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May 03, 1939 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-03

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MA7 3, 19:39 P.C~E~ THRI2

-,-, - - - A ,




Western State





7-0 in


Sofiak Leads
Batting Attack
For Michigani
Pitching Ace Fans Six,
Walks One; Four Rums
In Third Clinch Game
(Continued from Page 1)
but with one out in the third, Pink
started hefty Harry on the way to tlkt
showers by beating out a perfect bunt
down the first base line. Charley
then stole second and third needless-
ly, for Sofiak connected for his
mighty three-bagger.
Peckinpaugh's infield out scored
Mike and after Elmer Gedeon and
Freddie Trosko had walked, both
crossed the plate on short stop Dave
Kribs' bobble which gave Danny
Smick a free trip to first. That was
all for Mr. Bailey. He was replaced
by another right-hander, Geno Sel-
mo, who lasted till the fifth when
he was removed in favor of Lefty
Frank Overmire.
The Western southpaw got along
till the seventh when Trosko's single,
an error by first baseman Bill Hill and
two perfect sacrifices by Bill Steppon
and Beebe netted anotherscore: In
the ninth, the Wolverines topped off
the day's work when singles by Ged-
eon, Smick and Beebe and a bobble by
center fielder Fred Nyman, were com-
bined for the final two markers.
Clean As A Whistle
Michigan-7 AB R H U A
Pink,cf.............4 1 2 3 0
Sofiak, ss ............4 1 2 1 2
Peckinpaugh, 3b.....4 0 0 0 1
Gedeon,lb ............4 2 1 10 0
Trosko,If.........4 1 2 4 1
Smick, rf ...........3 2 1 0 0
Lisagor, 2b...........3 0 1 3 2
Steppon, 2b ...........1 0 0 0 2
Beebe, c .............3 0 2 6 2
Barry, p...'. ........4 0 0 0 1
y Totals.........34 7 11 27 11
Western State-0 AB R H 0 A
McCook, 3b ..........3 0 0 0 1
Haire, 2b ............4 0 2 0 3
Nyman, cf..........3 0 0 1 0
Hilllb.............4 0 0 2 1
Cuckovitch, if .......3 0 0 1 0
Craney,rf..........3 0 1 0 0
Kribs, ss .............3 0 0 2 3
Jezewski, c ...........1 0 0 2 0
Yarger, c ............2 0 0 1 0
Bailey, p...........0 0 0 0 3
Selmo, p .............1 0 1 0 1
Overmire, p ..........2 0 0 0 3
*B arber ........... . .1 0 0 0 0 '
Totals ..........30 0 4 27 15

Unbeaten Golfers )leet Spartans Today; Gehrig Ends Streak


- ,

. ..

,.._.._... r




Wins By Knockout



(EDITORS NOTE: The columnn this week is being written by applicants for the
sports editorship next year. Today's article is contributed by Herbert Lev.)
The Unknown Soldiers .
JACK BARRY was throwing a few warm-up pitches into Leo Beebe's big
mitt, Elmer Gedeon was feeding the other outfielders some easy ground-
ers, Freddie Trosko was just getting set out in left field, and Coach Ray
Fisher was scanning the group of ball players who remained on the side-
Some twenty individuai in faded gray uniforms and assorted colored
caps were grouped around Ray, each hoping that he would be chosen on
the team which would face the Varsity that day.
We surveyed the group. We noticed several eager
sophomores who in the next year or so would be
among the handsomely outfitted clan now in the
field. Then we saw the others who are through
harboring any such illusions. They've been on this
"dog-house" squad for two and three seasons now
and the nearest they'll come to playing for Michi-
gan is participating in these intersquad games,
warming up the Varsity for ensuing battle.
Heering Among these left overs we saw several familiar
faces. They brought back many memories, most of them of the not too
pleasant variety. They made us realize again that there's more to
sports than the mere playing of the game. Some of these "dog-house"
members had unique stories behind them.
THERE'S John Heering for instance. When John first came out for base-
ball here, he attracted immediate attention with his blazing fast ball.1
Undoubtedly the speediest left-handed pitcher since oJhnny Gee, Heer-
ing's one drawback was the common weakness of most portsiders, a tendency
toward wildness.
Heering realized where he fell short and worked hard to correct his
faults. He was better as a junior, but still somewhat wild and the presence
of an all-veteran staff again kept him on the bench. Then this spring he1
returned far steadier than ever and just as fast, and indications were that1
he would at last live up to expectations and develop into a top-notcher.
It was at the tail end of March, and the pitchers were getting their
final chances to show before Fisher made his choices for the southern
trip. It was.Heering's turn and he was throwing a few to Beebe in frontf
of the dugout. Leo called for a fast one and John set himself to throw.
Something snapped inside his upper arm. It didn't exactly hurt but he1
knew something was wrong as the ball just floated in, causing Beebe
to exclaim, "Quit your foolin', John. You couldn't have broken a pane
of glass with that pitch."
But John wasn't fooling. He tried again and again with the same re-
sults. He didn't tell Fisher but took his turn on the mound and was soundly;
shellacked. Needless to say, he didn't make the trip.
John can still be found on Ferry Field each afternoon. He knows that
as far as Michigan is concerned, his pitching days are over, but he's still
smiling and hoping against hope that some day his arm may snap back
into shape as suddenly and mysteriously as it fell apart on that fateful day
in March.
* * *
THEN THERE'S the case of Dean DuBois. Three years ago the stocky red-
head was Fisher's freshman mound find of the season, one of the best
looking yearling left-handers ever to play here. A rosy future loomed for
"Red" when he left Ann Arbor for his Vermont home that
June. But September arrived and "Red" didn't come back.,.
During the summer both his parents had died leaving '
Dean homeless. He sought refuge in a northern CCC camp, ' '
and remained there until this fall when he finally had
accumulated enough money to return to Michigan. F'
Of course "Red" lost no time in coming out for base-A
ball. But he found the comeback trail a rocky one. During
his stay at camp he hadn't as much as touched a ball, and
he was badly out of shape. "Red's been working hard all Netherton
these months, he feels his arm growing steadily stronger, but its obvious
that Coach Fisher doesn't exactly smile when he looks at the fellow on
the mound, and then thinks of the DuBois of 1936.
THERE are others in the group who deserve a word, players who are well
known to their teammates, unheard of by those who merely scan the
box scores. There's Ralph Bittinger, listed as a pitcher, but who acts as
a general handyman because he loves to work hard and because he isn't
exactly an outstanding moundsman; little Mase Gould, whose almost per-
fect form on the mound doesn't quite compensate for his mere 130 pounds;
Howard Greenberg, a good first baseman who unfortunately arrived at
approximately the same time as Gedeon; Earl Smith, who's been first utility
infielder for three years now; Tommy Netherton, who suffered hospitaliza-
tion before the spring trip and missed the squad. The list could go on and on.
And you'll find the same story in every sport. For every Harmon and
Heikkinen who roams the gridiron, there are hundreds of Joe Unsungs who
take all the bumps the' scrimmages offer, but don't even get an outside
chance at any of the glory because they are given a rest on Saturdays. Simi-
larly, for each Jablonowski and Larson or even Barry and Bond turned out by
Fisher, there are many Heerings and Nethertons whom fate doesn't give a
fair chance, and Smiths who miss out by inches. -H.L.
i I

* *' ,
1 e1
Siegel Floors
Foe In First
Grid Star's Initial Bout
Lasts But 57 Seconds
ARENA GARDENS, Detroit, May 2.1
(Special to The Daily) - It took
Michigan's Don Siegel only 57 seconds
tonight to show Detroit fistic fans
that he is a force to be reckoned with
in the heavyweight fight picture.
The giant Wolverine gridiron star
knocked out Freddie Hollis of Kitch-
ener, Ontario, with a perfectly timed
right hand in the opening round of
his initial professional scrap while
Roscoe Toles, prominent Negro
heavyweight challenger of Detroit,
looked on with interest.
Although a veteran of 14 pro fights,
Hollis was no match for his aggres-
sive adversary. Siegel held a 30 pound
weight advantage but kept the Can-
adian battler at a distance while
feeling him out during the first 30
seconds. Suddenly he saw his opening
and lashed out with a long right
which caught Hollis on the side of the
jaw. He dropped heavily and the
referee didn't even bother to cout him
It was more than a minute before
his seconds could bring him to con-
sciousness. Said Hollis in the dress-
ing room: "Boy, oh boy, what a wal-
Stratton Nets $29,845
CHICAGO, May 2. -(p)- Vice-
President Harry Grabiner, of the Chi-
cago White Sox, announced today
that the benefit game for Monty
Stratton . netted the disabled pitcher
at least $29,845.25.
Philadelphia 6, Chicago 1.
New York 8, Cincinnati 7.
St. Louis 2, Boston 1.
Pittsburgh 3, Brooklyn 2.

Varsity Seeks
Eighth.. Straight
Triunmph Here
Balanced Wolverine Squad
Holds Edge Over State;
Match ToBegin At 1:30
In quest of their eighth consecu-
tive win of the season, Michigan's un-
beaten golf squad will meet Michi-
gan State on the University Course
this afternoon at 1:30.
This year the boys from East Lan-'
sing are without the services of Ed
Flowers and Tom Brand, the two
mainstays of the team that beat the
Wolverines in their meeting last year.
Meanwhile, the Michigan squad has
added power this year in its all-veter-
an squad.
The important number one spot for4
Coach Courtright's four-man teamI
will be held down by Jack Emery who
has paced his mates all season. The
number two slot is filled by Jim Loar
who will team up with Emery in one
of the best ball matches.
Capt. Bob Palmer, who took medal'
honors against the Broncs on Mon-
day is the number, three man, and
Lynn Reiss rounds out the well-bal-
anced squad in the number four po-
sition. Palmer and Reiss will form
the other best ball combination.
Veteran Roy Nelson heads the visit-
ing Spartan contingent. Kowal, a
newcomer to the squad will play
number two spot, and will team up
with Nelson against the Emery-Loar
combination in their best ball match.
BudtTansey, a junior on the squad,
and Kerkow will play three and four
places respectively, and will combine
against Palmer and Reiss in the oth-
er best ball match.
Detroit Lions Sign Weissf

Netmen Meet
Strong FoesI
At Columbus
With an even conference record of
one win and one defeat already
marked up in the record book, the
Wolverine netmen turn their efforts
towards Columbus, Ohio, where this
weekend they will face Northwesternj
and Ohio State on successive days.]
The Wildcats are fortified with five1
of last year's seven lettermen with]
Marvin Wachman leading the team.
The Milwaukee youth was twiceE
runner-up for the Big Ten singles
title, and during the past winter, he
paired with Bobby Riggs to win the1
Western Indoor Doubles Champion-
ship. In 1938, he won the Central,
Intercollegiate singles crown, and last
summer won the Badger. State open
I singles and doubles championships.
Froehling Is Number Two
In number two spot is Frank Froeh-
ling. Froehling is a senior, and
played tennis for the first time when
he entered Northwestern. He, like
Wachman, has won many titles in-
cluding the Chicago indoor singles
title and western doubles champion-
The Wildcats are out to regain the
Big Ten tennis title which they held
in 1936. Last year, the team won 10
out of its 13 matches, losing twice
to Chicago and once to Kenyon Col-
lege. In the Conference tournament,
they placed second to Chicago.
Meet Buckeyes Saturday
On Saturday, the Wolverines will
meet the Buckeyes. Last year, the
Bucks were comparatively easy work
for the Weirmen, as they trounced
them, 8-1. However, this year the
going will not be as easy.
Leading the Bucks into action will
be Capt. George "Dottie" Mechir. Ac-
cording to reports, Mechir is to the
net squad what Jimmy Hull was to
the basketball team. He hails from
Cleveland where he started his ten-
nis career by being rated the out-
standing junior netman.
One of the other bright lights on
the Ohio team is Charles "Pinky"
Steinman. Two years ago, Steinman
played in number two spot. Last
year he did not compete, but this year
he is once more playing second posi-

Benches Self
After 14 Years
Dahlgren Stars As Yanks
Hammer Five Pitchers
For EasyVictory, '22-2
DETROIT, May 2.-(P)--For the
first time since May 30, 1925,
New York Yankees, played a major
league baseball game today without
Lou Gehrig in the lineup.
Apparently without regret Gehrig
ended his amazing "Iron Man" per-
formance at 2,130 consecutive games
for what he termed "the good of the
Both Gehrig and Manager Joe Mc-
Carthy of the Yankees insisted the
action of the big first baseman was
entirely voluntary. Now 35 years old,
Gehrig is the holder of, numerous
baseball records and has been a not-
able figure with the present world
champions for more than a decade.
"I made up my mind Sunday night
to ask McCarthy to bench me," Geh-
rig said, "The consecutive game rec-
ard always was meaningless to me,
and now that I have ended it you
newspaper guys will believe me." He
added a word of appreciation that
"despite my slump, the fans never
'got on me.'"
Gehrig said he had not determined
how long he would remain on the
"I hope the arrival of warm weath-
er will enable me to hit my stride,"
Lou said. While Gehrig left the line-
up today he was batting only .143,
had made but four hits in the Yan-
kees' first eight games and had bat-
ted in only one run. Gehrig has- led
the league five times in the runs
batted in department.
The Yankees clubbed five Detroit
pitchers for 17 hits, including four
home runs, to rout the Tigers, 22 to
2, today. Babe Dahlgren, who re-
placed Gehrig at first, chipped in
'with a double and a homer, while
Red Ruffing set down Detroit with
seven hits.
Chicago 4, Philadelphia 1.
Washington 9, St. Louis 7.
Boston at Cleveland, cold.

at the

Detroit Lions announced yes-
that they had signed Howard
former outstanding fullback
University of Wisconsin. His
is said to be something over

Dartmouth 9, Yale 3.
Bowling Green (O.) 3, Hillsdale 2.
Duke 5, Princeton 3.





*Batted for Nyman in 9th.
Michigan ........004 000
Western State .....000 000

102 7
000 0

Errors: Peckinpaugh, Nyman, Hill,
Kribs, Selmo. 2-base hits: Haire,
Craney. 3-base hit: Sofiak. Stolen
bases: Pink 4, Gedeon, Trosko 2,
Smick. Double plays: Trosko to Lisa-
gor, Hill to Yarger. Struck out: by
Barry 6, by Bailey 2. Bases on balls:
Off Barry 1, off Bailey 3, off Overmire
2. Hits: off Bailey 3 in 2 and 2/3 in-
nings; off Selmo 2 in 1 1/3 inning;
Off Overmire 6 in 5 innings. Losing
pitcher: Bailey. Umpires: Vick and
Track Team Faces
Hoosiers Saturday
Michigan will pry the lid off the
home outdoor track schedule Satur-
day when Coach Billy Hayes leads his
Indiana University team into town.
Coach Hayes will bring a squad to
Ann Arbor that is headed by the bril-
liant Mel Trutt and a crew of sopho-
mores who promise to offer a lot of
opposition for the Hoytmen although
the Michigan all-around strength is
expected to bring the Wolverines
home in front.
Coach.Hoyt has been hampered no
little in his preparations by the cold
weather that necessitates sending his
men through their workouts swathed
in sweat shirts.
Dick Bennett, who won the javelin
against Illinois two weeks ago, joined
the Wolverine hospital list yesterday
when he suffered a sprained ankle.
The injury is not thought to be seri-
ous but it may keep the sophomore
spear tosser out of Saturday's meet.

Why You Must
Buy a '39 Ensian

Evening Formals
ti 4 "

A vivid pictorial review
of the year at Michigan


" Sports Events
* Senior Photos

Phi Sigs, Acacia,
Triumph In


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* Party Life
" Fraternity

Howie Novasel collected three
doubles and Ray Engelman starred
in the pitching role as Phi Sigma
Delta edged Alpha Tau Omega 9-7
yesterday in fraternity softball.
Sigma Chi was upset by Acacia
13-7 as Fred Seyfries, Acacia hurler,

White Formal Coat
Black Trousers .........
Formal Shirt,
Collar Attached
Tie ..................


e Sorority
* Faculty
* Satire






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