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May 12, 1939 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-12

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Literary College Summer


Offers Variety Of

400 Courses


ive graduate
Credit Hours'
All Departments Offering
Wide Range Of Classes
For 46th Summer Term
The offered curriculum for the sum
mer school session of the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts con-
sists of 391 courses, 69 of which give
undergraduate credit only, and 322
courses giving graduate credit.
The astronomy department wil of-;
er seven courses, the Solar System,
the Stars and Nebulae, Elementary
Observational Astronomy, Hhistory
of Astronomy, Solar Physics, Stellar
Spectroscopy, and research, under the
entire astronomy staff.
In the botany department, Ele-
ments of Botany may be taken for
undergraduate credit only. Courses1
giving graduate credit are Systematic
Botany and Field Studies, Microbiol-
ogy of Soil, Plant Physiology, Plant
Anatomy, Geological History ofI
Plants, Research in Mycology and
Pathology, Research and Advanced
Instruction in Plant Anatomy, Re-
search and Advanced Instruction in
Plant Physiology, Research in Paleo-
botany and Unclassified Research.
Undergraduate credit only will be
given in the chemistry department
for General and Inorganic Chemis-
try, and Qualitative Analysis. Gradu-
ate credit will be given for Elemen-
tary Theoretical and Physical Chem-
istry, Physiochemical measurements,
and several courses in organic chem-
Four Classical Courses
In the department of classical ar-
chaeology, four courses are being of-
fered for graduate credit. They are
Introduction to Classical Archaeology,
ioMnur ients of the City of Rome, and
two laboratory courses in Roman an-
Two courses are being offered for
undergraduate credit only by the ec-
onomics department: Principles ofl
Economics I and II. Giving gradu-
ate credit are Money and Credit, In-I
ternational Trade, Far -Eastern Ec-
onomic Problems, Latin-Americant
Economic Problems and Modern Ec-
onomic Society, Imperfect Competi-
tion, American Economic Develop-
ment, Elements of Accounting, Ele-
mentary Economic Statistics, Appli-
mentary Economic Statistics, Ap-
plications of Economic Statistics,t
Business Cycles, Special Problems in
Far Eastern International Economic
Relations, Special Problems in Latin-
American International Economict
Relations, Essentials of Economic
Theory, and Research Work.t
English Department
In the English department, five.
courses are being offered in English
composition, three for undergraduatel
credit only and two giving graduate
Courses on theA English languaget
giving graduate credit are Old Eng-
lish, Chaucer, Introduction to Mod-
ern English, Introduction to Lin-
guistic Science, the Rise and De- .
velopment of Standard English, and1
Practical Semantics.1
English literature courses for un-
dergraduate credit only are Intro-
duction to English Poetry and Intro-
duction to English Prose. For gradu-
ate credit are the Modern Novel, Mil-
ton, Age of Wordsworth, Introduc-
tion to the Poetry of Browning, 'Vic-
torian Literature, Drama of the
Restoration and the Eighteenth Cen-
tury and Shakespeare's Tragedies.
The English Drama from the Be-
ginning to 1600, English Nondramatic
Literature of the Renaissance, the
Age of Milton, English Literature

from 1730 to 1798, History of Ameri-
can Literature Before 1830. A spe-
cial reading course, and the Teach-'
ing of English.
To Hold Seminars
In addition, there will be prosemin-
ars in the Renaissance, English Dra-
ma, the classical period, rhetoric and
criticism, in the Victorian period,
American literature, and creative
writing. There will also be a course
in bibliography and methods of re-
search, a seminar in Renaissance
Literature, a seminar in seventeenth
century literature, and courses in
special research.
Two courses for graduate credit are
being offered in rhetoric and criticism.
The fine arts department is offer-
ing three courses, all giving graduate
credit: Early Chinese Art, Art and
Archaeology in Farther Asia, and
Studies in Far Eastern Art.
Two undergraduate courses will be
given in the geography department:
an Outline of Regional and Economic
Geography, and directed readings ins
special geographical problems for un-
dergraduates. For graduate credit
are Geography of South America,
Distribution of Population, Lands and
Peoples of China, Lands and Peoples
of Russia, Research and Special Work
and a field course in the Far East.
Geology Credit Given
The geology department will give
undergraduate credit for Physica

To Play During Summer

Ad VaHced W~ork
Features Sessioii
(Continued from Page 1)
courses for teachers, librarians, en-
gineers and professional men in ac-
tive practice, and there will be gradu-
ate courses leading to higher degrees.
Because men who ire leaders in spe-
cial lines of work can be brought here
and because of the coordinating of
various departments and outside or-
ganizations, according to Professor
Hopkins, the Summer work in many
respects offers advantages not avail-
able for certain work in the regular
Schools which will take part this
year in the Summer Session will be
the College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, College of Engineering, Col-
lege of Pharmacy, College of Archi-
tecture, School of Education, School
of Business Administration, School
of Music, Medical School, Law School,
Graduate School and the Division of
Hygiene and Public Health.
Many courses will also be carried
on in special field stations outside of
the campus. Among these will be tie
Biological Station at Douglas Lake,
nine miles from Pellston, and Camp
Filibert Roth of the School of For-
estry and Conservation, near Munis-
ing. The Biological Station is for
field work in the departments of bot-
any and zoology and will form an
important part of the work of those
departments, supplemented by courses
here. The Forestry Camp will have
all of the courses offered by the for-
estry school for the summer.
The Geology Station will hold its
'regular session, offering field work of
introductory and specialized charac-
ter, with the surveying work in the
College of Engineering at Camp Da-
vis, in Jackson Hole, Wyo. Sessions
(Continued on Page 5)
American Countries Since Independ-
ence, Antislavery Movement, Age of
the Reformation, American History
and Far-Eastern History.
The Hygiene department will give
a course in General Health and Pub-
lic Health.
Principles of Journalism will be giv-
en for undergraduate credit only by
the journalism department. For
graduate credit in this department
will be Feature Writing, Advertise-
ment Writing, Community Newspaper
and Teaching Problems in High
School and College Journalism and
in Supervision of School Publications.
Landsoape Credit Offered
City Planning and Civic Improve-
ment and Landscape Gardening will
be offered by the landscape design
department for graduate credit.
. Graduate credit in the Latin de-
partment will be given for Latin Lit-
erature in English, 'Roman Comedy,
-Monuments of the City of Rome,
Medieval Latin, Latin Writing, Teach-
ers' Course in Virgil, Lucretius, Latin
Inscriptions, Laboratory Course in
Roman Antiquities, Direction of The-
sis Work, Special Problems in the
Training of Latin and a seminary in
the Annals of Tacitus.
,The library science department will
present courses in Cataloguing and
Classification of Books, Book Selec-
tion for Libraries, Library Adminis-
tration, Reference Work and Biblio-
graphy, National and Regional Bibli-
(Continued on Page 5, Section 2)

Observatory At Lake Angelus

gan and the pattern of living exem- Siium er Expenses
plified will remain with themr where-
ever they must return. Considerably Less
The camp is not planned on the
"curriculum basis," with a rigid daily (Continued from Page 1)
schedule, according to Mr. Nicholas
Schreiber, coordinator of program continue for four weeks or more will-
and personel at the Fresh Air Camp, be entitled to the privileges of the
but the activities of each boy are in- Michigan Union or the Michigan
dividualized to fit in with his natural League Health Service, and to sub-
interests and personality traits. scriptions to the summer Michigan
The usual military style of cabin Daily.
or tent arrangement has been aban- Fees will be required to those at-
doned, Mr. Schreiber said, in favor tending as visitors as well as those
of an irregular type of lay-out. Great who wish to do regular work and
emphasis is placed on swimming, he take the examinations.
said, and of the 6,200 boys who have - ----
attended, at least nine-tenths are joring in education, sociology or allied
swimmers before they leave. fields. They are given an opportuni-
The counsellors are all seniors ma- ty to use their classroom theory
- - ~ -- - - - -- - ----



Above is showi the McMath-Hulbert Observatory of the University of
Michigan, located at Lake Angelus, near Pontiac. Much valuable astro-
nomical research has been done here, including outstanding spectral
Fresh Air Camp Has Benefitted
6,20OBoys In Past 18 Years
By ROY BUEHLER The camp is not necessarily in-
Society made the mistake, but little tended for underprivileged children,
tbv, o thA vitimeo tt ~ct~ t ,,+- n . Ha 2.r 4 --L...





A large and Complete Stock of Writing
Materials of Nationally-Advertised Makes
at Considerate Prices.


lys are ue victims of slum dastr icts,
divorce-broken families and alley
mobs which make life hardly worth
living for thousands of persons all
over the nation.
This was not the environment a
small but energetic group of Michi-
gan men thought proper for youth to
experience. These men decided, there-
fore to establish what came to be the
University of Michigan Fresh Air
Camp at Patterson Lake in 1921, just
18 years ago.

in the sense that they do not have
enough food and clothing, according
to Mr. George Alder, director of the
camp, but it is for those youngsters
who lack proper associations at home,
and who lack a wholesome family en-
vironment because of divorced or un-
sympathetic parents.
The camp attempts to provide such
an atmosphere during the four weeks
it handles each group of campers,
and hopes that the associations with
the student counsellors from Michi-

New and Used, Office and Por-
table models. Bought, Sold,
Rented, Exchanged, Cleaned,
Repaired. Also Supplies. Ini-
tial payment of rent may
apply in the event of purchase.

The Burton Memorial Bell Tow-
er, shown above, houses the Charles
L. Baird Carillon, one of the largest
in the world. The campanile was
erected two years ago to perpetuate
the memory of former President
Giving graduate credit are Advanced
German Composition, Advanced Ger-
man Conversation, Middle-Class Dra-
ma in Germany, Old High German,
Gothic, Introduction to Middle High
German Literature and a seminar in
Studies in German Literature since
Elementary Greek, Iliad of Homer
and Introduction to Classical Arch-
aeology are being offered by the
Greek department.
In the History department, under-
graduate credit only will be given
in Western Civilization to 1500, His-
tory of the United States, 1783-1840,
and Europe in the Eighteenth Cen-

WATERMAN and Others.
Priced $1.00 and up
Service Work a Specialty.
Promptly and neatly done by
experienced operators at mod-
erate rates. 'Student work a
specialty for 30 years,
ate Street
SStationery Store
Phone 6615


Your Summer Wardrobe

... PLAYTIME.. .
You are coming to summer school, and of course you want an
up-to-the-minute" wardrobe - something to wear on every
occasion; cool, sheer formals, light date dresses, comfortable white
and pastel suits for class, and play clothes for tennis, canoeing,
ond swimming.

NI. .~

' * '

-: s


ew, with cool short
ves and open neck-
The skirts are gored
pleated, but always
They spell summer
a and comfort for
7.95 16.95
~ t


Pretty little dresses for
"dress-up" occasions -
teas, luncheons, and af-
ternoon parties. Prints,
pastels, navies, sheers,
crepes, linens, and dotted
9.95 to 22.95


1 .
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4 ". ;
'fA j! 11
'1 >':fq
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t r/ 1
tFF" --- a:,
" 2,
.'c ?.
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ri, \. Y. .
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_:,, !f 3
v } . sY f r\/i< a
' S

,.' '«,

t^ 4. "
..rt . : :.:Kitil4+'

N"- 2. ,""
Summer-time is play-
time-in summer school
too. Your play clothes
are tailored for style and
perfect freedom. Play-
suits, slacks, bathing
suits, and shirts.


Cool and fresh dancing
frocks for gay week-end
parties. You look and
feel like a dream in soft,
wispy chiffons, fragile
laces, sheers, or marqui-
settes (also seersuckers,

1.98 to 9.95
*.- ilk L, . .If



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