PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 7, 1939 F- Warships Thunder Good-Bye As British Royalty Departs King And Queen To Arrive In Quebec On May 15; Are Sailing In GermanBuilt Steamship PORTSMOUTH, England, May 6.- (AP)-King George VI and Queen Elizabeth sailed today amid the thun- dering farewell of saluting warships and shore batteries on their prece- dent-breaking trip of more than six weeks to Canada and the United States. Their vessel, the German-built Em- press of Australia, sailed promptly at 3 p.m. (9 a.m. Detroit time). As the mooring ropes were cast off the tugs pulled the liner's nose slowly out from the dock, the King and Queen stood watching the flag- decked warships in the harbor and cheering thousands massed on the shore. Frequently they waved as the ship drew away and as the liner passed through the narrow harbor mouth,1 the roar of cheering and thunder of salutes rolled out. Crowds Along Route The London-to-Portsmouth journey. of King George, who will be the first reigning British sovereign to visit North America, and his wife was one of triumph. Cheering crowds were massed along the tightly guarded route of their special train and thousands of spec- tators greeted their arrival at Ports- mouth where the King received the golden key of the garrison. Prime Minister Neville Chamber- lain and Joseph P. Kennedy, United States Ambassador to London, were prominent among those who bade the King and Queen bon voyage at Wa- terloo Station when they boarded the train for Portsmouth. The King was in the uniform of an admiral. The Queen wore a pale blue costume and her daughter, Prin- cess. Elizabeth and Margaret Rose, were dressed in costumes to match. Ride in State The royal family rode from Buck- ingham Palace to the railroad station in an open landau drawn by four grays to the cheers of crowds over- flowing the sidewalks. . ,King George kissed his mother, Queen Mary, on the cheeks as she joined the party at Waterloo Sta- tion. During the 10 minutes on the station platform before the train left the Queen Mother talked ani- matedly with Kennedy. The shiny white liner Empress of Australia which was substituted for the battle cruiser Repulse for the journey, was closely guarded in Ports- mouth Harbor, before the royal party arrived, by squads of detectives who checked the credentials of all comers. Officials were working on the 21,- 850-ton ship until almost the last minute. After 20 large wardrobe trunks-- containing the Queen's gowns and 50 uniforms for the Kng-and 20 other pieces of baggage had been stowed away, an attendant made sure the Monarchs' electric razor fit the elec- tric outlet in his suite. Due may 15 The King and Queen are due at Quebec May 15, and will journey through Canada to the Pacific Coast and back to Niagara Falls. They will begin a four-day visit in the United States on June 8, including stops in Washington, New York and Hyde Park. The young princesses used their handkerchiefs to wave goodbye to their parents for nearly 15 minutes as the Empress of Australia left. A shore band played "God Save the King" and a ship band played "Oh, Canada." Escorted by the 9,100-ton cruisers Southampton and Glasgow, and with the Repulse as an added escort fcr part of the way, the Empress of Aus- tralia headed west through the Eng- lish Channel. Escorted To Portland Outside the port, the vessel was escorted in the channel to Portland, powerful south coast naval base where the major portion of the British home fleet has been concentrated because of the tense international situation. From Portland, Admiral Sir Charles Forbes, commander-in-chief of the home fleet, in his flagship, the battle- ship Nelson, led the main division of the fleet out into, the channel. Turning about, battleships, cruis- ers, aircraft carriers and cruisers formed two long lines through which the Empress of Australia passed while each warship fired a 21-gun salute and officers and men cheered the royal party. Squadrons of seaplanes roared over the vessel. New Camera Snapis Entire DerbyField LOUISVILLE, May 6.-(A)-A new Associated Press camera equipped with a 60-inch lens-longest ever used in America for press photogra- phy-today scored on its first assign- ment by producing one of the most remarkable pictures ever taken of a Kentucky Derby finish. From a position in the stands ap- proximately 800 feet almost directly in front of the finish, this giant lens operated by photographer Joseph Caneva made a picture which provid- ed a head-on view showing the entire field of eight horses as Johnstown won. More than 46 lengths separated the winner and On Location, which fin- ished last, but the giant lens showed every horse in the race, with the six lengths separating Johnstown and Calledon shriveling into an appar- ently insignificant distance due to the angle from which the picture was taken and exceptional depth of focus of the big telescopic lens, which by itself weighs 53 pounds. Forest Blaze Adult Education Institute Ends Six-DayParley Extension Service Shows Talking Films Dealing With Instructive Topics By DAVE LACHENBRUCI The six-day convention of the Adult Education Intitute was brought to a close yesterday with a showing of educational films in the lecture hall of the Rackham build- ing. The pictures were exhibited for members of the University Faculty, Federation of Women's Clubs, Par- ent-Teacher Associations, school teachers and executives and students. Dr. Fisher Speaks "The entertainment picture be- longs in the field of commercial en- terprise and has its legitimate place," stated Dr. Charles A. Fisher, director of the Extension Service, in refer- ence to the value of the cinema in the instructional institution. "The educational picture belongs in the school; where, under the expert hand of an experienced teacher, it brings the world into the classroom. Featured were the productions of Erpi, Gaumont-British, March of Time, UFA and Eastman, together with selections screened by Harvard, Kansas and Western Reserve univer- sities. The films were shown under several classifications including chil- dren' films, education, health, lit- erature and art, natural and physical science, social science and sports, each group being shown as a sep- arate unit. 'A demonstration of a section of sound film concluded the morning program. The talking-film strip was based upon original documents in the Clements Library and upon ar- cheological objects in the University Museum. March Of Time Featured "Much of the valuable material, in- cluding original documents, art ob- jects and rare books which up to now have been of use only to those who could come to the University," ex- plained Dr. Fisher, "can through the medium of visual education be made available to the people of the state and country." Typical of the talking films ex- hibited in yesterday's showing were March of Time's "Cancer, Its Cure and Prevention" and "Progressive Education," Gaumont - British's "Shakespeare," "Liquid Air" by UFA, "Juvenile Delinquency," another March of Time Film and a study of Glenn Cunningham, long distance runner" filmed in the laboratories of the University of Kansas. More than 650 members of the Adult Education Institute from all sections of the State attended the meeting. Philip Adler, Detroit News Foreign Correspondent; Prof. Paul M. Cuncannon of the political sci- ence department, F1 - E IN I JI l I "I 71d 7C What secrets the sky holds are probed by the great anti-aircraft searchlights of two of the U.S. battleships at anchor in the Hudson River, New York. This view of rays spread fan-like across the sky gave a thrill even to- jaded New Yorkers whose interest in the visiting fleet has been so great that 15,000 persons were turned away the first day of public inspection. Fortunes of war altered the luck, Conversationally speaking, Princess Ingrid of Denmark found ready of Alfonso, former king, in exile words to express interest in the U.S. tour she made, along with her since Spain became a republic in 1931, Franco-controlled Spain re husband, Crown Prince Frederik. As guests of New York's Danish colony, cently restored to the royal family the royal couple attended a dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria. With the all the private property it owned princess is Thomas J. Watson, president of the International Chamber before 1931. of Commerce. Farmers' Interests take Edward A. O'Neal (above) of Alabama, American- Farm Bureau federation president, to congressional meet- ings that concern 1939 agricul- ture program. Out Of Control Students Pledged ID--"bl *Al 1 T . (DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 4) |I dividual." The church school meets at 9:30, with Mr. J. E. Wiessler, as di- rector. Roger Williams Guild, Sunday, 6:15 p.m. The students will meet at the Guild House. Mr. Chapman will speak on the subject, "Reflections." A social hour will follow, with refresh- ments served. Unitarian Church, 11 a.m. Open- ing of Sunday morning Forums on general topic Washtenaw Clinic. Topic of the day, "Education and the \ Community." Speakers, Mr. Wilfred Shaw and Mr. Otto Haisley. Question period and symphonic re- cording of music. Dickinson May Be Asked To Give State Help ATLANTA, Mich., May 6.-(A)-A forest fire that had burned over sev- eral thousand acres in three coun- ties continued to blaze out of con- trol late today despite the efforts of more than 500 men. The fire, which started near the Canada Creek ranch, a hunting and fishing camp 12 mile's south of Ona- way, had advanced nearly eight miles during the day. Some of the 40 cottages of the Canada Creek camp were threatened by the flames. Telephone lines to the camp were burned away and it was uncertain whether any of the cot- tages had burned. A few of them were occupied by trout fishermen.! With a prolonged drought increas- ing the forest fire menace in wes- tern Michigan, W. I. White, super- visor of the Manistee national forest, said Saturday that Gov. Luren Dick- inson might be asked to declare the existence of an emergency and in- voke regulations to minimize the pos- sibility of new outbreaks. Carelessness by fishermen was blamed by federal officials for a fire which swept through 250 acres of the lake country national forest Friday before being brought under control. SEND FLOWERS Lovely bouquets of Fresh Cut Flowers for all occasions ... CHELSEA FLOWER SHOP 203 East Liberty Telephone 2-2973 By Fl lh O D~ m ~ipa Delta Reorganization of the Campbell Chapter of Phi Alpha Delta, na- tional legal fraternity, began Thurs- day with a meeting of student, facul- ty, and alumni members from De- troit and Chicago. The following law students were 'pledged: Douglas Edwards, Lewis Newcomer, James Deer, '41, Dwight Trushel, '41L, Edward Reymann, '41L and William Sutton, '41L. I Town Car of Manhattan's street-cleaning fleet is this "tricycle" sweeper, of which 50 have been bought. Equipped with shatter-proof glass, the sweeper has steel fiber broom to give a housewife's finicky touch to N.Y. gutters. Pickets' progress along oil tanker dock in Everett, Mass., drew atten- tion when pickets of the national maritime union donned gas masks. They wore the masks, they said, because police had previously used tear gas to disperse the line. ' II _i ti NU MUCH MORE THAN FOOD! The complete enjoyment of eating in restaurants depends on the manner in which the food is served. We insist everything must be the finest, the tasti- est, the freshest, the purest - and nothing else will do. Our quick, courteous staff await your orders.11 .. .... .::: : ,; ";.}: v {v 9fi::::'. :: [. {.. ' . .. ": "'y . :.