THE MICHIGAN DAILY M ... 9 Head Of CAA To Be Speaker At AiW Dinner Committees Ann oun ce d For Aviation Festival To Be HeldMay 20 Robert H. Hinckley, chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Authority, will be the principle speaker at the an- nual banquet of the Institute of Aero- nautical Sciences to be held here May 20 in conjunction with the Aviation On Parade air carnival May 21. Don Grudin, '40E, publicity chairman, an- nounced yesterday. Carnival To Feature Safety The aviation carnival, which is be- ing jointly sponsored by the Institute of Aeronautical Sciences, the Univer- sity of 'Michigan Glider Club, The University Flying Club, and the Washtenaw chapter of the National Aeronautics Association, has been planned to acquaint the average man with the practicality of private flying and to stress the safety and ease of flying. The carnival will feature numerous exhibits of aircraft, accessories and flight demonstrations. In keeping with the objective of the carnival to demonstrate safety in flying, stunt flying will not be included on the program, Grudin announced. Sokol Named Chairman Max Sokol, '39E, has been named chairman of the air carnival. He will work in conjunction with Dwight S. Reynolds and George M. Downs, co-chairman of the airport commit- tee and Melvin E. Stevens, '39E, in charge of programs and invitations. Faculty advisois are Prof. M. J. Thompson and Prof. E. W. Conlp, of the department of areonautical en- gineering. Other comitteemen are: Fredrick W. Palmer, '39E, banquet; Hans Weichsel, '39E, aircraft exhibits; Ken- neth Will, engine displays; Daniel Ranney, '40E, flying exhibition; Alex- ander Mc Rae, 39E, glider exhibition; Lee Z. Seltzer, '40E, public address system; and Edwood Cushing, trans- portation., New German Club Founded Will Be A Local Chapter Of NationalGroup A Michigan chapter of the Ameri- can Association of Teachers of Ger- man was founded at a well-attended German group meeting of the School- masters Club last Friday, Prof. Hen- ry W. Nordmeyer of the German de- partment onnounced yesterday. The national organization includes 18' chapters representing teachers in schools and colleges from Massachu- setts to California and from Minne- sota to Tennessee. The founding of themnew chapter here brings the total to 19. The AATG publishes The German Quarterly, devoted to discussions of educational methods, developments in the teaching of German, and to re-; views of textbooks, Professor Nord- meyer explained. The new chapter was formed in order to promote a professional attitude among the teachers of German in the state. Sim- ilar organizations, he said, for French{ and Spanish have already established their chapters in Michigan. The publi- cation also contains suggestions for extra-curricular activties and some factual research on German literary, and linguistic subjects. A draft of a constitution was sub- mitted at Friday's meeting, and after] it was voted upon favorably, officers were elected for the coming year. Professor Nordmeyer was choseni president, Miss Jennie Coy of Jack- son, vice-president, and Miss Louise 1 P. Weinmann of Ann Arbor High1 School, secretary-treasurer.I 'Joint Distribution' Group Leads As Agency For Jewish Relief Italy Retains Colonial Air, University's Camp Davis Gives Surveyors Practical Experience fll - -.- On the frontiers of Europe these people f id themselves in a No Man's Land-refused entry into new countries and forbidden to return to the lax is from which they have been expelled, because of their religious and political affiliations. ar est American Society Aiding Refugees In East And Central Europe By ROBERT PERLMAN The Joint Distribution Committee, one of the three organizations com- bined in the United Jewish Appeal drive, is the largest American agency concerned with providing relief for religious refugees in Central and Eas- tern Europe. Since 1933 the J.D.C. has spent $6,- 450,000 on its program in Germany and Austria. Through free loan societies established in 1914 the J.D.C. has given financial assistance to Jew- ish communities in Poland, Rumania, Lithuania and Latvia. The program of the Joint Distribu- tion Committee has centered around the following activities: Retraining Jewish professional and business men and women, deprived of the chance to earn a living in those fields, to become farmers, and crafts- men in new countries. Increasing educational opportuni- ties for more than 30,000 Jewish chil- dren who have been excluded from 'schools oy government decrees. Paying for the transportation of emigrants to Palestine and other lands. Training thousands of youths as artisans, agricultural workers and mechanics. More than seventy thousand, chil- Equal Rights For Women Topic Of Talk Mrs. Amy C. Ransome, vice-chair- man of the executive council of the National Woman's Party will speak on the Equal Rights Amendment at 4 p.m. Friday in the League, announced Isbale Bruyere, '39 Arch. Mrs. Ransome, has been variously, president of the Washington branch of the AAUW, delegate to the In- ternational Council of Women at Edinburgh representing the Nation- al Council of Women in America and a delegate to the Open Door Inter- national Council at Cambridge Uni- versity representing the NWP. One of the founders of the World Woman's Party, Mrs. Ransome has long been active in work for the advancement of women. The Proposed Equal Rights Amend- ment reads: - "Men and women shall have equal rights throughout the United States and every place sub- ject to its jurisdiction." Engineers To Hold Picnic The annual senior enginee'rs' pic- nic will be held the afternoon of Sat- urday, May 13 in the Arboretum, it was announced yesterday. Intel-de- partment softball games and refresh- ments will be featured dren of Jewish families in Poland re- ceived through the J.D.C. their one substantial meal a day during school hours. As a result of J.D.C. activity, medi- cal, dental and pre-natal care was given to persons in Poland through 212 clinics and medical centers. The Joint Distribution Commit- tee finances many refugee agencies in Europe and Central and South America. It collaborates closely with organizations in England. The J.D.C. program not only gives immediate as- sistance, such as food, clothing and shelter, but it concentrates on the training and emigration of refugees. Sigma Rho Tilau To HolMeet Tenth Annual Convention Set For Saturday More than 200 members of Sigma Rho Tau, honorary engineering speech society, will attend the organi- zation's 10th annual convention Sat- urday, May 13, at the Union. Organized in the University by Prof. Robert D. Brackett of the en- gineering English department, and Prof. F. N. Menefee of the engineer-' ing mechanics department, the or- ganization now contains five chap- ters. Other schools with chapters are. the Detroit Institute of Technology, Toledo University, Wayne, and Michi- gan State. The convention, which will feature impromptu, project, raconteur and Hall of Fame speaking contests, will be highlighted by awarding a trophy to the outstanding chapter. Henry Billings, '40E, is general chairman for the reunion. Publicity will be handled by Charles Heinen, '41E, Rex Burnham, '40E, John Sob- esky, '41E, and Howard Fox, '40E. Dewey Prob ale Can]didat- For Pre-sidenit, Declares Cuncannon In Address (Continued from Page 1) most significant part of our democ- racy by abridging propaganda, lie explained, the p: ople of the United States mlust better educate them- x-lves to detect biased and partisan information. In the "The Art of Listening to Mu- sic," opening lecture of the Music and Art Series, Prof. Glenn D. Mc- Geoch of the Music School stressed that the basis of musical apprecia- tion is based on the false assumption that music must depend on the other arts for support. Before it can take a legitimate place as an academic subject, he added, music must be rid of this attitude. Brumni Talks On Ibsen This false assumption has been prevalent throughout the history of music, he observed, until in the 19th century Eduard Hanslick restated the problem of musical esthetics and clarified the independent and auto- nomous position of music among the arts. Tracing the influence. of Ibsen on modern dramatists, Prof. John L. Brumm of the journalism depart- ment declared, in the second lecture of the Literature Series, that Ibsen was the first of modern dramatists. He wrote during the beginning of the scientific era, Professor Brumm add- ed, and had a profound effect on the writers who followed him. The program for today includes: Parliamentary Law Series, Mrs. Em- ma A. Fox, State parliamentarian of the Michigan State Federation of Women's Clubs, at 8 a.m.; Adult Edu- cation Series, "Radio and Education," Prof. Waldo Abbot, director of the Broadcasting Ser'vice, at 9; Music. Art Series, "Making Sculpture," Carle- ton W. Angell, museums sculptor, at 10; Literature Series, "Highlights in Current Biography, Miss Edith Thomas 1ofthe Library Extension Service,, at 111... Dr. Fisher To Preside The afternoon meeting includes: International Relations Series; "The Dilemma of European Democracies," James K. Pollock of the political sci- ence department, at 2 p.m.; Contem- porary American Figures, "Paul Mc- Nutt," Prof. Paul M. Cuncannon, at 3. Dr. Charles A. Fisher, director of the Extension Service, will preside at a dinner at 6:15 p.m. in the Union Ballroom. The dinner is in honor of the State officers of the Michigan Federation of Women's Clubs and the personnel of the Institute. An open house for visitors to the Institute will be held at 8 p.m. in the International Center by invitation of J. Raleigh Nelson, counselor to foreign students and director of the Center. Surveyors are pictured doing field work at Camp Davis. The casnp can be seen in the background. Camp Also Used As Base In Geology Field Work; 72 Will Take Courses By KARL KESSLER Illustrative of the modern trend in educational methods toward giving practical experience in actual field work is Camp Davis, the University summer surveying camp near Jack- son, Wyo. Camp Davis is ideally situated both for a surveying camp and for its re- cently acquired function as a base camp for geology field work. The broad valley floor of Jackson's Hole, its, numerous lakes and streams, and the towering Teton Range over-look- ing the camp provide enough varia- tion of landscape to give the prospec- tive surveyor a working knowledge of any type of terrain that he may meet in his future work. Michigan pioneered ir1 the estab- lishmen and manitenance of a camp for summer field work. Camp Davis was organized in 1874 under the sup- ervision of the late Prof. J. B. Davis. Scandinavian Club Holds Picnic Today, Dancing, games and a weiner roast at the Island are planned for the last regular meeting of the Scandin- avian Club which will start at 8 p.m. today in Lane Hall. All Scandinavian students and their friends, especially those who wish to join the group next season are invited to attend. A selected group of Norwegian folk songs by Odin Anderson will be featured at a banquet sponsored by the club May 12, and a picnic May 19 will climax the year's activities. Folk-dancing, travel talks, motion pictures, games and discussions have highlighted previous meetings which were always characterized by their old country hospitality. The camp occupied several sites in Michigan until 1929 when the Univer- sity purchased a tract -of land in Jackson's Hole. Wyo. Camp Davis is located in the valley of the Hoback River 75 miles south of Yellowstone National Park. The camp itself is situated on the flat valley floor, but to either side rise the towering peaks of the Hoback and Grand Teton mountains. The build- ings of the camp itself are construct- ed of sheet iron with concrete floor- ing. The water supply is brought to the camp by gravity from a small mountain stream south of the camp site. Thirty-six students, 20 surveyors and 16 geologists, will take courses there this summer, Prof. H. Bouchard of the department of geodesy and surveying director of Camp Davis, announced yesterday. Local Art Patrons To Assist Exhibit Ann Arbor collectors of Chinese Art will contribute to a loan exhibi- tion, which opened yesterday and will continue until May 28. It is sponsored by the Detroit Institute of Arts. The Detroit exhibit will feature examples' of Chinese Art from collec- tions in Michigan. Local contributors include: Prof. and Mrs. Arno L. Bad- er,' Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Earhart, Prof. and Mrs. J. M. Plumer, Harold L. Wallace, Peter Ruthven and Mrs. Benjamin March. Four collections of the University will be included. These are: the col- lection of R. K. Stockwell, O. J. Todd, Dr. Walter Parker and the collection of the Museum of Anthropology. A special bus trip to the Institute will be conducted Friday' by Profes- sor Plumer. Reservations must be made at the anthropoligical museum by 10 a.m. Friday and no reservations may be made by phone. Dr. Emeneau To Begin Indic Bekigion Talks Lecture By Yale Expert Today Features Movies Of FireWalking Rites The first in a series of three lec- tures discussing the religious condi- tions in modern India will be offered at 4:15 p.m. today in the main am- phitheatre of the Rackhai Building by Dr. Murray B. Emeneau of Yale University, speaking under the aus- pices of the Department of Oriental Languages and the University Com- mittee on Religious Education. The first lecture, entitled "'unda- mentals of Idea and Practice," will be accrmpanied by motion pictures de- picting the fire walking ceremonies practiced during various religious fes- tivals. "Daily Rites: The Cult of Ascetism" will be the subject of Dr. Emeneau's second lecture at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the amphitheatre. His third lec- ture on "The Cults of Vishnu-Krish- na" will be offered at 4:15 p.m. Fri- day in the Natural Science Auditori- um. Dr. Emeneau is considered a lead- ing authority in the field of Indic religions. He has recently returned from a three year research period among the various Indian language groups. His grammatical account of Toda and Mayalalam-two non-Dra- vidian vernaculars-is now in publica- tion. Interest in the Sanskrit "Kavya" or "court poetry and its associate the- ories of poetics have long occupied Dr. Emeneau. While working in San- skrit, he produced "Twenty-Five Tales of the Corpse Demon" which is still considered one of the best translations of a well-known Sanskrit story collec- tion. Chemical Engineers Plan Tour Of Two Factories A group of 70 chemical engineering students will make an inspection trip today to 'the plants 'of the Michigan Alkali Co. at Wyandotte 'and the White Star Refining Co. at Trenton. The party will spend the morning studying the various 'processes of an oil refinery atnthe Trenton plant and in the afternoon will proceed to the alkali plant to make a particular study of the soda ash process and such methods of by-product recovery as the ammonia absorption process. H. W. CLARK English Boot and Shoe M*er " Our new repair department, the best in the city. Prices are right. 438 South State and Factory on South Forest Avenue. Try A DAILY Classified I A ShioalYou UAx b P AM the0'(R 9 plecsure 4 hi gOL! 1 I.>- ., pe7 I r I 0I. IT'S A SOFT LIFE! One man wanted to wear his to bed. That's how completely relaxed the SKOL feels. Originally a