Tilt ~tH~fATLY THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ i. - £ Tf I Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. ubIishled every morning except Monday during the University year and sumkt r Session.' Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republiction of all news dispatches credited to it or not otheria credited in this newspaper.' All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.r Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR N~ATIONAL ADVERTISING BY . National Advertising Service, inc. Co#ege Publishers Reiresentatie 420 MADisoN AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO '. OSTON * LOS ANGELES - SAN FPAftciCo Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Board of Managing Editor, . $ditoiil Director. ityEdito. Associate Editor Associate editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Gook Editor Wdnen's Editor Sports' Editor . Editors . Robert D. Mitchell . . Albeit P. Mayio . Horace W. Gilinore. . Robert I. Fitzhenry * * 8. R. Kliman 901Robert Peiman * . . Earl Oilman . William Eivin . Joseph Preedman * . .Joseph Gies . Dorothea Staebler Bud Benjamin Business Department Bufiness Manager. . . , .Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager . . . . Leonard P. Siegelnman Advertising Manager . . . William L. Newnan Women's 'Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean Vbie'B Service Manager I . Manan A. Baxter -- - - - -- -- -- - NIGHT EDITOR JOSEPH GIES The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only . Dangeroi s Success.. PERSPECTIVES completed its first full year on campus Sunday, and wi believe sincere congratulations are due the edi- tors from everyone who takes any interest in student writing. Literary publications have not experienced easy going on the Michigan campus, nor on other college campuses for the most part, in recent years. Perspectives, in our opinion, has been one of the most successful; its articles, stories, re- views and poems have been of a consistently high quality-the only other college literary periodi- cal we have seen which has been as outstanding is The Harvard Crimson. The art work in Per- *pectives is especially notable, and a comparative rarity among college publications. The present system of distributing Perspectives with the Sunday Daily four times a year has on the whole proved a good solution to the economic problem of issuing a literary magazine. It has left the staff completely free to devote its atten- tion to the contents of the publication, with goor( results. There is a rumor that Perspectives will be combined with Gargoyle. With all due respect to the latter publication, we cannot but feel that such a union would be disastrous for Perspectives, and hope most fervently that the story is not true. Perspectives has reflected credit on The Daily and we have enjoyed the combination with it. The present set-up assures adequate freedom for the literary staff. We think it should be con- tinued. -Joseph Gies Robert 1. Fitzhenry Robert Perlman area in the world, while the broad plains of Poland offer a perfect topography for military operations. None of the annexations Hitler has so far made has lessened Hitler's economic problem in any appreciable degree. The Ukraine, the most fertile region of Europe, cannot fail to continue to be an irresistible attraction for him. The realization of this fact, and not the Dan- zig question, probably was the chief factor in the change of front of the Polish government in the diplomatic lineup last month. Poland cannot appease Hitler except at the expense of her national integrity, and the intensely patriotic Polish people will undoubtedly fight for an in- dependence they have only enjoyed a few short years after more than a century of struggle against oppression. Poland is looking for allies. Though she can scarcely place complete faith in the assurances of Chamberlain and Daladier after the conduct of these two premiers during the pst year, and though the Polish government is strongly dis- inclined to ally with Soviet Russia, the reality of the threat from Nazi Germany is driving her into the arms of all three. -Joseph Gies The Editor, tGets Tol d The R3oot Tech ique To the Editor: "Gyp," "Ditch," and "Cut" are among the interesting examples enumerated by Miss Sapp in this morning's Daily of how collegiate slang varies from college to college. Might it not be an interesting study to go a step further and see what can deduce about the colleges them- selves from the language peculiarities of each? As an example of the fertility of this field, I submit our own Engine School's universally ac- cepted "get out" as a substitute for the word "graduate." With all due respect to the College of Engineering, I still believe the implication is obvious, the deduction immediate. -Engineering Grad. Going Michigras ... To the Editor: It appears to me that the Daily is failing in its capacity of informing the student body on various news events of interest. For example, no mention of Tom Harmon has been made this Spring. Supposedly the Gary athlete was destined to become a 12 letter man. Yet, his name hasn't been mentioned with dis- patches concerning either the baseball or track teams. Has he given up his intent to compete, or has he been unable to win a' place on either squad? There are many Harmon-boosters who would like this information. Last winter, the Western Conference ruled that John Townsend could not play professional basketball and be employed in the capacity of assistant coach of the University team at the same time. Yet daily news dispatches tell of the professional wrestling exploits of Indiana's coach Thom. It seems surprising that no member of the sports staff has been interested enough to wonder why the Big Ten has not made a similar ruling in Thom's case. Apparently a shortage of copy has necessitated three practically identical stories regarding the Michigras fear of the World's Fair competition. Everyone realizes that the Daily must give some free publicity to this event, but for the reader's sake, why not be a little original? Trash is sometimes excusable, but not when it appears in identical form on three successive days. If the Daily is in great need of copy, why didn't some enterprising reporter notice the coincidence' that Herbie Kay's orchestra was in town while Dorothy Lamour was on the screen at the Michigan in "St. Louis Blue." An excellent feature could have been invented, explaining how Kay went to see the early show, weathered the appearane of his wife beautifully, until she suddenly appears in a sarong. After a few moments of viewing her in this attire, Mr. Kay would tear up the divorce papers, hop a plane for Hollywood-but before he leaves Ann Arbor,-and this is very important -he would be pictured as having told the report- er, "But I'll be back in tme for the Michigras." -G. C. Anybody My Dear Louise: When you brought home Thomas Mann's "Joseph in Egypt," I debated with myself whether I should give you fair warn- ing or keep still and let you learn another sad lesson by yourself. You are expecting something wonderful, for the advertisements call it "the literary achieve- ment of the twentieth century," and the im- portant reviewers seem overwhelmed with ad- miration and awe. This praise was enough to whet your appetite, but it was further sharpened by curiosity; for the story of Joseph is told briefly in the Bible, and you must have wondered where Dr. Mann found material enough for a book. The answer is that he doesn't find it. The book will remind you 01 that classic story about the German professor who spent ten years writing a monumental treatise on the elephant and then called it, "An Introduction to the Study of the Elephant." "Joseph in Egypt," doesn't seem the right name for Wr. Mann's scholarly work: It should be called, "Ancient Egypt, its history, religion, cus- tons and costumes, with some discussion of Joseph." The 9ld Testament style of the English trans- lation is charming at first, but you will forget the charm as you wade on and on in the vain countries. Quite evidently he regards them as vital auxiliaries to his dream of war dominion. In effect, he said that Germany is ready to negotiate with any nation individually. Even a little land may knock at his door and come in to ascertain just what his intentions are as to its future. But it must come alone. He expended much effort to create a rift among the citizens of America and to render moral judgment confused and feeble. On many occa- sions American politicians and publicists have said that there is nothing we can do short of war to be effective in checking aggression. Adolf Hitler testified, either consciously or unconscious- ly, on the opposite side, and made the extra- ordinary demand that President Roosevelt should stifle all criticism of Nazism in the American press. * ~* * Propaganda V"s. Battleships I have begun to fear Hitler's words more than his battleships or bombers. Even though one may gag at his philosophy and his technique, it is foolish to underestimate the power of his propaganda. Immediately after the end of his speech a small group of Representatives and Senators who listened, in the N.B.C. in Washing- ton, gave brief comment over the air. Almost without exception they declared that foreign affairs were of no concern or interest to us. This seemed a little curious, because the an- nouncer had noted the fact that the statesmen had arisen at 5 a.m. in order to listen to Der Fuehrer at first hand. And it must be admit that the reaction which came from them was precisely that for which Hitler was aiming. Sena- tor Capper, of Kansas, is himself a publisher, but not, I am afraid, an alert reporter. He seemed to feel that nothing in the oration touched us here at home, and made no comment on Hitler's demand that unfavorable news or editorial opin- ion about Germany should not be permitted in American papers. I trust that this was an oversight on the part of the Senator and his colleagues. Surely they would not actually carry appeasement and isola-- tion to the length of sacrificing free press at the behest of Hitler. Indeed, there are Americans so touchy on this point that they hold it tyran- nical for an American President or Cabinet offi- cer ever to say publicly that there is anything in the papers, from column to comic strip, which is not in all ways admirable. Page Taft And Boake arter The only criticism of Hitler on the part of the assembled Congressional delegation was a mild disapproval of Der Fuehrer's scornful refer- ence to the President of the United States and our history and institutions. In this respect I would defend Hitler. He did not go nearly as far as Senator Bob Taft has done on many occa- sions in attacking Roosevelt, and his analysis of America as an aggressor nation might have been lifted bodily out of the column of Boake Carter or any one of several other commentators. It. is my fear that many American politicians will now say that we have had our answer and that we should shut our eyes and make no com- ment, either officially or unofficially, on the con- duct of Germany. In that event Hitler's epistle to the isolationists must be marked down as a great triumph for him, and possibly his most important practical victory since he started his march from Munich to the rim of the far-flg earth. rambling on interminably till the suffering read- er is bored to tears. Why do I tell you these things? Because the undeserved fame of the book can teach you three lessons that may save your self-respect in years to come. The first is that a big reputation makes ordi- nary work seem great. If a great man talks non- sense, his reputation makes it seem wise. The second is that critics never find fault with a winner. They may ridicule a climber; but once he becomes a big shot, they play safe by praising everything he does. The third is that snobbish people like to be on the winning side-to be in the know-to prove their excellent taste by praising the performer3 who is praised by the experts. They are afraid others will think them low-lass if they don't appreciate things that "nice people" seem to appreciate. These human weaknesses will tempt you al- ways to be intellectually dishonest-to pose and pretend and hide your honest opinion. And when you start pretending, the foundation of character is rotten. -Robert Quillen The St. Louis Star-Times "That the will to win has been distorted beyond reasonable limits in some cases is no proof of the immorality of football. No more so is the fact that promoters have tinted the game with. professionalism. The remedy lies in eradicating those evils, not the sport. American football is no ." lily-white sport in the eyes of athletic moralists. Nih i tr thr- hl+a ir ,hnIP of Aa in ntF t, 1 cated that the spread of Fascism can be checked without armed conflict. But this can only be achieved by cooperation among the nations. The address of Der Fuehr- er was definitely for foreign consumption.. In it he at- tempted to rally to his sup- port the isolationists in all ft fei, l-o Me 1-OO1 eywoodBrn It seems to me that Hitler's speech gave ample evidence that a general European war can be avoided. I am even optimistic enough to believe that there was much in the agation which indi- THIS is "Ordeal Week" on Maynard Street. The publications building is thick with muffled conjectures as harried juniors seek solace from one another by exchanging premature condolences. So many of them are so sure of being tonked by the Board that mutual mourning societies have sprung up in every corner of the house. With the staff vote in mind, the split personalities who have created nothing but disaffection all year with their harsh superiority, are suddenly showing strange con- cern for the welfare of sophomores, hitherto regarded merely as a bunch of immature guys named Joe. Tyran- nically disposted night editors have displaced bossism with benevolence. Attempts to conceal anxiety with ban- ter and balder-dash fall flat with an empty laugh. Ranking candidates eye their inconspicuous colleagues with suspicion, for obscurity and a lack of militancy on controversial issues can sometimes rebound to a dark horse's advantage. Applications have been painstak-' ingly prepared; ideological barriers have been deftly hurdled with a glossy generality; past indiscretions have been lightly excused on the grounds that to err is somewhat human. Sat- urday morning, the august members of the Board in Control of Student Publications gather in solemn session in the building on Maynard Street and within a few hours nip several journalistic buds in the making and keep alive the embryo of several oth- er Pulitzers. The rejected will likely cushion their rebuff with drink; the accepted will likely augment their elation with drink. There will be no casual shrug of acceptance, however, for these men have toiled for three years, often at a considerable sacri- fice, with but one aim-a senior edi- tor's job. If merit is recognized, they will lament but not complain. If merit is excused on any ground, other than a moral one, then the legitimacy of an outraged protest must, by every just standard, be established. EORGE Bernard Shaw, the vai vegetarian, has finally yielded to the lure or lucre of the cinema, and in doing so maintains his reputation as a purveyor of intelligent enter- tainment. His "Pygmalion," offered for local consumption at the Liberty street house, combines tart dialogue with smart acting by Leslie Howard and Wendy Hiller, a wretched Gala- tea of the gutter who is made into a lady with charm not unlike that slouchy siren's of the sarong, Dotty Lamour. To express their appreciation of Shaw's condescencion in submitting to the celluloid medium, a group of Americans wrote to the English play- wright, calling him "the best drama- tist in England." With typical ego- tism, Shaw sourly commented,, "That's like calling George VI, the best living King of England." A LAD who isn't entirely averse to an occasional barrel of beer woke up last Sunday morning after an un- duly lax weekend and immediately swore off stimulating beverages. "It used to be pink elephants or snakes," he groaned, "but now they've run in little soldiers dressed in loud band uniforms and parading all around the streets. I can't stand any more of that." SIGN of Spring: a co-ed handed a library slip to the clerk, who puzzled over it a moment, then un- derstandingly passed it back for am- plification. The gal had written, "Ibid Volume 5." Chamberlain And William Pitt Prime Minister Chamberlain com- pared himself to William Pitt the Younger in a recent radio address, because each was diverted 'by Euro- pean war possibilities from pursu- ance of his interests at home., Mr. Chamberlain failed to consider otherpoints 'of comparison, which are even more conclusive than the one he so modestly mentions. His confession to the resemblance -is strong proof that his interest in in- ternational affairs has always been secondary to his home interests. Chamberlain is an expert on affairs of local government. And no doubt he intended only to hasten the sett- ling of matters when he forced out Anthony Eden and attempted to run England's foreign policy singlehand- ed, so that he could get back to his hdcme duties. Both Mr. Pitt and Mr. Chamber- lain had distinguished fathers. Mr. Pitt had the gout. So has Mr. Cham- berlain. Mr. Pitt was one of the poor- est war Ministers in England's his- tory and-made quite a mess of things. Does Mr. Chamberlain intend the comparison of himself to Mr. Pitt to continue this far.? -University Daily Kansan Roosevelt Fetes Danes T7TT V. T191f! ---1Tt! 9 _ _ /.n'1 (Continued from Page 2) expect to teach. This examination will be held on Saturday, May 20, at 1 o'clock. Students will meet in the auditorium of the University High School. The examination will con- sume about four hours' time; prompt- ness is therefore essential. June Candidates for the Teacher's Certificate: The Comprehensive Ex- amination in Education will be given on Saturday, May 20. from 9 to 12 o'clock (and alsonfrom 2 to5 o'clock) in the auditorium of the University High School. Students having Sat- urday morning classes may take the examination in the afternoon. Print- ed information regarding the ex- amination may be secured in the School of Education office.I To All Candidates for the Teacher's Certificate for the Present Academic Year: The fourth annual Convoca- tion of undergraduate and graduate students who are candidates for the Teacher's Certificate will be held in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre on Tuesday afternoon, May 9, at 4:15 o'clock. This Convocation is spon- sored by the School of Education; and members of other faculties, stu- dents, and the general public are cordially invited. Faculty members, and students who are candidates for the Teacher's Certificate are re- quested to wear academic costume. President Ruthven will preside at the Convocation and Professor Charles Scott Berry, of the Ohio State Univer- sity, will give the address. Exhibitions Exhibition of Six Paintings by Three Mexican Artists-Rivera, Or- ozco, and Siqueiros-and water colors by Alexander Mastro Valerio, under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association Alumni Memorial Hall, North and South Galleries; After- noons from 2 to 5; Apri 27 through1 May 13. Lectures The Alexander Ziwet Lectures in Mathematics will be given by Profes- sor John v. Neumann of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, on the topic, "Theory of Measure in Groups." The first lecture of the1 series will be given Wednesday, May1 3, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 3011 Angell Hall. Dr. Murray B. Emeneau will de-I liver a series of lectures May 3, 4 and 5, on the "Religions of India Today," as follows:, "Fundamentals of Idea and Prac-I tice," May 3, 4:15 p.m. at the Rack- ham Amphitheatre, Motion Picture.i "Daily Rites: The Cult ofhAscetic- sin," May 4, 4:15 p.m. at the Rack- ham Amphitheatre, Lecture. "The Cults of Vishnu-Krishna andi Shiva," May 5 at 4:15 p.m., Natural' Science Auditorium, Lecture. University Lectume: Dr. August1 Krogh, of the University of Copen-I hagen, will give a lecture, illustrated with lantern slides on "The Regula- tion of Circulation in Man in Rela- tion to Posture" on Thursday, May1 4, at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural ScienceI Auditorium under the auspices of the Department of Zoology. The public is cordially invited to attend.I The European Situation: The public is invited to a lecture by Professor Bernadotte E. Schmitt of the Univer- sity of Chicago on the European Situ- ation in Rackham Auditorium at 81 p.m. Tuesday, May 2. The lecture1 is given under the auspices of thec Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi in cooperation with the Adult Educa-I tion Conference. " Dr. Russell M. Wilder, Professor ofI Medicine at the University of Minn- sota, will give a talk in the Hospital Amphitheatre, on Saturday morning, May 6, at 11 o'clock. All Junior and Senior medical students will be ex- cused from classes in time to attend this discussion. Members of the Staff and Interns at University Hospital are cordially invited. Events Today The Junior Research Club meeting' will be held today at 7:30 p.m. in the amphitheatre of the Rackham Bldg., Dr. W. D. Robinson of the De- partment of Internal Medicine will speak on "The Significance of Vita- mins in Human Nutrition." Dr. C. M. Waldo, Instructor in Or- thodo:tics, will speak on "Child Growth and Developrment." Election of officers for 1939-1940. Phi Kappa Phi: The spring initia- tion banquet to wvhich all members are invited will be held inthe Michi- gan League ballroom at 6:30 p.m. this evening. Place cards will be laid for those making reservations by call- ing University Phone 649. R. S. Swinton, Secy.. Alpha Lambda Delta meeting at DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.; 11:00 A.M. on Saturday. will be a meeting this afternoon at 4 p.m. in the League for all present members and all other girls interest- ed in working on the committee. Please call Phyllis McGeachy if you are unable to attend. Wyvern will meet at 4 p.m. today in the Undergraduate office of the League. Algebra Seminar will meet today from 4-6 in 3201 A.H. Dr. Thrall will speak on "Trilinear Forms and Deter- minantal Manifolds." Tryouts for a one-act play will be held at the Hillel Foundation this afternoon from 2-5. This play, under direction ')f Sam Grant, wlil be presented in Jackson in May. Non-members as well as members of the Hillel Players are eli- gible to try-out. Christian Science Organization: 8:15 p.m. League Chapel. Students, alumni and faculty are invited to at- tend the services. Coming Events Hiawatha Club: There will be a regular business meeting of the Hia- watha Club, Wednesday, May 3, at 8 p.m. in the Michigan Union. Atten- dance of all members is urged since discussion of next year's plans and the forthcoming social evening will be held. U. of M. Flying Club: The meeting to be held May 3 at 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan Union will be addressed by Mrs. Mabel Britton, past president of the 99's, National Women Pilots' Or- ganization. Members are invited to bring guests, and Mrs. Britton will set forth women's place in aviation, and a summer mailing list of persons * interested in reduced rate solo and dual flying time will be compiled. Also, there will be the annual elec- tion of officers for 1939-40. The Scandinavian Club will hold a social hour Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. Lane Hall. Refreshments will be served. The Interior Decoration Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet at 3 o'clock on Thursday afternoon, May 4, in the Michigan League. At- torney William M. Laird will discuss "The Legal Responsibilities of the Home Owner." Mrs. Jacob Sacks will take bus reservations for the' tip to Detroit. Independent Men interested and willing to assist in Congress' five booths at the Michigras on Friday and Saturday evenings please com- municate with Jay Rockwell, Tel. 22143. A good time assured. A.S.M.E. will visit the General Mo- tors Proving Grounds at Milford, Mich., on Wednesday, May 3. Buses will leave from the Arch at 12:30 $.m. Members are, requested to sign their names to the M.E. bulletin board notice by May 2. The Graduate Education Club will hold its last meeting on Wednesday, May 3, at 4 o'clock in the Graduate Library of the University Elementary School. Dr. G. E. Densmore, the new head of the Speech Department, and Dr. H. H. Bloomer, assistant director of the Speech Clinic, will speak. All Graduate Students taking work in the School of Education are cordially in- cited. Refreshments will be served. Special Trip to Loan Exhibition of Chinese Art, Detroit Institute of Arts, on Friday, May 5. Bus leaves Michi- gan Union 6:25 p.m.; on return leaves Institute of Arts 10:30 p.m. $1.25 ound trip. Make early reservations hrough Prof. Plumer or. at Athro- pology Office, 4011 Museums Bldg. No eservations by phone. Graduate Luncheon: 'here will be a graduate luncheon, May 3 at 12 noon in the Russian Tea Room of the League, cafeteria style. Professor. Leslie A. White of the Anthropology Department will dis- cuss "An Anthropological Perspec- tive." All Graduate students are cordially invited. A War Department Flying Cadet Board will visit 'the University of Michigan to examine applicants for appointment as Flying Cadets, U.S. Army. Applicants may interview members of the Board at R.O.T.C. Headquarters, Thursday, May 4, be. ginning at 10 a.m. The Outdoor Club will hold a moon- light hike Saturday evening, May 6. We shall meet at Lane Hall at '7:30, and hold a weinie roast at the Island after the hike. Plan to come and bring your friends. La Sociedad Hispanica: The last meetnig of the current school year, at which officers for next year will be elected, will be held Thursday, May 4 at 7:30, n m in thej T.rniAlnn Eastward T HAS now been fairly definitely established that Hitler's next goal will be -Danzig, with a road across the Polish Corridor thrown in. The brakes seem to have been applied somewhat to the drang nach Danzig for the moment, thus knocking 'out plans for the Fuehrer's birthday party last Thursday, but the advance will undoubtedly be renewed very soon. So far, Poland has indicated an unwillingness to do any appeasing. It seems on thej whole like- ly, however, that Hitler will eventually get Dan- zig in one form or another. Poland, since the War, has constructed another port in the Corridor, Gdynia, which is capable of taking care of Polish exports; it is improbable, though by no means out of the question, that the Polish government will go to war for Danzig, which is 95 per cent German in population and Nazi in sympathy. The road across the corridor is a more delicate question, but it is likely that it is one which can be solved by arbitration. But-the question of Danzig and the Corridor is' by no means the only problem of Polish- German relations. On the contrary, it is of slight importance compared with the main issue, which is the matter of Hitler's advance toward the Ukraine. On several occasions Hitler has referred to the gains made in this direction by the ,annexations of Sudeten, Bohemia, Moravia and Slovakia, the implication being that the