77- PAPE FMM1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1939 __ THE MICHIGAN DAILY The Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre: 10 Years Of Cultural Achievement Building For The Future Of The American National Theatre Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the Oniversity year and Sumni r Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press i eexclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It dr not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan. as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, ;4.0,; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISIN 6Y National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO -BOSTON - Los ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Mfanaging Editor Editorial Director City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Book Editorr. Women's Editor Sports Editor . Board of Editors . . . . Rol * . . . Hoi .. . . Rol . . . . .. . S. . bbert D. Mitchell Albert P. Mayto race W. Gilmore bert I. Fitzhenry S. R. Kleiman Robert Perlman . Earl Gilman William Elvin Joseph Freedman . Joseph Gies Dorothea Saebler Bud Benjamin Business Department Business Manager. . . Philip W. Buhen Credit Mnager ... . Leonard P. Siegeiman Advertising Manager . . . William L. Newnan Women's Business Manager . Helen Jean Dean Women's Service Manager . . . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: MORTON L. LINDER The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Freedom jPavilion N EW YORKS and Grover Whalen's World's Fair -opened Sunday with all the flourish such an occasion demands. The Prsident, himself said that April 30 would hence- forth be known for two reasons, for Washing- ton's inauguration as first president and for the opening of the Fair. Mayor La Guardia, in short Oxford gray morning coat and familiar black sombrero, explained as he began his speech dedicating the Plaza of the Four Freedoms, that he had changed his attire, because "I just can't get myself to talk about freedom in a cutaway coat and a high hat." He said, too, he felt.it the greatest honor that he had been designated to dedicate the Plaza which he considered the heart of the Fair. There was one exhibit which didn't open with the Fair, an exhibit quite in keeping with the spirit of the Plaza of the Four Freedoms. It was to have included an art gallery and a Hall of Science, in which the contributions of Pre-Nazi Germany in medicine, chemistry, religion, educa- tion and anthropology were to have been exem- plified by means of charts. photographs and working models of German electrical and mechanical achievements. Special concerts, lec- tures and readings were to have been given with such speakers as Max Reinhardt, Lotte Lehman, Bruno Walter, Thomas Mann and Dorothy Thompson. The works of authors now banned in Germany were to have beendisplayed, viz: Mann, Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Erich Maria Remarque and Stephen Zweig. The pamphlet which was prepared to explain the purpose of the Freedom Pavilion read as follows: "What there will not be is the propaganda of denunciation-in the sense of burning effigies or violent exhibits. But every quiet book-every fine name on that roster-every Viennese fiddler in the cafe-the very fact that the whole under- taking is sponsored and created by groups of men and woman of all politics, of all faiths, Catholics, Jews, Protestants, working together in harmony and respect-- "All of that will be propaganda-forthright and creative. Call it propaganda--call it human protest--call it what you will. Americans will understand it." Americans won'ti, have a chance to understand it now. The space is too brief to go into the whys and wherefores, but in last week's Nation a pretty story of polite stabs in the back and neat- ly executed double-crossing is told. It seems that an energetic little committee headed by Dr. Frank Kingdon, president of Newark University, relied upon Herbert Bayard Swope, president of General Electric, to help it raise finances because he was a very influential person and a democrat and all that. And that after a while he became luke-warm and thought that "Free- dom Pavilion" was antagonizing and provocative and that l suggested that the name be "Old Germany" with busts of Goethe and Beethoven and Bach etc., as the exhibit, housed in a kind of old Heidelberg Inn. And then it seems By NORMAN KIELL Thursday, May 4th, The Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre will celebrate its tenth birthday anni- versary. Ten years has seen almost a mushroo3l growth of the theatre here, so that today Ann Arbor is recognized as the cultural center of the mid-west. Ten years ago, when Professor Valen- tine B. Windt cane here fresh from the class- rooms of Chester M. Wallace at Carnegie Tech's Drama Department, he found himself without a theatre to work in, anamolous as the case may be. Mimes occupied the Lab Theatre; the auditorp ium in University Hall with a seating capacity of 3,000 had been condemned; and the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre had not as yet been built. But Professor Windt needed a theatre. For seven weeks, the enthusiastic students who gathered around Mr. Windt, washed, scrubbed, and cleaned the dirt and grime that had collected in thl University Hall Auditorium over the years of its disuse. Anxiously, they called in the local fire chief in order to get his permission to reopen the theatre. That important official gave them the good word on the proviso that no more than two hundred people be in the theatre at the same time and that there be no admission charge. The enthusiastic group, now christened Play Production, opened with Rachel Crothers' "Little Journey."There were two sets in the show: one, the interior of a Pullman, the other, a mountain top. People who remember it say it violated every principle of stage craft-because of lack of material. Supplies were limited; there was a limited income; and the shows were free. Never- theless, "Little Joureny" was a success because of the ensemble playing and the enthusiasm and sincerity of the youthful actors. The Uni- versity Hall Players were a definite hit. Their next show was even more ambitious. It was Tolstoi's "Redemption." The crowds grew to such proportions that five more shows were presented during the course of that first year in order to give everybody a chance to see their work. Be ggar On Horseback' First Show By May, in 1929, The Lydia Mendelssohn The- atre was completed and Play Production's first show there was "Beggar On Horseback." With it, Play Production's popularity and following grew to such proportions that the opportunity was offered them to continue their work during the summer session of the University school year. The first summer, with a small staff, Mr. Windt and Chester Wallace put on seven plays, calling their acting group The Michigan Reper- tory Players. They did so well that during the following summers they were able to invite actors and directors who brought with them a knowledge of the professional theatre, a new point of view, and invaluable contacts. These included Lennox Robinson, the Irish playwright; Thomas Wood Stevens, of the Carnegie Institute of Technology Drama School; Alexander Wycoff and Evelyn Cohen, both of the Yale School of Drama; Fran- cis Compton, Oswald Marshall, and during the past three years, Whitford Kane, whose help the student actors regard as one of their most important sources of guidance and inspiration. Five Productions A Year During the regular university year, Play Pro- duction has put on an average of five produc- tions. In March,. 1934, Prof. Windt presented the first production in which the School of Music and the Department of Physical Education joined forces with the drama group. It was Gilbert and Sullivan's "The Gondoliers." The immediate re- sponse and approval accorded it, both by the community at large and the participating stu- dents, was convincing evidence of the value of this cooperation. "The Gondoliers" set a new standard for campus musicals' in spontaneity, grace of movement, and acting ability. Since then, "Tolanthe," "A Midsummer Night's Dream," "Yeoman of the Guard," "Ruddigore," "Henry the Eeighth," and "Two Gentlemen of Verona," among others, have utilized the services of the University Symphony Orchestra, voices from the University Choral Union, and the dance group from the Department of Physical Educa- tion, all to tremendous success, and thus making possible the extension of the study of theatre art in these several branches. It was in Ann Arbor that the idea of an annual spring dramatic festival was born. In 1930, when the legitimate theatre was at its lowest ebb, Robert Henderson promoted the idea of a spring season. True enough, it was not an original idea but it was a new idea for America. And that it was a good idea is quite apparent when we mote that the attendance of the five-week season num- bers 30,000. Dramatic Festival Brings Crowds People from Detroit, Toledo, Cleveland, Jack- son, Lansing, Grand Rapids, and other towns, are attracted by the bills. The first season brought here Sophocles' "Antigone," revivals of Wilde's "Lady Windemere's Fan," and Tchekov's "The Sea-gull," John McGowan's "Excess Bag- gage," and Kaufman and Ferber's "The Royrgi Family." Highlights of following seasons were the presentation of Blanche Yurka in Sophocles' "Elektra," and Nazimova, with Romney Brent and McKay Morris in the much-discussed reviv- al of "Ghosts," both later successfully brought to Broadway. This spring season will see the American pre' miere of Giradoux's "No War in Troy!" which. stars Philip Merivale, and which may prove to be next year's winner of the Drama Critic's Circle award for the best foreign play. At any rate, we do have this year's best foreign play, Paul Vincent Carroll's "The White Steed," in which Whitford Kane will take the role he had beforeth e show Anoed in New r ni.r ' 'P'h . The Editor Gets Told Moon Over The Law School To the Editor: Monday night, I spent fifteen ninutes enjoy-- ing the breath taking beauty of the most glorious sight on the campus of the University of Michi- gan-full moon over the Law Library, seen from the center arch of the Law Club. That scene is the most inspiring sight I have ever seen and I have seen many beautiful things. I can look at the pillars of Angell Hall and walk by unmoved; I can look at the Rackham School of Graduate Studies and feel pleased; but when I look at the Law Library in the moonlight, with the warm orange lights lightly brushing the large windows from the inside, and the entire scene looking like a magnificent cathedral, I feel a deep pride in being a student of the University of Michigan. That one sight makes me understand why men sing, "I'll ne'er forget my college days," and have a deep, true loyalty to a group of old red brick buildings and a great number of men, "educa- tors," who say, "Here's a lot of knowledge. If you want it, absorb it by yourself. If not, it doesn't make any difference to us." During the day, I am never disturbed by such thoughts of loyalty. Why did so many students shoulder their way past me Monday night with their eyes to the ground? And why does the management of the Law Library keep the six large, brilliant lights on the front steps glaring until one or two o'clock in the morning? May not those of us who want to appreciate the great beauty of this glorious scene in its full- est beauty be allowed to do so without having to be blinded by these absolutely useless lights? Why cannot these lights be put out at least by half past eleven o'clock on these brilliant, moon- light nights? Let's all see this magnificent sight in its fullest beauty-without those six useless lights. --Charles A. Bowen, '41. The Repulse Remains Britain's decision to have the King and Queen travel to America in a passenger liner instead of in the battle cruiser Repulse marks an inter- esting move in the naval chess game now going on in European waters. Repulse is one of three ships of the Renown class of British battle cruisers, the only vessels of their type anywhere in the world. The other two, Hood and Renown, are laid up foi' overhaul. There are faster ships afloat than Repulse, and heavier one. But none of the faster ships are heavy -enough to withstand her broad- sides, and none of the heavier ones are fast enough to catch her. No wonder Britain feels that a ship with the strategic blending of :speed and power this twenty-three-year-old battle cruiser combines is wothing having around at the moment! -Christian Scienec Monito 1-1-11 $ Hats -- For years the college man has been the sar tonial example of American ,youth. You can'T meet a clothing salesman or onen a magazine without hearing that such and such is "very col- legiate." Probably this is rightly so. Not only are college men supposed to have the money and means of contacting the latest styles, but they will also wear anything anywhere-the hallowed right of the American undergraduate. This com- bination of prestige and color makes the styles. So the college man sails blithely on setting the styles and having a whale of a time doing it. But in one department he is giving the American public the double-cross with a vengeance. There isn't one college man in ten that realizes the importance of hats in the college man's ward- robe. Looking at the average college man, you find that the hat is sort of a last minute addi- tion, tossed on after the rest of the wardrobe is complete with no conception whatsoever of the effect of the general appearance. couragement and experience for all the young writers, actors, directors, and designers who must carry the living theatre on into the future. We may, for instance, seek to promote festivals on midwestern and western campuses. The Dramatist's Guild has already been active in proioting efforts to bridge the traditional gap between the commercial theatre and the college stage." What is being talked of only now in New York has been going on in Ann Arbor since 1930. In its ten years of existence, The Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre has been the host to nearly 1,000 presen- tations ranging from tIj Chinese Gate Theatre to the works of Sophocles, Shakespeare and Shaw. In other words, nearly 100 productions a year are seen on the stage of the Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre, and this does not include the foreign films which are presented. This is the history of the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, and in the history of this theatre, we have seen the life* forces of the cultural center of the midwest at full and enthusiastic work. Ann Arbor has every reason to be proud of its Uni- versity Theatre background. It has been building steadily for the future American National Theatre. TODAY in WASHINGTON -by David Lawrence - WASHINGTON May 1.-Dr. Gal- lup's latest poll, showing that the typical cross-section of public opinion interviewed believes a Republican vic- tory is coming in 1940, certainly re- flects a growing confidence here among Republicans. To put it another way, it reflects also a growing appre- hension among the Democrats. Allowing for the fact, how' ver, that pendullums do swing in American politics, the chances of intervening events affecting the 1940 election are well recognized. The Democrats have as their one best bet a possible eco- nomic recovery or upswing, but the present Congress has not yet tackled the things that are deterring recov- ery, and the Republicans, with the characteristic attitude of a minority party, are not hurrying things along. It's just about a year now to the time when the two national party conventions will be getting under way. In twelve months, some things, of course, can be done to turn a political tide, but, when deep cur- rents set ilf, the task is not easy. The Republicans at the moment have the better outlook for many reasons, principal among which is that the Democrats are fighting among them- selves. The prospects of internal peace are remote because the extremists among the New Dealers feel that the other side should come the whole way, and the independent Democrats in Congress feel that the Administra- tion is grudgingly giving an inch where it ought to give a foot lle(dquarters Ef icient l Anyway, the Republicans are secretly rejoicing because thy have unparalleled harmony in their ranks and their organization work is func- tioning smoothly. Take the Republi- can national committee headquar- ters. It is in efficient operation de- spite the discouragements that faced it in 1936. John Hamilton has turned out to be a capable general manager and has brought order, out of chaos. He has learned that it is not speech- making or keynoting which is impor- tant, but laying the foundations for effective party organization in the states and counties of the country. He has, moreover, reorganized the finances so that no longer do a few large contributors rule the roost, but there are thousands of small con- tributors. The Republicans have made their greatest inroads among the small business men and the workers in the middle class and have recov- ered a good bit of the strength they once had in the rural areas. Party organization is not a mystic affair. Hard work and perserverance and tact will build a loyal party oper- ation, and it was a fortunate thing for the Republicans that Mr. Ham- ilton didn't listen to the defeatists when the 1936 election was over, but started instead to wipe out the deficit and build a permanent party mech- anism. When the time comes for platform making, the country will find, for instance, that the Glenn Frank committee will have a greater influence in making the party pro- gram progressive than has been sus- pected by the ultra-conservatives. Perhaps the most effective piece of work done by Chairman Hamilton has been to bring about close cooper- ation between his headquarters and the members of Congress. In this, the Republicans are copying the suc- cessful experience of Democratic headquarters in the days of the Hoover Administration. Certainly, so far as minority tactics are concernet, the Republicans are not missing many. bets. Capable Mataer The Democratic Party organization, on the other hand, is under a severe handicap. Charles Michelson, able publicity director, no longer has the field to himself, as Frank Waltman, Republican director of publicity, is a good match for him. It is only fair to say, however, that, if Mr. Michel- son were in charge of the party or- ganization himself, he would do a much better job than he is able to do now. For he is a capable political manager. But it so happens that the chairman of the Democratic nation- al committee, James Farley, is being talked about as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for President or Vice-President. No party organi- zation with a potential candidate at thc helm can do as effective work as when it has as leader a man who is clearly out of personal politics and has only the task of keeping the party together. The same enthusiasm which Jimr Farley had in 1932 and 1936 is nec- essarily lacking today, because the party organizations are composed in no small part of federal office hold- ers who want to go along with the New Deal, but inside the ranks are anti-New Dealers who follow the same line of policy as some of the inde- pendent Democrats in Congress. What is happening to the Demo- cratic Party organization is neither surprising nor unusual. It always de- velops inside a majority party, especi- (Continued from Page 2) amination may be secured in the School of Education office. Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex-1 amination: All students expecting to do directed teaching next semester1 are required to pass a qualifying ex- amination in the subject which they expect to teach. This examination will be held on Saturday, May 20, at 1 o'clock. Students will meet in the auditorium of the University High1 School. The examination will con-l sume about four hours' time; prompt- ness is therefore essential. Final Doctoral Examination of Mr. Kuang Tseng Chao will be held on Wednesday, May 3, at 3 p.m. in the East Council Room, Rackham Bldg. Mr. Chao's field of specialization is Physics. The title of his thesis is The Temperature Parameter from the Negative Bands of Nitrogen un- der Excitation of Electron Impact." Professor O. S. Duffendack, as chair- man of the committee, will conduct the examination. By direction of the Executive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examination and to grant permission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum. Final Doctoral Examination of Mr. Alfred Lawrence Wilds will be held on Wednesday, May 3 at 2 p.m. in Room 309 Chemistry Building. Mr. Wilds' field of specialization is Chemistry. The title of his thesis is "Synthesis of Substances Related to the Sex Hor- mones." Professor Bachmann, as chairman of the committee, will con- duct the examination. By direction of the Executive Board, the chair- man has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examination and to grant permission to others who might wish to be pres- ent. C. S. Yoakum. Exhibitions Exhibition of Six Paintings by Three Mexican Artists-Rivera, Or- ozco, and Siqueiros-and water colors by Alexander Mastro Valerio, under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association Alumni Memorial Hall, North and South Galleries; After- noons from 2 to 5 until May 13. Lectures The Alexander Ziwet Lectures in Mathematics will be given by Profes- sor John v. Neumann of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, on the topic, "Theory of Measure in Groups." The first lecture of the series will be given today at 4:15 p.m, in Room 3011 Angell Hall. Dr. Russell M. Wilder, Professor of Medicine at the University of Minne- sota, will give a talk in the Hospital Amphitheatre, on Saturday morning, May 6, at 11 o'clock. All Junior and Senior medical students will be ex- cused from classes in time to attend this discussion. Members of the Staff and Interns at University Hospital are cordially invited. vited. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.; 11:00 A.M. on Saturday. Refreshments will be served. Bibliophiles will hold a meeting to- lay at 2:30 p.m. in the Michigan eague with Mrs. John Brier and frs. Norman Anning as hostesses. F-4, Scabbard and Blade, regular neeting at 7:30 tonight at the Union. usiness, Spring Party. Uniforms re- iuired. Cercle Francais: There will be a neeting today at 7:30 at the Michi- -an League. American Student Union: Execu- ive committee meeting today at 4 .m. in the League. Coming Events Tau Beta Pi: All members who are >laning to attend the Spring For- nal, Friday, May 5, are requested to ign up on the bulletin board outside he M.E. office immediately. Interviews for students who have pplied for admission to the Degree Program for Honors in 'Liberal Arts vill be held on Friday, Saturday and Vionday, May 5, 6 and 8. Please nake appointments in 1204 Angell Iall immediately. Assembly: There will be a meeting Af Assembly on Thursday, May 4, at :15 in the League. The Observatory Journal Club will neet at 4:15 Thursday afternoon, May 1, in the Observatory Lecture Room. Ur. Clinton B. Ford will speak on Experiences in Popular Lecturing on 9stronomy." Tea will be served at 1 p.m. The Extension Service of the.Uni- ersity of Michigan has arranged a showing of new educational films in he Lecture Hall of the Rackham Building on Sautrday, May 6. The Faculty and students are invited to attend. 9 a.m. Children's Films. An Air- lane (Erpi). Three Little Kittens (Erpi). Navajo Children (Erpi). 9:45 a.m.Education. Bring the World to the Classroom (Erpi). French U (Gaumont British). Pro- ,ressive Education (March of Time). 10:45 a.m. Health. Cancer, Its Cure and Prevention (March of Time). Mioving X-Rays (UFA). Heart Dis- ease (March of Time). 11:30 a.m. Sound Film Strip. 12:15 p.m. Luncheon. Michigan League. 75c. Reservations should be in the Extension Office by Friday, May 5. Speaker: Dr. Edgar Dale, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. 1:45 p.m. Literature and Art. Cover to Cover (Strand). From Clay to Bronze (Harvard). Shakespeare (Gau- Mont British). 8 p.m. Natural and Physical Sci- ence. The Amoeba (Gaumont Brit- ish). The Ant City (UFA). Liquid Air (UFA). Fuels and Heat (Erpi). The Water Cycle (Estman). 4:15 p.m. Social Science. Juvenile Delinquency (March of Time). A Backward Civilization (Erpi). This Was England (Gaumont British). 5:15 p.m. Sports. Dashes, Hurdles, and Relays (Erpi). Glenn Cunning- ham (University of Kansas). Flip Plops (tumbling) (Western Reserve). A War Department Flying Cadet Board will visit the University of Michigan to examine applicants for appointment as Flying Cadets, U.S. Army. Applicants may interview members of the Board at R.O.T.C. Headquarters, Thursday, May 4, b- ginning at 10 a.m. Special Trip to Loa Exhibition of Chinese Art, Detroit Institute of Arts, on Friday, May 5. Bus leaves Michi- gan Union 6:25 p.1.; on return leaves Institute of Arts 10:30 p.m. $1.25 round trip. Make early reservations through Prof. Plumer or at Anthro- pology Office, 4011 Museums Bldg. No reservations by phone. La Sociedad Hispanica: The last meetnig of the current school year, at which officers for next year will be elected, will be held Thursday, May 4, at 7:30 p.m. in the League. Also on the program will be a short movie of Puerto Rico, and refreshments. All members are expected to attend. Independent Men interested and willing to assist in Congress' five booths at the Michigras on Friday and Saturday evenings please com- municate with Jay Rockwell, Tel. 22143. A good time assured. hold its, last meeting this after- noon at 4 o'clock in the Graduate Library of the University Elementary School. Dr. G. E. Densmore, the new head of the Speech Department, and Dr. H. H. Bloomer, assistant director f the Speech Clinic, will speak. All Graduate Students taking work in the School of Education are cordially in- Dr. Murray B. Emeneau will liver a series of lectures May 3, 4 de- and 5, on the "Religions of India Today," as follows: "Fundamentals of Idea and Prac- tice," May 3, 4:15 p.m. at the Rack-1 ham Amphitheatre, Motion Picture.I "Daily Rites: The Cult of Ascetic- ism," May 4, 4:15 p.m. at the Rack- ham Amphitheatre, Lecture. "The Cults of Vishnu-Krishna andI Shiva," May 5 at 4:15 p.m., Natural Science Auditorium, Lecture. University Lecture: Dr. AugustI Krogh, of the University of Copen- hagen, will give a lecture, illustrated with lantern slides on "The Regula- tion of Circulation in Man in Rela- tion to Posture" (1n Thursday, May; 4, at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural Science Auditorium under the auspices of the Department of Zoology. The public is cordially invited to attend, U. of M. Flying Club: The meeting to be held tonight at 7:30 pin. in the Michigan Union will, be addressed by Mrs. Mabel Britton, past president of the 99's, National Women Pilots' Or- ganization. Members are invited to bring guests, and Mrs. Britton will set forth women's place in aviation, A summer mailing list of persons interested in reduced rate solo and dual flying time will be compiled. Also, there will be the annual elec- tion of officers for 1939-40. Executive Council of Assembly: There will be a meeting of the Ex- ecutive Council of Assembly today at 4:15 p.m. in the Council Room of the League. The Scandinavian Club will hold a I