Survey Reveals
G rttdutaesHave
Least Divorces
A typical college graduate leaves
school, at the age o 22, marries quick-
ly, and is less likely to seek a divorce
than other persons, a survey of col-
lege alumni conducted recently by
the educational bureau of the De-
partment of the Interior reveals.
More than half the men and wom-
en alumni live in metropolitan cities
of 100,000 population or more, and
many of them live with relatives dur-
ing their first one or two years out of
college, the study says.
It was directed by Dr. Walter J.
Greenleaf, of the Department of In-
terior, and was conducted through
cooperation by 31 universities. It was
financed by relief funds.
The survey also disclosed that:
College men tend to marry earlier
and in larger proportion than co-
lege women.
Fifty-seven per cent of men alum-
ni, 61 per cent of the women, have
no children.
The divorce rate among college
alumni is low, compared with that of
the country as a whole. More college
women than college men are divorced.
Engineering and business adminis-
tration are most popular undergrad-
uate majors for men; education and
English for women.
Thirty per cent of the men, 19 per
cent of the women were unable to find
the work they wanted after gradua-
Ninety-nine per cent of college al-
umni have never been on relief.
A typical graduate will earns about
$1,321 during his first year after
graduation. After eight years he will
receive $2,416.
Adult Education
Institute Hears
Talk On Russia
(Continued from Page 1)
Wane In Crusading Fervor
Surveyed By Throop's Book
By HERVIE HAUFLER the Vatican searching for these ec-
In the 12th century, Europeans clesiastical analyses of the growing
went by thousands on crusades to the hostility to Crusades and in compar-
ing the accounts with the-reports in
Holy Land, in thel ate 13th the Popes' vernacular literatures, including Old
calls for Crusaders gained few fol- French, Provencal, Middle High Ger-
lowers. The change of public opin- man and Old Spanish. He found that
ion which caused this wane in crusad- the vernacular accounts affairm and
ing fervor is surveyed in_ "Criticism support those from ecclesiastical
of the Crusade," a book written by sources.
Prof. Palmer A. Throop of the history, One of the chief reasons for this
department and published this week
by the Swets and Zeitlinger publish- wanng asceticism, Professor Throop
ing house of Amsterdam. found, was a growing doubt of the
The change in popular interest is papal right to issue Crusade indul-
significant, Professor Throop be- gences for the slaughter of infidels.
lieves, because it shows the rise of When later Popes became so involved
a more secular Europe, a shift of tn secular affairs that they launched
loyalty from church to state. It Crusades against Chrsitian princes
mairks the decline of papal power. and offered indulgences for their
deaths, the popular doubt was crys-
Since the Crusades were always to tallized.
their advantage, some of the Popes The princes, in turn, wanted to
became alarmed over the decline of fight Crusades for purely nationalis-
religious interest. They sent en- tic purposes. The Germans fostered'
cyclicals to all bishops and monas- crusades against the pagan slaves
teries, asking for advice, and then threatening their borders, and the
elected a council to consider the in- Spaniards crusaded against the Mos-
formation. lems. The people were willing to
Professor Throop spent a year and fight Crusades only as long as there
a half in Vienna, Venice, Paris and was promise of material gain.
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.;
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.
. ..... .e_.,...
TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1939
VOL. XLIX. No. 151
re nait isnpeu ay b iterienal
anguages department that he will partment declared in the first lecture
e among their faculty this year. of the series on Contemporary Ameri-
can Figures.
Although not much of a politician,
Phi Delta Kappa Professor Cuncannon added, Hull is
p ~a Southern, gentleman, an expert in
Irntiates Seventeen matters of international tradeand
the only outstanding member of the
President's cabinet.
Phi Delta Kappa, national hon- Today's program includes: Parli-
rary education fraternity, initiated amentary Law Series, conducted by
7 students at a banquet last Satur- Mrs. Emma Fox, State parliamentar-
ay in the Union. ian of the Michigan State Federation
Graduate students honored are:. of Women's Clubs, at 8 a.m.; Adult
idney F. Straight, Duane Chamber- Education Series, "The Constitution
tin, Matt Lappinen, Roland L. Scha- and Adult Education," Prof. Wes-
er, Kenneth Spitler, Frank Ballen- ley H. Maurer of the journalism de-
er, George Jacobs, Edwin Knudson, partment, at 9; Music and Art Series,
talph N. Miller, William C. Morse, "The Art of Listening to Music,"
homas S. Nurnberger, jr., Rafael Prof. Glenn D. MsGeoch of the Mus-
ont-Flores, Rio Piedras and Verne ic School, at 10; Literature Series,
tockman. Others initiated are: "Ibsen and Modern Drama," Prof.
leorge E. Luther, '41Ed, Joseph W. John L. Brumm of the journalism de-
ole, '39Ed, Meyer Davis, '39, and partment, at 11.
'harles A. Ormsby, '39. The afternoon's program is: In-
ternational Relations Series, "Colon-
ial Aspirations of Present-day Italy,"
Hiawatha Elects Officers Prof. Howard M. Ehrmann of the
history department, at 2 p.m.; Con-
Hiawath Club, organization for temporary American Figures, "Thom-
pper peninsula students, announced as Dewey," Professor Cuncannon, at
he election of the following officers 3 p.m.
Ist night: Phil Westbrook, '40, presi- In the Phi Kappa Phi address at
ant; Wesley Olds, '39A, vice-presi- 8:15 in the League, Prof. Bernadotte
ent; William Jackson, '41, secretary E.. Schmitt, chairman of history at
nd Don Counihan, '41, treasurer, the University of Chicago, and Pulit-
Wheaton Strom, '39L, is the out- zer prize winner, will speak on "The
oing president. European Situation."
Classfied D' SReirectory
Note to Seniors, June Graduates,
and Graduate Students: Please file
application for degrees or any spe-
cial certificates (i.e. Geology Certifi-
cate, Journalism Certificate, etc.) at
once if you expect to receive a de-
gree or certificate at Commencement
in June. We cannot guarantee that
the University will confer a degree or
certificate at Commencement upon
any student who fails to file such
application before the close of busi-
ness on Wednesday, May 17. If ap-
plication is received later than May
17, your degree or certificate may
not be awarded until next fall.
Candidatesfor degrees or zertifi-
cates may fill out cards at once at
office of the secretary or recorder of
their own school or college (students
enrolled in the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, College of
Architecture, School of Music, School
of Education, and School of Fores-
try and Conservation, please note
that application blanks may be ob-
tained and filed in the Registrar's Of-
fice, Room 4, University Hall). All
applications for the Teacher's Cer-"
tificate should be made at the office
of the School of Education.
Please do not delay unt*' the last
day, as more than 2,500 diplomas and
certificates must be lettered, signed,
and sealed and we shall be greatly
helped in this work by the early filing
of applications and the resulting
longer period for preparation.
The filing of these applications
does not involve the payment of any
fee whatsoever.
Shirley W. Smith.
Attention University Employees:
Whenever possible charge all per-
sonal long-distance telephone calls
and telegrams placed through the
University telephone system, to your
resident phone.
Herbert G. Watkins.
First Mortgage Loans: The Univer-
sity has a limited amount of funds
to loan on modern well-located Ann
Arbor residential property. Interest
at current rates. F.H.A. terms avail-
able. Apply Investment Office, Room
100; South Wing, University Hall.
Mandelbaum and Marsh Scholar-]
ships. The following applicants for
Mandelbaum and Marsh Scholarshipsi
are requested to meet the Committee
in Room 1210 Angell Hall, Thursday,
May 4, at the times indicated.
formation, 201 Mason Hall this
afternoon, to interview men for sell-
ing in their home counties in
Michigan. This is open to stu-
ilents who will be available early
in June and alumni who are avsail-
able immediately. Kindly make ap-
pointments at the Bureau,' 201 Ma-
son Hall, or call 4121, Extension 371.
Office hours 9-12, 2-4.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information.
Michigan Dames: Any Dames in-
terested in attending the Adult Edu-
cation lectures and meetings this
week may do so by registering in the
Rackham Building lobby, stating they
are members of Dames. Programs
will be available there with addition-
al announcements in The Daily.
Student Loans: The Loan Commit-
tee will meet on Tuesday afternoon,
May 9, to consider loans for the Sumi
mer Session and the year 1939-40. Ap-
plications must be filed for this meet-
ing on or before May 5.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Service examinations. The last
date for filing applications is noted
in each case:
United States Civil Service:
Auditor (Marine Accounts) $3,200
May 29.
Forestry Student Aid $1,260 May 22.
Junior Tabulating Machine Oper-
ator $1,440 May 29.
Michigan Civil Service:
Institution Pharmacist A. Salary
range: $130-150 May 13.
Plasterer A2. Salary range: $115-
135 May 13.{
Attendant Nurse C. Salary range:
$80-100 less maint. May 13.
Accident Claims Investigator I.
Salary range: $150-190 May 15.
Chemical Testing Laboratory Aide.
AL Salary range: $140-160 May 18.
Complete announcements are on
file at the Bureau of Appointments'
and Occupational Information, 201
iason Hall. Office Hours: 9-12 and
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information.
Academic Notices
Final Doctoral Examination of Mr.
Rober Seymour Campbell will be
held on Tuesday, May 2 at 2:30 p.m.
in 3089 Natural Science Building. Mr.
Campbell's field of specialization is
Fountain Pens
302 S. State St.
231 S. State, At the head of Liberty
Phone 5933 - We Deliver
Chinese Students
To Present film
And Exhibition
"Sable Cicada," Chinese moving
picture, and a stage show featuring
an exhibition of the Chinese game
of shuttle-cock will be presented Fri-
day and Saturday in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre by the Chinese
Students Club..
Produced in China, "Sable Cicada"
has an all-Chinese cast, the dialogue
s in the Mandarin dialect and there
is Chinese incidental music. English
subtitles translate the dialogue. The
title role is played by Violet Koo,
famous Chinese actress.
Performances will be held at 8:30
p.m. Friday and at 2:30 p.m. and
8:30 p.m. Saturday. Price of admis-
sion is 50 cents and -tickets may be
obtained at the Union, the League or
from members of the Chinese Stu-
dents Club. Funds raised will be con-
tributed for medical aid in China.
Chinese Art,. alks
Close Arts Season
An exhibition of Chinese objects of
art from Detroit, a series of four
Tuesday evening lectures on, "What
to See in American Museums," and a
photographic exhibition of "Master-
pieces of Persian Architecture," will
bring to a close the season's regular
activities at the Detroit Institute of
Arts in May.
The Tuesday evening lectures, to
be given by John D. Morse, museum
director, will be illustrated with slides
The first in the series will be given
at 8:30 p.m. tonight on, "New Eng-
land and the Atlantic Cities," May 9,
"New York City," May 16, "The Great
Lakes," and May 23, "The Western'
Cities." The May 9 and May 23
talks will include short surveys of the
art exhibits at the two World Fairs
this summer.
Stale Lawmakers Seek
Aid For Afflicted Children
LANSING, May .-(') -A bill in-
troduced in the House of Represen-
tatives tonight by Reps. Ellis Faulk-
ner, James I. Post and Arthur O'Dell
of the ways and means committee
would provide a fixed ceiling for
state expenditures for the care of
crippled and afflicted children.
The measure would provide for alj
location of the annual appropriation
to counties on a population basis in
approximately equal monthly instal-
ments. When state aid funds are ex-
hausted, counties either would dis-
continue the activity or shoulder the
cost themselves.
The 1937 Legislature voted $2,500,-
000 a year for aid for crippled chil-
dren, yet with the work limited only
the number of eligibles seeking treat-
ment the fund is more than $1,000,000
in the red.
Zoology. The title of his thesis is
"Vertical Distribution of the Rotifera
in Douglas Lake, Michigan, with Spe-
cial Reference to Submerged Depres-
sion Individuality.'
Professor P. S. Welch, as chairman
of the committee, will conduct the
examination. By direction of the
Executive Board, the chairman has
the privilege of inviting members of
the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and to grant permission to others who
might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum.
Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex-
amination: All students expecting to
do directed teaching next semester
are required to pass a qualifying ex-
amination in the subject which they
(Continued on Page 4)
I. }}
By HOWARD GOLDMAN time connected with the University,
In the spring of 1894 a small group but not listed in other files.
of loyal alumni founded the Universi- The catalog office performs many
ty of Michigan Alumni Association. invaluable services. The Alumni Asso-
Today, 45 years after this meager be- ciation -is entirely dependent upon
ginning, the Alumni Association is it for mailing lists. Each year, 'for
an efficient administrative organiza- example, football ticket applications
tion, centralizing the activities of are mailed to the entire list of more
more than 200 alumni and alumnae than 92,000 living alumni.
clubs throughout the world. Authentic and carefully checked
Connected in function with the records in the files have been used
association, but under the direct and accepted as court testimony.
supervisian of the University, is the Supposedly "lost" alumni have been
Alumni Catalog Office in the base- located through accurate address
ment of Alumni Memorial Hall, under sources. Mrs. Hadley has even re-
the directoprship of Mrs. Lunette Had- ported a case in which the office
ley, since 1925. At present this office, acted as Dan Cupid, in supplying
considered a model of its kind, is a young lover with his heartthrob's
charged with recording and handling birthdate!!
names of more than 200,000 individu- The office encounters less than a
als at some time connected with the two per cent return on mail, se
University. accurate is its address list. Almost
These names are listed in numer- 2,000 address changes per week are
ous files, according to various func- made in the records.
tions. The large master file contains New York, Ohio and Illinois rank
a card for every alumnus. (includ- below Michigan in that order in num-
ing deceased persons), and the regis- bers of alumni, while China, Canada
tration card of every undergraduate. and Japan lead foreign listings. De-
The long rows of biographical file troit is the only city which outranks
cases include newspaper clippings, Ann Arbor in numbers of former
correspondence, registration cards students.
and other biographical data concern- At least 10 University of Michigan
ing every name in the master file. Clubs are outside North America.
A geographical stencil file is kept Canada boasts the largest foreign
for mailing purposes. Names of alum- membership, but other groups exist
ni indexed according to cities and in the Hawaiian and Philippine Is-
states, as well as departments, facili- lands, continental Asia, Europe,
tate specialized mailing to any part Africa, Mexico and Central America
of the country. Another stencil file, and South America.
considered an extension of the old Alumni interest in University ac-
University Alumni Index, lists alum- ivities is subject to a large degree of
ni according to departments and fluctuation, according to Bess L.
4'ear of graduation. M'cLouth, office manager in Alumni
The obituary file keeps on perman- Memorial Hall. Leadership, special
ent record pertinent facts about de- events and financial conditions all
ceased alumni. Included in this record effect this interest, she added.
are dates and places of birth and
death, and any biographical data
which have been gathered. Engineering Professors
Two files deal with World War Attend Detroit, Meeting
~ervice. One lists every .Michigan man
who participated in the war, his rank Fourteen faculty members of the
and where he served. The other lists University engineering school attend-
alumni who died in, or as a result ed a meeting of the Michigan sec-
of, the war. tion of the Society for Promotion of
Other files deal with Summer. Ses- Engineering Education in Detroit
sion and extension course students, Saturday. Prof. M. L. Enger of the
and faculty. "A supplementary file University of Illinois delivered the
lists names of other persons at some main address of the meeting.
- ' ~Is Now Playing-
"rf course it's good,. I wrote it!"
-Bernard Shaw
"Mother Goose Goes Hollywood"
Pete Smith's "MARINE CIRCUS"
1 } {~
" , "..
' a~'~aax ,
5Irk:. a
a':": '.4.... A er r l s"S uun§, '4 . '?' Sy "' { : W '',,' ; ".}$ .
"lCE FOLD ES OF 1..3
WANTED-Cooking. Woman experi-
enced in instiutional work desires
position with large group fratern-
ity or sorority. Box 8. 621
WANTED-5 boys for summer work.
Conferences today 10 to 5, Room
316 Union. John Boyd. 620
TYPING-Reasonable rates. L. M.
Heywood, 414 Maynard St., phone
5689. 271
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
4082-.45th Avenue. Phone 2-2935
or' 2-1416. 79
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices. 9
WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive-
way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins
Gravel Company. Phone 7112. 17
CASH PAID for your discarded
clothing. Claude Brown, 512 S.
Main. 311
painting. Budget plan if desired.
Dial 7209. 181
Starting Wednesday
James H. Armstrong
Russell M. Braga
Robert C. Brockway, Jr.
Kenneth T. Calder
Martha L. Chapman
Emery A. Cook, Jr.
Gladys L. Engel
Harry E. Goodman
William G. Jackson
Florence M. Krenzler
Paul T. Lahti
Elliott Maraniss
Michael Massa
Harold 0. Osterweil
Mary J. Sanford
Anson D. Solem
Stanford Sobel
Leland G. Swart
Gerald M. Waters
for its startling
story of women
without men...
for its glamor-
ous new sta
d isco v e ry . . .
A representative of the Davis Tech-
nical School in Detroit will be in the
office of the University Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational In-
Victor Payne Jennings presents