Weather Partly cloudy today; showers aid somewhat warmer. Str ian ~aki Editorial M4. Lltvinoff Packs His Bags '.. VOL. XLIX. No. 154 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS Beck's Reply Today Expected To Reject DOnemand OnDanzig Polish Minister Will Leave Door Open For Peaceful Talks, But Will Be Firm Britain's Envoy Is Active In Warsaw WARSAW, May 4.-()-The Eu- ropean struggle for power and secur- ity comes to another cross-road to- morrow when Foreign Minister Jo- seph Beck is to answer in Parlia- ment German demands for Danzig and a part of Pomorze (Polish Cor- ridor) with a speech that is expected to be firm but peaceful in tone. Usually informed observers were confident the speech would not bar the way to further negotiation with' Germany, but they did expect Beck to make plain that Poland would yield none of her own territory, especially under pressure which might be in- terpreted as a threat of war. Beck is replying to the April 28 Reichstag speech by Chancellor Hit- ler denouncing the 1934 ten-year non- aggression treaty with Poland but offering to replace it with a 25-year treaty 'if Poland agreed to the return of Danzig as a free state within Ger- many and to a sovereign German route across the Polish Corridor to East Prussia. Hitler said Germany then would assure Poland free harbor facilities, in Danzig and accept as final German-Polish boundaries. Kennard And Beck Confer Britain's intense interest in the Polish reply caused Sir Howard Ken- nard, the British Ambassador, to confer again today with Beck. Shortly after the conference Clif- ford Norton, counsellor of the British Embassy, boarded a plane for Lon- don. It was learned he would report to the British Foreign Office, pre- suthably f the nature of Beck's speech. At the same time it was learned German radio stations had declined to broadcast Beck's speech tomorrow. Poles also held that rumored sug- gestions of moderation from Britain and Italy were not directly applicable to a situation in which Polish na- tional pride and vital interests are at Istake. The likelihood that Beck will speak in an atmosphere of tension between Poland and Germany became eyen stronger today in the light of Warsaw press charges that Germany expelled a number of Poles from frontier zones and that there had been a series of anti-Polish incidents in the German part of Silesia. Stalin's Move In Doubt MOSCOW, May 4,-(iP)-Joseph Stalin took a stronger grip on Soviet Russia's foreign policy today through the displacement of Maxim Litvinoff, by Premier Wyacheslaff Molotoff as Commissar of Foreign Affairs. The shake-up put Stalin's "right hand" on the helm of foreign policy and removed a proponent of collec- tive security who long has been hated by the Rome-Berlin axis. But only the Kremlin knew how far the Soviet course in international politics might be changed by Premier Molotoff's assumption of the foreign commissariat in the midst of British- French attempts to align Russia in their bloc. Seasondd students of the Moscow scene said they would be in a better position to judge Litvinoff's destiny when they learned whether he was ,to be appointed to another post. Because the 49-year-old Molotoff understands Russian only, some ob- servers thought his direotion of for- eign affairs, in addition to the pre- miership, was a temporary measure and that there would be a new com- missar later. Drama Season Star Replaced Miss Trueman Takes Part Of Ailing Miss Sands The serious illness of Dorothy Sands has forced the 1939 Dramatic Season staff to substitute Paula Trueman, in the roster of stars who will appear here, it was announced yesterday. Miss Sands went directly into re- Young Catholic Bishop Depicts 'China Today' REV. YU-PIN * * * The Most Rev. Paul Yu-Pin, Chi-s nese Bishop of Sozusa and VicarC Apostolic of Nanking, will speak on "A Picture of China Today" at 4:15 t p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohnt Theatre. The lecture is open to thet public. - Bishop Yu-Pin is here for a three-t day. stay as guest of Father Thomast R. Carey, rector of St. Thomas Cath-o olic Church. He is touring the coun-V try as a special envoy of the Chineset government in the interest of relief for the Chinese people. Only 38 years old, Bishop Yu-Pnt is one of the youngest bishops of the Catholic church in the world. c Coach 'rsler Opens ProgramY Of Press Group 700 High School Studentst Attend MIPA Conclave;1 Talks, Clinics Featured Head Coach Herbert O. Crisler will open today's sessions of the 18th an- nual Michigan Interscholastic Press Association, when he speaks at a general asembly at 9 a.m. in the Union Ballroom. The MIPA convention sponsored by the journalism department, has an attendance of 700 high school stu- dents representing about 200 schools. The delegatesewere taken on a tour of the campus yesterday afternoon and, following a general assembly last night at which Prof. John L. Brumm of the journalism department made1 a welcoming address, were conductedf through The Daily and the Ann Arbor News.z General Assembly Called Today's activities will include a general assembly at 1:30 p.m. in the Union Ballroom at which Prof. Rich- ard Fuller of the sociology depart-4 ment will speak, a banquet at 6:151 p.m. in the Union which will feature a talk by Ben East of Booth News-.. papers, a dance at 9 p.m. in the Unioni and various clinics for newspapersi and annuals. The clinics will be held at 10 am. and 11 a.m. in the Union. At 2:30 p.m. in the Union sectional meetings on phases of newspaper work will be held. Prof. John L. Shepard of the psychology depart- ment will speak on "Sifting Propa- ganda," Allen Shoenfield of the De- troit News will demonstrate inter- view technique, Helen Bower of the Detroit Free Press will talk on "The Woman's Place in Journalism" Dr. Marion Magoon of Michigan State Normal College will speak on "Crea- tive Writing," Ernest La Follette of' the Cardieux School in Grosse Point will discuss photography in the an- nual and Prof. Wesley Maurer of the journalism department will talk on Snewswrting. Jackson To Speak The sectional meetings will con- tinue at 3:30 p.m. with a speech on column writing by H. C. L. Jackson of the Detroit News, a discussion of -offset printing by W. H. Barton of MeritdSystemI Abandoned By State's Senate 10,000 Civil Servants Facea Loss Of Their Jobs Ifc Governor Approves Billa Republicans Vote b Solidly For Revision t LANSING, May 4.-()')-The Sen- ate led Republican opponents of the w State's Civil Service system to the realization of their hopes today and e laid on Governor Dickinson's desk a is bill which will remove two-thirds of s the State's 17,500 employes from merit system jurisdiction. d Indications were that the Governorv will not act upon the measure im- t mediately, but will, as he said, "gived both sides," a hearing. t "Insurgent" Republicans joineda with the "administration" group to 1 pass the Civil Service measure and to give it immediate effect. The latter was approved by a vote of 22 to 8, with not an extra vote to spare.. The Democrats stood solidly against the immediate effect clause, but Sen.Carl W. Bischoff, "infant" Democratic member from Detroit, voted with the Republican majority on the passage. In a Lansing newspaper today, 100 'Democrat and Republican employes in 10 departments" of the State in- serted an advertisement asking the Governor to veto the measure. "Now 10,000 of us are told by less than a hundred legislators, who won their jobs through votes secured for( them by political parties on the basist of pledged support of Civil Service,' that we do not have the right to work, that our homes are not secure, thatl our marriages were a bad risk, that l we-trained and tested in our respec- tive fields-must make room for per- sons qualified by only by political b faith but secured by faithless poli- 0 tics," the advertisement said. 4 The soleddefection from Republi- d can ranks was Sen. Allen G. Luding- ton, Detroit, who has been a consis- 1 tent opponent of the revision mea- e sure. Ludington, however, voted for V immediate effect. ( Although the measure had failed w yesterday in the midst of a contro- .1 versy over the anti-boss bill, which also was defeated, Republican whips forced their ranks into line over-i night. Sen. Leonard J. Paterson, Re- o publican, Sandusky, made the mo-t tion to reconsider yesterday's action.a It carried without a record vote. G 'I Chinese TaieI Today Will Aid War Sufferers Sable Cicada Begins 3-Day , Run At 8:30 P.M. Today;f Students To Stage Show "Sable Cicada," Chinese moving picture, opens a three-performance engagement here at 8:30 p.m. today at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, with an all-Chinese stage show ac- companying it. Other performances will be given at 2:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. tomorrow. Starring the famous Chinese actress, Violet Koo, "Sable Cicada" was produced in China, has Chinesel incidental music, and a Chinese dia- logue in the Mandarin dialect witht translated sub-titles in Engilsh. It is the only extant example of the traditional Chinese theatre trans-' lated into motion pictures. Featured in the stage show will be an exhibition of the Chinese game of shuttle-cock played by three mem- bers of the Chinese Students Club which is sponsoring the entertain- nent, Ruh-Feng Heo, Mary Au-Yang' and Susie Loo. Also on the program will be a piano solo by Celia Chao, Chinese folk songs by Chia-Ren Yang and a number of Chinese selec- tions played by a music ensemble composed of Tze-Tan Yu, Chi-Chuan Shen, Chang-Kuei Tsu, Uho Tsao and Shu-Kwang Hu playing native instruments. The story of Sable Cicada, or chirp- ing cricket, a Chinese maiden, is a classic known as the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, covering a period of Chinese history about 200 A.D. The price of admission for all seats at all performances is 50 cents. Profits from the show will be used for medi- ' l a 4 n 'cin Fresh Air Fund Tag. Day Sales .exceed_$1,1001 Tag Day 'sales on campus yester- ay netted $1,137.90, well above the amount received in the drive last year, Howard Holland, Grad., general chairman of the Tag Day committee, announced yesterday. This figure includes the collections nade downtown, but not those pledged y fraternities, dormitories and fac- ulty members, Holland said. When hese contributions are received, he predicted, the grand total is certain o exceed the goal ofr$1,200 which was set by the committee. More than 25,000 tags were print- d for the sale of which approximate- y 18,000 were sold. The total tag ale last year was 15,000, he said. The unusual success of this year's drive was attributed to zealous women volunteers and women's organiza- ions on campus. The campaign con- ducted downtown was almost en- irely by women, it was announced, and was the most successful one in is memory. Soft Coal Miners Lay Down Tools In Four States Move Threatens Severest National Walkout In 17 Years; 458,000 Are Out NEW YORK, May 5. (Friday)- ;)-The soft coal industry moved oward a complete shut-dwn early oday when miners in four more states laid down their picks -and hose in 14 others prepared to do ikewise before midnight. The 8-state Appalachian area had been closed since April 1, with 338,- 00 miners idle. By midnight tonight d58,000 diggerscin the bituminous in- ustry were scheduled to be idle. The greatest national walkout in 17 years-threatened since March 31, expiration date of the United Mine Workers' contract with the Appala- Chian operators-materialized when weeks of fruitless negotiations col- apsed yesterday. Failure to agree on a new contract, overing the Appalachian area and. intended as a model for contracts in other regions, effectuated earlier con- tingent orders for a walkout of an additional 100,000 in the 18 bitumin- ous states outside that area. The states already affected by the new shut-down were Illinois, Indiana, Iowa and Western Kentucky. While 25,000 miners in Illinois joined the movement, 18,000 others in the state -members of the Progressive Mine Workers of America (AFL)-in- tended to continue work. The UMW is the backbone of the CIO. Meanwhile, in Washington, Secre- tary of Labor Perkins said "there is hope" for solution of the situation in further conferences scheduled today. Reorganization PlanRejected Publications Board To Pick Three Ranking Editors The Board in Control of Student Publications yesterday announced that it had rejected the petition for reorganizing The Daily submitted by 17 of the 21 junior and senior editors, and reaffirmed its power to appoint the three high-ranking Daily editors. The statement, issued by the Board'ssecretary, Prof. Edson R. Sunderland of the Law School fol- lows : "Voted, that the Board in Control of Student Publications shall, as here- tofore, appoint the managing editor of the Michigan Daily, rather than delegate such appointment to all or part of the members of the senior editorial staff. "Voted that the Board shall also as heretofore, appoint the City Edi- tor, and Editorial Director of The Daily, and that the Managing Editor City Editor and Editorial Director shall jointly select the remaining members of the editorial staff sub- ject to the approval of the Board." House Probes Status Of W. J ,Cameron Fraternities Will Provide Plenty Of Hair-Raising Thrills For All' Super-Swooper' Sweeps Field House Roof; Maze Of 'Inferno' Recreated By BURTON S. GAVITT Suspended cars swooping through space on elevator cables, recreations! of Dante's Inferno* and crews of' slinky gypsies looking into the future will be but a few of the spectacles that will confront those who turn out for the third Annual Michigras, Friday and Saturday nights at Yost Field House. Fifty-seven campus fraternities and sororities will bend their efforts to turning out unique booths. A ma- jority of the entries will also expend' their ingenuity on floats. "The Super-Swooper," Delta Tau Delta's sky-rider seems to take the lead thus far for sensationalism. One hundred fifty feet of elevator cablk will be strung between the. Field House's press box and the bleacher seats on the far side of the building. A car, supported by the cables, will travel between the two points at an average height of 47 feet from the ground surface, holding four persons at once. The University's civil engi- neering department has been charged with the duty of checking the mathe- matical calculations necessary in this undertaking. The weight of the car with passengers will be approximate- ly a half ton, the cable being capable of withstanding a load of 6,500 pounds. Another fraternity sure to rank near the top in providing thrills is Sigma Chi with an adaptation of Dante's famous Inferno, a baffling maze covering 300 linear feet. Inside the maze will be ten or more devices to provoke terror. Appropriate sound effects will be furnished by phono- graphs and public address systems. Continuing the mystic and terrible,. sorority Alpha Delta Pi and the Ann Arbor Independents will amaze patrons with the ancient arts of for- tune telling and phrenology. The last reduced to every day language being the giving of advice concerning love life and business by feeling head bumps and measuring "your head." ml Half-Mile Parade Heralds Third Michigras Carnival; Field House Opens At 74:30 Grave Crises Face England, Dumond Says Comprehensive Programs Outlined By McClusky To Education Meeting England today is faced with the greatest external crisis since the French Revolution and with the greatest internal crisis since the 17th century, Prof. Dwight L. Dumond of the history department told the fourth day's meeting of the Adult Education Institute. * The Liberal and Labor parties that propose to democratize England's so- cial and economic aristocracy have materially weakened the govern- ment's foreign policy by the stiff opposition to conscription and in- creased rearmaments, he declared. Despite his recent declarations that he will not run for the presidency in 1940,, Sen. Arthur Vandenberg of Michigan remains a strong possibility to gain the Republican nomination, Prof. Paul M. Cuncannon of the po- litical science department stated in the fourth talk of the series on Con- temporary American Figures. In the third lecture of the Adult Education Series, Prof. Howard Y. McClusky of the education school de- clared that "a comprehensive pro- gram of adult education must serve the entire community." The shortcomings of group or- ganizations in the community, Pro- fessor McClusky observed, include the unplanned and unrelated com- munity efforts, the tendency to pro- mote.the interest of the organization as an end in itself, the concentration of group leaders as a small minority and the hyper-activity of some groups while others are completely neglected. As a remedy for this situation, Professor McClusky suggested a body in which all civic groups are equally represented to plan continuously and systematically for the community as a whole. In his second lecture on "The Art of Listening to Music," Prof. Glenn (continued on Page 6) Berry To Talk At Convocation Education School To Fete Over 250 Candidates More than 250 candidates who expect to receive teachers' certificate: this year will be honored at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday at the School of Education'. Dr. Judd Urges Boycott Of Sill To HaltJapan Missionary Declares War' Only Other Alternative United States Can Use By CARL PETERSENI American women must choose be-1 tween sacrificing their silk stockings1 today or their sons in the future to1 stop the Japanese military jugger-! naut which, sustained, by the ec-3 onomic power of the United States,I is crushing the life out of China, Dr. Walter H. Judd, declared in a lec- ture before 600 persons in the Gradu- ate School Auditorium last night. ' Emphasizing that one-third of all the bombs which the Japanese drop, by intention, on the defenseless popu- lation centers of China are manufac- tured in the United States; that four out of every five gallons of gasoline whch power the planes that carry them are purchased in the United States, he outlined a four-point pro- gram to stop Japanese aggression. These included: (1) boycotting of °apanese goods in the United States; (2) communicating to members of Congress the sentiment of the people against aggression; (3) acting as in- formants about the actual conditions under which Japanese warfare is be- ing carried on, (4) contributing more generously to all those agencies which are sending help in food and clothing and medical supplies to the Chinese. 4,000 Students Expected To Swell Four Funds As They Pay To Play Mayor And 2 Deans Will Inspect Floats The third annual Michigras, her- alded by a mammoth parade of more than 50 units stretching out a half- mile in length, will open its doors to the spending public at 7:30 p.m. to- night in Yost Field Mouse. More than 4,000 students are ex- pected to attend the carnival, Judg- ing by last year's first night attend- ance. The proceeds of the Michigras will be given to funds benefitting the Women's Athletic Association, the Band, the Glee Club, and the Dean's discretionary fund. Floats Feature Parade Included in the parade, which will begin at 4:15 p.m. on East Huron St. between Division and State, will be numerous floats entered by fra- ternities, sororities and Ann Arbor high school students. The floats will be judged by Mayor Walter C. Sad- ler, Dean Joseph A. Bursley and Dean Alice Lloyd, who will present the winners in the fraternity and sorority divisions with gold cups. The high school entrants will be reward- ed by admissions to the Michigras. Contributing to the entertainment at the huge carnival will be more than 50 booths entered by fraternities, sororities and various independent organizations. The rides at the Michi- gras this year, it was announced yes- terday by Donald Belden, '39E, gen- eral chairman, will be a ferris wheel, a tilt-o-plane, a "whip" and Delta Tau Delta's "Sky Ride." Booths Listed Among the booths along the mid- way are: Alpha Xi Delta's "Pitching Woo," Kappa Alpha Theta's "Ring Ferdy," Pi Beta Phi and Phi Kappa Psi's "Starlit Roof," and the more politically conscious "Soak Hitler," Sigma Phi's entry. The independent men's Congress will operate five booths. A new system of prizes, inaugurat- ed this year at the Michigras, will enable customers to accumulate their evening's winnings and' get a more substantial reward for their efforts. Carnival scrip, termed "Michibucks," will ,be given out at each of the booths in addition to the regular prizes, redeemable at a prize booth at the north end of the Field House.. Smick Chose To Face Illini TeamToday' Michigan Needs To Sweep Both Games To Remain In Conference Running Michigan's title hopes, several shades brighter after three impres- 300 To Attend t Youth Conclavet Local Students To Discuss1 Democracy, War Today? The 19 3 9 Washtenaw County Youth Conference will open at 1 p.m. today in the Bethlehem Evangelical Church when 300 high school stu- dents are expected to meet for a one- day convention to discuss democracy, war, and recreations. The theme of the conference is "Building Today,' 'Personality for Tomorrow."~ The meeting is being sponsored by leaders in the 11 high schools of this county, by officials of Boy Scout troops, of the Washtenaw Council of Churches and Religious Education, Allied Youth, 4-H Clubs, Dunbar Cen- ter, YWCA and YMCA. Prof. Aiton Will Speak At Congress Installation sive non-conference performances, meet their supreme test today, when the Wolverines play host to Illinois on Ferry Field this afternoon. The game, which is the first of a two-game series, will begin at 4:05 p.m. and admission is free to students presenting identification cards. The Illini, who rated among the pre-season favorites to cop the Big Ten championship, own a record of three wins against a solitary loss, but in the past week have run head-on In to the injury jinx, and have been de- prived of the services of their two top pitchers, Johnny Pacotti and Meyers Schuckman. Lenny Kallis, hard-hit- ting third baseman, also is a doubtful starter due to a, bad knee. Varsity Needs Sweep With an even record in their only two Conference games played, the Wolverines need a sweep of this se- ries to keep up with the leaders and rate serious title consideration. A split will greatly hinder their chances while a double loss would prove fatal. Coach Ray Fisher will bank on big Danny Smick to stop the Illini, who rank among the leading batting teams in the Conference. With Pacotti and Schuckman incapacitated, C o a c h