TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1939
__________________________________________________________ I U
-by David Lawrence-
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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every mornin except Mouday during the
University year and Summ r Session.
Member of the Associated Press
','he Associated Press is" exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Oft ice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second. class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National AdvertisingS rvice, Inc.
College P'blishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39
Managing Editor
City Editor
Editorial Director
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor.
Women's Editor
. Carl Petersen
Stan M. Swinton
Elliott Maraniss
- Jack Canavan
Dennis Flanagan
Morton Linder
Norman Schorr
. Ethel Norberg
. Mel Fineberg
*Ann Vicary
Business Manager
Credits Manager .
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager.
Publications Manager
Paul R. Park
Ganson Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
l rane Mowers
*Harriet Levy
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Preface To
A New Year .
paper of the students of the Univer-
sity of Michigan.
It is with this basic thought in mind that we
look toward the coming year and discuss the part
that the Daily should ideally play In the life of
the student. First and most obvious of all, The
Daily will constitute the main channel of in-
formation dealing with campus, national and in-
ternational affairs for the student body. As such,
it must meet two primary requisites: it must be
accurate and objective in reporting of news. It
must be accurate to deserve the name of a news-
paper. It must be objective for objectivity is but
the search after truth. It is the sincere intention
of the editors to keep these all-important criteria
of a newspaper uppermost in mind during the
coming year.
But these considerations, important as they
are, are hardly sufficient in analyzing the rela-
tion of a modern student newspaper to its
readers. For the student of today is faced with
problems peculiar to today. Looking out from
the comparative shelter of ivy-covered walls, if
he chooses to look out, he sees a world in turmoil,
a world in which the principles of humanity,
freedom and democracy are being sacrificed in
many places to the belief that force should be
the dominant factor in shaping men's lives. The
student sees a world in which the barbaric bru-
tality of man turned beast has made a proud
people dependent upon the grudging charity of
those who would rather forget that there is such
a thing as "the brotherhood of man." He sees a
world in which the family of nations talks long-
ingly of peace, yet, blinded by age-old prejudice
and greed, moves inexorably toward wa'r-war
which will take its greatest toll in defenseless
non-combatants, women and children far behind
the battle-line who die at far less expense and
danger to their killers than do the men at th
In short, he looks out upon a world in whIchW
"man's inhumanity to man" threatens to erase
completely from the minds' of youth the ideals of
democracy and humanity.
This fact and many .others canlot be ignored
by the youth of the world. It is not only the
youth of this generation who face the unhappy
prospect of war in the all-too-near future. It is
also the youth of the future, their children and
their children's children, who' may face a world
in which human freedom is sacrificed to force.
It is this manifestation of barbaric tendencies in.
man which demands that the student of today be
awake to the import of what is happening outside
the ivory tower.
It is in this, then, that a supplementary yet
decisive part of The Daily's service to the student
lies. If it can help awaken the student .to the
implications of war and human degradation in
the world today, as well as serve him faithfully
in its primary purpose of informing accurately.
we will feel that The Daily has fulfilled com-
pletely its responsibility to the campus.
-Carl Petersen
Learning To Read
T IS A KNOWN fact that many fail-
ures in the Arts school are due to
the inability to comprehend quickly the large
WASHINGTON - President Roosevelt now
has appointed four out of the nine justices of
the Supreme Court of the United States. Fate
may give him another appointment before this
second presidential term is over, thus rendering
strangely superfluous the controversy which took
up so much time in the 1937 session of Congres
and started the Democratic Party on its present
era of division. If, one counts Justice Harlan
Stone as a consistent "liberal," there now are at
least five justies who favor a "liberal" interpre-
tation of the Constitution.
The latest appointee, William O: Douglas,
carries out one objective of Mr. Roosevelt's 1937
effort to reorganize the Supreme Court by add-
ing more justices-youth on the bench-even
more than do the three other Justices selected by
The other objective-a "liberal outlook" with
respect to the interpretation of the constitution
-can certainly be assured through Mr. Douglas,
just as it was achieved with the appointment of
Messrs. Reed, Black and Frankfurter.
Just what is a "liberal outlook" may take a
little time to develop, perhaps until some con-
crete cases arise involving clear issues as between
the confiscation doctrine, often espoused by
"radicals," and the idea of conservation of
property for the indvidual, hitherto championed
as true liberalism.
But it would be wrong to give the impression
that most cases that come before the Supreme
Court of the United States contain constitution.
al questions. Most of them concern the conflict
of private rights, and that'is one reason why, in
the past, corporation lawyers who have had a
successful career in private practice have usually
been picked for the Supreme Court. In this re-
spect, the new appointees, with the possible ex-
ception of Justice Reed, do not have much actual
experience. Justice Black was in political life, and
Professors Frankfurter and Douglas have been
teaching law at Harvard and Yale, respectively,
so' they have hardly had much contact with the
actual operations of the many kinds of busi-
nesses whose activities come into litigation of
the kind that reaches the Supreme Court.
A Man Of Experience
Mr. Douglas, on the other hand, in the last few
years has had experience of a rare sort, being
chairman of the Securities and exchange Com-
mission, where he has learned a great deal about
investment banking, securities sales on the stock
exchanges, and reorganization proceedings as
they relate to the bankruptcy laws-an insight
into corporation finance which should prove
valuable to him on the bench.
The principal objection which will be urged
against Mr. Douglas is geographical, for western
Senators have wanted a justice aplointed from
the West. It is true Mr. Douglas has spent more
years of his life in the Northwest than anywhere
else, but the basic idea' in urging a Westerner has
been the possible selection of someone actually
engaged, in his adult life, in practicing law in
the West.
Just why this should be a requirement is not
easy to explain, because it would naturally be
assumed that an intelligent and capable jurist
should be appointed irrespective of what section'
of the country claims him. When it was Presi-
dent Hoover's task to appoint a man to the
Supreme Court and the West claimed thta par-
ticular appointment as a matter of priority and
tradition, he brushed aside geographical consid-
erations to appoint the late Justice Cardozo,
who hailed from New York.
Whether Mr. Douglas, who was bern in the
state of Minnesota and lived in the state of
Washington, is a full-fledged representative of
the Far West in a political sense is not so im-
portant as whether he is qualified to sit on the
Supreme Court for the many years ahead that
his youthful age will permit. The reputation
which Mr. Douglas has in the National Capital
is this: he is in sympathy with the New Deal
and yet he has won the confidence of many men
in Wall Street because he has seemed to them
to possess a sense of fairness.
Opposite View Held
There are undoubtedly men in Wall Street who
hold an opposite impression, but it is always
difficult for business interests to form an ap-
praisal. of a public official who heads a regula-
tory body and who has a statute to enforce which
has in it noxious provisions.
On the whole, it may be said that William Q.
Douglas is fundamentally honest and sincere. If,
when he ascends the bench, he persuades him-
self to forget that he was appointed by a Presi-
dent of the United States with a specific idea of
how the Constitution shall be interpreted, and
deals with each case on its merits and on the
basis of the evidence presented and fairness in
interpreting the law and the Constitution, he
will make a good judge.
If, as sometimes happens, judges do not per-
mit themselves to forget they once were part
of the world of poetical controversy, it takes a
long time for the pubic to acquire confidence irr
their fundamental sense of justice, and, after all,
respect for the Supreme Court of the United
States as an institution will rise or fall in the
future, as in the past, in accordance as the indi-
vidual Justices look at public controversies im-
personally and without political or economic
Mr. Douglas will doubtless be confirmed, and,
if predictions are in order, it may be assumed
that Justice Douglas will forget political and
economic prejudices so far as it is humanly pos-
sible and will devote himself to the tenets of
Notes On The Second Concert
Three choral works by living composers, bal-
anced by Beethoven's "Emperor" Concerto for
Piano and Orchestra, make up the second Festi-
val program. Of the choral works, the most
pretentious and perhaps of the most interest to
an American audience is the Symphony No. 3,
for Orchestra, Chorus, and Soloist, of Harl Mc-
Donald. Someone has said that "Harl McDonald
is as American as Pike's Peak," and probably the'
simile is a good one, for the 40-year-old com-
poser passed his early life on his father's Colo-
rado cattle ranch, dividing his time between
music and horsemanship. Coming East, he de-
voted himself for a time to academic studies un-
til he obtained a degree, once in a while replen-
ishing his pocketbook with money earned from
professional boxing. He has since studied in
Europe, and for a number of years now has con-
ducted the chorus and taught composition at
the University of Pennsylvania. Long a member
of the Board of Directors of the Philadelphia
Orchestra, he has just recently been named its
business manager, to succeed Alfred Reginald
'Lamentations Of Fu Hsuan'
The third of the four symphonies that Mr.
McDonald so far has to his credit was composed
in 1935 and first performed by the Philadelphia
Orchestra under Stokowski early in 1936. Sub-
titled "The Lamentations of Fu Hsuan," the
"program" and vocal parts are based on trans-
lations of the Chinese poet made by Huan Hsieh,
a former Pennsylvania student. Says Mr. Mc-
Donald: "I decided to eliminate all parts of the
verses that were encumbered by too many sym-
bolical phrases, and to reduce the text to its
essential outlines. My object was to uncover in
the poems four phases of tragedy that were un-
limited by racial conventions or literary styles
and to concentrate on the subject matter which
seemed universal. . . In form, this composition
makes many departures from the conventional
symphonic structure. I have introduced thematic
material of the whole composition in the first
movement and thereafter varied it according to
the needs of the various sections."
The "four phases of tragedy" that underly
the four symphonic movements might be de-
scribed as a dirge-like, dolorous complaint in the
first; a more subdued, plaintive lament in the
second; a delirious, demoniacal frenzy in the
third; and in the fourth a last, despairing wail
that "a cloud of darkness covers the earth as
death enfolds me." The combination of poetic
idea, words, singers, and orchestra is rather
similar to that used by Rachmaninoff in The
Bells, heard last Festival. In Mr. McDonald's case
the orchestra is perhaps even more important
than in the Rachmanioff work, the voices being
largely additional instruments in the orchestra,
and the poetic idea being more important than
the words themselves.
The Hungarian Psalm
Soloist, chorus, and orchestra are likewise used
in the kPsalmus Hungaiaus, or "Hungarian
Psalm," of Zoltan Kodaly. But in this case' the
plan is that of a single cantata movement, in
which the instrumental texture is equally im-
portant with the vocal but kept distinct from it.
The psalm is the 55th, translated with poetic
freedom by the 16th century Hungarian preach-
er-poet, Michael Veg (to be sung in retransla-
tion into English.) David, weary and beset upon
on all sides by friends as well as enemies, cries
in anguish to the Lord for protection and the
power of retribution. Peace is visited upon him
by the answering Deity, and the Hungarian
Psalm closes with a stern' admonition to Chris-
tian righteouness. The musical score sets off witi
exquisite beauty and dignity the dramatic text of
the poem. Kodaly, at the age of 40, composed it
for the 1923 celebration of the 50th anniversary
of the joining of the twin towns, Buda and Pesth,
into the present Hungarian capital. The music's
racial, folky qualities, filtered through the
modern, personal idiom of the composer, made
it overnight a work of great national significance.
Also of national significance, but for Finland
rather than Hungary, is the short "choral pre-
lude" by Sibelius to be sung in English under
the title of "Onward, ye Peoples." Thj# chorus
was composed some years ago to a poem by
Rydberg and called the "Song of the Athenians."
As such it became a, Finnish war song second
only to Finlandia, the chorale section of which it
closely resembles. The English adaptation of
Rydberg's poem is by Marshall Kernochan, and
Sibelius' music was arranged by Channing Lefe-
A New Mother
Brought to the attention of those Northwestern
students and townspeople industrious enough to
attend the lecture by Senor Anonio Ruiz Vila-
plana recently was the very realistic threat of
a new sort of Fascism to South America. If
Franco wins in Spain-and this if may now al-
most certainly be changed to when-there will be
a definite attempt to revive Spanish allegiances
in South America under the straight-arm form-
ula prescribed by Mr. Hitler.
How successful this will be is another matter.
Certainly in a number of the smaller countries
the German barter system of trade has proved
popular and has partially squeezed out tlhC
economic domination long held by Britain and
America. Certainly German, Italian and Jap-
NOW that the semester is nearly
over, finals are approaching with
their usual rapidity, and the Detroit
Tigers have lost six straight and are
down where we can forget them and
concentrate on studying. We. were
sitting quietly the other evening, just+
taking stock of our unfathomed men-1
tal resources, resting up before an-
otherhattempt at the books, when the
telephone rang.
"Hello," we ventured.
"What is the difference between a
rabbit?" someone asked, in sepulchral+
tones, as if it were the riddle of the1
Sphinx. And as far as we were con-a
cerned, it might well have been. We
waited, breathless, for the answer.
"One of its legs is both the same,"'
it came, clear and bell-like in the still-
A FRESHMAN in the education!
school who rooms with a friend of
ours is having an awful time of it.
The poor chap's health was failing,
just after vacation, and he dropped in1
the Health Service to see Doc Brace,
to find out just what was the matter.
The doctor looked him over. He
was a pretty sorry sight, skinny and
wan and looking like he had crawled
out of one of his own textbooks. He
couldn't have tipped the scales ata
more than 95 pounds.
After a thorough examination, Dr.
Brace gave his verdict. "General run-
down condition," he said. "You'd bet-
ter quit all drinking, start getting 10
hours of sleep every night, and fol-
low this diet. You can only smoke1
five cigarettes a day. Come back inf
a week and we'll see how you're look-
A week later, of course, the fresh-
man dropped back to see Doc Brace.
But instead of a picture of roseate
health, the lad looked worse, if pos-
sible, than he had before.
"Good God, man!" Doc Brace splut-
tered. "What have you been up to?t
Didn't you follow that diet? Have
you been hitting the bottle again?t
Why in thetworld didn't you do whatc
I told you to?"
Embarrassed, the freshman hung
his head. "It's those five cigarettesc
a day, Doc. I never smoked before."t
* * *
J ITTER DAY at The Daily is gonet
and today hands are being shaken,f
congratulations are being given, and
desks are being moved into. We havet
never witnessed a happier appoint-c
ment season at The Daily. Carl Pet-
ersen, Stan Swinton and Elliot Ma-c
raniss were logical choices and nextc
year's Daily should be one of the best
in its long history. Pete, Stan andY
Ace, as they are known around thec
Publications .uilding, have the un-
questioned support of everyone con-
nected with publications. It is really
quite surprising to notice the absence
of long faces and half-hearted con-
gratulations on the part of those
who have been left out. This same
spirit carries over to the sports page'
where Mel Fineberg prepares to take!
over the reins from Bud (Mr. Average
Man) Benjamin and on the woman's
staff where Ann Vicary supplants Sis
-Morty Q.
I deals And
Occasionally the assiduous readerk
of books encounters a passage written<
by some man of wisdom which is be-
yond forgetting. In Pierre Van Paas-'
en's "Days of Our Years" appears the.
following paragraph. In its lack ofs
the time element, it becomes some-;
what outside the realm of timely edi-
torial comment. But in its truth and
completeness, space cannot be denied.
"It is true that the ideal is the ulti-
mate in beauty and joy our imagina-;
tion can produce. The ideal can never
in its entirety be translated into real-
ity. It always eludes our grasp, al-
ways recedes into the future. And
yet it must never be lost sight of.
There may be a temporary compro-
mise with the reality, but never at
the cost of the ideal. 'The striving
for it must never cease. Everything
must be done to bring the ideal near-
It takes no Delphian wisdom and
foresight to reflect that perhaps the
people of today either have no ideals,
or have lost sight of those they claim
to have. A nation which deals pri-
marily with dollars and cents can
easily lose sight of all but monetary
values. Is there not another scale
of worth than the one which says
wealth is success and poverty failure?
-Daily Californian.
Methodist Delegates
Elect New Council
KANSAS CITY, May.8.--'P)-Dele-
gates uniting this nation's three
branches of Methodism elected the
nine members of the judicial council
or "supreme court" of their new
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President 'until 3:30 P.M.;
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.
TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1939
VOL. XLIX. No. 157
Student Tea: President and Mrs.;
Ruthven will be at home to students
on Wednesday, May 10, from 4 to 6
Association of University and Col-
lege Business Officers: The 2th an-
nual meeting is being held in Ann
Arbor May 14, 15, 16. At the annual
dinner to be held in the ballroom of
the Michigan Union Monday evening,
May 15, the speakers will be Dr. Ed-
wuard Benes, former President of the
Czechoslovakian Republic. In view
of the possibility that members of the
University and other citizens may
wish to hear this distinguished speak-
er the Business Officers Association is
pleased to issue a general invitation
to the dinner so far as space will per-
mit. Tickets at $1.25 each may be had'
either at the Michigan Union or at
the University Business Office up to
noon of Monday, May 15. It will be
impossible to make reservations after
that time.
Shirley W. Smith.
Note to Seniors, June Graduates,
and Graduate Students: Please file
application for degrees or any spe-
cial certificates (i.e. Geology Certifi-
cate, Journalism Certificate, etc.) at
once if you expect to receive a de-'
gree or certificate at Commencement
in June. We cannot guarantee that
the University will confer a degree orI
certificate at Commencement upon
any student who fails to file such
application before the close of busi-
ness on Wednesday, May 17. If ap-
plication is received later than May
17, your degree or certificate may'
not be awarded until next fall.
Candidates for degrees or certifi-
cates may fill out cards at once at
office of the secretary or recorder of 1
their own school or college (studentsY
enrolled in the College of Literature,'
Science, and the Arts, College of
Architecture, School of Music, School
of Education, and School of Fores-
try and Conservation, please note
that application blanks may be ob-
tained and filed in the Registrar's Of-
ice, Room 4, University Hall). All
applications for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate should be made at the office
of the School of Education.
Please do not delay until the last
day, as more than 2,500 diplomas and1
certificates must be lettered, signed,
and sealed and we shall be greatlyI
helped in this work by the early filng
of applications and the resulting
longer period for preparation. l
The filing of these applications1
does not involve the payment of any
fee whatsoever.
Shirley W. Smith.
First Mortgage Loans: The Univer-
sity has a limited amount of funds
to loan on modern well-located Ann
Arbor residential property. Interest
at current rates. F.H.A. terms avail-
able. Apply Investment Office, Room
100; South Wing, University Hall.
School of Education Convocation:;
The fourth annual Convocation of
undergraduate and graduate students
who are candidates for the Teacher's;
Certificate during the academic year
will be held in the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre this afternoon at 4:15
o'clock. This Convocation is spon-
sored by the School of Education;
and members of other faculties, stu-
dents and the general public are cor-
dially invited, Faculty members and
students who are candidates for the
Teacher's Certificate are requested
to wear academic costume. President
Ruthven will preside at the Convoca-
tion and Professor Charles Scott
Berry, of the Ohio State University,
will give the address.
The Engineering Caps and Gowns
have been made available through the
Engineering Council., The charges
will consist of a $1.00 rental fee and a
$2.00 deposit. Certificates will be
sold in the Lobby of the East En-
gineering Building from 10 to 12 a.m.
and from 1 to 3 p.m. on Monday and
Tuesday, May 8 and 9, of next week.
Fittings will be made from 2 to 5 p.m.
on Monday and Tuesday, May 15th
and 16th, at the Michigan League.
Certificates must be purchased and
fittings must be made on the above
dates. Certificates will be sold only
to those men who have paid their
class dues.
Literary Commencement Announce-.
ments will be on sale in Angell Hall
Lobby at the following times:
Saturday, May 6, 9 to 12 a.m.
Monday, May 8, 9 to 12 a.m.
1 to 4 p.m.
Tuesday, May 9, 9 to 12 a.m.
1 to 4 p.m.
All seniors are strongly urged to
get in their orders before the dead-
line, Tuesday, May 9.
Girls' Cooperative house: All girls
day, May 9 at 3 p.m. in the East
Council Room, Rackham Bldg. Mr.
Dressel's field of specialization is
Mathematics. The title of his thesis
is "A Study of Statistical Seminvari-
ants and their Estimates with Par-
ticular emphasis on their Relation to
Algebraic Seminvariants." Professor
P. S. Dwyer, as chairman of the com-
mittee, will conduct the examination.
By direction of the Executive Board,
the chairman has the privilege of
inviting members of the faculty and
advanced doctoral candidates to at-
tend the examination and to grant
permission to others who might wish
to be present.
C. S. Yoakum.
Reading Examinations In French:
Candidates for the degree of Ph.D.
in the departments listed below who
wish to satisfy the requirement of a
reading knowledge during the cur-
rent academic year, 1938-39, are in-
formed that examinations will be
offered in Room 108, Romance Lan-
guauges Building, from 2 to 5, on
Saturday, May 20, and Aug. 12. It
will be necessary to register at the
office of the Department of Romance
Languages (112 R.L.) at least one
week in advance. Lists of books
recommended by the various depart-
ments are obtainable at this office.
It is desirable that candidates for
the doctorate prepare to satisfy this
requirement atsthe earliest possible
date. A brief statement of the na-
ture of the requirement, which will be
found helpful, mayebe obtained at
the office of the Department, and
further inquires may be addressed to
Mr. L. F. Dow (100 R.L., Wednes-
days and Saturdays at 10 and by
This announcement applies only to
candidates in the following depart-
ments: Ancient and Modern Lan-
guages and Literatures, History, Ec-
onomics, Sociology, Political Science,
Philosophy, Education, Speech, Jour-
nalism, Fine Arts, Business Adinin-
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet in Room 122 Chemistry Build-
ing at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, May
10. Mr. William M. Spurgeon will
speak on "Growth of Crystals."
May Festival Concerts: The 46th
Annual May Festival will be held in
Hill Auditorium, May 10, 11, 12 and
13. The Philadelphia Orchestra will
participate in all six concerts. The
general programs are as follows:
First Concert: Wednesday, May 10,
8:30. Gladys Swarthout, soprano, so-
loist. Eugene Ormandy, Conductor.
Second Concert: Thursday, May
11, 8:30. Selma Amansky, soprano;
Jan Peerce, tenor; Rudolf Serkin, pi-
anist, soloists; Palmer Christian, or-
ganist; Earl V. Moore, Harl McDon-
ald and Eugene Ormandy, Conduc-
Third Concert: Friday, May 12,
2:30. Ezio Pinza, bass, soloist; Young
Peoples' Festival Chorus; Eugene Or-
mandy and Juva Higbee, conductors.
Fourth Concert: Friday, May 12,
8:30.. Marian Anderson, contralto,
soloist; Men's Chorus; Eugene Or-
mandy, Conductor.
Fifth Concert: Saturday, May 13,
2:30. Georges Enesco, violinist, so-
loist; Saul Caston and Georges Enes-
co. Conductors.
Sixth Concert: Saturday, May 13,
8:30. Verdi's "Otello." Helen Jep-
son, Elizabeth Wysor, Giovanni Mar-
tinelli, Giuseppe Cavadore, Arthur
Hackett, Richard Bonelli, and Nor-
man Cordon, soloists. Palmer Chris-
tian, organist; the University Choral
Union; Earl V. Moore, Conductor.
Concerts will begin on time, and
doors will be closed during numbers.
Holders of season tickets are request-
ed to present for admission only the
coupon for each respective concert.
Exhibition, College of Architecture:
An exhibition of pottery and other
work in ceramics by leading Michi-
gan artists in that field is being
shown in the ground floor cases,
Architectural Building, through May
13. Open daily, 9 to 5, except Sun-
day. The public is invited.
Schuyler Marshall, publisher of the
Clinton County Republican, will give
the ninth lecture in the Journalism
Supplementary Lecture Series on
Wednesday, May 10, at 3 p.m. 'in
Room E, Haven Hall. Mr. Marshall's
subject will be "The Future of the
Weekly Press." The public is invited.
Deutscherr Vercin: The last in the
series of lectures sponsored by the
Deutscher Vercin wil Tbe given by Dr.
Otto G. Graf of the German Depart-
ment on Tuesday evening, May 9, at
8:15 in the Michigan League. The
subject of Dr. Graf's lecture will be
"Musikalische Reisc durch Deutsch-