AV f Page Two PERSPECTIVES PERSPECTIVES AS WE GAILY MARCH ALONG USOMTHJN TOSING ABOUT" ILLIAM LOUD provement on the present system. The Labor, or the History of the Sciences Quite obviously, the success of the fact that it is a new variant of an old will be studied, ,with a consideration of plan depends to a large degree upon system in no way decreases its desira- cccnomic factors, political developments the calibre of the tutors. The primary bility.srequisite will be a broad liberal educa- ICHIGAN'S latest attempt to Hn thesg.r liis.ofthis.emnarthe tion outside of a special field. More im- improve its educational pro-i. portant, however, will be a proper tem- Iess br hefridbeite The tutorial system will be given a student will be permitted to follow his porant howeve wil be por tn- cess bears the formidable title - peramental aptitude for the work and Program for Honors five Year trial beginning in September, own interests, and the tutor will en- a firm belief in the system whereby the in Liberal Arts." The plan grew out of 1939, after which it may be adopted as eachvor toude bring out the best efforts m "student learns-rather than the teacher a series of informal meetings of a a permanent part of Michigan's educa- pecliay suited to th nes of rogr mateaches." In orderthat each tutor may group of faculty men, who felt that tional system. A bard of tutors will have ample time to conduct his semars, tioe system.lA boardtofottors willngivgivenhe will be relieved of one-third of his little special attention was being given control admission to candidacy on the Since during the first year there will regular duties. to the abler students in the college. Inreuadtis November, 1937, after a year of devising basis of a personal interview with ap- be only a few tutors, and since it is and rejecting various plans, they pre- plicants. The first qualification will be thought best to have no more than six HI. sented what they thought was an ac- a B average, and qualifying examina- student in each group, the student will The most attractive portion of the ceptble chee, ad wee rcognzedbe assigned to his seminar by the Board ceptable scheme, and were recognized tions in English and a foreign language of Tutors. He will have some choice of program will be the individual confer- by the College as an official committee. will be given to determine the appli- subject, provided that enrollment in his ences between tutor and student, at the plan is not copied after any cant's fitness to carry on independent chosen field is not prohibited by the which the tutor will guide the indepeno- known system; but is an outgrowth of stidy and to interpret his experience. previous registration of other students. ent study and discuss the results of the experience which its originators acquired Only those of junior standing Wili be Five hours creditwill be allowed for student's reading. The essential element at other universities. Perhaps its closest considered. the work of the seiinar, in addition to of the plan is the cultivation of intellec- cotnterpart is to be found at Harvard, An educational system which involves which the student will carry on class tual curiosity, and it is hoped that the where some years ago there was intro- close relationship between student and work which coincides with the general conference method will instill in the stu. duced a tutorial system which embraced instructor would be impractical on a nature of the seminar. As a result, the dent the desire to acquire knowledge for the whole student body. Under President large scale. Not only would the expense material from the separate courses and its own sake. Conant, the number of students in be prohibitive, but the average student the seminar will be continuously inte- This, then, is the essence of the pro- seminars has been gradually decreased, would be incapable of the independent grated so that the "major" who knows gram by which it is hoped that Michigan as it became evident that the mass of action required. The plan, therefore, is only the language of his narrow field will be able to offer the exceptional stu- students was not capable of progress open only to a small, select group who will be a thing of the past. Comprehen- dent something more than a shabby under the system. 'Presumably,Harvard are deemed capable of progress without sive final examinations which include knowledge of nothing in particular and Michigan will someday arrive at incessant faculty prodding. Enrollment both the field of concentration and col- Those students who have the desire and the same point if present trends are during the first year will be limited to lateral fields will cover a two year abildty to do so will be allowed to pr carried to their logical conclusion, thirty students, and will be increased period of study and will test the stu- ceed at their own pace, and not be The plan which has been devised may to one hundred thereafter. dents' correlated knowledge rather than evled to the intellectual lefte or-. appear to be a "forward step back- During the first year the board of a mass of remembered facts. In addi- e ards" to the days and methods of tutors will consist of five members, each tion, a. penetrating essay on a subject ward step, it is something to sing about classical education. At any rate, its sup- of whom will conduct one seminar. Such chosen in conference with the tutor will porters are convinced that it is an im- broad subjects as the Renaissance, be, required of each senior. * * * Two GrupS Of Students- written there because the Russian writ- ers,' 'being socialists, have - discarded that bourgeois art form, the novel. As a matter of fact, there have been a num- ber of good novels written in the new Russia; there are two reasons why there haven't been more. First; everybody is busy building, and trying to improve material conditions. Second, there ob- viously aren't many good novelists. There is little doubt in my mind that we are going to see a lot of splendid novels written during the next 25 years: first in the United States, beginning with men like Steinbeck; then in the Soviet Union, when its economy be- comes more stabilized; then in the Western European countries, when their economy is socialized; and then in Ger- many and Italy, when men will once again'be able to-dip their pens in ink, and not in slime. Harvey Swados. WRITE THAT PLAY, by Ken- neth Thorpe Rowe, Funk and Wagnalls, New York. In Write That Play, a "strict and adult pen" has compressed the experience of many years teaching. Hundreds of young playwrights have come to Pro- fessor Rowe and with his help have learned to master the technique of their difficult craft and art. Perhaps more than anything else, young writers need discipline-and encouragement. They have found both of these in the advice of Professor Rowe. Analysis of and as- sociation with the theatre have given him incisiveness: his students are well aware of that ability to define the cen- ter of their faults andlto suggest changes that give the original idea a more true statement and often transform the play to a higher leve. It is mommonly assumed that every person hias one good novel in him, if he would write it. What is less well- known is that every person thinks that he has at least one play in him-and usually writes it. Approximately one million plays were written last year, and this in a country where the pro- fessional theatre was until the last few years confined almost solely to one city. External social drama seems to be lim- ited to the front pages of newspapers (in America, of course), and it is per- haps true that all this writing is a sub- limation, undertaken because drama has been crowded into the individual's in- rterior. Whatever its cause, it is im- possible to doubt that playwrighting has become a national avocation. Writing a play is an arduous job and requires the acceptance of a set of con- ventions and a narrowly defined mode of construction. Operating within such rigid limits, the playwright is apt to produce a play that is not capable of being performed. He must know the limits if he is to expand them later on. The theatre offers more encouragement to the dramatist than ever before, and he must be able to answer its challenge. Write That Play is Professor Rowe's contribution to the craft of playwrit- ing, and in it i to be found the brilliant criticism and intelligent guidance that he has placed at the disposal of his stu- dents. Professor Rowe points out that a play is first of all a story: modern play- wrights have of course been unable to dispense with a plot in their most ex- perimental work. But it is a peculiar type of story, one that is introduced and developed by conflict. The sense of tension and instability that marks the beginning of a drama really pro- ceeds from the preliminary tilt of op- posing forces. When force confronts force, there is a change in the direction of both. This resultant (which may shift and fluctuate almost constantly) is the basis of structure of drama. Yet this conflict is unified, although such a statement seems to be contra- dictory. A play is not simply a sequence of events st as occurs in everyday life. It is a definite selection of events and actions, arranged in meaningful fashion. Within its form, it is logical. Therefore, it is an organized conflict. Such a dy- - NEW BOOKS r\-14 namic view as this clearly demonstrates the correspondence between formal art forms and the principles of organic and social existence. In relation to the general lines of dra- matic construction, Professor Rowe up- holds the views of Aristotle. A play may be graphically described as a triangle, with an introduction leading to the At- tack, rising action to the Crisis, and falling action to the Resolution. In reality, the lines are not straight, for the various complications create small triangles upon both the 'ising and fall- ing action. The entire effect is rhyth- mic, with complications arising from the completed exploitation of their predeces- sors. A special feature of the book is the inclusion of three plays: A Night At An Inn, by Lord Dunsany; Riders To The Sea, by J. M. Synge; and A Doll's House, -by Henrik Ibsen. These plays are an- alyzed in the same manner that Pro- fessor Rowe uses in the classroom. The texts of the plays are printed on the left-hand page, with the running com- ments on the right. The analyses are very minute, pointing out all the various complications, evidences of "good the- atre," signs of dramatic craftsmanship, and exactly marking the major actions. It is much like having the possession of a private and valuable notebook and would alone assure the importance of Write That Play. Probably most interesting to the pros- pective playwright are the chapters near the end of the book, dealing with the concrete problems of writing and revising a play. Examples are given of the approach of individual students to these problems that are provocative and helpful. Any working method will nec- essarily be individual, but an outline of the experience of others may be ex- tremely useful. ' In the chapter, "Functions and Val- ues," Professor Rowe has made some highly controversial statements. Social and propagandistic plays are cast into very rigid categories. With the excep- tion of farces and certain types of come- dies, most contemporary plays are con- cerned with social problems. In fact, the old division into comedy and tragedy has largely disappeared, though prob- ably only for a short time. In this period of impending social change, it seems likely that the theatre is under- going a transformation that will even- tually place drama upon a new and higher plane. Unfortunately, this pro- cess of change is considered only su- perficially. But the fault may be due to spacial limitations and difficulties of definition. Students of playwriting, will find in this book a summation of the courses that Professor Rowe has taught; a rec- ord much more complete than the most copious notes. Few people, ,compara- tively, have been fortunate enough to attend the University of Michigan and take the classes in playwriting: Write That Play now makes Professor Rowe's experience and tutorial ability generally available. - H M. Purdy. POEMS, by Kenneth Allott, Hogarth Press, London. CONFUSIONS' ABOUT X, by Julian Symons, Fortune Press, London. Two books of poems from London come to hand to leave a rather feeble impression. Allott and Symons have re- ceived some publicity in England and we recall also a longish piece of Symons in Poetry for last September,,as well as occasional references to the post-Auden group in England, meaning among other things these two young writers. Bar-ring these, they are for us new poets, and not very impressive ones. Post-Auden they certainly are, both chronologically and in a general in- debtedness to the techniques of the Auden-Spender-Lewis group; but their - spiritual fathers are more likely to be found in a combination of Eliot, Neville Chamberlain, and the most fashionable nostalgia of the latest war scare. For here are two poets, rather remarkable technicians, having nothing to say but "Kamerad" to their own spectres, and spending their time in learning the most graceful gesture in throwing up their hands. For'Allott there is nothing left But hopeless now sink down into the sea And melt into its vistas endlessly, for "'the map of the future is riddled with bullet holes." And Symons, self- styled epicure and lover of good cigars, can do no better than grow very sad over a world falling apart ii the ex- cesses of capitalism (by his own analy- sis), and inform his friends: You whom I laugh with, live with, love, Will find that when the barriers give I shall fight against you in the hopeless action. For, To us, the skeptical and calm, The dream is final, and we come To face the deadly faces in a hostile land. We might continue such a listing of quotations but would add nothing new, but a certain felicity of word and ca- dence to the weary mood. Our own pre- judices however make the objection. Technique is only an asset when it adds to a vital poetic energy. Lacking that energy it becomes a drag and leaves the impression of a pose. And it is just t:c that leaves the reader unconvinced. It is impossible for us to believe that young men in their middle twenties can write verses that echo so with the ancient despairs of the Sphinx without having betrayed their own impulses somewhere along the line. One will recall Huysmans' summary of the critics' cries upon publication of Against the Grain: After such a book, it only remains for the author to choose between the muzzle of a pistol and the foot of the cross. To which Huysmans replied in the grand manner in the "Preface Written Twenty Years After the Novel": The choice has been made. Perhaps Allott and Symons may find an alternative choice, but unless their poetry is to collapse upon itself from sheer exhaustion, some choice must be made. -John Ciardi PARLIAMENTARY GOVERN- MENT IN ENGLAND, A Commentary by Harold J. Laski, Viking, New York.. The other evening I engaged in an argument. The battle was over Havold J. Laski. When I finished presenting my indi- vidual viewpoint and began listening to those of the others present, I realized that there was little basis for argument between my verbal opponent and my- self. We both believed that Laski was one of the most brilliant politican an- alysts of the age, a student whose acute criticism has provided the founda- tion for what virtually amounts to a school of political science. But we also agreed that Laski falls short of the goal lie might reach because of one failing -the fact thathhe overstresses economic influences on history. As non-Marx- ists, it seemed to both of us that he had disregarded other motivating factors and overstressed the economic. All this in preface to reviewing Par- liamentary Government in England. The book will surely be a standard volume in the study of British government. It is far superior to Ramsay Muir's work and compares to Ogg's stultified texts as champagne compares to brack- ish water. Laski's theme is simple-the following quotatioi contains his main points: "A politica own inner im and economii road thereto foundations democracy is foundations t tral issue in Right seeks capitalism b fully upon t nomic system2 wrere there i is by offerin standard of remain in off are satisfied v they are dis the Left tor begin or atte transforming Laski is not er- the Left w power. While secure powei (through elec Right were ch proposed fun' the capitalisti to give in. T would be a Left, in the and let the rule, albeit ill lenge that rul Of one thin .is a fundame two parties. cleavage was and Conservat but both wor cal r.remises. between the Conservative has function faith, a realiz differed only worked from t Make no mis lieves in the p no alternative ship. But he s danger that break down in the fundame ferred to. With that i there are th made. In the:f of the cleava Laski would ha is in control would be a N4 stead of a pu do not feel th contained in yet not social: revolution. Bu feel that the extreme left o ic democracy, New Deal but political, wou the problems There is spac panse-for cc ciliation is re to me seems ti ocracy; not th er, no more liberties and i to be a coro not mistake th which resulte Weimar Repl are limits to < ance of a pri limits. Demon and at once i is inherent ir existence. Briefly, thei standing conti government w studied in th go all the ws bcasic^interpret, pre ation into tain necessitic cratic. And th Neither can I on the econom capitalism mus But make no n a necessary bo By HOUSTON A. BRICE Ffinal Remarks on the Perspective's Poll; Graphs by Carl E. Guldberg. F ANY CONCLUSION can be drawn from the results of this question, it is that the students are about equal- ly divided into two groups: those who like to study and would continue to do so even though they were offered their degrees without any further work, and those who are in college only for propriety's sake and who would feel their duty to themselves and to society fulfilled as soon as they had their sheep- skins framed and hung. Although there is no evidence in the figures to show that the first group- those who like to study-are peculiarly fitted to study any more than those who don't care for studying, the logical con- clusion is that those who like to study are the ones who, capable of doing their own work, object to such impersonally restrictive and autocratic methods of "inducing" study as the grading system, compulsory subjects, final exam's, com- pulsory attendance (although the pre- ponderance of students marking "no effect" probably means that attendance isn't so compulsory after all), and to a lesser degree, term papers. It follows that those who are here only because of custom and who study out of necessity instead of any innate love of scholarship are the ones who feel the need for those methods of en- forcing study. A sense of duty impels these students to try to get something out of college; even the most unschol- arly student feels bound to acquire a certain range of information, a certain amount of learning, and a thadow of Ja ee~ (2, ee fle ,&d In achieving your aims at the University, do you think that: No Helps Hinders effect the grading system........................205 compulsory attendance at classes .............205 independent reading and research ............448 228 148 15 87 206 31 No opjnio 53 30 50 .. .. 4,1 O AM6&M ar YES 205 - NE0 17.1 28 7 W6 EFFECT 6 ~ __ WAM JU QG-A01ADIN on 4 i t0OPINION 53 mental discipline. These things should be expected as a matter of course, and a student of this latter class realizes that he would not even get this much were it not for the more regulatory n measures in vogue in the university. The split in opinion is fairly distinct in Grading, attendance, compulsory sub- jects and finals. These measures are the most regulatory and restrictive of the lot, and it should be interesting to the powers-that-be in the university to see that fully half the students object to practices which supposedly are in effect for their own benefit. Furthermore, the assumption back of the division of the students into two groups implies that the scholarly group-the objectors-are in truth qualified objectors. That is, they know what they want out of col- lege and they know how to get it-if left alone. The votes for "no effect" and "no opinion" would seem to indicate objec- tions to the system rather than acclam- ations of it. This fact is especially true of final exams. Finals are either sup- posed to crystallize the semester's work in the mind of the student, therefore be- ing a defiinte aid to his education-or else they are supposed to be a terrific nuisance requiring inordinate cramming and leaving the mind as innocent of the salient features of the course as be- fore-in short, causing a headache with- out clearing the part affected. Two hun- dred thirty-one students, of the 594 voting, approve of finals, whereas 212 disapprove of them. One hundred six said finals have no effect, either good or bad, which means that in the minds of those 106 students, there is no excuse for finals. This surmise implies that out of 594 students, 231 are in -favor of (Continued on' Page 10) _.. .. the "major" or department system...........397 compulsory' subjects ....................... .211 the lecture system..........................345 100 242 94 57 57 67 133 60 68 -...E-. {^ -'a .a -t T . .=Y Y"ES 205, Q m a s a a a __z_. T 111111 4 * 9 9 3 NO. 148 SO E FFECT jftfttjfttft -o 20 __ ,, I-~ I I I - S I= jAZT'ENPA NC E a s " " " s0 NO OPINION 30 L final examinations .......... ............231 frequent quizzes .................... .....463 terin papers.............................292 212 60 145 106 31 79 45 39 74