Weather Generally fair; tomorrow showers and cooler. ig 4tgan 4 - ib aitjr Editorial Feeding Japan's War Machine VOL. XLIX. No. 155 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MiCHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 6 ,1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS Michigras Draws U 3500 More Tha In Opening Night Huge Crowds Sigma Chi Win Prizes See Parade; And Thetas For Floats Cleverest Booths Receive Awards The thirdl annual Michigras had drawn more than 3,500 paid admis- sions through the turnstiles at Yost Field House by 11 p.m. yesterday, ac- cording to Don Beldon, '39E, general chairman. Huge crowds turned out earlier yesterday afternoon to witness a half mile parade, consisting of 45 floats led by the martial music of the Varsity Band, heralding the opening of the carnival. Sigma Chi Wins In the float contest, Sigma Chi took first place for fraternities with their realistic "smoke-breathing" en- try entitled "The Inferno." Kappa Alpha Theta's "Angels" won the award for sororities and Mullison's Riding Academy had the best com- mercial entry. Honorable mentions were awarded to Sigma Phi Epsilon, Theta Delta Chi, Delta Gamma, Collegiate Sorosis, Wilkinson's Lug- gage Shop, and the Ideal Auto Body Shop. The floats were judged by Mayor Walter C. Sadler, Dean Joseph A. Bursley, and Dean Alice Lloyd Vwho presented the winners in the frater- nity and sorority divisions with gold loving cups. Fifty Booths To Patronize Last night, Michzg-ras visitors found more than 50 booths to patronize. Loving cups for the cleverest booths were awarded to Phi Sigma Kappa's "Ring-A-Duck" and to Kappa Alpha Theta's "Ring Ferdy" by a commit- tee composed of Dean Walter Rea, Hope Hartwig, '38, and Don Beldon '39E, general chairman of the carni- val. Honorable mentions went to Beta Theta Pi, Sigmna Chi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Alpha Epsilon Phi, Gamma Phi Beta, and Jordan Hall. " The proceeds from this year's Michigras will be given to funds bene- fitting the Women's Athletic Associa- tion, the Band, the Glee Club, and the Dean's discretionary fund. The Michigras will be held again starting at 7:30 p.m. and lasting until mid- night. 65th Kentucky Derby Draws 80,000 Fans By MEL FINEBERG LOUISVILLE, Ky., May 5. (Special to The Daily)-The feed box is over- flowing tonight and 80,000 horse rac- ing fans have reached in to come up with their own "special" Derby win- ner as one of the smallest fields in 65 Derbys prepares to take the long ride to the starting barrier tomorrow. A hopeless conglomeration of humanity has descended on Louisville like a Martian invasion but the Derby has struck a common chord in the heterogeneous lot. This weekend, Louisville is a carnival town. Debu- tantes and dilettantes, touts and bookies, governors and senators, "tired" business men on a holiday, all are converging upon the heart of the Bluegrass country to witness the run- ning of the greatest prize American turf has to offer racing fans, the Kentucky Derby. Here tonight, depression and war scares are a part of another world; the only thing of consequence is whether or not Johnstown can be beaten tomorrow. For the William (Continued on Page 3) Royal Couple Start U.S. Trip Tomorrow LONDON, May 5.-(IP)-A program topped by a naval spectacle at Ports- mouth was whipped into final shape today for the departure tomorrow of King George and Queen Elizabeth on their precedent-breaking journey to Canada and the United States. Twenty large wardrobe trunks, carrying the Queen's crinoline gowns and 50 uniforms for the King, and 80 other pieces of baggage were sent off' a day ahead to the 21,850-ton Ger- man-built liner Empress of Australia, on which the Royal party will sail from Portsmouth at 3 p.m. (9 a.m.,- MIPA Sets Up Fund To Honor Prof. Brumn' Ben East Shows Pictures Of Isle Royal Paradise To HighSchool Writers In appreciation of the service of Prof. John L. Brumm of the journal- ism department in founding and' directing the Michigan Interscholas- tic Press Association since 1922, the John L. Brumm Journalism Schol- arship was presented, to the Univer- sity by Miss Thelma McAndless of Roosevelt High School, Ypsilanti, at the 18th annual MIPA convention banquet held last night at the Union. , An endowment fund of $750 raised under the auspices of the MIPA and the Michigan Association of Journal- ism Advisers is to be invested by the *University and used to pay for one year's tutition to the Department of Journalism for an outstanding senior or graduate specializing in journal- si. Prof. Bennett Weaver of the Eng- lish department will speak at 9:30 a.m. today in the ballroom of the Union. Harriet Blum of Eastern High School, Detroit, will introduce him. Roundtable discussions will be held at 10:30 a.m. today in the Union. Prof. Richard Hollister of the speech department will discuss oral inter- pretation and Professor Brumm will speak on "The School Paper and Its Community." Prof. Milo Ryan of the Department of Journalism of Wayne University will speak on creative edit- ing and Stanley Gates of Mackenzie High School, Detroit, will discuss news magazines. Feature writing will be treated by Myrtle Hesseltine of Union High School, Grand Rapids; Art in the An- nual by Edna Brown, Highland Park- School, and humor by Prof. Donald Haines of the journalism department. The convention will end with a lun- cheon at 12:30 p.m. in the Union. Addressing the 750 high school journalists attending the banquet, Ben East, outdoor editor of Booth , Newspapers, yesterday described up- per Michigan fishing and the beau- ty spots of northern islands as a run- (Continued on Page 6) 1Wiltse Replies To NLRB Order Ann Arbor Press Told To Disestablish Union Film Series To Complete AIE Session Extension Service Shows The Value Of Cinema As Educational Medium Dr. Dale To Speak At Final Luneheon The six-day meeting of the Adult Education Institute sponsored by the Extension Service comes to a close today with an exhibition of films demonstrating the value of the mov- ing picture as an educational medi- um. More than 650 persons have en- rolled for the Institute. Eight series of films, showing how visual education can "bring the world into the classroom," will be shown from 9 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall. The series will in- clude childrei's films at 9 p.m., films on education at 9:45, health at 10:45 and a sound film strip based on the original documents in the Clements Library and the archeological objects in the University Museum at 11:30. Dr. Edgar Dale of Ohio State Uni- mersity will speak on "The Education- al Possibilities of the Motion Pic- ture" at a luncheon meeting in the League and will conduct question periods during the showing of the films. In the afternoon the series include: literature and art, at 1:45 p.m.; nat- ural and physical science, at 3:00; social science, at 4:15; and sports, at 5:15. The productions of Erpi, Gaumont- British, March of Time, UFA and Eastman will be featured. The pic- tures are open to the public without charge. In the final lecture of the Adult Education Series yesterday, Dr. Ed- gar Dale of Ohio State University (Continued on Page 2) New Institute Fo r Lawyers Meets June 22 First Atempt To Return Graduate To University Planned By Law School In a move to achieve closer contact between lawyers and the University's Law School, a three-day institute for lawyers will be held June 22 to 24 at the Law School, Prof. John Tracy, chairman of the institute committee, announced yesterday. During the institute, the subjects of taxation, labor law, and wills and trusts will be taken up, giving prac- tising attorneys an opportunity "to go back to school." Professor Tracy extended a welcome to all members of the 'Michigan Bar as well as lawyers from other states. Living accommodations will be available in the Lawyer's Club and classes will be held in Hutchins Hall. The University will be the first to make an effort of this type to bring the lawyer back to the campus, Pro- fessor Tracy pointed out. Although during the past year more than sixty (Continued on Page 2) Flyers Leave For Meet Seven students representing the University Flying Club left for Ken- yon College, Gambier, O., yesterday, to compete in the Midwestern In- tercollegiate Flying Meet Saturday and Sunday. U.S. To Let 20,000 German Children In WASHINGTON, May 5. -(e)- Twenty thousand German refugee children would be permitted to en- ter the United States under provi- sions of a measure approved late to- day by a joint sub-committee of the Senate and House Immigration Com- mittees. The measure, sponsored by Senator Wagner (Dem.-N.Y.), would permit 10,000 children under 14 years to en- ter during 1940 and 10,000 during 1941. Danny Smick'S 3-Hit Pitching S tops__Illinois By HERB LEV Long Danny Smick, flashing the best form of his Michigan mound career, held Illinois to three scat- tered hits yesterday afternoon, but it took Bill Steppon's potent bat to put the clincher on one of the most bit- terly contested Big Ten battles ever played on Ferry Field. The result was a 3-1 victory for Michigan and the triumph put the Michigan will meet Illinois to- day in a return baseball contest at 3:15 p.m. following the In- diana track meet which will start at 2 p.m.- Wolverines in a contending position in the Conference race for the first time in three years. Today Coach Ray Fisher will pin his hopes on Jack Barry to pitch his teammates to a series sweep. Another loss would practically eliminate the Illini from title consideration. The Smick-Steppon duo, which personally accounted for Michigan's first Conference victory over Ohio State two weeks ago was aided by an inspired Michigan team which made its best showing of the season in the field gnd on the basepaths. Smick was engaged in a tight pitch- ing duel with lanky Roger Zeller, the Illini's ace right-hander, when Step- pon applied his winning touch. After Gedeon opened the seventh day draw- ing a pass and Freddie Trosko had singled him to third, "Walloping Willie" drove a terrific triple direct- ly along the left field foul line to count Elmer and Freddie. Bill was out trying to stretch his clout but it didn't matter for the two markers (Continued on Page 3) Society Takes 35 Chemists Prof. Maier To Give Talk At Initiation Banquet Phi Lambda Upsilon, National Chemical Honorary Fraternity, in- itiated 35 new members at a meeting in the Chemistry Building last night. The initiates were seniors and grad- uate students in the field of pure and applied, chemistry. An initiation banquet will be held tonight at the Union, when the chap- ter will be addressed by Prof. Norman Maier of the department of psy- chology recipient of the AAAS and Henry Russell awards. Dr. Maier will speak on "Experimentally-Pro- duced Neurotic Behavior in Rats." Presentation will be made at the banquet of the junior awards, given annually by the Delta chapter of Phi Lambda Upsilon to the two out- standing juniors majoring in chem- istry and chemical engineering. The (Continued on Page 2) Great Britain Converses With Russia And France For Three Power Pact Moscow Convenes Soviet Parliament LONDON, May 5.-(P)---The Bri- tish Government was reported auth- oritatively tonight to have agreed to formation of a British-French-Rus- sian military alliance, but details stillt are under negotiation. The British also framed a counter-£ proposal to the Moscow suggestion for a reciprocal guarantee of Baltic and Black Sea states, feeling that so broad a guarantee to those states was not practical at the present time. The British further put forwardt a scheme under which the Soviett Union would support Rumania andY Poland in the event of aggressiont against either nation. British Cabinet Confers This course to bring Russia intol the British-French front of nationst was understood to have been decidedt upon at a 90-minute meeting thisr evening attended by Foreign Secre-t tary Viscount Halifax, Sir Samuelt Hoare, home secretary, and Sir John1 Simon, chancellor of the exchequer. It was authoritatively stated that1 Britain's offer to enter a reciprocal military alliance with Soviet Russia was unconditional.- The British Prime Minister is saidf to have come to the belief that an agreement with Russia is essential at almost any price. Authoritative informants said the; projected alliance would bind the three great powers to come to each other's aid if any one is attacked by a European power but to exclude such aid in the event of conflict elsewhere, as, for instance, a Japanese attack on Russia in the Far East. England And France Pledged Both Britain and 1rance already have pledged aid in defense of the independence of Poland and Ruman- ia, neighbors of Russia. Foreign office officials expressed confidence that the British note, responding to the Russian proposals and setting forth the plan as amend- ed by Britain, would be acceptable to the Soviet government. MOSCOW, May 5.-tM-Russia's parliament-The Supreme Soviet- was summoned today to meet May 25, but British circles in Moscow asserted there was no clarification tonight of' the Soviet attitude toward the British-French alliance. A London report that Britain now favored a triple military alliance with Russia and France was received silently by Soviet leaders. Convocation of The Supreme Sov- iet tossed a new complication into an already enigmatic diplomatic sit- uation, although observers pointed out this session was long overdue. The last was held in August, 1938. Marcia Connell Wins Fair Trip Selected As 'Michigan Girl' By StyleExperts Marcia Connell, '39, has been named by representatives of a Chicago ad- vertising firm as the "Michigan Girl" to act as hostess at the World's Fair in New York City, as the guest of the Elgin National Watch Company. Chosen from among 31 women stu- dents as the beauty and style queen of the University, Miss Connell will spend a month at the exposition, with full expenses and a salary paid by the Elgin Company. One girl from each of the schools in the Big Ten has been chosen to work at the Fair. Five will spend the month from June 15 to July 15, and the other delega- tion will arrive July 19, remaining un- til Aug. 10. Two alternates, Helen L. Barnett, '41, and Beth L. O'Roke, '40A, were chosen by Miss Lois Schenk, repre- sentative of the J. Walter Thompson Company, which is handling the ad- vertising for the Elain people. to take Senate Moves To Conscript Wealth In War WASHINGTON, May 5.-(P)-A bill under which the Government would conscript money in time of war re- ceived the unanimous approval of the Senate Military Affairs Committee today. The measure, introduced by Sen- ator Lee (Dem., Okla.), would pro- vide that upon the outbreak of a war involving the United States a "wealth census" would be conducted. There- after, a citizen with a net worth of $1,000 to $10,000 would be required to devote five per cent of his wealth to the purchase of 50-year Govern- ment bonds bearing one per cent in- terest. As the wealth of the individual in- creases, the percentage also advances, until it reaches a figure of 75 per cent for all those worth $100,000,000 or more. If the Treasury found 4t did not need to borrow the full percen- tage of wealth, it would be permicd to ask less, however, if the maximum percentages mentioned in the measure were borrowed, the Treasury could proceed to borrow still more. "This means that the Government would have money to finance a war as long as there was any wealth," Lce explained. While the Committee was meeting, the Senate Foreign Relations Com- mittee received from Dr. L. D. Stil- well of Dartmouth College a state- ment that any changes in the Neu- trality Act to give brader discre- tion to the President would result in "an alliance with the British." Track Opener With Hoosiers Set For To1eday Wolverines Are Favored To Overcome Indiana; Meet Starts At 2 P.M.j By DICK SIERK Michigan's undefeated track team will make its initial start of. the home outdoor season at Ferry Field today with Coach Billy Hayes' Indiana Uni- versity team providing the opposi- tion. The meet will start at 2 p.m. and admission to students with iden- tification cards will be free. The Hoosiers will provide little competition as a team, but several outstanding indivduals insure an in- teresting afternoon for all who at- tend. Elmer Gedeon will be making his season's debut in the high hurdles but will pass up the 220-yard low stick event for the baseball game against Illinois, whichbstarts before the lows will be run off. The expected dual in the mile run will not materialize as Coach Hoyt is holding Ralph Schwarzkopf out of the race and Karl Wisner has a Sad leg which will keep him out, leav- ing sophomores Ed Barrett and Jack Dobson to do battle with Mel Trutt, Indiana ace. This move is expected to result in a better two-mile with Schwarzkopf favored to crack the Ferry Field record of 9:18.7, set two years ago by Don Lash. The high jump department of the Wolverines is in bad shape and de- spite the presence of two 6 ft. 5 in. jumpers on the Michigan squad, In- diana's Mikulas may win. Wes Allen is still on the sidelines with his ailing knee and Don Canham will be tak- ing 'off on a weak ankle. Heading the Michigan parade of victors will be the ever-dependable Capt. Bill Watson, who is favored in the shot put, discus throw and broad jump. Whether Archie Harris of In- diana can push Bill is a matter of (Continued on Page 3) Securities Worth $20,000 Lost By Arizona Visitor Mrs. Frances Emmons, who had Germans See Their Honor Injured By Beck's Reply; Hitler Holds Conference Warsaw Offered DanzigAs Seaport (By Associated Press) Nazi spokesmen yesterday reaf- firmed their ,stand that Danzig be returned to the Reich and expressed their annoyance at the speech of Polish Foreign Minister Joseph Beck who condemned Hitler's demand for the Free City but left the:door open for peaceful negotiations. As a result of the deadlock, diplo- mats said they, believed that Hitler might resort, perhaps by a demon- stration, to creating a situation in which world alarm might lead to in- ternational mediation. It was thought that such a demonstration might be used as a cue for Premier Mussolini to intervene, as in the Czecho-Slo- vakian crisis, with proposals for a settlement. Germany BERLIN, May 5.--()-A propa- ganda ministry official said tonight, obviously on a hint from Berchtes- gaden where Chancellor Hitler con- ferred with his aides on the dispute with Poland, "The idea of a joint administration of the Free City, hinted at by Beck is not to be dis- cussed." "As the Fuehrer said in his Reich- stag speech of April 28, Danzig is a German city. We do not deny Po- land's right to access to the sea. That is why we are prepared to give Poland a free harbor in Danzig. "We are also ready fully to re- spect'the rights of the Polish minor- ity in Danzig." Asked whether, in the German view, the door' had been closed to fur- ther negotiation, the ministry *pokes- man said "No." Unless the inspired commentary service Dienst Aus Deutschland was in error, Hitler found that: 1. Beck's address did not furnish a basis for further negotiations; 2. The address was evasive;, 3. Poland has driven herself into a blind alley; 4. Germany will continue to insist upon speedy solution of the Danzig question (which can only mean the return of the Free City to Germany); 5. German honor is involved to a greater degree than Polish honor; 6. Poland has cast her lot with Britain and must bear the conse- quences. Nazis Still Demand Danzig Despite Poland's Rebuff- England Nears Soviet Pact Poland Government Brings Coal Chiefs And CIO To Conference Table, WARSAW, May 5.-(R)-Forejgn Minister Col. Joseph Beck in a 20- minute address before the Sejm (lower house of parliament) and in a note delivered to the German Gov- ernment replied to issues raised April 28 by' Chancellor Hitler's Reichstag address and to a German memor- andum sent to Warsaw. Whether Poland would agree to foreign mediation was highly uncer- tain, and most observers regarded it as unlikely, but (Iussolini was re garded as the logical choice because Italy belongs to the Rome-Berlin axis and has historical ties of friend- ship with Poland. As a restraint against such a move, it was pointed out that it was ac- cepted as a fact that Col. ' Beck's speech was made with the full agree- ment and approval of Great Britain and France. Questioning Germany's aims throughout, Colonel Beck enunciated Poland's postion as follows: 1. Danzig-"We have stood and we stand firmly on the ground of the rights and interests of our overseas trade and our maritime policy in Danzig." 2. Communications through Pom- orze--" . . . we have . . . no grounds whatever for restricting our sov- ereignty on our own territory." Italy ROME, May 5.-(R)-Fascists ex- pected tonight that the response of the Rome-Berlin Axis to Polish For- eing Minister Beck would be decided tomorrow at a meeting between Itali- Arthur J. Wiltse, one of the part- ners in the Ann Arbor Press, yester- Em eneau Talks day replied to a National Labor Re- lations Board order that he and Hor- ftace G. Prettyman, his co-partner dis- On Hm du Cu solve the "Independent Association of Ann Arbor Press Employes, Inc.," with a statement denying that his Says Goal Is Absorption firm had any connection with the union. Into Universal Deity Iuin UD y The board further ordered that the firm reinstate the striking em- The ultimate goal for which each ployes and bargain collectively with Hindu strives is absorption into the,'the International Typographical Un- universal deity, Dr. Murray B. Exnen- ion on request. eau, who recently returned from In-i Wiltse's statement follows: dia, said yesterday afternoon in the " ma A, h A,.. n-- - NEW YORK, May 5.--(A)-A re- sumption of labor contract negotia- tions between Appalachian coal op- erators and CIO union miners was brought about late today by Dr. John R. Steelman of the United States La- bor Department with a public ad- monition and a challenge to both sides: "You cannot break up this con- ference and go home to have a civil war;" The most important and immediate result was to avert a final dissolu- tion of the two-month conference- thus far so fruitless that negotiations time since the discussions startedi last March 14 a direct representative; of the Roosevelt Administration was: sitting not by sufferance, but at the head of the table. The first session under this newI arrangement ended shortly before 5 p.m. (EST). Steelman made no com- ment save that meetings would be re- sumed at 10 a.m., tomorrow. The picture in the anthracite in- dustry, where concurrent negotia- tions to replace. the hard coal labor contract expiring last April 30 have been going forward, brightened to the extent that a second week's ex-