I j ------ ...... BLOOD JUSTICE WIR DANKEN UNSER FUEH HerveHaufler . , . by Seymour S. I ,.M ,EPTH entered Drury Montgom- ery's shack as easily as the fingers of wind that poked through the chinks between the logs. Old Drury diee like an animal -without much fuss. He died with a laugh on his fever-cracked lips. "I'm sure I'm goin' to Hell, Lizpeth," he said. "The Devil has already set me on fire." Drury wasn't accustomed to laughing. He died in the attempt. Lizpeth had seen her parents, her kin, her children die. She knew death, how it came, how it looked. She knew Drury was dead the instant his features smoothed into blankness, and she gent- ly pressed shut the eyes that had wid- ened in sudden rapture. Struggling to understand, the boys looked down at their father. Bart's lips trembled and his mild eyes glistened. But Joe Montgomery's face did not sof- ten at the sight of death; his features became harsher. His clenched jaw muscles formed pits in his cheeks. His eyes reflected the death they saw. Joe said, "Come on, Bart, we had bet- ter make a coffin for Pappy." His voice was as passionless as his face was not, but when he had pulled Bart out- side the shack, away from Lizpeth, his true feelings broke through. "I know hit now. That God damned Jake Blair used a holler-point bullet to git Pappy. He had to, to tear his guts up that- away. And I'm agoin' to git him the same way. I'll rip that skunk's guts to pieces and let him know what hell is before he goes there. I'll git him. By God I'll even a few scores around here. I'll gut-shoot him and let him die like Pappy died." "You talk like that with Pappy layin' there still warm? Ain't you seen enough of death for .a while? Ain't you got no respect, Joe?" "I'm atalkin' jest like Pap would want me to talk. If hit was me in there and him out here, by God he'd already be ashinin' up his rifle. You never did know your Pappy anyhow. Right now, whether he's in Heaven or Hell, Pap's awantin' me to git Jake Blair." Bart did not speak until they had started chopping at the base of a pine. "Well, Joe," he said finally, that's up to you. I ain't atakin' no part in it. I ain't aimin' to fight thenBlairs the rest of my born-days like Pappy did and his Pappy afore him. I ain't wantin' to die like they did-with a lead ball in my guts-and so I ain't agoin' to fight like they did." "You don't need to be afeared o' dyin' with a slug in your guts. You ain't got none"l "All right, Joe, maybe I ain't. But I got what goes a hell of a lot further and them's brains. Our Ma's always been one to sit down and figure things out afore she done anythin' and hit's a pol- icy I don't aim to forgit right soon. Ma has got brains and I got 'em too." "And I reckon you take after Ma more ways than one. She's most as afeared of the Blairs as you air." "Tain't fear so much. We jest got the whole thing figured out. Jest sit down and ask yourself like I did, why should I want to kill Jake Blair? Go ahead, ask yourself." "Cause he ripped Pappy all to hell with a holler-point bullet. 'Cause he bushwhacked Uncle Rufe like one of them Breathitt snakes. We got a big score to settle with Jake Blair." "All right now, jest keep afigurin'. Why was it Jake Blair killed Pappy and Rufe?" Joe blinked. "Hit were jest the Blair meanness aworkin' out. Hit's jest nat- ural fer them snakes to kill." "Now come clean, Joe, you know bet- ter'n that. God didn't make anybody only for the sake of killin'. Jake Blair is after us Montgomeries for jest one rea- ~-Th ...- - I. -By Christine Nagel that shut him off from the house, he could no longer dam up the thoughts that flooded his brain. It was his con- science hurting him, he realized. He was fighting the very code of prin- ciples his reasoning had built against feuding, against blood-justice. He thought: "I'm a peace-lovin' man. I've preached peace and jestice in my church. I've preached for men to love their neighbors, to forget their petty quarrels and leave jestice in the hands of those that know best how to dispense jestice. I've done more'n any other man to stamp feudin' out'n these hills, and now, agin God's will, I'm atotin' this gun and aplannin' to kill Jake Blair jest as my pre-decessors done afore me. I'm atakin' jestice ito my own hands that airn't no fit place for hit." "I'm afailin' you, God. I've built up a wall agin feudin' and now I'm tear- in' it down of my own free will. I'm do- in' it for my blood brother. but what I do ain't his fault. I can see through hit all now. I fit down the feudin' spirit in myself and in my congregation, but I never made Joe see the light. I driv him further away from you, God. I driv him to kill Jake Blair or be killed. "But God, you must understand and have mercy on us. Men air men and Your Only Begotten Son had to give up over 'em! You made us to have these faults and to commit these sins. We men try to look down on Sin, but You must not. Our sins are your devices to keep us from becomin' like You, and You don't send us to Hell for 'em. I know You don't because You under- stand. You won't send Joe to Hell for doing what we men call Sin. You made man so that he makes mistakes. You won't cast him down when he does!" He went on faster then. He had every- thing figured out. He had takenha doz- en steps when he neard the shot, the sound tossed back and forth by the hills. He ran blindly along the trail. There were no more shots. One had ended it, whether for Jake or Joe. It was Joe. Bartfound him ly.ng face down in a litle glen, in a little eddy of the trail. Stooping, Bart turned him over. Joe's face was white as the snow. The mouth gaped, the eyes protruded. Bart stared at something he had never seen before. There was fear on Joe's face! Fear -stamped so deeply, unmis- takably that death could only accent it. Bart felt no pity or grief at his brother's death. He was blinded to all else but the profoundest anger he had ever felt in his life. Jake Blair had done that to his brother! Jake's cabin wasn't far away, just be- yond that ridge from which he had bushwhacked Joe. Bart started there without realizing what he was doing. Got to get Jake, got to get Jake was all his mind could seize upon. Then it struck him. Kill Jake? Shoot him down as Jake had shot down Drury and Joe? Oh God no, that wasn't the way. That was the old eye-for-eye way that had never solved anything. That was the high-handed way of ignorance. That wasn't the justice by which he, Bart, lived. No, Jake must be brought to God's justice, not Bart Montgomery's jus- tice. Jake must be fetched down to the county seat to receive justice from one who was fit to dispense it. He must re- ceive the justice of reasoning instead of the blood-justice of the hills. God would approve of that. He would protect Bart until that could be obtained. Dropping his gun along the trail, Bart went bareheaded toward Jake Blair's cabin. Smoke curled from the chimney as from a freshly started fire. Jape was at home. Bart ?made no at- tempt to sneak up to the cabin. He strode heavily up to the porch and T HE BIG, gangling boy ran into the building, to the west bank of elevators. He was 18, just turned 18 two days ago. He ran into the waiting elevator and said "Hi" with a big grin on his face to old Stan running the elevator. Stan for Stanislaus, who was Polish. Old Stan grinned back at him and said, "Allo, Irv. You gunneh take you sister home, huh? I hear. She tell me. She say you gunneh get you license today, huh? You gunneh try fool her? You can't fool her." Irv said, "Oh, hell. Well, I don' care anyway. I thought I'd s'prise 'r, but just's long 's she lets me drive home, it's alright. Y' better shoot me upstairs in an awful hurry, Stan. It's past five- thirty. She'll gi'me hell if she hasta wait f'r me. Wait a minute. Don't shut the door yet. You got a customer." The woman got into the elevator with a large motion. Unprepossessing, faded, fat, she stood across the front of the elevator, unconsciously forcing Irv to the back. "Let me out at four, please," she said tonelessly. "I want the German Consulate." Irv suddenly realized he was still grin- ning, felt it hanging on his face, thought there was reason now why he should- n't be grinning. He felt the knot in his abdomen and tried not to think of why. He didn't have to think of why by now. He let his thoughts flow back into his brain. He wondered what relief he would find if he could take the woman by the throat, sink his fingers deep into the fat around her throat. He found himself relieved enough when she got off at four. Maybe he was wrong. Maybe she was only trying to get her husband out of the country, or maybe her kids. He re- minded himself that for once he had come into the building without noticing the mosaic swastikas in the lobby floor. Stan looked around at Irv after he slid the elevator door shut behind her. "German, huh?" Stan was very wise. He had gotten to know what people on ele- vators thought of each other. "Oh-I-yeh ... yeh, I guess she must be," Irv said, resenting Stan's knowledge. What business . . . Why doesn't he take me up and keep his mouth shut? Why doesn't he shut up? The green lights over the door'went on and off in a row, five, six, seven, eight, Irv remembered to swallow. The new elevators went so smoothly you for- got sometimes, but you could still feel the pressure if you didn't swallow. *The door slid open at ten. Irv threw back a "Thanks" over his shoulder and raced down the waxed corridor to the door on the corner, 1021, with four black names lettered on the translucent glass. He went in without knocking, stuck his head around the corner of the wall. No one there but his sister and Celia Hal- loran, the other stenographer. "Hi, sis, am I late?" "You would be if I hadn't had to type three pages of this brief over again." She was sliding a big sheaf of papers into a manila file. "I got three mistakes on 'm that I couldn't rub out and I had t' do 'm all over again." Irv remembered to start grinning again. "Well, what's so funny? I don't see anything to laughat." "Why, t'day's the day I got my license, doncha remember?" "Oh, is it? Swell. Are you drivin' me home?" She simulated enthusiasm. "Yeah, You knew about it all the time. Stan told me.' "Stan?" "Yeah, Stan, the elevator-man." "Well, I thought you might, be hap- pier if I pretended to be su'prised." "You always know things. I never can su'prise you. Oh, hello, Cel. I'm so excited I f'rget t' be polite. How come y're stayin' so late?" Cel was a beneath the glossed factitious rind of surface sight . the sleek periphery . insidious rot,w insomniac, decays both flesh and core. despair for future fruits lurks now: the present need demands a transmutation of the seed. -HARWOOD SMITH nice fresh-looking girl, he thought. She must be awfully young to be married. Irv was a very poor judge of age. 'Tm waitin' f'r Lennie. He said he'd stop-by f'r me. I don't blame you f'r bein' excited. I would be too, with my first license." "Well, I would've had it before if Pa hadn't said. 'No junior license.' It was a long time to wait, from sixteen to eighteen." "Eighteen? Really? Why, you could easily pass f'r twenty-two, Irv." "Y' really think I-aw, y'r jus' kid- din'." He couldn't think of anything else to say. He watched his sister sweep the pencils from her desk into the draw- er, slide the green steel file cabinet shut, and slam her typewriter into its com- partment in- the desk. It sounded as if she jarred all the keys loose, every time she did it. "Wait, I'll be back in a minute. I'm going on sixth floor to the ladies' room." She walked out of the office with a card- board box under her arm. family tree someplace." She had the square of lace rosettes on her desk and she was smoothing it out with her two hands. One edge kept curling up and she kept flattening it out. Irv held his breath waiting for what was coming. His sister stood a full min- ute watching Celia fix her handiwork, and then she burst out, "That's supposed to be a compliment, I suppose?" Her voice was sharp and challenging. Celia looked up surprised. "You mean me? Something I said? I don't know what you mean." "No, you don't know what I mean. You're very innocent, you are. We're too good to be real Jews. We've got to have Gentile blood to help us out. You certainly know how to get your dirty digs in. Well, I'll have you know there never was a Gentile in our family, and we wouldn't have a Gentile in our family . . " She went on vituperatively, grow- ing more vehement all the time. Irv listened to her helplessly, feeling with her when she began, but getting colder said, "Com you home.' (At this me, am I Ir I say no,r But it couk ter is a typ to use som( a law-office ers did tatt else to do. could have have been have felt a You who the subtle word is a 1 barb is tip; distillate of in a new B he dwells i is called th the poison a very powE my people raises spect mies where son. He's asettlin' the score his Pappy handed down to him to settle. He's atryin' to kill us Montgomeries because us Montgomeries 've killed his kith and kin. He bushwacked Rufe 'cause Rufe knifed old Cy Blair. Knifed him in the back, I'll swear it afore God Almighty. Jake got Pappy 'cause Pappy got two of the Blairs." "Look here, Bart," Joe's cheeks red- dened. "You been preachin' up at the churchhouse and that's all right. But I'll be damned if you're agoin' to preach around me." "All right, Joe. I jest tried to make you see that hit ain't God's will for you to go gunnin' for Jake Blair." "Hit's Pappy's will-that's what I'm thinkin'." In a way Bart pitied his brother, looked down upon him. Joe clung so savagely to the clannish spirit of the highlands that nothing of reason or re- ligion could swerve him. Bart had said that God had made no one only for the purpose of killing, and then he doubted it, because Joe was as much an instru- ment for killing as a knife or a rifle. Bart thanked God that he was not like his brother. And yet even Bart realized the ad- miration he felt for Joe. Joe had the courage and virility Bart lacked; he was the symbol of an adventuresome past that modern veneer had all but obliterated in Bart. Bart could argue Hellfire and Damnation with his con- gregation, could drive the Devil out of his church, but he had admired Joe too long ever to dominate him. Mother Lizpeth told Bart, "Tain't no use to argue with Joe. He'll go agun- nin' for Jake Blair spite of hell and high- water. Feudin' was in his blood afore he Was born, and feudin' was drilled into him in place of religion or education or anythin' else. Feudin's all he knows. Hit's all he cares about." Bart knew his mother spoke the truth. She always did. She had brains. It was a gray December day when the Montgomeries in the neighborhood gathered to bury Drury in the frozen earth of the family graveyard. They buried him with an uneasy sense of hypocrisy. They seemed to see on Drury's lips a plea for revenge, and their own hearts cried out for revenge with all their clannish intensity. But they had to forego revenge because they had given up feuding to the barbaric past. They did not talk of it at the fu- neral. Neither did they talk to Joe. Then one bleak sun-up Lizpeth hur- ried from her morning's milking to find Bart. He stopped chopping firewood when he saw her approaching, her weary feet scampering beneath her lin- sey-woolsey. "What's up, Ma?" he asked. "He's gone. I saw him agoin' over the hill. He's asettin' out for Jake Blair." "I knowed he was thinkin' on it. He's been ashinin' up his gun every day." Lizpeth's eyes showed fear. "You got to go and help him, Bart. Hit's his old squirrel rifle agin' Jake Blair's- auto- matic. He ain't got a chanct. You got to git your Pappy's gun and help him. Jake'll git him sure if you don't." Bart ran into the house, pulled down the rifle from above the door. He pushed away the thoughts that assailed him. "How much of a lead has he got on me?" he asked. "Quite a spell. I was in the upper pasture. I couldn't git here very fast." Bart swung off down the trail. When he was alone at last, beyond the hill Irv gaped at Celia. She was tatting. The bobbin -clicked like teeth. "Tiny garments?" he asked her. "Why no." She was mock-indignant. "It's only a dresser-scarf f'r Lennie's bedroom." Lennie's bedroom, he thought. They must have two. Can't trust twin beds, I suppose, being Catholic. He thought seriously about the problem without letting his thoughts descend to a more customary level. His sister came back with a hat on. "Well, don't you see anything different about me?" He hadn't said anything for several seconds after she came in. He looked at her with gravity, up and down. "No, I don't think I do. I suppose some- thing's new?" When he talked slowly, he was careful of his grammar. "It's a new hat, dope. I just got it this noon during lunch hour. Won'cha ever learn t' notice clothes? Y'll never get along with women if y' don't learn t' notice things like that. What d'y' think 'f it?" "It's fine," he said slowly. He knew how to say the right things when he knew he had to. "It fits you. It shows your hair off well. Let's see it from the side. Good. It takes away some of the little girl from your nose." "Well, I hope not. I like my nose the way it is. Can I help it if it turns up? And don't say little girl. I think of my age often enough without you reminding me of it all the time." Celia looked up from her tatting. "It is a nice hat, Irv, and it doesn't hurt her profile any. Gee, I always wonder where you get that profile from. You must have a Gentile sneaking around the and clammier inside as she kept on. He found himself thinking, I wish she'd shut up, shut up, shut up, why must she talk like that? Celia got redder, became beside her- self with anger. "You-you-you talk like that- You know I didn't mean anything. The way you all carry chips on your shoulders, you Jews. No wonder you get them knocked off all the time. You say things about lace-curtain Irish and things like that. You never saw me fly off the handle about that." They stopped for breath, both glaring at each other, almost hysterical. Irv stepped between them. He felt that his sides were wet, and his shirt was sticking to him, and it was cold. He was facing his sister. She pushed him a little and said, "Get out of my way," and then he was holding her by the shoulder and shaking her gently at first and then harder saying over and over, "Stop it, stop it, why can't you stop it? What good are you doing? What are you helping? You're hurting everything." Then she slumped and curled up and fell against his shoulder. She only came to the top of his lapel. She was crying and saying, "I know she didn't mean anything. Why must we be always like this? Always on the defensive. Always waiting for the worst. Celia-" Celia was crying too, with her head down in her dresser-scarf, crying all over the fine linen threads, but then she was up, and her cheeks were red and clean with the tears on them. She was up and she patted Irv's sister on the arm and then was gone out of the room. Irv took his sister by the hand and You who meet youi shake hand people to sl could teach how to res stand off sid backs of sti One of m book. His n ple read this now I believ of the book author tells Jews in the the Gobi I real desert. than Natha: be of the sp what we S world. And barren, whe of making then we wil site. Men of g found that destroying For themse managed to lives. Wha When I w, hoped that were at least were broth itable. NoW people and stop their think of Jo only blood c I am still to to spill your yet. Perhaps I will be soft Irv took they got inc ing the elh thinking ve him that 11 and he had ing that wx himself as a teen million were waitir and he aske why. But h those fiftee that knew, no one tha The car and the we German co: slight smile wide face, Irv drew in stopped on eyes closed.