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May 06, 1939 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-06

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Publicatin i; the Bullstin is constructie notice to au.i membes of the Universit-.
Copy rsczied at the cffic of the Assistant to the ?residant until 3:30 ?. 1.;
11:00 A .1 on Saturday.

Here is an aerial view of the plane of Brig. Gen. Vladimer Kokkinaki, Soviet airman, shown after it cracked
up in Miscou Island, 130 miles north of Mongton, New Brunswick, and 700 airmiles short of New York City.
Kokkinaki suffered two broken ribs when the mono plane landed on a frozen marsh. The navigator was un-
hurt. Landing was believed to have been due to engine trouble. Note rubber life raft in the foreground, where
one of the flyers slept overnight.

When it's chow time in New Mexico's cattle country the cowhands driv-
ing herds to summer pastures, or to shipping pens, stop for the usual
beans, biscuits and java. These hail from the 70,000 acre Brunner
ranch,,northwest of Albuquerque. Four day trek of 2,000 from Sonora,
Mexico, to New Mexico's Bear mountain pastures is typical trips.

Opposition to the appointment of With war scares running ram-
Lord Ithlan,' 57, as Britain's new pant across the European conti-
ambassador to the United States. ,nnt and with the major power
The objections arose from Lord once again "lining up," all eyes are
Lothian's reported pro - German turned to Josef Stalin to see toward
sympathies. which side Russia goes.

Truce was declared in the persis-
tent opposition of Winston Church-
ill to the policies of Prime Minister
Chamberlain when the latter pro-
posed conscription in England.

(Continued from Page 4) a
weiner roast at the Island tonight.
The group will leave Lane Hall atv
8:30. Small charge for refreshmentsI
Coming Events f
Ann Arbor Independents: Rehear-I
sals for Lantern Night will begiin
Monday, May 8, and will continueI
each night next week, from 4 to 5C
at the League. It is important that
you be there Monday or Tuesday.V
Physics Colloquium: Dr. L. J. Las-F
lett will speak on "Some Work in
Copenhagen; the Danish Cyclotron,"
at the Physics Colloquium on Mon-
day, May 8, at 4:15 p.m. in Roomi
1041 East Physics Bldg.C
Dr. Manfred Arie, formerly presid-
ing Chief Justice of the Vienna Su-r
preme Court, will speak on "Austria
under Hitler" at Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre at 3 p.m. on Sunday under1
the sponsorship of the Hillel Foun-I
dation. Admission is free. All are
Student Senate Tolerance Commit-s
tee will have an open meeting ont
Sunday, May 7, at 2:15 p.m. in the9
Michigan Union, Room 302. Headss
of all student organizations are wel-
Girls Cooperative Planning Com-
mittee: All girls interested in form-s
ing a new Girls' Cooperative Housea
for next semester, please attend aI
general meeting at Lane Hall, Mon-s
day night at 7:30. It is important
that you attend if you are interested
at all in the enterprise. a
German Table for Faculty Mem-C
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday, May 8, at 12:10
p.m. in the Founders' Room of the
Michigan Union. All faculty mem-
bers interested in speaking German
are cordially invited. There will be
a brief informal talk by ProfessorC
E. A. Philippson on, "Rassenkunde
und germanische Religiongeschichte."s
University Women: There will be an
canoeing party on Monday, May 8, at
4:15. Those who wish to go must
have passed the swimming test. Please
sign up in Barbour Gymnasium or the
Women's Athletic Building, or call
Jane Brichan at 6944 before Monday
Congregational Fellowship: Meet at
Pilgrim Hall at 4 this Sunday for
the picnic at Steiner's. Anyone in-
terested may attend by calling 2-1679
for reservations.
The Graduate Outing Club will leave
the northwest door of the Rackhani
Building, Sunday, May 7, at 3 p.m.
for Peach Mountain. From there
they will go boating and hiking. Sup
per will be held around a bonfire oci
the top of the mountain. The groupt
will return about 8 o'clock. In case
of rain they will go roller skating.
The Faculty and all graduate stu- t
dents are invited.1
Monday Evening Dramatic Club:t
Faculty Women's Club: The annual
spring dinner meeting for the groupl
will be held at the Michigan Uniont
on Monday, May 8, at 6:15 p.m. Res-t
ervations may be made by calling thei
Union before Saturday, May 6.
Michigan Dames Officers: Retir-
ing officers should type list of dutiesl
on four by six inch cards and bring
to banquet. Please meet with Presi-
dent a few minutes early Tuesday
Michigan Dames: Any Dames in-
terested in attending the Adult Edu-
cation lectures and meetings this
week may do so by registering in the

Rackham Building lobby, stating they
are members of Dames. Programs
will be available there with additional
announcements in The Daily.
The Michigan Christian Fellowship.
will have its regular Sunday after-
noon meeting in the Fireplace Room,
Lane Hall. Students are invited to
stop in at 4:15 and enjoy the informal
First Methodist Church. Dr. C. W.
Brashares will preach at 10:40 a.m.
on "Uniting Methodists" at the Morn-
ing Worship Service.
Stalker Hall: Wesleyan Guild meet-
ing at 6 p.m. at the Church. This will
be an Installation Service for the new
Student Council. Fellowship hour and
supper following the meeting.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Sun-
day: 8 a.m. Holy Communion; 9:30
a.m. Junior Church; 11 a.m. Kinder-
garten; 11 a.m. Holy Communion and
sermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis; 4

Washtenaw Ave. 10:45 a.m., Morn-
ing Worship Service. "Living With
Ourselves" will be the subject upon
which"Dr. W. P. Lemon will preach.
Palmer Christian at the organ and di-
recting the choir.
Disciples Guild (Church of Christ)
10:45 a.m. Morning worship. Rev.
Fred Cowin, Minister.
6:30 p.m. Music Appreciation Hour.
Prof. Leonard S. Gregory of the Uni-
versity School of Music will discuss
some of the May Festival Music. His
talk will be illustrated with records.
The program is open to all interested
7:30 p.m. Social hour and refresh-
Reformed and Christian Reformed
services will be held Sunday at 10:30
a.m. and 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan
League Chapel. Rev. W. Hendrick-
son will be the speaker.
First Baptist Church, Sunday, 10:45
a.m. Dr. John Mason Wells will con-
duct the worship and preach, His
topic is, "The Church and the In-
dividual." The church school meets
at 9:30, with Mr. J. E. Wiessler, as di-
Roger Williams Guild, Sunday, 6:15
p.m. The students will meet at the
Guild House. Mr. Chapman will
speak on the subject, "Reflections." A
social hour will follow, with refresh-
ments served.
MIPA Sets Up
Fund To Honor
Prof. B r u0 M M

and William Sts. Minister, Rev. Leon-
ard A. Parr.
Public worship at 10:45. Dr. Parr
will preach on the subject, "We Have
The Means-But?" The chorus choir
directed by Donn Chown will sing
and Mrs. Hope Bauer Eddy will sing
for the morning solo, "Sheep and
Lambs" by Sidney Homer. Miss Mary
Porter will play the following organ
numbers: "The Guardian Angel" by
Bierne-Gaul and "Glorificanus" by
Gaul. The meeting of the Student
Fellowship will be an outdoor affair
with games and picnic supper at the
home of Mrs. Ray Steiner on Geddes



First Presbyterian.

Church, 1432



East Shows Pictures
Isle Royal Paradise
High School Writers
(Continued from Page 1)

Scientific search carries Dr. Da-
vid. L Macht through countless
exberiments in his Baltimore lab-
oratory where the doctor has al-
ready had success adapting the
deadly essence of cobra venom to
medicinal uses as an effective agent
in relieving pain.

Wrong ,size shoe for her, but Ita
Bergen of Detroit finds interest in
a new type baseball shoe to be tried
out by the Tigers in practice ses-
sions this season. The new shoe,
(left) compares with the regular
cleated baseball shoe (right).

"C'mon out an' play" these kids chorused to Joe DiM aggio in St. Elizabeth Hospital in New York. But Joe was
kept confined to his bed to recover from a leg injury suffered when he fell in the outfield at Washington.
Urgent business elsewhere emptied the walks when this lion escaped from a circus car at Boston and had 10
minutes of freedom. At the right, is a wary would-be captor.

ning commentary on his film, "The
Michigan Nobody Knows." The film
shows Isle Royal, the scenic paradise
of the north, which is now being de-
veloped as a national park.
Speaking at a general assembly yes-
terday morning, Herbert 0. Crisler,
head football coach of the Universi-
ty, contradicted the popular belief
that athletics develop character and
courage. Discussing the effect of ath-
letics in future life, he declared that
the experience gained in sports is
undeniably useful,
Discussing the question of "know-
ing oneself," Prof. Richard Fuller
of the sociology department yester-
day stated that it is all important to
keep awake in a changing America
ind a changing world. It is imposisble
to retire into a cellar and forget about
the future of the family, marriage,
church school, the economic system
and democracy, he said, and it is es-
sential to living, keeping alert, think-
ing, doing, and above all, believing in
In these unsettled times, he said,
with economic depression at home,
war abroad and hypocrisy and intol-
erance rampant it is important to
know oneself in order to make the
nost of a turbulent existence.
Imagination and ability to see news
in a given situation furnishes the
key to success in creative writing,
Dr. Marion Magoon of Michigan
State Normal College stated at a
round table yesterday.
Imaginative people, who are suc-
cessful, creative writers, "can spot
opportunities" for work and finan-
cial remuneration immediately, Dr.
Magoon said.
Forum To Consider
Problems Of County
Social problems of Washtenaw
County will be discussed at the An-
nual May Forums, starting this Sun-
day and continuing each Sunday
throughout May at the Unitarian
Church. Prominent men of the Uni-
versity and of the bounty will speak
at the forums known as the "Wash-
tenaw Clinic."

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