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May 12, 1939 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-12

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Partly cloudy and cooler;
cOntioued cool tomorrowy.


Sir igan


The Question
Of Subsidization ~



Britain Ready
To Go To War
Over Danzig,
Nazis Warned
Daladier Also Threatens
To Reinforce Already
ExpandedFrench Army
Britain, Rumania
Sign Trade Accord
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, May 11.-Prime Minis-
ter Chamberlain declared today
Great Britain's readiness to go to
war over the Free City of Danzig "if
an attempt were made to change
the situation by force in such a way
as to threaten Polish independence."
'In Paris Premier Daladier gave
warning that France's already ex-
panded army would be reinforced if
"certain massive mobilizations are
maintained beyond our frontiers."
The British Prime Minister de-
clared that "no more deadly mistake"
could be made than for any nation
to think that Britain and France
would go back on their promises,
'thich have been given to Poland, Ru-
mania an Greece.
Trade Pact Signed
Other deveiopments toay includ-
SJ. Britain and Rumania signed a
trade agreement under which Britain
fir take 200,000 tons of Rumanian
wheat and advance a credit of £5,000,-
000 .(about $23,400,000) for Ruman-
ian purchased of United Kingdom
goolds. Te trade talks were started
after Germany had n otiated a
comiprehensive agreement with Ru-
2. Foreign Secretary Viscount Hall-
fax and" Soviet Ambassador Ivan
Maisky conferred. for the third time
Ult three days after Izvestia, Soviet
iovernment newspaper, indicated
Russix would reectritain's latest
proposai toer cooperation in eastern
4ropeaz guarantees.
Disejars i'Ecircl.ing'
In a speec fre 8000 Conserva-
tive Party womien at Albert Hall in-
tended also to reach both potential
enemies and friends of Britain, Cham-
berlain again disclaimed any inten-
tion of "encircling" Germany.
He also Contradicted sharply
Reichsfuehrer Hitler's assertion that
"war against Germany was taken for.
granted" in London.
Instead, he 'said, Britain was "as
ready as ever to listen to the views of
others but determined not to sub-
mit to dictation."
He declared his willingness under
certain conditions to open the broad-
est sort bf negotiations with Ger-
many--economic or for disarmament.
Hopes For Arbitration
Chamberlain said Britain's assur-
ances to Poland-to aid in resisting
any tal .attack on her independ-
en-"are clear and precise."
Britain would be glad to see dif-
ferences between Germany an Po-
land amicably settled by discussion,
he' said, and "we think they could
and should be so settled."
But, he added with emphasis, "If
an attempt were made to change the
situation. by force in such a way as
to threaten Polish independence-
why then that would inevitably start
general conflagration in which this
country would be involved."

Tennis Squad
Defeats Irish

Ehrmann Calls Scandinavian Pact
An Attempt To Avoid Alliances
Newly-Formed Agreement likely to assume strategic importance
Results From German in a general European War, Dr.
Rhrmann stated, as naval action
Offers Of Trade Treaties wou, be negligible in that region.
Great Bzritain, in her opposition to
By HOWARD GOLDMAN Russia, consistently opposed reiili-
Norway, Sweden, Denmark and }tarization of these islands from the
f time they were stripped of fortifica-
Finland are making a sincere and de- tions in 1855 until the World War, he
termined effort to remain free from added, but finally has consented. Now
foreign entanglements, Prof. Howard Great Britain feels, he said, that Fin-
M. Ehrmann of the history depart- land and Sweden will be able to re-
I fortify the islands without causing
ment declared yesterday in comment- too much disturbance.
ing on the recently completed pact Den mark's position is probably the
reaffirming the neutrality of these most precarious, Dr. Ehrmann de-
northern countries. clared, due to her proximity to Ger-
The agreement, which was made many, and to the German minority
Tuesday, came at this time, he point- in Danish Schleswig. Gradual pene-
ed out, as an answer to Hitler's offers tration of Nazis into the region ac-
of reciprocal non-aggression treaties. quired by Prussia in 1866, and taken
Hitler hardly expects to draw the from her in 1919, may soon place the
northern countries into the Rome- Danes in the position the Poles are
Berlin axis, Dr. Ehrmann explained, now in, he concluded.
but these treaty offers are being
made in an effort to line up a neu-
tral bloc, which at least would not go Dickinson Veto
to war against Germany.
Although not :ntended to rebuff Of M erit Bill
any nation, he added, the pact ac-
tually is a blow to Anglo-French
hopes of lining up the northern states illBeFought
in an "iron ring" around Germany.
England's superior sea power and
her strategic geographical position, Proponents Of New State
however, would greatly aid her in
blockading Germany,. he asserted, as Civil Service Measure
well as in controlling shipping to and Try HaltingOpposition
from the northern neutrals bordering

The Aaland Islands in the Baltic
Sea, soon to be refortified, are not
Smick To Hurl
Against Rivals
II BigTen. Tilt
Sofiak Moves To Outfield
Due To Sore Shoulder;
Is ReplacedBy Steppon
Riding the crest of a six-game win-
ning streak and with Conference title
hopes at the highest peak in three
years, Coach Ray Fisher's hustling
Wolverines will meet Indiana, de-
fending Big Ten Champs, in the first
of a two-game series at Ferry Field
at 4 p.m. today.
The twin bill will be a crucial one
for the two contestants, both of whom
are right in the thick of the Big Ten
pennant race. Michigan, with a rec-
ord of three wins and one loss, is in
second place, while the Hoosiers rest
in fourth place as a result of their
four.victories and two defeats.
.Danny Smick, ace right-hander,
will be Coach Fisher's choice to turn
aside the Hoosier invaders in the
opener. In his last four mound ap-
pearances, Smick has proved almost
invincible. Big Danny has set the
opposition down with a total of four
runs, two of which were unearned,
and 14 hits over a stretch of 31 in-
A last minute shift in the Michi-
gan lineup was brought about when
Mike Sofiak appeared at practice yes-
terday afternoon with a sore shoulder.
The injury, a result of a strained
(Continued on Page 6)
Green Promises
UAW Old Charter,
President William Green saidhata
press conference today that the In-
dependent United Auto Workers
union, led by Homer Martin, would
be given a "98 per cent industrial
union charter" if it approved a plan
to return to the AFL fold.
The UAW was originally organized
by the Federation but it swung over
to the CIO in 1936. A few months
ago the Martin faction split with
CIO and the AFL offered to give the
independent group the old UAW
charter if the membership decided
by referendum to reaffiliate with
the Federation.
Green said he had received no re-
ports on the referendum.
Butzel To Address
Hillel OnRef ugees
An address on the problems of
refugees will be delivered at 7:30 p.m.
Sunday at the Hillel Foundation by
Fred Butzel, noted Detroit lawyer and

LANSING, May 11.-(IP)-A group
of legislators fought today to avert a
veto of the compromise civil service
bill that would throw open to pat-
ronage dispensers 10,000 state jobs
now under civilservice.
The group, composed of the con-
ference committee of representatives
and senators that wrote the com-
promise bill, imposed a "gag" rule on
its members and on Governor Dick-
inson, as well, at a conference in the
executive office.
The Governor conferred for more
than an hour with the legislators,
then told news men at a press con-
ference that "they passed a resolu-
tion that I should not give out any-
thing on our meeting. They voted1
that any statement should come from!
me, then asked me to make no state-
ment, and I will abide by their
Generally informed sources indi-
cated the legislators hoped to draft
companion legislation that would
meet some of the Governor's objec-
tions and spare them the embarrass-
ment of a veto, or recall of the mea-
sure for correction of errors.
The Governor, asked whether any
"fatal" errors had been uncovered
in the Civil Service Bill, replied:
"I won't say they are fatal."
Dickinson said he had not asked
the legislature to recall the measure1
from his desk for amendment, but
that the next move would be up to
the legislators themselves.
"I guess," he declared, "I've moved
as far as I can be expected to, now."
He said he would meet with the group
again tomorrow.
Congress Fete
Given At Union
Prof. Arthur Aiton Speaks
At Installation Banquet
Active members of Congress, in-
dependent men's organization, were
feted last night at an installation
banquet at the Union. with Prof. Ar-
thur S. Aiton of the history depart-
ment the principal speaker.
Congress scholarship awa r d s
amounting to $40 each were present-
ed to Emerson Blair, '40E, and Rob-
ert McCamey, '40E, after which gold
pins and keys with the Congress in-
signia were presented to 31 members
for services rendered during the past
Those receiving pins were Sam
Bruni, '42; Nick Chapekis, '42; Her-
man Chasin. '42; Bob Cunningham,
'41E; Winston H. Cox, '42; Martin
Dworkis, '40; Dick Ebbetts; Jack Ed-
monson, '41; Larry Gluck, '42; Ed
Hill, '40E; Jim Huber, '42E; William
Meckley, '40E; Jack Mosher; Dean
King, '41; Wally Latchem, '42E; Jack
Nichols; Joe Nouse, '41; John Phelps,
'40A; Dave Panar, '40E; Everett Pet-
erson, '42E Dave Rice, '41; Roland
Rhead, '40; Bob Reid; Harry Smith,
'42; Jack Smith; Richard Shuey,
'42E; Jack Shuler, '40E; Nelson Spen-
cer; Harold Stewart, '39; Douglas
Tracy, '40E and Redfield Zittel, '40E.
Following the presentation of

Noted Marian
Anderson, Ezio
Pima To Singe
Only Standing Room Left
For Concert Tonight
By 'Greatest' Contralto
Ormandy Appears;
Children To Sing
May Festival patrons will jam Hill
Auditorium this afternoon and to-
night to hear Ezio Pinza, bass, and
Marian Anderson, contralto, in the
third and fourth concerts of the
forty-sixth annual series.
Some tickets are still available for
the afternoon program, but only
standing room may be obtained for
Miss Anderson's recital in the eve-
ning, Charles A. Sink, president of
the School of Music, said last night.
For his part of the program begin-
ning at 2:30 p.m. Mr. Pinza, well-
known Metropolitan star, has chosen
five operatic arias: "Non Piu andra"
and "Se vuol ballare" from "The
Marriage of Figaro," "Qui sdegno,
non s'accende" from Mozart's "The
Magic Flute," "Si la Rigeur" from
Halevy's "La Juive" and "I lacerato
spirito" from "Simon Boccanegra" by
In the afternoon program also,
Juva Higbee's Young People's Fes-
tival Chorus, composed of several
hundred young boys and girls from
local schools, will sing a group of
songs by Schumann and Schubert.
The Philadelphia Orchestra, under
the direction of Eugene Ormandy,'
will conclude the program with the
playing of Beethoven's Fifth. Sym-
phony in C minor.
The evening concert, beginning at
8:30 p.m., will be entirely devoted to
compositions by Brahms. Miss An-
derson, acclaimed the greatest living
contralto, will sing four songs with
the Philadelphia Orchestra: "Dein
blaues " Auge," "Immer leiser wird
mein Schlummer," "Der Schmed"
and "Von Ewiger Liebe." Accom-
panied by the Men's Chorus of the
Choral Union, she will take the solo
in Brahms' "Rhapsodie for Alto Solo,
Men's Chorus, and Orchestra, Op.
Army Heads Here
Inspect Local ROTC
Annual inspection of the localunit
of the Reserve Officers' Training
Corps by a board of Army officers
representing the War Department
will be made today and tomorrow.
A regimental parade will be held in
honor of the inspectors at 5:10 p.m.
today on Palmer Field. .In case of
rain, an inspection of the unit at the
same hour in Waterman Gymnasium
will be substituted for the parade.
Either event will be open to the pub-
Five branches of the Army will be
represented in the inspection: ord-
nance department, signal corps,
medical corps, infantry and corps of
You can still 'tryoutt for The
Michigan Daily Business and Ad-
vertising Staff. Report at the
Student Publications Building at
5 p.m. Monday, May 15.

Engineers To Hold
Picnic Tomorrow
The annual picnic for senior engi-
neers will be held at 1:30 p.m. to-
morrow in the Arboretum, according
to Don VanLoon, '39E.
Soft ball games between the ASME
and the AIEE and between the AIChE
and The Aeronautical Club will fea-
ture the afternoon's evInts after
which refreshments will be served.
Seniors who wish to go should re-
port to the Engineering arch from
where the group will go to the Arbore-
tum. Professor Ernest F. Brater and
Elmore S. Pettyjohn of the Engineer-
ing School will act as umpires for
the baseball games.
Invite 8 Faculty
Men To Join
Student Senate

Coal Crisis
As Men,
Near Ai

Van Deurse
Revelli, ToJ
.Sing Jed

New Deadline Of 9 A.M.
?n, Set; Lewis Authorizes



Members Will Serve
Honorary Capacity;
Be Inducted Saturday

Eight faculty members will become
honorary members of the Student
Senate at a luncheon at 12:15 p.m.
Saturdaytin the Union, as a result of
the Senate's decision Tuesday to pro-
mote better relations between the
faculty and the student body.
The men selected, who will be for-
mally inducted at the luncheon, are:
Prof. Charles M. Davis of the geog-
raphy department, Prof. Karl Litzen-
berg of the English department, Prof.
Lewis- G. VanderVelde of the history
department, Prof. James K. Pollock
of the political science department,
Prof. Harold J. McFarlan of the en-
gineering college, Dr. Edward W.
Blakeman, counselor in religious edu-
cation, Prof. Richard C. Fuller of
the sociology department and Prof.
I. L. Sharfman, chairman of the
economics department.
The honorary members will be
asked to serve in an advisory capacity,
either individually or in a group,
Martin Dworkis, '40, Senate member,
declared last night.
Heads of many campus organiza-
tions will attend the luncheon, which.
will also honor Robert Rosa, '39, re-
tiring speaker and William Grier, '39,
retiring president. An informal dis-
cussion of future Senate policies and
activities will follow the induction of
the honorary members.
All students interested, in attend-
ing the luncheon may make reser-
vations with Dworkis at 3779.
GM Executive To Talk
To Aeronautical Institute
Ernest Robert Breech, General
Motors Corporation vice-president,
and officer in several aviation manu-
facturing companies, will speak at
7:30 p.m. today in the Rackham
Building on the subject, "Present
Financial Organization and Control
of the Aircraft Industry." His ad-
dress is being sponsored by the In-
stitute of Aeronautical Science.
Hot Dogs Travel
WASHINGTON, May 11.-(R)-
American hot dogs have penetrated
Algiers. The American vice-consul
there cabled the Commerce Depart-
ment of the debut of this Yankee
delicacy at a recent fair.

Judges at the Interfraternity Sing,
to be held May 17, will be Prof.
Arthur Hackett, Prof. William D.t
Revelli and Hardin A. Van Deursen,
all of the School of Music, it wasj
announced by Bob Golden, '40, pub-
licity manager of the Sing.
As an added feature to the pro-
gram this year, plans are being made
with the Dramatic Season committee
to have one of its stars make the
presentation of cups.
Joanna Roos, who will appear inl
"The White Steed," and James Bell,
star of "Tobacco Road" who willt
play in "Here Come the Clowns,"
have both been mentioned to take
part in the presentation.
First prize was taken last year by
Beta Theta Pi with their offeringF
of "The Loving Cup." If they wint
again this year, the cup becomesI
their permanent possession. The com-
petition is greater this year than
ever before, with 35 fraternities en-
tered, Bob Golden said.
1 n1
Eduard Benes,
Ex-Czech Head
To Speak Here
Democratic Exile To TalkI
Monday Before Group
Of Business Executives
Battered Czechoslovakia's last pres-
ident, Dr. Eduard Benes, comes to
Ann Arbor for' the first time to speakE
at a dinner at 6:30 p.m. Monday inI
the Union on "Politics as Science orf
Dr. Benes, now visiting lecturer onI
democracy at the University of Chi-
cago, will address members of the
Association of University and Col- i
lege Business Officers. The associa-
tion is holding its 29th annual con-
vention Sunday to Tuesday, with.
headquarters at the Union. Presi-
dent Ruthven will speak at the open-,
ing dinner Sunday night.j
The dinner at which the Czech
democratic leader is to speak has been
opened to the public. Reservations
must be made before noon Monday
at the . University business office,
Room 1, University Hall.
Dr. Benes, long an .upholder of
democratic ideals, saw the creation
of Czechoslovakia, due in large mea-
sure to his untiring efforts, and its
dismemberment in spite of his ardent
desire to remain at its helm.
Chicago' Blaze
Kills Eight Men

Southern Operators
NEW YORK, May 11.-(JP)-Soft
coal operators and United Mine
Workers leaders announced through
a government spokesman tonight they
feel they may reach an Ggreement by
9 a.m. (EST) tomorrow to settle the
Appalachian bituminous deadlock.
A spokesman for the operators said
that "a large block of the tonnage
has already reached a satisfactory
agreement with the miners," and
that the only remaining obstacle was
a group of southern operators oppos-
ing the union's "union shop" demand
on principle.
The tieup began when the union
agreement expired April 31 and even-
tually threw nearly half a million
miners out of work.
Contracts Delayed
The government 'spokesman, Dr.
John R. Steelman, federal labor me-
diator, said that in view of the an-
ticipated agreement, "both parties
have agreed, with government ap-
prgval, to delay any signing of con-
tracts by districts or associations or
ndviduals before tomorrow."
The announcement came after
union President John L. Lewis had
authorized union districts outside
the 8-state Appalachian area, cen-
ter of the operators' disagreement, to
begin immediate signing of individual
agreements with operators not op-
posed to the "union shop."
The Appalachian operators' con-
ference, covering 338,000 of the idle
miners, operates under the "unit rule"
of unanimity, binding, in the present
situation, the entire organization to
the resistance of the dissenting
Steelman said Lewis had agreed
not to authorize individual contracts
in the Appalachian area before the
"deadline" set for tomorrow morn-
Sees Final Settlement
Asked if there was a chance of
keeping the threatened Appalachian
conference together despite its dis4
sention and the unit rule, the opera-
tors' spokesman said:
"There is a chance."
Dr. Steelman, strongly indicating
his belief that a settlement was near,
said he would remain nearby tomor-
row, but, "my services will not be
"Everything is cleaned up," he add-
Announcing the new overnight
deadline, Steelman said:
"The operators' committee now
feels that by 9 a.m. (EST) tomorrow
the Appalachian conference as a col-
lective bargaining unit and the Unit-
ed Mine Workers of America may
reach an agreement, thus facilitating
the opening of all, or at least practi-
cally all, of the mines in the. shortest
possible time.
FDR Considers Further
Steps If Conference Fails
President Roosevelt, putting pressure
on soft coal miners and operators to
continue negotiations to end the shut-
down in the industry, gave out word
today that he was considering fur-
ther steps if the conferences broke
Stephen Early, presidential secre-
tary, who relayed this information to
newsmen, made it clear that Mr.
Roosevelt contemplated no action so
long as the negotiations continued.
While the deadline the Chief Ex-
ecutive set for a settlement of the dif-
ferences had come and gone, he was
waiting "in hope and tolerance,"
Early said, for the final results. Mr.
Roosevelt had asked for a settlement
by last night.
Murphy Considers Problem

Early gave no hint as to what step
the President was considering and
would not discuss what action he
might take.' Attorney General Mur-
phy disclosed at a press conference,
however, that the justice department,
at the request of Secretary of Labor
Perkins, began studying the question



Rowe Lauds Dramatic Season
For Individuality And Balance

Explosion Destroys
Grain Elevators



Netters Down
Dame 9-0

Michigan's tennis team wresaed
vengeance on the Notre Dame netmen
by whitewashing the Irish, 9-0, yes-
terday afternoon at Ferry Field.
Seven of the nine matches were
taken by the Weirmen in straight
sets, while Capt. Don Percival, play-
ing number two spot, dropped the
first set to Whitney Gregory, 7-5,
and Jim Porter, playing fifth po-
sition, also dropped his first set to
Jack Joyce, 6-2..
Jim Tobin started the runaway by
easily downing his foe ,Bill Fay, 6-0,
6-3. Fay was forced to remain on
the defensive.from the start, as To-

"The Dramatic Season looks the
best to me this year of any that we
have ever had."
That was the verdict of Prof. Ken-
neth T. Rowe of the English de-
partment and author of "Write'
That Play!" after judging the Sea-
son's schedule of five plays to be
presented here May 15 through June
I 17.
"It is not just the uniform high
level of distinction which Miss
Arthur has set and achieved for the
selection of the plays," Professor
Rowe explained, "but the balance of
the season and the great interest for
the Ann Arbor and University audi-
Surveying the offerings, Professor
Rowe notes that the opening presen-
tation, "No War In Troy!", is the
introduction of a new play, that is,
in English and for this country. Then
for three plays in succession there

the selection of these plays. There is
nothing the American theatre needs
more than creative audiences all
over the country as well as in New
York, audiences that make their own
localities true centers of drama by
exercising their own taste and criti-
cal judgment."
That means doing new plays with-
out waiting for Broadway, he ex-
plained, and electing Broadway plays
on their own merits and interest to
one's own community, not on their
length of run and New York popu-
He gave as an example Elmer Rice's
"American Landscape," which will
be shown here despite a short run on
Broadway. "It is one of the finest
plays of the year and will be appreci-
ated in Ann Arbor, where it will be
of infinitely more interest than half
a dozen plays I could name that
have been better box-office in New
York. The critics seemed to be con-
fused by finding Moll Fl1anders amrong

CHICAGO, May 11.-(IP)-A series
of blasts and roaring flames de- .
stroyed five huge grain elevators to- ,
day, wiped out all traces of eight
missing men and caused damage far
in excess of $3,000,000.
The fire-most serious in Chicago
since the $8,000,000 stock yards con-
flagration of May 19, '1934-raced
for five hours before it was brought
under control by 400 firemen.
Even then the heat from the char-
red ruins was so intense that officials
could not approach them to confirm
their fears that eight workers had
been trapped and killed in elevator
"A" of the Rosenbaum Brothers grain
Eighteen men-13 firemen and five
workmen-were taken to hospitals.
Eight of them were in serious condi-
Fire Marshal Michael Corrigan
estimated the loss in property alone
at $3,000,000. Uncalculated for the
time being was the value of more than
3,500,000 bushels of grain that had


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