0 _, - HIGN ~AL THIRStiY, MaT 11; 193 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of Midhigan under the authority of the Boardin Control of Student Publications. Published every morning exceptMonday during the University year and Bumxn r session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwivse 'credited in this newspaper. All rights of republicationof.all.other matters heren also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as Second class 'mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRiENThD FOR NATIONAL ADVERTIsiNG ,BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College PubUshe , Rsqresentativ'e 420 MADiSoN AVE.sNEW YORk N. Y. CHI:AGO BOSTON * LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Editorial Staff Managing Editor . Carl Petersen City Editor . Stan M. Swinton Editorial Director . Elliott Maraniss Associate Editor .' .. Jack~ Canavan Associ ,te Eiitor Dennis Flanagan Associate Editor . ' Morton Linder Associate Editor . . . Norman Schorr Associate Editor . . . . Ethel Norberg Sports Editor . Mel Fneberg Women's Editor . . . . . . Ann' Vicary TODAY in WASHINGTON . -by David Lawrence WASHINGTON, May 5.-Good news for business men is sometimes imbedded in the technical phraseology of official announcements. That's the case with the action of the Ways and Means Committee of the House of Representa- tives, as revealed by Chaiman Doughton. For the fact is, businesses, large and small, in aboi eight states and the District of Columbia may within this year actually be given a cut in pay- roll taxes. This does not mean a paper cut, such as was announced a few weeks ago when Administration leaders determined not to increase the pay-roll taxes due next January, but a dollars and cents cut affecting the payroll taxes which businesses are now paying. It comes about through the deci- sion of the Ways and Means Committee, which doubtless will be translated into law by both Houses of Congress, to permit the states to reduce the present three per cent tax which employers now pay on unemployment insurance. The reduc- tion, however, may take place only when states have builtup what are considered by the Federal Government to be adequate reserves and when states have met the minimum standards set up by the Social Security Board here. Another important change recommended by the Ways and Means Committee and which is likely to become law would enable the several states to set up rating systems for individual employers, so that businesses with a good em- ployment record would pay a lower tax than employers with a poor record. In other words, a company which has been paying payroll taxes in sufficient amounts to constitute an adequate reserve against the usual hazards of unemploy- ment will not be asked to continue to pay be- yond that point. Just what the reduction may amount to is difficult to estimate, but some of the experts figure that the unemployment insurance tax may actually be lowered in some states down to one per cent, which, compared with the three per cent now paid on payrolls, is quite a sizeable saving for a business nowadays, especially the ones in the red. All this comes about because the Federal Gov- ernment and the states really have been collect- ing more money than was needed to meet social security requirements. The persons who drafted the law had no way of knowing exactly what sums would be derived, but, now that actual ex- perience has been accumulated, it is apparent that the reserves are being piled up more rapidly than they were needed. Thus, the annual collec- tion on social security taxes is now about $1,300,- 000,000 a year, when the actual requirements are about $400,000,000. No such extensive cushion is necessary, and hence the reduction plan out- lined above. The imposition of these heavy social security taxes has been a severe drain on business. In- deed, some economists have insisted that the recession in business which started in the summer of 1937 was the direct consequence of the sudden jumping of expenses to American business in the field of payroll taxes. The deflationary effect of this tax load has been especially noted be- cause the taxes have not been assessed on a capacity to pay, but on each and every business, irrespective of whether the business was ,earn- ing money. Business Staff Business Manager .. Credits Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager. Publications Manager . Paul R. Park Ganson Taggart Zenovia Skoratko Jane Mower Harriet Levy NIGHT EDITOR: HOWARD A. GOLDMAN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Spoilsm en's Sport . . P OLITICAL CORRUPTION, usually a skeleton kept under lock and key in th closet, has come audaciously out into the limelight in the past few weeks. A city and two states have been divided between the give-and- take, you - do-me - afavorand-I'll-do-you-one system of patronage and the ideals of progressive government. Cincinnati once had the reputation of being the "nation's worst governed city." That was in the days of political boss George B. Cox, a gruff, shrewd figure who was an expert disciple of Machiavelli. Terrorization, chicanery, graft- Cincinnati knew them all. Today, Cincinnati boasts of one of the best city governments in the country. The Cox-Hy- nicka machine is gone and, in its place, is an efficient and progressive managerial system. The long fight from last to first place has been re- vealed by Charles P. Taft, one of the leaders of Cincinnati's resurrection, in "City Management: The Cincinnati Experiment," which is recom- mended to those who set out practically and de- terminedly to crush a political.machine and sub- stitute in its place a reliable, respectable admin- istration. One of the bulwarks in Cincinnati's escape from machine control has been the proportional representation system of voting. Believing that P.R. has been an important factor in elevating Cincinnati from the muck of boss politics, many civic groups have become ardent exponents of the system. Correspondingly, it has been viewed askance by machine organizations. Since its downfall in 1924, the Republican city machine has been considerably chastened. But it still longs to regain its old stranglehold. Three years ago it attempted to have P.R. re- pealed, and failed in a close vote. Now, encour- aged by a clean sweep of the city for the party's state and national candidates last fall, the party organization has decided to try again. Daring openly to buck the sentiment of the civic groups and the press, the Republican political machine will put P.R. on the block May 16. Only a spirited fight can save it. Arkansas has already lost out to bread-and- butter politics. Adoption of the merit system there in 1937 established Arkansas as the first southern state to embrace an enlightened system of personnel administration. But job-hungry politicians at this year's assembly were so anxious to get a piece of the spoils that they amended the rules of procedure in order to outlaw civil service during the .first week of the session. Last week the ghost returned to Michigan. Re- publican opponents of civil service secured the passage of a measure which will make political plums of the State's jobs. Governor Dickinson is now considering the claims of both sides. These steps to do away with the merit system have been taken for purely selfish reasons. They cannot be condoned on any logical, rational basis; no theory except that of old-fashioned pork-barreling can justify them. The merit sys- tem in government, especially in the loosely- organized state set-up, has proved its worth. In the short space of time that it has been tried in Michigan it has definitely shown itself to be an absolute necessity for clen effiient state ly Wll LIAM J. LICHTENWANER Notes On The Third Concert .. . The children's cantata, traditional highlight of the Friday afternoon Festival programs, is replaced this year by a series of five songs: The Nut Tree of Robert Schumann, and Serenade, Hedge Roses, Whither?, and Cradle Song by Franz Schubert. In these degenerate days when so many concert singers feel they must rely on a program of operatic arias, roundly spiked with cowboy songs and comic ditties, to hold the public ear, it is reassuring to find five lieder in one pro- gram, with four more by Brahms to be heard in the evening. The combination of Schubert and the child voices is a happy one, for there are certain of his songs that make their appeal through a sheer simplicity of melodic charm that is natural to such voices. In the course of the 600 and more songs bearing Schubert's name there is not touched upon, and most of them, though artless much of human life and emotion that is not and spontaneous in effect, require the utmost of maturity and skill in performance. Such shorter ones as Whither? and Hedge Roses, how- ever, are lacking in. the complex elements of drama that require maturity of conception. They find their beauty in that unadorned flow of melody, coupled with words of rather wist- ful, homespun charm, which is perfectly set forth by the unsophisticated voices of children. The Nut Tree, springing from a genius less spontan- eous though more finely polished than that of Schubert, yet shows the same elements of poetic imagination and melodic grace. Vocal melody equally as spontaneous and as exalted as that of Schubert, but belonging to opera rather than to song, is supplied on this program by three arias from Mozart. Two from The Marriage of Figaro: "Non piu andrai," in which the jovial ex-barber kids amorous young Cherubino about the martial affairs which hence- forth will keep him from billing and cooing with every young wench he sees; and "Se vuol bal- lare" ("So you want to dance, do you!"), Figaro's warning to his m'aster the Count to keep hands off the future Mrs. Figaro. Two other bass arias, from Mozart's The Magic Flute and Verdi's Simon Boccanegra, will also be heard. The purely orchestral portion of the progra)i introducestwo entirely unfamiliar compositions by composers who lived when the modern sym- phony orchestra was still in its infancy. As a matter of fact, these pieces really belong to the class of chamber music, music adapted to inti- mate, usually informal performance by a group of soloists in court halls and private music rooms. This "room music," as Percy Grainger calls it, was to the world of the Renaissance what sym- phonic music is to us today. And, as the sym- phony is the monarch of modern musical forms, the instrumental part-music of the Renaissance may be said to have reached its climax in the English "Fancies" ("Fantasies") for several string instruments, of the 16th and 17th cen- turies. Of the examples of this form of composi- tion that have survived until today, one of the most interesting is the Fancy for Five Strings of John Jenkins, whose long life reached from the closing years of the Elizabethan era (1592) well into the Restoration (1678). About the time of Jenkins' death, certain im- portant changes were taking place in music, and by the beginning of the 18th century "fan- cies" and "consorts" had been superceded by "sonatas," "concertos," and the other instrumen- tal forms that are still in use today. The seat of these developments was that center of musical culture for centuries previous-Italy. One of the maestri who worked energetically to spread the Italian gospel all over the musical world wast Francesco Geminiani, composer, violinist, theo-t rist, and pedagogue. Evidently the latter quali- ties surpassed the creative genius in him, forc his compositions today are more heard of than1 heard. The work on this program, a single move- ment in song-form, was written for solo violin, the accompaniment to be filled in by a clave- cinist from a "figured bass"-musical shorthand.t Like the Jenkins Fancy, it has since been tran- scribed for string orchestra. First Festival Concert It was nearly forty years ago that Jan Sibelius, the Beethoven of the twentieth century, con- ceived the invocation to Ann Arbor's Forty-sixth May Festival, his Second Symphony. Last night Eugene Ormandy and the Philadelphia Orches- tra gave this Symphony magnificent utterance, climaxing a concert that began with Beethoven's Third Leonore Overture and contained the Don Juan of Richard Strauss, in addition to four arias by soprano Gladys Swarthout and the Orchestra: Dido's Lament from Purcell's Dido and Aeneas, a Recitative and Rondo by Christian Bach, "Printemps qui commence" from Saint- Saens' Samson and Delilah, and "Una voce poco fa" from Rossini's Barber of Seville. To which was added as an encore an air by Granados and the Mendelssohn Midsummer's Dream scherzo. Without question the remarkable thing about the evening was Sibelius' music. With its wild trills, its impassioned melodic phrases, its frag- mentary yet minutely organized structure, its powerful crescendos that only Sibelius can build to such heights before yielding the climax, this Symphony is like one mighty cadenza for great orchestra, brilliant yet profound. The unseparat- ed third and fourth movements, especially, under Ormandy were surpassingly beautiful and over- whelming in their last great preoration. We have heard the work, as a whole, performed with greater smoothness, with a surer, more logical connection of the many sections, with greater attention to all the beauty and meaning there' HE exploring reporter sometimes falls into a legacy of good copy murely by accident. Thus it was that David Zeitlin, local correspondent, searching for his pressbox seat at the 1entucky Derby last Saturday, encountered Mr. Thomas Driberg, a tall, distinguished, if youthful, look- ing dandy, immaculately groomed and a seeming misfit among the baggy-trousered Americanjourney- m 'en. Mr. Driberg is a product of Lon- don's Fleet street, being a columnist of the Daily Express, with a current- ly impermanent address as he roams the earth for. material. Last month, he witnessed the burial rites of the late Pope; Saturday in Louisville, Kentucky, where belles and bourbon provide a twin attraction, he watched eight horses stom with fire and fury toward a modest fortune. David was impressed with the Bri- ton's freely uttered views on Lind- bergh, Chamberlain and the Euro- pean situation, especially with his remark that the self-exiled colonel hobnobbed strangely with a pro-Nazi group while residing in England. Dri- berg's naive apologia for Lindy was that he "was still possibly embittered over his misfortunes here." As for Chamberlain's policy of a diplomatic oarrier to thwart further German ad- vances toward the East, the English journalist thinks the umbrella man will not fight over either Danzig or the Polish corridor. Danzig, accor/ ing to M. W. Fodor, veteran Euro- pean correspondent, is a dead city an unhappy experiment of the League of Nations-an observation which lends credence to Driberg's opinion. "Not until the Empire itself is threat- ened will England fight," Driberg opined. Chamberlain is hoping that Germany's Drang Nach Osten will ultimately lead to war with Russia, whereupon England will sit idly by, diplomatically immune from the fas- cist-communist embroglio. No wonder David was impressed with his accidental encounter with Thomas Driberg. ** * THE Daily's newly-assigned mis- sion to seek truth above all else is no idle boast. In a front-page notice Tuesday, requesting freshman nd sophomore women tryouts, the last sentence reads: "Try-outs do not have to be good writers."; * * * WITH Winchellesque assurance, New York World's Fair statisti- cians report that at least twenty: babies will be born on the Fair1 Grounds during the exposition. Itt isn't right. Opening one's eyes to perispheres and trylons, angular architectural lines that would recon- cile an atheist, and a weird melange of celebrants, is at worst slightly un- balancing. Twenty more screwballs in an era predominated by screw- balls. It's alarming. OFF THE CUFF: Barbers in the Union are victims of frustrated greed today as members of the Phila- delphia Symphony Orchestra, their manes nestling snugly on the napes of their neck, walk about the lobby . tWhat would your last meal con- sist of if you were faced with execu- tion at sunrise? . . . Beatrice Lillie,1 the comedienne, would want only a seedless watermelon . . . Column contributor G. Watt Bliss submits: Did you notice that what Quillent said about 'Joseph in Egypt' could all be easily modified to fit Hall Caine's 1300 pages of 'Life of Christ'?" The sudden lull in Michigras proceedings last Saturday night was1 likely due to the announcement of i the new Union officers . . . Disap- pointed juniors lost their enthusiasm in a jiffy, although Don Treadwell,1 newly appointed -Union prexy, was observed bustling about with unabat- ing vigor . . . Death to doncentra-' tion in lecture courses these days is a seat near the window . . . IEL Fineberg, The Daily's new sports editor who got news of his appointment in Louisville Saturday night, relays the story of the Ken-' tuckian he met who proudly boasted that in his state 98 per cent of the citizens were American born. "That's why we have so- few hold-ups or rob- beries," he crowed. "It's the foreign element that does that stuff. In Ken- tucky we don't have it, no sir." Mel innocently asked, braving death and destruction thereby, "Well, how' about the feuds? Aren't the stories they tell about the shootings and killings true?" "Sure they're true," replied the booster, "but those kind of killings aren't serious." and was not far less perfect in re- spect to the whole ensemble. Vocally delightful and personally charming was Miss Swarthout's con- tribution to the program. Her voice, full-throated and appealing but some- what limited in range and variety, was at its best in the tenuous, seduc- tive song of Delilah. Her impressively simple and dramatic rendition of Dido's affecting death lament also THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1939 VOL. XLIX. No. 159 Notices University Club: The annual meet- ing and election of officers which was scheduled for Friday, May 12, has been postponed until Friday, May 26. Notice: Attention of all concerned, and particularly of those having of- fices in Haven Hall, or the Western Portion of the Natural Science Build- Ing, to the fact that parking of cars In the driveway between these two ouildings is at all times inconvenient to other users of the drive and some times results in positive danger to other drivers and to pedestrians on the diagonal and other walks. You are respectfully asked not to park there, and if members of your family call for you, especially at noon when traffic both on wheels and on foot is heavy, it is especially urged that the car wait for you in the parking space adjacent to the north door of Uni- versity Hall. Waiting in the drive- way blocks traffic and involves con- fusion, inconvenience and dange- just as much when a person is sitting in a car as when the car is parked empty. University Senate Comumittee on Parking- Applications for Proctorships in the Men's Residence Halls. Students who expect to have their applications con- sidered for appointment in the school year 1939-1940 will please file the blanks in the Office of the Director of Residence Halls by 3:00 Thursday, May 11. Union Life Membership Button. All men who have been enrolled in the University for eight semesters may, secure their life membership buttonsI at the business office of the Union1 any week-day from 8 to 12 and 1:30, to 5. There is no additional chargej for this button. Students who are graduating after less than eight se- mesters of enrollment may make spe- cial arrangements at the business office. Phi Beta Kappa. The keys orderede by the new members have arrived and may be obtained at the Secre- tary's office at the Observatory. Literary Commencement Announce- ments. Due to the many requests of the seniors who have been unable to place their orders for the Literary Commencement Announcements, the sale will be continued until Friday, May 12. The sale will be held in Angell Hall Lobby at the following times: Thursday, May 11: 9-12 a.m.; 1-4 p.m. Friday, May 12: 9-12 a.m.; 1-4 p.m. Camp Davis. Students expecting to enroll in surveying courses at Camp Davis this summer, who have not handed in their names, are asked to do so immediately. Assembly: Petitioning for Assembly positions for next fall will be reopened1 to those interested on Friday, Sat- urday and Monday, May 12, 13 and 15. All Independent women are urged to petition. May Festival Ticket Office. Begin- ning Wednesday morning, and con-k tinuing through the Festival, ther ticket office will be at the box office in Hill Auditorium. Girls' Cooperative House would like to have all girls who are interested in living there next year fill out appli- cations in the office of the Dean of Women immediately. For further in- formation, call 22218 .between 6 and 7 p.m. or inquire in the Dean's Of-t fice. - 1939 Dramatic Season: All Season tickets now on reserve must be picked' up this week. Season and single tickets for all five plays on sale at the Mendelssohn Box Office, phone 6300. Academic Notices Final Doctoral Examination of Mr. Edwin Owen Wicks will be held on Thursday, May 11 at 2 p.m. in Room 2, Waterman Gymnasium. Mr. Wicks' field of specialization is Hygiene and Public Health. The title of his thesis' is "Standardized Antigen in the Serio- diagnosis of Syphilis." Dr. Sundwall,? as chairman of the committee, will. conduct the examination. By direc- tion of the Executive Board, the chairman has the privilege of invit- ing members of the faculty and ad-, vanced doctoral candidates to attend the examination and to grant permis- State Dental Advertising Limited By Senate Bill Concerts May Festival Concerts: The 46th Annual May Festival will be held in Hill Auditorium, May 10, 11, 12 and 13. The Philadelphia Orchestra will participate in all six concerts. The general programs are as follows: Second Concert: Thursday, May 11, 8:30. Selmaa Amansky, soprano; Jan Peerce, tenor; Rudolf Serkin, pi- anist, soloists; Palmer Christian, or- ganist; EarlV. Moore, Har McDon- ald and Eugene Ormandy, Conduc- etors. Third Concert: Friday, May 12, 2:30. Ezio Pinza bass, soloist; Young Peoples' Festival Chorus; Eugene Or- mandy and Juva Higbee, conductors. Fourth Concert: Friday, May 12, 8:30. Marian Anderson, contralto, soloist; Men's Chorus; Eugene Or- mandy, Conductor. Fifth Concert: Saturday, May 13, 2:30. Georges Enesco, violinist, so- loist; Saul Caston and Georges Enes- co, Conductors. Sixth Concert: Saturday, May 13, 8:30. Verdi's "Otello." Helen Jep- son, Elizabeth Wysor, Giovanni Mar- tinelli, Giuseppe Cavadore, Arthur Hackett, Richard Bonelli, and Nor- man Cordon, soloists. Palmer Chris- tian, organist; the University Choral Union; Earl V. Moore, Conductor. Concerts will begin on time, and doors will be closed during numbers. Holders of season tickets are request- ed to present for admission only the coupon for each respective concert. Exhibitions Exhibition of Six Paintings by Three Mexican Artists-Rivera, Or- ozco, and Siqueiros-and water colors by Alexander. Mastro Valerio, under the auspices of the Ann Arbor .Art Association Alumni Memorial Hall, North and South Galleries; After- noons from 2 to 5 until May 13. Museum of Classical Archaeology: A special exhibit of antiquities from the Nile Valley, the Province of Fay- oum, and the Delta of Egypt, from early Dynastic times to the Late Cop- tic and Arabic Periods. Tenth Annual Exhibition of Sculp- ture, in the concourse of the Michi- gan League Building. Lectures Biological Chemistry Lecture: Sat- urday, May 13, 10:30 a.m., East Lec- ture Room (Mezzanine Floor), Hor- ace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies. Dr. Eliot F. Beach of the Children's Fund of Michigan will lec- ture to the students of biological chemistry and to all others interest- ed on "Studies in the Chemical Com- position of Proteins with Especial Reference to the Hemolytic Residues of Erythrocytes." Events Today Ann Arbor Independents: There will be a rehearsal for Lantern Night to- day from 4 to 5:30 p.m. in the Game Room of the League. Omega Upsilon: There will be au- ditions tonight at 7:15, Morris Hall. All members please attend. Meeting will beshort. Athena: Regular meeting will be held at 7:30 tonight in the Alpha Nu room. Archery Club: There will be a meet- ing of the women's archery club this afternoon ,at 4:15 p.m. on Palmer Field. The men's archery club is shooting with the women's club and all members are asked to be present. Avukah will have an important meeting at the Hillel Foundation to- night at 7:30 p.m. All members are urged to be present. New members are welcome. Coming Events Speech 190: Students in Speech 190 will meet at the Speech Clinic, 1007 East Huron Street, Friday, May 12, at 9 o'clock; and Monday, May 15, at 9 o'clock in Room 302 Mason Hall. Student Senate luncheon will be on Saturday, May 13, 12:15 p.m., at the Michigan Union. The room will be posted on the bulletin board in the Union. All Senators are requested to call Dworkis, 3779, or Schafrann, 4929, for reservations. The luncheon is open also to interested students and faculty members. All reserva- tions must be in by Saturday at 11 a.m. Congregational Fellowship: Those wishing to go on a picnic Sunday, meet at Pilgrim Hall promptly at 4 p.m. Stop at Pilgrim Hall or call 2-1679 at noon for reservations. Institute of the Aeronautical Sci- ences: There will be a meeting of the Student Branch of the Institute DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the Universit. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President 'until 3:;0 P.M.; 11:00 A.M. on Saturday. sion to others who might present. wish to be C. S. Yoakum. TH EATR-E By NORMAN IEL Barrymore' s Ni ht Last night, the Michigan Theatre omitted its usual run of celluloid showings and opened its stage to the filh's more satisfying legitimate brother. The occasion was the appearance of Miss Ethel Barrymore starring in Mazo de la Roche's "Whiteoaks." Were it a movie, "Whiteoaks" would be a Class "B," guaranteed to wow the neighborhoods, if not so good for the "downtown" trade. Miss Barrymore was so good that it is too bad she hasn't "A" stuff to work on. She appears as a centenarian whose relatives are chiefly concerned as to who will inherit her money. Around this simple plot, Miss de la Roche has woven her story and she has only herself to blame if she did not make a good play out of the novel, "Whiteoaks of Jalna," for it was she who adapted her own book for the stage. Miss Barrymore does not act the 101-year-old matriarch with her voice alone. Her walk is different, her facial expression, her very hands are different. In the hands of a less competent actress, the role would have descended to mere characterization. In the artful hands of -Miss Barrymore, she actually seems to live the part. When the great eighteenth century actor. David Garrick died, Dr. Johnson is reported to have said, "He eclipsed the gaiety of nations." If we ,can draw some sort of an analogy, when Miss Barrymore dies at the end of the second act, she eclipses whatever little of the plot that is left. One of the characters in the last act re- marks that he seems to feel her presence still with him in the room. And he was absolutely cor- rect. The vitality of the play was terminated by her absence. The near-capacity house gave Miss Barrymore the ovation she deserved. It was with little regret that we missed The Philadelphia Sym- phony and Miss Swarthout at Hill Auditorium, fr. ,, anrill arm am.o