$rank meiber and critic of the news- paper jvablishiflg fraternity,WIiaBm Alle White-. It is also the view of George Seldes, author of a long list of books (weapons) for the protracted battle t win a truly free press. His lat- est endeavor, Lords of the Press, al- though lacking a tighter organization of its parts, simply and clearly states the facts which prove that most of the' :)eading American newspaper publish- - ers are mouthpieces for such Big Busi- dfess groups as the National Association %of Manufacturers, various local and natibnal public utility combines, the particular large industrial interests in the newspaper's community and the ,owerful paper trust. in chapter after ,haptereach devoted to particular pub- )ishers (from Col. Patterson and his )Jew York Daily News to the Pulitzers and their once great St. Louis Post- Dispatch), Seldes produces facts to .hock some readers, convince others and confirm the suspicions of still more that the majority of the larger pub- fishers only hypocritically profess an interest in the freedom of the press. Their actions are dangerous harbingers of some kind of business domination over the nation that might even be called-fascism. The process by which these men, lieginning as crusaders, great liberals and friends of labor and truth and righteousness, become in the course of time and the amassing of fortunes and social register listings, the enemies of truth and democracy, is a symptom in itself of the developing conflict be- tween the upper and lower social and oconomic groups in the nation. The pres- ent is the stage of American journal- .sm which can be related to the devel- opment of financial and industrial monopoly and its political representa- tives-mainly opposed to the funda- mental interests of the "intelligent min- ority" of the nation, the small business- man, the worker and the farmer. Formerly, in the early half of the 4ineteenth Century, the newspaper was a truly independent force in the com- munity. It had no strings attached. Elijah Lovejoy and his courageous Al- Eon (111.) Observer fighting the slave- owning system and its oligarchy (Lords - of the Cotton Belt) is the brilliant ex- ample of the independent American newspaper. After the Civil War owning a news- paper became a large business matter, tobe thought of in terms of cash. Never- theless there was opportunity for public- spirited journalism. The New York Times fought its way into the arena and exposed the Tammany corruption rings. Edward W. Scripps founded the Cleveland Penny Press and proceeded to give the American people fearless reporting, incorruptible and fair lead- ership in public matters. With the turn of the century advertising became the4 vew fountain of wealth for the pub- lishers. Consolidation and relatively huge capitalization became character- istics of the industry. Advertising had to be sold, a profit made, and conse- quently the papers had to be wary of how they publicized events of vital con- cern to advertisers. Today, with the blood of capital cours- ing through its veins the newspaper in- dustry can not avoid natural sympathy pains for other industries-especirF-y when they are in danger of regulation for the public good. This includes patent 4nedicines, holding companies, banking affiliates, and the food industry. But there is a much different reaction when the newspaper industry is under pub- -ic scrutiny. Then the publishers begin yto howl about freedom of the press. The amous epigram "patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel," might be reast for modern consumption to read, the East refuge of a businessman-publisher is to cry freedom of the press. This raucous cry of freedom of the press has been used in every instance that elements of decency aud- social- regulation were introduced to the pub- lishers. When the famous NRA news- paper code was proposed to give news- paper workers a fair break at their jbs,'°the publishers trotted out a barn full of their hackneyed stories about the picturesqueness of the reporter, of his supposed freedom, of the danger of the code to the freedom of the press. They were a jumble of half-truths but they worked for a while. Then the news- paper men learned a lesson from the printing trades and organized their great American Newspaper Guild. Agai, the publishers shouted freedom of the press and tried to land a few rabbit punches on their readers and writers. The Wagner Labor Relations Act has been for years a favorite victim of the publishers. This most vital piece of' legislation, liberating vast new social and economic forces in the community -Labor-was riddled full of editorials by the capital-minded press of the na- tion. Pesident Roosevelt's whole pro- gressive program has been undergoing an unprecedented punishment of dis- tortion by the publishers who are thema selves employers of labor, payers of taxes, contributors to the social securt$ plan, and would-be violators of th Labor Relations Act. The real freedom being denied any- body is the freedom for the writer to tell the facts as he finds them, a'4 for the reader to know the facts about matters of large public interest. The newspapers have freely attacked any attempt to regulate the food and drug industries-too much advertising in- volved. The newspapers suppressed the report of Dr. Raymond Pearl of Johns Hopkins University which was sensa- tional enough "to scare the life out of tobacco manufacturers and make tobac- co user's flesh creep." The newspapeis of the nation listened only to their pub-, lishers' voices which commanded that child labor was all right. The charges can go on with endless lists of specific' cases. The public has been taking dt lying down. What can they do, especially when there are the tremendous odds of organized wealth opposed to them? Newspapers, we learned, are big busi- ness ventures. How can we meet them? The American Newspaper Guild can, through organization and growth, de- velop corps of newspapermen who will balk at the ukases of publishers when distortion, suppression or omission is commanded. That group of really con- scientious newspaper workers not only improves working condtions and pay- ment but also keeps an eagle eye on the real violations of freedom of the press-in the Free Press section of the Guild Reporter. Sen. Sherman Minton of Indiana has proposed an investigation of the press -to find out the facts about financial connections bewteen papers and other big business groups-"about the money in the pot-whose it is, who plays with it, who wins, who pays." Other investi- gations of this nature have been influen- tial and valuable to the public-the Black investigation of lobbying, the La- Follette inyestigation of civil liberties. By far the wisest proposal put for- ward by Seldes in this book is one that would have a widely read Labor news- paper. This would be a newspaper not only for union members. Everybody would have some interest in reading it. It would check up on the business domi- nated press. It would tell the truth about government policy, tell how and why business bucks regulation by the public. Such a newspaper would be em- barrassing to any other paper tha faked the news about a pure food and: drug act or a study of tobacco and is effects or the need for a government reorganization bill. This would be the journalistic equivalent of the TVA-a yardstick for clean journalism. -EDWARD MAGDOL CULTURE by Ezra Pound, New Directions, Norwalk, Conn. One approaches the great Cham of modern literature with fear, reverence, and a furtive eye for the brass foot. To many people, Pound is modern litera- ture. To others, he is merely a genius. Without doubt his latest work is selling well sight unseen. But only sight un- seen; because these rather random memories of a genius cannot seize the imagination as the Cantos, for example, did. For in some way-highly ingen- ius, if not original-Pound has made his latest book a triumph of detail over meaning. Names, phrases, Chinese ideograms, aborted reflections abound. The publisher's explanation is that this is the "intellectual autobiography of a poet." However that may be, this is pretty sorry stuff, compared to his poetry. Unlike the Cantos (which do have their type of organization, their system of meanings) Culture has little but disorganization. In fact, if Pound's candor had equalled his brashness, he might have called it The Theory and Practice of Unintelligibility. For 300 pages one keeps on wondering whether Pound can possibly possess that sus- tained intellectual discipline which great, even half way decent, writing has. Great thinkers have often written briefly but they generally made their meaning clear. They organized their in- sights, and drew their symbols from a fund of meanings shared with most of their readers. But Pound insists on using the bench marks of his private thought. He does not realize that-these mean nothing to those who have not worked at this bench. He probably en- joys himself at it. But the reader tires after a while. Through that chaos of words for a rare and well hidden in- sight? No, the game is not worth the candle. Pound sets out to present a rationale of thought and action for modern man. The oddly miscellaneous structure which he erects is supported by a virulent at- tack on the "Age of Usury"; the age which has obtained "the power of hell ... of hogging the harvest." Pound is generous in his terminology, and "Us- ury" is meant to indicate the 'whole business complex of buying and selling, getting things done, etc. The inten- tion of his disorderly offensive is to damn the "protestant centuries" for "putting usury on a pedestal." Pound takes his reader to a high mountain and shows him all the evils of this age. And behold, every last one is connected with the business order which evolved during the "protestant centuries." This is all very plausible, but fully as un- certain as his analysis of the money problem (which is itself an incredible achievement). For in truth, during the years just before the Reformation, both the clergy and the laity indulged in the loaning of money at interest, occasion- ally at very high interest. The evils of a business system did not spring into being after centuries of incredible hon- esty, charity and earnest endeavor. The fall of man occurred Some time before, and not immediately after, the decline of the medieval Catholic church. The last main idea apparent in the book is a great looming faith in the message, the "paideuma," which Pound is bringing the world. "The civilized attitude," "culture," "music" . . . ah. For the rest, there are scraps, a sort of "cerebral onanism" (as he remarks of another writer). That egregious ass, George Holden Tinkham, is applauded because he kept us out of the League. The "bunk of a Romain Rolland, the vacuity of a Gide" are scorned. And monotonously he slants off any sub- ject to a diatribe on money. Occasional- ly however something within Pound that is a poet and not a crotchety root- less writer speaks, and there ar com- ments flaring in their insight. Chauc- er's "sense of verbal melody, in the tonal leading of words meant to be sung, or in a sense of song modes worn smooth in the mind, so that the words take the quality for singing." But a poetical fugue like this comes rarely. And the gilt intellectual wares, the glib and sys- tematic idiosyncrasies of Pound over- shadow the present. Watchman, one may ask, what of the future? Perhaps more incisive comment. Perhaps only a repetition, and a last work, remaining in manuscript: Letters to Myself, by Ezra Pound. Rest in peace. -STANLEY TEERIGOTT Thanks are due to the Bookroom and Wahr's for the loan of books reviewed in this issue, flt&te4 J . i- - 1 z 2Aec4/2dw University of Michigan.Literary Magazine This is a good time to survey the new books that will be published this spring. The Spanish war is reflected in a num- ber of works. It is sympomatic that every new book dealing with Spain will be passionately partisan to the Loyalists -writers-now know that literary free- dom is impossible without political free- dom. Hermann Kesten has written-a novel called "The Children of Guernica" Archibald MasLeish's radio play, Air Raid; has already been published. Ted Allen7the newspaper correspondent, has written a novel about the boys in the Abraham Lincoln brigade, which will be published soon under the title "This Time A Better Earth." Elliott Paul has another book coming out, entitled "The Stars and Stripes Forever." Modern Age Books is bringing out a volume of 60 drawings on the Spanish war by Luis Quintanilla, with a text by Elliott Paul and a preface by Ernest Heming- way. Ralph Bates has a volume of short stories on Spain, published by Random House: "Sirocco." From Czechoslovakia comes Maurice Hindus' "We Shall Live Again," and also "North of The Danube" by Erskine Caldwell, illustrated with 64 Bourke- White photographs. From China, "The Dragon Wakes," by Edgar Ansel Mow- rer, and also "Inside Asia" by John Gunther. Here are some more timely books: "Escape To Life," by Klaus and Erika Mann, the first unexpurgated transla- tion of Mein Kampf, "The New Wes- tern Front" by Stuart Chase, "Men Must Act," by Lewis Mumford, "Excite- ment South" (about South America), by Josephine Herbst, "Industrial Valley," by Ruth McKenney, the girl who wrote "My Sister Eileen," "Secret Armies" (about Nazi spies in America) by John L. Spivak, "The Secret History of Our Time" by Claud Cockburn (the young British journalist who exposed the re- lationship between Chamberlain, the Cliveden set, and the Nazis). These books are going to be worth looking at too: Professor Rowe of the English department, who knows a lot about i, is having a book published under the title "Write That Play." The Fitts and Fitzgerald translation of Sophocles' Antigone will be out soon, and so will Robert Sherwood's new play, "Abe Lincoln in Illinois" (by the time you read this, both of these books will be on sale). In poetry, Robert Frost and Mark Van Doren are bringing out their col- lected poems and Paul Engle is pub- lishing "Corn" (it is to be hoped that the title is not descriptive of the con- tents). George Seldes has still another book, this one to be called "The Catholic Crisis," and VincentSheean has a book on world affairs with the title "Not Peace But A Sword." "Plato Today," by R. H. S. Crossman, should be in- teresting. Charles and Mary Beard have written a book of immediate past history entitled "America In Midpas- sage." The first biography of Albert Einstein, by H. Gordon Garbedian, will be on sale soon. Benny Goodman has written a book with Irving Rolodin, the music critic, to be called "The Kingdom of Swing." In fiction, there is Hopwood winner Ruth Lininger Dobson's new novel, "To- day Is Enough." And there are Kath- erine Ann Porter's short stories, "Pale Horse, Pale Rider," and Di Donato's first novel, "Christ In Concrete," and Robert Penn Warren's novel, "Night Rider," and John Herrmann's new nov- el, "The Salesman." And watch these three novels: "The Grapes of Wrath," by John Steinbeck, "Adventures of, A Young Man," by John Dos Passos, and "The Web And The Rock," which will be published in June as the last work of the late Thomas Wolfe. That's a sketchy list, but you will be hearing about the books which I haven't mentioned. -HARVEY SWAL)OS VOL. IL, No. 3 University Proving Grounds t Cam; JOHN R. STILES AND PERSPECTIVES STAFF ,r E University of Michigan's lore in evolution, the bemused attitude of the layman observer, the stu- dent's ceaseless complaints, the professor's nippy criticism might lead one to conclude that this mighty ma- chine of education could best be des- cribed as the frantic Chinaman saw his first automobile. "No pushee, no pullee, but go like hellee all the samee!" Indeed, the University of Michigan is a great machine-a machine of power, of hu- man dynamics, of fine mechanism, but that it travels without energy, purpose, and guidance is a mistaken idea. Rather, it has spark, fuel, a driver, and destin- ation.. A proving ground for the product of the University is all that is needed to make this vividly apparent. A poll of student opinion is one way of subjecting our machine to the third degree. The results shown in the follow- ing analysis came from a carefully con- ducted survey of five hundred and nine- ty four students who responded to the questions shown on Page Two. That is, a little more than a five percent repre- sentative sample of campus attitudes. (See note, page 2.) I. Collegiate Spark Plugs.., . The ignition system of our educational vehicle is one of the most complex. What reasons set these thousands of students off in mental combustion, or perhaps fail .to set them off? Test polls showed that there were nineteen fundamental reasons for young people coming to the University of Michigan. The final sur- vey demonstrated that five of these spark plugs were most energizing. The Reasons For Which They Entered The University Of Michigan: 1) Professional or vocational train- ing... 259 MEN-or 59.67% of the total 434 gave this as one of their reasons for entering the University of Michigan. 77 WOMEN-or 48.12% of the total 160 gave this as one of their reasons for entering the University of Michigan. Obviously, the expression "profession- al or vocational training" can include a broad variety of interests, but what is fundamentally proven is that tremen- dous weight is given by students to the question: What am I going to do in life? How -am I going to earn a living? - Men naturally show serious concern for these basic and inevitable problems. Social tradition, at least, dicates as much. Doctor, lawyer, merchant, chief, as the saying goes! But beside those, the spark of architecture, dentistry, ed- ucation, business administration, for- estry, pharmacy, music, and all the other embryo occupations represented by fal- tering literary college students gives impetus to our engine. The women . are. not far behind the men in their concern for these problems. Consider what difference in ratio a poll of the women's class of 1890 might de- monstrate. Men's men often pooh-pooh the much publicized belief that their competition from women is on the ad- vance. At least -Michigan coeds would disagree: they say,. "It's. a fact'". To professional educators and others formuatin- our policies these results This thir men is dif. pret. One "major int( Cousins Ha Presumat centage is and vocati has some i1 men seem b are not o charge: "H appears to to that oft ucation. 70 WOM 160 gave a entering th ing for per Here is sc educators a It means t men), the stigmatic cc not prove i see eye to e constitutes tion." Then to microbe back again. 4) Again men cling men, the " 145 MEN give as on university: The mea professiona vious. 58 WOM 160 said th entering th curiosity:" The reas ular expres was its fr educationl proverbially great way the questic have score by educato ing for per again. on 5) MEN- 434 mainta for enterir expensive I "practical.' WOMEN 160 mainta for enterii pursue" th flavored w The leas curiously e MEN-3 get marrie WOMEN "Athletics" letes.") -By Christine Nagel must not be underestimated. At least half of your students evince a strong "practical" streak. Are you going to buck this, or encourage it, or temporize? 2) To Get A University Degree . . 182 MEN-or 41.49% of the total 434 gave this as one of their reasons for entering the University of Michigan. 83 WOMEN-or 51.88% of the total 160 gave this as one of their reasons for entering the University of Michigan. Somehow, a "University Degree' seems to retain most of its electrifying desir- ability, although the question of just what the degree itself represents has long been questioned. Most students shortly out of college will admit that the sheepskin is consigned to mothballs at once; employers simply note "A.B." or "B.S." on the application blank and forget about it. Who has ever heard another individual say, "I've got an M.A.; what have you got?" Of course, there is a question whether the, desire for a degree is incidental or all-impor- tant, but in any case students would be displeased if they had to take the Because more women apparently prize a degree upon entering college than men is not too significant. Yet a ten percent difference is not inconsiderable. Why do they? Perhaps the social pres- tige for a graduated woman is greater than for a man. There must be fewer of them. If it can be said that a degree in itself is at as high premium as could be implied from the above figures, our. professors of history, and English, lit- erature, and economics, and sociology, and ... and all of the college of "Liberal An "education" at its best should require no explicit spark plug label such as Arts" must be somewhat discouraged. "Champion" or "A.C." 3) Further reasons for entering the University of Michigan show that igni- tion for the next cylinders of our edu- cational motor is not supplied by the same wires in the case of men and women. 169 MEN or 38.94%of -the total 434 indicate that one of their reasons for. entering the university is to "pursue" their "major interest." H. Educ Still our age is not "no pushee all the spa and it still The high ucational m elements. students ri ilar. Still shifts of i