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May 10, 1939 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-10

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Warmer today, possible
showers tonight.


r4 Al A&,


A Statement
Of Policy...
The Daily
Edits The News .



Coal Dispute
Nears Its End
In Mediation
President Demands Quick
Settlement Of Deadlock
By Operators And Union
UMW Gains Sole
Bargaining Rights
WASHINGTON, May 9.-()-In
language which sounded much like an
ultimatum, President Roosevelt an-
nounced today that he had asked coal
operators and union officials for a
quick settlement of the bituminous
coal deadlock.
The request was made at a confer-
ence in his office, attended by five
leaders of the United Mine Workers,
five mine operators and Secretary of
Labor Perkins. Mr. Roosevelt ad-
vised newsmen later that he had told
the disputants that the public good
demands an immediate resumption of
mining, and that by tomorrow night
they should work out a method for
reopening the mines.
Speaks Emphatically
The President spoke with unusual
vigor and emphasis as he informed
the reporters of the conversation, his
voice rising to an indignant tone when
he asserted the two factions had
agreed on every point at issue except
one, and were agreed in principle on
that. They had, he said, only to settle
the details of that one point to re-
open the mines.
On that point, he added, they agreed
that there should be a vertical, or
industrial, union in the mines and
that for purposes of collective bar-
gaining the United Mine Workers
should be recognized as the union.
They had not, he said, been able to
work out the details for carrying that
into effect, which he thought a very
interesting factor.
Insistence Obvious
The President's obvious insistence
was such that many were left won-
dering whether, if an agreement were
not' forthcoming by tomorrow night
or very soon thereafter, he would in-
tervene more definitely. In response
to a question on that point, Mr.
Roosevelt said only that he was not
looking that far ahead.
The union officials and coal men
agreed to try, he said, adding that
they would resume conversations with
Dr. John R. Steelman, chief of the
Conciliation Bureau of the Depart-
ment of Labor, and that he, himself,
was not taking over any part of the
job. The group left later for New
York, planning to go into conference
with Dr. Steelman tomorrow. John
I. Lewis, president of the United
Mine Workers, headed the union
(Continued on Page 6)
$1,600 Donated
In Hillel Drive
Money To Be Used To Aid
European Refugees
Approximately sixteen hundred
dollars for the aid of refugees has
been collected to date from students
and from members of the faculty,
according to Sam Grant, '40, stu-
dent chairman of the Hillel Drive.
The campaign to raise money from
townspeo'ple to aid refugees in Eu-
rope, to help in the resettlement of
the Jews in Palestine and to assist
refugees who have come to the Unit-

ed States will be started today, it
was announced.
Dr. Rabinowitz, who is in charge
Of the local drive, stated that it is
hoped that $20,000,000 will be raised
in the iViited States to be distribut-
ed to the United Palestine Appeal, the
National Coordination Committee,
and the Joint Distribution Commit-
Contributions to the local drive
may be sent to either the Hillel Foun-
dation, Prof. Jacob Sacks of the
Pharmacology department, who is
chairman of the faculty campaign,
Sam Grant, '40, o to Osais Zwerdling
or S. J. Bothman who are in charge
of raising money from A. n Arbor
residents, it was announced.
Ann Arbor To 'T'ap
Texas (as Fields
The city council at a special meet-
ing last night, approved' the proposal
made last week by the Michigan Pub-

Philip Merivale, British Star,
Critic Of Chamberlain Policy

Distinguished Actor Here
To Begin Rehearsals For
Play, 'No War In Troy!'
A stage star whose interests cut
through the tinsel world of the theatre
to acute problems of modern life is
Philip Merivale, the noted British
actor who arrived here yesterday to
prepare for his role in "No War In
Troy!", initial presentation of the
1939 Dramatic Season.
To tall,, serious Merivale, who has
appeared in such plays as "Valley
Forge," "Mary of Scotland," "Death
Takes a Holiday," "The Scarlet
Pimpernel," "Pygmalion" and "Call
It A Day," the British government is
bewildered, floundering its way
through the diplomatic intrigues of
modern Europe. And of that British
government and the Prime Minister
who heads it he is, he admitted in
an interview, far from proud. .
Merivale, a believer in dynamic
democracy, feels that public opinion
has swung away from the Chamber-
lain government since "the Munich
thing." Even the ultra-conservative
press and the semi-official govern-
mental organ, the London Times,
"have a hard time explaining some of
the government's actions," he de-
clares. He sees a Labor Party victory
as distinctly possible but doubts the
sincerity of the group's present lead-
The British aristocracy, Merivale
declares, would prefer an alliance
with Hitler's Germany to one with
Varsity Squad
Wins Its Sixtht
Straight Gamej
Trosko And Peckinpaugh
High Scorers In Tilt;
Smick Allows Two Runs
A five-run splurge in the second;
inning was all that the Michigan'
baseball team could muster off the.
southpaw pitching slants of Wes-
tern State's pint-sized Frank "Stub"
Overmire, yesterday afternoon at
Ferry Field, but it proved sufficient
to give the Wolverines an easy 5-2
victory over the Hilltoppers.
In the meantime, -Pitchers Danny
Smick, Jack Barry, and Lyle Bond
eased along to the Varsity's sixth
straight triumph and their eleventh
win of the season against five de-
feats. The game was a good workout
for Smick and Barry, who will be de-
pended upon to keep the Wolverines'
Conference title hopes alive when the
two aces face Indiana this week end.
Big Danny, who started the game
and was credited with his fifth vic-
tory of the year, was a bit wild, but
managed to hold the Kalamazoo nine
to two hits and no runs during his
four-inning stay on the mound.
Barry, who followed, was rapped for
five hits in three innings, but might
have escaped unscored upon had
it not been for a brace of errors by
the Michigan infield. Bond retired
the six men who faced him in the
eighth and ninth.
Some loose Western State fielding
aided the Wolverine scoring cause.
Elmer Gedeon started the big second
(Continued on Page 3)
Triangles Tap Ten
For Semi-A nnual
Installation Today
Ten junior engineers who were tap-

ped late Monday night by Triangles,
junior honorary engineering society,
will be initiated at the semi-annual
initiation to be held at 3 p.m. today
on the diagonal.
The regular initiation rituals will
be performed in the traditional cam-
pus spots at opposite ends of cam-
pus, with the usual declamations and
exercises by the neophytes. A formal
initiation banquet will be held tomor-
row night at the Union.
The 10 juniors who were tapped
are: Edward A. King of Albany, N.Y.;
Edward T. Martin of Winnetka, Ill.;
Paul A. Johnson of Grand Haven;
Seymour A. Furbush of Baldwinsville,
N.Y.; William C. Blanchard of Tra-
verse City; Charles L. Barker of Tam-
pa, Fla.; William F. Beebe1 of Wil-
mette, Ill.; Charles M. Heinen of Roy-
al Oak; John H. Harwood of Mil-
waukee, Wis.; and Elmer P. Foster of



the U.S.S.R. But withstanding this,
the solution to most of Britain's ills;
(Continued on Page 6)
Bolster Strict'
Neutral Status
But Agree To Have Each:
State Decide For Itself
On Hitler's Proposals
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, May 9.-(TP)
-The foreign ministers of Norway,I
Denmark, Finland and Sweden to-
night reaffirmed their policy of neu-
trality among Europe's rival blocks1
but agreed to let each country decide
for itself whether to accept Germany's
offer of mutual non-aggression+
Without rejecting outright AdolfI
Hitler's proposals of last Wednes-1
day, the four ministers by their reso-]
lu ion indicated their intention of+
remaining neutral, while avoiding
any implication of mistrust of Ger-
many's intentions in offering the
The ministers said they were con-
vinced that a reply to Hitler should
be such that it would "on all sides
strengthen faith in the impartial
neutrality which the northern coun-
tries maintain in virtue of their right
of self-determination."
A communique issued after the
ministers' meeting to consider Hit-
ler's proposed treaties, said:
"The international policy which
their countries have logically taken
up and intend to maintain excludes
them from being the object of any
political combination whatever of
the powers."~
It added, however, that "they
jointly welcome expressions from any
other country of a desire to respect
the northern countries' integrity and
Union Officers
To Hear Bates
Annual Banquet For New
Leaders Is Tonight
Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law
School, who will retire at the end of
I this semester, will be the principal
speaker at the Union installation ban-
quet at 6:15 p.m. today in the Union.
Dean Bates was one of the original
founders of the Union.
At this time the official installation
of Don Treadwell, '40, and Hadley
Smith, '40E, as president and record-
ing-secretary will take place. They
will succeed Paul M. Brickley, '39 and
Donald H. Belden, '39E', in these po-
In attendance at the banquet will
be the members of the Union board of
directors and members of the sopho-
more and freshmen student staffs.
Awards will be given to the sopho-
more and junior councilmen and to
the two new members of the board.
Raise China Funds
By SprintBazaara
The Spring Bazaar, a sale of hand-
made Chinese articles many of
which are unobtainable in this coun-
try, will remain open from 11 a.n.
to 8 p.m. every day this week until
Saturday in the Leaue Council

Student Senate'
Subsidizat ion
Unanimous Vote Suggests
Three Steps To Proffer
Aid To Varsity Athletes
Propose To Extend
Board And Tuition
Gradual introduction of subsidiza-
tion as a regular practice of the Uni-
versity athletic administration was
recommended by the Student Senate
in a resolution passed at its meeting
last night in the Union.
All, 22 members present voted in
favor of the measure. There are a
total of 30 Senators.
The resolution, introduced by
Joseph Gies, '39, advocated three steps'
to attain its end: extension of the
training table to provide for all
meals for players during the football
season; awarding of tuition schol-
arships to all athletes on the same
basis as the publicationsescholarships
now in existence (these grants re-
ward maintenance of a B average
during four semesters on a publica-
tions staff) and action through the
Big Ten athletic organization to pro-
vide for standard rules of subsidiza-
tion for all Big Ten schools.
Discussion of the resolution on the
floor of the Senate brought forth
several criticisms of the present situ-
ation here in regard to subsidization.
Football at Michigan, the report
alleged, is a big business, responsible
for building the University's large
athletic plant; yet the players receive
no compensation for this contribu-
Head Coach Herbert O. "Fritz"
Crisler last night said he was unable
to comment on the action.
Announcement was made that at
the Student Senate luncheon Satur-
lay in the Union, a board of eight
honorary Senators, selected from the
faculty, would be named. The Senate
took this step with a view toward the
possibility of "taking over the duties
of the now defunct Men's Council."
Next year's Speaker will also be
named at the luncheon.
The Senate also exercised its pow-
ers of expulsion for the first time,
permanently unseating John Goodell,
'40, and Theodore Grace, '40. John
O'Hara, '39, William Kramer, '41, and
John Hulbert, '40, were placed on
probation. This action was taken, it
was said, to eliminate inefficiency
and to punish continual absence from
Eduard Benes
To Speak Here

Fraternity Sing
Stiffen Contest
Members Of Glee Club
To Act AsJudges '
The Interfraternity Sing to be
held Wednesday, May 17 will be a
contest of champions this year, and
will include only those fraternities
that survive the initial elimination on
Robert Golden, '40, publicity man-
ager of the sing announced that the
elimination will be held in two groups,
at the Union and at the League, and
will be judged by a group of inde-
pendent members of the Glee Club.
Seven houses will be selected from
each group to sing in the final com-
petition. The group competing at
the Union on Monday at 7:15 p.m.
will sing in the following order: Al-
pha Kappa Lambda, Sigma Chi, Chi
Psi, Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha Delta
Phi, Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Alpha Mu,
Kappa Sigma and Kappa Delta Rho.
On the same program, and be-
ginning at about 8 p.m., Psi Upsilon,
Sigma Phi Epsilon, Delta Upsilon,
Zeta Beta Tau, Theta Delta Chi and
Hermitage will sing.
Those fraternities singing at the
League, beginning at 7:15 p.m. will
be: Sigma Phi, Phi Delta Theta, Phi
Kappa Sigma, Chi Phi, Sigma Alpha
Epsilon, Alpha Tau Omega, Phi
Kappa Psi, Delta Tau Delta, Delta
Kappa Epsilon, Acacia and Sigma
Following this order, Phi Gamma
Delta, Theta Chi, Lambda Chi Al-
pha, Phi Sigma Kappa, Theta Xi
and Phi Sigma Delta will sing in
the competition at 8 p.m.
The prize this year, following the
custom of previous years, will consist
of three cups donated by Ann Arbor
Burr, Patterson and Auld will do-
nate a cup as they have for severali
years; the other two are being given;
by the milk dealers of Ann Arbor, and
by the Ann Arbor News.
FDR Subiits'
Revision Plan
To Legislature
Changes To Affect Score
Of Federal Executive
WASHINGTON, May 9.- (I)-With
most important congressional ele-
sments expressing approval, President
Roosevelt transmitted to Capitol Hill
today his second government reor-
ganization plan, transferring, re-
grouping or abolishing nearly a score
of federal executive agencies.
The changes proposed would re-
sult, he said, in an annual saving of
$1,250,000. Principally they included:
The transfer of the Foreign Com-
merce Service of the Commerce De-
partment and of the Foreign Agricul-
tural Service of the Agriculture De-
partment to the Department of State
and their consolidation there.
The abolition of the National Bi-
tuminous Coal Commission and the
transfer of its functions to the Secre-
tary of the Interior.
The abolition of the National Em-
ergency Council and the transfer of
its functions to the White House,
with the exception of its motion pic-
ture and radio activities. These go
to the Office of Education in the
new Federal Security Administration.
Mr. Roosevelt acted under the new

Government Reorganization Bill. The
revisions he ordered will become e;-
fective 60 days hence, unless, in the
meanwhile, both houses of Congress
specifically disapprove, or unless Con-
gress adjourns.
As was the case with the first re-
organization order - grouping the
government's lending agencies, its
social welfare agencies, and its relief
agencies into three new divisions of
the Government and making other
changes-Congressional reaction to-
day was generally favorable.
County Clerk Faces
ChargesOf Fraud
The case of County Clerk Emmett
M. Gibb, accused of appropriating
public welfare funds for his private
use, will be brought before a special
tiibunal composed of Circuit Judge
George W. Sample and two circuit
court commissioners, Lee N. Brown
of Ypsilanti and Albert W. Hooper
of Ann Arbor, Thursday, May 18, in
comoliance with an order signed by




Sings Tonight



Toight Will Open

Address Association
Business Officers

,~ 0
Dean-Eneritus L
Given Degree '
At ConvocationĀ«;
200 Candidates Awarded 3
Teachers' Certificates J
By Education School 2
Dean-Emeritus Allen Sisson Whit-l
ney of the School of Education was y
awarded an honorary Doctor of Edu- 11
cation degree yesterday at the fourth e
annual convocation of the School ci
Education, at which more than 200 S
candidates for teachers' certificatesI d
were honored. d
Presentation of the degree was s
made by President Ruthven. Dr. John I
I. Winter of the Latin department s
and director of the Institute of Fine
Arts, prepared and read the citation p
which follows:
"A graduate of the University of
Michigan, for many years a member]
of its faculty, now Professor-Emeritus3
of Educational Administration and
Supervision, and Dean-Emeritusaof
the School of Education. A teacher
and administrator who labored long
and effectively to improve standards
of training, and left the stamp of
his personality on the School he
helped to organize and direct. In]
theory, as in practice, he never mis-
took shadow for substance, nor con-
fused progress with noisy clamor for
;hange. His influence in the councils
of schoolmen was deservedly great;
his place in the continuous life ofF
the University remains forever sure."
Dean-Emeritus Whitney, '88, stud- 1
ied at the Universities of Jena and
Leipzig in Germany, and was Super- t
intendent of Schools at Mt. Clemensr
and Saginaw before joining the Uni- t
versity's staff in 1899. He becamei
a junior professor of education andT
inspector of schools here in 1899,e
was promoted to a full professorship
in 1902, and in 1921 when the School
of Education was organized, he be-
came a professor of educational ad-t
ministration and supervision and t
acting Dean of the School. In 1923
(Continued on Page 6)t
Tutors Obtained
For 15 Students
Congress Study System
To Continue Services
At the end of the first week :n,
operation, of Congress' :tutorial sys-
tem, 17 applications have been re-
ceived and 15 have been filled. Jack
Shulet, '40E, who is in charge of the
project, said last night that the re-
maining two would be filled as soon
as -the tutors could be contacted.
Applications are still being received
from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. every
day except Saturday in the Congress
Office, Room 306 of the Union. Pros-
pective applicants are urged to apply
soon, as tutors have exams of their
own for which to prepare.
Subjects in which tutors are most
in demand, according to Shuler, are
mathematics and German, with
chemistry, political science and phys-

[hirteen Soloists, Three
Musical Organizations
And 'Otello' Featured
Capacity Attendance
s VirtuallyAssured
Six thousand music lovers will at-
send the four-day program of the
.orty-sixth annual May Festival
hich begins at 8:30 p.m. today with
6 concert by Gladys Swarthout, so-
>rano star of opera, radio and mo-
ion pictures, in Hill Auditorium.
Miss Swarthout will be accom-
anied by the Philadelphia Sym-
hony Orchestra directed by Eugene
)rmandy, which, for the fourth con-
ecutive year, will be heard during
he entire series. This year's Fes-
ival will present 13 solo atists, three
>rganizations and Verdi's "Otello" in
oncert form.
Miss Swarthout will sing "Dido's
ament" from Purcell's "Dido and
eneas," Bach's "Recitative and
ondo," Berlioz's Monologue de Didon
rom "Les Troyens a Carthage" and
Una Voce poco fa" from Rossini's
Barber of Seville." In addition, the
'hiladelphia Orchestra will play
leethoven's Overture to Leonore, No.
Strauss's symphonic poem, "Don
uan," and Symphony in D mamr, No.
'by Sibelius.
Sales of tickets have been extreme-
y heavy this year, President Charles
. Sink of the School of Music said
esterday. Only standing room re-
nains for the Friday and Saturday
vening concerts, he said.
The second concert,' Thursday
ight, will feature Selma Amansky,
oprano; Jan Peerce, tenor, and Ru-
olf Serkin, tenor, with the Phila-
elphia Orchestra and the Univer-
ity Choral Union. Prof. Earl V.
[oore of the School of Music will as-
ist Mr. Ormandy as guest conductor.
The third concert to be given 2:30
.m. Friday, will present the Young
(Continued on Page 2)
Peace Is Am
Of Diplomatic
Move By Pope
Britain, France Anxious
For Quick Arbitration
Of Corridor Dispute
VATICAN CITY, May 9. -()-
Pope Pius XII is pursuing intense
diplomatic negotiations in an effort
to show Europe a way to avoid war.
The Vatican was silent tonight on
the exact nature of the Pontiff's
moves, but it was believed widely in
diplomatic quarters that some definite
plan had been outlined by Papal
Nuncios to various government lead-
ers, including Chancellor Hitler.
A Vatican news service, in con-
firming initiation of negotiations
"through normal diplomatic con-
tacts," said the Nuncios had conveyed
the Pope's "ardent desire for peace."
(Paris diplomatic circles reported
that France and Britain had left to
Poland the final decision on whether
to act on feelers put forward by Pope
Pius for negotiations to relieve Pol-
lish-German. tension over Danzig.
(Britain and France were said to
have let Poland know they were anxi-
ous to settle the Danzig problem by
negotiation if possible. Diplomats
said the Pope's suggestions were
rfiade to German, Polish, British,
French and Italian Governments by
envoys of the Vaticanacting on per-
sonal instructions from the Pontiff.)
Reliable sources expressed the
opinion that Vatican activity was de-
signed to pave the way for some in-
ternational understanding by en-
deavoring to create a more concilia-

tory spirit in Europe rather than at-
tempting to set up the Pope as an
Officials were silent on the, Italian
Government's attitude toward the
/ (Continued on Page 6)
New Taxes Needed
For Farm Grants
WASHINGTON, May 9. -P')---
President Roosevelt said today the

Former president of Czechoslovakia
Eduard Benes, now a visiting mem-
ber of the faculty of the University
of Chicago, will speak at a dinner at
6:30 p.m. Monday at the Union on
"Politics as Science or Art."
Dr. Benes will address members of
the Association of University and Col-
lege Business Officers who hold their
twenty-ninth annual convention Sun-
day to Tuesday with headquarters at
the Union. President Ruthven will
address the opening dinner Sunday
The dinner Monday, at which
Czechoslovakia's ex-statesman will
speak, is open to the public. Reserva-
tions must be made before noon Mon-
day at the University business office,
Room 1, University Hall, it was an-
MichigalP resents
'White Oaks' Today
Miss Ethel Barrymore; one of the
great traditions of the American
stage, will present Mazo de la Roche's
"White Oaks" at 8:30 p.m. today in
a single performance at the Michi-
gan Theatre.
Supporting Miss Barrymore, who
plays the role of an 101 year-old
matriarch, will be Harry Ellerbe, re-
cently featured in the stage revival
of Ibsen's "Ghosts," and a noted cast
of experienced Broadway players,
including Lenore Chippendale, Wyrley
Birch and Reynolds Denniston.
The play is in three acts all ok
which are placed in the White Oaks
homestead, Jalna, Ont. The plot re-
volves around the family life of the
White Oaks group and the interna

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