Weather Fair, warmer in central and south portions today. C, - 4r SWP40 ~~Iaiti Editorial Japan And The Democracies VOL. XLIX. No. 149 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS Haber Accepts National Post I Named To High Post To Supervise Refugee Work Executive Post Involves Resettlement And Relief Grants In United States Economist Granted One-Year Absence Prof. William Haber of the econom- ics department was granted a one- year leave of absence yesterday by the Board of Regents to allow him. to become Executive Director of the. National Coordinating Committee for Refugees. The Committee's work in- volves the granting of relie: and aid to refugees, resettling them in the United States and helping them to make an adjustment to their new environment. Leaving the University at the close of this semester, Professor Haber will begin his work in New York early in June. Ie will be the chief admin- istrator in. the non-sectarian Nation- al Coordinating Committee and the National Coordinating Committee Fund, Inc., agencies concerned pri- marily with meeting the refugee prob- lem that faces this country as a result of the racial and political poli- cies of the Nazi government in Ger- many. To Contact All Groups In addition wo guidance of policy, Prof. Haber's work will include con- tacting national and local leaders and the development of close relation- ships with all groups, Jewish and non-sectarian, that are dealing with the refugee problem. A member of the present Advisory Council of the Social Security Board, Prof. Haber as State Emergency Re- lief Administrator for Michigan from 1933 to 1936 directed a program en- tailing the expenditure of $230,000- 000.'' Haber Is Well Qualified Prof. Haber was chosen to head the coordinating committee, accord- ing to William Rosenwald, president of the organization, "because he com- bines, to an unusual degree, out- standing administrative ability, high intellectual character, a thorough knowledge of the economic aspects of the program, and a complete under- standing of its social implications." "It is most important," Mr. Rosen- wald said, "that during this first year of integration we have a per- son of his caliber." The coordinating committee which Prof. Haber will head was formed in 1934 by 20 American agencies en- gaged in the work of relief and re- (Continued on Page 8) V isitors Charge Michigan Fails To Meet Ideals PROF. WILLIAM HABER Convocation Honors Ford, 800 Students Doctor Of Letters Degree Awarded By University To Minnesota President President Ruthven Makes Presentation Dr. Guy Stanton Ford, president of the University of Minnesota, was awarded the honorary degree of Doc- tor of Laws by the University at the sixteenth annual Honors Convocation yesterday following his address to more than 800 students receiving rec- ognition for high scholarship achieve- ments. Presentation of the degree was made by President Ruthven while Prof. John G. Winter, chairmanof the Latin. department, delivered the citation. Prof. Karl Litzenberg of the English department and Prof. Dwight Long of the history depart- ment, graduates of the University of Minnesota, put on the hood sym- bolizing the degree. Wisconsin Graduate The citation follows: "A graduate of the University of Wisconsin, a historian repeatedly honored by his colleagues for many years Dean of the Graduate School and now president of the University of Minnesota. Long participation in University govern- ment has not diminished his produc- tive research, nor has devotion to scholarship unfitted him to confront exacting problems of educational pol- icy and control. The wisdom, candor and tolerance revealed in his writ- ing appear with equal clearness in his official career. Forecful, competent constructive, he directs the com- irs of a great university with jr balance and spaciousness of Rice Begins Varsity Drops Home Opener To M.S.C., 6- 3 Errors Help Nine And Wild' Pitches Spartans To Win; PlaysIrish Today By HERB LEV Hitler Rejects Peace Plea; Seven Michigan errors combined with other lapses which aren't re- corded in the box scores, helped make six. Michigan State hits good for six runs, and the result was a 6-3 victory for the Spartans in the home opener yesterday on Ferry Field. The Michigan Varsity baseball team meets Notre Dame at 2:30 p.m. on Ferry Field. Admission is free to students showing identi- fication cards. ' Schoolmens Parley Here 53rd Annual Conference Listens To Social Service Activities Conde mned Dean Kraus Given Committee Position The original aims of education have been lost in a welter of social service activities, Prot. Warner G. Rice of the English department said yester- day at the general conference meet- ing which opened the 53rd an- nual meeting of' the Schoolmaster's Club. Election of officers preceded Professor Rice's address. George W. Murdoch, principal of Southwestern High School in Detroit, was elected president for the com- ing year, with El. C. Geyer, superin- tendent of the Battle Creek schools selected as vice-president. Dean Ed- ward H. Kraus of the literary college, was made a member of the executive committee to serve for three years. Meetings Close Today The Club meetings will conclude today with seven conferences on community and school curricular activities and a demonstration of early American dancing. The education system has been un- able to resist the impulse toward ex- pansion, and this in process it has lost sight of its direction, Professor Rice said in his talk. The elimina- tion of discipline in teaching, he went on to say, has deprived the pupil of the essential bases of knowledge. The average reader cannot under- stand what is written in the press, declared Dr. Edgar Dale of Ohio Uni- versity at the Geography and Social Studies section meeting. He pointed out that the reading ability of the average reader is very low with a large percent able to understand what is written for sixth-grade readers but the press uses language for twelfth- grade consumption. Griggs Talks In his story of "A Scholar Goes Visiting," Prof. Earl L. Griggs of the English department recounted his experiences in England during his 27 months of graduate work at the University of London. Professor Griggs emphasized the etraordin- ary friendliness and generosity shown him by the English people while he was doing research work on the let- ters of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The school training program must comply with the employment de- mands, for business men are too fre- quently disappointed by the lack of proper training of college graduates who come to them seeking employ- ment, Lee A White, director of pub- lic relation of the Detroit News, told the education conference. Germany is working toward eco- (Continued on Page 8) Hitler Answers Roosevelt Peace Plan Non-Aggression Proposal Spurned By Der Fuehrer In ReplyTo Roosevelt Demand For Danzig Return Emphasized BERLIN, April 28.-(;P)-Adolf Hit- ler today scrapped his naval treaty with Britain and his non-aggression pact with Poland and thundered a reply to President Roosevelt's peace proposals which sounded like defi- ance but let the outside world see the door ajar for peace. He declined to give the guarantees of non-aggression for 31 nations list- ed by the American President in his April 14 appeals to Hitler and Pre-' mier Mussolini, but offered each state .__._._._........ Denounces Reich's Pacts With Poland And Britain It was just one of those days when the Wolverines did everything wrong. The usually steady infield fell com- pletely apart, the Michigan baserun- ners were caught napping off the sacks, and three Wolverine pitcers combined to walk seven and hit three Z '1 ,', #,; :Y4 : By KARL KESSLER and LEONARD SCHLEIDER Thousands of high school students from all parts of the state converged on Ann Arbor yesterday and today. All of them had one idea in mind- to see a "genuine" university in ac- tion and to compare it with their previous notions on an institution of higher education. With this in mind, Daily interviewers asked several visi- tors: "What pis your first impression of Michigan and how does it differ from the Hollywood idea of college life?" Jack Terrell, young four-and-a-half footer from Holland: "Most co-eds around here seem to go after the boys the way they do in the movies. They're pretty, but "high-flautin ." Wouldn't mind having a date with that one over there, though. I guess goldfish swallowers are exceptions to most college men." Margaret Watson, Battle Creek: The co-eds are typical of the movies; they're 'snooty,' too. I don't think the boys are here to spend their fathers' money, well, that is most of them. I'd like a date for a house party." Morton Phillips, Dowagiae: "Holly- wood and Ann Arbor are both pretty dull. College students seem pretty shallow. Spend so much time trying to make an impression on people. Like that fellow who ate five white mice." Mary Ellis, Kalamazoo: "The enemy batsnien. The Fishermen combed the offer- ings of the Spartan ace, Paul Der- rickson, for 11 hits, but only in the first inning were they able to bunch their blows enough to make them- count. After the Wolverines gained a 3-0 lead in the opening frame on Charley Pink's safe bunt, a pass to Mike Sofiak, and successive singles by Walt Peckinpaugh, Elmer Gedeon and Fred Trosko, Derrickson settled down, and kept the remaining seven Michigan singles well scattered. The pitching burden for Michigan was shared by Jack Barry, Lyle Bond and Les Veigel. Barry, most effective of the hurlers in early games, got off to a fair start, and might have turned in a good game had not his support cracked up on him. His in- creased wildness plus an error by Sofiak allowed two runs to score in the fifth, and Jack was removed (Continued on Page 6) Marching Units To Participate i Music Fete Eight Bands Will Highlight Program Finale Today; 16 Orchestras To Play Eight high school bands will par- ticipate in the Grand Finale of the Marching Festival Program at 7:30 p.m. today in Yost Field House. The program will highlight the Michigan High School Music Festival which opened here yesterday. Bands and orchestras will perform programs simultaneously from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. today at Hill Audi- torium, the Masonic Temple, Ann Ar- bor High School Auditorium, and Waterman Gymnasium. Bands from 58 schools and 16 orchestras will be classified into five divisions, based on excellence of performance. Divisional ratings for all events in- cluding the solo and ensemble events held yesterday will be announced at Yost Field House tonight. Eight hundred and ten solo and ensemble events were held. Class "A" orchestras will meet in Hill Auditorium this morning. All orchestras in this class are required to play Walther's Prize Song from "Die Meistersinger" by Wagner. Class "A" bands will meet in the same New Minnesota President Dr. Ford was elected to the presi- dency of the University of Minnesota 1 a October succeeding Lotus D. n who died Sept. 22. Coming to jMinnesota from Illinois in 1913. Dr. Ford was made Dean of the Grad- uate School. He was with the com- mittee on Public Information at Washington during the years of the war as director of the division of civic and educational publications and was chairman of the board of editors of the American History.Re- view from 1921 to 1927. He is editor of Compton's Pictured Encyclopedia and the Harper History Series. In the address which highlighted the Honors Convocation Dr. Ford de- clared that "true democracy will al- ways have to admit that by certain standards now widely accepted by peoples who never possessed democ- (Continued on Page 8) Flint High Debaters Wlrin Championship Over Battle Creek Flint Central debaters won a unan- imous decision, over the Battle Creek negative squad in the 22nd Annual State Championship Debate Contest held last night in Hill Audi. torium. The topic under discussior was, "Resolved, That the Unitec States Should Establish an Alliance With Great Britain." The affirmative side held that the United States should make an alli- ance with Great Britain to protect its economic interests in other parts of the world and to preserve peace. If peace cannot be preserved, they, de- clared, it will enable the United Stat~s and Great Britain to carry on a more effective war than they could under a free policy. The Flint Central team composed (Continued on Page 8) I e e a University Day Today High school students from all parts of the state will visit the University today in the second of a series of three "University Days." In addition to tours the visit will be featured by a series of confer- ences with departmental heads to enable the visitors to plan a course of study upon entering college. Among the faculty members who will participate in the conferences are: Dean Henry M. Bates of the law school, Dean Clare E. Griffin >f the business administration school and Dean Wells I. Bennett of the College of Architecture. Students who are here to attend the championship debate and Band exercises are also invited to take part in the University Day exercises. was sent by radio from Berlin to the Regents Accept Gifts And L e t Four Contracts Donations Total $19.,368; Sabbatical Leaves Given To TracyAnd Denison Acceptance of gifts totaling $19,- 368 and letting of four contracts amounting to $67,603 were high- lights of the regular April meeting of b the Board of Regents yesterday. S. Blickman & Co., of Weehawken, N.J. won a $11,866 contract for fur- nishing and installing equipment in the new Health Service building. A $22,470 contract was let to R. L. l Spitzley Co. for heating plant equip- ment. George Waterhouse of Ann Arbor received a $10,950 contract for heating plant extensions and Albert1 Pick and Co. of Chicago was award-x ed a $22,317 contract for kitchent equipment.c Prof. Margaret E. Tracy of the ec- onomics department and Prof. David < M. Denison of the physics depart-S ment were granted sabbatical leaves for the year 1939-40. Prof. Fred S.c Dunham of the Latin department wasc given a special leave for 1939-40 so that he might carry out experimental studies in Latin teaching at Shaker Heights High School, Shaker Heights, 0. Special provision for carrying on a summer course in safety education was made by the Regents. The course,, which will be given under the aus- pices of the School of Education with the assistance of the department of transportation in the engineering col- lege, was motivated by increased pub- lic demand for efficient safety train- ing. A large attendance from Michi- gan's larger school system is expected. Dr. Phil L. Marsh, '11A, '19M, of Jackson, for many years an enthusi- ast over the work of the Museum of (Continued on Page 2) Soviet Airmen Forced flown On Miscou Island NEW YORK, April 28.-(A')-Two Russian aviators who had hoped tol e United States. i. f Watson Breakst Shot Put Mark t At Penn Relays lMichigan Captain Finishes Second In Discus; Kelley. Wins Third In HurdlesI PHILADELPHIA, Pa.. April 28.- (P)-Bill Watson of Michigan today1 bettered the carnival record for the' shot put with a 52 ft. 9 % in. effort n winning the event and beating his nemesis, Frank Ryan of Columbia, as the 45th annual Penn Relays got under way before a slim crowd of soggy spectators at Franklin Field. Ryan, who is national champion, had beaten Watson in six previous meetings, but the big Michigan cap- tain, a likely candidate for a 1940 Olympic decathlon spot, had too much for him today and successfully dethroned the Columbian, the 1938 winner. Watson also finished second in the discus to dominate the first day's spe- cial field events. Only Bill Faymon- ville of Notre Dame, who cracked the standard for the second straight year, was better in the discus, his win- ning heave sailing 163 ft. 4 in. Watson tossed the platter 152 ft. 2 in. for his second place. After finishing second in his heat of the 400-meter hurdle invitation, Stan Kelley of Michigan led almost all the way in the finals only to stumble over the last hurdle and be passed by Hubert Reavis of Duke, the winner, and Halbert Evans of Maryland, the runner-up, in the fin- al dash to the tape. Kelley made a handsome recovery to take third place. The winning time was :55.1. With Leutritz, Davidson, Jester, and Schwarzkopf running in that order, the Wolverines acquitted them-' (Continued on Page 7) 500 Students Sign Human Rights Call German Chancellor Adolf Hitler is shown in Berlin as he made his two hour, seventeen minute reply to President Roosevelt's peace plea in an address to the Reichstag.-Behind Hitler (center, foreground) is Field Marshall Hermann Goering (in high decked chair). This picture World-Wide Reaction POLAND-announced it would counter German pressure "prompt- ly in the same manner." WASHINGTON- disappointed, called Hitler blustering, still hoped for peace. FRANCE-interpreted speech as moderate. ITALY-through Gayda, ap- proved the speech of Rome's axis partner. BALKANS-felt easy, expected move on Poland. HUNGARY-pleased by Hitler's assurance that it need not worry. NETHERLANDS - unchanged, rejected German offer to negoti- ate mutual non-aggression on grounds neutrality precluded it. SOVIET RUSSIA-still pessi- mistic. No official comment yet. a non-aggression assurance "on the ondition of absolute reciprocity pro- ided that the state wishes it and tself addresses to Germany a request for such assurance." He defied the world to stand in he way of Germany's regaining what she lost in the World War- hough he specifically named Alsace- Lorraine, which went to France, as a main exception-and pointedly asked President Roosevelt to fulfill "the promises" of President Wilson "that German colonial claims" would receive "just examination." Hitler spoke for two hours and 17 minutes before the Reichstag in the Kroll Opera House The German government consid- ered the speech as Hitler's official re- ply to President Roosevelt's message and as such its text was handed to Raymond H. Geist, United States charge d'affaires, for transmission to Washington. He disclosed for the first time "my one and only offer" to Poland con- cerning the free state of Danzig and Pomorze (the Polish corridor), which he said Poland rejected. The terms were: Return of Danzig, a part of Ger- many before the World War, as a free state into the framework of the German state; a sovereign Ger- man route and a railway line at Ger- many's disposal across the corridor, connecting East Prussia with the rest of Germany; a free harbor at Danzig for Poland; acceptance of present boundaries between the two countries as final; a 25-year non-aggression treaty; and a guarantee of the in- dependence of Slovakia by Germany, Poland andHungary. He blamed Poland's calling up of troops, "although Germany on her part has not called up a single man and has not thought of proceeding in (Continued on Page 8) f;olf Team. To Face Michigan's undefeated golf team will inaugurate its home season today when they play host to the Purdue golfers at the University golf course. The first foursome in doubles play will tee off at 8:30 a.m., with singles play beginning at approximately 12:45 p.m. The Wolverines, who defeated Ohio State in their first Conference test last week, will send Capt. Bob Pal- mer, Jack Emery, Jim Loar, Tom Valuable Prizes Will Be Given At Michigras, Treadwell Says Patrons of the Michigras this year will leave the carnival with valuable prizes instead of the worthless souv- enirs which have been presented in past years, Don Treadwell, '40, chair- man of the Michigras Prizes Commit- tee, announced yesterday. To facilitate the presentation of these prizes, a system of redeemable tokens, called "Michibucks," will be instituted and all prizes will be dis- tributed from a central booth. The system will operate quite sim- Awards such as wallets, cigarette lighters, necktie pins, collar buttons9 and cuff links and the like will be3 presented. In addition to the prizes awarded through the "Michibucks," Congress,; Independent Men's Organization, will raffle off four radios. Tickets for this raffle will be sold this week and next week on the campus. More than 50 booths will be set up by fraternities, sororiities and other organizations at the Michigras this year, and the majority of these