary college stu- 5. Does individual opinion receive
dlents were invited to take part in proper reception, proper coopera-
fo rulln. Rpen Pnnkpsaemn emid_1 in

Student Seate
To Honor Rosa
Eight Faculty Men To Get
Honorary Memberships
Robert V. Rosa, '39, retiring speak-
er of the Student Senate, and eight
faculty men will receive honorary
memberships in the Senate at a lun-
cheon at 12:15 p.m. today in the
The men selected, who will be for-
mally inducted at the luncheon, are:
Prof. Charles M. Davis of the geog-
raphy department, Prof. Karl Litzen-
berg of the English department, Prof.
Lewis G. VanderVelde of the history
department, Prof. James K. Pollock
of the political science department,
Prof. Harold J. McFarlan of the en-
gineering college, Dr. Edward W.
Blakeman, counselor in religious edu-
cation, Prof. Richard C. Fuller of
the sociology department and Prof.
I. L. Sharfman, chairman of the
economics department.
Rosa's appointment follows the pre-
cedent set by the original Senate last
year when it inducted its speaker,
Richard M. Scammon as an honorary
member upon his retirement. The
faculty men are being taken in by the
present Senate in an effort to pro-
mote better relations between the
faculty and the student body. They


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