Series Of Plays To Be A Human Rights Roll Call to pro- all people and the guarantee of civil Preseiied In Spring mote an active consideration in col- liberties and equal political rights to leges and universities of a program all American citizens regardless of La Sociedad Hispanica will pre- by which democracy can be safe- race, creed, color or belief. sent the first in a proposed annual guarded was launched yesterday in The Roll Call proposes further that sNew York by the American Student the educational community give. First tryouts for the play are being Union. Dr. Robert M. Hutchins, leadership in the campaign to make s president of the University of Chi- democracy serve the peoples' needs called by Ermelindo A. Mercado of cago led a list of educators and t h r o u g h legislative conferences the Spanish department, faculty ad- statesmen who endorsed the Roll through discussions of how education visor of the Society, for 3 p.m. today Call "as a worthwhile effort to awa- can better serve democracy, and and tomorrow in Room 302 Romance ken students to an active concern through a Student Assembly for I for democracy and to an' examination Liberal Action to be held next Christ- Language Building. Any scholasti~ of how it can be maintained and mas by which it is hoped "to achieve cally eligible student, whether a strengthened." the widest unification of the demo- member of the Siciety or not, may The objective of the Roll Call is to cratic will in the educational com- try out. obtain 250,000 student and faculty munty." This year's play is entitled "Sueno signatures for a program favoring de una Noche de Agosto," or "Dream wider utilizatioin of the resourses on an August Night." Its author is of government to meet human needs. Fi'rall k T Lecture Martinez Sierra, well known Spanish If democracy is to survive the Roll Prof Avard FairbanKs of the fine writer. Call has declared that it must confine arts department will leave tomorrow The Spanish Society, besides pro- itself to the elimination of illiteracy to give three demonstration lectures ducing the play, will present numer- and the establishment of equal edu- at La Porte, Ind., Houston, Tex., and ous other attractions during the con- cational opportunities, conservation Chicago. One of Prof. Fairbanks ing semester. This year's series of through jobs and social insurance, bronzes, "Rain", will be on exhibit at Spanish lectures will resume Feb. public provision of medical care for the flower show at Houston. 2 , when Prof Jose E. Espiness, Dir- ector of the Romance Language de- partment of the University of De- ART CINEMA LEAGUE troit, will speak on "Spanish Realism; and Literature." IOne of the all-time Latin American Night, this year's Great Pictures" successor to the highly successful -r.Y.iPtse Mexican Night of last winter, will take place Feb. 28, and will be free to the public. some time earlier, Danner was not forced to return home sooner than he expected because of illness. It is true that he was taken ill with dysen- tary, and, his porters having desert- ed him, was forced to travel alone to Tenosique, a collection of huts on the edge of the jungle, receiving crude medical aid 'there in a poor substi- Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. - 8:15 Sat Mat. 2:30 25c tute for a hospital. After eight days j-f in Tenosique instead of leaving for MENDELSSOHN THEATRE home he returned to the Lacandons Seats Reserved Box Office open Wed. and spent another m onth w ith them . TheLacandons,_accordingtoDan - The Lacandons, according to Dan- ner, have retained the ancient Mayan civilization because of their complete isolation from all other tribes. They know of two outside towns, Danner asserts, one on either side of the jungle, primitive in themselves. The adults dress in skins, and many have S (t e a never left their village. They are forced, because of their isolation, to inter-marry, which Danner believes will soon lead to the extermination of A the race. Ik AA n A. DART-Arrow's new white shirt with the Aroweave long wearing non-wilt--collar that keeps you hand- some all, day. $2.25. TRUMP--The world-famous.Arrow shirt whose soft collar holds all endurance records. $2. A Full I ine of ARROW SHIRTS 11 I