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May 11, 1939 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-11

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Continued coowl; fair


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SPolsmen 's




Tries To Allay
Soviet Doubts
Polish-Russian Conference
Viewed As Contribution
To Improved Relations
Poles Claim Meeting
Aids Anti-Hitler Bloc
LONDON, May 10.-()-Great
Britain today gave public assurance
to Soviet Russia that proposals al-
ready advanced to Moscow asked
military aid in eastern Europe only
after British-French forces have en-
tered the field in any future war.
Attempting to allay doubts both in
London and Moscow about the latest
British proposals, Prime Minister
Chamberlain told the House of Com-
mons there was no intention of leav-
ing the way open for Russia to "be
committed to intervention unsup-
ported by His Majesty's government
and France."I
Doubts Still Persist
Despite Chamberlain's statement,
however, doubts persisted in some
quarters that the Soviet Union would
accept the British proposals for a
security pact without further specific
What Russia wanted to know and
what Chamberlain left unexplained
was precisely what aid from western
Europe Britain and France would give
Poland and Rumania under recent
pledges to help resist any threats to
their independence and also what the
two western powers would do in event
of attacks against other neighbors
of Russia.
In the Russian view, these ques-
tions call for a definite military al-
liance among France, Britain and
Soviet Russia, immediate military
staff talks and extension of security
guarantees to cover other states on
Russia's western frontier, Lavia, Es-
tonia, Lithuania and Finland. ,
Britain proposed, Chamberlain said,
that Russia give Poland and Ru-
mania guarantees similar to those
given by Britain and France.
England Seeks Promise
He said Russia was asked to prom-
ise that "in event of Great Britain
and France being involved in hostili-
ties in discharge of their own obliga-
tions thus accepted, the Soviet gov-
ernment on their side would express
their readiness to lend assistance if
In apparent reference to the pos-
sibilty the Soviet attitude may have
changed with the displacement of
Maxim Litvinoff by Vyacheslaff Mo-
lotoff as foreign affairs commissar,
Chamberlain said the proposals
seemed "In accord with the recent
pronouncement of M. Stalin that it is
the policy of the Soviet government to
upport countries which might be the
victims of aggression and which were
prepared to defend their own inde-
WARSAW, May 10.-(P)-A confer-
ence of Polish and Soviet Russian
leaders in Warsaw today was authori-
tatively described as a distinct con-
tibution to improved Polish-Rus-
sian relations.
Vladimir P. Potemkin, Soviet Rus-
sia's first assistant foreign commis-
ar, and Foreign Minister Col. Joseph
Beck conversed for an hour and a
Informed Polish observers said
their talk had improved prospects of
the British-French security alliance

which already includes Poland. The
adherence of Russia is under negotia-
tion in London and Moscow. Whether
Soviet aid to Poland was discussed
here today was not disclosed.
Sing Favorites
T'o Be Chosen

'4iitograph Seekers Overlook
'Glamorous Gladys Swarthout

Directs Choral Union

Sly Accompanist
Likes Michigan


"Hodges, if you steal those tulips,
I'll fire you!"
Hodges retreated from the entic-
ing tulip-bed and stepped back on
the sidewalk where Gladys Swarth-
out, clutching a lilac Hodges had
"borrowed" from a "white colonial
building" on South University, was
"Now look," said the lovely sing-
ing star who opened the 46th May
Festival here last night," we've been
here only a few hours and we really
don't want to offend these people.
So, you behave yourself; besides, I
couldn't carry the tulips."
Hodges (Mr. Lester Hodges, tour
manager and accompanist for Miss
Swarthout) grudgingly agreed and
;hey continued their stroll about the
campus. It was quite an unusual ex-

Opposition Hits
Proposed Civil
Service Plans
Governor Dickinson Asked
To Veto Bill By Detroit
LANSING, May 10.--(AP)--Governor
Dickinson clashed today with a cri-
tic of the civil service bill who accused
the Legislature of a "betrayal of the
trust imposed in the Republican
The Governor, who said he has not
yet decided whether he would veto or
sign the bill, listened attentively to
the delegation's demands for a veto,
then declared:
"I may look at things with a little
different view because of what ,you
have told me." He did not elaborate.
The Governor took issue with the
betrayal charge voiced by E. W. Frey
of Detroit, president of the Detroit
Municipal Emioyes' Club, Inc.
"You have made too many insinu-
ations," he asserted. "Haven't we
any confidence in the men we have
elected? Those insinuations ought not
to be in there (the petition Frey
presented). Would you care to face
these same representatives and tell
them of this 'betrayal?"'
Frey replied his organization asked
the legislature for "a fair" civil serv-
ice bill, adding that "they promised
to give us one, but they didn't do it.
I'd be willing to tell them they did not
live up to that letter."
Dickinson said he was impressed
with a detailed statement of objec-
tions presented by Arno R. Schorer
of Kalamazoo, president of the Michi-
gan Merit System Association, who
declared it was not right to apply
the title "civil service" to abill
adopted by the legislature which
would open 10,000 state jobs to pa-
tronage. "The use of this alias will
not deceive the people," i Schorer
House Passes
Proponents Of Measure
Beat Down Opposition
WASHINGTON, May 10. -()-
Amid cries of "pork barrel" and
"spendthrift," the House went on
record today in favor of a $305,188,-
514 appropriation, mostly for flood
control and river and harbor im-
provements, but a last-minute Re-
publican strategem deferred final
action until next week.
Overriding the objections of Ma-
jority Leader Rayburn (Dem.-Tex.)
and leading members of its appro-
priations' committee, the House add-
ed $50,000,000 for flood control and
river and harbor projects to the orig-
inal budget estimates. Proponents of
the increase said an equal amount
would be deducted from next year's
relief fund inasmuch as President
Roosevelt already had agreed to allo-
cate that amount for such projects.
Student Senate Cal
Speaker Candidates
Students interested in applying fo
the position of speaker for the Stu-
dent Senate are requested to submi
a petition stating their qualifications
and knowledge of parliamentary pro-

perience for the famous soprano to
walk down a city street and not be
besieged by autograph seekers; we
reassured her it wasn't because the
Michigan student body wasn't with
the rest of the world in singing her
praise, but simply that they didn't
recognize her. As we reached the
Union, Hodges was still casting long-
ing glances at the tulips.
At this point, Miss Swarthout ex-
cused herself to get some much-need-
ed rest and left Mr. Hodges to carry
on with the interview.
"Now, about those tulips . . ." be-
gan Mr. Hodges.
We finally were able to assure Mr.
Hodges that tulips were not a fit
subject for an interview of this type
and that Miss Swarthout would
really make a much more interesting
topic for discussion.
Last night's concert, which at-
tracted one of the largest first night
audiences in Festival history, was
Miss Swarthout's first local appear-
ance and came as the last perform-
ance in a five-week concert tour that
has taken 'them all through the
Mid-west and Far-west. Mr. Hodges
looked tired just thinking and talk-
ing about it.
"We flew from Everett, Wash.,
to Los Angeles and then boarded
The Chief for Ann Arbor," he went
on. "Weleave immediately after the
concert for Detroit where we entrain
for New York. Miss Swarthout andI
her husband, Frank Chapman, thenI
leave for Havana where they are to,
appear in a concert with the Havanai
Symphony Orchestra. They next rush;
back to New York to sing on the
(Continued on Page 6)
Dormitory Unit
Plans To House
Only Freshmen
JQrdan Hall To Inaugurate
Plan To Promote Unity
Among Women's Group
Plans to make Jordan Hall a dormi-
tory exclusively for freshmen women,
starting in September, were revealed
yesterday to present residents of the
dormitory by Dean Alice C. Floyd.
All upperclassmen, except gradu-
ates, now living in the Hall will find
other places of residence, Dean Lloyd
said, and only first semester fresh-
men will be assigned rooms in Jor-
dan Hall.
Other institutions, such as Leland-
Stanford University, have adopted
similar projects which have proved
very successful in fostering a unity
and wide acquaintanceship among
the members of the various classes.
The University's plan, which was
formulated and approved by the new
Board of Governors of Residence
Halls, was inspired by the same
Jordan upperclassmen, who wish to
do so, may move into Mosher Hall,
and, as no freshmen will reside in
this dormitory, it is expected that
there will be ade.quate housing facili-
Jordan Hall was chosen for the ex-
periment because of its proximity to
the new dormitory, Stockwell Hall,
which will be ready for occupancy
next February. At that time, any
freshmen women not living in dor-
mitories will be transferred to Stock-
well Hall. One wing of this dormitory
will also be reserved for graduate
students, Dean Lloyd stated.

** *
May Festival
Offers Choral
Works Tonight'
Second Concert Featuresf
Anansky And PeerceC
With Rudolph Serkin x
Two choral offerings featuring Sel-t
ma Amansky, soprano, and Jan
Peerce, tenor, supported by the Uni-t
versity Choral Union will highlightt
the second program of the forty-sixthc
annual May Festival at 8:30 p.m.s
today in Hill Auditorium.r
Tickets may still be obtained at
the box-office in the Auidtorium,g
Charles A. Sink, president of the1
School of Music, said last night.
Miss Amansky will sing the solo1
part in Harl McDonald's Chorall
Symphony No. 3, "Lamentations of
Fu Hpuan," under the direction of1
the composer, who is conductor oft
the choral organizations at the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania. Miss Aman-
sky has sung the soprano role on
several previous occasions with the
Philadelphia Orchestra, and was
especially chosen for the part by the
Festival committee.
Mr. Peerce, who has gained wide
fame as the Radio City Music Hall
tenor, will take the solo in "Psalmus
Hungaricus" by Kodaly. This com-
position, one of the few written by
Kodaly, . was commisisoned in 1923
as a part of a festival commemorat-
ing the fiftieth anniversary of the.
union of Buda and Pest. For this
number, the Choral Union will be
conducted by Prof. Earl V. Moore of
the School of Music.
Concluding the program will be a
rendition by Rudolph Serkin, cele-
brated Czecho-Slovak pianist, of Bee-
thoven's "Concerto No. 5 in E flat."'
'he Philadelphia Orchestra, under
the baton of Eugene Ormandy,,will
accompany him.
Ezia Pinza, soloist at the third con-
cert at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow, will sing
arias from "The Marriage of Figaro,"
"The Magic Flute," "La Juive" and
"Simon Boccanegra."

Ten Juniors
Named ToFill
Union Posts
Bates Honored At Dinner
As Treadwell And Smith
Are Formally Installed
Awards Presented
At Annual Banquet
Ten appointees for the Junior Ex-
cutive Council of the Union were
announced late last night after the
installation banquet honoring Dean
Henry M. Bates, retiring head of the
Law School.
Those appointed were: Irl D.
Brent, '41; Marshall C. Brown, Jr.,
'41; Peter F. Brown, '41E; Elmer P.
Foster, '41E; Douglas P. Gould, '41;
Charles M. Heinen, '41E; Charles A.
Kerner, '41E; James M. Palmer, '41;
Harold Singer, '41 and Robert D.
Ulrich, '41. Donald Treadwell, '40
and Hadley Smith, '40E, newly ap-
pointed president and secretary, were
formally given their positions.
Dean Bates, one of the founders
of the Union and for 25 years a mem-
ber of its board of directors, spoke
at the banquet on the experience of
the Union's origin. He recalled the
difficulties of starting an organiza-
tion of a type practically unknown in
the college world. At the time of its
conception, he said, the only two
schools possessing a group even re-
motely resembling the present Union
were Harvard and Brown. These or-
ganizations, he added were unlike the
Michigan institution in being private-
ly endowed, and with little more pur-
pose than a club or gathering place.
Preceeding Dean Bates' talk, Paul
Brickley, retiring president,' and Don
Belden, retiring secretary, formally
turned their positions over to their
successors, introducing them as they
did so. Brickley introduced Stanley
G. Waltzhbusiness manager of the
Union, who.spoke briefly..
Honor awards were presented to
members of the board of directors, in-
cluding two new faculty members,
Prof. Arthu W. Bromage of the po-
litical science department and Prof.
John S. Worley of the engineering
school. At the same time awards were
given to members of this year's junior
executive staff. These were: Ted
Spangler, Doug Tracy, Don Nixon,
Harry Howell, Jim Halligan, Jim
Wills, Clifford Livingston and Dennis
Flanagan. Members of the sopho-
more staff holding committee posi-
tions during the year also received
House Will Map
Budget Strategy
University Appropriations
Included In Measures
LANSING, May 10.-(P)-Three
slightly revised budget bills were re-
ported out by the Ways and Mean
Committee today to permit their firs
consideration on the floor of th
House of Representatives.
The committee, mapping strateg
against reported uprisings in th
House, withheld the school aid bil
and planned to use it as a club ove
the heads of recalcitrant House mem
bers. Chairman John P. Espie said i
would be used as a reminder tha
"Any money appropriated in exces
of the committee's recommendation
will have to come out of the schools

The bills released today were th(
general budget bill and bills allocat
ing funds for the University of Mich
igan and Michigan State College.
The general budget measure wa
increased by $200,000 in committee
making a new total in that measur
of $57,712,286 in the first year of th
biennium and $57,169,314 in the sec
The total of all the budget bill
still is within anticipated revenue,
Budget Director Grover C. Dillmai
I The committee wrote in a $30,00
increase in the appropriation of th
prison industries, to be used for sup
plies, materials and contractual serv
ices. An extra $66,000 for 'the pay
ment of inmate labor also was adde
Senior Cotmiittees
Distribute Bookle
Only Senior committees of the vari
ous departments of the Universit
will distribute the leather and card

Rival Cast Accepts
Good Will Invitation
To Barrymore Play
Rivalry between stock companies,
a theatrical tradition, was abandoned
last night when Philip Merivale' and
his entire cast for "No War In Troy!"
initial presentation of the 1939 Dra-
matic Season, were invited by Ethel
Barrymore to attend her play, "White
Oaks," presented in a single per-
formance at the Michigan Theatre.
With her gesture of good will, Miss
Barrymore expressed her wish that
the Dramatic Season will have its
most successful year since its in-
ception in 1930.
"No War In Troy!", an allegorical
play with Philip Merivale as Hector,
includes in its supporting cast Dennis
Hoey, Doris Dalton, Wesley Addy,
Dorothy Sands, Staats Cotsworth,
Mary Morris, Harry Irvine, Philip
Tonge and Edgar Kent.
Ticket sale for the Dramatic Sea-
son is under way at theLydia Men-
delssohn box-office. Both individual
and season tickets may be procured,
according to Mrs. Lucille Walz, pro-
motion manager.
Labor Board
Fights Change
In Wagner Act
AFL Defends Proposals
In Lengthy Discussions
Before Senate Group
Representatives of the American Fed-
eration of Labor and the National La-
bor Board sought again today to find
some common ground on the hot is-
sue of amending the Wagner Labor
Before they resumed their discus-
sions late this afternoon, John P.
Frey, president of the AFL metal
trades department, had informed the
Senate labor committee that the ne-
gotiations were an "exploratory ef-
fort to discover whether there were
amendments which would be ap-
proved jointly."
The AFL is sponsoring a number
of amendments to the law, most of
which the Labor Board has opposed.
Attorneys for the AFL and the
Board, taking notice of CIO assertions
that the negotiations, begun yester-
day, were an attempt by the AFL to
make "a back door deal" with the
Labor Board, told the Senate com-
mittee their discussions were the re-
sult of a "spontaneous suggestion."
The committee heardI brief testi-
mony by Charles Fahy, general coun-
sel of the Labor Board; Joseph A.
Padway, AFL' attorney; and Lee
Pressman, cdunsel for the CIO. After
they had finished, Chairman Thomas
(Dem., Utah) suggested that the ne-
gotiations be resumed. He said he
thought all persons interested should
be invited, but Frey objected to CIO
participation, on the ground that it
would not be conducive to a "meet-
ing of minds."
Council Petition
y Deadline Is Set
r Six Engineering Position
t To Be Chosen At Election
s Petitions for the six positions o
s the Engineering Council must be sub
' mnitted to the office of the Dean of th
Enginnering College before May 19.

e Two members each from the classe
- of 1940, 1941 and 1942 will be chosex
- at the election to be held May 25. Pe
titions for officers must contain
s statement of the qualifications of th
, candidate and his plans for the corn
e ing year. Applications must be ac
e companied by a 'petition signed by 1
members of the candidate's class an
an eligibility card.
s Plans for the coming year, We
s, Warren, '39E, president of the En
n gineering Council announced, ar
being formulated by the Council t
0 bring about a closer association be
e tween engineers. The traditional En
gineering Open House will be revive
- next year, and a separate orienta
- tion program for transfer enginee
d ing students is planned. On the so
cial calendar, three engineerin
smokers and an engineering ball f
the first semester of next year ar
being considered.
- Coal Utilization Meeting
y To Be Held In Ann Arbo

Coal Factions
Enter Critical
Joiit Session
To End Strike
Federal Conciliators Fail
To Effect An Agreement
By President's Deadline
Chandler Considers
Summoning Militia
NEW YORK, May 1o.-(")-Soft
coal operators and CIO union miners
went into joint session just before
11 p.m. (EST) today in a renewed
effort to write a new labor contract
for the bituminous industry at the
demand of President Roosevelt.
The joint meeting followed consid-
erable scurrying of Federal mediators
between the rival camps, which had
remained closeted by themselves
throughout the evening.
The President's "deadline" for an
agreement that would reopen Inines
in 26 states and put nearly a half
million diggers back to work was in-
terpreted to mean a midnight "zero
hour." However, it appeared any
agreement before working hours to-
morrow would satisfy the Federal
conciliators striving for settlement.
To Summon Militia
Meanwhile, one state governor stood
ready to call out the militia soon to
protect any miners wishing to work,
and other emergency plans wete in
the making over the nation's bitu-
minous belt. ,
Gov. A. B. Chandler said in Frank-
fort, Ky., that unless the mines of
eastern Kentucky were In operation
by Monday he would send National
Guardsmen into Harlan County,
where they had been requested
In West Virginia, too, an authori-
tative source at the capitol said that
if theaconference here collapsed, men
in that state "who want to work will
be protected."
Some 460,000 miners in the 26 bi-
tuminous states were idle because of
the failure of employers and the
union to write a new agreement to re-
place the contract that expired March
31; shortages of industrial coal stocks
were reaching the acute stage.
Governor Chandler, saying that
there was no dispute as to wages and
hours and that "the people of Ken-
tucky and; the nation have become
weary of this controversy," thus ex-
plained his decision:
'Right To Work'
"I have taken the position that any
unemployed citizen of Kentucky or
any citizen of America who needs and
wants and has an opportunity to work
r at wages and under conditions ac-
ceptable to him shall have the right
to work without intimidation, free
from molestation from anyone."
The terms of the formula which
was being debated about the con-
ference table here in New York were
not disclosed, but it was understood
simply to propose the resumption of
operations under a tentative agree-
ment which might later be modified
or rewritten.
Men in touch with both the opera-
tors and the union-the United Mine
Workers (CIO)-said guardedly but
emphatically that not even such a
tentative understanding was in pros-
s pect.
President Roosevelt's enjoinder to
reach a settlement, made yesterday
in a White House conference with
n the disputants, put tonight as the
- deadline, and Dr. John R. Steelman,
e head of the U.S. Labor Department's
conciliation service said it could be
's interpreted that the President specifi-

n cally had meant midnight.
a Aiton To Be Guest
- At Congress Dinner
d Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of the his-
tory department will speak at a din-
s ner at which the seven new officers
i- of Congress, independent men's or-
e ganization, will be installed at 6:15
o p.m. today in the Union.
e- Congress keys and pins will be
i- awarded, keys going to men who
d have been active on the district coun-
- cil and executive council and pins to
r- men active in committees.
- Officers named Monday to be in-
ig stalled today are Philip F. Westbrook,
or '40, president; Douglas Tracy, '40E,
re and Jay Rockwell, '40, executive sec-
retaries; Roland Rhead, '40, secre-
tary-treasurer; Jack Hoover, '40,
chairman of the activities committee;
Winston Cox, '42, social chairman;
r and William Rockwell, '41, bultetin


Goering To Return
Without Seeing


MADRID, May 10.-(AP)-German
embassy sources said they were ad-
vised today that Field Marshal Her-
mann Wilhelm Goering, on his way
to Valencia from a vacation in Italy,
would spend only a few hours at the
Spanish seaport and then continue to
Hamburg, Germany.


_ ,

German-Italian Military Pact
Seen As Intensification Of Axis

When Michigan's sorority women
sort their mail sometime this morn-
ing they will find in it a written in-
vitation from the Interfraternity Sing
committee requesting their organ-
ized feminine attendance at the tra-
ditional event to be held Wednesday,
M'ay 17.
Coincident with this announce-
ment by Robert Golden, '40, director
of publicity, was the offer of Neil-
sen's Greenhouses to- furnish flowers
to that sorority which backs the
champion singing fraternity. After

The greatest significance of the
new German-Italian military pact
which resulted from the Milan con-
ference last weekend, Prof. Howard
M. Ehrmann of the history depart-
ment declared in an interview yester-
day, is a confirmation of the axis in
stronger terms; a reassertion of its
strength to warn lesser European
states against joining the Anglo-
French bloc.
This pact is part of the answer of
Mussolini and Hitler to Daladier's
and Chamberlain's anti-axis policy,
he stated, and although the pact has
not been signed as yet, it is scheduled
for signing toward the end of this
month or early in June. However,
an agreement seems to have been
reached as to the main feature of the
pact, namely, mutual assistance with-
out reservation, should either coun-
try become involved in a war.

bears this out, Professor Ehrmann
It seems to be a foregone conclu-
sion that Germany wishes to bind
Italy in an alliance that will offer
no loopholes for her, lest she repeat
her role of 1914 when monarchical
Italy broke away from Austria-Hun-
gary and Germany in spite of the
triple alliance and of a reparate mili-
tary agreement. And then in May
1915, she went to war against Aus-
tria-Hungary and in August 1916
turned against Germany.
At that time, Professor Ehrmann
explained, the Italian government
interpreted the text of the alliance to
justify her neutrality. And so it can
be understood now that Germany
wants to avoid a repetition of that.
This new alliance will have some
value in deterring the smaller Euro-
pean states from joining the Anglo-
French anti-axis bloc. It is also

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