w; toult FRIDAY, MAY12, 1939 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGANDAILY AS OTHERS SEE IT . ..Q It Seems To Me By HEYWOOD BROUN I hope the Boys' Club movement in general flourishes and prospers, for I am deeply in its debt. Being a ham at heart, the opportunity to / Edited and managed by students of the University Of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control Of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Sumn r Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier. $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING DY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. ChICAGO ' BOSTOR * LOS ANGELES .SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938.39 Editorial Stafff Managing Editor . City Editor Editorial Director Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor, Associate Editor Sports Editor .. Women's Editor Business Staff . Carl Petersen Stan M. Swinton Elliott Maraniss Jack Canavan Dennis Flanagan Morton Linder Norman Schorr . Ethel Norberg Mel Fineberg . Ann Vicary Paul R. Park Ganson Taggart Zenovia Skoratko Jane Mowers *Harriet Levy Business Manager Credits Manager . Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager. Publications Manager. . NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT W. BOGLE The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writrx only. The Question Of Subsidization . . 0 NCE AGAIN the issue of legalizing aid to University of Michigan ath- letes has come into the spot-light of campus attention, chiefly because of a resolution passed by the Student Senate Tuesday. There is nothing particularly new contained in the statement which 'was adopted by the Senate. It maintains that the principle of giving financial assistance to athletes is a sane and wise one. As a constructive program it proposes the establishment of a regular football training table; the creation of athletic scholarships; and expresses the hope that the Big Tn conference officials will bring the issue out into the open for an honest discussion. On the campus there is a feeling that this program is opposed to the attitude which is held by the University administration, the Board in Control of Athletics, and the various athletic coaches. Many persons seem to feel that the athletic officials here have closed their eyes to the fact that athletes work hard, are put under a scholastic strain, are financially deserving, and that they perform an invaluable role in the tradition and daily life of the University. Actually Michigan's athletic department has already recognized these things, and has made a definite effort to find a solution to them. But the process has been made painful by Big Ten Conference rules, by old traditions of so-called "amateurism," and by a general misunderstand- ing of the situation by some men in authority. In the first place, the Big Ten has already approved the theory of providing training tables for athletes. This matter was approved at a regular football conference meeting, and a one- meal a day table will be provided by all Big Ten schools who want to do it next fall. This is ad- mittedly a trial period, and the plan will prob- ably be enlarged next year. Secondly, the Big Ten has discussed the ques- tion of subsidization, openly and privately, for many years. Thirdly, University coaches and others have recognized that athletes are deserving of finan- cial aid, and have accomplished this assistance by a multitude of round-about-schemes. So there actually is little divergence of opinion on the principle that athletes should receive compensation for service rendered to their Uni- versity. It is on the question of how to adminis- - ter this compensation 'that the friction arises. Today it is accomplished chiefly by under-the- table schemes; the Student Senate maintains that inasmuch as the principle is recognized as right, subsidization should be brought to the light of day for the first time. Athletes today receive no scholarships. They do receive financial assistance of many sorts. They are aided in securing jobs, and dozens of them can trace their presence in the University directly to the employment that was obtained for them during summer months. Many of the coaches, close to the boys who work under them, recognize the drastic need many of them have for financial aid, and dig deep into their own pockets to foot the bills. National Youth Admin- istratlion tutors are provided for athletes who need assistance. There are enough tales of real heroism about athletes to fill a hundred Horatio Alger volumes. Instances of a boy who goes to school in the Carter And The Kids .. . Boake Carter, ex-Britisher, ex-radio "inter- pretator of news" and now a vociferous and gen- erally befuddled newspaper columnist, is, we un- derstand, replacing the comic section in the affections of school children. Their laughter at his recent column describing America's "swiping of more square miles of territory by sheer military conquest" than any nation save Great Britain, has been joyous to hear. In the primary grades there is mirth at the recent immigrant Carter's statement that "we kicked the British in the pants and took the en- tire Atlantic seaboard" on the Berlinlike pretext of "self-determination." When Mr. Carter has been here as long as a 10-year-old American boy, he will have learned that our Revolution was started to obtain representation commensurate with our taxation, and that we still preferred to retain our British citizenship until the narrowly dominant faction in England forced us to fight for independence. Our move was nothing like the move of Hitler-whom Mr. Carter transparently seeks to defend-against independent Austria and Czechoslovakia. But the little folks' derision is highest when the newcomer, Carter, flatly declares: "We took the Louisiana Purchase from the Indians." Even in the kindergarten it is known that the In- dians had nothing whatsoever tto do with the Louisiana Purchase. Napoleon Bonaparte pushed it on us, and probably 45 per cent of Americans opposed gettng it from France. As for the Indians, whom the recent convert to "Americanism," Mr. Carter, regards as hav- ing been treated by us exactly as Mussolini treat- ed the "luckless Ethiopians," the simple facts are' that after the colonial period, when land was so common that nobody paid very much for it anyway, we recompensed the red man at fair market value for his acres, most of the wars com- ing not as a result of high-handed invasion of the Mussolini character, but as the result of individuals, white and red, starting vendettas and guerrilla wars still typical of the. frontier, long after the purchases had been made. White men, in border troubles, fought each other as often as they fought the Indians. It might help the education of Johnny-Come- Lately Carter if he were to read the statement of the great authoriy on Indian purchases, Sen. Thomas Hart Benton, to the effect that up to 1840, including the most criticizable part of our dealings with the red man, the United States had paid the Indians $85,000,000' for their land, more than five times as much as Jefferson paid France for the Louisiana Purchase, and about three times as much as we paid for the whole of Louisiana, Florida and California. For their lands in the Deep South, the Choctaws and Creeks re- ceived far more than we paid white men for Florida and Louisiana combined. Mr. Carter may, if he can, figure up the cash Mussolini paid Haile Selassie for Ethiopia. The Philippines are included in Carter's list of our "seizures," and he lists the Spanish- American War as one of "conquest"-a remark- able conclusion 'when our insistence upon giv- ing the islands back to "the little brown brothers" is remembered. The Mexican War had been deplored and apologized for in the United States for two gen- erations before Mr. Carter was mewing in his English crib. Lincoln, Grant and many other Americans of that day looked upon it as a war of aggression, waged at the behest of the one American element that was most like fascism, the slave power, which was eliminated by Ameri- cans themselves 12 years later. Overlooked are the facts that all of the territory we took was held to Mexico by ties so flimsy that they had several times broken, and that the larger part of it was actually unoccupied. And yet we paid for the lands we "conquered" from Mexicoat about the same rate we had paid for Louisiana. To find a parallel to that, Mr. Carter will have to twist the Nazi ideology considerably. It would seem that microphoning, with its freedom from the checkup and the cold scrutiny of those who hold the record, is a poor prepara- tidn for exposing a man's ignorance to the re- morseless finality of printers' ink. -Chicago Daily News Does College Pay?.*.* That question has been asked by more and more anxious parents in recent years. Does, it pay in dollars and cents, that is. Best and strongest light ever thrown on the question, perhaps, now comes from a study by the United States office of education, which compiled data from 31 colleges, covering 46,000 alumni graduated between 1928 and 1935. Here are some the more interesting things re- vealed: 1. Of the men, 58 per cent, and of the women, 61 per cent, have never been unemployed since graduation. Ninety-eight per cent of the men and 99 per cent of the women have never been on relief. Ninety-six per cent of the men and 93 per cent of the women reporting are today either temporarily or permanently employed, limited, and many an excellent scholar has been forced to leave because he spent too much time down at the Field House. No, there can be no disputing the fact that athletes find life a lot tougher than the average student, despite the fact that he contributes millions of dollars of revenue to the University money bags in a rela- tively short time. No one, most of all the Student Senate, wants to "Professionalize" college athletics. They do not desire a situation where players receive salaries according to ability, nor do they vision a sort of major league type of farm club set-up that sends players up to the "big stuff" when they become skilled in the tricks of their trade. though many took a year or two to connect with the job.- 2. The average typical college man one year out of school is making about $1,314 a year, and after eight years he has climbed to $2,383. For women the average salaries were, first year $1,092; eighth year $1,606. 3. Nearly two thirds of the graduates go into the professions, and after eight years about 19 per cent are owners or part owners of their busi- nesses. More than half gravitate into cities of 100,000 population or over. 4. Of married alumni in the group surveyed, 57 per cent of the men and 61 per cent of the women report no children. To 12,233 man gradu- ates were born 7,727 children; to 6,359 woman graduates were born 3,463. The divorce rate among college graduates is lower than among people in general. There's your picture. A young fellow goes to college. He graduates at about 22. He gets a job fairly quickly at $15 to $25 a week. Not much, maybe, but better than the income of the average wage-earner. After eight years he's married, getting about $45, with less than a 50-50 chance of having children to support. There is one chance in five that by that time he'll be his own boss. The greatest value of the college diploma to- day, as always, must be sought in other places than the pocketbook, in other values than those which may be set down in a checkbook. -Champaign News-Gazette 4W-* MUSIC By WILLIAM J. LIHTENWANGER Second Festival Concert The magnificent piano playing of Rudolph Serkin last night brought the second May Festi- val program to as overwhelming a climax as Mr. Ormandy's Sibelius furnished on Wednesday evening. Earlier on the program a formidable array of artists had combined to present three modern choral compositions: Sibelius' Onward, Ye Peoples, Harn McDonald's Choral Symphony, and the Psalmus Hungaricus of Zoltan. Kodaly. Of these three works the most impressive was the McDonald Symphony, performed by the Philadelphia Orchestra, the University Choral Union, soprano Selma Amansky, and conducted by the composer. This, McDonald's Third Sym- phony, is based on excerpts from the "Lamen- tations of Fu Hsuan." Its atmosphere, by virtue of certain harmonic and orchestral devices, is faintly oriental, but on the whole it impresses one as being a carefully conceived creation in a maturely developed and reasonably individual idiom. Through a continuity of thematic usage there is a decided unity of structure through- out the work. There is sufficient melodic inter- est to keep the music from being unduly impres- sionistic, and rhythmically there are some rather new ideas that are most effectively utilized. Perhaps the most exceptional aspect of the Symphony is the felicity with which the voices of chorus and solist are joined with the instru- ments into an orchestral mass that takes on a richly varied and sonorous form. It is more truly a choral symphony than any other we have heard. Miss Amansky, in the rather unique role of vocalist-narrator, did not display very great vocal resources but fulfilled admirably the music- dramatic exigencies of the part. On the whole, though there were moments that dragged in the first two movements, the Symphony seems to have a musical and poetic beauty that is the result of more than mere facility. The demonic march of the third movement and the final dirge brought a hearty ovation from the audi- ence for the composer and performers. Briefer, more compact, and perhaps on a somewhat higher plane of musical inspiration than the McDonald Symphony, Kodaly's Hun- garian Psalm was impressive and beautifully done in many passages, but suffered from fol- lowing a work so similar in form, style, and performing body. Jan Peerce, though at tines overshadowed by chorus or orchestra, handled extremely well his part as singing narrator, showing a voice small but of fine quality and easily controlled. Here, as in the McDonald and the stirringif slightly repetitious Choral pre- lude of Sibelius, the University Choral Union under Dr. Earl V. Moore sang with excellent technique and diction, lacking only occasionally a fuller tone in the male division, and a bit brighter spirit to clinch the climaxes. Palmer Christian tastefully reinforced the Orchestra in the Sibelius and Kodaly numbers. But it is back to Mr. Serkin's Beethoven that we must return, with space enough to say only that no finer Beethoven have we ever heard. The noble, classic lines and pianistic brilliance of the first movement, the reflective poetry of the second, the jocose, reaassuring gayety of the third, have never been brought out with such capability or imagination. Like Beethoven, Mr. Serkin combines the elements of two eras; the firm, crystalline touch and crisp precision of the classical, and the appropriate rhythmic freedom and ardently poetic imagination of the romantic. A tremendous ovation and two encores followed his playing of the Concerto, in which the excellent work of Mr. Ormandy and the Orchestra was a fitting complement t the artistry of the soloist. It's highly commendable and all that sort of thing for big-hearted Uncle Sam to be an especi- ally good neighbor to other American nations. But we do wish he wouldn't wear his pocketbook so close to his heart. * * * Tunney in Bridgeport on a Satur- day. The end came in one round and ten seconds flat, and the audi- ence seemed delighted. Mr. Tunney was under a personal pledge not to hit me, but just the swish from a right hand going by my ear was sufficient to blow me down. As a pitcher I fared little better, although the manager left me in for an entire inning. They scored only seven runs against me, and not all of them were earned. As a matter of fact, anybody could have knocked me over with a pop fly when I found that the softball team to which I had been assigned (the nine old men) had Ham Fish as second baseman. He was the keystone of my infield support, and there was nothing in this situation to reassure me. All I could do was to try to buoy myself up by muttering in my own ear, "Well, anyhow, it's for a good cause." And fate is sometimes kind in such circumstances. I came to the apex of my athletic career and its extinc- tion almost within thirty seconds. I had one strike on Babe Ruth. He took a cut at my fast one and missed it by a foot. Of course, looking back on it all, that would have been the moment when I should have tossed my glove high in the air and retired to the bench. Retirement Advantages It was a mistake to try to fool him with a curve, even though that is what the catcher ordered. Mayor La Guardia was the umpire, and I hoped he might give me a break if I could just barely nick a corner. But no strain was put upon the eyesight of His Honor, for Babe Ruth got hold of the second pitch and drove the ball deep into the top balcony in center field. Naturally, I shouted "Foul!" but that availed me nothing. Four runs came in, and my release has been made unconditional. However, there are certain com- forts in being off the involuntary re- tired list. Now I twon't have to wrestle Man Mountain Dean or race with Johnstown, no matter how laud- able the nature of the drive which wants a stooge for its circus. The ball reposes in the trophy chest along with all the silver mugs and gold plaques which I used to win in the days when I ran the high hurdles. It was impossible to get it auto- graphed by Ruth. The Babe was nothing loath, but, unfortun(ately, when he got his lucky handle hit against me he tore the cover off. And, speaking of return engage- ments, I woud like to crowd in a word of rejoicing at the victory o Maury Maverick in San Antonio Texas, where he has beaten the machine and become the Mayor. I was in San Antonio at the begin- ning of the campaign, and Mr. Mav- erick and his supporters all felt that the issues were not merely local.' * 4' Red Scare Against Him Having been defeated for Congres in the Democratic primary last year M{aury was looking for a return bout He was able to fight it out with the same crowd which upset him, for Quin the Mayor whom he replaces, had led the drive against him and wa the campaign manager for Kilday his own henchman, who was sent up to the House. Since Maverick is an ardent New Dealer, his enemies cooked up a Red scare against him. They tried to d it again. Incidentally, everybody in Texas knows of the bitter hostility of Maverick to John Nance Garner and vice versa. The election in San Antonio ha unquestioned national significance It is 'much more than a straw. Her is a whole field of evidence that th tide has turned in the Southwest an that the progressive march again. A good bet for the winter books is tha' Maury Maverick will be back in the House in 1940, and that is where he belongs. A Chance For Refugees The Wagner-Rogers bill, permit ting entry of 20,000 German refugee children to this country in the nex' two years, has been approved by the joint subcommittee of the Senate an House immigration committees. In connection with the action, the poin' is again emphasized that no child will be admitted unless "satisfactory issurances" are presented that a re- sponsible individual or organization will care for it. This is a detail fre- play a benefit appeals to me like beer a n d champagne. And it was my privil- ege to pitch to Babe Ruth in Madison Square Garden on a Tuesday a fter, b e i n g knocked out by Gene (Continued from Page 3) ments. Due to the many requests of the seniors who have been unable to place their orders for the' Literary Commencement Announcements, the sale will be continued until Friday, May 12. The sale will be held in Angell Hall Lobby on Friday, May 12, 9-12 a.m.; 1-4 p.m. Literary Seniors: The Cap and Gown Committee has chosen the Moe Sport Shop as official cap and gown outfitters and advises im- mediate placement of orders. No de- posit required. Phi Beta Kappa. The keys ordered by the new members have arrived and may be obtained at the Secre- tary's office at the Observatory. Assembly: Petitioning for Assembly positions for next fall will be reopened to those interested on Friday, Sat urday and Monday, May 12, 13 and 15. All Independent women are urged to petition. Girls' Cooperative House would lik to have all girls who are interested i living there next year fill out appli cations in the office of the Dean o Women immediately. For further in formation, call 22218 between 6 an 7 p.m. or inquire in the Dean's Of fice. Concerts May Festival Concerts: The 46t1 Annual May Festival will be held ii Hill Auditorium, May 10, 11, 12 an 13. The Philadelphia Orchestra wil participate in all six concerts. Th general programs are as follows: Third Concert: Friday, May 12 2:30. Ezio Pinza, bass, soloist; Youni Peoples' Festival Chorus; Eugene Or mandy and Juva Higbee, conductors. Fourth Concert: Friday, May 12 8:30. Marian Anderson, contralto soloist; Men's Chorus; Eugene Or mandy, Conductor. Fifth Concert: Saturday, May 13 2:30. Georges Enesco, violinist, so loist; Saul Caston and Georges Enes co, Conductors, Sixth Concert: Saturday, May 13 8:30. Verdi's "Otello." Helen Jep son, Elizabeth Wyysor, Giovanni Mar tinelli, Giuseppe Cavadore, Arthu Hackett, Richard Bonelli, and Nor man Cordon, soloists. Palmer Chris tian, organist; the University Chore Union; Earl V. Moore, Conductor. Concerts will begin on time, an doors will be closed during numbes Holders of season tickets are request ed to present for admission only th coupon for each respective concert. ThreExhibitions Exhibition of Six Paintings b Three Mexican Artists-Rivera, Or ozco, and Siqueiros-and water color f by Alexander Mastro Valerio, unde the auspices of the Ann Arbor A Association Alumni Memorial Hal North and South Galleries; After noons from 2 to 5 until May 13. Tenth Annual Exhibition of Scul t ture, in the concourse of the. Michi gan League Building. Lectures s Biological Chemistry Seminar Saturday, May 20, 10-12 a.m., Rool 319 West Medical Building. "Somr Recent Vitamin Studies Concerne 1with the B Complex" will be di i cussed. All interested are invited. s Alexander Ziwet Lectures in Math P matics: The fifth lecture of the seri being given by Professor John vo v Neumann of the Institute for Ac vanced Study, Princeton, on the topi o "Theory of Measure in Groups," wi Z be given on Friday at 4:15 p.m., i 9 Room 3011 Angell Hall. American Chemical Society. Pro s G. W. Scott Blair will lecture o "New Aspects of Colloid Science" e e 4:15 p.m., Monday, May 15, in Root e 303 Chemistry Building. All tho interested are invited. t Professor Blair is head of the chen e istry department of the University t Reading,'England, and part-time le( t urer in colloids, Sir John Cass Tech nical Institute, London. Events Today Ann Arbor Independents: There wi be a rehearsal for Lantern Night tc - day from 4 to 5:30 p.m. in the Gan e Room of the League. t e Speech 190: Students in Speech 19 will meet at the Speech Clinic, 10C o East Huron Street, today at 9 o'clock and Monday, May 15, at 9 o'clock in Room 302 Mason Hall. R.O.T.C. Inspection: The Regiment will form at 5:10 p.m. today on East University Ave. for an outdoor parade in honor of the Inspectors. In case of rain the formation and inspection will be held in the Waterman Gym- nasium. The public is invited. Institute of the Aeronautical Sci- ences: There will be a meeting of the Student Branch of the Institute I of the Aeronautical Sciences tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. Mr. Ernest R. Breech, Chairman of the Board of North American Aviation, will speak on present financial organization and i control of the aircraft industry. This is an unusual opportunity, and all members as well as any others who are interested are strongly urged to y attend. The Westminster Guild, student d group, of the First Presbyterian I Church will hold an Open House in the Social Hall at 8:30 this evening. e Stalker Hall. Class in "Through n the New Testament" led by Dr. Bra- - shares at the church from 7:30 to f 8:30 tonight. d Hillel Foundation will hold ortho- dox services tonight at 7:15 p.m. Coming Events Faculty Tea: President and Mrs. h Ruthven will be at home to faculty n members and residents of Ann Ar- d bor on Sunday, May 14, from 4 to 6 1 e PM American Association of University g Professors. The annual dinner meet- - ing of the local chapter of the Ameri- can Association of University Pro- fessors will be held Monday,. May 15, , at 6 p.m. at the Michigan Union. - There will be opportunity to discuss the report of the Chapter committee which has been considering the prob- lem of the objective evaluation of - faculty services. Because of the wide- - spread interest in this subject, this will be an open meeting to whcih all members of the faculty, whether - members of the chapter or not, are - cordially invited. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the tUniversity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.; 11:00 A.M. on Saturday. .1 School of Education Luncheon. On May 20, at one o'clock in the Michi- gan Union, there will be a luncheon sponsored by the Graduate Educa- tion Club, Phi Delta Kappa, Pi Lamb- da Theta and Seniors for staff memn- bers, graduates and undergraduates in education. Tickets will be on sale Saturday, Monday and Tuesday in the Corridors of the University High School. Student Senate luncheon will be on Saturday, May 13, 12:15 p.m., at the Michigan Union.. The room will be posted on the bulletin board in the Union. All Senators are requested to call Dworkis, 3779, or Schafrann, 4929, for reservations. The luncheon is open also to interested students and faculty members. All reserva- tions must be in by Saturday at 11 a.m. German Table for Faculty Mem- bers: The regular luncheon meeting will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room of the Michigan Union. All faculty members in- terested in speaking German are cor- dially invited. There will be a brief informal talk by Dr. Werner Lan- decker on, "Soziologie und interna- tionale Beziehungen. The Girls' Coo perastive House is holding a tea from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. on Saturday at 517 East Ann St. All girls interested in Cooperatives are cordially invited. The Graduate Outing Club will meet at the northwest entrance of the Rackham building at 3 p.m. Sunday, May 14. They will go canoeing on the Huron River, and hike to Cas- cade Glen. They will have a picnic supper along the banks of the river and will return about 8 o'clock. The Annual Spring Overnite will be held Saturday and Sunday, May 20 and 21 at Camp Tacoma, Clear Lake. For reservations, call 8995. The faculty and all graduate students are invited. Last Tea Dance sponsored by the Graduate Council will be held Tues- day, May 16, from 4-6 in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Bldg. Congregational Fellowship: Those wishing to go on a picnic Sunday, meet at Pilgrim Hall promptly at j p.m. Stop at Pilgrim Hall or call 2-1679 at noon for reservations The Michigan Christian Fellowship holds its regular Sunday afternoon E meeting in the Fireplace Room, Lane the children will aggravate the coun- try's unemployment problem. Were there any basis whatever for this contention, then the nation's great labor organizations, the AFL and I