if, SHE MICHIGAN IAAISLY WEDNESDAY, unity 10, 1939 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAY 18, 1939 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managedI by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the Oniversity year and Summ r Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTI6SING BY - National Advertising Service, Inc., College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO'BOSTON' LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Editoral Staff Managing Editor City Editor , Editorial Director, Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate' Editor Sports Editor. Women's Editor . Carl Petersen Stan M,° Swinton Elliott Maraniss . Jack Canavan Dennis Flanagan Morton Linder Norman Schorr *Ethel Norberg . Mel Fineberg * Ann Vicary . Paul R. Park Ganson Taggart Zenovia Skoratko Jane Mowers . Harriet Levy Business Stafff Business Manager . Credits Manager . Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager. Publications Manager . NIGHT EDITOR: S. R. KLEIMAN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. . A Statement Of Policy . . N HIS inaugural editorial in yester- day's Daily the managing editor presented the two basic requirements which The Daily news columns must fulfill: The Daily, he maintained, must be both accurate and objective in the presentation of news. The requirements of accuracy and objectivity, essential in the presentation of news, are even more fundamental in the expression of editorial opinion. The editorials that appear in The Michigan Daily this year will be rigidly sub- jected to those two tests: that is the only policy to which we will commit these columns. The managing editor suggested yesterday that in, the news columns objectivity will be in- terpreted to mean a diligent pursuit and a clear presentation of the truth. Exactly the same meaning will be placed upon the word in regard to the editorial page. In this strange world of barbaric nihilism, the foundations of our culture are being rapidly undermined. New and exciting catch-words and phrases have been created to capture the imagi- nations of disillusioned and desperate men. Words like tolerance, justice, humanity, democ- racy and objective truth, no longer: appear capable of firing men's souls. To the strong men of Europe these words haye become pre-historic concepts, remnants of a decadent past; and the irrational pattern of barbaric thought has even permeated the thinking of many men on-this side of the Atlantic. It is, then, with a keen sense of the urgent necessity for forthright affirmation of the democratic principles that we dedicate these columns to the objective pursuit of truth. Human *;men will rise to the fullest stature of which they are capable-the centuries-old dream of Western Civilization-only when they are at liberty to exercise their creative intelligences in freedom and security. --Elliott Ma iss The Daily Edits The News .. . TO THOSE unfamiliar with newspaper work the complexities of practical journalism arekbewildering. Therefore at the start of a new year for The Daily it is well to ex- plain to those who will furnish news material the how and why of the matter. The Daily is open to any legitimate news. It is a propaganda organ of no group, no clique. Neither is it merely a publicity organ. News selection in the coming year will be based entire- ly upon reader interest. If a club desires space about its meeting, very well. But the size of that club and the interest in its activities will decide the amount of space allotted. News merit, not the amount of pressure which those desiring publicity exert upon the editors, will be the im- portant factor. The City Desk of The Daily requests any in- formation about activities coming up. It appre- ciates the vital part publicity plays in the suc- cess of an affair and will cooperate as far as possible. It will not, however, crowd out more important news for an announcement of a meet- of a club with three members. As Carl Petersen and Elliott Maraniss have emphasized in their first edtorials, The Daily will be open-minded. There will be no suppres- mUSIC By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER Notes On The Fourth Concert That last Festival's all-Wagner program should be followed this year by an all-Brahms evening is not at all inappropriate. During the latter half of the nineteenth century a large part of musical society was divided into two hostile factions: the worshippers of Wagner and those of Brahms. Among musical Germans, "Brahms or Wagner?" had something of the significance of "Gluck or Piccini?" in pre-Revolution Paris music-or of "Whig or Tory?" in revolutionary America. The enjoyment of music is so personal a thing that it is easy for the same composition to set up violently opposing reactions in different listeners, and devotees of the art have ever shown a pro- pensity for making an issue out of the slightest variance of opinion. That this is an unfortunate state of affairs would seem to be the obvious conclusion, though it can be argued that such rivalries -are a healthy tribute to the potency of the music involved. In these jejune post-war days it would be a pleasure to find some new music worth fighting about. At any rate, our late Victorians went at it quite lustily over Wagner and Brahms, and Brahmsians calling Wagner a degenerate luna- tic whose music was without meaning, and the Wagnerites rubbing their noses and saying "ped- antic," "stodgy," "dryasdust," "old-fashioned" to Brahms. Pointless and unwarranted as were the extremes to which their name-calling went, one thing at least can be granted. Wagner, writing almost entirely for the stage, expanded the Berlioz-Liszt creed of greater freedom of expres- sion in music, of content the all and form as nothing in itself. Brahms, the composer for music room and concert hall, was a true neo- classicist, a carrier of Beethoven's torch. He did not renounce the ideals nor the forms of the classic masters. He wrote sonatas, quartets, sym- phonies, not symphonic poems or music dramas. The backbone of his music is the cyclic form, the sonata-allegro, and their kindred designs, just as with Haydn and Beethoven-not literary or pictorial ideas. He was not a Debussy in harmon- ization nor a Richard Strauss in orchestration, but a conservative to whom good taste was more important than vividness or novelty of expres- sion. To say that Brahms was a "conservative," however, is true only in a comparative sense. For when not judged by the standards of such one- time radicals as Liszt, Wagner, and Strauss, Brahms takes on the guise of a liberal to whom progress through change and a widened arc of musical expression were not foreign. The ele- ments of gravity and restraint which character- ize much of his music arise purely from his low- born, North German nature, not from a hide- bound adherence to convention. For instance, though he retained the classic four-movement formula in sonata and symphony, he rejected both the minuet of Haydn and the scherzo of Beethoven as not being compatible with personalI ideals, and in their stead inserted those contem- plative, yearning intermezzi, less rhythmic and more ponderable than the scherzo, which are among his most characteristic pieces. And to say that Brahms did not throw aside the classic principles of structure, as did the Liszt school, does not mean that with him content was subservient to form. Thematic development is the germ which engenders most of his instru- mental music, but the development is almost always one for the emotions as well as for the intellect. Brahms, it must be remembered, was a disciple of Schumann and every inch a product of the romantic era, though one more full- blooded than hot-blooded. The entire fourth program of the May Festival is a refutation of any lack emotional exurberance in his music. The Alto Rhapsodie, especially, is a work in the best "Weltschmerz" tradition. It is based on a fragment from Goethe's "Winter-Journey in the Harz," picturing the brute melancholy of a young Wertherian wandering aimlessly in the forest until saved by strains from the heavenly psalter. In its suggestion of a tortured soul and a visita- tion of- celestial peace the music is as moving as Wagner's representation of Amfortas restored to health by a touch from the sacred spear, though more subtly so. Another aspect of Brahms, the jovial lover of good wine and good fellowship, is seen in the Academic Festival Overture, composed in thanks for the receipt of an honorary Doctor of Music degree from the University of Breslau. Based on four German student songs, as well as some original material, its jollity is one of subject rather more than of treatment. A beer-hall sort of gayety and some sly digs of humor are to be found in it, though someone has remarked that it is the gayety of a mature man trying to recapture the frivolity of youth rather than the gayey of youth itself. Perhaps an alumnus at a class reunion! But there is a more important emotion than melancholy or joy, and that Brahms was not without the ability to write love music is evi- denced by the four songs on this program. As there are different forms and moods of loving, so these songs differ among themselves. The Smith bespeaks the obvious love and pride of a young girl for the strength of her blacksmith- lover. Thy Blue Eyes and Of Eternal Love are simple, ardent tributes to a beloved such as have been written since the beginning of time. In "Immer leiser wird mein Schlummer" the tenderness and poignancy of a dying woman's love is unfolded by means of a quiet melody that is so molded to the words that it reaches the dramatic in its intensity. That these songs have not the erotic passion of Tristan or Don Juan is obvious. Brahms' love is more the noble, even sentiment of maturity than the hot passion of youth. Again the natural restraint of his nature turned him toward the mellow and subtle in- stead of to extremes. no sympathy at all. I get along better when a World's Fair isn't too wide open. Whenever I think of the late exposition in Chicago I suffer a recurrence of a slight throb- bing in the temples, and my tongue seems coated. In the beginning my counselor and friend sug- gested that we just dash over to see the Hall of Science, and then come right back to his saloon again. But once within the portals amid so many great educational exhibits something seized me. It was, I choose to believe, a long-forgotten and deeply buried reportorial instinct. My nostalgia for news never assails me except at fairs and fires, when I go Dalmatian all over again and want to run between the wheels of the hook and ladder. A Get Into The Spirit Of Science "Ernie," I said with gravity, "it will not suf- fice me simply to see the Hall of Science and return immediately to your friendly barroom. If we are to appreciate the wonders of hypsics and chemistry we must capture something of the scientific spirit. We must ourselves become re- search men. Who can appreciate the wonder of electricity unless he himself is charged posi- tively? In this very avenue where we stand are the cafes and restaurants representing all the nations. It would be the work of only a few hours to make a tour of the entire world." In those daysethere were more nations than exist at present. "Ernie," I continued, "what is the first thing you do when you arrive in a foreign capital?" "I get in a row with the taximan, the gondo- lier or the drosky driver about the fare to the hotel." "But after that?" I insisted. "I register and take a bath." "Let's skip all that," I suggested. "Let us assume that you are now standing in the lobby and a uniformed attendant approaches and asks in faultless French, 'What does Monsieur desire?," "Let me get this straight," answered Ernie, who was ill-rehearsal. "Is this along about noor or 1 a.m. (our time) in the morning? That makes a difference." We compromised on 1 p.m. "Well," my counselor and friend admitted, "I suppose in that case I'd want to know the principal sights of the city and the quickest way to the bar." * * * One Drink Leads To Another Without further ado I dragged him into Rum- anian village and asked the girl in bright peasant costume for two glasses of native wine. She served us a couple of Martinis. In the Polish concession we asked for Pilsudski punch. That was a Mar- tini, too, but without an olive. In the Hawaiian settlement they called it Poi, and it was served to us in an igloo as whale oil. We were up an Athenian alley when they turned the lights out, and Ernie suffered rather severe contusions trip- ping over the ruins of a replica of the Parthe- non. We didn't get to see the Hall of Science. And so with our own World's Fair I intend to make my investigations while a few of the place's of historical interest are still padlocked. And I gather, through the happy accident of having seen a picture of the Trylon and the Perisphere in one of the papers, that this particular interna- tional congress has established a different motif. So when I make my annual trip- around the world in two hours and fifteen minutes I will follow that official suggestion and stick con- sistently to a highball with a straw. I f e t Heywood Broun STAMFORD, Conn, May 6.--All the speakers at the recent Chamber of Commerce dinner here discussed the late spring. We agreed that it slowed up the marketing of our respective products. My cabbages are two weeks be- hind, and I fear my colum-x tine is not long for this world. But for being held down to the furrows I would have visited the Fair many days ago. With New York- ers who say, "I'll wait until everything is open." I have Horrors! To the Editor: I am writing to you about a prob- lem that has bothered me for some time and which I think should be brought to the attention of some per- sons on campus. The problem deals with the table manners of the boys in the Allen-Rumsey Dormitory. Being a resident of this dorm and eating with the boys every day, I feel qualified to relate the conditions that exist. The manners of the boys are atrocious. Here are several examples of what I mean: eating with the mouth open, eating with elbows on the table, tipping the soup bowl to get the last drop, leaning over the plate until almost touching the food, and playing with the food. Many faults are less glaring than those that I have just mentioned. There are very few boys whose manners would 'pass Emily Post. Nor do I exempt myself from the large majority. How- ever, it is easierto see the faults of others than to see one's own. Last September, before coming to Ann Arbor, I talked to a boy who was about to enter Purdue University. He told me that University officials had sent him (and other freshmen) a copy of some rules of etiquette which were to be followed in their dormitory dining rooms. I laughed when I heard this, saying that Michi- gan men didn't need to be told how to eat; their manners were always good. You can imagine my dismay after eating with the boys a few times. In a recent letter to this boy, I asked him to send me the rules of etiquette that he had been given. Here are a few of those that he sent me, which I think should be called to the attention of the Allen-Rum- sey boys: 1. Avoid talking with food in your mouth. 2. When your hands are not in use, keep them in your lap., 3. Never stack your dishes. 4. Do not wolf your food and eat fast. Rate yourself along with the others. 5. Never start eating before the whole table has been served. This, of course, applies to the desert course, too. 6. Avoid lolling on the table. Sit erect. Keep your elbows in close to you and off the table. In addition I would like to add a few of my own: 1. Keep your mouth closed when eating. 2. Keep the soup bowl flat on the table. 3. Do not play with the food. If you don't like it don't eat it. 4. Be careful of your speech. Do not compare some food which you don't like with an unpleasant sight1 that you may have seen. Courtesy for others demands that you -keep your thoughts to yourself. It appears to me that instruction in table manners is as much in order as] marriage and sex lectures. Purdue University sends mimeographed cop- ies of table manners to its incoming1 freshmen. In connection with the' new dormitories that are being erect- ed, I believe that the University would do well to follow the example set by the Indiana school. In addition, the students themselves might conduct campaigns within the individual; dorms to better their table manners.1 However,such a campaign would be] laughed at by many of the boys. Us- ually the ones that laugh are the ones that need instruction the most. The same ones will probably laugh at this letter. However, I am serious about the matter and hope that something will be done about it. David W. Wiens. WEDNESDAYi MAY 10, 1939 VOL. XLIX. No. 158 Notices Student Tea: Ruthven will be today from 4 to The Editor Gets Told ... DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all mernbers of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 PM.; 11:00 A.M. on Saturday. President and Mrs. at home to students 6 p.m. Retirement Incomes: A suggestion has been made that questions con- cerning various phases of retire- ment incomes as they affect members of the Faculties be submitted to the Business Office, with the understand- ing that the questions are to be an- swered in the University Record. This arrangement might serve to clear up any misunderstandings or problems on this subject. Will you please, therefore, send to me any such prob- lems and I will try to answer them or will refer them to the Carnegie Foun- dation for the Advancement of Teaching or The Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association for solution. Herbert G. Watkis. Applications for Proctorships in the Men's Residence Halls. Students who expect to have their applications con- sidered for appointment in the school year 1939-1940 will please file the blanks in the Office of the Director of Residence Halls by 3:00 Thursday, May 11. Graduate Students in Education: All individuals desiring to take the preliminary examinations for the Ph.D. in Education to be held on May 25, 26 and 27, must leave their names in my office, Room 4002 University High School, before May 20. May Festival Ticket Office. Begin-~ ning Wednesday morning, and con- tinuing through the Festival, the ticket office will be at the box office in Hill Auditorium. The Engineering Caps and Gownsi have been made available through the1 Engineering Council. The charges; will consist of a $1.00 rental fee and a $2.00 deposit. Certificates will be sold in the Lobby of the East En- gineering Building from 10 to 12 a.m.; and from 1 to 3 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday, May 8 and 9, of next week.t Fittings will be made from 2 to 5 p.m.1 on Monday and Tuesday, May 15thi and 16th, at the Michigan League. Certificates must be purchased and fittings must be made on the above dates. Certificates will be sold only to those men who have paid their class dues. Camp Davis. Students expecting to1 enroll in surveying courses at Camp Davis this summer, who have notv handed in their names, are asked toi do so immediately.E Girls' Cooperative House would like t to have all girls who are interested inC living there next year fill out appli- cations in the office of the Dean of Women immediately. For further in-t formation, call 22218 between 6 and1 7 p.m. or inquire in the Dean's Of- fice. Special late permission will not bel necessary for the performance ofc "White Oaks at the Michigan The- atre tonight. Students must returnt to their houses immediately after the, performance is over., Academic Notices Final Doctoral Examination of Mr. Howard Paul Hetzner will be held on Chemistry at 2 p.m. today in the 309 Chemistry Building. Mr. Hetzner'sl field of specialization is Chemistry. soloist; Men's Chorus; Eugene Or- mandy, Conductor. Fifth Concert: Saturday, May 13, 2:30. Georges Enesco, violinist, so- loist; Saul Caston and Georges Enes- co, Conductors. Sixth Concert: Saturday, May 13, 8:30. Verdi's "Otello." Helen Jep- son, Elizabeth Wysor, Giovanni Mar- tinelli, Giuseppe Cavadore, Arthur Hackett, Richard Bonelli, and Nor- man Cordon, soloists. Palmer Chris- tian, organist; the University Choral Union; Earl V. Moore, Conductor. Concerts will begin on time, and doors will be closed during numbers. Holders of season tickets are request- ed to present for admission only the coupon for each respective concert. Exhibitions Exhibition of Six Paintings by Three Mexican Artists-Rivera, Or- ozco, and Siqueiros-and water colors by Alexander Mastro Valerio, under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association Alumni Memorial Hall, North and South Galleries; After- noons from 2 to 5 until May 13. Exhibition, College of Architecture: An exhibition of pottery and other work in ceramics by leading Michi- gan artists in that field is being shown in the ground floor cases, Architectural Building, through May 13. Open daily, 9 to 5, except Sun- day. The public is invited. Lectures Schuyler Marshall, publisher of the Clinton County Republican, will give the ninth lecture in the Journalism Supplementary Lectur Series today at 3 p.m. in Room E; Haven Hall. Mr. Marshall's subject will be "The Fu- ture of the Weekly Press." The pub- lic is invited. University Lecture: Dr. Wilhelm Credner, Professor of Geography in the Techinsche Hochschule, Munich, and Carl Schurz, Professor of Geog- raphy at the University of Wiscon- sin, will give an illustrated lecture on "The Evolution of the Cultural Land- scape in Germany" at 4:15 p.m., Tues- day, May 16, in the Rackham Amphi- theatre under the auspices of the De- partment of Geography. The public is cordially invited. Events Today A.S.M.E. The next regular meeting will be held this evening at 7:30 p.m. in the Union. The program has been arranged by the Detroit Senior Section. The guest speakers will include Mr. Max Benjamin, Pres- ident of the Detroit Section; and Mr. Sabin Crocker of the Detroit Edison Company. Mr. Crocker will speak on the subject, "What Lies Ahead After Graduation." A Graduate Luncheon will be held today in the Russian Tea Room of the League, cafeteria style. Prof. R. C. Ar- gell, who has just'returned from a tour of Germany, will give a brief talk which will be followed by a question: period. All graduate students are cordially invited. A.S.C.E. Meeting at 7:30 tonight at the Union. All members should make a special effort to be present, as there will be an election of officers. W.A.A. Announcement--There will be a board meeting at 4:30 p.m. to- day at the W.A.B. All Michigan Union Student Staff Freshman and Sophomore Tryouts are invited to the Installation Ban quet for the newly appointed officers, this evening at 6:15 p.m. in the Union. Ann Arbor Independents: There will be a rehearsal for Lantern Night to- day from 4 to 5:30 p.m. in the Game, Room of the League. Speech 190: The students in Speech 190 will meet at the Speech Clinic, 1007 East Huron Street, at 9 o'clock on Wednesday and Friday, May 10 and 12. Coming Events University Club: The annual meet- ing and election of officers will be held in the club quarters in the Union, Friday evening, May 26. The Southeastern Michigan High School Principals Round Table will have a luncheon meeting on Friday, May 12, 12:15, Michigan League.:Any member of the University faculty in-s terested in attending should make reservation by calling Extension 673 prior to 9 a.m. Friday. Varsity Glee Club: Election and Serenade at 7:30 p.m. on Thursdayj May 18. Nominations are as follows: Pres. ident: Robert Vandenburg, fBurry Otis. Vice-president: Colvin Gibson, Wan MacIntosh. Secretary: Charles Brown, Robert ToSmith. 'Treasure : John Holt, Ken Heiningm 4 U.S. Boycotts' May Day celebrations in Germany afforded Adolf Hitler another opportunity to make a few more derogatory blasts about democracies. He was in excellent form, apparently, as he fulmin- ated over his "international enemies" and as he gilded the Nazi lily for the beguiled Germans. The United States was included in the tirade and denounced bitterly for organizing a boy- cott against German goods. Hitler, it seems, would prefer to have us import more German goods and fewer German refugees. That undoubtedly would be more to the Nazis' liking, as they find themselves seriously handicapped in the Ameri- can market. But in no sense can the United States be accused of organizing a boycott. It is simply that the Nazi government chooses to barter goods instead of paying for them with international exchange. This policy is a contradiction of the reciprocal trade treaties negotiated by the State Department, for under these treaties concessions granted to one country are extended to every country that does not discriminate against our producers. By directly or indirectly subsidizing her ex- ports Germany has put our products at a dis- advantage. Accordingly she has been deprived of the benefits of the trade treaties and is the only nation in the world so proscribed. The rest of the world is willing to do business on a more equitable basis. If Hitler is worried -over a sharp reduction of German exncrts into the nit r in. h a a k_ _The title of his thesis is "The Reac- tion of Free Radicals with Silver Made Ini Jtu ln ,Salts." Professor C. S. Schoepfle. as To the Editor: chairman of the committee, will con- The Michigras closed a two-day duct the examination. By direction run tonight. It was a grand show; of the. Executive Board, the chair- the booths were original, the women man has the privilege of viting beautiful and we cheerfully parted members of the faculty and ad- with our last nickel for the sake of vanced doctoral candidates to attend the Women's Athletic Association, the the examination and to grant per- Band and the Glee Club. A more or mission to others who might wish to less blase student body unbent for be present. C. S. Yoakum. a couple of evenings, had a good Seminar in Physical Chemistry will time andtaided a few worthy causes. meet in Room 122 Chemistry Build- Yet unintentionally, we hope, it seems ing at 4:15 p.m. today. Mr. William that anothertcause crept into the M. Spurgeon will speak on "Growth picture like the. proverbial wolf. An of Crystals." interested observer noted that the __Cytas" vast majority of trinkets awarded as prizes bore the stamp "Made in Ja-ocerts pan." May Festival Concerts: The 46th Like all good students we hate to Annual May Festival will be held in quibble over the insignificant; fur- Hill Auditorium, May 10, 11, 12 and thermore we are not given to froth- 13. The Philadelphia Orchestra will ing at the mouth. Yet after think- participate in all six concerts. The ing in the lofty terms of the civic general programs are as follows: pride and patriotism which the Mich- First Concert: Wednesday, May 10, igras subscribes to in advertising its 8:30. Gladys Swarthout, soprano, so- reason for existence, we find it hard loist. Eugene Ormandy, Conductor. to swallow the irony of the above Second Concert: Thursday, May mentioned label. To some people it 11, 8:30. Selma Amansky, soprano; might damn the whole works. Jan Peerce, tenor; Rudolf Serkin, pi- A couple of days ago a town in anist, soloists; Palmer Christian, or- England was all set for an air-raid ganist; Earl V. Moore, Harl McDon- blackout in preparation for the war ald and Eugene Ormandy, Conduc- which some persons are making im- tors. minent. The test was immediately Third Concert: Friday, May 12, canceled when some curious person 2:30. Ezio Pinza, bass, soloist; Young found that the dark-lamus to be used Peonies' Festival Chorus- Euene O.