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May 12, 1939 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-12

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Michigan's Gridiron Fans


Title, Despite Line


wolverines Seek Third Consecutive Big

Ten Track Crown


Michigan Host
To Conference
Next WeekEnd
Balance, Power Establish
Hoytmen As Favorites
To Win Outdoor Title
The 39th annual Western Confer-
ence Track and Field Championships,
a meet that has produced some of
the most remarkable performances
in the history of the sport, will be
held in Ann Arbor May 19 and 20 un-
der the auspices of the University of
Michigan with the Wolverines seeking
their third consecutive team title.
Most notable products of the Big
Ten championships are the four
world's records which Jesse Owens
of ;Ohio State established or equaled
in 1935, in the 100-yard dash, the
220-yard dash, the 220-yard low
hurdles, and the broad jump, to bring
recognition to the Ferry Field track
as one of the fastest and best-con-
ditioned in the country.
Osgood Sets Record
Also products of the Big Ten meet
are the American record for the 120-
yard high hurdles of :14.0, set on
the-rain-soaked Ferry Field track in
1937 by Michigan's Bob Osgood for
what was then also a world's record,
and the collegiate record for the two-
mile run, 9:104, made by Walter
lVehl of Wisconsin at Ohio State last
Michigan's quest for a third
straight team, title will also be a
quest for a sixth outdoor champion-
ship for Coach Charlie Hoyt, and
his last, as he goes to Yale as head
coach next fall.,
Wolverine team balance and power,
as asserted in winning a sixth con-
ecutive Conference indoor title last
winter, is again expected to pre-
vail. Returned from last year's team
are the winners of 47 of Michigan's
601/2 points, to go with a strong
sophomore contingent. Leading the
veterans is Capt. Bill Watson, who
last year scored his second triple
win in the shot put, discus and broad
jump and added a third place in the
high jump for 18 points. The sopho-
mores are headed by Warren Breid-
enbach, who equaled the all-time
Michigan record for the 440-yard
dash of :48.0 in his first outdoor race.
Ten Champs Return
Champions in ten events return to
defend their titles in the champion-
ship meet, and records are periled in
at least five events.
The defending champions are John
Davenport of Chicago in the 100-yard
dash, Bob Lewis of Ohio State in the
220-yard dash, Harley Howells of
Ohio State in the quarter mile, Walter
Mehl of Wisconsin in the two-mile
run, Elmer Gedeon of Michigan in.
the 120-yard high hurdles, Michi-
gan's Watson in the shot put, discU!
and broad jump, Milt Padway of
Wisconsin. co-champion in the pole
vault, and Ohio State's mile relay
Apparently doomed are three
records, in the pole vault, discus and
mile relay.
Padway Has Indoor Mark
Padway set a Big Ten indoor mark
of 14 feet 1% inches last winter and
has consistently surpassed the out-
door record of 13 feet, 10% inches set
by Vern McDermott of Illinois in
1930. Watson in the discus has con-
sistently approached or bettered the
discus record, set at 155 feet 2 inches
by Arlie Mucks of Wisconsin in 1916
as the oldest record in the book.
Ohio State's relay team of Jack
Sulzman, Durwood Cooperrider, Bob
Lewis and Harley Howells recently
ran the mile in 3:14.1 for the fastest
time ever run east of the Rockies.
But the Buckeyes must face a Michi-

gan team of Warren Breidenbach,
Phil Balyeat, Doug Hayes or Jack
Leutritz and Ross Faulkner, that last
winter set the Big Ten indoor record.
The outdoor mark of 3:15.2 was set
by Michigan in 1935 as the fastest
college mile ever run outside the
Pacific Coast.
Watson will also assail his shot put
mark of 52 feet 111/2 inches, set last'
year and which he has bettered by
more than a foot this spring. Bob
Diefenthaler of Illinois, indoor high
jump champion, will also make an
attempt on the mark of 6 feet 7%/
inches left by Ohio State's Dave

Competes In Big Tens

Earl Riskey, Jim James Responsible

A Touchdown Twin

For Steady

Progress In I-M Sports

It was just ten years ago last
November whenrMichiganbegan its
New Deal in Intramural sports.
At that time the I-M Department
moved its headquarters from old
Waterman Gymnasium to the huge
$850,000 structure at Ferry Field.
Along with the new building came
two men. One was Earl Riskey,
a husky ex-pro football player and
steel worker, who did some physical
education work at Ypsi before coming
here. The other newcomer was Jim
James, a former baseball coach at
Iowa State Teachers College. Since
that time, Riskey, James and the
new building have gone a long way in
increasing interest and bettering the
conditions of intramural athletics at
the University of Michigan.
Number of Participants Increases
Back in. 1928, about 300 students
found time to work out and take part
in 26 different sports. Last year more
than 4,500 came down to the I-M
Building and they found 34 games
that they could play there. When
the figures are compiled this year,
it is expected that almost 5,000 stu-
dents will have used the facilities
during 1939.
The Riskey-James duet have
brought about many changes in the
I-M program. First of all they de-

Walter. Mehl, Wisconsin senior,
will defend his Big Ten record of
9:10.4 in the two-mile run against
a strong conference field in the
Big Ten Track Championships to
be held here May 19-20. He also
holds the collegiate mark in this,
event, with a time of 9:11.1 which
he ran in the N.C.A.A. meet last
year. Mehl will run against Michi-
gan's Ralph Schwarzkopf.


Varsity Baseball Squad Boasts
wealth Of Talent For Next Year

leted the old, intra-class competi-
tion in 1930 when they came to the'
conclusion that it was too cumber-
some to produce much interest among
the students.
In 1931 they started a program for
the faculty members, and in 1937,
co-recreational activities were in-'
augurated. Since then a mixed group
meets at the I-M Building every
Saturday night to swim and play
badminton and volleyball.
In 1938 the graduate division was
added. This includes the professional
fraternity leagues and ,also the all-
campus graduate competition.
Foreign Students Get Division
This year the I-M Department
started a division for the foreign stu-
dents. Next fall Riskey and James
have still another plan in view, for
at that time there will be 14 men's
dormitories on campus. A dormitory
league will add at least 200 to the list
of students who now use the I-M
building for organized sports.
Organizing new divisions is not the
I-M Will Present
Variety Of Sports
During Summer
Students and faculty members at
this year's summer session won't have
to worry about diversion from their
studies, for the Department of In-
tramural Sports has a widespread
activities program lined up for them
this summer.
As usual, baseball will headline the
outdoor curriculum. The I-M Build-
ing has equipment and facilities suf-
ficient to allow more than ten games
to be played at the same time on
the South Ferry Field diamonds.
Besides baseball, those on campus
who desire outdoor sports will also
find the University Golf Course, the
I-M horseshoe rings, and the Ferry
Field tennis course available for
their use.
Swimming will be the main attrac-
tion on the I-M indoor program. The
pool will be open daily during the
hot summer days. The students and
faculty members will also hay; ac-
cess to the two gymnasiums in the
I-M Building, the squash and hand-
ball courts, as well as equipment for
many other indoor sports.
The locker fee this year will be $2
and this includes a locker, a combi-
nation lock and clean towels at any
time. Fifty cents of this fee will be
refunded when the towel and lock
are returned.
The I-M department will continue
the service it inaugurated last year,
of supplying athletic equipment for1
picnics of University groups.

only thing that the Riskey-James
combination have accomplished so
far. In 1929 they held an I-M Open
House in order to show off the new
building. A good sized crowd turned
out, but it was decided to hold the
affair the next year too so that those
that missed the first showing might
take it in at that time.
Well, you know the outcome. The
campus kept coming out year after
year to see the "new" building. The
I-M Open House is an annual event
now attracting thousands of visi-
tors every year.
Free Instruction Offered
This year Riskey and James
thought of another new plan. They
started giving free instructions to
students on the various sports that
could be played around the building.
Although they succeeded in organiz-
ing classes in 16 different games, they
still have hopes for a great deal more
progress along these lines in the
James attributes most of the I-M
success to the recent economic de-
pression in this country. "When the
students couldn't afford to go to
shows five years ago, they came
down here to work out," he said.
"After that, they got in the habit and
Just kept on coming."

Tom Harmon, 185 pond sopho-
more halfback for the Crisler squad,
who made quite a name for him-
self in the Conference with his
fleet-footed ball carrying, is ex-
pected to spark plug the Wolver-
ine backfield next season. '

Wolverines Look To Doherty

Michigan may not win the Big Ten
baseball championship this spring.
It's still too early to foretell what the
Wolverines' exact position in the titles
race will be. However with the season
a month old, one factor has already
been definitely determined - that
Wolverine diamond stock is on the
After a dismal seventh place show-
ing in the Conference' last year,
,oach Ray Fisher has turned out a
title contender this season out of
practically the same personnel. The
great improvement can be traced to
two causes, harder hitting by the
regulars, and the added spark pro-
vided by a pair of sophomore in-
fielders, Mike Sofiak and Bill Step-
Several senior members of this
year's nine, notably Capt. Walter
Peckinpaugh, Elmer Gedeon -and
Danny Smick are expected to break
into professional ball after complet-
ing their careers in June. This trio
plus -two more dependable veterans,
Leo Beebe and Pete Lisagor, will be
hard to replace while two valuable
reserves, Harold Floersch and Earl
Smith will also be among the miss-
However, an equally strong nine is
forecast for next season despite the
loss of such talented performers. In
the infield the keystone combination
of shortstop Sofiak and second sack-
er Steppon should develop into one
of the best units in Michigan history
with a year's experience behind them.y
Sofiak has kept his average above
Tennis Team
Prospects Are
For the first, time in many -years,
the outlook for the Michigan tennis
team is a cheerful one. Formerly,
when the net squad was mentioned,
it was in a haphazard, unconcerned
way. "Sure we have a tennis team,"
was the general statement and it
ended at that.
However, during the last few years,
collegiate tennis all over the coun-
try has been on the upswing, and
the Michigan team has received a
share of topnotch players.
On this year's Southern trip, the
Wolverines showed signs of improve-
ment over the past, by returning to
Ann Arbor with five wins against
one defeat. The wins were over Du-
quesne, George Washington, Mary-
land, Washington and Lee, and

the .300 mark all season and is im-
proving steadily in the field. Steppon,
essentially a power hitter, will step
into a reguiar berth after under-
studying Pete Lisagor and serving
as a general utility man this spring.
The third and first base positions
offer somewhat more of a problem.
Art Bergeson, understudy to Peckin-
paugh at third this season, should
be able to take over the hot corner
if he proves his ability to hit Big
Ten pitching, but will be pushed to
the limit by freshman Bud Cham..
berlain, whose punch at the plate
may rate him an edge.
Howard Greenberg will probably be
given first crack at Gedeon's first
base post after two years in a substi-
tute's role. "Hank" is an excellent
fielder and is improving rapidly
at the. plate. If Greenberg happens
to falter, the job will go to another
veteran, George Ruehle, or freshman
Herman Grafeld.
The pitching staff will sorely miss
the services of Smick, one of its two
outstanding performers, but Danny's
spot may be completely filled by Steve
Vukas, stocky Pittsburgh freshman,
whom Coach Fisher labels one of the
best prospects ever to play here.

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ToExtend Hoyt's Track Record
By DISK SIERK Doherty will have a wealth of
w era in Michigan track will material to work with when he takes.
ext year when John Kenneth over next fall. While he will lose
r, familiarly known as "Ken" such sterling performers as Capt.
many he has initiated to that Bill Watson, Elmer Gedeon, Doug
s freshman mentor, succeeds Hayes, Ross Faulkner and Hod Dav-
B. Hoyt as head coach of the idson, there are enough holdovers
nes. and promising freshmen to assure
whlose Michigan teams have another Michigan track team, which
hed the finest record in the is synonomous with saying it will
of the Big Ten during his be a good track team.
ars as head coach, has ac- Wolvernes Will Miss Watson
a position as track coach and Watson's loss will be the most keen-
ainer at Yale University. ly felt because the versatile captain
Hoyt Michigan lips won at was always good for points in at least
e title indoors or out for each three events outdoors and a certain
nine years, taking 12 out of first place winner in the shot put
be 17 Big Ten titles.uThe indoors. While in all probability no
n are top-heavy favorites to one will be able to touch his shot
outdoor Conference meet in put records for some time (his best
bor May 19 and 20 and make to date is 54 ft. 1 in.), Bob Hook,
r 18 as a going-away present who is fairly consistent at 47 ft., will
popular Charley.be good for points, as well as Tom
oprMchiaey llhLawton, a sophomore who is showing
)herty, Michigan will have a great improvement.
replacement, who, like his Also moving up from the freshman
ssor, is a keen student of squad to augment the weights depart-
nd field technique. American ment is George Ostroot, promising
on champion fti 1928 and tackle for Fritz Crisler's grid team.
nd a member of the United Ostroot "is even bigger than Watson
Olympic team in 1928, Ken and has done close to 45 ft. in the
Michigan after serving as shot put indoors. He has also broken
Lt to Keene Fitzpatrick at the freshman discus record unoffi-
)n. cially in the Field House and in
doing so showed what Doherty char-
acterized as "perfect form."
ecession Gedeon Is Senior
The loss of Gedeon will also be
keenly felt as Elmer is Big Ten In-
door and Outdoor high hurdles
champ. But the silver lining appears
in the presence of Stan Kelley, who
has pressed Gedeon through two
he coming year look brighter. years of competition without ever
KEY: Michigan's hockey team quite leading him home. Kelley is
r than the ice they play on. the best of the high hurdlers but
ad more trouble just scoring several sophomores and at least one
nesota than they used to have freshman have shown stuff in the
them. . So ,they lost their lows.
m thehBigT e yrosnand rost Jeff Hall, Bob Barnard, and Tom
f the Big Ten crown and most (Conitinued on Page 1)
r prestige. Spike James' skill (ContinuedonPage___
goal and the spunk of George , ii
kl Chadwick, Evie Doran and Saing Club Has
lberg was about all the puck-
ad to offer. Thirty Members

1938 Football
Team's Power
Kindle's Spirit
Strong, Veteran Backfield
To Return; Munn Loses
Seven Men From Line
For the first time since natonal
championship days back in 1933,
Michigan football fans are talking
title again-talking despite the
warnings of Line Coach Clarence
Munn that forward wall trouble lies
just ahead.
With their enthusiasm rejuven-
ated by the return to gridiron power
of Coach Fritz Crisler's cohorts in
1938, the Wolverine followers are
pointing to that "dream backfield"
which includes two All-Conference
performers and to the record of last
year's line which was scored upon
but once, and then with the third-
stringers in the game.
Line Stalwarts Gone
But the Michigan coaching staff
refuses to go out on any limb until
the first line of defense has been
tried and found capable. Gone from
the Gibraltar-like forward wall of
last fall are such stars as All-Ameri-
can guard Ralph Heikknen, his
running mate Jack Brennan who
has signed with the Green Bay
Packers, giant tackle Don Siegel,
All-East performer who has turned
to professional boxing, and captain
and tackle Fred Janke.
"It's tough to replace boys like
that," growls Coach .Munn.
Missing also from spring drills are
three veteran ends who will have
to be replaced; Danny Smick, nine
letter man, and lanky Elmer Gedeon
will graduate in June and Vince Val-
ek, junior star of 1938. has left
school- owing to scholastic difficul-
Kodros Returns
The picture is not without its silver
lining however. There is barrel-chest-
ed Archie Kodros, captain-elect,
whose play at center stamps him as
a possible All-Conference prospect,
Husky Ralph Fritz, former Kiski
prep school powerhouse will replace
Jack Brennan at left guard, senior
tackle Bill Smith returns for a regu-
lar job and John Nicholson and Ed
Frutig are tried ends of merit.
South Dakota's George Ostroot,
210 pound tackle, and guard Bill
Melzow are the leading line pros-
pects from the freshman team and
are making their bids for regular
jobs. Watch Ostroot in particular.
He's in the first line now.
As for the backfield, there will be
none in the Big Ten to top it.
"Touchdown Twins" Are Back
Last season the sophomore quartet
of Tom Harmon, Paul Kromer, For-
est Evashevski and Howard Mehaf-
fey ran wild. Halfbacks Harmon and
Kromer, both 10 second men, were
soon dubbed the "touchdown twins,"
and they lived upto that cognomen.
Harmon is one of the most elusive
broken-field runners in the Confer-
ence, a good blocker and accurate
passer; while Kromer, a smaller boy,
lugs the ball and takes care of the
Big Forest Evashevski, the one-man
gang, loves to block and how he does
it! That's practically the exclusiv
job of a Michigan quarterback in
addition to barking signals and Evy
rated All-Conference recognition last
season along with Harmon.
Westfall Impresses
Fullback Mehaffey, a hard driver,
has been out this spring with a bad
leg and it looks like he may not get
his job back. Stocky freshman Bob
Westfall, former Ann Arbor High
School star, has been the sensation
of the camp with his pile-driving

power and jarring blocks plus pass-
ing ability. He loves the game and is
carving a niche for himself in that
starting lineup.
The veteran backs lost by gradua-
tion include Halfback Norm "Mad-
cap" Purucker and fullbacks Wally
Hook and Ed Phillips.
Doubtful quantity number one is
Roland Savilla, towering tackle who
may hold the key to the line diffi-
culties. Savilla suffered an injury to
his foot in last year's heartbreak-
ing Minnesota battle and was out for
the remainder of the year. The foot
is still troubling him somewhat and
his status remains clouded.
The spring practice session will be
climaxed Saturday when Coach Cris-
ler turns his warriors loose in Fn
intra-squad scrimmage on the Stadi-
um greensward. Then it's wait until

FootballRevival, Basketball R
Characterizes 1938-1939

As the athletic year fades into its
wanning days, a glance in retrospect
at 12 months of Michigan athletics
must follow a roller-coaster trail.
Ups and downs featured the year as
Wolverine fortunes hit periodic highs
and lows.
FOOTBALL: A four year drought
was broken when a "revitalized"
Michigan football team, playing its
first game under Head Coach Fritz
Crisler, clearly outplayed its upstate
rival, Michigan State, 14-0. The soph-
omore backs, Harmon, Kromer and
Evashevski, and veterans Hook and
Purucker, ran riot behind one of the
most powerful lines in Michigan his-
Chicago came and was snowed
under 45-7 in the biggest rout in the
15 years. The sophomores again shone
and the Maroons lone tally came
when Big Ten sprint champion John
Davenport sneaked behind the third
string secondary, caught a 40-yard
pass and outran the Wolverine re-
National championship hopes went
glimmering when, with five minutes
remainingv in the la~st priod[the

ters into his own hands and ran
roughshod single-handed up and
down the Yale Bowl. Final score:
15-13 as Wolverine stock slumped
The sophomore touchdown twins,
Harmon and Kromer, led the Wol-'
verines to an easy win over a sorry
Illinois eleven, 14-0. Against Penn
a week later, the twins ran wild
again and Ralph Heikkinen, stocky
guard continues to attract national
Northwestern comes anu takes with
it Michigan's Big Ten hopes as the
two teams play to a scoreless tie. A
heroic Wolverine goal line stand and
Norm Purucker's 44 yard run on last
down from punt formation with one
minute to play leave 67,000 gasping.
Revenge is sweet as Michigan
trounces Ohio State 21-0 to finish
the season with six wins, one loss
and one tie.
Harmon, Evashevski and Heikkin-
en make Big Ten teams while Hike
is a unanimous choice as all-Ameri-
BASKETBALL: A highly success-

make tI
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share of
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sters ha

WRESTLING: After an undefeated
dual meet season which saw the
grapplers whip Indiana, Coach Cliff
Keen's team lost their Big Ten title
to the Hoosiers. Harold Nichols was
the lone Conference champion and
then the Wolverine captain went on
to annex the National Collegiate title
at 145 pounds.
SWIMMING: Other Mi c h i g a n
teams may have their ups-and-
downs but the swimmers just keep
rolling along. Matt Mann's team re-
gained its Big Ten crown from Ohio
State by rolling up a new record total
of 73 points. Tom Haynie, Jimmy
xx?.1.l .. fY..1+ I r r -I,; --A 4u r« .-,-.

Perhaps one of the youngest, but
by no means least active sports or-
ganization at the University is the
Michigan Sailing Club. Formed in
the spring of 1938, the Club now
boasts a membership of 30 members,
and owns four dinghies.
The club does all its sailing on
Whitmore Lake near Ann Arbor, and
is the only university sailing club in
the middle west. Because of this, it
has been asked by the Intercollegiate
Yacht Racing Association to form the
nucleus for the organization of col-
legiate racing in this part of the coun-

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