P'AGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MAY 5} 1639 I U a I THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of 15tudent Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Sumni -r Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, A seond class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING SY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADiSON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAgO .]OSTON ' LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Board Managing Editor . Editorial Director . City Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor Associate Editor. Associate Editor. Book Editor. . . Women's Editor Sports Editor . . of EditorsI . Robert D. Mitchell . Albert P. May10 * oraoe ' W. Gilmore . Robert Z. Fitzhenry . * S. R. Kleiman * . Robert Perlman . B ari oilman . . William Elvin . . Joseph Freedman * . .Joseph CGlen Dorothea taebler . . Bud Benjamin Business Department Business Manager. . . . . Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager . . . Leonard- P. Siegelman Advertising Manager . . . William . NeWnan Women's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean Women's Servibe Manager . . . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT D. MITCHELL The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. * Ltvinoff Packs His Bags. 0 " IlHIS MAJESTY'S Government asked for it. For months the English have been "consult- ing" with Russia about anti-aggression pacts, hesitating, making reservations, expressing doubts. So Maxim Litvinoff has been replaced by Vyacheslaff M. Molotoff. There' are many explanations offered for this crucial step. Some say it is a victory for Soviet isolationists who have become exasperated with English reluctance to join a definite positive pact against aggression, and represents the first step in abandoning Russia's policy of collective secur- ity. Others think that Litvinoff is being held responsible for not making sufficient headway towards an alliance. One, Harold Denny, New York Times correspondent in- Russia, maintains that no change in Russian Foreign Policy is contemplated, and that Litvinoff is retiring for the reason given by the Soviet Foreign Office, that he is a sick man. We think that Russia has removed Litvinoff to show that it means business about an anti- aggression pact and that unless England shows 'its sincerity and honesty by signing a pact which will pledge it to fight if any more aggression occurs in Europe, Russia will retire unto itself and Europe can go light straight to hell. In other words, Russia has replaced a strong worker for collective security with an isolation- ist with the intention of scaring England into forming an' anti-aggression pact which will be just that-that is, if, Englarid is really sincere in wanting to stop Hitler. If she. isn't, then. the next few days will tell, and Russia can turn to ,more lucrative tasks than trying to save an Eng- lish lion in spite of itself. Already some B~ritish Conservatives are taking this last step of Russia as further evidence that the U.S..R. can't be relied upon, and Ferdinand Kuhn, Jr., writes from London in the New York Times that talk of appeasement has been revived in Britain's capital.- Indeed,- dear, sweet Cham- berlain is reported to have told the House of Commons that he was ready to exchange non- aggression pledges with Germany. Indeed, this statement was made before the announcement of Litvinoff's retirement, and it probably is the spark which set the Soviet temper ablaze, and rightly so. For consider what has happened since Czecho- Slovakia was incorporated into the Reich. The days before the actual invasion of the Czech state saw England, as Kuhn wrote in the Times. the day before, "resolutely looking the other way" and that Chamberlain's "confidence has not been shaken and that the sudden develop- ments in Slovakia are regarded as an annoy- ance rather than as a source of worry." The day of the invasion, March 15, saw Cham- berlain explaining that England was not con- cerned about Czecho-Slovakia's integrity and had no commnitments, despite the fact that at Munich he had given guarantees for the Czech state. A few hours later the Birmingham Tory was piping a different tune, a tune which an exasperated English public opinion was setting. The General Elections are less than six months' away. start consulting immediately to decide whether the present state of Europe "is not such that they might start talks athonce to prevent further aggression." And so the story goes. A Times dis- patch dated the 21, stated, "It is generally agreed here that Britain is not ready to give any irre- vocable commitments or take part in an alli- ance sworn to, fight Germany if she moves an- other inch." May 2, a dispatch which might have been written before Munich or any day since, a dis- patch which shows that despite all the discus- sions, conferences, pledges, and conscription, England was no further than it was March 21 in wanting an alliance with Russia, reads as follows: "The British still contend that this (the four power declaration) is preferable to an alliance because, despite the Nazi Menace, all countries concerned are still suspicious of Russia. The British also believe that if war is averted for a time there is a good chance that General Fran- cisco Franco may keep Spain neutral, and they do not want to offend him by alliances with communistic countries." Sic transit and so forth . . . -Albert Mayjo #OT[S AIW4 0l0 IIOI' HE imminence of campus appointments, which turn the meek and unimpressive into overnight BMOC's, recalls to mind one of the year's most amusing stories of nepotism. Though apocryphal it is not infrequently true of many actual cases of selection. At any rate, three prospects for a vacant position were ushered into the industrial titan's office. The Big Boss sat behind his im- posing desk with Napoleonic dignity, while on either side of him sat an assistant. "How much is 3 x 3?" the boss asked the first prospect. "Nine," came the instant reply. "Ac- curate," conceded the inquisitor, "but lacking in vision, viewpoint and imagination. Wait outside." The second applicant stepped forward, heard the same question repeated, and replied, "Thirty- three." The inuisitor pondered a moment, then observed, "No so accurate, but reveals broader outlook and novel conception. Wait outside." Came the third prospect to hear the query and answer, "Sixty-five." "Terribly inaccurate," commented the inquisitor, "but showing great originality and scope. Wait outside." "Now gentlemen," said the boss, turning to his two assistants, "which of those men would you choose?" The first assistant recommended the prospect who answered, "Nine," for his accuracy, but the boss quickly vetoed the choice. "I would employ the man who said 'sixty-five'," offered the sec- ond assistant, "because he's not afraid to take chances." "Wrong again," returned the boss. "I'm going to hire. the man who said 'thirty- three'." "But why?" asked his aides in unison. "Because," said the boss, "he's my wife's nephew." S INCE a hot day at Arlington Park last July, when we ventured to flaunt the great Sea- biscuit's reputation with two bobs on a sleek op- ponent named Melodist, we have felt a divine guidance in the matter of picking horse races. Down a sawbuck for betting on two selling platers which were later carted off to a glue plant in North Chicago, we needed a sure thing in the seventh-and Seabiscuit was on the card, the big bay fresh from his thundering victory over War Admiral. But only the cautious and con- servative cling to the cinches. Besides, the odds on the 'Biscuit were close and hardly the nag for a colossal two-buck coup. Scanning the program, we noted the inviting, alluring name of "Melo- dist," paired in an entry with some horse whose name we neglected to catalogue at the time. So the deuce went on the Melodist's nose. Melodist was reported to the lost and found department, but the entry mate, which turned out to be War Minstrel, edged out Seabiscuit to return about $3.60. The money meant little, for it had suddenly dawned that the gods were on our team. Of course, we lost our wad in the eighth, but that was because we carelessly markedj our program, and our boy placed the dough on the wrong horse. All of which leads us to our choice in the Kentucky Derby. Mix it with a mint julep and shake well. Challedeon going away . . * * * HORACE Weldon Gilmore had his naivete imn posed upon the other evening. Gilmore, who handles the publicity for the Michigras, thought he had an item which would make up for the ill- fated San Francisco Fair injunction. It was a cryptic letter which came in the mail from a gentleman claiming to be President of a Ger- man Union. And it contained a fervid protest over the anti-Hitler booths at Michigras, de- claring they dishonored Der Fuehrer and must be removed. Gilmore was intent upon printing the story, and was planning a conference with Presi- dent Ruthven to see -what should be done about the objectionable booths - until Pat Conger, member of the Detroit Bureau of The United Press who lives in Ann Arbor, collaborat- ed with a Daily man in discovering that the let- ter was written, by a Sigma Phi-and, oddly enough, the Sigma Phi booth was the "objection- able" one which would have been publicized. The story and Gilmore's hopes died aborning. "The fortunes of other educational facilities max rise andalland cf n1Pnhzm-.ol,.hro TT ART By K. CONRAD AUGUST Alexander M. Valerio To those of us who know Professor Valerio as a friend and teacher, one who is always an in- terested if critical spectator of our own efforts,1 it is a pleasure to reciprocate by being spectators in turn. To those who have only heard of him I wish to say that a more sincere and inspiring master has yet to be found. During the years that he has been with the University, his stu- dents have never failed to reflect in their own terms his zest and vitality. Deeply imbedded in his teaching has always been cry for free rhythm of line and spontaneity of expression. His watercolors prove that he . believes in his own doctrines. He studies his subject carefully before touching brush to paper, then applies each stroke with uncanny sureness, rarely going over the same area twice. The white of the paper showing through between his strokes lends his painting its characteristic bril- liancy. Underneath his texture of color runs the rhythm of his line, linking each separate bit of his composition with another to establish a com- pletely unified rhythm, whereby an imaginary line, sometimes within the picture, sometimes looping outside the frame to come back grace- fully joining another section, weaves a composi- tion together. As subjects for his watercolors Mr. Vlerio has chosen scenes from the southwest, and the waterfront of New Orleans. His shots of people working with ships, toiling on the docks, or rest- ing in the shade are splendidly done. These he achieves with an extreme economy of strokes, yet. so forcefully that their intentions are always well defined; even on so reduced a scale his knowledge of anatomy is unmistakable. The bright sunlight in his 'landscapes provides an opportunity for bits of pure color, wonderful con- trasts of darks and lights, and the rich, warm shadows that he seems to like so well. Best liked was his composition of men loading a boat in a bluish haze, previously shown at the Ann Arbor artists' exhibit last fall, and a com- position of a shack on posts. * * * Three Mexican Painters Diego Rivera needs no introduction, certainly. So much has been said and written about his mural painting that I can add but little of signi- ficance. His large oils are just as inspiring as his murals. He paints his canvas with such ap- parent ease and so directly that one can hardly imagine its being any different than it is. Fore- most in his work is its decorative quality. Not once does it let the eye get inside the picture, but keeps it always within the beautifully imagina- tive surface patterns. It is this quality that makes him so successful in his mural painting. In contrast to the robust, red-blooded Rivera are the morbid paintings of Jose Orozo, whose interest seems to be in brutal violence and in- tense suffering. Death and destruction in the form of coffins, people in pasty grayish tones, and struggling monsters with misshapen bodies and muscles stretched to the breaking point are his favorite topics of pictorial cnversation David Siqueros has but one painting, rendered almost entirely in a depressing black and white with touches of yellow, sepia and red. Like Riv- era's his is extremely and beautifully decorative. TH-IEATRE By JOSEPH BERNSTEN Happy Birthday! Last evening a program of dances was present- ed by the Department of Physical Education for Women and Play Production of the Department of Speech. The program commemorated the tenth anniversary of the opening of the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. And quite appropriately, for on May 4th, 1929 the Theatre was opened by Orchesis, the Women's Dance Organization. The scope of the program was indicated by the range of dances from the traditional ballet to the most modern dance-form, with music from. Bach to Gershwin. We liked it. Especially did we like Joseph Gornbein's Masque: he revitalized the trite Pagliacci theme by a striking modern interpretation, which well deserved the only curtain call of the evening. Gigue in Counterpoint, spiritedly danced by Beatrice Lovejoy and the Wolfson twins, effec- tively communicated its contrapuntal theme. The high point- of the evening for us was the dance, Chorales, composed to music by Bach, and executed by Mary May Scoville and Bernice and Rosebud Wolfson. It impressed the audience with its cloistered, ritualistic quality; delicately beau- tiful was the Madonna-like grace of Mary Sco- ville. Contrasted with her fairness, her dark- haired partners gave the dance a classic formal balance. The sparkling, vigorous Polka, from. Smetana's Bartered Bride was a grand finale to the program. Miss Bloomer, to whom much credit for the evening's entertainment must be given, showed excellent technique in the brief glimpse of her afforded by Jubilation and Waltz. Jeanne'Burt shared the interest of Circus with the dancing camel, whose end man (ie., the camel's) was Play Production's clown Speed, James Moll. Mr. Windt's capable direction was apparent. The functionally appropriate and highly original costumes contributed to the pleasure felt in the spetacle. This dance recital shows the desirability of at least an annual dance festival Tt might he TODAY in WASHINGTON -by David Lawrence - WASHINGTON, May 4.-Reorgani- zation of the Federal Government, whether for economy or efficiency or both, has begun. Presidents in the past have urged it, and Congresses have opposed. The political power and influence of the jobholders have heretofore been principal factors in blocking the best-laid of reorganiza- tion plans. The new method-delegating power to reorganize the bureaus and agen- cies to the President and leaving it to Congress to reject all or none of the plan-is a significant change and may or may not turn out to be the most practical,'though most members of Congress are willing to give it a trial and see how the experiment works out. What has just happened is that one house of Congress-the lower house- virtually put the President's first re- organization proposal into effect. The Senate has nothing to say: The law which was recently passed by both houses and signed by the President had in it a, provision requiring the President to submit his detailed re- organization plans, but it was stipu- lated that, for the Executive's recom- mendation to be rejected, a concur- rent resolution of both houses of Congress was necessary. Clear Sailing' Thus, when the House of Repre- sentatives rejected the motion which had for its pirpose a disapproval of the President's plan, the effect was to give the executive clear sailing. This novel way of getting legislation enacted has been urged before, but in plans which called for affirmative* ap- proval by Congress before any re- organization could be effective. Con- gress, indeed, gave away its joint veto power and turned it over to one house. However this may be, the effec- tiveness of the process will be tested by the merit of the reorganization scheme, itself, which has been worked out by experts in public administra- tion and is as non-political as it is humanly possible for a plan to be which affects government. This is not to say that political pressure did not occur. Thus, for instance, the ex- planation as to why the department of agriculture retained control over certain lending functions, whereas other lending bureaus were, trans- ferred from their original jurisdic- tions to a central agency, is not clear. But, on the whole, the plan is de- signed to bring efficiency into gov- ernment, and if the appointments to the three major offices should be po- litical in nature, this would clearly not be the responsibility of the ex- perts who formulated the plan. The whole idea of administrative effi- ciency can be defeated if there should be appointed to the top positions the type of politically-minded official who could conceivably misuse the vast power given him by the reorganiza- tion plan. If sentiment in Congress should disapprove of the way the President carries out the plan, it is always -possible for a movement to arise through which the whole reor- ganization statute might be repealed, though here a two-thirds vote of both houses will be needed to overcome a presidential veto. Power Delegated For all intents and purposes, there- fore, Congressional power has been delegated to the Chief Executive to reorganize the national government, and the precedent will be an impor- tant one in future history. The grouping of bureaus and de- partments and boards under the Fed- eral Security Agency carries out a principle long advocated by those who wanted to see a cabinet office created and a department of public welfare established. . The new job will carry with it as much, if not more responsibility than such a new Cab- inet secretary would have had. As for the Federal Works Agency, this too has heretofore been ad- vocated, so that a grouping 'of all government offices concerned with construction and public works wouk be possible. The establishment of a Federal Loan Agency, with such institution as the Reconstruction Finance Cor- poration, the Federal Home Loar Bank board, the Federal Housing ad. ministration and the Export-Imporl Bank, as well as the Electric Farns and Home Authority, is a move whic would have been more understand. able if there had been included suel agencies as the Farm Credit Adminis tration, the Federal Farm Mortgag Corporation and the Commodit Credit Corporation, all of which lasi three have been transferred to th( Agricultural Department. The func. tion of lending is the same whethe for farmers or urban dwellers, and th idea back of the establishment of single loan agency was to make uni, (Continued from Page 2) fessor Richard U. Ratcliff, 208 Tap- pan Hall. Interviews for students who have1 applied for admission to the Degree Program for Honors in Liberal Artst will be held on Friday, Saturday and Monday, May 5, 6 and 8. Please make appointments in 1204 Angell Hall immediately. Unidentifiable mail is being held in Room 1, University Hall, for the fol- lowing: Dr. Homer Adkins E. B. Blakely. Ann Catherine Harris 3 Prof. E. Washburn Hopkins Dr. Charles E. Kossmann Bruce McNaughton Herbert Smalley Joel Wild or Weld' Academic Notices Biological Chemistry Seminar: Sat- urday, May 6, 8-10 a.m., Room 319 West Medical - Bldg. "Some Phos- pholipid Problems" will be discussed. All interested are invited. Final Doctoral Examination of Miss Hilda Thankful Harpster will be held on Friday, May 5 at 1:30 p.m. in Room 3089 Natural Science Bldg. Miss Harpster's field of specializa- tion is Zoology. The title of her the- sis is "An Investigation of the Gas- eous Plastron as a Respiratory Me- chanism in Certain Adult Aquatic Coleoptera." Prof. P. S. Welch, as chairman of the committee, will conduct the ex- amination. By direction of the Ex- ecutive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral can-' didates to attehd the examination' and to grant permission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum. I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.; 11:00 A.M. on Saturday. - Exhibitions Exhibition of Six Paintings by Three Mexican Artists--Rivera, Or- ozco, and Siqueiros-and Water colors by Alexander Mastro Valerio, under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association Alumni Memorial, Hall, North and South Galleries; After- noons from 2 to 5 until May 13. Exhibition, College of Architecture: An exhibition of pottery, sculpture, and other work in ceramics by lead- ing Michigan artists in that field is being shown in the ground floor cases, Architectural Building, through May 13. Open daily, 9 to 5, except Sun- day. The public is invited. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Wilhelm Credner, Professor of Geography in the Techinsche Hochschule, Munich, and Carl Schurz, Professor of Geog- raphy at the University of Wiscon- sin, will give an illustrated lecture on "The Evolution of the Cultural Land- scape in Germany" at 4:15 p.m., Tues- day, May 16, in the Rackham Amphi- theatre under the auspices of the De- partment of Geography. The public is. cordially invited. Alexander Zlwet Lectures in Mathe- mnatics. The second leture in the se- ries being given by Professor John V. Neumann of the Institute for Ad- vanced Study, Princeton, on the topic, "Theory of Measure in Groups," will be given today at 4:15 p.m., in Room 3011 Angell Hall. Biological Chemistry Lecture: Sat- urday, May 13, 10:30 a.m., East Lee- ture Room (Mezzanine Floor), Hor- ace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies. Dr. Eliot F. Beach of the Children's Fund of Michigan will lec- ture to the students of biological chemistry and to all others interest- ed on "Studies in the Chemical Com- position of Proteins with Especial Reference to the Hemolytic Residues of Erythrocytes." Dr. Murray B. Emeneau will deliver a lecture today on the "Religions of India Today," as follows: "The Cults of Vishnu-Krishna and Shiva," today at 4:15 p.m., Natural Science Auditorium, Lecture. Dr. Russell M. Wilder, Professor of Medicine at the University of MinIe- sota, will give a talk in the Hospital Amphitheatre, on Saturday morning, May 6, at 11 o'clock. All Junior and Senior medical students will be ex- cused from classes in time to attend this discussion. Members of the Staff and Internes at University Hospita are cordially invited. Events Today Men's Glee Club will meet tonight at 7:30 sharp. Sing for Interscho- lastic Press banquet at 7:35. Turn all music in and all bills. Varsity Glee Clubs wlil meet to- night at 7:20 in the Union. Coming Events The Extension Service of the Uni- versity of Michigan has arranged a showing of new educational films in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham 'Building on Saturday, May 6. The Faculty and students are invited to attend. 9 a.m. Children's Films. An Air- plane (Erpi). Three Little Kittens (Erpi). Navajo Children (Erpi). - 9:45 a.m. Education. Bring the World to the Classroom (Erpi). French U (Gaumont British). Pro- gressive Education (March of Time). 10:45 a.m. Health. Cancer, Its Cure and Prevention (March of Time). Moving X-Rays (UFA). Heart Dis- ease (March of Time). 11:30 a.m. Sound Film Strip. 12:15 p.m. Luncheon. Michigan League. 75c. Reservations should be in the Extension Office by Friday, May 5. Speaker: Dr. Edgar Dale, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. 1:45 p.m. Literature and Art. Cover to Cover (Strand). From Clay to Bronze (Harvard). Shakespeare (Gau- mont British). 3 p.m. Natural and Physical Sci- ence. The Amoeba (Gaumont Brit- ish). The Ant City (UFA). Liquid Air (UFA). Fuels and Heat (Erpi). The Water Cycle (Eastman). 4:15 p.m. - Social Science. Juvenile Delinquency (March of Time). A Backward Civilization (Erpi). This Was England (Gaumont British). 5:15 p.m. Sports. Dashes, Hurdles, and Relays (Erpi). Glenn Cunning- ham (University of Kansas). Flip Flops (tumbling) (Western Reserve). Ann Arbor Independents: Rehear- sals for Lantern Night will begi Monday, May 8, and will continue each night next week, from 4 to 5 at the League. It is important that you be there Monday or Tuesday. Congregational Student Fellowship: All persons wishing to go to the Olivet conference of the Intercol- legiate Fellowship will meet at Pil- grim Hall on Saturday, May 6, at 7:45 a.m. Any member who is in- terested in the work as well as the fun is urged to come along. Trans- portation will be provided at a small cost. The University Choir will have its regular rehearsal at Lane Hall Sat- urday evening, May 6, from 7 to 8 o 'clock. German Table for Faculty Mem- bers: - The regular luncheon meeting will be held Monday, May 8, at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room of the Michigan Union. All faculty mem- bers interested in speaking German are cordially invited. There will be a brief informal talk by Professor E. A. Philippson on, "Rassenkunde und germanische Religiongeschichte." The fGraduate Record Club will meet Saturday, May 6, at 3 p.m. in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Records of the orchestral works to be played on the May Festival programs will be heard f at that time. Both graduates and 1 undergraduates are welcome. Monday Evening Dramatic C0b: Faculty Women's Club: The annual spring dinner meeting for the group t will be held at the Michigan Union - on Monday, May 8, at 6:15 p.m. Res- ervations may be made by calling the Union before Saturday, May 6. Michigan Dames Officers: Retir- ing officers should type list of duties on four by six inch cards and bring d "Mortality Investigations" today at 3 o'clock in Room 3011 Angell Hall. Tau Beta Pi: All members who are planning to attend the Spring For- mal tonight, are requested to sign up on the bulletin board outside the M.E. office immediately. Special Trip to Loan Exhibition of Chinese Arts, Detroit Institute of Arts, today. The bus leaves Michi- gan Union 6:25 p.m.; on return leaves Institute of Arts 10:30 p.m. $1.25 round trip. Make early reservations hrough Prof. Plumer or at Anthro- pology Office, 4011 Museums Bldg. No reservations by phone. Graduate Students: Tickets for the Graduate Spring Formal. dance to be held on Saturday, May 20, will go on sale at the Information Desk in the Rackham Building at 1:30 p.m. today. Westminster Guild will have a weinie roast at the Island tonight in- stead of the bicycle hike Saturday. Meet at the church at 8:30. In case of rain there will be a special Open House. Hillel Foundation will have services tonight at 8 p.m. Dr. Isaac Rabino- witz will speak on "Philosophies of Jewish History." I q 4