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May 03, 1939 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-03

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Fair, continued cool today;
tomorrow warmer.







Danzig Dispute
May Be Settled
Without Force
London Officials Believe
Concessions And War
Threats WillStop Hitler
New Press Drive
Directed At Poles
LONDON, May 2.-(JP)-The im-
pression grew in both official and
diplomatic quarters tonight that the
Polish-German dispute over the free
Baltic port of Danzig would be set-
tied peacefully'
Official observers in the British
foreign office and in foreign embas-
sies apparently were becoming con-
vinced that:
1. Poland is prepared to agree to
joint Polish-German control of Dan-
zig and to make any other conces-
sion compatible with her indepen-
dence and her need for a free outlet
to the Baltic Sea;1
2. Germany is unwilling to risk a
major war for Danzig-a city not
quite the size of Newark, N.J., and
one which would bring her no great
economic gain;
3. Germany slowly is drawing the
conclusion from Britain's commit-
ments to Poland and Rumania and
adoption of conscription that she
might have to face a war on two
fronts against such a coalition as
Britain, France, Poland, Soviet Rus-
sia and fnumania.
While the opposition section of the
Polish press now -is suggesting that
Poland demand a protectorate over
Danzig, this move was explained here
as "a maneuver to re-establish a po-
sition of equality in bargaining with
Germany over Danzig."
Diplomats point out that Polish
pride has paid a great part in nego-
tiations of that country during the
last few months They say Poland
demanded that the British-Polish
agreement-under which the two
countries are pledged to aid each oth-
er against aggression-be reciprocal
to avoid any suggestion that a small
power was seeking the protection of
a larger power.
Nazi Pressure Seen
In Press Attack On Poles
BERLIN, May 2.-(/P)-Diplomatic
quarters tonight saw in the controlled
German press signs they interpreted
as new Nazi attempts to put pressure
on Poland.
German newspapers accused Great
Britain and Prance of encouraging
Poland to resist Germany's "sugges-
tions" for control of Danzig and a
highway across the Polish Corridor.
The controlled press also accused
Polish papers of telling the people
"thick lies" about the former Ger-
man free city, objectof a long back-
to-the-Reich agitation, and East
Prussia, which Pomorze separates
from the rest of Germany.
The frequent recurrence of the two
allegations indicated an inspired ori-
gin. German officials said they would
propose nothing more to the Poles.
Chancellor Hitler in his Reichstag
speech Friday said his "one time
only" offer to Poland was rejected.
He said he promised Poland a 25-
year non-aggression pledge and a
guarantee, with Poland and Hungary,
of Slovak independence in return for
a German route through Pomorze and

the return of Danzig.4
Now, it was said, it is up to Poland
to come, hat in hand, because the
German terms will grow less "liberal"
in proportion to Polish "resistance"
to them.
Kroori To T alk
On Physiology
Nobel Prize Winner Will
Speak Tomorrow
A scholar of international repute
and former Nobel Prize winner, Dr.
August Krogh of the University of
Copenhagen, Denmark, will deliver
a University lecture on "The RegiF
lation of Circulation in Man in Rela-
tion to Posture" at 4:15 p.m. tomor-
row in the Natural Science Auditori-

Will Use Force
Schmitt Holds


-Daily Photo by Schoch
-* * *
Repeated aggressions by National
Socialist Germany and Fascist Italy
have persuaded the democracies that
the dictatorships must be dealt with
by force, Prof. Bernadotte Schmitt
of the history department of the Uni-
versity of Chicago said last night in
the annual Phi Kappa Phi lecture in
Rackham auditorium.
Hitler's tactics have, in the past
few months, converted Great Britain
from a thoroughly pacifist countrys
to the most militant nation in theI
world today, Professor Schmitt de-c
clared. Chamberlain's policy of ap-a
peasement has been definitely aban-t
doned and Great Britain and FranceI
are organizing a coalition to stop
Germany, he continued. Even Soviett
Russia, which had ignored western
Europe since the Munich conference,
he pointed out, may soon sign a mili-
tary alliance with the western democ-
Last September, most Englishmen,
"in the belief that Hitler had a case'
in the Sudetenland, supported the
appeasement idea, Professor Schmitt,
who received a Pulitzer Prize in 1931I
for a book on the World War, ob-
served. It was commonly believed, he1
reported, that Germany and Italy1
had "the edge" in military prepared-1
Barry Pitches
NineTo 7.0 Win
At Kalamazoo'
Western State Teachers
. Garner Only Four Hits
As Wolverines Get 12
KALAMAZOO, May 2.-(Special to
The Daily)-Western State Teachers
College celebrated the dedication of
its new stadium here today, but Mich-
igan's Wolyerines somewhat marred
the festivities as~they romped to a 7-0
victory behind Jack Barry's four-hit
Barry, the Wolverines' most. de-
pendable pitcher on the southern
trip, was back in top form after me-
diocre performances in his last two
starts, as he walked but one Bronco,
while striking out six. The one pass
Jack issued was drawn by the first
batter to face him in the first inning,
John McCook.
Otherwise, Barry completely dom-
inated the game, mixing a better fast
ball than he has thrown all year with
a puzzling change of pace. Two of
the hits he allowed were pop doubles
on which shoe-string catch attempts
by Wolverine outfielders just missed-
lire while a third was a scratch in-
field bingle. No two of the safeties
came in the same inning.
Little Mike Sofiak, who has looked
continually better since being shift-
ed to shortstop, led an 11-hit attack
on three Bronco pitchers with a rous-
ing triple and a single in four trips.
Fred Trosko, Leo Beebe, and Charley
Pink, also contributed two hits apiece
t'the Wolverine attack. The Broncos
had trouble with Pink all afternoon,
speedy Charley pilfering four bases
after beating out two bunts.
The Wolverines were held in check
for the first two innings by a stocky
right-hander named Harry Bailey,
(Continued on Page 3)

Italy Retains
Colonial Aim,
Dewey Probable Candidate
For Presidency, Declares
Cuncannon In Address
Education Institute
Hears Faculty Men
Italy's colonial aspirations in Af-
rica, although momentarily obscured
by the more immediate problems in
Europe, are still very real and vital
to the international scene, Prof. How-
ard M. Ehrmann of the history de-
partment indicated yesterday before
the second day's session of the Adult
Education Institute sponsored here
this week by the Extension Service.
Speaking in the second talk of the
International Relations Series, Pro-
fessor Ehrmann explained that Mus-
solini still holds to the three de-
mands he made upon France last
winter: a guarantee that Italians in
Tunisia, French protectorate, will
never be forced to adopt French citi-
zenship and will be allowed to retain
free supervision of their own schools;
Italian control of Djibouti and of the
railroad line from Djibouti to Addis
Ababa; and a share in the control and
ownership or the Suez Canal.
Colonial New Deal
Speaking of Italy's agreement with
Germany, Professor Ehrmann empha-
sized that, so far as his colonial as-
pirations are concerned, Mussolini is
on the right side. The Rome-Berlin
axis is a thoroughly sound alliance in
that both powers are seeking a "New
Deal in colonies," he declared.
In the second or the series on Con-
temporary American Figures, Prof.
Paul M. Cuncannon of the political
science department said that New
York County's District Attorney
Thomas Dewey is the most probable
Republican candidate for the presi-
dency in 1940.
Cuncannon For Dewey
Dewey is more than a mere criminal
lawyer, Professor Cuncannon de-
clared. He related young Dewey's ex-
periences on the Michigan camps and
told of his success as a private prac-
titioner. Dewey, Professor Cuncan-
non added, has been a United States
attorney, a special New York City in-
vestigator and a successful candidate
for the prosecutor's post on the La
Guardia ticket.
Professor Cuncannon added that
Dewey is "now spending much of his
time in Washington learning nation-
al politics as fast as he can."
Opening the Adult Education Series
at the morning session, Prof. Wesley
H. Maurer of the journalism depart-
ment declared that independent
thinking, especially on the part of
teachers, must be developed to coun-
tract hidden propaganda.
Although we would give up the
(Continued on Page 6)

Judd To Tell'
Role Of U.S.
In. China War
Missionary Tours Nation
In Campaign To Stop
A remarkable record as a civilian
fighter against Japanese aggression
in China is that of Dr. Walter H.
Judd, who will speak at 8:15 p.m.
tomorrow in the Graduate School
Auditorium on the part the United I
States is playing in the present Sino-
Japanese conflict.
On a year's furlough from his 10-
year stay in China as missionary doc-
tor and as head of the missions Hos-
pital in Fenchow, Dr. Judd, driven
by the realization that the whole-
sale slaughter of Chinese women and
children can be carried out by the
Japanese only with the economic as-
sistants of the United States, has;
been lecturing throughout this coun-
try in behalf of the American Com-
mittee for Non-Partisipation in Ja-
panese Aggression.
During the time he has spent lec-
turing since coming to the United1
States late last year, Dr. Judd has
accepted no remuneration other than
travelling expenses and his furlough
salary as a missionary, according to
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, counselor
in religious education who headed the
committee which brought Dr. Judd
here Jan. 11. He has appeared be-
fore congressional committees, spok-
en to President Roosevelt and lec-
tured before Rotary Clubs, the League
for Peace and Democracy, and many
church and women's organizations,
pleading the cause of innocent non-
combatants in China.
When he spoke before more than
(Continued on Page 2)
Completion Despite
Protests Of Fairs
With both the New York and San
Francisco World Fairs complaining
that the Miciigras is putting a dent
in their weekend business, plans for
the "World of Today and Tomorrow"
are rapidly taking shape, and it was
The meeting of the Michigras
Comnittee, originally scheduled

Phi Eta Sigma
To Initiate 54
At FeteToday
Prof. Henle Of Philosophy
Department To Address
Freshmen Honor Group
Speaker To Be Given
An Honorary Award
Fifty-four freshmen students will
be initiated into the Michigan chap-
ter of Phi Eta Sigma, national fresh-
man honor society for men, at 5:30
p.m. today in the Michigan Union.
Prof. Paul Henle of the philosophy
department will address the initiates
at the banquet at 6:15 p.m. in the'
Union. Professor Henle will be given
an honorary membership. The fresh-
men literary students to be honored
Henry Barringer, Arthur Biggins,
Klaus Dehlinger, Joseph Edelman,
Gerald Eder, Albert Eldred, Mordecai
Finkelstein, Yale Forman, Jack
Grady, Milton Heller, Christian Herr-
mann, Theodore Hildebrandt, Donald
Holman, Daniel Huyett, Walter Ja-
cobs, Daniel Levine, Henry Leven-
stein, Joseph Likovsky, Richard Lud-
wig, Albert Ludy, William Mallick,
Philemon Margold, Edward Maxim-
ovich, Sidney R. Milgrom, Harry
Moorstein, Seymour Podolsky, Sam-
uel Russell, Robert Samuels, Robert
Shedd, Robert Smith, Gerald Waters.
Engineers to be inducted are:
Charles Armstrong, William Colla-
more, John Edwards, David Ipsen,
Robert Jones, Richard Kabler, Philip
Mandel, John Pfender, Gordon Po-
rath, George Pusack, Raymond Sch-
neyer, William Schomburg, Corneluis
Skutt, Robert Speaker, Norman Tay-
lor, Robert Thomas, Robert Waldron,
Robert Wallace, Donald Whitney,
Alexander Wilkie.
Others to be initiated are Merrill
Batchelder, '42P, Thomas Wheatley,
142SM and John Wolaver, '42SM.
Present officers of the society: John
Harwood, '41E, president; Frederick
Howarth, '41, vice-president; Rob-
ert Beals, '41E, secretary; and George
Weesner, '41E, treasurer.,

Reasserts Isolation Stand

Associated Presa Phot*
Annual Session
With Reception
700 High School Students c
From State Expected "
For Three-Day Meeting
The Michigan Interscholastic Press
Association will open its 18th annual i
session tomorrow night when 700 t
high school students meet for the I
reception and dance to be held in
the Union.
Sponsored by the Department of
Journalism, the MIPA offers student 1
journalists throughout the state theC
opportunity to .hear. noted speakers
on various fields of newspaper work
and to obtain criticism of the publi-
cations at "clinics" and from the
faculty of the journalism depart- X
ment. Prof. Wesley Maurer will criti-
cize the papers from the point of view
of typography and form and Prof.
John L. Brumm, from content.
I The "clinics" which begin Friday
morning are designed to benefit
those at the convention by discus-.
sion of problems facing the secon-
dary school publication and by an
exchange of ideas with students of
other schools. These discussions will
be lead by experts.
Among those prominent persons1
scheduled to speak are Herbert O.
Crisler, H.C.L. Jackson of the Detroit
News, Helen Bower of the Detroit?
Free Press, Arthur W. Stace of the'
Ann Arbor News, Prof. John Shepard
of the psychology department, Prof.
Bennett Weaver of the English de-
partment, Prof. Milo Ryan of the de-
partment of journalism of Wayne
University and Professor Brumm,
Professor Maurer, and Prof. Donal
Haines of thaejournalism department.
The purpose of the convention is
education and inspirational rather
than competitive, according to Pro-
fessor Maurer. In order to acquaint
the delegates with the working of a
regular daily newspaper, tours will
be conducted through the Ann Arbor
News and The Daily.
Delegates attending the convention
will be admitted to athletic events
scheduled for the weekend; the track
meet with Indiana Saturday, the
baseball games with Illinois Friday
and Saturday and the golf tourna-
ment with Ohio on Saturday.

Bazaar I
To Rel

Congress Must
Stay In Session
To Avert War,
Johnson Says
Veteran Isolationist Seeks
Delayed Adjournment
As Form Of Protection
Conally Supports
Californian's Plan

Is Planned
ieve Chinese

for the Union, will be held in the In an effort to aid refugees and help
Field House. in the task of rehabilitating their
country, Chinese students on campus
reported yesterday that the Friday are holding a Spring Bazaar sched-
and Saturday spectacle will outdo all uled to open Thursday at the League.
previous efforts. All the funds collected will go to stu-
Fifteen murals, eight-by-four in dent and civilian relief in China, ac-
size, caricaturing the two coast fairs, cording to Miss Bing Chung-Ling,
will afford the main theme of the Grad., the committee chairman.
decorations, it was announced last She urged all interested to patron-
night by Ellen St. John, ,'41, chair- ize the bazaar which will have on sale
man of the decorations committee. articles ranging from Chinese stamps
Crepe paper drapes in all colors will to shuttle-cocks, equipment for a
be used to lend additional carnival game widely played by children in
atmosphere. China.

WASHINGTON, May 2.-()-De-
and that Congress stay in session
r guard the nation from being
ased" or "driven" into war was
jade in the Senate today in-reply to
move for June adjournment.
It came from Senator Johnson
lep., Calif.), a veteran exponent of
merican isolation and a critic of
:ministration foreign policy. He
serted that it was to Congress that
e people looked for protection
Wnst war.
"It is the Congress, with all its
ults and shortcmings, and the Sen-
;e with all its sins of omission and
mmission, that will keep us out of
ar, and no other person or indi-
.dual, no matter who he may be,
ill do it," the Californian said in a
snse and solemn tone.
"We must be on guard every min-
e of the day and every minute of
ie night in order that we do not
articipate in a war in which we are
ot concerned-in order that we not
e eased or driven into it.
"For the people of the United
tates," he concluded, as galleryites
arst into lively applause "let's keep
it of war."-
Senator Connally (Dem., Texas)
nphasized Johnson's appeal witha
atement, as soon as the ovation sub-
.ded, that he foresaw no immediate
rospect of war in Europe, but:
"There may be a war, and the
nited States has no business in that
rar. Nobody but the Congress of the
rnited States can determine whether
re willbe in that war or not."
Johnson argued that so long as
iere was a chance of war, Congress
hould remain in session.
"The consequences of a war to this
ountry are such that I tremble to
kink of them, he shouted. "If we
ace embark upon this mad adven-
are this great government of ours
rill be gone, gone, gone."
If, he said, the United States should
o to war to destroy "these two dic-
ators," referring to Hitler and Mus-
olini, the result will be a dictator for
.merica itself.
"We all want to go away," he said,
we all want to go home, but we can't
o home. We've got to stay here on
Prof. VanDuren
Praises New
Tutorial Plan
New System Of Congress
Will Offer Ad To Those
Behind In Their Work
Lauding Congress' new tutorial plan
as a boon to overworked 'students,
Professor Arthur Van Duren, Chair-
nan of Academic Counselors, warned
that it must not become a crutch for
"lame ducks."
"Self aid is a part of the educational
process," he declared. "Students, in
general, should be encouraged to
carry their own scholastic burdens."
However when students carry from
30 to 40 hours of outside work per
week, he said, they are often unable
to keep up with their assignments.
Suh cases deserve free coaching.
Students behind in their work be-
cause of illness would also receive
legitimate benefit from the proposed
plan, he pointed out.
"Playboys" and scholastically un-
fit, however, would enjoy no long run
benefits, he declared, since there is
no substitute, in the final analysis, for
"doing the work." The sooner such
cases are dropped from the Univer-
sity, he declared, the better for all
Union Defies AFL

In Hearst Strike
Interference by high ranking AFL
officials in the Chicago Newspaper
Guild's strike against Hearst's Eve-

Student Organizations Are Supported
In Tag Day Drive By Ruthven, Sadler

Fresh Air Camp
One Of Most
Of Campus)



Expressing full approval of the
Fresh Air Camp Tag Day, on May 4,
President Ruthven and Mayor Walter
C. Sadler issued statements yester-
day giving support to the student or-
ganizations sponsoring the drive.
"The Fresh Air Camp may now be
considered one of the most worthy
activities on the Michigan campus,"
Dr. Ruthven said. Originated seven-
teen years ago, and operated ever
since, by students and faculty mem-
bers, he added, it has served under-
privileged boys with increasing effec-
tiveness as knowledge and experience
have been accumulated, until it has
obtained a nation-wide reputation as
a social agency.
"Those of us who have followed
closely the work of the camp," Dr.
Ruthven concluded, "again heartily
endorse the annual drive for funds."
Mayor Sadler expressed belief that
the Tag Day drive has been adopted
by the citizens of Ann Arbor as a
citywide project. "We can all recall
the thrill of childhood days when
we had opportunities to go camping,"
he added, "now we can relive that
experience by contributing to the
Vrach Ai r Camn nrnieet and moa

Von Neumann
To Give Talks
Noted Professor Delivers
Ziwet Lectures,
The Alexander Ziwet lectures for
the current academic year will bet
given at- 4:15 p.m. today in 3011 An-1
gell Hall by Prof. John von Neumann1
of the Institute of Advanced Study
at Princeton.
In the first lecture Professor vonl
Neumann will discuss "The Theory
of Measure in Groups." Ths topic
is closely related to his memoir which
won the Bocher award in December,
A native of Hungary, Professor
von Neumann first gained re-
nown 13 years ago when he dis-
covered a sound mathematical basis
for some of mathematics' most per-
plexing problems. He has since made
outstanding contributions in both
the field of pure and applied mathe-


-Courtesy Ann Arbor News.
Tag Day contributions will help send 300 boys to Fresh Air Camp to
enjoy outdoor life at its best. The camp is located at Patterson Lake and
has been in operation for 18 years.
. *a haD *v
Mercant BacChrityDrie

US. S.

Cleaning HouseI

Tag Day, receiving the support of
mct+ Annr Ahnr mprihnt andi nwint

including Edwards Brothers, Athens
Pres.c Craft Printers and the Ann

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